Problems of terms in the legislation

New Unofficial translation

Nurgaliyeva Zhanar Sandibek. Scientific journal of the Legislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan 18.05.2018 № 1 (50)

      Key words: language; term; rights; legislation; the uniformity of terms.

      Abstract. This article analyzes the quality of national legislation, the language and term creation in the field of the law, and the development of term stockpile. The article consists of two main parts. The first part reports the condition of foreign terms translated into Kazakh and claims the unnecessity of translating all the foreign terms. Further, it discusses the current issues and ways to solve them and proposes to investigate history of Kazakh terms chronologically.

      The second part discusses the systematization of terms and words, the usage of terms in the legislation system, and the issue of accurate translation of terms in Kazakh and Russian languages.

      It gives the examples of incorrect translation of terms from the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and gives variants of proper translation. Also, before 2015-2016 years, it states that legislative texts in Kazakh and Russian languages do not usually follow the language peculiarities. Finally, the author claims the need to detailed and creative investigation of terms, their proper usage, and to focus on the crucial role of the terms for the construction of the national law system.

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