On approval of the Rules for the formation, use and preservation of the library fund of state organizations of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2016 № 44. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 15, 2016 № 13070.

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. The title- in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.08.2023 № 250 (shall enter into force from the day of its first official publication).

      In accordance with subparagraph 49) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education" I hereby ORDER:

      Footnote. The preamble - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.08.2023 № 250 (shall enter into force from the day of its first official publication).

      1. Approve the attached Rules on formation, use and preservation of the library fund of state educational organizations.

      2. The Department of Preschool and Secondary Education, Information Technology (Zhontayeva Zh.A.), in the manner prescribed by Law, shall ensure:

      1) State Registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days after the State Registration of this Order, send a copy of it for official publication in periodicals and the Legal Information System "Adilet", as well as in the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use “Republican Center for Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for placement in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) placement of this Order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) within ten working days after the State Registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on implementation of measures provided by Subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of Paragraph 2 of this Order.

      3. The control over execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye.N. Imangaliyev.

      4. This Order shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day its first official publication.

      The Minister
of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Sarinzhipov

by the Order of the Minister of
Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated January 19, 2016 № 44

on formation, use and preservation of the library fund of state educational organizations
1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for the formation, use and preservation of libraries of state organizations of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary education (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 49) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education".

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.08.2023 № 250 (shall enter into force from the day of its first official publication).

      2. The Rules determine the scope of work of the library of Secondary Schools (Primary, Basic Secondary and General Secondary Education), Organizations of Technical and Vocational, Post-Secondary Education, Higher and Postgraduate Education in the field of formation of information resources and library funds, with the aim of providing the most complete informational support for educational process and research.

      3. The Provisions of the Rules shall be applied by libraries of state educational organizations.

      4. The following basic concepts shall be used in the Rules:

      1) exchange fund - a fund intended for exchange of documents, donations to libraries, information centers and their sale to organizations and individuals;

      2) individual (differentiated) accounting - the process of registration in the accounting form of each individual copy of a document or each name of a document received or withdraw from the fund;

      3) total (integrated) accounting - a type of accounting of the library fund by groups, parties receiving to or withdrawing from the Library Fund according to one accompanying document: invoice, waybill, act;

      4) fund - an ordered set of documents corresponding to the tasks and profile of the library, information center and intended for use and storage;

      5) formation of the fund - a set of processes of acquisition, accounting, organization of the fund, exclusion of documents, as well as the fund management;

      6) organization of the fund - a set of processes for receiving, accounting, technical processing, placement and storage of documents;

      7) fund acquisition - a set of processes for identifying, selecting, ordering, acquiring, receiving and registering documents corresponding to the tasks of library, information center;

      8) use of the fund - a generalized description of the degree to which users refer to documents available in the library fund;

      9) preservation of the fund - ensuring the integrity and regulatory physical condition of documents stored in the fund;

      10) auxiliary fund - a fund consisting of the most requested documents, close to the departments of library service, information center for quick satisfaction of readers' requests;

      11) document (literature) - a material object, with information recorded on it in the form of text, sound recordings or images, intended for transmission in time and space for storage and public use;

      12) main fund - a fund that includes the bulk of documents on profile of the library, information center and intended for use and storage;

      13) a training fund - a specialized subsidiary fund, which includes publications, regardless of type and instance, recommended for ensuring the educational process. The training fund shall be formed in accordance with the curricula and programs of state educational organizations.

2. Formation of library fund

      5. The formation of the library fund - creation, constant updating, development and maintenance of the fund in working condition, a collective concept for all technological processes for modeling the library fund, provision of state education organizations with information resources for educational activities.

      6. Information resources of the state educational organization shall be formalized ideas and knowledge, various data, methods and means of their accumulation, storage and exchange between sources and consumers of information.

      7. Information resources include:

      1) full-text, factual and bibliographic databases of educational purposes: managerial, educational, scientific, educational-methodical on any media;

      2) reference and search systems, traditional and electronic library catalogs and file cabinets;

      3) electronic resources of local access;

      4) software tools for creation, storage and use of educational information;

      5) information distribution channels;

      6) means of communication used for educational purposes.

      8. The library fund shall be an integral part of information resources and includes educational, educational and methodological, scientific, reference, production and practical literature, legislative and regulatory legal acts, as well as additional literature for personal self-development.

      9. The number of publications in Kazakh, Russian or other languages of instruction in the library fund of state educational organizations shall be proportional to the contingent of students in the languages of instruction.

      10. In libraries of state educational organizations implementing:

      1) general educational programs of primary education must have a fund of educational literature in relation to the contingent of students, including in the languages of study, for the full period of study in accordance with the State compulsory standard of primary education, approved by order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 3, 2022 № 348 "On approval of state generally binding standards for preschool education and education, primary, basic secondary and general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 29031) (hereinafter referred to as the Order № 348) and standard educational programs of primary education approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 3, 2013 № 115 "On approval of standard educational programs in general subjects, elective courses and electives for general educational organizations" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 8424) (hereinafter referred to as the order № 115), as well as additional, reference, popular science, scientific, educational, fiction and journalistic literature;

      2) general education programs of basic secondary and general secondary education - availability of educational literature in relation to the contingent of students, including by language of study, for the full period of study, educational and methodological complexes and digital educational resources in accordance with the State compulsory standards of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Order № 348 and standard curricula for basic secondary and general secondary education, approved by the order № 115, as well as additional, reference, popular science, scientific, educational, fiction and journalistic literature;

      3) educational programs of technical and vocational education - the availability of a library fund of educational and scientific literature in accordance with the working curriculum in relation to the contingent of students, including in the languages of study, for the full period of study in the prepared qualifications of the specialty in accordance with the State compulsory standard of technical and professional education, approved by the order № 348 in the format of printed and electronic publications, as well as additional, reference, popular science, scientific, educational, fiction and journalistic literature;

      4) educational programs of post-secondary education - the presence of a library fund of educational and scientific literature in accordance with the working curriculum in relation to the contingent of students, including in the languages of study, for the full period of study in the prepared qualifications of the specialty in accordance with the State compulsory standard of technical and professional education, approved by the order № 348 in the format of printed and electronic publications, as well as additional, reference, popular science, scientific, educational, fiction and journalistic literature;

      for educational organizations implementing spiritual educational programs, the presence of a fund of educational literature that has passed religious expertise;

      5) educational programs of higher and postgraduate education - the presence of a library fund of educational and scientific literature: in the format of printed and electronic publications over the past ten years, providing 100% of the disciplines of the educational program of the direction of training, including those published in the languages ​ ​ of training, as well as additional, reference, popular science, scientific, educational, fiction and journalistic literature.

      Footnote. Paragraph 10 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.08.2023 № 250 (shall enter into force from the day of its first official publication).
      11. Excluded by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211( shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      12. Organizations of higher and postgraduate education sign contracts with library and scientific organizations, including the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library.

      Footnote. Item 12 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      13. The following materials are considered as educational and methodical literature on electronic media:

      1) texts of textbooks, educational and methodical literature, in the form of educational information provided as mandatory in the programs of disciplines;

      2) educational software and digital textbooks designed to master knowledge in an interactive mode with computer technology;

      3) testing software tools designed for the boundary and final control of students' knowledge in the disciplines of the specialty;

      4) videos and educational materials recorded and reproduced using electronic technical means of training.

      Footnote. Item 13 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      14. The unified fund of the library of state educational organizations consists of documents on various media - traditional paper and electronic, and shall be differentiated depending on the directions of library.

      15. The unified library fund of state comprehensive schools consists of a main and educational fund.

      16. The main library fund of state comprehensive schools includes:

      1) additional educational and methodological literature, reference publications, encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographic publications;

      2) literature for personal self-development, including non-fiction, scientific and informative publications in all branches of knowledge, a fiction fund for program and review studies, extracurricular reading, as well as works by classics and prominent contemporary writers who were not included in the study programs;

      3) a fund of pedagogical and methodological publications intended for teachers.

      The main library fund of the state national comprehensive school with Uyghur, Uzbek and other languages ​​of instruction consists of national printed materials in the languages ​​of instruction.

      Footnote. Item 16 as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      17. The fund of educational literature means a list of publications that have the category of a textbook and an educational and methodological complex.

      Footnote. Item 17 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 shall be enforced upon the expiry of in ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      18. The training fund of state comprehensive schools includes the main recommended educational literature: basic, experimental and test textbooks, school spelling dictionaries, mathematical tables, collections of problems, exercises and workshops for students, didactic materials.

      19. In the library fund of state special schools for children with visual impairments, basic textbooks published in bold and graphic type for the blind, flat-printed, and large print for the visually impaired shall be presented with the greatest completeness.

      20. The library fund of state organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education consists of funds for educational, educational, methodological, scientific literature, and literature for personal self-development.

      21. The educational literature fund of a state organization of higher education shall be at least sixty-one percent of the total library fund of a state organization of higher education.

      22. Own editions of educational literature published in their own printing houses or in third-party publishing houses include educational, educational and methodological complexes.

      Footnote. Paragraph 22 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      23. The scientific library fund includes publications of a monographic, scientific and scientific-production nature, covering the field of research, corresponding to areas and specialties of specialist training.

      24. The science fund also includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, commentaries, literary works studied under the program, industry-specific periodicals corresponding to specialist training profiles, including Bulletins of state educational organizations, collections of scientific papers, international conferences.

      25. Literature for personal self-development includes popular science publications and fiction intended for development of cultural and spiritual needs of students.

      26. In the library fund of state educational organizations, the national printed materials shall be most fully represented.

      27. In state general education schools, all students, regardless of their social status, are provided with free textbooks, educational and methodological complexes in the amount predicted by the education authorities for the academic year, at the expense of local and republican budgets.

      Footnote. Paragraph 27 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (effective after ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
      28. Excluded by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      29. The need to provide textbooks and teaching materials, including digital textbooks, for the next academic year for the projected number of students and pupils of state general education schools, special schools and special classes for children with developmental disabilities in general education schools through library collections by the number of copies, names, classes and languages of instruction is determined up to September 30 by local executive bodies.

      The need to provide textbooks and educational and methodological complexes to students and pupils of republican state secondary schools, as well as compatriots studying in foreign schools in accordance with international agreements, is determined by the Ministry.

      Footnote. Paragraph 29 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      30. The volume of new receipts in the libraries of state educational organizations shall be determined by the following standards:

      1) for library of state comprehensive school:

      at least three percent of the total unified library fund annually;

      at least twenty-five percent of the total educational library fund in the last five to ten years;

      2) for library of state organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education:

      at least three to five percent of the total unified library fund annually;

      at least twenty-five percent of the total library fund in the last five to ten years;

      3) for library of state organization of higher education:

      at least three to five percent of the total unified library fund annually;

      at least twenty-five percent of the total unified library fund in the last five to ten years.

      31. Educational publications and documents are purchased at the written request of structural divisions of state educational organizations, as well as on the basis of a pre-order, which is compiled by viewing and selecting bibliographic sources of information, indicating the name of the discipline and the number of students studying it. The library corrects the number of copies of the ordered edition, based on the security of the subject.

      Libraries of state secondary schools:

      1) annually, until May 25, an inventory of the educational fund is carried out for the sufficiency of the number of textbooks and teaching complexes for the contingent of students;

      2) until April 10, on the basis of the National Educational Database, fill out applications for the purchase of textbooks and teaching materials, including digital textbooks, based on decisions of methodological associations of secondary schools or the choice of teachers of secondary schools.

      Until April 5, methodical associations of secondary schools or teachers of secondary schools, carry out the selection of textbooks and teaching complexes for the upcoming academic year.

      Local executive bodies, if necessary, redistribute textbooks and teaching materials between state educational organizations within the district, city, region.

      Footnote. Paragraph 31 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of the date of its first official publication).

      32. The educational library fund of state educational organizations consists of educational publications with the stamp "Cleared by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

      33. Educational publications shall be acquired differentially, based on the provision of each student in all cycles of disciplines of educational programs and approved by the State Compulsory Education Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan of corresponding level.

      34. Educational publications for special schools and special classes for children with special educational needs at state comprehensive schools shall be acquired differentially depending on the type of state special educational organizations (schools) for all cycles of educational and special programs and approved by the State Compulsory Education Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan of corresponding level.

      35. Scientific publications and other types of documents shall be acquired from the principle of satisfying readers' requests in reading rooms, at a subscription, at points of delivery in educational buildings.

      36. The annual subscription to periodicals shall be determined on the basis of the needs of each individual library of state educational organization, but not less than fifteen to twenty-five titles. The number of titles of periodicals intended for students corresponds to their information needs.

      37. All textbooks, teaching and methodological complexes of teachers, scientific works published in the editorial and publishing department of organizations of higher and postgraduate education are transferred, without fail, free of charge in the amount of at least ten copies to the library of a specific organization of higher and postgraduate education.

      Footnote. Paragraph 37 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of the date of its first official publication).

      38. Libraries of educational organizations to ensure the educational process acquire the necessary number of copies of one title of educational literature on the profile of training.

      State general education schools shall acquire textbooks, as well as educational and methodical publications, accompanying textbook in the form of a methodological manual, workbook, textbook, collection of dictation, a collection of tasks and exercises, a cartographic atlas corresponding to the State compulsory standard of education, standard curricula and Requirements for the structure and content of textbooks for organizations of secondary education and educational and methodological complexes for preschool organizations, organizations of secondary education developed in accordance with subparagraph 50) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education".

      The list of necessary national, world artistic, scientific, scientific-journalistic, science fiction, documentary, historical literature acquired by libraries of educational organizations is determined on the basis of applications from teachers, methodological associations of educational organizations.

      Footnote. Paragraph 38 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of the date of its first official publication); as amended by the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.08.2023 № 250 (shall enter into force from the date of its first official publication).

      39. All documents of permanent, long-term, temporary storage that come to library fund and drop out of library fund, regardless of type of information carrier and storage periods, shall be subject to accounting.

      40. Documents shall be received in the library and included in the library fund as a result of purchase, subscription, exchange, donation, in the libraries of state organizations of higher and postgraduate education - the delivery of a mandatory copy of publications by the publishing centers of this university.

      41. Accounting for the receipt of documents in the library fund shall be carried out differentially, by dividing them into documents of permanent, long-term and temporary storage.

      42. Non-accountable and not included in the fund intended to meet the requests of library users, official materials: instructions, software products necessary for the work of librarians and programmers, materials acquired for library design, other auxiliary works not related to library compilation fund.

      43. The exceptions shall be such documents as the tables “Library and bibliographic classification”, “Universal decimal classification”, “Library and law”, copyright tables.

      44. The form of total accounting shall be a book, sheets of total accounting of the library fund in a traditional or machine-readable form. The unit of entry in the Book of the total accounting of library fund shall be each batch that arrived or leaves the fund according to one accompanying document:

      1) invoice;

      2) bill;

      3) act.

      45. Regardless of nature of material carrier of accounting form, information on movement of the fund shall be recorded in three parts of the “Book of total accounting of library fund” or other form of total accounting:

      1) part one - “Admission to fund”;

      2) part two - “Withdrawal from fund”;

      3) part three - “The results of movement of fund”.

      46. The set of indicators reflecting the distribution of documents by type, content and language shall be identical in all three parts of the Book of total accounting of library fund or other form of total accounting.

      47. Record in the Book of total accounting of library fund shall be from the moment of receipt of the first batch of documents in library.

      48. The forms of individual accounting shall be book (inventory book), card (card catalog book), sheet (sheet act registration), a registration card of electronic or audiovisual documents. With automated technology, files shall be created containing all the necessary information for formation of any form of individual accounting.

      49. The distribution of documents subject to permanent or temporary storage shall be determined taking into account consumer and practical significance, demand by today's and potential readers, regardless of the type, volume, subject of document.

      50. In libraries of state comprehensive schools, organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, the total and individual records of fund shall be kept by library head (with a staff of two or more people), a librarian (with a staff of one person).

      51. In library of state organizations of higher and postgraduate education, the total and individual accounting of fund shall be maintained by the structural unit engaged in collection, accounting and processing of documents received by general fund of library.

      52. State educational organizations write off the balance of publications and materials from library collections in the manner prescribed by law.

      53. Documents shall be dropped out of library fund due to physical loss or partial or complete loss of consumer properties.

      54. The identification and selection of documents for exclusion from library fund shall be carried out at least once a year, based on a systematic study of composition and use of the funds.

      55. Retiring documents shall be excluded from library fund and written off with the possibility of subsequent free transfer to other libraries, or implementation.

      56. The exclusion of documents from library fund shall be allowed for the following reasons:

      1) non-profile;

      2) excessive doubleness;

      3) decay;

      4) defectiveness;

      5) loss;

      6) outdated in content.

      57. In libraries of state comprehensive schools, the school textbook fund shall be recorded and stored separately from the main library fund. The cost accounting of library fund of school textbooks shall be carried out by the accounting department serving this school.

      58. Textbooks that have fallen into disrepair shall be written off under an act by a commission, which includes:

      1) representatives of the administration of state educational organizations;

      2) library staff;

      3) an accountant of state educational organization.

      59. In state comprehensive schools, textbooks shall be completely excluded from library fund according to the funding cycle.

      60. All types of documents, including audiovisual documents, electronic publications to which an inventory number is assigned, shall be subject to mandatory scheduled check.

      61. Checking the availability of documents from library fund shall be mandatory:

      1) when changing the materially responsible person for safety of funds;

      2) upon revealing the facts of theft, abuse or damage to documents;

      3) in case of natural disaster, fire or other emergency situations caused by extreme conditions;

      4) upon reorganization or liquidation of library.

      62. To conduct safety checks of the fund, the head of state educational organization shall be appointed a commission, which includes a representative of the accounting department.

      63. The frequency of checking the fund depends on status of library; volume, purpose and structure of the fund:

      1) the most valuable funds stored in safes - annually;

      2) rarest funds - once every three years;

      3) valuable funds - once every five years;

      4) library funds of up to one hundred thousand accounting units - once every five years;

      5) library funds from one hundred to two hundred thousand accounting units - once every seven years;

      6) library funds from two hundred thousand to one million accounting units - once every ten years;

      7) library funds of more than one million accounting units - in stages, in a selective manner, with the completion of checking of the entire fund within fifteen years.

      64. A scheduled checking of library fund shall be carried out in stages in accordance with the schedule for checking of the entire fund or part thereof (including rare and valuable books) with the determination of timing and amount of the planned amount of work.

      65. For electronic documents on portable media, checking shall be carried out according to accounting and storage units, as well as from the point of view of maintaining the publication's ability to function. Most CD-ROMs use manual browsing, and checksums shall be also possible.

      66. The checking of electronic local network documents shall be carried out by quantitative indicators (number of files), as well as by checksums, allowing to detect changes in the document.

      67. Standard identification programs covering the largest number of file types shall be used to identify accounting.

      68. Checking the availability of electronic network remote documents shall be carried out from the input addresses specified in the register of individual accounting.

      69. In cases of emergency transmission, spot checks of the most valuable and rare publications, expensive and scarce, shall be carried out. A check of the entire library fund or part thereof when changing the head of library or structural unit having library funds (fund holder) shall be equivalent to a regular check. The transfer shall be made out by the acceptance certificate.

      70. The check of the entire fund or part thereof shall be completed by drawing up an act on results of the check, the availability of documents from the library fund and an appendix to it of a list of documents missing for an unknown reason.

      71. Information on quantity shall be recorded in the act:

      library fund documents according to accounting data;

      available documents;

      documents that are not in the library fund for an unknown reason.

      The act shall indicate the number and date of the act of previous check.

      72. If in the course of check of the fund the identification of missing documents and impossibility of identifying the perpetrators is revealed, losses due to deficiencies shall be written off in accordance with the current Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Use of library fund

      73. The state educational organization provides every student with free access to library funds and educational information resources.

      74. The issuance of textbooks in libraries of state comprehensive schools shall be carried out annually from the first of August until the start of training. Textbooks shall be issued for the period of study of the corresponding subject - for school year or for several years with mandatory re-registration at the end of the school year.

      75. The issuance and timely return of textbooks in the libraries of state secondary schools to students of the first-fourth grades is carried out by teachers, to students of the fifth-eleventh (twelfth) grades - by class teachers or teachers on the relevant subject.

      For each textbook received, students of primary and secondary classes sign on a book form, which is handed over to the librarian. Book forms with records of issued textbooks are stored in students' reading forms.

      Footnote. Paragraph 75 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2021 № 211 (shall be enforced upon the expiry of the date of its first official publication).

      76. When textbooks return to school library at the end of school year, librarians, together with class teachers and subject teachers, look at the returned textbook, evaluate its condition, making an appropriate note in the textbook in the place intended for this. If necessary, they organize work on restoration of textbooks and preparation of library fund of textbooks for the next issue, with involvement of students.

      77. When transferring a secondary school student to another school, textbooks and other literature from the main fund remain in the library of that educational institution. In another school, the student shall be provided with textbooks from the reserve fund.

      78. Textbooks from the library fund of state organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, higher and postgraduate education shall be issued depending on duration of course - from one semester to one academic year, in an amount determined in accordance with the curriculum and programs. Other literature shall be issued for a period established by the administration of library.

      79. Upon completion of training in state organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, higher and postgraduate education, expulsion, transfer from one form of study to another, transfer from one faculty to another, and academic leave, the student returns the publications attributed to him to the library, handing over a library card at the place of issue and receives the corresponding mark in the bypass sheet of the responsible person of library.

4. Preservation of library fund

      80. Control over the correct placement and physical condition of fund shall be carried out constantly, during internal work hours and on sanitary days.

      81. In order to ensure the safety of library fund of library, a total and individual registration of publications and materials shall be carried out.

      82. It is not allowed to enter unauthorized persons in the fund holding departments.

      83. Readers shall be allowed into the library of state comprehensive schools and organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, higher and postgraduate education only during service and in the presence of a librarian.

      84. In state organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, higher and postgraduate education, libraries shall be provided with access control for removal of publications and materials.

      85. The library provides the organization of restoration and maintenance of publications.

      86. It is forbidden to change and correct inventory numbers assigned to publications and materials.

      87. In cases of changing the materially responsible person for safety of library funds, identifying facts of lack of documents, reorganizing and liquidating the library, the library fund shall be reconciled.

      88. Library staff shall be required to comply with the established rules for accounting, storage and use of the fund and responsible for violation of these rules.

      89. The liability of heads of state educational organizations and librarians shall be regulated by applicable Legislation.

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