On approval of the Methodology for conducting sample surveys in crop and livestock production

Updated Unofficial translation

Order No. 298 of the Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 2, 2016. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 28, 2016 № 14615.

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1 On approval of the Methodology for conducting sample surveys in crop and livestock production Order No. 298 of the Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 2, 2016. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 28, 2016 № 14615 11/10/2017 New
2 On approval of the Methodology for conducting sample surveys in crop and livestock production Order No. 298 of the Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 2, 2016. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 28, 2016 № 14615. 07/15/2022 Updated

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