On approval of the Rules of State Control over the Quality of Public Services

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated December 8, 2016 No. 78. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 26, 2017 No. 14740.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with Subparagraph 3) of Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 “On public services”, Subparagraph 2) of Paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 “On state statistics”, I HEREBY ORDER AS FOLLOWS:

      1. Approve the attached Rules of state control over the quality of public services.

      2. Declare to be no longer in force the Order of the Minister of Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 16, 2016 No. 35 “On Approval of the Rules of State Control over the Quality of Public Services” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 13359, published on March 11, 2016 in the Legal Information System “Adilet”).

      3. The Department of Public Services of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, in the manner prescribed by law, shall ensure:

      1) State Registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days after the State Registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the direction to official publication in periodicals;

      3) within ten calendar days after the State Registration of this Order, the direction to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use “Republican Center for Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for placement in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) placement of this Order on the Internet resource of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption.

      4. The control over the execution of this Order shall be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, administering for monitoring and assessing the quality of public services.

      5. This Order shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day its first official publication.

      The Chairman of the Agency
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
on Civil Service Affairs
and Anti-Corruption K.


      The Minister of Information and Communications

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      _____________________ D. Abayev

      "__"___________ 2016


      The Chairman

      of the Statistics Committee

      of the Ministry of National Economy

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      _____________________ N. Aidapkelov

      "__"___________ 2016

by the Order of the Chairman of the Agency
of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Civil Service
Affairs and Anti-Corruption
dated December 8, 2016 No. 78

The Rules for state control over the quality of public services

      Footnote. Rules - as amended by the Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs dated July 1, 2021 No. 116 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for state control over the quality of the provision of public services shall determine the procedure for conducting state control over the quality of the provision of public services by central state bodies, their departments, territorial divisions of central state bodies and their departments, local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts, cities of regional significance, akims of districts in the city, cities of district significance, towns, villages, rural districts, as well as executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, subordinate organizations of central state bodies or local executive bodies, individuals and legal entities providing public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Inspected Entities).

      2. In accordance with Article 134 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Entrepreneurial Code), state control shall be divided into external and internal.

      3. State control shall be based on the principles of:

      1) legality;

      2) objectivity;

      3) impartiality;

      4) reliability;

      5) comprehensiveness;

      6) transparency.

Chapter 2. Procedure for conducting external state control

      4. External state control over the quality of the provision of public services shall be carried out by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) and its territorial bodies in the form of preventive control, unscheduled inspection (hereinafter referred to as Inspection) and monitoring of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services by inspected entities.

      5. When conducting an inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, the Agency and its territorial bodies shall:

      1) request and receive from the Inspected Entities and (or) officials the documents (information) related to the subject of inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, on paper and (or) electronic media or their copies for attachment to the act on the results of the inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, as well as access to automated databases (information systems) in accordance with the tasks and subject of the inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity;

      2) hear orally and demand written explanations (by posing specific questions) of officials;

      3) request information on the results of internal state control;

      4) use the information provided by individuals, and non-profit organizations based on the results of public monitoring of the quality of public services;

      5) issue instructions to the Inspected Entities to improve the quality of the provision of public services, including the elimination of identified violations, and also take the measures provided for in Article 153 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

Paragraph 1. The procedure for conducting an inspection and preventive control
with a visit to the Inspected entity for compliance with the legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of provision of public services by the Inspected entities

      6. Preventive control shall be divided into:

      1) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity;

      2) preventive control without visiting the Inspected Entity.

      7. Preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity is control concerning a specific subject of control, aimed at prevention, providing recommendations to eliminate the causes and conditions for the commission of offences to prevent them and prevent the onset of a threat to the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the state.

      Based on the results of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, in the presence of violations, an order shall be drawn up to eliminate violations in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 152-1 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      The Agency and (or) its territorial body shall initiate cases of an administrative offence in the exercise of control in the field of support and protection of business entities.

      8. In case of detection of gross violations in accordance with the criteria for assessing the degree of risk, based on the results of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, the Agency and (or) its territorial body shall appoint an inspection in accordance with subparagraph 1) of paragraph 3 of Article 144 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      9. The results of the analysis of preventive control without visiting the Inspected Entity shall also be the grounds for the selection of subjects of control for conducting preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity.

      10. The grounds for the appointment of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity shall be a semi-annual list of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, approved by December 10 of the year preceding the year of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, and until May 10 of the current calendar year by order of the Chairman of the Agency or by a person acting in his capacity.

      11. Lists of preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity shall be compiled based on an assessment of the degree of risks approved in accordance with Article 141 of the Entrepreneurial Code, and formed based on the results of the analysis of reporting, including using the e-government web portal and by requesting other state authorities to determine the range of subjects of control associated with a specific fact and with potential risks.

      The frequency of preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and supervision shall be determined by the criteria for assessing the degree of risk, but not more than once a year.

      12. Preventive control without visiting the Inspected Entity shall be carried out in accordance with Article 137 of the Entrepreneurial Code and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      13. Inspections shall be carried out on the grounds specified in paragraph 3 of Article 144 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      14. Inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected entity of:

      central state bodies, their departments and organizations subordinate to them, shall be carried out by the employees of the Agency;

      territorial subdivisions of central state bodies and their departments, local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts, cities of regional significance, akims of districts in the city, cities of district significance, towns, villages, rural districts and organizations subordinate to them, shall be carried out by employees of territorial bodies Agency within the competence, as well as employees of the Agency on behalf of the Agency's management.

      15. Upon receipt of a complaint about a violation by individuals and legal entities (service providers), except for the Inspected Entities specified in paragraph 14 of these Rules, of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services, such a complaint shall be sent to the authorized bodies exercising control in the areas in which these public services are rendered, to take the appropriate control events provided for by the Entrepreneurial Code.

      16. In accordance with subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 154 of the Entrepreneurial Code, specialists, consultants and experts from state bodies and subordinate organizations shall also be involved in the inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity.

      17. Inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity shall be carried out on the grounds of an act on the appointment of an inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity issued by the management of the Agency or the heads of its territorial bodies or persons performing their duties, which contain information in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 145 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      18. The timing of the inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity shall be established taking into account the scope of the work to be done, as well as the tasks set in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 148 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      19. The terms for conducting an inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity shall be extended in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of Article 148 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      Notification of the Inspected Entity about the suspension or resumption of the inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Article 146 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      20. Conducting an audit of the activities (on a separate fact, individually or as a whole for a certain period) of the Inspected entity on the issue of the quality of the provision of public services shall be preceded by the study of regulatory legal acts, materials regulating and characterizing its activities.

      21. When conducting an inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, an authorized employee of the Agency or its territorial body (hereinafter referred to as the Inspector) shall notify the Inspected Entity about the start of the inspection and preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity within the time limits provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 147 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      22. The beginning of the inspection or preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity is the date of delivery to the Inspected Entity or its representative of the act on the appointment of an inspection or preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, as well as familiarization of the Inspected Entity with the checklist indicating the points of the requirements to be inspected and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity.

      23. In cases of refusal to adopt an act on the appointment of an inspection or preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, familiarization with the checklist, as well as obstruction of the access of the Inspector performing an inspection or preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity to the materials necessary for conducting an inspection or preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, a protocol shall be drawn up.

      The protocol shall be signed by an official of the Agency and (or) its territorial body, carrying out an inspection or preventive control and supervision with a visit to the subject (object) of control and supervision, and the head of the legal entity or its authorized person, an individual.

      The head of the Inspected Entity or his/her authorized person shall have the right to refuse to sign the protocol, giving a written explanation of the reason for the refusal.

      Refusal to receive an act on the appointment of an inspection or preventive control and supervision with a visit to the subject (object) of control and supervision shall not be grounds for cancelling the inspection or preventive control and supervision with a visit to the subject (object) of control and supervision.

      24. Upon completion of the inspection, the Inspector shall draw up an act on the results of the inspection in triplicate.

      The Agency or its territorial body shall submit the first copy of the act on the results of the verification in the electronic form to the authorized body in the field of legal statistics and special records and its territorial bodies, the second copy on paper shall be handed over against signature to the Inspected entity or its representative for familiarization and taking measures to eliminate detected violations and other actions, the third one remains with the control body.

      The act on the results of the inspection shall contain information in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 152 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      25. An order to eliminate the identified violations in cases of detection of violations shall be attached to the act on the results of the audit.

      For each act on the results of the inspection, during which violations of the requirements of the checklists were revealed, only one order shall be issued, drawn up in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 152-1 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      26. The completion of the inspection period shall be considered the day of delivery to the head of the Inspected entity or his/her representative of the act on the results of the inspection no later than the deadline for the end of the inspection specified in the act on appointment of the inspection.

      27. If the head of the Inspected Entity or his/her representative refuses to sign an act on the results of the inspection, the Inspecting (verifying) person(s) shall draw up an appropriate protocol in any form, which, together with one copy of the act on the results of the inspection, is transferred to the office of the Inspected Entity, with receipt on the second copy an act on the results of checking the mark on the registration of the submitted materials in the journal of incoming correspondence or the electronic document management system of state bodies.

      28. If there are comments and (or) objections based on the results of the audit, the head of the Inspected Entity or his/her representative shall state them in writing in any form and send them to the Agency or its territorial body that conducted the audit within three working days from the date of familiarization with the act about the test results.

      Comments and (or) objections shall be attached to the act on the results of the inspection, about which an appropriate note shall be made.

      29. In case of violations identified as a result of the inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, the elimination of which requires additional time and (or) financial costs, the Inspected Entity, shall no later than three working days, apply to the Agency and (or) its territorial body, with an application for an extension of the deadline for the elimination of violations.

      In the application, the Inspected Entity shall set out the measures to be taken to eliminate the violations and the objective reasons for extending the deadlines for the elimination of violations.

      The Agency and (or) its territorial body, within three working days, taking into account the arguments set out in the application, shall decide to extend the deadline for eliminating violations or to refuse to extend with a reasoned justification.

      30. After the expiration of the period for eliminating the violations established in the order to eliminate the identified violations, the Inspected Entity, within the period established in the order, shall provide the Agency and (or) its territorial body with information on the elimination of the identified violations.

      31. If the Inspected Entity fails to provide information on the execution of the order to eliminate significant and minor violations specified in the criteria for assessing the degree of risks identified as a result of the inspection and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity, the Agency and (or) its territorial the body within two working days shall send a request to the Inspected Entity on the need to provide information on the execution of the order.

      32. After receiving a request on the need to provide information, the Inspected Entity provides the relevant information to the Agency and (or) its territorial body within three working days.

      In case of failure to provide information, the Agency and (or) its territorial body appoints an inspection in accordance with subparagraph 1-1) of paragraph 3 of Article 144 of the Entrepreneurial Code.

      33. If signs of a criminal offence or crime are found in the actions of officials of the Inspected Entities, the management of the Agency or the heads of its territorial bodies or persons performing their duties shall take measures to send inspection materials and (or) preventive control with a visit to the Inspected Entity to the relevant authorized bodies.

      34. The inspector (inspectors) shall ensure the confidentiality of information obtained as a result of the audit, including that which constitutes a commercial, tax or other secret protected by law, except as otherwise provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Paragraph 2. The procedure for conducting external monitoring of compliance
with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services

      35. External monitoring of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the provision of public services shall be carried out by the Agency and its territorial bodies by analyzing:

      1) information reflected in the information system for monitoring the provision of public services, in the context of service providers and public services, including violations of the terms for the provision of public services;

      2) information provided by the Inspected Entities as part of internal state control quarterly by the 10th day of the month following the reporting period;

      3) the web portal of "electronic government", Internet resources of service providers and the media;

      4) appeals of individuals and legal entities on the provision of public services, as well as information provided by state bodies and organizations, regardless of the legal form, on the quality of the provision of public services.

      36. Provision of public services, the following decisions shall be made by the management of the Agency or the heads of its territorial bodies or persons performing their duties:

      1) on sending recommendations to the head of the Inspected Entity or his/her representative to eliminate the violations identified as a result of external monitoring of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the provision of public services, the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission, bringing the perpetrators to justice, restoring violated rights, freedoms and the legitimate interests of the service recipient and informing the Agency or its territorial body about the results of the consideration by the appropriate deadline;

      2) on taking into account the information contained in the results of internal control.

      If signs of a criminal offence or crime are found in the actions of the responsible officials of the Inspected Entities, the management of the Agency or the heads of its territorial bodies or persons performing their duties, the materials of the inspection shall be sent to the relevant authorized bodies.

Chapter 3. Procedure for conducting internal state control

      37. Internal state control over the quality of the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as Internal State Control) shall be carried out in the form of a control event and monitoring of the quality of the provision of public services by the relevant structural divisions of the central state bodies, their departments and territorial bodies, local executive bodies, as well as executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, coordinating the provision of public services.

      38. The structural subdivision of the central state body, its department and territorial body, coordinating the issues of the provision of public services, shall conduct internal state control over the quality of public services provided by the central state body, its department and territorial body, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities, coordination of activities of which shall be carried out by the central state body and its department.

      39. The structural unit of the local executive body, coordinating the provision of public services, shall conduct internal state control over the quality of public services provided by local executive bodies of the relevant administrative-territorial unit. The structural subdivision of the executive body of the region, cities of republican significance, and the capital, coordinating the provision of public services, shall conduct internal state control over the quality of public services provided by subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities, whose activities are coordinated by the executive body of the region, cities of republican significance, the capital.

Paragraph 1. Procedure for conducting a control event

      40. A control event is a set of interrelated control actions carried out by a structural subdivision of central state bodies, their departments and territorial bodies, local executive bodies, as well as executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, responsible for conducting Internal State Control for compliance with the legislation of the Republic Kazakhstan in the provision of public services and other legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to identify, eliminate and prevent violations by objects of control.

      41. The following documents shall be the grounds for conducting a control event:

      a plan of control events approved for a year by an order of the leadership of the central state body, its department and (or) territorial body, local executive body and (or) executive body of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital no later than December 25 of the year preceding the planned period (year);

      order (decision) of the leadership of the central state body, its department and (or) territorial body, local executive body and (or) executive body of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital on the appointment of a control event based on the appeal of individuals and legal entities on specific facts, results monitoring the quality of the provision of public services and instructions from the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of the provision of public services.

      42. The plan of control events shall indicate the list of issues and objects subject to control, the timing of the implementation, forms of completion and responsible executors of control events.

      43. The term for the control event shall be established taking into account the scope of the work to be done, the tasks set and the number of objects, and should not exceed ten working days.

      44. If there are objective reasons, the period for carrying out the control event shall be extended on the grounds of an order from the leadership of the central state body, its department and (or) territorial body, local executive body and (or) executive body of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital on a reasoned proposal of an official structural unit responsible for conducting the Internal State Control, for a period not exceeding ten working days.

      45. Before the start of the control event, the employee of the structural unit responsible for conducting the Internal State Control (hereinafter referred to as the Responsible Executor) shall notify the object of control in writing no later than three working days before the start of the control event.

      46. The beginning of the control event shall be considered the date of delivery to the head of the object of control of the order on the appointment of the control event.

      47. When conducting a control event, responsible executors shall:

      1) request and receive, within the time limits set by them, from the objects of control the necessary documents, certificates, and oral and written explanations on issues related to the conduct of the control event;

      2) freely get acquainted with the documentation of the objects of control related to the issues of the control event, taking into account compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on state secrets and other secrets protected by law;

      3) use the information on public services provided in electronic form, on violations of the terms for the provision of public services, reflected in the information system for monitoring the provision of public services, on complaints received regarding the provision of public services with the results of their consideration;

      4) carry out other actions within the competence of the structural unit responsible for conducting the Internal State Control.

      48. Experts, expert organizations and specialists who are not in civil law and labour relations with the object of control shall also be involved in the control activity.

      49. Upon completion of the control event, the Responsible executors shall draw up and sign the act of the control event in two copies.

      One copy of the act of the control event shall be provided to the head of the control object for review no later than the deadline for the completion of the control event specified in the order of its appointment. In case of refusal to familiarize, a note on refusal is made in the act of control events.

      Refusal to familiarize shall not be an obstacle to the further implementation of the materials of the control event.

      The second copy of the act of the control event shall be filed in the materials.

      50. The act of the control event shall indicate:

      1) date, time and place of drawing up the control event report;

      2) the name of the object of control in respect of which the control event was carried out; last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position of the head of the control object, as well as persons present during the control event;

      3) the date and number of the order on the appointment of the control event, on the grounds of which the control event was carried out;

      4) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) and position of the responsible executors who carried out the control event;

      5) date, place and period of the control event;

      6) analysis of the activity of the object of control;

      7) information about the results of the control event if any - facts about the violations identified;

      8) analysis of the reasons for poor-quality provision of public services, non-fulfilment of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of provision of public services, indicating the consequences;

      9) points of the requirements of the checklist in the field of provision of public services for compliance with the requirements of the Law "On Public Services", which were inspected;

      10) taking measures to eliminate the identified violations, causes and conditions that contribute to their commission, indicating the deadlines, as well as to improve internal procedures to improve the quality of public services;

      11) taking measures to bring to justice the persons guilty of violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services, in case of revealing the facts of such violations;

      12) information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize with the act of the head of the object of control, as well as persons who were present during the control event, their signature or refusal to sign;

      13) signature of the responsible executors who carried out the control event.

      When facts of violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services are revealed, documents confirming them, certificates, duly certified copies of documents, as well as written explanations of officials related to them, based on their functional duties, shall be attached to the materials of the control event.

      51. The head of the object of control within three working days from the date of submission for familiarization of the act of control events shall:

      in agreement with the results of the control event - sign both copies of the act of the control event;

      in case of disagreement with the results of the control event, send objections to the act of the control event in any form to the structural unit responsible for conducting the Internal State Control.

      Objections shall be attached to the act of the control event, about which an appropriate note shall be made.

      52. The structural subdivision responsible for conducting the Internal State Control, within 7 working days from the date of completion of the control event, shall submit the materials and acts of the control event to the head of the state body.

      53. Based on the results of the consideration of the materials and the act of control events, one of the following decisions shall be made:

      1) on sending a letter to the head of the control object on taking measures to eliminate the identified violations, the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission, improve internal procedures for the provision of public services, make appropriate changes and (or) additions to the relevant by-laws, regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure provision of public services specified in the Register of public services, approved by order of acting Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 31, 2020 No. 39/НҚ "On Approval of the Register of Public Services" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 19982) (hereinafter referred to as the Subordinate regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services) and other regulatory legal acts, optimizing the processes of rendering public services, bringing to justice persons guilty of violating the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of rendering public services;

      2) on taking into account the information contained in the materials and the act of the control event, in the absence of taking measures and comments;

      3) on notifying the Agency and its territorial bodies in case of establishing a violation of the terms and (or) procedure, as well as an unreasonable refusal to issue permits of the first and second categories.

      54. In the case provided for in subparagraph 1) of paragraph 53 of these Rules, the head of the object of control, no later than five working days from the date of receipt of recommendations, provides the management of the structural unit responsible for conducting Internal State Control with an action plan to eliminate the identified violations and implement the measures (hereinafter referred to as the Action plan).

      55. The action plan shall contain a list of measures of the object of control to eliminate the identified violations and the implementation of the measures taken, indicating the responsible executors, deadlines and forms of completion.

      56. The object of control, within the time limits specified in the Letter of Action, shall submit to the structural unit responsible for conducting internal state control, information on the implementation of the Action Plan and copies of supporting documents on holding accountable persons guilty of violating the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of providing public services.

Paragraph 2. The procedure for conducting internal monitoring of the quality of public services

      57. Internal monitoring of the quality of the provision of public services shall be carried out quarterly by a structural subdivision of the central state bodies, their departments and territorial bodies, local executive bodies, as well as the executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, responsible for internal state control, and shall include:

      1) analysis of the placement of draft by-laws that determine the procedure for the provision of public services for public discussion, reports on the completion of public discussions, reports on activities on the provision of public services on the web portal of "electronic government", the official Internet resource of the state body;

      2) analysis of the availability of approved by-laws that determine the procedure for the provision of public services, compliance with the deadlines for their approval, placement on the web portal of "electronic government", the official Internet resource of the state body;

      3) analysis of the need to update the subordinate regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services;

      4) analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to identify and/or exclude public services;

      5) analysis of the relevance of information on the procedure for the provision of public services in the Unified Contact Center for the provision of public services, in the places of provision of public services, the web portal of "electronic government", the official Internet resource of the state body;

      6) analysis of business processes for the provision of public services for optimization and automation;

      7) analysis of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the provision of public services;

      8) identification of facts of refusal to provide public services on grounds not provided for by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regulatory legal acts when issuing permits of the first and second categories, demanding from service recipients of documents that can be obtained from information systems, or the provision of which is not regulated by the standard of state services;

      9) analysis of the availability of necessary conditions for persons with disabilities when they receive public services;

      10) analysis of appeals of individuals and legal entities;

      11) analysis of entering data on the stage of provision of public services in the information system for monitoring the provision of public services;

      12) analysis of the results of public monitoring of the quality of public services;

      13) applying to state bodies for additional information necessary for monitoring the quality of public services;

      58. Based on the results of internal monitoring of the quality of the provision of public services, the structural unit responsible for Internal State Control shall develop proposals for:

      1) improvement of business processes for the provision of public services, including their automation, optimization and their transfer to electronic form;

      2) making changes and (or) additions to the Register of Public Services, by-laws, and regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services;

      3) elimination of the revealed facts of non-compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of rendering public services;

      4) carrying out control events on the facts of violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of rendering public services;

      5) updating information on the procedure for the provision of public services in the Unified Contact Center for the provision of public services, at the places of provision of public services, the web portal of "electronic government", the official Internet resource of the state body;

      6) carrying out explanatory activities to inform service recipients about the procedure for providing public services;

      7) ensuring advanced training of employees in the provision of public services;

      8) notification of the Agency and its territorial bodies in case of establishing a violation of the terms and (or) procedure, as well as an unreasonable refusal to issue permits of the first and second categories.

      59. Proposals based on the results of internal monitoring of the quality of the provision of public services shall be submitted for consideration to the management of the state body for subsequent submission to service providers, indicating the deadline for informing about the measures taken for their implementation.

Paragraph 3. Submission to the Agency and its territorial bodies of reports on the work on internal state control

      60. A report on the work on internal state control with an analytical report in the form in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules shall be provided by:

      central state bodies - to the Agency;

      territorial subdivisions of central state bodies and their departments - to the territorial bodies of the Agency;

      The report shall contain the results of internal state control over the quality of public services provided by the central state body, its departments, territorial bodies, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities whose activities are coordinated by the state body.

      61. A report on the work on internal state control with an analytical report in the form in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules, local executive bodies shall provide to the Agency and its territorial bodies.

      The report shall contain the results of internal state control over the quality of public services provided by local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts, cities of regional significance, akims of districts in the city, cities of district significance, towns, villages, rural districts, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities whose activities are coordinated by local executive bodies.

      Local executive bodies of districts (cities of regional significance) shall submit a report on internal state control over the quality of public services in the approved form to local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, and the capital no later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.

      62. The authorized body in the field of informatization shall submit to the Agency on a quarterly grounds no later than the 25th day following the reporting period, information on public services provided through the non-commercial joint-stock company "State Corporation" Government for Citizens "(hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation) and in electronic form with attaching analytical reports in the form in accordance with appendices 3 and 4 to these Rules.

      The information shall contain data on the number of public services provided through the State Corporation and its branches, as well as in electronic form.

      63. The submitted report on the work on internal state control shall be subject to adjustment by the Agency or its territorial bodies based on the results of the fourth quarter of the reporting year only if the state body provides supporting materials on the need for adjustment.

Chapter 4. Final Provisions

      64. The results of state control shall be used in the formation of the final assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of state bodies in the direction of "Quality in the provision of public services"

      65. The results of state control shall be published by the Agency, its territorial bodies, Inspected entities in the media and (or) posted on their Internet resources in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for State Control over the
Quality of the Provision of Public Services

      The form

      Submitted to: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and its territorial bodies in the regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/qyzmet?lang=ru

      Name of the form: Report on the work of the central state body, its departments, territorial bodies, and subordinate organizations for internal state control over the quality of public services

      Shape index: 1-mk

      Frequency: quarterly

      Reporting period: ___ quarter of 20__

      Range of persons submitting information: central state bodies, taking into account their departments, territorial bodies, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities providing public services, whose activities are coordinated by central state bodies, as well as territorial divisions of central state bodies and their departments

      Deadline for submitting information: once a quarter, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period

      Data on the work of the central state body, its departments, territorial bodies, subordinate organizations for internal state control over the quality of public services, pcs.


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter






1. Information on the results of control events (established based on the results of internal control)


The number of control events carried out, in total,
of them:


according to the approved annual control plan


based on the results of monitoring the quality of public services


The number of objects of control events, total, of which:


structural divisions and departments of the central state body


subordinate organizations


individuals providing public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


legal entities providing public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (that are not state bodies or subordinate organizations)


The number of detected violations, in total, of which:


facts of violations of the terms for the provision of public services


facts of violations of the deadlines for refusals to provide public services


facts of the provision of public services in the absence of a complete package of documents provided for by the approved standard of public services


facts of requesting documents that are not provided for by the approved standard of public service


facts of claiming documents that can be obtained from information systems


facts of violation of procedures (business processes) for the provision of public services


facts of unjustified refusals in the provision of public services


non-compliance with the work schedule provided for by the standard of public services


provision of public services on a paid basis, the free provision of which is guaranteed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan


facts of violations of other requirements of the legislation in the field of rendering public services


The number of violations, as a result of which measures, were taken to restore the violated rights of service recipients


The number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services


Number of violations of the deadlines for consideration of complaints revealed during control events


The number of imposed disciplinary sanctions based on the results of control events, in total, of which:






severe reprimand


mismatch warning




dismissal from office


The number of persons brought to disciplinary responsibility, in total, of which:


employees of local executive bodies


employees of subordinate organizations


other persons


The number of recommendations developed based on the results of control events, total,
of them:





2. Information on the results of monitoring the quality of public services


The total number of types of public services in the Register of public services, total,
of them:

name of the public service


included in the Register of public services in the reporting period, including by types of services:

name of the public service


The total number of approved by-laws normative legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services

name of the public service

2.1. Information on the number of public services rendered


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


The number of public services rendered - total, of which:


provided by service providers through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation) in paper form, total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


provided by service providers on an alternative grounds in paper form through the office, but which could be provided through the e-government web portal and (or) the State Corporation, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


rendered electronically through the information systems of the service provider without direct contact with the service recipient (except for the e-government web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz),
including by types of services:

Name of the public service and information system


rendered through the information systems of the service provider by direct contact with the service recipient and manual entry of the application into the information system (except for the e-government web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz),
including by types of services:

Name of the public service and information system


The number of refusals in the provision of public services, in total, of which:


issued in electronic form (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz)


issued in paper form

2.2. The total number of detected violations of the terms for the provision of public services, including those established by the authorized bodies for assessing and monitoring the quality of the provision of public services and in the field of informatization


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


The number of public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines, total,


rendered in violation of the established deadlines by service providers through the office (except for those rendered through the State Corporation) in paper form, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


rendered in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through the web portal of "electronic government" www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


rendered in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through information systems (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service and information system


rendered in violation of the established terms through the State Corporation, total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


The number of violations of the deadlines for refusing the provision of public services, in total,


refusals rendered in violation of the established deadlines by service providers through the office (except for those rendered through the State Corporation) in paper form, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


refusals provided in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through the web portal of "electronic government" www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


refusals provided in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through information systems (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service and information system


Rendered in violation of the established terms of refusals through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service

2.3. Information on the number of complaints about the quality of public services provided


Number of complaints about the quality of public services provided - total,


provided by service providers in paper form through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation), total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


provided in electronic form, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


rendered through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service


Sources of complaints about the quality of public services:


from individuals


from government agencies


from legal entities


instructions of the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services


from the akimat of the region


from the media


from other sources


The number of violations of the terms for consideration of complaints of persons on the quality of public services provided, total, including:


provided by service providers in paper form through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


provided in electronic form, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


rendered through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service

2.4. Information on the restored rights of service recipients and explanatory measures taken by service providers to improve the quality of public services


The number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services


Number of outreach activities carried out to improve the quality of public services


Coverage of the population with explanatory measures to improve the quality of public services


Number of persons who completed advanced training courses on the provision of public services

      Name of body: ___________________ Address: _______________________

      _______________________________________ ____________________________

      Phone number: __________________________________

      E-mail address: ___________________

      Performer: ______________________________ __________________________

            (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature, phone number)

      The head or the person performing his/her duties _____________________

                        (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature)

      Date " " ______________ 20___ Stamp Here

to the report on the work of the central state body,
its departments, territorial bodies, and subordinate
organizations for internal state control over the
quality of public services

Explanation on the content of the analytical report and filling out the form of a report on the work
of the central state body, its departments, territorial bodies, and subordinate organizations for internal
state control over the quality of public services (1-MK, quarterly)

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. The report form on internal state control over the quality of public services provided by the central state body, its departments, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities in the area supervised by the central state body (hereinafter referred to as the Report Form) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 4) Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public services".

      2. The main objective of introducing the Report Form shall be to monitor the results of internal state control over the quality of public services.

      3. The report form shall be filled out and submitted along with the analytical report quarterly by the 10th day of the month following the reporting period:

      by the central office of the central state body, taking into account the central state body, its departments, territorial divisions, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities providing public services in the area supervised by the central state body, to the Agency;

      territorial subdivisions of the central state body and its departments, taking into account the territorial subdivisions, as well as individuals and legal entities providing public services in the supervised area, to the territorial bodies of the Agency for the regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.

      4. The report form shall be signed by the executor and the head of the state body, and in case of his absence, the person performing his/her duties.

Chapter 2. Explanation of filling out the report form

      Paragraph 1. Information on the results of control events

      5. Paragraph 1 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of control events carried out in the reporting period (the sum of paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2).

      6. Paragraph 1.1 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the number of control events carried out in the reporting period in accordance with the approved annual plan of control events.

      7. In paragraph 1.2 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the number of control events carried out in the reporting period based on the results of monitoring the quality of public services.

      8. Paragraphs 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data for the reporting period on the total number of objects of control events, including in the context of types of objects.

      9. Paragraphs 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of violations detected during the reporting period, including by types of violations.

      10. Paragraph 4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of violations for the reporting period, as a result of which measures were taken to restore the violated rights of service recipients.

      11. Paragraph 5 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data for the reporting period on the total number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services.

      12. Paragraph 6 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of violations of the deadlines for considering complaints identified during the control activities for the reporting period.

      13. Paragraphs 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of disciplinary sanctions imposed following the results of control events for the reporting period, including in the context of types of disciplinary sanctions.

      14. Paragraphs 8, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of persons brought to disciplinary responsibility during the reporting period, including in the context of such persons.

      15. Paragraphs 9, 9.1 and 9.2 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of recommendations developed as a result of control activities in the reporting period, including implemented and non-executed recommendations.

      Paragraph 2. Information on the results of monitoring the quality of public services

      16. Paragraph 10 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of types of public services in the Register of Public Services.

      17. Paragraph 10.1 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the number of types of public services included in the Register of public services in the reporting period, including by type of service.

      18. In paragraph 11 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of approved by-laws, and regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for the provision of public services.

      19. Paragraphs 12, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of public services provided in the reporting period, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision, types of services indicating the name of information systems, and also taking into account the presence or absence of direct contact with the service recipient.

      20. Paragraph 13 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of refusals in the provision of public services for the reporting period.

      21. In paragraphs 13.1 and 13.2. Report forms shall indicate quantitative data on the number of refusals in the provision of public services for the reporting period, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services.

      22. Paragraphs 14, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 and 14.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of public services provided in the reporting period in violation of the established deadlines, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services, indicating the name information systems.

      23. Paragraphs 15, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of refusals to provide public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services, indicating the name of the information systems.

      24. Paragraphs 16, 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of complaints received in the reporting period about the quality of public services provided, including in the context of forms of provision, and types of services.

      25. Paragraphs 17, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6 and 17.7 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of sources of receipt for the reporting period of complaints about the quality of the provision of public services, including in the context of sources.

      26. Paragraphs 18, 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of violations of the deadlines for considering complaints from persons about the quality of public services rendered, including in the context of forms of provision, types of services, committed in the reporting period.

      27. Paragraph 19 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of persons who restored violated rights in the reporting period when receiving public services.

      28. In paragraph 20 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of explanatory measures carried out in the reporting period to improve the quality of public services.

      29. In paragraph 21 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the coverage of the population with explanatory measures to improve the quality of public services (number of people).

      30. In paragraph 22 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of persons who have completed advanced training courses on the provision of public services.

      31. The report forms must be completed in full, missing, unfilled cells of the report form shall be not prohibited. In the absence of information, a "-" sign shall be put in the corresponding cell.

Chapter 3. Explanation of the content of the analytical reference

      32. Analytical information shall be provided along with the report and contain:

      1) information on the results of control events carried out by the structural subdivision of the local executive body responsible for internal state control, namely information on:

      conducted control events, and objects of control;

      violations of the procedure and terms for the provision of public services, the terms for considering complaints, indicating their causes and measures taken, identified during the control event;

      persons brought to disciplinary responsibility;

      recommendations developed based on the results of the control activity, indicating the recommendations fulfilled and not fulfilled by service providers and the reasons for their non-fulfilment;

      2) information on the results of monitoring the quality of the provision of public services, conducted by the structural subdivision of the local executive body responsible for internal state control, namely information on:

      the measures taken to improve business processes for the provision of public services, including their automation, optimization and transfer to electronic form;

      amendments and (or) additions to the Register of Public Services, by-laws that determine the procedure for the provision of public services (indicating the name, number and date of regulatory legal acts);

      the work done to identify new public services and submit proposals to the authorized body for maintaining the Register of Public Services;

      refusals to provide public services to service recipients, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      on the revealed facts of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      complaints about the quality of public services considered in the reporting period in violation of the established deadlines, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      restoration of the violated rights of service recipients, indicating the measures taken;

      conducted explanatory activities to inform service recipients about the procedure for providing public services;

      persons who have undergone advanced training in the provision of public services.

      33. An analytical report to the report shall be accompanied by relevant materials (copies of orders, protocols, decisions, letters, certificates, memos, photographic materials) confirming the information indicated in the reporting form on the work of internal state control.

  Annex 2
to the Rules for State Control over the
Quality of Provision of Public Services

      The form

      Submitted to: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and its territorial bodies in the regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/qyzmet?lang=ru

      Name of the form: Report on the work of the local executive body for internal control over the quality of public services

      Index: 2-mk

      Frequency: quarterly

      Reporting period: ___ quarter of 20__

      Range of persons providing information: local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, taking into account local executive bodies of districts, cities of regional significance, districts in the city, cities of district significance, towns, villages, rural districts, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities persons providing public services, whose activities are coordinated by local executive bodies

      Deadline for submitting information: once a quarter, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period

      Data on the work of the local executive body for internal control over the quality of public services, pcs.


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter






1. Information on the results of control events (established based on the results of internal control)


The number of control events carried out, in total,
of them:


according to the approved annual control plan


based on the results of monitoring the quality of public services


The number of objects of control events, total, of which:


local executive bodies


subordinate organizations


individuals providing public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


legal entities providing public services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (not being state bodies or subordinate organizations)


The number of detected violations, in total, of which:


facts of violations of the terms for the provision of public services


facts of violations of the deadlines for refusals to provide public services


facts of the provision of public services in the absence of a complete package of documents provided for by the approved standard of public services


facts of requesting documents that are not provided for by the approved standard of public service


facts of claiming documents that can be obtained from information systems


facts of violation of procedures (business processes) for the provision of public services


facts of unjustified refusals in the provision of public services


non-compliance with the work schedule provided for by the standard of public services


provision of public services on a paid basis, the free provision of which is guaranteed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan


facts of violations of other requirements of the legislation in the field of rendering public services


The number of violations, as a result of which measures, were taken to restore the violated rights of service recipients


The number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services


The number of violations of the deadlines for consideration of complaints revealed during control events


The number of disciplinary sanctions imposed on the results of control events, in total,
of them:






severe reprimand


mismatch warning




dismissal from office


The number of persons brought to disciplinary responsibility, in total, of which:


employees of local executive bodies


employees of subordinate organizations


other persons


The number of recommendations developed based on the results of control events, total,
of them:





2. Information on the results of monitoring the quality of public services


The total number of types of public services in the Register of public services, total,
of them:

name of the public service


included in the Register of public services in the reporting period, including by types of services:

name of the public service

2.1. Information on the number of public services rendered


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


The number of public services rendered - total, of which:


provided by service providers through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation) in paper form, total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


provided by service providers on an alternative basis in paper form through the office, but which could be provided through the e-government web portal and (or) the State Corporation, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


provided in electronic form through the information systems of the service provider without direct contact with the service recipient (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz),
including by types of services:

Name of the public service and information system


rendered electronically through the information systems of the service provider by direct contact with the service recipient and manual entry of the application into the information system (except for the e-government web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz),
including by types of services:

Name of the public service and information system


The number of refusals in the provision of public services, in total, of which:


issued in electronic form (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz)


issued in paper form

2.2. The total number of detected violations of the terms for the provision of public services, including those established by the authorized bodies for assessing and monitoring the quality of the provision of public services and in the field of informatization


Activities in progress



January (April, July, October)

February (May, August, November)

March (June, September, December)

for the quarter


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


legal entity


The number of public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines, total,


rendered in violation of the established deadlines by service providers through the office (except for those rendered through the State Corporation) in paper form, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


rendered in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through the web portal of "electronic government" www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


rendered in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through information systems (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service and information system


rendered in violation of the established terms through the State Corporation, total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


The number of violations of the deadlines for refusing the provision of public services, in total,


refusals rendered in violation of the established deadlines by service providers through the office (except for those rendered through the State Corporation) in paper form, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


refusals provided in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through the web portal of "electronic government" www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz, total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


refusals provided in violation of the established deadlines in electronic form through information systems (except for the "electronic government" web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service and information system


Rendered in violation of the established terms of refusals through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service

2.3. Information on the number of complaints about the quality of public services provided


Number of complaints about the quality of public services provided - total,


provided by service providers in paper form through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation), total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


provided in electronic form, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


rendered through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service


Sources of complaints about the quality of public services:


from individuals


from government agencies


from legal entities


instructions of the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services


from the akimat of the region


from the media


from other sources


The number of violations of the terms for consideration of complaints of persons on the quality of public services provided, total, including:


provided by service providers in paper form through the office (except for those provided through the State Corporation), total, including by type of service:

Name of the public service


provided in electronic form, in total,
including by types of services:

Name of the public service


rendered through the State Corporation, total, including by types of services:

Name of the public service

2.4. Information on the restored rights of service recipients and explanatory measures taken by service providers to improve the quality of public services


The number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services


Number of outreach activities carried out to improve the quality of public services


Coverage of the population with explanatory measures to improve the quality of public services


Number of persons who completed advanced training courses on the provision of public services

      Name of body: ___________________ Address: _______________________

      _______________________________________ ______________________

      Phone number: __________________________________

      E-mail address: ___________________

      Performer: ________________________ ____________________________

            (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature, phone number)

      The head or the person performing his/her duties ______________________

                        (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature)

      Date " " ______________ 20___ Stamp Here

to the report on the work
of the local executive body
for internal control over the quality
of the provision of public services

Explanation on the content of the analytical report and filling out the report
form on the work of the local executive body for internal control over the quality
of public services (2-MK, quarterly)

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. The form of a report on internal state control over the quality of public services provided by local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts, cities of regional significance, districts in a city, cities of district significance, towns, villages, rural districts, subordinate organizations, and also by individuals and legal entities whose activities are coordinated by local executive bodies, (hereinafter referred to as the Report Form) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 4) of Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Public Services".

      2. The main objective of introducing the Report Form is to monitor the results of internal state control over the quality of public services.

      3. The report form shall be filled out and provided along with the analytical report by the akimats of the regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, taking into account the local executive bodies of the regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts, cities of regional significance, districts in the city, cities of district significance, settlements, villages, rural districts, subordinate organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities whose activities are coordinated by local executive bodies, quarterly by the 10th day of the month following the reporting period, to the Agency and its territorial bodies in the regions, cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.

      4. Forms of reports shall be signed by performers and heads of local executive bodies of regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, and in their absence, by the persons performing their duties.

Chapter 2. Explanation of filling out the report form

      Paragraph 1. Information on the results of control events

      5. Paragraph 1 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of control events carried out in the reporting period (the sum of paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2).

      6. Paragraph 1.1 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the number of control events carried out in the reporting period in accordance with the approved annual plan of control events.

      7. In paragraph 1.2 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the number of control events carried out in the reporting period based on the results of monitoring the quality of public services.

      8. Paragraphs 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data for the reporting period on the total number of objects of control events, including in the context of types of objects.

      9. Paragraphs 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of violations detected during the reporting period, including by types of violations.

      10. Paragraph 4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of violations for the reporting period, as a result of which measures were taken to restore the violated rights of service recipients.

      11. Paragraph 5 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data for the reporting period on the total number of persons who restored violated rights when receiving public services.

      12. Paragraph 6 of the Report Form shall contain quantitative data on the total number of violations of the deadlines for considering complaints identified during the control activities for the reporting period.

      13. Paragraphs 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of disciplinary sanctions imposed following the results of control events for the reporting period, including in the context of types of disciplinary sanctions.

      14. Paragraphs 8, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of persons brought to disciplinary responsibility during the reporting period, including in the context of such persons.

      15. Paragraphs 9, 9.1 and 9.2 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of recommendations developed as a result of control activities in the reporting period, including implemented and non-executed recommendations.

      Paragraph 2. Information on the results of monitoring the quality of public services

      16. Paragraph 10 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of types of public services in the Register of Public Services.

      17. Paragraph 10.1 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the number of types of public services included in the Register of public services in the reporting period, including by type of service.

      18. Paragraphs 11, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 of the Report Form indicate quantitative data on the total number of public services provided in the reporting period, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision, types of services indicating the name of information systems, and also taking into account the presence or absence of direct contact with the service recipient.

      19. Paragraph 12 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of refusals in the provision of public services for the reporting period.

      20. In paragraphs 12.1 and 12.2. Report forms shall indicate quantitative data on the number of refusals in the provision of public services for the reporting period, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services.

      21. Paragraphs 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of public services provided in the reporting period in violation of the established deadlines, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services, indicating the name information systems.

      22. Paragraphs 14, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 and 14.4 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of refusals to provide public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines, including in the context of individuals and legal entities, forms of provision and types of services, indicating the name of the information systems.

      23. Paragraphs 15, 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of complaints received in the reporting period about the quality of public services provided, including in the context of forms of provision, and types of services.

      24. Paragraphs 16, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6 and 16.7 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of sources of receipt for the reporting period of complaints about the quality of the provision of public services, including in the context of sources.

      25. Paragraphs 17, 17.1, 17.2 and 17.3 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of violations of the deadlines for considering complaints from persons about the quality of public services provided, including in the context of forms of provision, types of services, committed in the reporting period.

      26. In paragraph 18 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of persons who restored violated rights in the reporting period when receiving public services.

      27. In paragraph 19 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of explanatory measures carried out in the reporting period to improve the quality of public services.

      28. In paragraph 20 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the coverage of the population with explanatory measures to improve the quality of public services (number of people).

      29. In paragraph 21 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of persons who have completed advanced training courses on the provision of public services.

      30. The report forms must be completed in full, missing, unfilled cells of the report form are not allowed. In the absence of information, a "-" sign shall be put in the corresponding cell.

Chapter 3. Explanation of the content of the analytical reference

      31. Analytical information shall be provided along with the report and contain:

      1) information on the results of control events carried out by the structural subdivision of the local executive body responsible for internal state control, namely information on:

      conducted control events, and objects of control;

      violations of the procedure and terms for the provision of public services, the terms for considering complaints, indicating their causes and measures taken, identified during the control event;

      persons brought to disciplinary responsibility;

      recommendations developed based on the results of the control activity, indicating the recommendations fulfilled and not fulfilled by service providers and the reasons for their non-fulfilment;

      2) information on the results of monitoring the quality of the provision of public services, conducted by the structural subdivision of the local executive body responsible for internal state control, namely information on:

      the measures taken to improve business processes for the provision of public services, including their automation, optimization and transfer to electronic form;

      amendments and (or) additions to the Register of Public Services, by-laws that determine the procedure for the provision of public services (indicating the name, number and date of regulatory legal acts);

      the work done to identify new public services and submit proposals to the authorized body for maintaining the Register of Public Services;

      refusals to provide public services to service recipients, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      on the revealed facts of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of public services, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      complaints about the quality of public services considered in the reporting period in violation of the established deadlines, indicating their number, reasons and measures taken on them;

      restoration of the violated rights of service recipients, indicating the measures taken;

      conducted explanatory activities to inform service recipients about the procedure for providing public services;

      persons who have undergone advanced training in the provision of public services.

      32. An analytical report to the report shall be accompanied by relevant materials (copies of orders, protocols, decisions, letters, certificates, memos, photographic materials) confirming the information indicated in the reporting form on the work of internal state control.

  Annex 3
to the Rules for State Control over the
Quality of Provision of Public Services

      The form

Represented by: Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/qyzmet?lang=ru

      Name of the form: Report on the number of public services provided through the non-profit joint-stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens"

      Index: 3-mk

      Frequency: quarterly

      Reporting period: ___ quarter of 20__

      Circle of persons providing information: authorized body in the field of informatization

      Deadline for submitting information: once a quarter, no later than the 25th day of the month following the reporting period

      Data on the number of public services provided through the non-profit joint-stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens", pcs.


Number of public services provided through the State Corporation

The number of issued results of the provision of public services

The number of public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines


of them:

through the fault of an employee of the State Corporation

due to the fault of the service provider

due to lack of electricity confirmed by acts

due to a communication/LAN failure confirmed by acts

due to technical problems of IS, confirmed by acts

in connection with the delivery of mail












Services provided in paper form

Name of the service provider

Name of the public service


Services provided in electronic form

Name of the service provider

Name of the public service

      Table continuation

The number of refusals in the provision of public services


of them:

through the fault of an employee of the State Corporation (accepted an incomplete package of documents)

unreasonable refusals to provide public services by service providers

there are encumbrances, restrictions, arrests, prohibitions

other reasons justified by the service provider






      Authority Name: __________________ Address: __________________

      ______________________________________ _________________________

      Phone number: __________________________________

      E-mail address: ___________________

      Performer: ___________________________ __________________________

            (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature, phone number)

      The head or the person performing his/her duties _________________

                  (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature)

      Date " " ______________ 20___ Stamp Here

to the report on the number of public services
provided through the non-profit joint-stock company
"State Corporation" Government for Citizens"

Explanation on the content of the analytical report and filling out the report form
on the number of public services provided through the non-profit joint-stock company
"State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (3-MK, quarterly)

      1. The main objective of introducing the Report Form on the number of public services provided through the non-profit joint stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (hereinafter referred to as the Report Form) is to monitor the number of public services provided through the non-profit joint stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens".

      2. The report form shall be filled in and submitted along with the analytical report quarterly by the 25th day of the month following the reporting period by the authorized body in the field of informatization to the Agency.

      3. The form of the report shall be signed by the executor and the head of the state body, and in his absence, by the person performing his/her duties.

      4. In paragraph 1 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of issued results of the provision of public services provided in paper form, including those provided with violation of deadlines and refusals for reasons, in the reporting period in the context of service providers and public services.

      5. In paragraph 2 of the Report Form, quantitative data shall be indicated on the total number of issued results of the provision of public services provided in electronic form, including those provided with violation of deadlines and refusals for reasons, in the reporting period in the context of service providers and public services.

  Annex 4
to the Rules for State Control over the
Quality of Provision of Public Services

      The form

      Represented by: to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/qyzmet?lang=ru

      Name of the form: Report on the number of public services provided electronically (through the e-government web portal, information systems)

      Index: 4-mk

      Frequency: quarterly

      Reporting period: ___ quarter of 20__

      Circle of persons providing information: authorized body in the field of informatization

      Deadline for submitting information: once a quarter, no later than the 25th day of the month following the reporting period

      Data on the number of public services provided electronically, pcs.


Number of public services provided electronically

The number of rendered public services rendered in electronic form

of which, the total number of refusals in the provision of public services

of which, the number of public services rendered in violation of the established deadlines


of them:


of them:


of them:

through the e-government web portal

through IS "State database "E-licensing"

through the e-government web portal

through IS "State database "E-licensing"

technical reasons

due to the service provider












Name of the service provider (Central state bodies, Local executive bodies of the region, city of republican knowledge, the capital and organizations subordinate to them)

Name of the public service


      Authority Name: __________________ Address: _________________

      ______________________________________ __________________

      Phone number: ____________________________________________

      E-mail address: ___________________

      Performer: ___________________________ ______________________

            (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature, phone number)

      The head or the person performing his/her duties ________________

                  (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature)

      Date " " ______________ 20___ Stamp Here

to the report on the number of public
services provided electronically
(through the "electronic government" web
portal, information systems)

Explanation on the content of the analytical report and filling out the form of a report on the number
of public services provided in electronic form (through the web portal of "electronic government", information systems)
(4-MK, quarterly)

      1. The main objective of introducing the Report Form on the number of public services provided electronically (through the web portal of "electronic government", information systems) (hereinafter referred to as the Report Form) is to monitor the number of public services provided electronically.

      2. The report form shall be filled in and submitted along with the analytical report quarterly by the 25th day of the month following the reporting period by the authorized body in the field of informatization to the Agency.

      3. The form of the report shall be signed by the executor and the head of the state body, and in his absence, by the person performing his/her duties.

      4. Paragraph 1 of the Report Form shall indicate quantitative data on the total number of public services rendered in electronic form through the "Electronic government" web portal or through the IS "State Database" E-licensing", including refusals and those provided in violation of the deadlines for reasons, in the reporting period in the context of service providers and public services.

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