On approval of rules of providing statistical and other reporting information on state registration of rights to immovable property

Updated Unofficial translation

Order Acting Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2018 № 1192. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 6, 2018 № 17348.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 4) of Article 18-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 26, 2007 "On State Registration of Rights to Immovable Property", as well as subparagraph 2) of paragraph 3, Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" dated March 19, 2010, I hereby ORDER:

      1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of statistical and other reporting information on state registration of rights to immovable property.

      2. The following orders shall be deemed to have lost force:

      1) order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 48 dated January 28, 2016 “About approval of Rules of provision by “The Government for Citizens” State Corporation of statistical and other reporting information on the state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 13042, published on February 17, 2016 in the Legal Information System “Adilet”);

      2) order № 489 of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2017 “About introduction of amendments to order № 48 of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 28, 2016 “About approval of Rules of Provision by “The Government for Citizens” State Corporation of statistical and other reporting information on the state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal acts under № 15147, published on June 5, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts).

      3. Department of registration service and organization of legal services of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) provide the state registration of this order;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order, direct its copy in the Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Supervising Vice-Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. This order shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Acting Minister of Justice
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
N. Pan

Minister of Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
_____________ D. Abayev
"__" _________ 2018

Vice-Chairman of
Statistics Committee of
the Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
____________ G. Kerimkhanova
"__" _________ 2018

by order № 1192
of the Acting Minister of Justice
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated July 31, 2018

of providing statistical and other reporting information on state registration of rights to immovable property

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These rules of providing statistical and other reporting information on state registration of rights to immovable property (hereinafter - the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Registration of Rights to Immovable Property" dated July 26, 2007 and govern the procedure of providing statistical and other accounting information on state registration of rights to immovable property (hereinafter - the statistical information) by non-profit joint-stock company "Government for Citizens" State corporation (hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation) and by Departments of Justice of regions, cities of republican status and the capital (hereinafter - the Departments of Justice)

Chapter 2. Procedure of providing statistical and other reporting information on state registration of rights to immovable property

      2. Indicators for statistical information provision shall be formed by retrieval of relevant quantitative data from primary recording sources (the database of the State Real Estate Register), with their subsequent reflection in the columns of the forms on statistical information.

      3. The data shall be indicated within the reporting period of the current year.

      4. The State Corporation shall quarterly, cumulatively by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period, direct the following types of statistical information in hard copy to the Ministry of Justice:

      progress report on the state registration of rights to immovable property according to the form of Appendix 1 to these Rules;

      report on funds raised by the State Corporation for state registration of rights to immovable property according to the form of Appendix 2 to these Rules;

      report on received complaints from individuals and legal entities according to the form of Appendix 3 to these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the report Form on received complaints from individuals and legal entities);

      report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property according to the form of Appendix 4 to these Rules;

      report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation on state registration of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period according to the form of Appendix 5 to these Rules;

      report on disciplinary actions taken against the State Corporation employees for improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period according to the form of Appendix 6 to these Rules;

      report on initiated criminal proceedings related to activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period according to the form of Appendix 7 to these Rules.

      5. Quarterly, on a cumulative basis, by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period, the Departments of Justice shall submit electronically to the Ministry of Justice a report on complaints received from individuals and legal entities in the form of a report on complaints received from individuals and legal entities.

      Footnote. Paragraph 5 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.04.2021 No. 313 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      6. Monthly, cumulatively by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period, the State Corporation branches shall present the following types of statistical information in digital form to the State Corporation:

      main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components on newly created immovable property according to the form of Appendix 9 to these Rules;

      main indicators of State Corporation activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components according to the form of Appendix 10 to these Rules.

      7. Statistical information shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation or Justice Departments.

  Appendix 1
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Progress report for work on state registration of rights to immovable property
Reporting period __________ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 1. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Progress report for work on state registration of rights to immovable property

Reporting period

Number of services rendered

State registration of rights to immovable property

Electronic registration of rights to immovable property

Number of refused registrations of rights to immovable property

Number of suspensions in registration of rights to immovable property

Issuance of right stating document’s duplicate

Information services

hard copy


hard copy


Issuance of copies of registration documents certified by registering authority including plan(scheme)

Certificate of registered rights(encumbrances) on real estate and its technical characteristics

Certificate of absence(existence) of real estate (excluding e-services)

Certificate of registered and terminated rights













Reporting period of current year same period of previous year

      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address __________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address ________________________________________________________

      Executor _________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _____________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _____________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to this “Progress report for work on state registration of rights

      to immovable property”

to the form of progress report
for work on state registration of
rights to immovable property

Explanation on filling out the form of “Progress report for work on state registration of rights to immovable property”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Progress report for work on state registration of rights to immovable property” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by the State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation, with indication of his full name and filling out date.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 “Reporting period” - shall reflect information for the reporting period of the current year and for the same period of the previous year;

      column 2 “Number of services rendered” is divided into sections containing information for the reporting period of the current year and the same period of the previous year and includes information:

      section 1 on state registration of rights to immovable property;

      section 2 on electronic registration of rights to immovable property;

      section 3 “Number of refused registrations of rights to immovable property,” which includes two subsections:

      1) hard copy;

      2) e-copy;

      section 4 “Number of suspensions in registration of rights to immovable property” has two subsections:

      1) hard copy;

      2) ) e-copy;

      section 5 - issuance of right stating document’s duplicates;

      section 6 “Information Services” has 4 subsections:

      1) number of issued copies of registration documents certified by registering authority including plans(schemes);

      2) certificates of registered rights (encumbrances) on real estate and its technical characteristics;

      3) certificates of absence (existence) of real estate (excluding electronic services);

      4) certificates of registered terminated rights.

  Appendix 2
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on funds raised by the State Corporation for the state registration of rights to immovable property

      Reporting period _ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 2. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on funds raised by the State Corporation for the state registration of rights to immovable property

Reporting period

Total sum, including for accelerated registration

Number of accelerated registrations

Sum raised for accelerated registration





reporting period of the current year

same period of the previous year

      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address ________________________________________________________

      Executor ________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on funds raised by the State Corporation for the state registration of rights to immovable property”.

to the form of report
on funds raised by the
State Corporation
for state registration of rights
to immovable property

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on funds raised by the State Corporation for state registration of rights to immovable property”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on funds raised by the State Corporation for state registration of rights to immovable property” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by the State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation, with indication of his full name and filling out date.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate the reporting period;

      column 2 shall indicate the total sum, including for accelerated registration;

      column3 shall indicate the number of accelerated registrations;

      column 4 shall indicate the sum raised for accelerated registration.

  Appendix 3
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on received complaints from individuals and legal entities
Reporting period __________quarter 20___ year

      Index: 3. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: Departments of Justice. State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Number of received complaints from individuals and legal entities

Reporting period

Number of received complaints from individuals and legal entities

Total number

Not confirmed


Measures taken

Note (other cases pending)


Legal entities







reporting period of the current year

reporting period of the previous year

      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address __________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address _________________________________________________________

      Executor _________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone _________________________________________________________________

      Head of Justice Department/ Deputy Board Chairman ______________________________

      (Full name, signature) ___________________________________________________

      Date " " ______________ 20__ year C/S (for State corporation)

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on received complaints from individuals and legal entities”.

to the form of report on
received complaints from
individuals and legal entities

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on received complaints from individuals and legal entities”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on received complaints from individuals and legal entities” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by Departments of Justice, State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and head of the Justice Department, or State Corporation, with indication of his full name and filling out date.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate the reporting period;

      column 2 “Number of received complaints from individuals and legal entities” includes 5 sections:

      section 1 “Total number” is divided into 2 subsections:

      1) legal entities;

      2) individuals;

      sections 2 and 3 shall indicate results of complaints examination (not confirmed or confirmed);

      section 4 shall indicate measures taken;

      section 5 shall reflect notes (other cases pending).

  Appendix 4
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property

      Reporting period _ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 4. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property

Reporting period

Number of court rulings (decrees) on revoking registration of rights to immovable property

Number of court rulings (decrees) on invalidation of State Corporation actions (refused or suspended registration, information services rendering, etc.)

Number of
special court rulings





Through the fault of State corporation (copies of court rulings)

On other grounds

Enforced court rulings




Reporting period of the current year

Same period of the previous year

      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address __________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address ___________________________________________________

      Executor ________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) ______________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property”.

to the form of report
on the number of
court rulings (decrees) on
state registration of rights
to immovable property

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on the number of court rulings (decrees) on state registration of rights to immovable property” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation, with indication of his full name and filling out date.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column1 shall indicate the reporting period;

      column 2 “Number of court rulings (decrees) on revoking registration of rights to immovable property” includes three sections:

      1) through the fault of State Corporation (copies of court rulings);

      2) on other grounds;

      3) enforced court rulings;

      column 3 shall indicate the number of court rulings (decrees) on invalidation of State Corporation actions (refused or suspended registration, information services rendering, etc.);

      column 4 shall indicate the number of special court rulings.

  Appendix 5
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation in state registration of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period

      Reporting period _ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 5. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation in state registration of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period

Name of state body that performed the inspection

Time of conducting inspection and inspected period

Structural subdivision of State Corporation, in which the inspection was conducted

Inspection results

Actions taken upon on violation facts

Number of inspections in the same period of the previous year














      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address _______________________________________________________

      Executor ________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) ________________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation in state registration of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period ".

to the form of report
on inspections of the activity of
State Corporation in
state registration of rights to
immovable property
performed by state bodies in
the reporting period

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation in state registration
of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on inspections of the activity of State Corporation in state registration of rights to immovable property performed by state bodies in the reporting period” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate numerical order;

      column 2 shall indicate the state body that performed the inspection;

      column 3 shall indicate the time of conducting the inspection and inspected period;

      column 4 shall indicate the structural subdivision of State Corporation, in which the inspection was conducted;

      column 5 shall indicate inspection results;

      column 6 shall indicate actions taken upon violation facts;

      column 7 shall indicate the number of inspections in the same period of the previous year.

  Appendix 6
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on disciplinary actions taken against State Corporation employees for improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period
Reporting period _ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 6. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on disciplinary actions taken against State Corporation employees for improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period

Full name and position of employee subject to disciplinary action

Type of disciplinary action, date and number of order

Ground for disciplinary action

Number of employees, subject to disciplinary penalty in the same period of the previous year













      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address _______________________________________________________

      Executor _________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on disciplinary actions taken against State Corporation employees for improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period”.

to the form of report
on disciplinary actions
taken against
State Corporation employees for
improper performance of duties in
state registration of real estate
rights in the reporting period

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on disciplinary actions taken against State Corporation employees for
improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on disciplinary actions taken against State Corporation employees for improper performance of duties in state registration of real estate rights in the reporting period" (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation, with indication of his full name and filling out date.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate numerical order;

      column 2 shall indicate full name and position of the employee subject to disciplinary action;

      column 3 shall indicate the type of disciplinary action, date and number of the order;

      column 4 shall indicate the ground for disciplinary penalty;

      column 5 shall indicate the number of employees, subject to disciplinary penalty in the same period of the previous year.

  Appendix 7
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on initiated criminal proceedings related to activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period

      Reporting period _ quarter 20___ year

      Index: 7. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: State Corporation

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on initiated criminal proceedings related to activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period

Full name and position of employee, charged with criminal liability

Article of the Criminal Code, under which criminal suit was initiated

Information оn wrongful actions (omissions) of employee that served the ground for initiation of criminal suit

Information оn court ruling on the criminal case, including on court sentence on imposed penalty

Number of employees, subject to criminal liability in the same period of the previous year







      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address ____________________________________________________________

      Executor _________________________________________________________________

      ((Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone ______________________

      Deputy Board Chairman _____________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) ________________________________________________________

      Date "___" ______________ 20__year C/S

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on initiated criminal proceedings related to activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period”.

to the form of report on initiated
criminal proceedings related to
activities on the state registration
of rights to immovable property in
the reporting period

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on initiated criminal proceedings related to
activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on initiated criminal proceedings related to activities on the state registration of rights to immovable property in the reporting period” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by State Corporation.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate numerical order;

      column 2 shall indicate full name and position of the employee subject to criminal liability;

      column 3 shall indicate the article of the Criminal Code, under which criminal suit was initiated;

      column 4 shall indicate information оn wrongful actions (omissions) of employee that served the ground for initiation of criminal suit;

      column 5 shall indicate information on court ruling on the criminal case, including the court sentence on imposed penalty;

      column 6 shall indicate the number of employees, subject to criminal liability in the same period of the previous year.

  Appendix 8
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Report on the number of administrative cases initiated under Article 460 of the Code of the
Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" dated July 5, 2014
Reporting period __________quarter 20___ year

      Index: 8. RN

      Periodicity: quarterly

      Presented by: Departments of Justice

      Presented to: Ministry of Justice

      Reporting period: quarterly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Report on the number of administrative cases initiated under Article 460 of the Code
of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" dated July 5, 2014

Reporting period

Number of administrative cases

Number of administrative cases pending in court

Brought to responsibility by way of caution (number of persons)

Penalized by fine (number of persons and sum)

Number of administrative cases, terminated by court due to insignificance

Number of cases, terminated due to absence of corpus delicti


Legal entities


Legal entities










in the reporting period of current year

in the reporting period of previous year

      Name of organization _______________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address ____________________________________________________________

      Executor __________________________________________________________________

                        (full name, signature)

      Telephone ______________________


      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Date " " ______________ 20__ year

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to “Report on the number of administrative cases initiated under Article 460 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" dated July 5, 2014.

to the form of report on
the number of administrative
cases, initiated under Article 460
of the Code of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
"On Administrative Offenses"
dated July 5, 2014

Explanation on filling out the form of “Report on the number of administrative cases initiated under Article 460 of the
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" dated July 5, 2014

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form of “Report on the number of administrative cases initiated under Article 460 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" dated July 5, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out quarterly by Department of Justice.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and the head of the Department of Justice.

      4. The report shall be presented quarterly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The report shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting quarter, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate the reporting period;

      column 2 shall indicate the number of administrative cases;

      column 3 shall indicate the number of administrative cases, pending in court;

      column 4 “Brought to responsibility by way of caution (number of persons)” shall comprise:


      2)legal entities;

      column 5 “ Penalized by fine (number of persons and sum) shall comprise:

      1) individuals;

      2) legal entities;

      column 6 shall indicate the number of administrative cases, terminated by court due to insignificance;

      column 7 shall indicate the number of cases, terminated due to absence of corpus delicti.

  Appendix 9
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Information on main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal
cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created immovable property
Reporting period _ month 20___ year

      Index: 9. УОРПОТОН

      Periodicity: monthly

      Presented by: branches of State Corporation of oblasts, cities of republican status and the capital

      Presented to: State Corporation

      Reporting period: monthly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Information on main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal
cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created immovable property


Name of the branch

Number of services rendered

Acceptance and issuance of applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate through the State Corporation




legal entities

paid sum


incomplete package of documents

on applicant’s request




      continuation of the table

Number of services rendered

Acceptance and issuance of applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate through the portal

Number of archive materials




legal entities

paid sum


incomplete package of documents

on applicant’s request



      Name of the branch __________________________________________________________

      Address __________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address _________________________________________________________

      Executor _________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) _______________________________________________________

      Telephone _______________________

      Chairman _________________________________________________________________

                              (Full name, signature)

      Date "___" ____________________ 20 ___ года

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to the form on information on main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created immovable property

to the form of report on
main indicators of the State
Corporation activity on entering
into the information system of the
legal cadastre of the identification
and technical data about buildings,
constructions and (or) their
components for newly created
immovable property

Explanation on filling out the form of “Information on main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal
cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created immovable property”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form on “Information on main indicators of the State Corporation activity on entering into the information system of the legal cadastre of the identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created immovable property” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out monthly by the State Corporation branches.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation.

      4. The information shall be presented monthly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The Form shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting month, current year, and from the state registration start.

      7. The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate numerical order;

      column 2 - shall indicate the name of the State Corporation branch of oblasts, cities of republican status and the capital;

      column 3 – shall indicate information on acceptance and issuance of applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate through the State Corporation, which shall comprise:

      1) number of accepted applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate;

      2) identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate entered in the information system of the legal cadastre;

      3) number of individuals;

      4) number of legal entities;

      5) paid sum for issuance of technical passport (in tenge);

      6) number of returns (incomplete package of documents, on applicant’s request).

      column 4 – shall indicate information on the number of accepted and issued applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate through the portal, which shall comprise:

      1) number of accepted applications for entering in the information system of the legal cadastre of identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate;

      2) identification and technical data about buildings, constructions and (or) their components for newly created real estate entered in the information system of the legal cadastre;

      3) number of individuals;

      4) number of legal entities;

      5) paid sum for issuance of technical passport (in tenge);

      6) number of returns (incomplete package of documents, on applicant’s request).

      Column 5 shall indicate the number of archive materials.

  Appendix 10
to Rules of providing
statistical and other reporting
information on state registration
of rights to immovable property
  Document Form

Information on main indicators of State Corporation activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components

      Reporting period __________month 20___ year

      Index: 10. УОРПОТОН

      Periodicity: monthly

      Presented by: State Corporation branches of oblasts, cities of republican status and the capital

      Presented to: State Corporation

      Reporting period: monthly by the 5 day following the reporting period.


Information on main indicators of State Corporation activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components

№ п/п

Name of the branch

Number of services rendered

Acceptance and issuance of applications for issuance of technical passports for real estate objects through the State Corporation




legal entities

paid sum


incomplete package of documents

access is not provided




      continuation of the table

Number of services rendered

Acceptance and issuance of applications for issuance of technical passports for real estate objects through electronic government portal




legal entities

paid sum


incomplete package of documents

access is not provided


      continuation of the table

Number of services rendered

Number of ready, unclaimed, technical passports and number of archival files by types of real estate objects

Unclaimed documents

Number of archival files

Apartments, rooms in a hostel (2 working days)

Dwelling houses, garages, dachas (4 working days)

under 1000 m2 (5 working days)

over1000 m2 working days)

On issuance

All categories of files




      Name of the branch ________________________________________________________

      Address ___________________________________________________________________

      E-mail address _________________________________________________________

      Executor __________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature) ________________________________________________________

      Telephone _______________________

      Chairman _________________________________________________________________

      (Full name, signature)

      Date "___" ____________________ 20 ___ year

      Note: Explanation on filling out is given in the Appendix to the form on information on main indicators of State Corporation activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components.

to the form of report on main
indicators of State Corporation
activity on state technical
inspection of buildings,
constructions and (or) their

Explanation on filling out the form of “Information on main indicators of State Corporation
activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components”

      1. This explanation sets out uniform requirements for filling out the form on “Information on main indicators of State Corporation activity on state technical inspection of buildings, constructions and (or) their components” (hereinafter referred to as the Form).

      2. The Form shall be filled out monthly by the State Corporation branches.

      3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and Chairman of the State Corporation branch.

      4. The information shall be presented monthly by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The Form shall be completed in the State and Russian languages.

      6. The data shall be indicated in the context of the reporting month, current year, and from the state registration start.

      The Form shall be filled out in the following manner:

      column 1 shall indicate numerical order;

      column 2 - shall indicate the name of the State Corporation branch of oblasts, cities of republican status and the capital;

      column 3 – shall indicate information on acceptance and issuance of technical passports through State Corporation branches, comprised of:

      1) number of accepted applications for issuance of technical passports;

      2) number of issued technical passports;

      3) number of individuals

      4) number of legal entities;

      5) paid sum for issuance of technical passports (in tenge);

      6) number of returns (incomplete package of documents, access is not provided to real estate property).

      column 4 shall indicate information on acceptance and issuance of technical passports through the portal, comprised of:

      1) number of accepted applications for issuance of technical passports;

      2) number of issued technical passports;

      3) number of individuals;

      4) number of legal entities;

      5) paid sum for issuance of technical passports (in tenge);

      6) number of returns (incomplete package of documents, access is not provided to real estate property)

      column 5 shall indicate information on the number of ready, unclaimed, technical passports and number of archival files by types of real estate objects that are subdivided into:

      1) apartments, rooms in a hostel (2 working days);

      2) dwelling houses, garages, dachas (4 working days);

      3) real estate objects under 1000 m2 (5 working days);

      4) real estate objects over1000 m2 working days).

      column 6 shall indicate the number of unclaimed documents;

      column 7 shall indicate the number of archival files.

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