On the establishment of the List of offshore zones for the purposes of banking and insurance activities, the activities of professional participants in the securities market and other licensed activities in the securities market, the activities of joint-stock investment funds and the activities of organizations carrying out microfinance activities

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Resolution of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market dated February 24, 2020 no. 8. Registered with the Ministry of Justice в Министерстве юстиции of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6 марта 2020 no. 20095.

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1 On the establishment of the List of offshore zones for the purposes of banking and insurance activities, the activities of professional participants in the securities market and other licensed activities in the securities market, the activities of joint-stock investment funds and the activities of organizations carrying out microfinance activities Resolution of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market dated February 24, 2020 no. 8. Registered with the Ministry of Justice в Министерстве юстиции of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6 марта 2020 no. 20095 02/24/2020 New
2 On the establishment of the List of offshore zones for the purposes of banking and insurance activities, the activities of professional participants in the securities market and other licensed activities in the securities market, the activities of joint-stock investment funds and the activities of organizations carrying out microfinance activities Resolution of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market dated February 24, 2020 no. 8. Registered with the Ministry of Justice в Министерстве юстиции of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6 марта 2020 no. 20095. 02/21/2022 Updated

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