On approval of the Rules for base and program-targeted financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, financing of scientific organizations engaged in fundamental scientific research

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 575 dated May 25, 2011. Abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2023 No. 1022

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1 On approval of the Rules for Basic, Grant, Program and Targeted Financing of Scientific and (or) Scientific and Technical Activities Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 575 dated May 25, 2011. 03/27/2020 New
2 On approval of the Rules for basic and program-targeted financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, as well as grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 575 dated May 25, 2011. 10/22/2021 Updated
3 On approval of the Rules for base and program-targeted financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, financing of scientific organizations engaged in fundamental scientific research Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 575 dated May 25, 2011. The heading - as amended by Resolution No. 755 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.09.2022 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication). 09/27/2022 Updated
4 On approval of the Rules for base and program-targeted financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, financing of scientific organizations engaged in fundamental scientific research Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 575 dated May 25, 2011. Abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2023 No. 1022 11/23/2023 Invalidated

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