On approval of the Rules for accreditation of republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 4, 2013 № 83.

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. It became invalid by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.06.2021 No. 389 (effective from the date of its first official publication).

      In accordance with Subparagraph 24-9) of Article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 “On the Protection, Reproduction and Use of the Wildlife”, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hereby DECREES AS FOLLOWS:

      1. Approve the attached Rules for accreditation of republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities.

      2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.

      Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S. Akhmetov

  by the Decree of the Government
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  dated February 4, 2013 No. 83

Rules for accreditation of republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities

1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for accreditation of republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) shall be developed in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 “On the Protection, Reproduction and Use of the Wildlife” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and establish an order of organization and conducting of accreditation of the republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities.

      2. The following basic notions shall be used in these Rules:

      1) commission - an accreditation commission created in the department of an authorized state body in the field of protection of reproduction and use of wildlife;

      2) accreditation - the procedure for the official recognition of the competence of the accreditation subject to carry out activities established by law;

      3) accreditation subject is the republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities (hereinafter - the association);

      4) accreditation body - the department of the authorized state body in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife.

      3. Accreditation is carried out by the accreditation body to confirm the competencies of the accreditation subject to carry out activities provided by the Law.

      4. For accreditation, you must have:

      1) on the right of ownership and / or other legal grounds of equipped premises for conducting a theoretical course under the hunting minimum program;

      2) branches and / or representative offices by regions;

      3) special literature in the field of protection of reproduction and use of the wildlife, methodological materials, manuals and exhibits on the hunting minimum;

      4) appropriate staff of employees with higher or secondary education, including specialists in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife;

      5) founders of the association have experience in:

      hunting management, training of citizens for at least three years;

      development of methodological literature on the hunting minimum program.

      Footnote. Paragraph 4 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.04.2014 No. 312 (to be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      5. Stages of accreditation:

      1) publication of an announcement on accreditation in periodicals;

      2) submission by the association to the accreditation body of the documents referred to in paragraph 8 of these Rules;

      3) consideration by the commission of accreditation materials;

      4) making decisions on accreditation or denial of accreditation;

      5) issuance of an accreditation certificate or a reasoned written response on the denial of accreditation.

2. The procedure for accreditation

      6. The accreditation authority shall publish an announcement on the terms and conditions of accreditation in the state and Russian languages ​​in periodicals distributed throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan and the official Internet resource of the authorized body.

      7. In order to conduct accreditation, a commission is created, the composition of which is formed from the employees of the accreditation body.

      Composition of the commission shall be approved by Order of the head of the accreditation body.

      Overall number of members of the commission should be an odd number and be at least five people.

      Chairman of the commission shall be the head of the accreditation body.

      Secretary of the commission shall be appointed from among the staff of the accreditation body and is not a member of the commission, maintains all documentation on the organization and conducting of the accreditation.

      Decision on accreditation or denial of accreditation is made by the commission by a majority of votes by show of hands.

      8. To pass the accreditation of the association after the announcement is published, the following documents must be submitted to the accreditation body within ten business days:

      1) statement in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules;

      2) notarized copies of charter documents and certificates or incorporation certificates of the association as a legal entity, if there are branches and representative offices, copies of certificates or accounting registration certificates of branches and representative offices of the association;

      3) documents confirming compliance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of these Rules;

      4) list of members of the association.

      9. Documents are reviewed at a meeting of the commission, following which the commission recommends the following:

      1) accredit the association;

      2) refuse accreditation.

      10. Based on the recommendation of the commission, the accreditation body makes a decision on issuing an accreditation certificate or denial of accreditation.

      An accreditation certificate or a written notice of denial of accreditation with a justification of the reasons is issued to the association within five business days from the date the accreditation body takes the relevant decision.

      11. Accreditation may be denied in cases where:

      1) submitted documents do not comply with paragraph 8 of these Rules;

      2) submitted documents contain false or incomplete information.

      12. The term for consideration of documents (from the moment of receiving applications) and making a decision on issuing an accreditation certificate or denial of accreditation should not exceed fifteen business days.

      13. Accreditation certificate shall be issued for a period of 4 years in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules.

      14. Accreditation certificate is inalienable and is not transferable to other persons.

      15. In the event of a change in name and location, the association submits an application to the accreditation body for renewal of the accreditation certificate within five business days.

      The accreditation body shall reissue the accreditation certificate no later than ten business days from the date of submission of the corresponding written application.

      16. In case of loss or damage of the accreditation certificate, the accreditation body, on the basis of a written application, issues the association a duplicate of the accreditation certificate within the time period established by paragraph 15 of these Rules.

      17. A decision on accreditation or denial of accreditation of an association may be appealed in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      18. Accreditation certificate expires in the following cases:

      1) expiration of its validity;

      2) reorganization or liquidation of an accredited association;

      3) submission by the association of an application for the voluntary termination of the certificate;

      4) identification by the accreditation body of facts about improper implementation of activities provided by the Law.

      19. Upon termination of the accreditation certificate on the grounds specified in Paragraph 18 of these Rules, the accreditation body again performs accreditation in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

      20. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 33-1 of the Law, accreditation is carried out by the accreditation body at the expense of the own funds of accredited associations.

  Appendix 1
  to the Rules for the Accreditation of Republican
  Associations of Public Organizations
  of Hunters and Hunting Entities
  Form To:________________________________
  (position, N.S.P. of the head of department)
  From: ___________________________________
  (position, N.S.P. of the legal entity)
  Reference details:_____________________________
  (address, contact phone)


      Please accredit ____________________________________

      (name of association)

      The following documents are attached to the application:






      Stamp here _______________ _________________________________________

      (signature) (position, surname, name, patronymic)

      Date: "____" _______________20 _____

  Appendix 1
  to the Rules for the Accreditation of Republican
  Associations of Public Organizations
  of Hunters and Hunting Entities

Accreditation certificate of republican associations of public organizations of hunters and hunting entities

№ ____________

      "________" _____20________







      by decision of the department of the authorized body in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife, gives the right to carry out the following activities: participate in the preparation of regulatory legal acts and other documents on the protection, reproduction and use of wildlife; participate in monitoring and accounting of wildlife objects; participate in the allocation of quotas for the seizure of wildlife objects; keep records and registration of hunting raptorial birds used in hunting; issue hunter certificates through their branches and representative offices, submit reports to the authorized body on issued hunter certificates in the prescribed form; provide training on the hunting minimum; keep a record of data in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife, submitted by hunting entities, and their transfer to the authorized body; organize the reproduction of the wildlife.

      (commission protocol No _____ dd. "____" _________ 20_____)

      Certificate is valid until "___" ____ 20 ___

      Head of department

      Place of seal

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