On approval of the Rules for provision of individuals, who are recipients of state targeted social aid, with set-top boxes

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 8, 2016 No. 677. Abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 8, 2022 No. 199

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. Abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 8, 2022 No. 199 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      In accordance with paragraph 9 of article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2012 "On television and radio broadcasting" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY DECREES:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for provision of individuals, who are recipients of state targeted social aid, with set-top boxes.

      2. The akimats of regions, the cities of Astana and Almaty shall take measures arising from this decree.

      3. This decree shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.

      Prime Minister
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Sagintayev

  Approved by decree of the
Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 8, 2016 no. 677

for provision of individuals, who are recipients of state targeted social aid, with set-top boxes
1. General provisions

      1. Rules for provision of individuals, who are recipients of state targeted social aid, with set-top boxes (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 9 of article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2012 "On television and radio broadcasting" and shall establish the procedure of provision with set-top boxes the individuals, who are the recipients of state targeted social aid in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 17, 2001 "On state targeted social aid ".

      2. For the purposes of these Rules, the following definitions shall be used:

      1) a local executive body (akimat) means a collegial executive body, headed by the akim of a region, the city of the republican significance and the capital, district (city of regional significance), performing within its competence local state management and self-management in the relevant territory;

      2) executive body, funded from local budget means the state institution, authorized by the akimat for performance of separate functions of local state management and self-management, funded from the relevant local budgets (hereinafter referred to as the executive body);

      3) supplier means an individual, performing entrepreneurial activities, a legal entity (except for state institutions, unless as otherwise is established for them by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan), temporary association of legal entities (consortium), concluded a public procurement contract;

      4) applicant means an individual, referred on behalf of the members of his family and other persons, permanently residing with him, with an application for a free prefix to the executive body for residence, and in rural areas - to the akim of a village, village, rural district, city of district significance, and who is the recipient of state targeted social assistance;

      5) television set-top box (hereinafter referred to as the set-top box) means a separate technical tool designed for the subscriber to receive digital television and radio signals in the national satellite and / or digital broadcasting network;

      6) national broadcasting operator (hereinafter referred to as the national operator) means a legal entity, determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to which the owner, in the person of the state, shall be entrusted with the tasks of maintaining and developing a national broadcasting network.

      2. Procedure of provision with set-top boxes

      3. The set-top boxes should ensure the reception of digital television and radio signals in the broadcast standards DVB T2, MPEG 4 (for digital terrestrial broadcasting), be integrated with the national digital terrestrial broadcasting network.

      4. The local executive body until the full transition to digital broadcasting broadcasts shall organize the provision by the executive body of individuals who are recipients of state targeted social aid, with set-top boxes.

      5. The provision of set-top boxes shall be conducted in the forms of free of charge delivery and installation to the applicant.

      6. The provision of set-top boxes shall be made in the amount of one set-top box per one applicant, who applied on his own behalf or on behalf of the family and other persons permanently residing with him.

      The provision of set-top boxes shall be one-time and shall not be re-delivered to the applicant who received it, members of his family and other persons permanently residing with him.

      7. In settlements covered by digital broadcasting, applicants shall be provided with set-top boxes that are designed to receive digital television and radio signals distributed by a national operator on a digital broadcasting network.

      8. Information on the timing of commissioning of digital terrestrial broadcasting and coverage by digital terrestrial broadcasting in the context of settlements shall be submitted by the national operator to the local executive body three months before the commissioning of digital terrestrial broadcasting in the settlements belonging to the administrative territory of this local executive body.

      9. The local executive body shall inform the population through the media about the possibility of receiving the set-top box free of charge by the applicants and shall provide them with complete and timely information on the procedure and conditions for receiving the set-top box.

      10. The applicant applies for receiving the set-top box to the local executive body, and in rural areas - to the akim of the village, village, rural district, city of district significance, who shall register documents in the registry of applications for the supply of free-of-charge set-top box and shall issue the applicant with confirmation of acceptance of documents.

      A copy of identity document, a certificate, confirming the appurtenance of the applicant (family) to the recipients of targeted social aid shall be enclosed to the application. After verification, the original identity card shall be returned to the applicant.

      In rural areas, akim of a village, village, rural district, city of district significance, not later than five working days from the date of receipt, shall send an application with documents to the executive body.

      11. The executive body shall check the applicant's data on his appurtenance to the recipients of state targeted social assistance, as well as the establishment of facts in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Rules.

      The executive body on the basis of applications shall determine the need for set-top boxes with an indication of their list and quantity.

      12. Within five working days from the date of receipt of documents from the applicant or the akim of the village, village, rural district, city of district significance, the executive body shall make a decision on whether the set-top box shall be provided to the applicant free of charge (in triplicate) or refusal to provide it (in duplicate), about which the applicant is notified in writing, in case of refusal - indicating his reason.

      13. In case of making the decision on provision the applicant with a set-top box on a free of charge basis, the first copy of the decision shall be sent to the applicant, the second one - to the supplier, performing the supply of set-top boxes by results of public procurement, and the third one shall be kept with the executive body.

      In case of refusal to provide the applicant with a set-top box on a free of charge basis, the first copy of the decision shall be sent to the applicant, the second one shall be kept with the executive body.

      14. The grounds for refusal to provide a set-top box on a free of charge basis shall be cases, if:

      1) the applicant at the time of application is not a recipient of state targeted social aid;

      2) the applicant, his family members and other persons permanently residing with him have been previously provided with a set-top box in accordance with these Rules.

      15. The supplier, upon receipt of the decision of the executive body on providing the applicant with the set-top box on a free of charge basis, within the time limits specified in the public procurement contract, shall carry out the delivery of the set-top box, as well as installation and connection to the address indicated in the decision.

      16. The applicant shall sign a set-top box acceptance certificate within one day from the time of its delivery, installation and connection.

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