Unofficial translation
Footnote. Abolished by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.02.2022 No. 43 (effective from the date of its signing and subject to official publication)The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan RESOLVES:
1. To approve the attached State Program of Support and Development of Business “The Business Road Map 2020" (hereinafter referred to as the Program).
2. Central and local executive bodies and other organizations shall take measures to implement the program.
3. Responsible central and local executive bodies, organizations (as agreed) shall submit information to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Action Plan for the Program implementation in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 790 “On Approval of the State Planning System in the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated November 29, 2017.
4. To invalidate some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Annex to this Resolution.
5. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6. This resolution shall come into effect from the date of its signing and be subject to official publication.
Prime Minister | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan | B. Sagintayev |
Approved by Resolution No. 522 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 25, 2018 |
The State Program of Support and Development of Business “The Business Road Map 2020”
1. Passport of the Program
2. Introduction
3. Analysis of the current situation
4. Objectives, tasks, target indicators and indicators of the results of the implementation of the Program
5. Main directions, ways of achieving the set goals of the Program and relevant measures.
6. Necessary resources
Chapter 1. Passport of the Program
Name | The State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
Basis for the development |
Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 874 "On Approval of the State Program of Industrial-Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015–2019" dated August 1, 2014 and on Amendment to Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 957 "On Approval of the List of State Programs" dated March 19, 2010; |
The state body responsible for developing the Program | Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
The state bodies and organizations responsible for the implementation of the Program | Central and local executive bodies, quasi-public sector entities |
Goal of the Program | Ensuring sustainable and balanced growth of regional entrepreneurship, as well as maintaining existing and creating new permanent jobs |
Tasks |
1. Increasing the availability of financing for entrepreneurs in rural areas, small towns and industry-based towns. |
Terms of implementation | 2015-2019 |
Target indicators |
By accomplishing the tasks set in the Program, by 2020, the following target indicators will be achieved: |
Sources and amounts of financing |
In 2015-2019, budget funds will be allocated to implement the Program in the amount of 145,819,065 thousand tenge*, |
Chapter 2. Introduction
Footnote. Chapter 2 with Amendment introduced by Resolution № 944 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.12.2018.
The State Program of Support and Development of Business “The Business Road Map 2020" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed to implement the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "New Decade - New Economic Growth - New Opportunities of Kazakhstan" and the National Development Plan of Kazakhstan until 2020, approved by Decree No. 925 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2010.
The program is directed to achieving the goal of the messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030" and "Kazakhstan Way - 2050: common goal, common interests, common future".
Sustained economic development of the country as a whole depends on the state and level of development of private entrepreneurship and, above all, small and medium enterprises. It is this sector of the economy that has enormous potential for solving many problems affecting the state’s economic growth, such as undeveloped competition, inefficient use of material and non-material resources, dependence of domestic demand on imports, unemployment, poverty, etc.
The role of small and medium enterprises in the diversification of the economy is important. In terms of the implementation of the SPIID, more and more large-scale productions will be formed, in which work processes many subcontractors from among small and medium-sized enterprises can be involved. In villages, small towns and industry-based towns, business entities should set a new development momentum, working in sectors focused on meeting the consumer demand of the public.
In this regard, systematic measures to support private entrepreneurship shall be taken, which will include, but not limited to, improving access to financing, providing the necessary infrastructure, helping to increase competence, obtaining consulting support and attracting partners to jointly implement entrepreneurial initiatives.
The program, which will be implemented in the period from 2015 to 2019, will ensure sustainable and balanced growth of regional entrepreneurship, as well as maintaining existing and creating new permanent jobs.
Four main directions of the program implementation:
1) support for business initiatives of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements;
2) sectoral support for entrepreneurs operating in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries;
3) reduction of currency risks of entrepreneurs;
4) provision of non-financial measures to support entrepreneurship.
Basic terms and definitions
The following basic terms and definitions shall be used in this Program:
1) bank - a second-tier bank participating in the Program;
2) bank loan (hereinafter referred to as the Loan) - the amount of funds provided by the bank on the basis of a bank loan agreement to an entrepreneur on the terms of maturity, payment, repayment, security and targeted use;
3) development bank - Development Bank of Kazakhstan Joint Stock Company and/or its affiliated leasing company;
4) web portal of the operator of non-financial support - information system of the operator of non-financial support, where users are provided with non-financial measures of state support in electronic format;
5) guarantee - a form of support for entrepreneurs, used in the form of a partial guarantee as a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations under the credit of an entrepreneur, on the terms of the Program and in accordance with the guarantee agreement;
6) public-private partnership - a form of cooperation between a public partner and a private partner, corresponding to the characteristics defined in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public-private partnership" dated October 31, 2015;
7) SPIID- State Program of Industrial-Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2019, approved by the Decree No. 874 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 1, 2014;
8) financial leasing agreement - a written agreement concluded between a leasing company/bank and an entrepreneur, according to which a leasing company / bank provides a financial leasing to an entrepreneur;
9) bank loan agreement - a written agreement concluded between a bank and an entrepreneur, under the terms of which the bank provides a loan to an entrepreneur, as well as an agreement on opening a credit line in a bank;
10) information system - an organizationally-ordered set of information and communication technologies and technical documentation that implement certain technological actions via information interaction and are intended to solve specific functional tasks;
11) leasing company - a leasing company participating in the Program;
12) leasing transaction (leasing) - a set of coordinated actions of leasing participants directed to establishing, changing and terminating civil rights and obligations;
13) local coordinator of the Program - a structural unit of the city/district defined by the akim of the region, providing advisory support to entrepreneurs on the preparation and collection of documents necessary for participation in the Program;
14) start-up young entrepreneur - an individual entrepreneur under the age of 29 (inclusive), whose period of state registration as an individual entrepreneur, at the time of applying to the bank for a loan, is less than three years (age is determined on the date when a start-up individual entrepreneur applies to the bank, affiliation of a young start-up entrepreneur with active entrepreneurs is allowed, provided that a new activity is created that differs from the current activities of the active affiliate entrepreneur);
15) international foreign organizations (hereinafter referred to as the IFO) - international non-governmental organizations that assist small and medium-sized enterprises in organizing of foreign internships and establishing business relations with foreign partners and/or directed to promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises;
16) start-up entrepreneur - an entrepreneur whose state registration term as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, at the time of applying to a bank / leasing company / microfinance organization for a loan / leasing agreement / microcredit, is less than three years (affiliation of a start-up entrepreneur with active entrepreneurs is allowed, provided a new type of activity is created, which differs from the current activities of an active affiliate entrepreneur);
17) CCEA (Common Classifier of Economic Activity) (hereinafter referred to as the Priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program) - priority sectors of the economy in accordance with the general classification of economic activities in accordance with Annex 2 to the Program;
18) operator of non-financial support - the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which provides state non-financial support to Entrepreneurs in the framework of the fourth direction of the Program, with the exception of the components “Co-financing of consulting projects of advanced enterprises by attracting external consultants (EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) program to support small and medium enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, “Training of top management of small and medium enterprises”;
19) educational institution - an organization that provides services to improve the skills of executives and managers by conducting business trainings and consulting support for internships of the participants of the “Business Connections” project abroad;
20) entrepreneur - a small and (or) medium business entity operating in accordance with the Business Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2015, as well as a private business entity specified in the Lending Mechanism for priority projects, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 820 “On some issues of ensuring the long-term tenge liquidity to solve the task of affordable lending” dated December 11, 2018;
21) project - a set of actions and activities in various areas of business activities carried out by an entrepreneur as an initiative activity directed to generating income and not contradicting the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan (it is allowed to obtain several bank loans within one project);
22) "one window" principle - organization of work in the provision of public services, providing for the exclusion or the maximum possible limitation of applicants participation (individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) in the processes of collection from different instances and the provision to different instances of various documents and certificates confirming the right of applicants to receive public services;
23) Regional Coordinator of the Program - a structural subdivision of the local executive body, determined by the regional akim (capital, city of republican significance), responsible for implementing the Program at the regional level (capital, city of republican significance);
24) subsidizing - a form of state financial support for entrepreneurs, used for partial reimbursement of expenses paid by an entrepreneur to a bank/microfinance organization/leasing company, as a reward for loans/leasing in exchange for fulfilling certain conditions relating to the operating activities of an entrepreneur in the future;
25) subsidies - periodic payments on a non-repayable and non-returnable basis, implemented by a financial agency / authorized microcredit organization to a bank / microfinance organization/leasing company, as part of entrepreneurs on the basis of subsidy agreements;
26) authorized body - authorized body on entrepreneurship;
27) financial agency - “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund” Joint Stock Company, implementing and monitoring financial support in the framework of the Program;
28) component/instrument operator - a national managing holding or legal entities, which one hundred percent shares belong to the national managing holding, as well as an organization with one hundred percent state participation, implementing the non-financial support components / instruments in the framework of the fourth direction of the Program;
29) Unified Accumulative Pension Fund - a legal entity engaged in the activity of attracting pension contributions and pension payments (hereinafter referred to as the UAPF).
30) national institute - a national development institute in the field of technological development, performing the functions of an operator for supporting the activities of business incubators and supporting the process of granting government grants to industrial and innovative projects in the framework of business incubation;
31) industrial innovation activity entity- an individual and (or) legal entity implementing industrial and innovative projects in priority sectors of the economy or carrying out activities to promote domestic processed goods, works and services to the domestic and (or) foreign markets;
32) electronic application - an application for state support, in which information is presented in digital form and certified by electronic digital signature;
33) electronic package of documents - documents that fully reproduce the type and information (data) of a genuine document in electronic digital form, certified by an electronic digital signature of the applicant or a person authorized to certify this document, or an authorized employee of the service centers for entrepreneurs, on the basis of the written consent of the recipient of the state service given at the time of his/her personal presence.
Chapter 3. Analysis of the current situation
Implementation of the Program is directed to the development of regional private entrepreneurship and the development of competitiveness.
During the period of implementation of the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program from 2010 to 2017, in the development indicators of non-primary sectors of the economy, to which support was oriented, there were positive tendencies outlined. By means of the use of interest rate subsidies and loan guarantees, the state has been able to encourage second-tier banks to increase lending in such industries as manufacturing, transport and communications.
As of January 1, 2017, the portfolio of existing loans in the framework of the Unified Program "The Business Road Map 2020" amounted to 1,463 billion tenge, whereof the lending portfolio for investment purposes was 968 billion tenge.
The total volume of the bank lending portfolio in priority sectors of the economy as of January 1, 2018 was 9,397 billion tenge, the scope of the Unified Program "The Business Road Map 2020" in the total lending portfolio in priority sectors of the economy was 15.5% (This is the percentage of current subsidy and guarantee agreements in the total lending portfolio of priority sectors of the economy).
In general, from 2010 to 2017, the total lending portfolio of banks in the manufacturing industry increased by 2.9 times (from 455 billion tenge to 1 323 billion tenge), in the transport sector by 2.3 times (from 252 billion tenge to 573 billion tenge), in communications sector by 1.9 times (from 51 billion tenge to 99 billion tenge).
The total volume of loans issued to the manufacturing industry over these three years has increased by 3 times (from 383 billion tenge to 1 153 billion tenge), the transport sector by 2.6 times (from 145 billion tenge to 377 billion tenge), communication sector by 2.1 times (from 22 billion tenge to 46 billion tenge).
"The Business Road Map 2020" Program provided for a restriction on the rate of remuneration at which the final consumer of loan funds raised financing. As a result of the implementation of the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program, the rates on loans issued have noticeably decreased. From 2010 to 2017, average weighted rate on loans issued to the manufacturing industry decreased from 12% to 10.3% per annum, to the transport sector from 12.5% to 10.3% per annum.
Based on the current situation, it is clear that the state has created all the conditions and opportunities for investment, but there is no support for small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to replenish working capital. Based on the data on the structure of crediting, it can be stated that the expansion of the instruments of the Program in this direction will significantly increase the level of support for small and medium-sized enterprises, thereby creating preconditions for a more substantial growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country.
Non-financial state support in the form of training was included in the "The Business Road Map 2020" Program in 2011. Over the years of implementation of this direction this support has gained popularity. As of January 1, 2018, 2,525 entrepreneurs completed training on the “Training of top management of small and medium enterprises” project. The work on the creation of business support infrastructure was carried out. Thus, as of January 1, 2018, there are 18 service centers for entrepreneurs in regional centers and large cities, where more than 273 thousand entrepreneurs received more than 438 thousand consultations. At the regional level, 14 mobile service centers for entrepreneurs operate, which rendered more than 73 thousand on-site consultations to 52 thousand clients. In addition, service support is provided for existing business activities. Thus, 428 thousand services were rendered to more than 192 thousand entrepreneurs.
Thus, an analysis of the current situation shows that the Program should provide targeted support to small and medium-sized enterprises outside large cities and strengthen the entrepreneurial potential.
It is worth noting the fact that since 2015, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as the NCE) has been the operator of non-financial support in the framework of the “The Business Road Map 2020” Unified Program. Thus, since 2015, the following projects are being implemented by NCE:
1. Business Consultant
2. Business Growth
3. Business Connections
4. Supervisor Seniors
5. Business Nasihat
6. Support centers in industry-based towns
7. Support centers in small towns and regional centers.
Within the framework of the “Support for New Business Initiatives” Program, such problematic issues as increasing availability of financing, increasing production capacity of projects, expanding the business initiative of entrepreneurs of rural settlements, small towns and industry-based towns and their projects are addressed.
In order to increase the availability of financing for entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements, subsidizing of interest rate on bank loans, partial guarantee of loans to banks and microfinance organizations, provision of microcredits are carried out.
In order to increase the production capacity of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements, the missing infrastructure is being added to projects of entrepreneurs of rural settlements, small towns and industry-based towns.
In order to extend the business initiative of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas, government grants are issued.
The development of entrepreneurship in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries will solve the problem of increasing the volume of produced goods of manufacturing industry creating new competitive industries, increasing employment in small and medium enterprises.
In order to increase the volumes of produced goods of manufacturing industry, subsidizing of interest rate on loans/leasing transactions of banks/leasing companies and partial guarantee of loans issued to entrepreneurs are carried out.
In order to create new competitive industries, the lacking infrastructure of projects of entrepreneurs and industrial zones will be provided.
In order to increase employment in small and medium-sized enterprises, the following are implemented: subsidizing of interest rate on loans/leasing transactions of banks/development bank/leasing companies and partial guarantee of loans from banks/development bank issued to entrepreneurs, providing the missing infrastructure for projects of entrepreneurs and industrial zones.
In order to prevent currency risks from being transformed into credit risks due to fluctuations in foreign currencies, the interest rate on loans/leasing transactions of banks/development bank/leasing companies in national and foreign currencies is subsidized.
The solution to the problems of providing non-financial measures to support entrepreneurship is information and analytical support for entrepreneurship, increasing the competencies of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities, increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities, expanding business ties.
For informational and analytical support of entrepreneurship, the measures of state support in the framework of "Business Nasihat" project will be clarified on the conditions for doing business in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and measures of state support for the subjects of the agro-industrial complex.
In order to increase the competencies of entrepreneurs/subjects of industrial-innovative activity, the basics of entrepreneurial activity, advanced training of specialists, top managers of enterprises, the provision of service support for conducting existing business activities, advice on obtaining permits and technical conditions are carried out.
In order to increase the productivity of industrial and innovation entities, external consultants will be engaged in introducing new management methods, production technologies, increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises, as well as technological development of enterprises.
To expand business connections, establishing business connections with foreign partners and promotion of domestic processed goods will be carried out.
Chapter 4. Objectives, tasks, target indicators and indicators of the results of the
implementation of the Program
4.1. Objectives
1. Program objectives shall be to ensure sustainable and balanced growth of regional entrepreneurship, as well as to maintain existing and create new permanent jobs.
4.2. Tasks
2. To achieve the objectives and target indicators of the Program, the work in the following four areas will be carried out:
1) support of business initiatives of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements;
2) sectoral support for entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities operating in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries;
3) reduction of currency risks of entrepreneurs;
4) provision of measures of non-financial support of entrepreneurs.
Support for business initiatives of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements
3. Within this direction, the following tasks shall be solved:
1) increasing the availability of financing for entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements;
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | Number of projects subsidized in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas | item | MNE data | 578 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 1778 | MNE, LEB, “Damu” EDF” JSC (as agreed) |
2. | Number of guarantees issued in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas | item | MNE data | 115 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 515 | MNE, LEB, "Damu” EDF” JSC (as agreed) |
2) increase in production capacity of projects of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements;
3) expansion of the business initiative of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas.
Task 1. Increasing the availability of financing for entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements
In order to increase the availability of financing for entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements, subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies, partial guarantee of loans from development bank and microfinance organizations, microcredits will be provided.
Table 1. Target indicators for improving the availability to financing for entrepreneurs in rural areas, small towns and industry-based towns
Table 2. Target indicators for providing entrepreneurs with the necessary infrastructure
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The number of projects of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements, provided with the necessary infrastructure | item | MNE data | 8 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12 | 52 | MNE, LEB |
Task 3. Expansion of the business initiative of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas
In order to expand the business initiative of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas, state grants will be issued.
Table 3. Target indicators for the expansion of the business initiative of entrepreneurs in rural areas, small towns and industry-based towns
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | Number of grants awarded to entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements | item | MNE data | 103 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 503 | MNE, LEB |
Sectoral support for entrepreneurs operating in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries.
Within this direction, the following tasks shall be solved:
1) increase the volume of produced goods in manufacturing industry;
2) creation of new competitive industries;
3) increase in employment in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Task 4. Increase the volume of produced goods in manufacturing industry
In order to increase the volume of produced goods in the manufacturing industry, subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies and partial guarantee of loans from banks/ development bank issued to entrepreneurs will be implemented.
Table 4. Target indicators for increasing the volume of produced goods in manufacturing industry
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The number of subsidized projects in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries | item | MNE data | 5330 | 5992 | 6792 | 7592 | 8392 | 34098 | MNE, LEB, “Damu” EDF” JSC (as agreed) |
2. | Number of guarantees issued in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries | item | MNE data | 1531 | 1500 | 3000 | 3200 | 3400 | 12631 | MNE, LEB, “Damu”EDF” JSC (as agreed) |
3. | Number of grants issued in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries, as well as to entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small cities and rural settlements | item | MNE data | 80 | 80 | 180 | 180 | 180 | 700 | MNE, LEB, “Damu” EDF JSC, (as agreed), “NATD” JSC (as agreed) |
4. | Number of projects for which long-term lease financing was provided (fully funded and/or approved for financing) | item | MID data | 3 | 6 | 7 | 5 | - | 21 | MID, “DBK Leasing” JSC (as agreed) |
Task 5. Creation of new competitive industries
In order to create new competitive industries, the lacking infrastructure of projects of entrepreneurs and industrial zones will be provided.
Table 5. Target indicators for the creation of new competitive industries
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The number of projects of entrepreneurs in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries, as well as industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements, provided with necessary infrastructure | item | MNE data | 71 | 38 | 15 | 17 | 17 | 158 | MNE, LEB |
2. | The number of industrial zones provided with the necessary infrastructure | item | MNE data | 8 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 19 | MNE, LEB |
Task 6. Increase in employment in small and medium-sized enterprises
In order to increase employment in small and medium-sized enterprises, subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies and partial guarantee loans of banks/development bank issued to entrepreneurs, providing the missing infrastructure for projects of entrepreneurs and industrial zones will be implemented.
Table 6. Target indicators for increase in employment in small and medium-sized enterprises
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The increase in employment in small and medium enterprises from the level of 2014 | % | MNE data | - | 10 | - | 30 | 40 | 40 | MNE, LEB, “Damu” EDF” JSC (as agreed), NCE (as agreed) |
Reducing the currency risks of entrepreneurs.
Within this direction, the problem of preventing the transformation of currency risks into credit risks due to fluctuations in foreign currencies shall be solved.
Task 7. Preventing the transformation of currency risks into credit risks due to fluctuations in foreign currencies
In order to prevent currency risks from being transformed into credit risks due to fluctuations in foreign currencies, subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies in national and foreign currencies will be implemented.
Table 7. Target indicators for preventing the transformation of currency risks into credit risks due to fluctuations in foreign currencies
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The number of subsidized projects of entrepreneurs in the priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries having foreign currency earnings | Item | MNE data | 16 | 56 | 56 | 56 | 56 | 240 | MNE, LEB, “Damu” EDF” JSC (as agreed) |
Providing non-financial enterprise support measures.
Within this direction the following tasks shall be solved:
1) information and analytical support for entrepreneurship;
2) increasing the competence of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities;
3) increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities;
4) expansion of business connections.
Task 8. Information and analytical support for entrepreneurship
For informational and analytical support of entrepreneurship, measures of state support will be provided for the "Business-Nasihat" components, an explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states and measures of state support for agribusiness entities.
Table 8. Target indicators for information and analytical support for entrepreneurship
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | The number of developed and distributed information and analytical reference books and study guides | item | MNE data | 4000 | 2600 | 2600 | 2600 | 2600 | 14400 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
2. | The number of organized TV series in the media with the participation of experts, entrepreneurs, public figures, foreign experts and representatives of state bodies | item | MNE data | 12 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 82 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
3. | The number of organized lectures, seminars, master classes | item | MNE data | 21 | 16 | 16 | 32 | 32 | 117 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
Task 9. Increasing the competence of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities
In order to increase the competence of entrepreneurs/industrial and innovative entities, teaching the basics of entrepreneurial activity, advanced training of specialists, top managers of enterprises, the provision of service support for conducting existing business, increasing the competence of enterprises, providing advice on obtaining permits and technical conditions will be implemented.
Table 9. Target indicators for increasing the competence of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | Number of trained entrepreneurs | item | MNE data | 15 005 | 15000 | 15000 | 15 000 | 15 000 | 75005 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
2. | Number of entrepreneurs who received services | item | MNE data | 35 174 | 30000 | 30000 | 30 000 | 30 000 | 155174 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
3. | The number of industrial innovation activity entities, which has got reimbursement of the costs incurred in increasing the competence of the enterprise | item |
MID data | 12 | 13 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 55 | MID, “KIDI” JSC (as agreed) |
4. | Number of entrepreneurs who received advice on obtaining permits and technical conditions | item | MNE data | - | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 2000 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
Task 10. Increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation
In order to increase the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities, external consultants will be involved in introducing new management methods, production technologies (Supervisor seniors), increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises (EBRD program to support small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan), and also enterprise development.
Table 10. Target indicators for increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | Number of external consultants involved in the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises | item | MNE data | 180 | 48 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 420 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
2. | The number of industrial innovation activity entities, which has got reimbursement of the costs incurred in the development and/or examination of a complex plan of industrial innovation project | item | MID data | 5 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 15 | MID, “KIDI” JSC (as agreed) |
3. | The number of industrial innovation activity entities, which has got the reimbursement of the costs incurred in the improvement of technological processes | item | MID data | 8 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 49 | MID, “KIDI” JSC (as agreed) |
4. | The number of industrial innovation activity entities, which has got the reimbursement of the costs incurred in increasing the efficiency of production organization | item | MID data | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 14 | MID, “KIDI” JSC (as agreed) |
5. | The number of industrial innovation activity entities, which has got the reimbursement of the costs, incurred in certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.) | item | MID data | 25 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 117 | MID, “NADLoC” JSC (as agreed) |
Task 11. Expansion of business connections
In order to expand business connections, business connections with foreign partners will be established (the “Business Connections” instrument) and the promotion of domestic processed goods.
Table 11. Target indicators for expansion of business connections
No. | Name of indicator | unit of meas. | Source of information | Years of implementation | Responsible for execution | |||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | Total | |||||
1. | Number of entrepreneurs sent to foreign countries | item | MNE data | 37 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 157 | MNE, NCE (as agreed) |
4.3 Target indicators
4. Target indicators of the Program to be achieved by 2020:
1) bringing the share of the manufacturing industry in the GDP structure to at least 12.5%;
2) an increase in the volume of SME products by 1.5 times from the level of 2014;
3) an increase in active SME by 50% from the 2014 level;
4) an increase in the number of people employed in SMEs by 50% from the 2014 level.
Chapter 5. Main directions, ways of achieving the set goals of the Program and relevant
Footnote. Chapter 5 with Amendment introduced by Resolution № 944 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.12.2018
5. The program involves the implementation of a complex of interrelated measures that need to be implemented to achieve key goals - ensuring sustainable and balanced growth of regional entrepreneurship, as well as maintaining existing and creating new permanent jobs.
The first direction: support of business initiatives of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements
6. The first direction of the Program provides for the following financial support measures for entrepreneurs:
1) subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/ development bank/leasing companies;
2) partial guarantee on loans of banks/development bank;
3) provision of state grants;
4) partial guarantee of loans of microfinance organizations to banks;
5) subsidizing of part of the markup on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks;
6) subsidizing of coupon interest on bonds issued by business entities.
7. The participants in the first direction of the Program shall be the entrepreneurs who implement and (or) plan to implement their own and effective projects in rural areas, small towns and industry-based towns without sectoral restrictions and excluding the place of registration of the entrepreneur.
8. For the purpose of implementing support measures within the framework of the Program, rural settlements shall be recognized as settlements not belonging to industry-based towns and small towns, as well as cities of republican and regional significance.
Subsidizing of the part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies
9. Subsidizing of interest rate shall be implemented on new loans/financial leasing agreements issued for the implementation of new efficient investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
10. Subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall also be implemented by loans/financial leasing agreements issued for the implementation of projects under a public-private partnership agreement without industry restrictions.
11. If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
12. Loans/leasing transactions directed to refinancing loans/financial leasing agreements shall also be the subject to subsidizing.
The term for subsidizing in refinancing of the current obligations of an entrepreneur shall be established from the moment the financial agency signs the first subsidy agreement in the creditor bank/leasing company from which the refinancing was carried out.
13. Financing of subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall be provided from the republican and local budgets.
14. The conditions and procedure for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies of entrepreneurs in the framework of the first direction of the Program shall be governed by the Rules for subsidizing of part of the interest rate under the Program, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Partial guarantee on loans from banks/development bank
15. The guarantee shall be provided only for new loans issued for the implementation of new efficient investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
16. Partial guarantee for entrepreneurs shall be provided free of charge.
17. The amount of guarantees depends on the type of enterprise and the loan amount in the project.
18. The term of the guarantee shall not be longer than the loan term.
19. The financial agency has the right to refuse to provide a guarantee in cases established by the Rules of guarantee loans from small and medium-sized enterprises under the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
20. Financing of partial guarantee for loans of banks/development bank shall be carried out from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
21. When revealing the facts of non-purpose use of the loan, the financial agency shall decide to reduce the guarantee amount in proportion to the amount of the loan used for unintended purpose.
22. The financial agency shall cancel the guarantee when revealing the facts of complete non-purpose use of the loan.
23. The conditions and procedure for partial guarantee for loans of banks/development bank in the framework of the first direction of the Program shall be governed by the Rules of guarantee loans for small and medium-sized enterprise in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The provision of state grants
24. Government grants shall be provided to small enterprises, including young start-up entrepreneurs, start-up entrepreneurs, women, the disabled and persons who are older than 50, free of charge for implementation:
1) new business ideas in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries and certain types of services identified by the SPIID;
2) industrial and innovative projects within the business incubation.
25. State grants for small business entities, including young start-up entrepreneurs, start-up entrepreneurs, as well as women, disabled people and people who are older than 50, industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements shall be provided without industry restrictions.
26. Financing of support measures in the form of state grants shall be provided from the republican and local budgets.
27. State grants shall be provided by the state via the regional coordinators of the Program based on the results of competitions for selection of applications from small enterprise for the implementation of new business ideas and industrial innovation projects as part of business incubation.
28. The conditions and procedure for the provision of state grants shall be governed by the Rules for provision of state grants for the implementation of new business ideas and industrial innovation projects as part of business incubation in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Partial guarantee of loans of microfinance organizations to banks
29. Partial guarantee shall be provided only for new loans from microfinance organizations received from banks for replenishment of working capital, with the purpose of subsequent microlending to entrepreneurs of industry- based towns, small towns and rural settlements.
30. Partial guarantee for microfinance organizations shall be provided by the financial agency.
31. Financing of partial guarantee for loans of banks/development bank shall be carried out from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
32. Microfinance organization in order to obtain a partial guarantee applies to the bank with an application for a loan under the guarantee of the financial agency.
33. The bank independently, in accordance with the procedure established by internal documents, shall assess the activities of the microfinance organization and, based on the information provided and the assessment of the pledged property, shall assess the collateral value of the security, and then shall make a decision on financing or refusing to finance the microfinance organization guaranteed by the financial agency.
34. The loan amount shall be calculated for one microfinance organization without taking into account the loan debt of its affiliated persons/companies.
35. The guarantee amount may reach 100% of the loan amount.
36. The term of the provided guarantee shall be no longer than the loan term.
37. The financial agency has the right to refuse to provide guarantees in cases established by the Rules of partial guarantee loans of banks to microfinance organizations in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
38. The conditions and procedure for the partial guarantee of microfinance organizations loans to banks in the framework of the first direction of the Program shall be governed by the Rules of partial guarantee loans of banks to microfinance organizations in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks
39. Subsidizing shall be used to reimburse the part of the expenses paid by entrepreneurs as part of the mark-up on the product/part of the rental payment that makes up the income of the Islamic bank/Islamic leasing company, on financing, and shall be carried out via effective mechanisms of government interaction with enterprise
40. If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
41. Financing directed to refinancing loans/financial leasing agreements/financing agreements previously issued by second-tier banks/leasing companies/Islamic banks/Islamic leasing companies shall be also subject to subsidizing.
42. The term for subsidizing at the refinancing of the current obligations of an entrepreneur shall be established from the moment the financial agency signs the first subsidy agreement in the creditor bank/leasing company from which the refinancing was carried out.
43. Financing of subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks shall be carried out from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
44. The terms and procedure for subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks in the framework of the first direction of the Program shall be regulated by the Rules of subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks, when the financing of business entities by Islamic banks under the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities
45. Subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be used to reimburse a part of the expenses paid by issuers as interest on bonds, and shall be carried out via efficient mechanisms of interaction state with business.
46. Subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be implemented on bonds issued to finance the implementation of new investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
47. If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidizing shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
48. Subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be financed from the republican and local budgets.
49. The conditions and procedure for subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be governed by the Rules of the coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The second direction: sectoral support for entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities operating in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries
50. The second direction of the Program shall provide for the following measures of financial support for entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities:
1) subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies;
2) partial guarantee on loans of banks/development bank;
3) development of production (industrial) infrastructure;
4) creation of industrial zones;
5) long-term leasing financing;
6) subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks;
7) subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities;
8) subsidizing of interest rate on loans issued as part of securing long-term tenge liquidity to solve the task of available lending in the manufacturing industry and services, as well as processing in the agro-industrial complex.
51. The participants of the second direction of the Program shall be effective entrepreneurs/industrial innovative entities implementing and (or) planning to implement their own projects:
1) in the priority sectors of the economy specified in Annex 2 of the Program;
2) in priority sectors of the manufacturing industry and certain types of services identified by the SPIID.
Subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies
52. Subsidizing of interest rate shall be implemented on new loans/financial leasing agreements issued for the implementation of new efficient investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
53. Subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall also be implemented on loans/financial leasing agreements issued for the implementation of projects in the framework of the agreement on public-private partnership, under condition of compliance of such projects with priority sectors of the economy specified in Annex 2 to the Program, or priority sectors of the manufacturing industry and certain types of services defined by the SPIID.
If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidizing shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
54. Loans/leasing transactions shall also be the subject to subsidizing, directed to refinancing loans/financial leasing agreements previously issued by banks/development bank/leasing companies during
4 years (the period is calculated from the date of issuance of the first loan/leasing) before consideration of the project by the financial agency and the relevant criteria of the Program.
55. Financing of subsidizing of part of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall be provided from the republican and local budgets.
56. The conditions and procedure for subsidizing of part of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies of entrepreneurs in the framework of the second direction of the Program are governed by the Rules for subsidizing of part of the interest rate in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Partial guarantee on loans from banks/development bank
57. Partial guarantee shall be provided only for new loans issued for the implementation of new efficient investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
58. Partial guarantee for entrepreneurs shall be provided on free of charge basis.
59. The amount of guarantees shall depend on the type of enterprise and the loan amount in the framework of the project.
60. The term of the provided guarantee shall not be longer than the term of the loan.
61. Financing of partial guarantee for loans of banks/ development bank shall be provided from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
62. The financial agency has the right to refuse to provide a guarantee in cases established by the Rules of guarantee loans from small and medium-sized enterprises in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
63. When revealing the facts of non-purpose use of the loan, the financial agency shall decide to reduce the guarantee amount in proportion to the amount of the loan used for unintended purpose.
64. The financial agency shall cancel the guarantee when revealing the facts of complete non-purpose use of the loan.
65. The conditions and procedure for partial guarantee for loans of banks/development bank in the framework of the second direction of the Program shall be governed by the Rules of guarantee loans for small and medium-sized enterprise in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Development of production (industrial) infrastructure
66. The development of production (industrial) infrastructure shall consist in supplying the missing infrastructure to small and medium-sized enterprise projects directed to creating new industries, modernizing and expanding existing industries, both for individual projects individually (including for providing several projects) and in the framework of industrial zones.
67. Allocation of funds for the development of infrastructure projects of small and medium enterprises and industrial zones shall be carried out in accordance with the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
68. The development of the production (industrial) infrastructure shall be carried out for entrepreneurs operating in the priority sectors of the economy listed in Annex 2 to the Program, or manufacturing industries and certain types of services identified by the SPIID.
69. The development of the production (industrial) infrastructure for small and medium-sized enterprises operating in industry-based towns, small towns and rural areas, shall be carried out without industry restrictions.
70. The allocated funds shall be directed to the construction and reconstruction of the following infrastructure: water disposal, water supply (drilling for water supply), gasification, water lines, steam lines, heat supply, water lines, railway deadlocks, railway access roads, telephone lines, electrical substations, power lines, septic tanks, steam and gas installations.
71. Supply of the missing infrastructure shall be carried out to the border of the territory of the object of small and medium-sized enterprise, while not providing funds for the laying of infrastructure within the territory of the object of the entrepreneur.
72. The cost of construction (reconstruction) of the infrastructure shall not exceed 50% of the project cost of small and medium-sized enterprise.
73. Supply of the missing infrastructure to the projects of small and medium-sized enterprise shall be carried out with co-financing from the local budget in the amount of at least 10% of the construction cost.
74. Financing from the republican budget of the costs associated with the development of pre-project (feasibility studies) or project (design and estimate) documentation for construction shall be prohibited.
75. The conditions and procedure for supplying a production (industrial) infrastructure shall be governed by the Rules for supplying a production (industrial) infrastructure in the frames of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Development of industrial zones
76. On the territory of the industrial zone, industrial facilities (industrial, warehouse and administrative premises), social service facilities (catering, staff development, utilities), banking facilities shall be placed.
77. The main tasks of creating industrial zones shall be:
1) promoting the accelerated development of private entrepreneurship in industry;
2) optimization of costs for the creation and development of the infrastructure of new industries;
3) increase production efficiency;
4) providing employment.
78. Industrial zones shall be created as:
1) infrastructure-provided land for the construction of buildings and facilities for the production;
2) ready production premises for leasing or selling to an entrepreneur, including with the production infrastructure of idle, shelved or inoperative industries;
3) complex industrial zones that have both land for construction and production facilities.
79. The infrastructure shall be supplied to the border of the territory and within the industrial zone at the expense of the republican budget with co-financing from the local budget according to budget legislation.
80. At the same time, the supply of the missing infrastructure to projects for the creation and development of industrial zones that meet the criteria for supplying the missing infrastructure might also be carried out at the expense of the local budget at the discretion of local executive bodies.
81. The creation of industrial zones shall be carried out in accordance with the regional specialization, defined by the SPIID, the possibilities of local entrepreneurship.
82. The cost of construction (reconstruction) of the infrastructure shall not exceed 50% of the cost of the project to create or develop industrial zones.
83. The operator of industrial zones shall be a social-entrepreneurial corporation (hereinafter referred to as the SEC).
84. The functions of the operator of industrial zones shall include:
1) attraction of participants of industrial zones;
2) attracting investments for the construction of infrastructure facilities and the solution of issues of financing the industrial zone;
3) provision of secondary land use (sublease) of land and lease (sublease) of infrastructure facilities;
4) conclusion, termination and monitoring of the implementation of the terms of the agreements on the implementation of activities;
5) provision and maintenance of industrial zone activities.
85. Payment for SEC operator services shall be carried out at the expense of the local budget.
86. In order to effectively manage industrial zones, SEC might create management companies, including with the involvement of local and foreign third-party organizations.
87. The conditions and procedure for the provision of the missing infrastructure for projects to create or develop industrial zones shall be governed by the Rules for supplying the production (industrial) infrastructure in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Long-term leasing financing
88. Long-term leasing financing shall be provided by "DBK-Leasing" JSC, a subsidiary of "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC, to industrial and innovative entities that implementing and (or) planning to implement investment projects in priority sectors of the economy, according to Annex 1 to the Rules of providing state support to industrial and innovative entities directed to improving labor productivity and the development of territorial clusters, approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial-innovative development.
89. The industrial innovative entity shall ensure participation by monetary resources in the project in the amount of not less than 15% of the total cost of leased assets using long-term leasing financing.
90. The cost of the leased asset shall be at least 80 million tenge (for enterprises of light industry at least 50 million tenge).
91. Long-term leasing financing shall be provided for up to 10 years. The interest rate under the financial leasing contract for the applicant shall be 5%, while the ratio of the budget loan and other financing means of "DBK-Leasing" JSC shall be 80/20.
92. In order to increase the volume of provision of long-term leasing financing, it shall be allowed to reuse funds at the expense of repaid leasing payments under the conditions defined by this Program.
93. These conditions shall also apply to agreements concluded in 2011-2012 in the framework of the "Productivity 2020" Program.
94. In order to obtain long-term leasing financing, the industrial innovation activity entityshall submit to "DBK-Leasing" JSC a set of documents, the list of which shall be approved by the authorized body in the field of state support for industrial and innovative activity.
95. "DBK-Leasing" JSC, after the submission of the full package of documents by the industrial innovation entity, shall verify the compliance with the criteria of this Program, as defined in paragraph 88 of this Program, and examine the industrial and innovative project in the manner and time specified by internal regulatory documents.
96. With a positive decision, "DBK-Leasing" JSC and the industrial innovation activity entityshall conclude a financial leasing agreement.
97. "DBK-Leasing" JSC shall inform the national development institute in the field of development of the industry and the industrial innovation activity entity on the decision to provide long-term leasing financing within 5 (five) working days from the date of taking the decision.
98. After concluding a financial leasing agreement between "DBK-Leasing" JSC and the industrial innovation entity, "DBK-Leasing" JSC shall conclude Agreement on monitoring of industrial-innovative project with the national development institute in the field of industry development and industrial innovation entity. The model form of the Agreement on monitoring of industrial-innovative project shall be approved by the authorized body in the field of state support of industrial-innovative activity.
The industrial innovation entity, which received long-term leasing financing, shall increase labor productivity in accordance with the Agreement on monitoring of industrial-innovative project.
Subsidizing of part of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks
99. Subsidizing of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks/Islamic leasing company shall be provided by new financing provided for the implementation of new investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
100. Subsidizing of the part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall also be provided by loans/financial leasing on condition of compliance of such projects with priority sectors of the economy specified in Annex 2 to the Program, or priority sectors of the manufacturing industry and certain types of services defined by the SPIID.
101. If several subsidy agreements are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of signing the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
102. Financing directed to refinancing loans/financial leasing agreements/financing agreements previously issued by second-tier banks/leasing companies/Islamic banks/Islamic leasing companies shall also be the subject to subsidization.
The term for subsidizing when refinancing the current obligations of an entrepreneur shall be established from the moment the financial agency signs the first subsidy agreement in the creditor bank/leasing company from which the refinancing was implemented.
103. Financing of subsidizing of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks shall be implemented from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
104. The conditions and procedure for subsidizing of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks in the framework of the second direction of the Program shall be regulated by the Rules for subsidizing of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks, when financing business entities by Islamic banks in the framework of the Program, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subsidizing the coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities
105. Subsidization of the coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be used to reimburse a part of the expenses paid by issuers as interest on bonds, and shall be implemented via effective mechanisms of state-business interaction.
106. Coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be subsidized on bonds issued to finance the implementation of new investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
107. If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
108. Coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be financed from the republican and local budgets.
109. The conditions and procedure for subsidizing the coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities shall be governed by the Rules of subsidizing the coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities in the framework of the Program, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The third direction: reducing the currency risks of entrepreneurs
Subsidizing of interest rates on loans issued as part of securing long-term tenge liquidity to solve the problem of affordable lending in the manufacturing industry and services, as well as processing in the agro-industrial complex.
109-1. Subsidizing of interest rates on loans issued as part of securing long-term tenge liquidity to solve the problem of affordable lending in the manufacturing industry and services, as well as processing in the agro-industrial complex, shall be implemented in accordance with the conditions approved by the Resolution No. 820 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On some issues of ensuring long-term tenge liquidity to solve the problem of affordable lending" dated December 11, 2018.
110. The third direction of the Program shall provide for the following financial support for entrepreneurs:
1) subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/ leasing companies;
2) subsidizing of part of the mark-up on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks.
111. Participants in the third direction of the Program shall be entrepreneurs operating in priority sectors of the economy, according to Annex 2 to the Program, or priority manufacturing industries and certain types of services defined by the SPIID, and having foreign exchange earnings of at least 10% of the total cash income for previous six months before the application by the entrepreneur to the financial agency.
Subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/ development bank/leasing companies
112. Subsidizing may be provided for loans financial leasing agreements issued for the purchase and/or modernization of fixed assets and/or expansion of production and/or replenishment of working capital and/or refinancing.
Therewith, subsidizing of loans for the replenishment of working capital issued on a renewable basis shall be allowed. The condition of the possibility of renewing a loan for replenishing working capital in the framework of a loan for purchasing and/or modernization of fixed assets and/or expanding production shall be indicated in the decision of the authorized body of the financial agency.
113. The projects of entrepreneurs that have been approved by the financial agency for a subsidy instrument may be refinanced at other banks/leasing companies (development bank) on previously approved subsidy terms.
If several subsidy agreements are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency in the in the creditor bank/leasing company, from which the refinancing was carried out.
114. Subsidizing of the interest rate on loan may be provided on standard currency loans of bank/development bank.
115. In case of a positive exchange rate difference when a financial agency transfers subsidies, the balance shall be credited to future subsidies, and a negative exchange rate difference shall be imposed on the entrepreneur.
116. The amounts of subsidies shall be paid by the financial agency in tenge at the rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the date of transfer of the amounts of subsidies.
117. The terms and procedure for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies in the framework of the third direction of the Program shall be governed by the Rules for subsidizing of part of the interest rate in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks
118. Subsidizing of the mark-up on the product/ part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks /Islamic leasing company, shall be carried out on new financing issued for the implementation of new investment projects, as well as projects directed to modernizing and expanding production.
Therewith, subsidizing for financing the replenishment of working capital issued on a renewable basis shall be allowed. The condition of the possibility of resuming the financing for the replenishment of working capital in the framework of financing for the purchase and/or modernization of fixed assets and/or expanding of production shall be specified in the decision of the financial agency.
119. Part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies shall also be subsidized by loans/financial leasing agreements, subject to compliance of such projects with the priority sectors of the economy listed in Annex 2 to the Program, or priority sectors of the manufacturing industry and certain types services defined by SPIID.
120. If several subsidy contracts are concluded for one project, then the general term of subsidization shall be established from the moment of the signing of the first subsidy agreement by the financial agency.
121. Financing directed to refinancing loans/financial leasing agreements/financing agreements previously issued by second-tier banks/leasing companies/Islamic banks/Islamic leasing companies shall be also the subject to subsidizing.
The term for subsidizing when refinancing of the current obligations of an entrepreneur shall be established from the moment the financial agency signs the first subsidy agreement in the creditor bank/leasing company from which the refinancing was carried out.
122. Subsidizing of nominal interest on current financing of Islamic banks shall be implemented in national and foreign currencies and Islamic leasing companies in national currency.
123. The amounts of subsidies shall be paid by the financial agency in tenge at the rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the date of transfer of the amounts of subsidies.
124. In case of a positive exchange rate difference when a financial agency transfers subsidies, the balance shall be credited to future subsidies, and a negative exchange rate difference shall be imposed on the entrepreneur.
125. Financing of subsidies of part of the mark-up on the goods and parts of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks shall be carried out from the funds of the republican and local budgets.
126The conditions and procedure for subsidizing of part of the mark-up on goods and parts of rent payments that compose the income of Islamic banks in the framework of the third direction of the Program shall be regulated by the Rules for subsidizing of part of the mark-up on goods and parts of rent payments that compose the income of Islamic banks, when financing by Islamic banks of business entities in the framework of the Program, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The fourth direction: provision of non-financial measures of entrepreneurship support
127. Non-financial measures of entrepreneurship support shall provide state non-financial support of business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative in the following functional areas:
1) information and analytical support of entrepreneurship;
2) development of entrepreneurs competencies/ industrial innovation activity entities;
3) increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities;
4) expansion of business relations.
128. In the framework of these directions, the following non-financial support instruments shall be provided:
1) on functional direction “information and analytical support of entrepreneurship”:
Explanation of state support measures on the "Business Nasihat" project;
explanation on the conditions of doing business in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.
2) on functional direction “development of entrepreneurs competencies/industrial innovation activity entities”:
business training;
professional development of specialists, top managers of enterprises;
providing of service support of the existing business activities;
providing consultations for entrepreneurs on obtaining permits and technical conditions;
3) on functional direction “increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities”:
attracting external consultants on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises;
technological development of enterprises;
4) on functional direction “expansion of business relations”: the establishment of business relations with foreign partners.
129. The implementation of the functional directions of enhancing entrepreneurial potential shall be carried out in the framework of the infrastructure of support entrepreneurship while observing the following principles: service business entities via “one window”, eliminating duplication, simplifying and optimizing the rules and requirements, automating established procedures and regulation.
130. The business support infrastructure includes:
1) business service centers in regional centers and cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey;
2) business support centers in industry based towns, small towns and regional centers;
3) mobile business support centers at the level of villages and townships;
4) business incubators.
131. Entrepreneurs Service Centers (hereinafter referred to as the ESC) is an infrastructure complex for providing state support to business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative, created at regional branches of a financial agency and/or created at regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, cities of republican significance at the availability of funds of the local budget.
132. ESC services, including online, shall be provided to business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiative.
133. Purpose of creating ESC:
1) promotion of entrepreneurship and instruments of state support for entrepreneurial activities;
2) provision of informational, consulting and training assistance on start and doing business, including online via self-service areas;
3) promoting the sustainable development of existing entrepreneurship.
134. ESC functions:
1) informing business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative about the instruments of state support for business activities;
2) providing of consulting services for start and doing business;
3) implementation of directions of state non-financial support to business entities and people with entrepreneurial initiative on the "one window" principle;
4) collection of applications from business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative to obtain non-financial support instruments;
5) explanation of working conditions with financial institutions.
135. Financing of expenses for maintenance and operation of ESC at regional branches of a financial agency shall be carried out at the expense of the financial agency own funds, at the operator of non-financial support - at the expense of the non-financial support operator own funds.
136. Centers of Entrepreneurship Support (hereinafter referred to as the CES) - an infrastructure complex on the basis of which training, informational support, provision of consulting and marketing services, and economic and technological expertise of projects of small and medium-sized businesses shall be carried out.
137. Purpose of creating CES:
1) promotion of entrepreneurship and instruments of state support for entrepreneurial activities;
2) provision of information, consulting assistance and training in the start and doing business, including online, via self-service areas;
3) promoting sustainable development of existing entrepreneurship.
138. CES services shall be provided to small and medium-sized business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiative, including online on free of charge basis.
139. CES shall be created at branches of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the regions in industry-based towns, small towns and regional centers.
140. CES functions:
1) informing small and medium-sized business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative about the instruments of state support for business activities;
2) provision state non-financial support measures while observing the principles of service for small and medium-sized business entities via “one window”, eliminating duplication, simplifying and optimizing rules and requirements, automation of established procedures and regulations;
3) implementation of functional areas of state non-financial support for small and medium-sized business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative;
4) collection of applications from small and medium-sized business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative for obtaining non-financial support instruments;
5) providing of consultation services on starting and doing business;
6) explanation of working conditions with financial institutions.
141. Financing of expenses for the operation and development of the CES shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget by signing an agreement on paid services between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support.
142. Operator of non-financial support ensures continuous provision of CES services for small and medium-sized business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative for 12 months of the financial year.
143. CES services provided by the non-financial support operator, prior to the entry into effect of the contract on paid provision of services concluded between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support, are reimbursed by the authorized body as part of the contract on paid services for the current financial year.
144. Mobile business support centers (hereinafter referred to as the MCES) shall be specially equipped buses of the financial agency, directed to providing small and medium-sized business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiative of rural settlements with on-site information and consulting services on state support instruments for entrepreneurship.
145. Purpose of creating MCES:
1) promotion of entrepreneurship and instruments of state support for entrepreneurial activities in rural areas;
2) stimulation of the public with entrepreneurial initiative in rural areas to start a business;
3) provision of MCES services to small and medium-sized business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiative of rural settlements on free of charge basis.
146. MCES functions:
1) informing small and medium-sized business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative of rural settlements about the instruments of state support of business activities;
2) provision of information and consulting services for the starting and doing business;
3) explanation of working conditions with financial institutions;
4) collection of applications for participation in the areas of development of entrepreneurial potential, advanced training of leading specialists and top managers of enterprises;
5) provision of services of the current business activities.
147. The cost of maintaining and operating MCES shall be financed at the expense of own funds of the financial agency.
148. Business incubator shall be a legal entity created for support the small business entities at the stage of their formation by providing industrial premises, equipment, organizational, legal, financial, consulting and information services.
149. Purpose of creating business incubators:
1) creating favorable conditions for the formation and development of small enterprises;
2) promotion of increase of innovative activity of small businesses.
150. Business incubation is an instrument of support small business entities, directed to creating favorable conditions for their formation and successful development by providing them with a complex of resources and services.
151. Business incubation functions:
1) outreach activities on business incubation;
2) search and selection of projects for further support in the framework of the business incubator activity;
3) conclusion of cooperation agreements and/or business incubation services agreement with potential residents of the business incubator;
4) implementation of administrative, consulting and methodological support of the activities of small start-up enterprises;
5) assisting in the formation of applications for obtaining the financing by residents of business incubator, including via state support instruments;
6) provision of access to information and expert resources by residents of business incubator;
7) organization of training seminars, trainings on various topics, including internships at successful companies, and forums for experience exchange;
8) assistance in finding specialists and forming a team for small enterprises;
9) provision of rental services for administrative and (or) production premises;
10) formation of an information and analytical database on the development of small enterprises in business incubator;
11) acceleration of business projects of residents of business incubators for subsequent access to potential sales markets for goods and services;
12) diagnostics and financial modeling of business projects of small business entities to determine their commercial attractiveness.
152. The term of placement of small business entity in business incubator shall not exceed three years from the day it was determined as the resident of business incubator.
153. Requirements for business incubators applying for participation in the implementation of the Program:
1) availability of administrative premises suitable for placement of residents of business incubator with area of not less than 250 sq.m.;
2) availability of qualified personnel;
3) financial soundness, which allows to fully operate for at least 6 months without state support;
4) partnerships with higher education institutions confirmed by cooperation agreements on support and development of start-ups.
154. The procedure for competitive selection and support of business incubators shall be approved by the authorized body in the field of entrepreneurship.
Functional direction "Information and analytical support of entrepreneurship"
“Explanation of state support measures on the “Business Nasihat” project” instrument
155. Explanation of measures of state support to the general public in the framework of the “Explanation of measures of state support for the "Business Nasihat” project shall include:
1) carrying out outreach activities on the Program;
2) promotion of successful examples of entrepreneurs and successful projects in the framework of the Program;
3) explanation of legislation and regulation in the field of entrepreneurship;
4) promotion of entrepreneurship ideas.
156. The “Explanation of state support measures for the "Business Nasihat” component shall be financed at the expense of the republican budget by signing the relevant agreement.
157. Outreach work on the Program shall provide:
1) coverage of state support measures in the media;
2) development and replication of printed materials on the conditions and mechanisms of state support measures;
3) holding of information events (forums, conferences, sessions, seminars, meetings, etc.);
4) preparation of regular reports on the SME sector, including an annual report on the state of development of SME in Kazakhstan and its regions, reflecting a comprehensive nationwide analysis of the current state and dynamics of socio-economic indicators of SME in the regional and sectoral perspectives, an overview of the SME sector in each region of Kazakhstan separately, relevant information on the existing infrastructure of financial and non-financial support for SME;
5) ensuring the work of an interactive information and analytical system for presenting relevant statistical information on the development of SME, the microfinance sector, macro- and microeconomic processes at the republican and regional level, as well as the results of the implementation of government programs to support entrepreneurship.
158. Popularization of successful examples of entrepreneurs and successful projects under the Program shall be carried out by:
1) organizing press tours on successful examples of completed projects;
2) development and placement in the media of stories about the participants of the Program (“Success Stories”);
3) development and launch of a cycle of programs in the “Special Reporting” genre on regional and republican TV channels;
4) holding a competition among media representatives for the best material about the Program or entrepreneurship in general.
159. Explanation of legislation and regulation in the field of entrepreneurship shall provide:
1) replication and distribution of information and analytical reference books and teaching aids for entrepreneurs on the basics of entrepreneurship, prepared with the involvement of organizations specializing in legislation and regulation in the field of entrepreneurship;
2) development of leaflets, explanatory materials;
3) release of specialized programs on television or participation in them.
160. Promotion of the ideas of entrepreneurship shall provide:
1) organization of a series of television programs with the participation of experts, entrepreneurs, public figures, foreign experts;
2) organization and holding of "The best entrepreneur of the year" contest ;
3) organizing and holding exhibitions of youth projects;
4) holding open lectures, master classes for start-up entrepreneurs;
5) placement on the basis of the existing business portal "Business Territory" the section on youth entrepreneurship "Zhas isker", including its constant updating;
6) creation of a web site based on "Business Territory" business portal to attract business mentors who are ready to supervise young/start up entrepreneurs;
7) creating and supporting communities in social networks, branches on forums, Internet blogs, channels on video hosting sites dedicated to entrepreneurship.
161. Explanation of the conditions for the provision of state support to entrepreneurs on the instrument “Explanation of government support measures for the "Business Nasihat" component shall be also carried out on the basis of union Call Center of the Program created by the operator of non-financial support.
“Explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states” instrument
162. “Explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states” instrument shall be provided to small and medium business entities focused on international cooperation, export of products and services to the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member states, opening and expanding the branch network, purchasing raw materials and materials, components, technologies in the Eurasian Economic Union member states.
163. Explanation of the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the field of entrepreneurship, public procurement and measures to support business activities in the framework of the instrument “Explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states” shall lie in:
1) conducting outreach on the conditions for doing business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
2) popularization of successful examples of Kazakhstan entrepreneurs operating in the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
3) promotion of the ideas of Kazakhstan entrepreneurship in the Eurasian Economic Union member states.
164. Financing of the instrument “Explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states” shall be implemented at the expense of the republican budget by signing the relevant agreement.
165. Conducting outreach on the conditions for doing business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states shall provide for:
1) development, replication and distribution of information and analytical reference books and teaching aids for business entities in the field of entrepreneurship, government procurement and business support measures prepared with the involvement of organizations specializing in legislation and regulation in the field of entrepreneurship of the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
2) conducting information events (forums, conferences, sessions, seminars, meetings, etc.);
3) preparation of quarterly information and analytical materials of a comparative nature, showing the strengths and weaknesses of business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
4) organization of the Call center activity for explanation the conditions for providing state support to entrepreneurs in member states, legislation and rules for participation in public procurement.
166. Popularization of successful examples of Kazakhstan entrepreneurs operating in the Eurasian Economic Union member states shall provide for:
1) organization of press tours on successful examples of implemented projects in the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
2) development and placement in the media of stories about successful Kazakhstan entrepreneurs working in the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member states (“Success Stories”);
3) holding a competition among media representatives for the best material on Kazakhstan entrepreneurship in the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member states.
167. Promotion of the ideas of Kazakhstan entrepreneurship in the Eurasian Economic Union member states shall provide for:
1) organization of a series of TV programs with the participation of experts, entrepreneurs, public figures, foreign experts;
2) holding open lectures, master classes for entrepreneurs focused on starting a business in the Eurasian Economic Union member states;
3) creation and maintenance of communities in social networks, branches in forums, Internet blogs, channels on video hosting sites dedicated to entrepreneurship in the Eurasian Economic Union member states.
168. The explanation of the conditions for granting state support to entrepreneurs under the instrument “Explanation of the conditions for business activity in the Eurasian Economic Union member states” shall also be carried out on the basis of a unified Call Center of the State Program created by the operator of non-financial support.
Functional direction “Development of competences of entrepreneurs/ industrial and innovative activity entities”
169. The instrument “Teaching the basics of business activity” shall provide for the implementation of the following components:
1) “School of a young entrepreneur”;
2) "Business School".
170. The “School of a young entrepreneur” component (hereinafter referred to as the “SYE” project) shall be aimed to promote the disclosure of innovative and entrepreneurial potential of young people, the active involvement of young people in entrepreneurial activities, increasing the level of competence of young entrepreneurs.
171. The citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan aged from 18 to 29 may be the participants of the “SYE” project.
172. The project "SYE" shall provide for:
1) teaching young people the basics of business activity;
2) provision of consulting services for preparation of business plans;
3) organization of the protection of business plans by the participants of the "SYE" project;
4) organization of “Fair of Ideas” competition in the regions with the presentation of the most successful business projects of the "SYE" project participants;
5) assistance in obtaining financing to the best business projects - winners of the "Fair of Ideas" competitions.
173. In the process of learning, participants of the "SYE" project shall be provided with educational and methodological materials on the basics of business activity and on preparing a business plan, as well as with reference books of small business creation ideas. These materials shall be submitted on paper and/or electronic media.
174. Training of participants of the "SYE" project and the provision of teaching materials, reference books of ideas for creating small business shall be implemented on free of charge basis.
175. Training of participants of the "SYE" project shall be carried out in the ESC. Following the results of training, subject to the successful defense of business plans, participants of the “SYE” project shall be awarded a certificate of completion of training on the “SYE” project.
176. The certificate of completion of training on the "SYE" project shall provide the right to participate in the competition for grant financing in the framework of the Program.
177. Financing of the project "SYE" shall be carried out at the expense of own funds of the operator of non-financial support.
178. The “Business School” component shall be directed to providing training projects including for digital literacy promotion to small and medium business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiatives in industry-based towns, small towns and regional centers.
179. Services of the "Business School" component in industry based towns, small towns and district centers shall be provided at CES, in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey cities and in regional centers in the ESC.
180. Training projects in the framework of the "Business School" component shall provide:
1) short-term training of the basics of business activity under the "Business-Advisor" project;
2) short-term training on functional directions of entrepreneurship development under the "Business-Growth" project;
3) project training using principles of mentoring.
181. In the process of training, small and medium business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative shall be provided with educational materials on the basics of entrepreneurial activity, standard package of documents, including business plans, examples of documents for obtaining financing, results of marketing research, international experience in the field of introduction of innovations, as well as reference books of creation of ideas of small entrepreneurship.
182. Applications for training on the projects of the "Business School" component shall be submitted by the small and medium business entities and the public with an entrepreneurial initiative to the ESC, CES and MCES of the operator.
183. The Regional Program Coordinators, if necessary, shall provide the necessary premises suitable for conducting training projects in the framework of the "Business School" component.
184. Mechanism for implementing the "Business Consultant" project:
1) training shall provided to small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative on free of charge basis;
2) the operator of non-financial support quarterly before the 10th of the month before the reporting quarter shall compile the schedule of training courses for the upcoming quarter with the indication of the date and venue of the training, its period and the deadlines for submission of applications, which, after its compilation within 10 working days, shall be posted in the media;
3) the operator of non-financial support on the basis of applications from small and medium enterprises and the public with entrepreneurial initiative, monthly shall form the lists of participants by the 5th day of the reporting month;
4) after completing the training, small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative, shall be granted a certificate of completion of courses on the "Business-Adviser" project;
5) training on the "Business-Advisor" project shall be carried out within two calendar days.
185. Mechanism for implementing the "Business-Growth" project:
1) training shall provided to small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative on free of charge basis;
2) the operator of non-financial support annually shall conduct a survey of small and medium business entities for determining the list of topics on functional directions of entrepreneurship development;
3) the operator of non-financial support, taking into account the results of the survey of small and medium business entities, quarterly by the 10th of the month before the reporting quarter, shall compile a schedule of training courses for the upcoming quarter, indicating the topics, the date and venue of the training, its period and the deadlines for submission of applications, which, after its completion, within 10 working days shall be posted in the media;
4) the operator of non-financial support on the basis of applications of small and medium enterprises monthly shall form the lists of participants, before the 5th day of the reporting month;
5) after completion the training to the small and medium business entities shall be granted a certificate of completion of courses on the "Business-Growth" project;
6) training on the "Business-Growth" project shall last from 2 to 5 calendar days, depending on the topic of the training.
186. The mechanism of project training implementation using the principles of mentoring:
1) training shall be provided to the small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative of single-industry towns, small towns and district centers on free of charge basis;
2) the operator of non-financial support annually before the 20th of January, in coordination with local executive bodies, depending on the regional specialization and prospects of local business development, shall determine the list of projects subject to project training with the application of principles of mentoring in industry-based towns, small towns and district centers;
3) the operator of non-financial support annually, before the 10th of February, in coordination with the local executive bodies, shall compile a schedule of training indicating the list of projects, the date and venue of the training, its period and the deadlines for submission of applications, which, after its compilation within 10 working days, shall be to be posted in media;
4) the operator of non-financial support on the basis of applications from small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative shall provide a group of participants for each project subject to project training with the application of mentoring principles;
5) the operator of non-financial support for providing mentoring services to small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative on projects subject to project training using the principles of mentoring shall attract active entrepreneurs as well as professionals and consultants with experience in mentoring;
6) the operator of non-financial support shall provide mentors for each group of participants formed according to the project subject to project instruction using the principles of mentoring prior to the beginning of the training;
7) mentors providing mentoring services to small and medium business entities and public with entrepreneurial initiative, during the training period, shall conduct lectures and seminars, provide information and consulting services, teach specifics and features of the project, provide its implementation by participants;
8) project training using the principles of mentoring shall be carried out from three weeks to two months depending on the project subject to project training using the principles of mentoring.
187. Financing of the "Business School" component shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget by concluding the respective agreement between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support.
188. The operator of non-financial support shall provide continuous training in the framework of the “Business School” project for small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative for 12 months of a financial year.
"Advanced training of specialists, top managers of enterprises" instrument
"Training of top management of small and medium enterprises" component
"Increasing the competence of the enterprise" component
189. Training of top management of small and medium enterprises" component shall be directed to providing support to small and medium business entities operating in priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program, via training on the basis of AOE “Nazarbayev University”.
190. Top managers and middle managers of existing small and medium businesses operating in priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program may be the participants of “Training of top management of small and medium business enterprises” component.
191. The cost of training the participants of the component shall be paid at the expense of the republican budget by signing the relevant agreement between the authorized body and AOE “Nazarbayev University”. The participants of the component on their own pay travel expenses to the place of training and back, as well as accommodation.
192. The mechanism of training of top management of small and medium enterprises:
1) regional coordinators of the Program notify directly and/or via the media the potential participants of the Program about the start of competitive selection;
2) an applicant shall submit an application for training in a prescribed form to the financial agency, whereas the applicant shall sign a written commitment to provide all the information and data necessary for carrying out monitoring or other actions related to the implementation of the project. The financial agency shall form a consolidated application in accordance with the quotas determined by the authorized body and send it to the authorized body for approval;
3) authorized body shall send an agreed list of Program participants to the AOE "Nazarbayev University".
The financial agency in consort with AOE “Nazarbayev University” shall conduct subsequent monitoring of activities of the participants of the Program on enterprise development.
193. “Increasing the competence of the enterprise” component shall be directed to:
training and/or retraining and/or advanced training of engineering and technical personnel, production personnel, including top managers, on issues of increasing labor productivity and/or introducing technologies (elements) of Industry 4.0;
introduction of best manufacturing practices by attracting foreign experts.
194. In the framework of “Increasing the competence of enterprise” component, partial reimbursement of expenses for services rendered by third parties shall be carried out.
195. The conditions, procedure and types of costs for the component “Increasing the competence of enterprise” shall be determined by the Rules on Provision of State Support to Industrial and Innovation Entities Directed to Increasing Labor Productivity and Developing Territorial Clusters approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
"Providing service support for the current business activities" instrument
196. Providing service support for the current business activities" instrument shall be aimed to improve the enterprise management system in order to increase its efficiency and shall include the provision of the following specialized services to support business processes in ESC, CES and MCES:
1. Services related to accounting and tax accounting, as well as the compilation of statistical reports, including consultations regarding:
1) taxation and tax administration;
2) tax legislation and legislation governing the accounting activities of the enterprise;
3) processing of primary documents, the accrual of taxes and other deductions to the budget;
4) restoration of accounting;
5) accounting;
6) work with "1C-Accounting" program;
7) preparation and submission of tax and statistical reports;
8) compiling additional reports on financial activities for third parties;
9) submission of electronic statistical reporting.
2. Customs services, including the following:
1) consultations in the field of customs legislation and customs procedures;
2) consultations on the rules and procedures for declaring goods, determining and adjusting the customs value, filling in customs declaration;
3) consultations on tariff and non-tariff regulation for specific products;
4) documentary support of foreign economic activity;
5) consultations on obtaining licenses, permits for foreign economic activity;
6) consultations on the declaration of goods within the Customs Union;
7) consulting services on the terms of a foreign trade contract.
3. Support of appeals of entrepreneurs and the public with entrepreneurial initiative:
1) in state bodies regarding the obtaining of licenses and permits;
2) in second-tier banks regarding the obtaining of loans;
3) in development institutions regarding the obtaining of state support measures.
4. Provision of legal services, including the following:
1) consulting services for the preparation of documents for registration, re-registration, liquidation of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
2) preparation of documents for registration, re-registration, liquidation of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
3) consultations on draft of contracts;
4) development of draft contracts;
5) consultations in the field of civil and labor law;
6) consultation on document management;
7) audit of document flow with the provision of recommendations;
8) consultations on the preparation of a package of documents for lending, except for the business plan;
9) preparation of a package of documents for lending, except for the business plan;
10) advice on the maintenance of personnel documentation;
11) audit of personnel documentation with the provision of recommendations;
12) consulting services related to the verification of documents for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. Marketing services, including:
1) consultations on the development of pricing policies;
2) development of pricing policy for specific goods, works and services taking into account the market, as well as analyzing the results and plans of public procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users for similar goods, works and services;
3) consultations on the development of a business plan and preparation for consideration at second-tier banks;
4) development of a business plan and preparation for consideration at second-tier banks;
5) consultations on the development of the marketing strategy of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
6) development of marketing strategy of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
7) consultations on the assessment and analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
8) assessment and analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
9) consultations on the analysis of the plan for the promotion of goods and/or works and/or services, the study of the types of demand for goods and/or works and/or services;
10) analysis of the plan for the promotion of goods and/or works and/or services, the study of types of demand for goods and/or works and/or services with the issuance of recommendations or conclusions;
11) consultations on the analysis of the competitive environment;
12) analysis of the competitive environment taking into account the market, as well as the results and plans of public procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users for similar goods, works and services;
13) consultations on the development of the brand, advertising company;
14) development of the brand, advertising company.
6. Consultations in the field of information technology services, including:
1) development and support of Internet resources;
2) creation of a site business card of the enterprise (private entrepreneur);
3) creation and conduct of business on the Internet;
4) installation and support of an electronic reporting program;
5) installation and support of "1C-Accounting" program.
7. Services related to government procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users, including:
1) preparation of applications for participation in the contest/tender;
2) examination (audit) of applications for participation in the contest/tender;
3) connection to an Internet source containing a unified structured information base on the procurement of Kazakhstan;
4) examination (audit) of the documentation of the enterprise/private entrepreneur regarding the possibility of improvement for participation in public and other procurement;
5) appeal of actions/inactions of procurement organizers;
6) calculation of Kazakhstan content;
7) presentation of analytical reports on the market capacity of state and other procurement of Kazakhstan based on annual procurement plans.
8. Consultations in the field of public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as the PPP) regarding:
1) preparation of a tender application of a potential private partner in the framework of a competition to determine a private partner;
2) developing the concept of a PPP project as part of the definition of a private partner;
3) preparation and conclusion of a PPP contract;
4) issues of implementation of PPP projects.
197. "Providing service support for the current business activities" instrument shall be provided to small and medium business entities operating in all sectors of the economy on free of charge basis.
198. Providing service support for the current business activities shall be carried out at the ESC and CES, including on-site visits to rural areas via MCES as applications of small and medium business entities are accumulated.
199. The mechanism for providing service support for the current business activities:
1) between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support an agreement on public procurement of services for providing service support for the current business activities shall be concluded;
2) financing of providing service support for the current business activities shall be carried out at the expense of funds from the republican budget by signing an agreement on public procurement of services for providing service support for the current business activities between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support;
3) the operator of non-financial support, monthly, shall inform entrepreneurs of the regions about the start and venue of providing service support for the current business activities, including via the mass media.
200. In the framework of the agreement on public procurement of services for providing service support for the current business activities:
1) the operator of non-financial support quarterly no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, shall send to the authorized body a report on the implementation of the instrument in the form specified in the contract on public procurement of services for providing service support for the current business activities;
2) the operator of non-financial support monthly no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the instrument shall send information about the implementation of the instrument;
3) the financial agency shall monitor the progress of the implementation of the instrument in accordance with the methodology for monitoring the implementation of providing service support for the current business activities (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology).
201. The methodology shall be developed by a financial agency in consultation with the operator of non-financial support and approved by a decision of the authorized body.
The financial agency quarterly, no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting month, shall send to the authorized body a report on monitoring the implementation of the instrument in the form specified in the methodology.
202. The operator of non-financial support shall ensure the continuous providing service support for the current business activities to small and medium business entities for 12 months of the financial year.
"Providing consultations regarding the obtaining of permits and technical condition" instrument
203. "Providing consultations regarding the obtaining of permits and technical condition" instrument shall be provided to small and medium business entities wishing to obtain permits or technical conditions.
204. The operator of non-financial support for the implementation of this instrument shall develop a reference book for each permit document and technical condition, which includes requirements, including a list of necessary documents required for obtaining permit documents and technical conditions, information about the state body and organization, issuing them, place and the time of issuing permits and technical conditions, as well as step-by-step recommendations for obtaining permits and technical conditions.
205. The reference book for each permit document and technical condition shall be the subject to constant updating in accordance with changes in the legislation governing the issuance of permit documents and technical conditions.
206. Consultations shall be carried out in accordance with the content of reference books for each permit document and technical conditions, which, after providing consultations, shall be given to small and medium business entities on free of charge basis.
207. Financing the implementation of the instrument shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget by concluding a corresponding agreement between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support.
Functional direction "Increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities"
208. The instrument "Attracting external consultants on the issues of introducing new management methods, production technologies, increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises" shall provide for the implementation of the following components:
1) “Co-financing of consulting projects of advanced enterprises by attracting external consultants (EBRD program to support small and medium entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”;
2) “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and staff training (Supervisor seniors)”
209. The EBRD program to support small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be directed to providing support to leading small and medium enterprises by co-financing consultation projects carried out by external consultants and carrying out market development activities.
Support in the framework of the EBRD Small and Medium Enterprises Support Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be provided to small and medium enterprises operating in priority sectors of the economy, manufacturing industries and certain types of services identified by the SPIID, and in industry based towns, small towns and rural areas without industry restrictions, as well as having a high financial stability and high growth potential and ready to cover a part of the cost of the total cost consulting project implemented in the framework of the Program.
210. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter referred to as the EBRD) shall be the operator of the EBRD program for supporting small and medium entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
211. The enterprises that meet basic and additional criteria may be participants of the Program.
212. Basic selection criteria:
1) participants - small or medium business entities in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) form of ownership - a private enterprise with a controlling stake at citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (no more than 49% of foreign participation in capital);
3) sphere of activity - activity in all priority sectors of the economy, manufacturing industries and certain types of services defined by the SPIID, and in industry based towns, small towns and rural areas without industry restrictions;
4) experience in the field of small and medium enterprises - 2 (two) years for the moment of application;
5) full package of application documents for participation in the Program - completed original application in accordance with the standard EBRD form, copies of constituent documents, copies of financial statements for the two full previous years and the current financial period for the moment of application.
213. Additional selection criteria (compliance with these criteria shall be assessed by a group of local EBRD specialists after following the standard EBRD procedures for enterprise inspection and diagnostics):
1) viability - potential for further growth in terms of the presence of visible competitive advantages, profitability (positive gross profit), the availability of sufficient financial and operational resources for the implementation of consulting projects and the application of their results; the EBRD will not support near-bankrupt enterprises or requiring full restructuring;
2) management attitude - willingness to cooperate with EBRD specialists and a consulting company;
3) high reputation/integrity - the company and its management should be credible and high reputation;
4) experience with freelance consultants - a real need for business consulting services, as well as the ability to apply the received support with little experience with freelance consultants or without such experience, and (or) the lack of funds to finance the project in full;
5) financial obligations - the company must be ready and be able to pay 25 - 75% of the total cost of the project.
214. The EBRD shall conduct prequalification and maintain a database of consulting service providers that meet the requirements for implementing projects in the framework of the EBRD program to support small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
215. Consultants shall be assessed for their qualifications to provide specific consulting services and work in specific areas of expertise:
1) work experience - a description of the company's activities, a copy of its registration in the state register, a certificate of ownership (extracts from the charter and/or constituent contract), annual financial statements for at least two previous years (profit and loss statement, report on cash flow, balance), if applicable, description of the specialization of the company/individual consultant with indication of payment rates by type of consulting services;
2) work with the client and recommendations - description of the implemented projects (within the specialization of the consulting company) for the last 2-3 years, including feedback and recommendations;
3) staffing - interviewing all consultants and receiving their resumes.
216. After determining the needs of the enterprise and preparing a technical assignment for providing consulting services in the prescribed form for the implementation of the project, the request for commercial proposals for consulting companies that meet the requirements established under the EBRD program to support small and medium businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan may be made. The enterprise itself has the right of the final choice of consultant. Consultants shall be forbidden to carry out in parallel other projects until the first project is not successfully implemented.
217. Supported projects will complement the services provided in the framework of CES and other initiatives of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These may include, among others, the following types of consulting services:
1) strategic management:
strategic planning
business planning
development of technical and financial feasibility studies
financial analysis and planning
partner search
2) marketing management:
sales management
marketing research
marketing strategy development
branding and promotion
on-line marketing
3) organizational management:
organizational development
human resource management
4) operational management:
business process reengineering
supply chain management
5) information and communication technologies:
industrial automation systems
workflow automation systems
IT infrastructure
manufacturing process automation systems
corporate management information systems
6) design-and-engineering development:
production line optimization
architectural planning/design
infrastructure and utility planning
7) quality management:
introduction of quality management systems
introduction of food safety systems
implementation of safety systems at work
introduction of product safety systems
8) energy and resource efficiency:
energy audit, certification and rating assignment
implementation of energy management systems
implementation of engineering design solutions in the field of energy efficiency
introduction of renewable energy sources
9) environmental management:
environmental audit and environmental impact assessment
introduction of environmental management systems
implementation of engineering design solutions in the field of ecology
10) accounting and financial reporting:
implementation of financial management and accounting systems
processing of financial information for the preparation of audited financial statements
advice on the implementation of accounting policies to improve the financial information required for enterprise management and reporting
improvement of financial reporting in accordance with national / international standards (NFRS/IFRS).
218. The timing of projects under the EBRD program to support small and medium businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall depend on the content of the project, but usually ranges from four to six months.
219. The mechanism for the implementation of projects under the EBRD program to support small and medium entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) The EBRD and/or the financial agency in each region of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall provide entrepreneurs with information on the EBRD Small and Medium Enterprises Support Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including information on the criteria for participation in the Program and requirements for the application package, as well as assisting potential clients in the preparation of the project application;
2) an applicant shall submit to the EBRD an application for support with the assistance of the EBRD Program for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the necessary package of documents (including the completed original application in accordance with the standard form of the EBRD Program for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan, copies of constituent documents, copies of financial reports for the two full previous years and the current financial period at the time of application);
3) the EBRD specialist shall visit the company to assess its eligibility after completing the standard procedures of the EBRD Small and Medium Enterprise Support Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan in examining and diagnosing the enterprise in order to determine its viability, needs and priorities and make a final decision on the application;
4) the EBRD specialist shall compile a consolidated list of applicants for participation in the EBRD Small and Medium-Sized Business Support Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shall register and store the information on interested companies, shall present a consolidated list of entrepreneurs approved for participation in the EBRD Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, financial agency for the purpose of notification;
5) potential consulting project shall be discussed with the company management;
6) the EBRD shall prepare a list of consulting companies and/or experts suitable for the project from a database of local and international experts for the company and shall assist in conducting negotiations with potential project consultants, in particular international experts;
7) an applicant shall make the final decision on the choice of a consulting company and/or expert;
8) the company and the consulting company shall jointly develop the terms of reference in the prescribed form, which must be agreed and approved by the EBRD;
9) the EBRD shall make a decision on the size of the co-financing of the consultation project, based on the current grant guide matrix;
10) the company and the consulting company shall conclude an agreement on the provision of consulting services in accordance with the technical specifications for the project approved by the EBRD;
11) the EBRD and the company shall conclude an agreement on the provision of a consultancy project in the framework of the EBRD program to support small and medium entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
220. EBRD shall monitor the project implementation.
221. At the end of the project, the consultant shall conduct a final presentation and submit a report on the project results to the beneficiary company and the EBRD.
222. The company shall pay the consultant the amount in accordance with the agreement on the provision of consulting services.
223. After verifying the compliance of the work performed with the stated technical requirements, successful completion of the project and the fact of the payment the project cost by the enterprise to the consultant in accordance with the consultancy agreement, the EBRD shall pay the grant to the beneficiary company in accordance with the signed grant agreement in the framework of the Program of the EBRD on Support of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
224. After a year after the completion of the project, an EBRD specialist shall visit and conduct a final assessment of the project to assess its impact on the performance of the beneficiary company.
225. The EBRD shall annually submit a report to the authority body on the implementation of the component.
Component “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the issues of introducing new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors)”
226. Organizational support of the component “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the issues of introducing new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors)” in Kazakhstan shall be provided by the operator of non-financial support by the involvement of experts and/or with the assistance of the IFO (international and foreign organizations).
227. Conditions of implementation the component “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the issues of introducing new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors)”:
1) small and medium business entities operating in priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program may be the participants of the component;
2) payment of expenses for attracting foreign experts on the component shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget;
3) payment of travel expenses and the services of foreign experts shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget;
4) travel and daily expenses of foreign experts, as well as their living on the territory of Kazakhstan, shall be carried out at the expense of own funds of small and medium business entities.
228. Mechanism of the implementation of the component “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the issues of introducing new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors)”:
1) the financial agency, and since 2016, the non-financial support operator, together with the regional coordinator of the Program, shall notify directly and/or via the media small and medium business entities about the conditions for the implementation of the component;
2) an applicant shall submit an application to the operator of non-financial support to attract foreign experts;
3) the financial agency, and since 2016, the non-financial support operator shall consider applications and make selection regarding compliance of the applicant to conditions of the Program (from the selected applications, the financial agency, and since 2016, the non-financial support operator shall form a consolidated application and send to the authorized body);
4) the authorized body shall send the agreed list of participants to the financial agency, and since 2016 to the operator of non-financial support for the implementation of organizational measures to attract foreign specialists;
5) the operator of non-financial support shall ensure the involvement of foreign specialists, including with the assistance of the IFO;
6) IFO and/or experts shall send to the non-financial support operator a report on the results of work at the conclusion of each mission of foreign specialists.
229. Financing the implementation of the component shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget by concluding a relevant agreement between the authorized body and the financial agency, and since 2016 the operator of non-financial support.
230. The operator of non-financial support shall provide continuous support to small and medium-sized business entities by attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors) for 12 months of the financial year.
231. The services of the “Supervisor seniors” component, provided by the non-financial support operator, prior to the entry into force of the contract for onerous provision of services concluded between the authorized body and the non-financial support operator, shall be reimbursed by the authorized body as part of the concluded service contract for the current financial year.
The instrument "Technological development of enterprises" shall provide for the implementation of the following components:
1) "Development and/or examination of a complex plan for an industrial-innovative project";
2) "Improvement of technological processes";
3) "Improving the efficiency of organization of production";
4) "Certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.)".
232. Component "Development and/or examination of a complex plan for an industrial-innovative project" shall be directed to compensation of expenses on:
development of a complex plan of industrial-innovative project for obtaining long-term leasing financing in the framework of "Long-term leasing financing" section;
development and/or examination of the feasibility study for the Industrialization Map projects or the Regional Entrepreneurship Support Map.
233. In the framework of the component "Development and/or examination of a complex plan for an industrial-innovative project", the costs for services rendered by third parties shall be reimbursed.
234. The conditions, procedure and types of costs for the "Development and/or examination of a complex plan for an industrial-innovative project" component shall be determined by the Rules for the Provision of State Support to Industrial and Innovation Entities Directed to Increasing Productivity and Developing Territorial Clusters as approved by an authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
235. The component "Improvement of technological processes" shall be directed to:
1) optimization of the overall functioning of the enterprise;
2) development of industrial design;
3) preparation of engineering design and solutions, the search for new designs, technologies, equipment and the identification of opportunities for their implementation in production;
4) provision, support and management of production processes.
236. The conditions, procedure and types of costs for the component “Improvement of technological processes” shall be determined by the Rules for the Provision of State Support to Industrial and Innovation Entities Aimed at Increasing Labor Productivity and Development of Territorial Clusters, approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
237. The "Improving the efficiency of organization of production" component shall be directed to stimulating the growth of the managerial and production level of domestic enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of production organization.
238. In the framework of the component "Improving the efficiency of organization of production" partial reimbursement of costs for services rendered by third parties shall be implemented.
239. The conditions, procedure and types of costs for the component "Improving the efficiency of organization of production" shall be determined by the Rules for the Provision of State Support to Industrial and Innovation Entities Directed at Increasing Labor Productivity and Developing Territorial Clusters approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
240. "Certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.)" shall be directed at certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.).
241. Procedure for reimbursement of part of the costs of product certification and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.) shall be established by the Rules for the reimbursement of part of the costs of industrial and innovative entities to promote domestic processed goods, works and services in the domestic market, approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
The instrument “Technological development of enterprises” shall provide for the implementation of the component "Certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.)".
"Certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.)" component
242. "Certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.)" component.
The procedure for reimbursement of the cost of certification of products and quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, GMP, EN, etc.) shall be established by the Rules for the reimbursement of part of the costs of industrial and innovative entities to promote domestic processed goods, works and services in the domestic market, approved by the authorized body in the field of industrial and innovative development.
Functional direction "Expansion of business relations: the establishment of business relations with foreign partners"
243. "Business Connections" instrument shall be directed to providing support to small and medium business entities operating in priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program, by the establishment of business relationships with foreign partners with the support of international and foreign organizations (hereinafter referred to as the IFO).
"Business Connections" instrument
244. "Business Connections" instrument shall be provided to top and middle managers of small and medium-sized business entities operating in priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program.
245. "Business Connections" instrument shall consist of two stages.
246. The first stage shall be carried out on the territory of Kazakhstan. At this stage, professional development of top and middle managers of small and medium business entities operating in the priority sectors of the economy in the framework of the Program shall be conducted by organizing business trainings directed to teaching modern business methods, marketing, and establishing business contacts with business partners and others. In the process of learning, participants of the instrument shall develop business plans for their company under the guidance of foreign and domestic business coaches.
247. On completion of the business trainings, the participants of the instrument shall independently finalize the business plans in accordance with the consultations received and subsequently may participate in the competitive selection for the second stage of the instrument “Establishing Business Connections with Foreign Partners”.
248. The second stage shall provide participants of the instrument with a thematic business internship abroad, which shall include internships at foreign enterprises of a similar profile and the establishment of business relations with foreign partners regarding:
1) technology transfer and equipment acquisition;
2) mutual supply of goods, works and services;
3) acquisition of franchises;
4) obtaining grants from international and foreign organizations;
5) creation of joint ventures.
249. According to the results of a business internship abroad, the participant within 2 months from the date of arrival in Kazakhstan shall submit to the authorized body on entrepreneurship the reporting information on the results of the business internship and further plans to develop their own business.
250. Assistance in organizing overseas internships for small and medium business entities shall be provided by the IFO, taking into account the needs of the participants of the instrument and the level of industry development of host countries.
251. Interaction with the IFO shall be carried out in the framework of existing international agreements on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the IFO.
252. Financing of the instrument's activities shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget by the conclusion of a relevant agreement between the authorized body and the operator of non-financial support, as well as at the expense of the associated and not associated IFO grants.
The participants of the instrument shall pay travel and living expenses on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on their own.
253. The operator of non-financial support shall provide continuous support to small and medium business entities by the establishment of business relations with foreign partners with the support of international and foreign organizations for 12 months of the financial year.
254. The services of the “Business Connections” instrument provided by the non-financial support operator, prior to the entry into force of the paid service agreement concluded between the authorized body and the non-financial support operator, shall be reimbursed by the authorized body as part of the chargeable service agreement for the current financial year.
255. The mechanism for the implementation of the first stage of the "Business Connections" instrument:
1) the operator of non-financial support shall determine an educational institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shall conclude an agreement with it for conducting business trainings and assistance in organizing internships abroad;
2) the operator of non-financial support together with the regional coordinator of the Program directly and/or via the mass media shall notify potential participants of the Program about the beginning of the acceptance of documents;
3) the applicant shall submit an application for participation in the project to the operator of non-financial support and shall sign a written commitment to provide all information and data that does not represent commercial secrets necessary for monitoring or other actions related to the implementation of the instrument;
4) the operator of non-financial support, within 15 (fifteen) calendar days, shall consider applications and conduct a selection of applications and shall issue applicants that meet the conditions of the instrument, a referral (the selected agency forms the financial agency, and since 2016, the non-financial support operator shall group its consolidated application by industry and shall send for approval to the authorized body together with the proposal on the organization of business trainings and subsequent thematic business internships);
5) the authorized body within 5 (five) calendar days, shall send the approved lists of participants of the instrument to the financial agency, and since 2016 to the operator of non-financial support to conduct relevant work on the preparation of business trainings;
6) the educational institution shall develop a training program, coordinate it with a financial agency, and since 2016, with the operator of non-financial support;
7) the operator of non-financial support shall send a training program to the authorized body for approval;
8) after the approval of the training program by the authorized body, the educational institution shall organize business training for the participants of the instrument;
9) the educational institution shall involve foreign and domestic business trainers and experts, consulting companies with appropriate qualifications in these sectors to conduct business trainings;
10) after the completing of business trainings, the instrument participants wishing to participate in the second stage of the instrument, shall finalize their business plans directly at the enterprise and shall submit the refined business plans to the educational institution;
11) educational institution together with a financial agency, and since 2016 with the operator of non-financial support shall organize the defense of business plans of the participants of the instrument;
12) for participation in the second stage of the instrument, small and medium business entities that have been trained under the component "Education of top management of small and medium enterprises" may also submit their applications.
256. The mechanism for the implementation of the second stage of the "Business Connections" instrument:
1) The IFO, together with the non-financial support operator and the educational institution, shall select the best submitted business plans developed during the first stage of the instrument, and shall submit a list of participants to participate in the second stage of the instrument, to the authorized body;
2) The IFO shall compile a calendar of group programs and search for partner enterprises to conduct thematic business internships and shall send participants of the instrument to foreign internships;
3) based on the results of the internship, the participants shall prepare a detailed Plan for the development of the enterprise, taking into account the knowledge, experience and technology obtained;
4) the operator of non-financial support together with the IFO shall monitor the implementation of development plans of enterprises participating in the Program.
Development of small and medium entrepreneurship around large businesses implementing investment projects in the macroregions
The implementation of state partnership programs with town-forming enterprises will be aimed at developing and supporting small and medium businesses (SME) in the regions by combining the efforts of large companies, the state and financial institutions.
257. From the republican budget, in the framework of the Program, a package of instruments will be submitted, including:
1) subsidizing and guaranteeing of loans;
2) infrastructure laying;
3) "Business Consultant" project;
4) "Business Growth" project;
5) "Training of top management of SME" component;
6) business support services;
7) provision of quotas in the framework of the "Business Connections " project.
258. The role of large companies in the implementation of partnership programs will consist in:
1) provision of long-term orders of local producers, the inclusion of products by enterprises in the list of products demanded by large enterprises;
2) provision of quotas for raw materials for the development of the "next redistribution";
3) support for projects on developing alternative activities.
International organizations will assist in:
1) attracting technology and purchasing equipment;
2) organization of training programs and specialized trainings;
3) attraction of highly qualified foreign specialists for consultations directly to enterprises.
259. Mechanism for the implementation of partnership programs:
1) development of a joint action plan with large companies to implement an affiliate program;
2) signing of memorandums of mutual understanding and cooperation between a large company, local executive bodies, “Damu” EDF” JSC on the implementation of the partnership program;
3) uniting entrepreneurs into public organizations;
4) determining with a large company the pilot areas for procurement from local SME entities, based on the list of purchased goods and services, responsible persons and the format of interaction;
5) compiling and maintaining an updated register of local SME entities and dividing them by product type;
6) holding periodic meetings with SME entities with the participation of core companies, akimat, “Damu” EDF” JSC;
7) selection of potential participants from among interested SME companies and organization of specialized seminars and trainings for them in selected pilot areas, organization of business internships; provision of individual consulting assistance to entrepreneurs on the issues of establishing a new type of activity, developing a business plan, acquiring technologies and equipment, organizing marketing and sales, and other issues;
8) conclusion of long-term contracts with local SME;
9) solution of issues of providing financing, assistance in supplying the missing engineering infrastructure.
260. The operator of the implementation of partnership programs shall be a social-entrepreneurial corporation (hereinafter referred to as the SEC).
Operator functions shall include:
1) development of a joint action plan for the implementation of partnership programs;
2) organization of activities of permanent working groups for the implementation of partnership programs;
3) determination with a large company of a list of goods and services for procurement from local SME;
4) compiling and maintaining a register of local SME - potential program participants;
5) selection of potential participants from among interested SME companies;
6) organization of specialized seminars and trainings, consulting assistance to entrepreneurs and other issues;
7) assistance to program participants in concluding long-term contracts with local SME.
261. SEC operator services for implementing partner programs will be paid for from the local budget.
Providing non-financial support measures online
262. Small and medium business entities and people with entrepreneurial initiative may receive non-financial support measures in industry based towns, small towns and regional centers via self-service areas at CES, in the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey and regional centers at the ESC or via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
263. In order to provide non-financial support measures online, self-service zone management centers shall be created at the central office of the operator of non-financial support.
The Self-Service Area Management Center (SAMC) shall be a complex of specially organized workplaces for the personal work of specialists, equipped with technical facilities and specialized software that shall be combined into technical systems designed to provide online training, information support, consulting services to small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative. SAMC shall be created at the central office of the operator of non-financial support.
Self-service areas shall be specially accomplished places, equipped with hardware and specialized software products, combined into technical systems, designed to receive consulting services, training, information support, delivery of tax and statistical reporting to small and medium business entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative online. Self-service areas shall be created on the basis of entrepreneurs service centers/centers of entrepreneurship support.
"Business Consultant"
264. Services of the "Business School" component in industry based towns, small towns and regional centers shall be provided via self-service areas at CES, in the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey and regional centers at the ECS or via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
265. Small and medium enterprise entities and the public with entrepreneurial initiative when applying via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support for training on the “Business Consultant” project shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 3 to the Program.
266. Information on the category of business entities shall be determined automatically by the relevant state information systems via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
267. After registration of the electronic application of the participant of the instrument via the information system, the following actions shall be implemented:
1) when choosing a method of self-study, training materials will be available to the applicant, posted on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support;
2) when choosing a method of learning in online mode, an applicant on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support may choose a convenient time for studying online.
268. After completing the training, the operator of non-financial support shall send a notification indicating the date, time and place of testing. Testing for participants in online mode and self-studied participants shall takes place in the self-service area based on the ESC/CES. The threshold for successful testing shall be 70% or more of the correct answers from the total number of questions.
269. After successful testing, the applicant shall be issued a certificate of training for the "Business Consultant" project in electronic format, which, if necessary, shall be certified by the operator of non-financial support.
270. To obtain a certificate for the “Business Consultant” project by self-study, small and medium business entity and the public with entrepreneurial initiative fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 4 to the Program.
271. After the registration of the electronic application by the operator of non-financial support, within 2 (two) working days a notification with the indication of the date, time and place of the test will be sent to the applicant via the information system.
"Business Growth"
272. When applying via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support for training on the "Business Growth" project, small and medium business entities shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 5 to the Program.
273. Information on the business entity, including the category and certificate of state registration of the legal entity/individual entrepreneur, shall be automatically determined by means of the corresponding state information systems via the gateway the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
274. After registration of the electronic application of the participant of the instrument via the information system, the following actions shall be implemented:
1) when choosing a method of self-study, training materials will be available to the applicant, posted on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support;
2) when choosing a method of learning in online mode, the applicant on the web portal, of the operator of non-financial support may choose a convenient time for learning in online mode.
275. After completing the training, the non-financial support operator shall send a testing schedule indicating the date, time and location of testing. Testing for participants in online mode and self-studied participants shall take place in the self-service area based on the ESC/ CES. The threshold for successful testing is 70% or more of the correct answers from the total number of questions.
276. After successful testing, the applicant shall be issued a certificate of training on the "Business Growth" project in electronic format, which, if necessary, shall be certified by the operator of non-financial support.
277. To obtain a certificate for the "Business Growth" project via self-study, a small and medium business entity fills out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 4 to the Program.
278. After the registration of the electronic application by the operator of non-financial support, within 2 (two) working days, via the information system, the applicant shall be sent a testing schedule indicating the date, time and place of testing.
"Service support of current business activities"
279. The services of the “Service support of current business activities” instrument, provided for in paragraph 196 of the Program, shall be provided via self-service areas at ESC, CES or online via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
280. When contacting the non-financial support operator's web portal to obtain service support, small and medium business entities shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 6 to the Program. This application shall be signed by a digital signature or identification shall be implemented by means of the method of two- (three-) factor authentication or confirmation by an audit trail in the information system of the operator of non-financial support.
281. From the moment of registration of an electronic application of a small and medium business entity, the manager-consultant of the operator of non-financial support via the information system shall be distributed the received application according to workload.
282. After the application is distributed by the information system of the operator of non-financial support, a notification of receiving his application to work shall be sent via email or mobile phone to the small and medium business entity.
283. The manager-consultant of the operator of non-financial support within 1 (one) working day via the information system shall study the received application and examine the accuracy and correctness of the submitted data. Under the condition of inaccuracy, incorrectness or incomplete filling of this application, the manager-consultant has the right to return this application for revision (after requesting additional data, or clarifying data).
284. The manager-consultant of the operator of non-financial support shall render the service and send the applicant to his/her personal account on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support or SMS - notification indicating the processing status of the application of a small and medium business entity.
285. The applicant in his/her personal account on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support shall study the provided information, shall confirm the fact of the completed work by signing the certificate of the completed work by electronic digital signature or by identifying the person via the two- (three-) factor authentication method, then the information system shall automatically generate an assessment questionnaire of the provided service in accordance with Annex 7 to the Program, where the applicant shall assess the quality of the provided service by the manager-consultant of the operator of non-financial support.
“Information support for entrepreneurs and the public with entrepreneurial initiative at CES”
286. The services of the component “Information support for entrepreneurs and the public with entrepreneurial initiative at CES”, provided for in paragraph 140 of the Program, shall be provided via self-service areas at ESC, CES or online via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
“Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervising Seniors)”
287. The services of the component “Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervising Seniors)” shall be provided via self-service areas at ESC, CES or online via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
288. When choosing the “Supervising Seniors” instrument, the participant of the instrument shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 8 to the Program and shall attach a copy of the certificate of employment with a issuing period of not more than 10 (ten) calendar days.
289. Information on the category of business entities and the type of CCEA shall be determined automatically by the relevant state information systems via the gateway of the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
290. After registration of the electronic application of the participant of the instrument via the information system, the following actions shall be implemented:
1) examination of the completeness of documents;
2) direction of the registered application for consideration to the operator of non-financial support;
3) consideration by the operator of non-financial support of the received application within 5 (five) working days.
In the case the application of a small and medium business entity and the public with entrepreneurial initiative is approved, the operator of non-financial support shall send the formed list of approved applications to the applicant's personal account.
4) sending by the operator of non-financial support a reasoned refusal within 2 (two) working days from the date of registration of the application in case of non-compliance of the submitted materials, objects, data and information necessary to provide non-financial support to the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
291. Further interaction of the Program participants in the "Supervising Seniors" instrument shall be implemented in accordance with the internal documents of the operator of non-financial support.
292. Notifications on the consideration of the application of the participant of the instrument shall be sent by the operator of non-financial support to the applicant in the "personal account".
"Business connections"
293. The “Business connections” instrument services shall be provided via self-service areas at ESC, CES and/or online via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
294. When selecting the “Business connections” instrument, the instrument participant shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 9 to the Program and shall attach a copy of the certificate of employment with a issuing period of not more than 10 (ten) calendar days.
295. Information on the category of business entities and the type of CCEA shall be determined automatically by the relevant state information systems of the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
296. After registration of the electronic application of the participant of the instrument via the information system, the following actions shall be implemented:
1) examination of the completeness of documents;
2) direction of the registered application for consideration to the operator of non-financial support;
3) consideration by the operator of non-financial support of the received application within 5 (five) working days.
In case the application of the participant of the instrument is approved, until the agreement of the schedule for completing the training for the provision of non-financial support, the operator of non-financial support shall place an application in a waiting list.
4) sending by the operator of non-financial support of a reasoned refusal within 2 (two) working days from the date of registration of the application in case of non-compliance of the submitted materials, objects, data and information necessary for the provision of non-financial support to the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
297. After completion of consideration by the operator of non-financial support of the received applications of participants of the instrument for receiving non-financial support, via the information system, a list of approved applications of entrepreneurs shall be formed with an indication of the training program in the order of registration of the applications on the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
298. The operator of non-financial support shall form a training schedule for approved applications.
299. The further procedure for agreeing on the training schedule shall be governed by the internal documents of the operator of non-financial support.
300. After agreement of the training schedule, the operator of non-financial support shall send the participant a copy of the training schedule to the personal account within 2 (two) working days.
301. After completing the training, the participant of the instrument shall be granted a certificate confirming the completion of training in the first stage of the participation instrument.
302. Via the information system, the operator of non-financial support together with the educational institution shall form the list of participants having the opportunity to undergo further training as part of the second stage of the "Business Connections" instrument. The corresponding notification shall be sent by the information system to the participants of the instrument to the personal account.
303. The participant, who received a certificate of completion of training via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support, shall fill out an electronic application in accordance with Annex 10 to the Program and shall attach copies of the necessary documents for the competitive selection.
304. After registration of the electronic application of the participant of the instrument via the information system, the following actions shall be implemented:
1) examination of the completeness of documents;
2) direction of the registered application for consideration to the operator of non-financial support;
3) the operator of non-financial support, within 1 (one) working day, shall redirect the received application with attached documents to the educational institution for consideration.
305. The educational institution within 5 (five) working days from the date of receiving the application from the operator of non-financial support shall consider the applications of participants for compliance with the data and information of the submitted documents and shall send a conclusion to the operator of non-financial support.
306. During the consideration of applications received, an educational institution has the right to request the necessary information and/or documents on the project from a small business entity via personal contact.
307. In case of a negative conclusion of an educational institution, the operator of non-financial support shall send a motivated refusal to the participant of the instrument within 1 (one) working day from the day the conclusion was received from the educational institution.
308. The operator of non-financial support shall send a notification of the formation of the schedule of the interview to the participants who received a positive conclusion of the educational institution.
309. The formation and approval of an interview schedule for the second stage of the instrument shall be governed by internal documents of the operator of non-financial support.
310. After approval of the schedule of the interview for the second stage of the instrument, the operator of non-financial support shall send the copy of the schedule of the interview to the personal account of the participant of the instrument via the information system within 2 (two) working days.
Monitoring of the Program implementation
311. Monitoring of the Program shall be implemented in order to ensure the full and timely achievement of its target indicators, objectives and performance indicators, to regularly receive information about the current state of implementation of the Program, as well as to timely update the Program, including its instruments and mechanisms, taking into account changing external and internal factors of development entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
312. Monitoring of the Program shall be implemented at three levels:
1) analysis of statistical indicators directed to collecting and processing indicators on the number of services provided and the list of support instruments in the context of categories of entrepreneurship, types of government support, industry and regional affiliation;
2) audit of the quality of the implementation of the Program’s instruments shall be directed to assessing the quality of the implementation of the Program’s instruments, including assessing the satisfaction of the recipients of the Program’s instruments, the sufficiency and completeness of the proposed instruments of state support;
3) audit of the Program performance shall be directed to subjective assessment of the impact of state support instruments on the final quality and performance of business activities of business entities, as well as an objective assessment of the social, budgetary and economic efficiency of the Program instruments.
313. The result of the monitoring shall be a complex analytical report able to characterize the user's portrait of the Program, assess the improvement/deterioration of the business performance in economic or managerial aspects, as well as the internal factors of the Program, determining the speed and quality of obtaining support instruments.
314. Sources of information for monitoring shall be:
1) national and departmental statistics;
2) primary forms filled in upon receipt of the Program instruments;
3) forms for assessing the satisfaction of entrepreneurs with the quality of the services provided;
4) telephone and direct surveys of entrepreneurs received state support;
5) seminars, briefings, meetings with entrepreneurs.
315. Analysis of statistical indicators, audit of quality and performance in the framework of the first, second and third areas of the Program shall be conducted by the financial agency.
316. Analysis of statistical indicators, audit of quality and performance in the framework of the fourth direction of the Program shall be implemented by the operator of non-financial support.
317. Audit of quality of the implementation of the Program’s instruments shall be implemented by the financial agency and the operator of non-financial support via telephone and direct surveys. For the survey, the financial agency and the operator of non-financial support shall allocate qualified specialists who directly monitor the quality of service provision. Direct surveys shall be conducted on the basis of the questionnaire, which shall be filled out by an entrepreneur.
318. Audit of the Program’s performance shall be implemented on the basis on the analysis of statistical indicators, audit of the quality of implementation of the Program’s instruments, including the results of seminars and meetings where entrepreneurs make reports, pointing to the social, budgetary and economic results obtained by them after using the instruments of the Program.
319. Preparation of a complex analytical report on the effectiveness of the Program, using the results of the analysis of statistical indicators, quality and performance audit for the year, shall be performed by the operator of non-financial support.
320. Frequency of Program monitoring:
1) analysis of statistical indicators - monthly by providing information on the implementation of state support instruments to the authorized body;
2) audit of the quality of the implementation of the Program’s instruments - quarterly by processing the data of the quality assessment profiles of the Program’s work, and annually by conducting telephone or direct surveys of entrepreneurs who received services, in an amount of at least 5% of the total number of all who applied for support measures during the year, followed by transfer of the consolidated report to the authorized body;
3) audit of the Program performance - annually by holding a seminar, in accordance with the format based on ESC.
The results of the Program performance audit shall be included in the complex analytical report on the effectiveness of the Program submitted by the operator of non-financial support to the authorized body no later than July of the financing year following the reporting.
321. The monitoring shall be financed as follows:
1) audit of statistical indicators in the framework of the first, second and third directions of the Program shall be implemented at the expense of the own funds of the financial agency; in the fourth direction of the Program - at the expense of own funds of the operator of non-financial support;
2) audit of the quality of the implementation of the Program’s instruments at the expense of the own funds of the financial agency; in the fourth direction of the Program - at the expense of own funds of the operator of non-financial support;
3) audit of the Program performance - at the expense of the operator of non-financial support;
4) holding a final briefing on the topic “Monitoring of the Program Implementation” - at the expense of the operator of non-financial support.
Interaction of the Program participants
322. Agreements on subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/leasing companies and guaranteeing of loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/leasing companies concluded in the framework of the implementation of the "Business Roadmap 2020" Program shall be applied during the implementation of the Unified Program and shall not be the subject to renewal.
323. The financial agency shall monitor the implementation of the Program in terms of subsidizing interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements, loan guarantees and state grants.
324. The financial agency for the purpose of forming a general complex annual analytical report on the effectiveness of the Program no later than April of the year following the reporting, shall send the results of monitoring the first, second and third directions of the Program to the operator of non-financial support and to the authorized body.
325. To determine the dynamics of income growth, average annual number of employees, increase in tax payments of an entrepreneur, a financial agency shall use information received from the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The reporting date when calculating the dynamics of income growth, the average annual number of employees, and increase in tax payments of an entrepreneur shall be the beginning of the next financial year, regardless of the date of the decision of the financial agency.
326. The State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget (Tax Code)", on the basis of submitted statements of consent of business entities to submit information about the taxpayer, shall send the information about the amount of taxes and payments paid to the budget and the number of employees of participants in the Financial Agency Program. Annual data for the last 5 years on income, the amount of taxes paid and payments to the budget and the number of employees of the Program participants shall be submitted at the request of the financial agency on the basis of submitted statements of consent of business entities to submit information about the taxpayer.
327. The regional coordinator of the program shall monitor the implementation of the program in terms of the development of production infrastructure in the regions.
The Program criteria
328. Credits/leasing transactions/ microcredits of entrepreneurs applying for state support shall meet the following criteria:
1) credit/leasing transaction/microcredit of an entrepreneur shall be directed to the implementation of new investment projects, as well as the modernization and expansion of production, including the replenishment of working capital, according to the terms of the Program;
2) subsidizing of interest rate and a partial guarantee on loans/leasing transactions/micro-credit of banks/leasing companies/microfinance institutions can not be carried out on loans/leasing transactions/microcredits:
directed to redeeming shares, shares of organizations, and also enterprises as a property complex;
issued by state development institutions, with the exception of the development bank;
interest rate on which was cheapen due to budget funds, except for loans/leasing transactions of banks/development bank/leasing companies, the interest rate of which was cheapen in the framework of the Program;
in the form of overdraft;
3) loan/leasing transaction/microcredit of an entrepreneur shall be issued in national currency, with the exception of the third direction of the Program, where it shall be allowed to issue loans in national and foreign currencies.
329. The following may not participate in the Program:
1) the entrepreneurs engaged in the production of excisable goods/products, with the exception of projects involving the production of motor vehicles and the production of wine from their own grapes, and the production of alcohol-containing medical products (except balms), registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a medicinal product;
2) implementing projects in the metallurgical industry, which are included in the list of major taxpayers;
3) entrepreneurs planning to implement a project in the mining industry and quarrying, with the exception of projects for the development of gravel and sand pits;
4) entrepreneurs/industrial and innovation activity entities, whose founders (including participants, shareholders) are state enterprises/institutions, national managing holdings, national companies and organizations, fifty or more percent of shares (shares in the authorized capital) of which are directly or indirectly owned by the state, the national managing holding, the national holding, the national company (with the exception of the social-entrepreneurial corporation, as well as entrepreneurs established in the framework of the Treaty on public-private partnership), entities affiliated with them, as well as entrepreneurs, ownership of which is registered as a private institution, and non-commercial organizations.
330. Subsidizing may not be implemented under agreements of redemption leasing, secondary leasing, subleasing.
331. In order to implement the first, second and third directions of the Program, the authorized body shall determine the total financing limit for each region, capital, city of republican significance.
332. Attracting entrepreneurial potential of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union shall be implemented by providing financial and non-financial support measures in the border areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have the resource potential and the need to create enterprises with the joint participation of residents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
333. Financial and non-financial support measures shall also be provided to entrepreneurs/industrial innovation activity entities- residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan newly created with the participation of entrepreneurs from the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and implementing projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
334. One of the conditions of the Program shall be maintaining existing and creating new jobs, increasing labor productivity and entering new markets for residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
335. In order to reduce the cost of credit resources for small and medium entrepreneurship and increase their accessibility to financing by attracting the organizational and technical capabilities of banks/microfinance organizations/leasing companies, measures will be taken to attract credit resources of international financial institutions through a financial agency, with the exception of loans/financial leasing agreements issued by the development bank.
336. Regional Program Coordinators will take into account the provisions of this Program when developing regional development programs.
337. The entrepreneur/industrial innovation activity entity can be provided with complex support in the framework of all the instruments of the Program.
338. Financing the projects for subsidizing, guaranteeing, providing grants and building or reconstructing production (industrial) infrastructure approved at the RCC (regional coordination council) before March 31, 2015, shall be implemented in accordance with the conditions previously approved by the RCC.
Chapter 6. Necessary resources
For the implementation of the Program:
1) in 2015 from the republican budget 55,960,992 thousand tenge shall be allocated, in 2016 - 53 939 805 thousand tenge, in 2017 - 16,910,820 thousand tenge, in 2018 - 10,374,471 thousand tenge, in 2019 - 8,632,977 thousand tenge;
2) in 2017 from the local budget - 30 000 000 thousand tenge shall be allocated, in 2018 - 30 000 000 thousand tenge, in 2019 - 30 000 000 thousand tenge;
3) in 2015 at the expense of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan 9,781,530 thousand tenge shall be allocated, in 2016 - 14,565,048 thousand tenge, in 2017 - 8,561,115 thousand tenge.
Annex 1 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
Plan of measures for the implementation of the State Program of Support and Development
of Business “The Business Road Map 2020”
No. | Name | Unit of measurement | Deadlines | Completion form | Responsible for execution | Estimated expenses | Sources of financing | ||||
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
The first direction: support of business initiatives of entrepreneurs of industry-based towns, small towns and rural settlements | |||||||||||
1. Subsidizing of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/leasing companies | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | Payment of "Damu" EDF"JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | 1 315 700 | - | - | - | - | Republican and local budgets |
2. Partial guarantee on loans of Banks/Development Bank | |||||||||||
1 |
Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for partial guarantee | item | monthly | the letter with a positive decision of “Damu” EDF” JSC | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed) | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of guarantee agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | “Damu” EDF” JSC guarantee payment | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | LEB | 200 000 | - | - | - | - | Republican and local budgets |
3. Provision of state grants | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects for provision of grants on competitive basis | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | LEB | not required | |||||
2 | Payment of state grants for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | LEB | 305 000 | - | - | - | - | Republican and local budgets |
4. Partial guarantee of loans of microfinance organizations to banks | |||||||||||
1 | Conclusion of guarantee agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
2 | “Damu” EDF” JSC guarantee payment | thousand tenge | January, July annually | transfer of funds | MNE | - | - | - | 100 000 | 100 000 | Republican budget |
5. Subsidizing of part of the markup on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of the markup on the goods and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | Payment of “Damu” EDF” JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
6. Subsidizing of coupon interest on bonds issued by business entities | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on issuer bonds included in the official list of securities of “Kazakhstan Stock Exchange” JSC” | item | once in six months or once in 12 months | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | not required | ||||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), Central depository | not required | |||||
3 | Payment of “Damu” EDF ”JSC subsidies to the Central Depository for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), Central depository | not required | |||||
The second direction: business development in priority sectors of the economy and manufacturing industries | |||||||||||
1. Subsidizing of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/leasing companies | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | Payment of "Damu" EDF"JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs in the framework of the second direction of the Program | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | 26 484 296 | - | - | - | - | Republican and local budgets |
2. Partial guarantee on loans of banks/development bank | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for partial guarantee on loans of banks | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed) | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of guarantee agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | “Damu” EDF” JSC guarantee payment | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | LEB | 1 000 000 | - | - | - | - | Republican and local budgets |
3. Development of production (industrial) infrastructure | |||||||||||
Consideration of LEB budget applications for provision the production (industrial) infrastructure | item | annually | consideration at RBC | LEB | |||||||
4. Development of industrial zones | |||||||||||
Consideration of LEB budget applications for provision the production (industrial) infrastructure to industrial zones | item | annually | consideration at RBC | LEB | |||||||
5. Long-term leasing financing | |||||||||||
Provision of long-term leasing financing to the industrial innovation activity entities | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MID | “DBK-Leasing” JSC | - | 10000 | 17500 | 10000 | 19000 | Republican budget | |
6.Subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks | |||||||||||
1 |
Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | not required | |||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
3 | Payment of “Damu” EDF” JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | not required | |||||
7. Subsidizing of coupon interest rate on bonds issued by business entities | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on issuer bonds included in the official list of securities of “Kazakhstan Stock Exchange” JSC” | item | once in six months or once in 12 months | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | - | - | - | - | not required | |
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), Central Depository | - | - | - | - | not required | |
3 | Payment of “Damu” EDF ”JSC subsidies to the Central Depository for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), Central Depository | - | - | - | - | not required | |
The third direction: reducing the currency risks of entrepreneurs | |||||||||||
1. Subsidizing of part of interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/development bank/leasing companies | |||||||||||
1 | Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of the interest rate on loans/financial leasing agreements of banks/ leasing companies | item | monthly | Decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | - | - | - | - | - | |
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | January, July annually | information in MNE | ||||||||
3 | Payment of "Damu" EDF"JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs in the framework of the third direction of the Program | January, July annually | information in MNE | ||||||||
2. Subsidizing of the part of the mark-up on the product and part of the rental payment that compose the income of Islamic banks | |||||||||||
1 |
Consideration and approval of projects of entrepreneurs for subsidizing of part of | item | monthly | decision (protocol) of the financial agency | LEB | ||||||
2 | Conclusion of subsidizing agreements | item | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | ||||||
3 | Payment of “Damu” EDF” JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | ||||||
The fourth direction: provision of non-financial measures of entrepreneurship support | |||||||||||
1. Functional direction "Information and analytical support of entrepreneurship" | |||||||||||
1 | Explanation of state support measures on the "Business Nasihat" project | item | annually | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 72 269 | 72 269 | 104 608 | 110 105 | 110 105 | Republican budget |
2 | Organization of lectures, seminars, master classes | item | annually | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | ||||||
3 | Information support of entrepreneurs in industry-based towns, small towns and regional centers | item | annually | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 552 874 | 580 000 | 580 000 | 580 000 | 580 000 | Republican budget |
2. Functional direction “Development of entrepreneurs competencies” | |||||||||||
1. | Training of entrepreneurs | person | upon receipt of applications | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 192 259 | 200 000 | 200 000 | 200 000 | 200 000 | Republican budget |
2. | Provision of services | person | upon receipt of applications | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 1 613 368 | 1 614 376 | 1 621 679 | 1 621 679 | 1 621 679 | Republican budget |
3. | Providing consultations for entrepreneurs on obtaining permits and technical conditions | person | upon receipt of applications | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | ||||||
3. Functional direction "Increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs" | |||||||||||
1 | Attracting external consultants on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, increasing productivity and energy saving of enterprises | person | annually | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 51 746 | 107 028 | 74 490 | 95 994 | 95 994 | Republican budget |
4. Functional direction "Expansion of business relations: the establishment of business relations with foreign partners" | |||||||||||
1 | Establishment of business relations with foreign partners with the support of international and foreign organizations | person | annually | information in MNE | NCE (as agreed) | 163 772 | 163 772 | 163 772 | 153 772 | 163 772 | Republican budget |
5. Other activities | |||||||||||
1 | Payment for financial agency services provided in the framework of the Program | item | annually | public procurement service contract | MNE, "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), “FFSA” JSC (as agreed) | 720 000 | 720 000 | 720 000 | 720 000 | 720 000 | Republican budget |
2 | Payment of "Damu" EDF"JSC subsidies to second-tier banks for projects of entrepreneurs on improvement and strengthening of entrepreneurial potential in the framework of the second direction of the Program | thousand tenge | January, July annually | information in MNE | "Damu" EDF"JSC (as agreed), second-tier banks, leasing companies | 202 290 | 12 075 | - | - | - | Republican budget |
Annex 2 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
The list of priority sectors of the economy for potential participants of the Program
CCEA Code | Name |
Agro-industrial complex | |
01 | Crop and animal production, hunting and provision of services in these areas, except 01.11 “Growing grain crops (except rice), legumes and oilseeds” |
03 | Fisheries and aquaculture |
10 | Food production |
11.06 | Malt production |
11.07 | Production of mineral waters and other soft drinks |
Mining industry | |
08.12.1 | Development of gravel and sand quarries |
09 | Technical services in the field of mining |
Light industry and furniture production | |
13 | Production of textiles |
14 | Production of wearing apparel |
15 | Production of leather and related products |
16 | Production of wood and cork products, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and materials for weaving |
17 | Production of paper and paper products |
18 | Printing and replaying recorded material |
20 | Production of chemical products |
21 | Production of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations |
22 | Production of rubber and plastic products |
31 | Production of furniture |
Production of building materials and other non-metallic mineral products | |
23 | Production of other non-metallic mineral products |
Metallurgy, metalworking, mechanical engineering | |
24 | Metallurgical industry |
25 | Production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment |
26 | Production of computers, electronic and optical products |
27 | Production of electrical equipment |
28 | Production of machinery and equipment not included in other categories |
29 | Production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
30 | Production of other vehicles |
33 | Repair and installation of machinery and equipment |
Other industry sectors | |
32 | Production of other finished products |
35.11.4 | Production of electricity by other power electrical power plants |
35.11.2 | Production of electricity by hydroelectric power plants |
38 | Collection, processing and disposal of waste, waste disposal |
39 | Reclamation and other waste disposal services |
Transportation and warehousing | |
45.2 | Vehicle maintenance and repair |
49.3 | Other passenger land transport |
49.41 | Freight transportation by motor transport |
50 | Water transport |
52 | Warehousing and auxiliary transport activities |
53 | Postal and courier activities, with the exception of activities related to natural monopolies |
Tourism | |
55.10 | Provision of hotel services |
55.20 | Provision of housing for the weekend and other periods of short-term residence |
55.30 | Camping sites, recreational vehicle fleets and trailer parks |
Information and communication | |
59.14 | Movie show activities |
61 | Communication |
62 | Computer programming, consulting and other related services |
Professional, scientific and technical activities | |
69.2 | Activity in the field of accounting and auditing; consultancy on taxation |
71 | Activity in the field of architecture, engineering surveys; technical testing and analysis |
72 | Scientific research and development |
74 | Other professional, scientific and technical activity |
75 | Veterinary activity |
81 | Activity in the field of maintenance of buildings and territories |
Education | |
85 | Education |
Healthcare and social services | |
86 | Activity in the field of healthcare |
87 | Provision of social services with accommodation |
88 | Provision of social services without accommodation |
Art, entertainment and recreation | |
91 | Activity of libraries, archives, museums and other institutions of cultural services |
93 | Activity in the field of sports, organization and entertainment (with the exception of discos) |
Provision of other services | |
95 | Repair of computers, personal and household goods |
96.01 | Washing and (dry) cleaning of textile and fur products |
Annex 3 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" ____________________________ from ___________________________ (Full name of service recipient) |
Application form
I ______________________________________________________ (full name)
hereby request you to include me in the number of trainees on training in the framework of the “Business Consultant” project, directed to teaching the basics of entrepreneurship to the public with entrepreneurial initiative and entrepreneurs.
I hereby confirm the reliability of the data provided by me below.
1. Date of birth:
2. IIN:
3. Gender: female
4. Disability: no
5. Organizational and legal form:
6. Name of the legal entity (if IE, MS, LLP etc.)
7. Brief description of the activity of legal entity
8. Postal address: postal code ________________
region ____________________ city_______________
district _________________________ settlement/village______________
street and/or microdistrict ______________________ building No. __ apartment No. ___
9. Contact phone numbers:
Residence phone number (______) ________________________________
(indicate the code of the settlement) Office phone number (______)
________________________________ (indicate the code of the settlement) Mobile phone
number (______) ________________________________ (indicate the code of the mobile
10. Email address (e-mаil:)_______________________________________
11. Preferred language of course:
12. Date of “Business Consultant” training: "____" _______________ 201___.
Copy of the identity document is attached to the application.
Date of completion: "____" ________________ 201 ___.
Accepted by: _______________________________________ Name (full name)
Date of acceptance: "_____" ________________________ 201 ___.
Annex 4 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" ___________________________ from ____________________________ (Full name of service recipient) |
Application registration for testing
I ____________________________________________________ (full name)
hereby request you to register me for for testing in the framework of "Business Consultant"/Business Growth" project.
I hereby confirm the reliability of the data provided by me below.
2. Date of the birth:
2. IIN:
3. Gender: female
4. Disability: no
5. Organizational and legal form:
6. Name of the legal entity (if IE, MS, LLP etc.)
7. Brief description of the activity of legal entity (CCEA)
8. Postal address: postal code ________________
region ____________________ city_______________ district
_________________________ settlement/village______________ street and/or microdistrict
______________________ building No. __ apartment No.___
9. Contact phone numbers:
Residence phone number (______) ________________________________
(indicate the code of the settlement) Office phone number (______)
________________________________ (indicate the code of the settlement)
Mobile phone number (______) ________________________________
(indicate the code of the mobile operator)
10. Email address (e-mаil:)_______________________________________
11. Preferred language of testing:
Kazakh □ Russian □
12. Date of participation in the webinar/registration for self-study:
"________" _______________ 201 ___.
Date of registration: "____" ________________ 201 ___.
Accepted: _________________________________________________ Name (full name)
Date of acceptance: "_____" ________________________ 201 ___.
Annex 5 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" from ___________________________ (Full name of service recipient) |
Application form
I __________________________________________________ (full name)
Hereby request you to include me in the number of trainees in the framework of the "Business Growth" project, directed to teaching entrepreneurs the basics of entrepreneurship.
I hereby confirm the reliability of the data provided by me below.
3. Date of birth:
2. IIN:
3. Gender: female
4. Disability: no
5. Organizational and legal form:
6. Name of the legal entity (if IE, MS, LLP etc.)
7. Brief description of the activity of legal entity (CCEA)
8. Postal address: postal code ________________
region ____________________ city_______________ district
_________________________ settlement/village______________ street and/or microdistrict
______________________ building No. __ apartment No.___
9. Contact phone numbers:
Residence phone number (______) ________________________________
(indicate the code of the settlement) Office phone number (______)
________________________________ (indicate the code of the settlement) Mobile phone
number (______) ________________________________ (indicate the code of the mobile
10. Email address (e-mаil:)_______________________________________
11. Preferred language of course:
12. Date of “Business Growth” training: "____" _______________ 201___.
Copy of the identity document is attached to the application.
Date of completion: "____" ________________ 201 ___.
Accepted by: _______________________________________ Name (full name)
Date of acceptance: "_____" ________________________ 201 __.
Annex 6 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
APPLICATION FORM for the provision of services
CUSTOMER (full name of the respondent applied for consultation or company representative) | |
3. Services on support the appeals of entrepreneurs and public with entrepreneurial initiative, including: |
General information about the recipient of services | |
PLACE OF REGISTRATION (Region, district, settlement) | |
Industry sector according CCEA | |
Industry subsector according CCEA | |
DATE OF BIRTH (respondent to seeking consultation) | |
GENDER (IE) | □ male □ female |
(representative) MOBILE PHONE NUMBER | |
Data: "___"________________ _________ ________________ (signature) Full name___________________________________________________
Annex 7 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
Questionnaire for assessing the quality of services provided
Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the customer______________________________ |
The name of the service company that provided the service: |
Specify the name of the received type of specialized services and subtype:
Rate the quality of received service/consultation:
Aspects | Rate |
The degree of usefulness of the received consultation | 1 2 3 4 5 |
The quality of the organization of the consultation process | 1 2 3 4 5 |
To what extent were your expectations from the received consultation met? | 1 2 3 4 5 |
Degree of satisfaction with the quality of services | 1 2 3 4 5 |
The purpose of the appeal (underline as necessary):
What financial support would you like to receive (tick as necessary)?
Subsidizing of interest rates | Guarantees for obtaining a loan | Obtaining grant financing | Guarantees for start-up entrepreneurs |
What non-financial support would you like to receive? (tick as necessary)?
Consultation on participation in business support programs | |
Short-term training on the basics of doing business in the framework of "Business Consultant" project | |
Short-term training in functional areas of business development in the framework of "Business Growth" project | |
Participation in “School of a young entrepreneur” project | |
Professional development of specialists, top managers of enterprises | |
Establishment of business relations with foreign partners | |
Attraction of highly qualified foreign specialists on the introduction of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training (“Supervisor Seniors”) | |
Co-financing of consulting projects of advanced enterprises by attracting external consultants |
Date of completion: Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) and signature of the customer: ____________________ ________________________________________
Annex 8 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business "The Business Road Map 2020" |
APPLICATION FORM for obtaining expert services in the framework of the component
“Attracting highly qualified foreign specialists on introduction of new management methods,
production technologies, equipment and personnel training (Supervisor seniors)” of the State
Business Support and Development Program “The Business Road Map 2020”
Financing conditions for the “Supervisor seniors” component “Supervisor Seniors” foreign language fluency__________________Payment of travel expenses and payment for the services of foreign experts shall be made at the expense of the republican budget. Transportation and daily expenses, as well as living in Kazakhstan shall be made at the expense of the entrepreneur own funds.* * From the Resolution No. 168 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development" The Business Road Map 2020 "dated 31.03.2015. |
All fields are mandatory to be filled.
1. Name of the company: | |||||||||||
2.1. Date of establishment: | 2.2. organizational and legal form of ownership: | ||||||||||
day | month | year | |||||||||
3.1. Registered office address of the company: | 3.2. Region: | ||||||||||
3.3. City (settlement, with indication of the district): | |||||||||||
3.4. Actual address of the company (in case of difference from the registered office address): | 3.5. Postcode: | ||||||||||
4. Full name of the head of the company: | |||||||||||
5. Responsible person for "Supervisor seniors" component | |||||||||||
5.2. Gender of the head of the company: | 5.3. Date of birth of the head of the company: | ||||||||||
5.4. Position: | 5.5. Mobile phone number: | ||||||||||
5.6. Phone (fax): | 5.7. Email address: | ||||||||||
6.1. Company's basic field of activity (branch of the economy): | 6.2. CCEA code, According to the list of priority sectors of the economy for potential participants of the “BRM-2020” Program | ||||||||||
6.3. Names of goods produced (services provided): | |||||||||||
7. Number of salaried employees: | 8. The average annual income for the previous year, (thous.tenge): | ||||||||||
9.1. Field where expert assistance is required: | |||||||||||
□ Management organization | Specify: ______________________________ | ||||||||||
9.2. Detailed description of the requested expert assistance: | |||||||||||
10. Purpose of the expert mission for "Supervisor seniors" component | |||||||||||
11. Expected results: | |||||||||||
12. Desired professional qualification of an expert (education, field of activity, work experience, special skills, etc.): | |||||||||||
13. Information regarding the expert mission | |||||||||||
13.1. Desired start date of the mission (month, year): | 13.4. Location of the mission: | ||||||||||
13.5. Type of accommodation provided to the expert: | |||||||||||
13.2. Expected duration: | |||||||||||
13.6. Type of transport provided to the expert: | |||||||||||
13.3. Readiness to provide an interpreter | |||||||||||
14. Does your company have a responsible employee with knowledge of foreign languages?? | |||||||||||
15. Has your company previously received any type of assistance in the framework of the "Business Road Map-2020" Program? | |||||||||||
16. Tick in the case of availability of attached business (strategy) plan of development/modernization □ | 17. Tick in the case of familiarization and agreement with the “Conditions for the implementation of the “Supervisor seniors ”component |
Full name of the applicant Position of the applicant Signature of the applicant Date of receipt of the application ___________________________ Full name and position of the employee (who accepted the Application) Signature of the employee ___________________________
Annex 9 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business |
"The Business Road Map 2020" |
1. | Full name of the applicant | ||
IIN of the applicant | |||
2. | Gender | Male___________ Female_______ | |
3. | Date of birth | _______________ (DD.MM.YYYY) | |
4. | Name of enterprise | ||
BIN of enterprise | |||
5. | Position | ||
6. |
Economic sector, according to the CCEA | ||
7. | current activity of the company | ||
8. | Basic nomenclature of goods, works and services | ||
9. | Planned activity of the enterprise | ||
10. | Date of establishment of the enterprise | ____ / ____ / ________________ | |
11. | Average annual number of workers in the previous year, persons. | ||
12. | Average annual income for the previous year, thous. tenge | ||
13. | Purpose of participation in the project | ||
14. | Desired city of studying |
Astana ______; Almaty _______ | |
15. |
Would you like to attract foreign experts | ||
16. | Contact details: | ||
Address | |||
District | |||
Phone/fax | |||
Hereby: | |||
Date of completion | ____ / ____ / _________________ | Signature of applicant _____________________ | |
This application form shall be attached with a certificate of employment. |
Annex 10 to the State Program of Support and Development of Business |
"The Business Road Map 2020" |
APPLICATION for participation in an internship for advanced training of top and middle
managers of small and medium enterprise in the framework of cooperation between the
Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany
1. Information on applicant
Full name of applicant: | |
Date of birth: | |
Gender: | М______ F_______ |
Name of the company: | |
Position: | |
Current activity of the company: | |
Planned activity of the company: | |
Date of the establishment: | |
Company address: | Region: |
City (settlement with district: | |
Postal index: | |
Organizational and legal form of ownership: |
IE___ LLD___ JSC____ |
Official website of the company (if available): | |
Contacts: | Mobile phone number: |
Email address: |
2. Purpose of participation in the internship
The planned form of cooperation of your company with Germany |
Import _____ Export ______ Distribution ______ |
Why do you want to participate in an internship? (Describe your company's plans regarding economic cooperation with Germany) |
Brief description of your business plan: |
Thank you for spending the time to fill out this form!
Please attach the following documents to the application:
1. Questionnaire.
2. Cooperation project.
3. Statement for the protection of personal data.
4. Obligation of the participant in the framework of the second phase of "Business Relations" project.
5. Organogram of Your company.
6. Booklet with information about Your company or presentation in Power Point.
7. Technical specification of products, equipment, etc. that you want to buy/sell.
8. Letters from German companies indicating their interest in your suggestions/appeals.
Annex to Resolution No. 522 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
dated August 25, 2018 |
List of some terminated decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 168 “On Approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020” dated March 31, 2015, introduction of amendments to Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 556 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” dated June 10, 2010 and recognizing invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015: No. 16-17, article 91).
2. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 368 dated April 28, 2015 “On Introduction of Amendments to Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 No. 556 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and Resolution No. 168, dated March 31, 2015 “On Approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020”, introduction of amendments to Resolution No. 556 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and recognizing invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
3. Resolution No. 599 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2015 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015, No. 41-42, article 308).
4. Resolution No. 1001 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 11, 2015 “On Introduction of Amendments and Supplements to Some Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 No. 556 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and March 31, 2015 No. 168 “On Approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020”, introduction of amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 No. 556 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and recognizing invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan ”(CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015, No. 68-69, article 507).
5. Paragraph 2 of the Resolution No. 234 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 16, 2016 “On Some Measures of State Support of Private Entrepreneurship” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016 No. 25-26, article 139).
6. Resolution No. 370 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 23, 2016 “On Some Issues of the Implementation of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016, No. 37-38, article 220).
7. Resolution No. 515 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 2016 “On Introduction of Amendments and Supplements to Some Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 “On Approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020” introduction of amendments to the Resolution No. 556 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and recognizing invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016, No. 46, article 291).
8. Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the amendments that are introduced to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Resolution No. 373 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 15, 2017 “On Introduction of Amendments to Some Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, No. 23, article 186.)
9. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of amendments and supplements that are introduced to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Resolution No. 459 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2017 “On Introduction of Amendments and Supplements to Some Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
10. Subparagraph 1) of paragraph 1 of the Resolution No. 940 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2017 “On Amendments and Supplements to the Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 No. 168 “On Approval of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development “The Business Road Map 2020” , introduction of amendments to Resolution No. 556 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2010 “On Some Measures of Implementation the “The Business Road Map 2020” Program” and recognizing invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and No. 234 dated April 19, 2016 “On Some Measures of State Support of Private Entrepreneurship” (CAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, No. 68-69-70, article. 435).