On approval of the Rules for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the state defense order in organizations, regardless of ownership

New Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2019 No. 812

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 9) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2019 “On the defense industry and state defense order”, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan RESOLVES:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the state defense order in organizations, regardless of ownership.

      2. To recognize as invalid: 

      1) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 25, 2012 No. 968 “On approval of the Rules for monitoring the quality of execution of the state defense order at enterprises regardless of ownership”;

      2) paragraph 64 of the amendments that are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 23, 2013 No. 735 “On amendments to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013, No. 42, v. 623).

      3. This resolution shall be enforced after ten calendar days after the day its first official publication. 

      Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Mamin

  Approved by the
Decree of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated October 31, 2019 No. 812

Rules for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the state defense order in organizations, regardless of ownership

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the state defense order in organizations regardless of ownership (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 9) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2019 “On the defense industry and state defense order” ( hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for monitoring the quality of the implementation of the state defense order of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the defense order) in organizations, regardless of the form of ownership (hereinafter - the organization).

      2. Quality control of the implementation of the defense order is carried out in relation to military goods (products), dual-use goods (products), military works performed and military services rendered (hereinafter referred to as “products”) delivered as part of the defense order.

      3. The conditions for quality control and acceptance of products are provided for by the contract for the implementation of the defense order (hereinafter referred to as the contract).

      4. The quality of products supplied as part of the defense order must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, tactical and technical specifications (technical specifications, tactical and technical characteristics) (hereinafter referred to as NTD) and the terms of the contract.

      5. Representatives of the authorized body, the recipient of the defense order, military missions organize their work taking into account the internal rules established by the organization. Their admission to office, production and storage facilities is carried out in the manner prescribed by the organization.

      6. The heads of organizations to representatives of the authorized body, the recipient of the defense order, military missions provide:

      1) for familiarization with documentation, reference materials and scientific and technical information necessary for quality control and product acceptance, documents regarding controlled products, as well as settlement and calculation materials justifying actual costs;

      2) instrumentation, tools and equipment, as well as production personnel for testing, product quality control.

      7. The authorized body, recipients of the defense order, military missions on issues of monitoring the quality of the implementation of the defense order interact with the organization’s management throughout the entire term of the contract.

Chapter 2. Monitoring the quality of the implementation of the defense order by the authorized body and / or recipient of the defense order

      8. The authorized body, the recipient of the defense order, has the right to send its representatives to the executors of the defense order to monitor the implementation of the defense order and the quality of the products supplied under the defense order in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the concluded agreement.

      The specified representatives are subject to the rights and obligations stipulated by the Law and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      9. Representatives of the authorized body, the recipient of the defense order, while monitoring product quality, study the accompanying product documents submitted by organizations (quality certificates, certificates of conformity, a certificate confirming the quality of products, forms, passports, etiquettes and other documents) for compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan , international and national standards, the requirements of scientific and technical documentation and the terms of the contract.

      When monitoring the quality of exported products, the accompanying documents stipulated by the contracts, as well as the conditions for the supply of products, are additionally studied.

Chapter 3. Monitoring the quality of the implementation of the defense order by military missions

      10. In order to monitor the quality of the implementation of the defense order, the organizations host military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - military missions).

      The heads of organizations provide military missions with office facilities that meet established sanitary and epidemiological and technical requirements, office equipment, stationery, furniture, communications equipment available in organizations, secret and unclassified office work services, and premises for arriving representatives of the defense order recipient upon receipt and support products.

      11. Military missions exercise quality control of the defense order on the basis of agreements concluded between the authorized body or recipient of the defense order and the organization.

      Based on these agreements, military missions centrally develop a range of products subject to control and acceptance by the military mission, which is approved by an authorized body or recipient of a defense order.

      Based on the nomenclature, the head of the military mission develops a list of products, assembly units, parts and operations of the technological process, according to which quality control will be carried out, which will be communicated to the head of the organization and specified by the military mission depending on the results of operation and quality control of the defense order.

      12. In cases where military representative offices are not located in the organizations, recipients of the defense order can send their representatives to them, who carry out quality control and product acceptance.

      The representatives of the recipients of the defense order are subject to the provisions of these Rules.

      13. Military missions carry out quality control of the implementation of the defense order and acceptance of products for compliance with NTD at the stages of development, production, service, repair, modernization and disposal of products, as well as carry out spot checks, disassembly and testing of individual components, assembly units, assemblies and assemblies . The quality control procedure, as well as the number of individual components, assembly units, units and assemblies to be disassembled, and the test procedure are established by the head of the military mission in consultation with the organization’s management.

      14. The quality control of products for compliance with the requirements of scientific and technical documentation and the terms of the contract is carried out by conducting continuous, selective, volatile and input types of control of products, assembly units, parts and operations of the process.

      15. Full control is provided for products, assembly units, parts and operations of the technological process, the quality of which cannot be verified by the military representation at the subsequent stages of manufacturing and testing of products, as well as for products at the stage of its development in production.

      16. Selective control is carried out from a batch of products fully presented to the military mission, in this case serial numbers or marking of products included in the batch should be indicated.

      17. The main focus of volatile control is the control of technological operations and manufacturing processes. As a rule, the technological processes of manufacturing and control of products, assembly units and parts that are not included in the list of products, assembly units, parts and operations of the technological process, which must be submitted to the military representation for quality control of products, are subject to volatile control.

      Flying control also verifies compliance with the requirements of the technical documentation, the state of the general production culture, the work of the organization’s laboratories, and compliance with the storage rules for accepted products.

      18. Incoming control is carried out in order to prevent the use in the development, production, repair, modernization and repair of samples (systems, complexes) of products that do not meet the requirements of technical documentation and the terms of the contract.

      At the request of the authorized body and / or recipient of the defense order, the military mission carries out incoming control of components, raw materials and materials before the conclusion of the contract, in which case the registration number of the corresponding application is indicated. The components, raw materials and materials accepted by the military mission in further production are not allowed until the conclusion of the contract.

      19. Products, assembly units, parts, process operations presented for control to the military mission are preliminary accepted by the organization’s technical control department (hereinafter referred to as the Quality Control Department) for compliance with the requirements of technical documentation and the terms of the contract.

      Presentation of products, assembly units, parts and operations of the technological process to the military representation is carried out by the Quality Control Department.

      20. Quality control of products by the military mission is carried out in the presence of a representative of the Quality Department. Acceptance and periodic testing of products with continuous and selective control are carried out in the volume and sequence that are established by the technical documentation.

      21. In cases where the cycle of the necessary product testing exceeds eight hours, and also when the test time affects the production of the product’s life, joint quality control of the military hardware and military representation is allowed.

      22. Products are presented for quality control to the military mission along with accompanying documents (forms, passports, labels, route maps), confirming the compliance of the products with the requirements of scientific and technical documentation and the terms of the contract.

      The parameters obtained during the quality control of products, assembly units, parts, process operations, as well as acceptance tests and other categories of product testing in general, are recorded (recorded) in test reports or other documents required by the technical documentation, which are signed by the persons who conducted the test.

      At the end of product quality control, the military mission draws up the documentation submitted by the organization with a marking of the end time for acceptance (the time of presentation of the product is noted when the documentation is received), as well as the sealing and branding of the product in the case provided for by the technical documentation. For sample control, the batch quality report indicates the serial numbers of the products that have been tested.

      23. When using precious metal products in products, data on their content is reflected in the forms, passports or labels for these products.

      24. If, during the quality control process, a product is found to be inconsistent with the requirements of the technical documentation, the products are returned to the organization to eliminate the identified defect, recheck and re-present the military mission after repeated tests and acceptance of quality control.

      During the secondary presentation of products for quality control, the organization shall submit written information to the military mission indicating the reasons for manufacturing and presenting products with defects, as well as taking measures to eliminate and prevent them.

      The results of the analysis of the detected defects and the measures taken by the organization are reflected in the act attached to the secondary notice.

      If the product (batch) returned by the military mission is presented repeatedly, the executed report shall be presented to the military mission along with a notice to present the next product (batch).

      25. Products that have not passed repeated acceptance tests are rejected and isolated from suitable products.

      26. In case of violations of technological processes of production of products established by scientific and technical documentation, the use of counterfeit, counterfeit, substandard components, materials and semi-finished products in production, recognition of manufactured products as counterfeit, as well as violations of the requirements for countering foreign technical intelligence that contribute to the creation of leakage channels (disclosure loss) of information constituting state secrets, military missions suspend acceptance and shipment of products.

      The head of the military mission shall notify in writing the Center for Military Representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the organization, the recipient of the defense order, as well as the authorized body about the suspension of acceptance and shipment of products.

      Acceptance and shipment of products are resumed after the organization has taken measures agreed upon with the military representation, the authorized body and / or the recipient of the defense order to eliminate the identified shortcomings and the reasons for their occurrence.

      27. The final quality control and acceptance of a fully completed finished product is carried out by the military mission after receiving a notice signed by the head and head of the Quality Department of the organization, as well as a passport (form) or other document certifying the readiness and conformity of the NTD products and the terms of the contract.

      The final acceptance by the military mission is considered to be products that have passed the acceptance tests, are fully equipped, sealed by the organization and the military mission, unless otherwise provided by the technical documentation or the contract, and its quality is confirmed by periodic and other tests provided by the technical documentation. In cases stipulated by the normative documentation or by the contract, the products are packaged (sheathed) and placed in a shipping container.

      28. After accepting the products manufactured under the contract, the head of the military mission issues the organization a certificate confirming the quality of the products, in the form, according to the appendix to these Rules, with two certified copies.

      29. Issuance by the military mission of a certificate for products not completed by production, not completed, without conducting established tests and with other inconsistencies of technical documentation and the conditions of the contract is not allowed.

to the Rules for
monitoring the quality of the
implementation of the state
defense order in
organizations, regardless
of ownership
  The form

      stamp place

confirming the quality of products

      Issued by the military representation No. ______ of the organization

      ________________ in that the products mentioned below manufactured and equipped in accordance

      with the contract No. ______ of ____ ________ 20 ____ of the year and the technical

      conditions are recognized as serviceable

      and accepted on account of the said contract.

p / p

Position number

product name

unit of measurement









      The head of the military representative number __________

      Name (if available), signature S.P “___” _________ 20 ____ years

      The products listed in this certificate have been accepted for safekeeping.

      Head of the organization ____________

      Name (if available), signature

      S.P. (if available) "___" _________ 20 ____ years

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