On approval of the Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation by means of destruction, utilization, burial and processing of unused property, as well as provision of unused defense objects in property lease (rental)

Updated Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 6, 2019 No. 832.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 12) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2019 “On the defense industry and state defense order”, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan RESOLVES:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation by means of destruction, utilization, burial and processing of unused property, as well as provision of unused defense facilities for property lease (rental).

      2. To make the following changes to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2013 No. 16 “On approval of the Rules for the transfer, sale, utilization and write-off of property, as well as the provision of real estate to special rental agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in property rental (rental)”:

      in the Rules for the transfer, sale, disposal and write-off of property, as well as the provision of real estate of special state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to property lease (rental) approved by the said resolution:

      Clause 3 shall be amended as follows:

      "3. Transfer, sale, disposal and disposal (execution of destruction and destruction) of certain types of property of special state bodies, with the exception of unused property, provided for in subparagraph 33) of article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the defense industry and state defense order”, are carried out in accordance with the Law Of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 1, 2011 “On State Property” and other regulatory legal acts adopted with a view to its implementation ”;

      paragraphs 7 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 and 33 to exclude.

      3. To recognize as invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the appendix to this resolution.

      4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

      Prime Minister of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin

by the Decree of the Government
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 6, 2019 No. 832

for the transfer, sale, liquidation through the destruction, disposal, burial and processing of unused property,
as well as the provision of unused defense facilities for property lease (rental)

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation by means of destruction, utilization, burial and processing of unused property, as well as provision of unused defense objects (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) to property lease (rental) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 12) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2019 “On the defense industry and the state defense order” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for transfer, sale and liquidation through destruction, disposal, burial and recycling of unused property, as well as of property lease (renting) of unused defense facilities.

      2. The following basic concepts are used in these Rules:

      1) auction - a bidding form in which participants submit their offers publicly, conducted using the registry web portal in electronic format;

      2) auction room - a section of the registry web portal that provides the ability to enter, store and process information necessary for the auction;

      3) auction number - the number assigned to the participant to participate in the auction if there is an electronic digital signature issued by the national certification center of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) military property - defense facilities, all types of weapons, military equipment, ammunition, special equipment and other property that is under the operational control command of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units;

      5) military equipment - combat vehicles warships (boats and military auxiliary vessels), military aircraft, as well as ships (boats and other vessels), aircraft and other aircraft, which are equipped with the Armed Forces, other troops and military units, special state and law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      6) a single operator - a single operator, defined in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing electronic and other services to users of the state property registry using information systems;

      7) balance holder - a state legal entity to which the property is secured;

      8) tenant (rentor) - an individual or non-state legal entity, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      9) Closed auction - a form of bidding for the sale of unused weapons and military equipment in which a limited circle of participants participates and the main criterion for determining the winner is the highest price offered;

      10) guarantee contribution in a closed auction or tender - the amount of money contributed by an individual or non-state legal entity to participate in the auction in the amount determined by the authorized organization from the initial price of the lot and approved by the commission for the sale of unused property;

      11) landlord - a government agency, in the operational management of which are defense facilities, and providing unused defense facilities in property lease (rental);

      12) closed tender - a form of bidding for the sale of unused weapons and military equipment in which a limited circle of participants takes part and the main criterion for determining the winner is the highest price offered, subject to the conditions of sale;

      13) participant - an individual or non-state legal entity registered in the established manner for participation in tenders;

      14) weapons - various types of weapons, complexes and systems designed to destroy manpower, equipment and infrastructure, destruction of buildings (fortifications), means that mimic the specified components, ammunition, as well as systems, devices, carriers and devices;

      15) defense object - real estate assigned to the state institutions of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units on the right of operational control;

      16) organizations of the military-industrial complex (hereinafter referred to as “defense industry complex organizations”) - domestic producers and domestic suppliers of work and services licensed in the field of arms circulation and military equipment;

      17) lot - a part of the sold unused property determined by the authorized organization and consisting of one or more objects of sale;

      18) the initial price of the lot - the price determined on the basis of the book value for weapons and military equipment or the estimated value for other unused property;

      19) the starting price of the lot - the price at which bidding for each lot begins;

      20) minimum lot price - the price below which the lot cannot be sold;

      21) ammunition - components of weapons specifically designed to destroy manpower, equipment and infrastructure, destruction of buildings (fortifications), as well as means that mimic these components;

      22) selling price - the final price of the lot, established as a result of bidding;

      23) object of sale - a unit of unused property;

      24) unused weapons and military equipment - unused property that meets the parameters presented for weapons and military equipment;

      25) book value of unused weapons and military equipment - the amount at which unused weapons and military equipment are recognized in the balance sheet;

      26) unused property - withdrawn from service, unusable for its intended purpose, decommissioned, used out of warranty periods for storage in stocks, unsuccessful surplus military property of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units, with the exception of defense facilities, as well as withdrawn from weapons unsuitable for their intended purpose, written off, used out warranty periods in stocks, not finding use, surplus weapons, military equipment, special means, medium personal protection equipment, radiation, chemical, and biological protection equipment, special-purpose vehicles, special technical equipment, technical equipment of special state and law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      27) the initial value of unused property - the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid for the property, or the fair value offered for the property at the time of its acquisition;

      28) guarantee contribution at an auction or tender for the sale of unused property - a sum of money in the amount of 15% of the initial price of the lot, paid by an individual or non-state legal entity to participate in the auction;

      29) commission for the distribution of unused property - an advisory body created by the authorized body to consider applications and make recommendations on the transfer, sale, liquidation and processing of unused property, acting in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized body;

      30) commission on issues related to the sale of unused property - an authority created by an authorized organization to prepare and conduct tenders for the sale of unused property;

      31) buyer - an individual or non-state legal entity acquiring unused property in the process of alienation of state property;

      32) tender - a bidding form in which participants submit their price offers, uploaded to a closed electronic envelope on a specially designated registry web page;

      33) registry web portal - an Internet resource located on the Internet at www.gosreestr.kz that provides a single access point to an electronic database of state property registry sale objects (hereinafter referred to as the register) and property lease (rental) agreements state property;

      34) tender documentation - a set of documents containing initial information on the technical, commercial, organizational and other characteristics of unused property or unused defense facilities, as well as the conditions and procedure for tendering, necessary and sufficient for tendering in the form of a tender or closed tender, for the purpose of subsequent conclusion of property rental (lease) or sale and purchase agreements with their winner;

      35) authorized body - a state body that exercises leadership and coordination in the field of the defense industry and the state defense order;

      36) authorized organization - a legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, importing military goods (products), dual-use goods (products) (applications), military works and military services, implementation (including export), liquidation through destruction, disposal, burial and processing of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, the provision of services for the provision of leased unused defense facilities, property, e in the international exhibitions in the field of defense industry and their organizations on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      37) commission fee of an authorized organization - the amount of expenses of an authorized organization, consisting of the costs of property valuation, organization of tendering and commission of an authorized organization;

      38) contract identifier - a unique contract number assigned by the registry web portal;

      39) electronic document - a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form and is certified by electronic digital signature;

      40) electronic address - the email address of an authorized organization or buyer, through which official correspondence and exchange of documents on conducting closed tenders are carried out;

      41) electronic digital signature (hereinafter - EDS) - a set of electronic digital symbols created by electronic digital signature and confirming the authenticity of the electronic document, its belonging and the invariability of the content.

Chapter 2. The procedure for the transfer of unused property

      3. The state bodies in charge of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, as well as special state and law enforcement bodies no later than February 1 of the current year, send to the authorized body lists of unused property approved by the decision (order) of the above state bodies, indicating locations of unused property, book value of weapons and military equipment, technical and functional characteristics of technical devices (year of manufacture, to category, serial numbers of units and assemblies), as well as existing encumbrances.

      4. The authorized body, within one month after receiving the lists, draws up a draft list of unused property and sends it to the state bodies in charge of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units, special state and law enforcement bodies, defense industry organizations to determine the need for unused property.

      5. The state bodies in charge of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units, as well as special state and law enforcement bodies, defense industry organizations, within a month after receiving the draft list of unused property, send an application to the authorized body for the need for property or in writing signed the first leader or the person replacing him, report the absence thereof.

      6. After receiving applications for the need of unused property from the draft list of unused property, the authorized body shall organize discussion of the applications at a meeting of the commission for unused property distribution, following which lists of unused property shall be formed:

      transferred to the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, special state and law enforcement bodies;

      transferred to the defense industry organizations, state educational organizations, museums, specialized organization of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter -specialized DM organization) and local executive bodies;

      transferred to the defense industry organization in payment for the services related to the provision of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other troops and military formations, special state and law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan with infrastructure facilities and / or property complexes, as well as for production, repair, modernization and disposal;

      subject to sale, liquidation and processing.

      The list of unused property to be sold is divided separately into a list of unused property related to armaments and military equipment sold at closed auctions, and a list of other unused property to be sold through the web portal.

      Additional applications filed after the expiration of the established term shall be examined in accordance with the rules of work of the commission for the unused property distribution.

      Footnote. Paragraph 6 - as amended by Resolution No. 749 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.2021.

      7. The lists of unused property (hereinafter referred to as the list) indicated in clause 6 of these Rules are approved on the basis of recommendations of the commission for the distribution of unused property by a decision (order) of the authorized body.

      8. After approval of the list, the authorized body organizes the implementation of measures for the transfer, sale, liquidation and processing of unused property in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

      9. Transfer of unused property is carried out from the balance sheet of the institution of the transferring state body to the balance of the receiving institution or organization on the basis of a decision (order) of the authorized body and the act of acceptance and transfer indicating the initial cost, amount of depreciation, technical and functional characteristics (year of issue, category , serial numbers of units and assemblies) of technical devices. Passports, forms, acts of technical condition drawn up in accordance with the established procedure are attached to the act of receiving and transmitting technical devices.

      Acceptance and transfer of property is carried out on the territory of the balance holder with the participation of representatives of the transmitting and receiving parties.

      10. In case of incompleteness of the transferred unused property, a document is drawn up with a list of missing parts, assemblies, components and other components.

      Information on incompleteness is sent to the transmitting state body.

      11. Upon the authorized body’s decision, the unused property shall be transferred to defense industry organizations as a property contribution to the authorized capital of a limited liability partnership or as payment for the shares of a joint-stock company with state participation for use in production activities and / or production of military and dual-use goods (products), repair and / or modernization for the purpose of subsequent export, as well as export without repair and / or modernization for implementation of projects agreed in the established procedure with the authorized export control, state property and national economy state bodies.

      The sale of property for subsequent export shall be carried out at closed auctions among legal entities included in the list of participants in closed auctions, formed by the authorized organization.

      The budget programs administrator of the balance holder shall transfer investments to the authorized body.

      Footnote. Paragraph 11 - as amended by Resolution No. 684 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.09.2021.

      11-1. It shall be permitted to transfer unused property to defense industry organizations in payment for the services in the provision of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other troops and military formations, special state and law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan with infrastructure facilities and / or property complexes, as well as for production, repair, modernization and disposal in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other troops and military formations, special state and law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote. The rules as supplemented by paragraph 11-1, in accordance with Resolution No. 749 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.2021.

      12. After receiving a draft list of unused property from the authorized body, the defense industry organizations shall carry out selection of unused property and file an application to the authorized body for the need of unused property indicating the name and quantity.

      Written-off unused property is not subject to transfer as a property contribution to the authorized capital of a limited liability partnership or as payment for shares of a joint-stock company with state interest.

      Footnote. Paragraph 12- as amended by Resolution No. 684 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.09.2021.

      13. Unclaimed unused property is transferred to educational organizations, museums, local executive bodies, a specialized organization of the Moscow Region to organize military-patriotic education, the educational process and / or installation on pedestals. At the same time, unused property in the form of weapons, special means and military equipment should constructively exclude the possibility of hitting a live or other target, as well as signaling.

      When transferring unused property in the form of weapons, special means and military equipment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the transfer of pollutants to the environment and their direct impact on public health.

      14. If there is a need for unused property, educational organizations, museums, local executive bodies, specialized organizations of the Moscow Region by April 1 of the current year submit an application to the authorized body about the need for unused property with the name, quantity and purpose of the transfer.

      15. The authorized body within a month considers applications and makes a decision on the transfer of unused property or refusal.

      16. The transfer of transferred unused property from the balance holder is carried out at the expense of the recipient.

      17. Transfer of unused property belonging to the category of special technical means is allowed only to entities engaged in operational-search and counter-intelligence activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Unclaimed special technical equipment is subject to liquidation on the basis of a decision of the authorized body in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

      18. All unclaimed unused property is sold by an authorized organization and / or is subject to liquidation on the basis of a decision (order) of an authorized body.

Chapter 3. The procedure for the sale of unused property

      19. The sale of unused property is carried out on the basis of a decision (order) of the authorized body.

      The decision (order) of the authorized body shall indicate the name, location, balance holder, quantity, book value of unused weapons and military equipment, category, serial numbers and other identification data provided for by the technical documentation of unused property to be sold, as well as the conditions of sale, if any, and available encumbrances.

      20. The sale of unused property is carried out by an authorized organization on a reimbursable basis.

      21. Payment for services of an authorized organization is carried out at the expense of the buyer.

      22. The cost of services of an authorized organization consists of the sum of the costs of property valuation, organization of tendering and commission of an authorized organization and is determined by a decision of the authorized organization.

      23. Funds from the sale of unused property are allocated to the republican budget.

      24. The amount of the commission fee of the authorized organization, guarantee fees collected by the authorized organization from the winner in case of failure to sign the sales contract, as well as guarantee fees and forfeit charged from the buyer in cases of non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the contract of sale are sent to income authorized organization.

      25. The form of bidding is determined depending on the type of unused property and the conditions of sale.

      26. Unused property, with the exception of weapons and military equipment, is sold through the state property web portal.

      27. Unused property in the form of weapons and military equipment is sold through closed tenders or auctions subject to export.

      28. For the sale of unused property, the balance holder submits documents to the authorized organization to determine the technical and functional characteristics of the unused property (passport, form, certificate of technical condition, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, information on completeness, photographs and others).

      The balance holder of unused property ensures the safety of unused property in the state determined at the time of recognition of it as unused, and the reliability of information on it until the transfer of ownership to the buyer.

      After approval of the list of unused property to be sold, the authorized organization publishes it on its website, and the balance holder provides access to the inspection of the unused property by those who wish to acquire it in the manner established by the state body subordinate to which the balance holder.

      29. Unrealized, unused property by decision (order) of the authorized body is subject to liquidation through disposal, destruction, burial or processing.

      30. Each subsequent auction is carried out within the time period established by the authorized organization.

      31. Participation in closed tenders is taken by a limited list of participants determined by the commission for the sale of unused property (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) based on proposals from interested state bodies and an authorized organization.

      To be included in the list of participants, potential buyers submit to the authorized organization the following documents:

      1) an application for inclusion in the list of participants;

      2) a copy of the charter;

      3) a copy of the certificate or a certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity;

      4) copies of permits (licenses) for carrying out a type (subspecies) of activity in the sphere of the circulation of weapons, military equipment and certain types of weapons, explosives and products with their use, issued by the licensor (authorized body).

      Foreign legal entities submit permits (licenses, permits) issued by the licensor (authorized body) of the country of which the applicant is a resident, or of any other country where the applicant is registered as a participant in foreign economic activity, with a notarized translation into Kazakh and / or Russian .

      5) other information upon request of an authorized organization.

      32. At the stage of forming the list of participants by the authorized organization, advertisements are posted on the official website of the authorized organization on the conduct of closed tenders, requests are sent to interested state bodies and / or bodies of foreign states for information on compliance by participants of foreign economic activity with international obligations and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Verification of compliance of participants in foreign economic activity is carried out by the authorized organization through interaction with the authorized body, military intelligence bodies of the Ministry of Defense and special state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the authorized body in the field of export control.

      The purpose of this audit is to prevent damage to the image of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a result of contracts with companies of dubious reputation or implicated in illegal arms transfers that violate the requirements of the United Nations Security Council sanctions committees.

      33. The operation of the web portal, as well as the acceptance of guarantee contributions by electronic bidders, is ensured by a single operator.

      34. A guarantee deposit for participation in electronic bidding is paid to the details of a single operator in the form and manner established in the notice.

      35. The guarantee contribution for participation in closed tenders is paid to the details of the authorized organization in the manner specified in the invitation.

      36. The guarantee contribution is paid by the participant or on behalf of the participant by any other natural or legal person.

      37. Participants are allowed to make any number of guarantee contributions, with one guarantee contribution giving the right to purchase the lot for which the participant made this guarantee contribution.

      38. Single operator:

      1) transfers the full amount of the guarantee contribution of the bidder, to the account of the authorized organization on the basis of the application for transferring the guarantee contribution signed by the authorized organization using the EDS on the web portal, within no more than five working days from the date of signing;

      2) returns guarantee contributions to other bidders on the basis of applications for the return of guarantee contributions signed by participants using EDS on the web portal.

      39. The guarantee contribution of the participant who won the tender and entered into the contract of sale is credited to the payments due under the contract of sale and is sent by the authorized organization to the republican budget after the buyer fulfills the obligations of the contract of sale.

      40. In the event that the amount of the guarantee contribution exceeds the sale price and the amount of due payments for the commission fee, the difference shall be returned by the authorized organization to the buyer within no more than ten business days from the date of submission to the authorized organization of the act of acceptance of unused property.

      41. The person who won the tender, if the purchase and sale agreement is not signed, as well as the buyer in the event of failure to fulfill or improper performance of the obligations under the purchase and sale agreement, lose the guarantee contribution made by them, which remains at the disposal of the authorized organization.

      In all other cases, guarantee fees shall be returned within no more than five business days from the date of submission of the application to a single operator (from a participant in electronic bidding) or an authorized organization (from a participant in closed bidding).

      The guarantee fees are returned to the details indicated by the bidder in the application for the return of the guarantee fee.

      42. Settlements under a sales contract are made between an authorized organization and a buyer, while the buyer makes settlements in the following order:

      1) the commission fee is paid in the amount specified in the notice or invitation from the sale price of the lot within a period of not more than ten business days from the date of signing the contract of sale;

      2) an advance payment is made in the amount of not less than fifteen percent of the sale price of the lot in a period of not more than ten business days from the date of signing the contract of sale;

      3) the remaining amount is paid by agreement of the parties, but not more than thirty business days from the date of signing the contract of sale.

      43. In case of delay in the above payments, the authorized organization can terminate the contract unilaterally and submit a claim to the buyer for payment of the penalty for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract of sale.

      44. The transfer of unused property is carried out according to the act of acceptance after the buyer pays the sale price under the purchase agreement and the commission of the authorized organization within the time stipulated by the purchase agreement.

      45. Transfer of unused property to the buyer is carried out on the basis of the original contract or its copy certified by an authorized organization, notification of an authorized organization about payment of a buyer with a copy of payment documents, a copy of identity documents of the buyer or his representative.

      46. ​​After signing the acceptance certificate, the balance holder issues an invoice to the buyer indicating the realized value of the unused property with a copy of the technical condition report, the original passports or their duplicates.

      47. In case of the fact that during the transfer, the absence of unused property (in whole or in part) is revealed, the balance holder shall notify the buyer in writing of the existing deficiency with the reasons for its formation.

      To reimburse the amount paid for the missing unused property, the buyer applies to the authorized organization with a request for a refund of the specified details and the notification of the balance holder.

      The signed acceptance certificate is the basis for state registration of the change of ownership of the sold unused property.

Paragraph 1. Sale of unused property through the state property web portal

      48. Unused property, with the exception of weapons and military equipment, is sold on the state property web portal on the basis of a decision (order) of the authorized body through electronic bidding in the form of an auction or tender.

      49. The initial price of the object of sale (lot) is determined on the basis of the estimated value of unused property and approved by the Commission.

      50. A notice of tendering shall be published at least fifteen calendar days prior to their holding.

      51. The notice is published on the web portal in Kazakh and Russian.

      52. The notice of tendering contains the following information:

      1) the date and time of the tender;

      2) the form and method of bidding;

      3) a list of lots sold;

      4) information about the object of sale;

      5) the starting and minimum (during the auction to lower the price) prices of objects put up for sale;

      6) the size of the guarantee fee and commission fee of the authorized organization, as well as bank details for their transfer;

      7) the procedure for conducting tenders, including the registration of participation in tenders, the conditions for determining the winner of tenders;

      8) a list of documents required to participate in the tender;

      9) telephones and location of the authorized organization and balance holder, email address of the authorized organization;

      10) additional information by decision of an authorized organization.

      53. Prior to the publication of a notice of sale for each object, the authorized organization shall ensure the inclusion of electronic copies of the following documents on the web portal:

      1) report on the valuation of the object of sale;

      2) photographs of the object of sale, providing an idea of ​​the technical condition (if any);

      3) a draft contract of sale.

      The form of a standard contract for the sale of unused property is approved by an authorized organization.

      54. After the publication of the notice on the sale of the object of sale, the authorized organization provides free access for everyone to information about the object through the web portal.

      55. Registration of bidders is carried out from the date of publication of the notice and ends two hours before the bidding, after which the bidders cannot withdraw the submitted application.

      56. To participate in the auction, you must first register on the web portal indicating:

      1) for individuals: individual identification number (hereinafter - IIN), surname, name and patronymic (if any);

      2) for legal entities: business identification number (hereinafter - BIN), full name, surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the first leader;

      3) details of the current account in a second-tier bank for the return of the guarantee fee;

      4) contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail).

      If the above data is changed, the participant changes the data entered into the web portal within one business day.

      57. To register as a bidder, it is necessary to register on the web portal of the register an application for participation in the bidding in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules, signed by the electronic signature of the bidder, with electronic (scanned) copies of documents attached:

      1) for individuals: a passport or an identity document of an individual;

      2) for legal entities: a certificate or certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity;

      3) for foreign legal entities: notarized copies of constituent documents with a notarized translation into Kazakh and / or Russian.

      Tenderers register an application containing consent to the terms of the tender, with the application of electronic (scanned) copies of documents:

      1) a price offer signed by a tenderer uploaded to an electronic envelope on a specially designated web page;

      2) confirming the compliance of the participants with the additional requirements specified in the notice of the tender.

      58. An authorized organization shall not be allowed to disclose information related to bidders during the entire period of preparation for and holding of tenders.

      59. Applications and the electronic (scanned) copies of documents of tenderers attached to them are stored in the database of the web portal and are not available for download and viewing until the time and date specified in the notice of the tender.

      60. After the registration of the application for participation in the bidding by the web portal, an automatic check is made for the presence in the database of the register of information on the receipt of the guarantee contribution for the sale object (lot) for which the application has been submitted.

      61. The grounds for refusal by the web portal to accept the application are non-compliance by the participant with the requirements specified in paragraphs 56 to 57 of these Rules, as well as non-receipt of the guarantee deposit specified in the tender notification two hours before the start of trading, to the special transit account of the single operator .

      62. If there is information in the database of the web portal about the receipt of the guarantee contribution to the special transit account of the single operator, the application is accepted and the bidders are admitted. If there is no information in the database of the web portal about the receipt of the guarantee contribution to the special transit account of the single operator, the web portal rejects the participant’s application.

      63. Based on the results of automatic verification, the web portal sends an electronic notification of the acceptance of the application or the reasons for refusing to accept the application to the participant’s email address indicated on the web portal.

      64. The web portal cancels the auction number of the participant who has withdrawn the electronic bid for participation in the auction, at least two hours before the start of bidding.

Paragraph 2. Auction

      65. The auction is conducted by two bidding methods: to increase prices and to lower prices.

      66. During the auction, the starting price of the object of sale (lot) is equal to the initial price of the object.

      67. The object at the first auction is put up for auction using the method of increasing prices.

      68. For the second auction, an object is put up for auction using the method of price reduction with the establishment of a minimum price of fifty percent of the initial price.

      69. For the third auction, the object is put up for auction using the method of price reduction with the establishment of a minimum price of ten percent of the initial price.

      70. A participant who is admitted to the auction is granted access to the auction room at the auction number assigned by the web portal.

      71. Auction participants, within one hour before the start of the auction, enter the auction room using an electronic digital signature and auction number. The auction begins at the time specified in the notice of bidding for the city of Nur-Sultan, by automatically placing the starting price of the sale object in the auction room.

      72. The auction in the auction hall is held from Tuesday to Friday, with the exception of holidays and weekends provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The auction is held from 10:00 to 17:00, the time of the city of Nur-Sultan, and the auction starts no later than 15:00, time of the city of Nur-Sultan.

      73. If, at the time of the auction to increase the price at 17:00, the winner of the auction is not determined, the winner is the participant who last confirmed his desire to acquire the object of sale, and the auction for this object of sale is considered valid.

      74. If, at the time of the end of the auction to lower the price at 17:00, the winner of the auction is not determined, the auction for this sale will be declared void.

      75. If at the time of the start of the auction in the auction hall less than two auction participants were registered and there are two participants in the auction, the auction for this sale object shall be deemed not held, with the exception of the third auction, at which the sale of the object to a single participant is allowed.

      76. The price change step is set as follows:

      1) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of up to 20,000 times the monthly calculation indicator, the change step is set at the auction to increase the price in the amount of 10 percent and at the auction to lower the price in the amount of 5 percent;

      2) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of 20,000 to 50,000 times the monthly calculation indicator, the change step is set at the auction to increase the price of 7 percent and at the auction to lower the price of 5 percent;

      3) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of from 50,000-fold to 100,000-fold the size of the monthly calculation indicator, the change step is set at 5 percent;

      4) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of 100,000-fold to 250,000-fold the size of the monthly calculation indicator, the change step is set at the auction to increase prices in the amount of 2.5 percent and at the auction to lower prices in the amount of 5 percent;

      5) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of 250,000-fold to 500,000-fold the size of the monthly calculation indicator, the change step is set at the auction to increase the price of 1 percent and at the auction to lower the price of 5 percent;

      6) at the starting or current price of the object of sale in the amount of 500,000 times the monthly calculation indicator or higher, the change step is set at the auction to increase the price in the amount of 0.5 percent and at the auction to lower the price in the amount of 5 percent.

      An auction is conducted using one of the two methods described below.

      77. Auction to increase the price:

      1) if, within twenty minutes from the start of the auction in the auction hall, none of the participants confirmed their desire to purchase the object by increasing the starting price of the object by the step established in accordance with paragraph 76 of these Rules, the auction for this object shall be deemed not held;

      2) if, within twenty minutes from the start of the auction in the auction hall, one of the participants confirms his desire to purchase the object by increasing the starting price of the object by the step established in accordance with paragraph 76 of these Rules, the starting price increases by the established step;

      3) if, within twenty minutes after an increase in the current price, none of the participants confirms their desire to purchase an object by increasing the current price, the winner is the participant who last confirmed his desire to purchase the object, and the auction for this object is considered valid.

      78. An auction on an object of sale to increase the price goes to the maximum bid by one of the participants.

      79. An auction on an object of sale for a price increase is considered to be held only if the starting price of the object has increased by at least two steps in increasing the price, while at least two bidders increase the starting price in two steps.

      80. Lower Price Auction:

      1) if within two minutes from the beginning of the auction none of the participants confirms their desire to purchase the object in the auction, the starting price of the object decreases by one step;

      2) if, within two minutes after the price reduction, none of the participants confirms their desire to purchase the object, the last announced price of the object decreases with the established step.

      The winner of the auction to lower the price is the participant who first confirmed his desire to purchase the object (lot) at the declared price, and the auction for this object is recognized as held.

      3) if the price of the object has reached the established minimum size and none of the participants has confirmed their desire to purchase the object, the auction shall be deemed not held.

      81. If the auction is declared invalid, the Commission signs the act of the failed auction, formed by the web portal.

      82. The results of the auction for each object sold are documented in a protocol on the results of the auction, which is signed on the web portal by the Commission using digital signatures on the day of the auction.

      83. The protocol on the results of tenders is a document fixing the results of the auction and the obligations of the authorized organization and the winner to sign the contract of sale of the object at the sale price.

      84. The contract of sale with the winner is signed on the web portal of state property within a period of not more than ten business days from the date of the auction through EDS.

      85. If the winner does not sign the sales contract within the time periods specified in paragraph 84 of these Rules, the Commission signs the act of canceling the auction results, formed by the web portal, and this object is again put up for auction.

      86. In the event of a technical malfunction during the auction that impedes participation in the auction, the participant:

      1) is notified within 30 seconds from the moment of lack of stable communication with the web portal by displaying on the monitor of the auction participant an electronic notification with the contact information of a single operator;

      2) immediately by telephone or electronic message notifies about it according to the contact information of a single operator.

      87. A single operator records the fact of a technical failure and, if there is one on the side of the web portal, notifies all bidders by posting information on the web portal.

      88. At a technical failure of the participant's computer and / or telecommunication equipment, the auction continues.

      89. In the event of a technical failure of the web portal specified in paragraph 86 of these Rules that impedes the holding of an auction or the auction procedure, the single operator shall notify the authorized organization in writing and postpone the auction until the next business day after the day of correcting the technical failure with a mandatory preliminary notification of the participants in the auction about the date and time to continue this auction by posting information on the web portal and sending electronic communication by e-mail the participant specified on the web portal.

Section 3. Tendering

      90. The tender is held on the web portal from Tuesday to Friday, with the exception of holidays and weekends provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tender is held from 10:00 to 13:00 on the time of the city of Nur Sultan.

      91. When placing an object of sale (lot) for the first tender, the starting price of the object is equal to the initial price.

      92. When an object is put up for second and third tenders, the starting price is reduced by fifty percent of the starting price of the previous tender.

      93. If the number of registered tenderers is less than two, the tender shall be declared invalid, with the exception of third tenders at which the object may be sold to a single participant.

      94. If the tender is declared invalid, the Commission signs the act of the failed tender, formed by the web portal.

      95. The opening of applications for participation in the tender is carried out through the web portal automatically when the date and time of the tender specified in the notice of the tender.

      96. Applications for participation in the tender are considered by the Commission on the register's web portal in order to determine the participants who meet the requirements specified in the tender notice.

      97. The winner is the participant who has offered the highest price for an object (lot). If at the tender the offers of two or more participants contain the same highest price, the winner of the tender among these participants is the participant whose application has been accepted earlier than other applications of the participants.

      98. The minutes on the results of tenders indicate:

      1) a list of participants who do not meet the requirements for the participants (the buyer), indicating the reason;

      2) a list of participants satisfying the requirements for the participants, according to which the register's web portal automatically matches the price offers of tenderers;

      3) the winner who has offered the highest price for the object (lot).

      99. The winner of the tender is notified of the results of the tender by e-mail.

      100. The protocol on the results of the auction is generated by the web portal, signed using the EDS by the Commission on the day of the auction.

      101. The protocol on the results of tenders is a document fixing the results of the tender and the obligations of the winner and the authorized organization to sign the contract of sale of the object on the terms resulting from the tender. The sales contract with the winner is signed on the state property web portal no more than ten business days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of tenders using electronic digital signature.

      102. If the winner does not sign the purchase and sale agreement, the Commission signs, with the use of digital signatures, the cancellation of the tender results, formed by the web portal, and this object is again put up for auction.

      103. The contract of sale of unused property is signed by an authorized organization and a buyer on the web portal using an electronic digital signature.

Section 4. Realization of unused property in the form of weapons and military equipment

      104. Unused property in the form of weapons and military equipment is sold through closed tenders or auctions subject to export.

      In the absence of applications for the purchase of unused weapons and military equipment, sales may be carried out subject to its liquidation through disposal.

      105. The initial price of sold unused weapons and military equipment is determined based on the book value of weapons and military equipment.

      106. Only legal entities may be bidders.

      107. An invitation to participate in closed tenders is sent out by the authorized organization to the companies included in the list of participants in closed tenders at least fifteen business days before it is held.

      The following documents are attached to the invitation:

      1) tender documentation;

      2) photographs and / or technical specifications of unused weapons and military equipment (if any);

      3) a draft contract of sale.

      108. The invitation to participate in closed bidding contains the following information:

      1) dates (date and time) and place of bidding;

      2) the form and method of bidding;

      3) a list of lots sold;

      4) information about the sold unused weapons and military equipment;

      5) the carrying value of unused weapons and military equipment put up for private auction;

      6) the starting price of unused weapons and military equipment put up for a closed tender;

      7) the size of the guarantee fee and commission fee of the authorized organization, as well as bank details for their transfer;

      8) the place and date of receipt of applications (with the application of the form);

      9) the procedure for conducting tenders, including the registration of participation in tenders, the conditions for determining the winner of tenders;

      10) a list of documents required for participation in closed tenders;

      11) telephones and location of the authorized organization and balance holder, email address of the authorized organization;

      12) a list of defense industry organizations that are responsible for carrying out repair work and / or modernization of unused weapons and military equipment, conditions for repair and / or modernization in defense industry organizations with an indication of the type and cost of work, the volume, location and timing of completion;

      13) additional information by decision of an authorized organization.

      109. Proposals for participation in a private auction are announced by e-mail to the email address of the authorized organization with the attachment of all documents provided for by the invitation.

      110. Proposals for participation in a closed tender are stated in writing in a closed envelope if there is a equipped room with a video surveillance system (with the ability to store and view the recording for 12 months).

      111. To register as a closed bidder, you must attach and submit the following documents:

      1) the application for participation in closed tenders in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules;

      2) a copy of the payment document confirming the payment of the guarantee contribution;

      3) the original document certifying the authority of the representative of the legal entity, as well as a copy of the passport or identity document of the representative of the legal entity (to participate in a closed tender);

      4) a signed price offer for participation in a closed auction for each lot separately;

      5) the original of the signed price proposal enclosed in a closed envelope for participation in a closed tender for each lot separately;

      6) copies of permits (licenses) for carrying out a type (subspecies) of activity in the sphere of the circulation of weapons, military equipment and certain types of weapons, explosives and products with their use, issued by the licensor (authorized body).

      Foreign legal entities submit permits (licenses, permits) issued by the licensor (authorized body) of the country of which the applicant is a resident, or of any other country where the applicant is registered as a participant in foreign economic activity, with a certified translation into Kazakh and / or Russian.

      7) originals or notarized copies of documents confirming compliance with additional requirements specified in the tender documents and invitation to participate in a closed tender for the sale of unused weapons and military equipment.

      112. Registration of applications of closed bidders to whom the invitation is sent is made by an authorized organization in the registration journal from the day of sending the invitations and ends 24 (twenty four) hours before its start, after which the participants cannot withdraw the submitted application.

      113. Applications and copies of documents of bidders attached to them are printed out (with screenshots attached) and, after registration, are kept by the Secretary of the Commission until they are submitted to the Commission for consideration.

      114. Acceptance of applications and registration of persons wishing to participate in closed tenders are carried out by the secretary in the presence of a complete set of required documents.

      In the absence of one of the documents specified in paragraph 111 of these Rules, the submitted application is not registered, which is notified by the authorized organization by e-mail to the person who filed the application.

      115. The grounds for refusal by the authorized organization to accept the application for participation in closed tenders are non-compliance by the participant with the requirements specified in paragraph 111 of these Rules, as well as non-receipt of the guarantee contribution specified in the invitation to tender twenty-four hours before the bidding to the account of the authorized organization.

Paragraph 5. Holding a closed tender

      116. A closed tender is held by decision (order) of the authorized body.

      117. A closed tender is held if there is a video surveillance system (with the possibility of keeping a record for 12 months and viewing the closed tender) at the place and time specified in the invitation, from Tuesday to Friday, excluding holidays and weekends provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan , from 10:00 to 17:00 hours of the time of the city of Nur Sultan.

      118. A closed tender for the implementation is carried out with the condition:

      1) repair in defense industry organizations;

      2) modernization in defense industry organizations;

      3) liquidation through disposal.

      119. In the case of the sale of unused weapons and military equipment subject to their disposal, disposal is carried out on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or beyond, provided that the potential bidder has a permit to carry out these works or an agreement with a legal entity having the appropriate permission.

      120. When placing unused weapons and military equipment in a closed tender, the starting price of an object is equal to the book value.

      121. When an object is put up for second and third tenders, the starting price is reduced by fifty percent of the starting price of the previous tender.

      122. If only one price proposal has been received, the property may be sold to a single participant.

      123. If a closed tender is declared invalid, the Commission shall sign a protocol on the failed closed tender.

      124. If the third auction is declared invalid, the auction subject to the decision of the Commission shall be submitted to a closed auction.

      125. Price proposals are submitted by participants in a closed tender in a closed envelope for each lot separately.

      126. Consideration of applications for participation in a closed tender and opening of envelopes with price offers is carried out by the Commission upon the date and time of bidding specified in the invitation to bid.

      127. Applications for participation in a closed tender are considered by the Commission in order to determine the participants who meet the requirements specified in the invitation to conduct tenders.

      128. The winner is the participant who meets the conditions of a closed tender and offers the highest price per lot. If at a closed tender the proposals of two or more participants contain the same price, the winner of the closed tender among these participants is the participant whose application has been accepted earlier than other applications of the participants.

      129. The minutes on the results of tenders indicate:

      1) a list of participants who do not meet the requirements for the participants, indicating the reason;

      2) a list of participants satisfying the requirements for participants for which the Commission compares the price proposals of bidders;

      3) the winner who has offered the highest price for the object (the only participant who meets the requirements).

      130. The protocol on the results of the closed tender is signed by the members of the Commission and approved by the chairman of the Commission within no more than fifteen working days from the day the tender closed.

      The protocol is communicated by e-mail to all bidders.

      131. The protocol on the results of the closed tender is a document fixing the results of the closed tender and the obligations of the winner and the authorized organization to sign the sales contract. The sales contract with the winner is signed no more than ten business days from the date of approval of the protocol on the results of the closed tender.

      If the winner of the contract of sale is not signed within the time periods specified in paragraph 131 of these Rules, the Commission signs the protocol on canceling the results of the closed tender, and the winner is the participant whose proposal is recognized as the best after the proposal of the winner of the closed tender.

Paragraph 6. Holding a closed auction

      132. A closed auction shall be held by decision (order) of the authorized body and / or if the closed tender is declared invalid on the basis of a decision of the Commission.

      133. A closed auction takes place if there is a video surveillance system (with the possibility of storing a record for 12 months and viewing the closed tender) at the place and time specified in the invitation, from Tuesday to Friday, except for holidays and weekends provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Closed auction is held from 10:00 to 17:00, the time of the city of Nur Sultan.

      134. A closed auction is held by bidding to increase the price by e-mail.

      135. When conducting a closed auction by raising the price of potential buyers included in the approved list of bidders, an authorized organization sends an invitation to participate in a closed auction to the email address.

      136. A bidder of a closed auction declares his desire to participate in a closed auction in the manner specified by these Rules.

      In the application, the participant indicates the email address that will be used to participate in the auction.

      137. If at the time of the end of the acceptance of applications for participation in a closed auction only one application was received, the auction shall be deemed not held, and the Commission shall sign a protocol on the failed closed auction within five working days from the date of acceptance of applications (except for the third auction, at which sale of the sale to a single participant).

      138. If at the time of receipt of applications for participation in a closed auction two or more applications were received, the closed auction begins at the time specified in the invitation to conduct tenders.

      The Secretary of the Commission determines from the number of submitted maximum price offers for the lots and within one hour from the start of the closed auction sends them to the auction participants as the starting price for the increase.

      139. The bidders must confirm their desire to purchase the lot by increasing the starting price and submitting a new price offer for the lot within twenty-four hours from the start of the auction.

      140. Within one hour from the end of the time for submission of price offers, the Secretary of the Commission re-determines the maximum price offers for lots and sends them to participants in a closed auction as a new starting price for an increase.

      141. Regular price bids are submitted by bidders within twenty-four hours from the moment the new starting price is sent.

      A price increase auction continues until one of the bidders receives the maximum price offer for the lot.

      142. If within twenty-four hours from the moment of sending the new starting price only one application has been received, the winner is the participant who submitted the last price offer for the lot, and the auction is considered valid.

      143. If, within twenty-four hours from the moment of sending the new starting price, not a single application has been received, the winner shall be the participant who submitted the previous maximum price offer, and the auction shall be deemed held.

      If the offers of two or more participants contain the same price, the winner of the closed auction among these participants is the participant whose price proposal was accepted earlier than other price offers of the participants.

      144. All documents sent and received from participants in the closed auction are printed out by the Secretary of the Commission (with screenshots attached) and are submitted to the Commission for consideration within five business days from the date of the submission of the final maximum price offer.

      145. The results of a closed auction for each lot sold are recorded in a protocol on the results of the auction, which is signed by the members of the Commission and approved by the chairman of the Commission on the day the documents are considered.

      146. The protocol is communicated by e-mail to all bidders.

      147. The protocol on the results of the closed auction is a document fixing the results of the closed auction and the obligations of the winner and the authorized organization to sign the sales contract. The sales contract with the winner is signed within no more than ten business days from the date of approval of the protocol on the results of the closed auction.

      148. If the winner does not sign the sales contract within the time periods specified in paragraph 147 of these Rules, the Commission signs a protocol on canceling the results of the closed auction, and this sale is put up for auction again.

      149. All unrealized unused weapons and military equipment are subject to liquidation or reprocessing by decision (order) of the authorized body.

Chapter 4. The procedure for liquidation through the disposal, destruction, burial and processing of unused property

      150. Liquidation through recycling, destruction, burial or processing of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, shall be carried out by an authorized organization upon the authorized body’s decision, except for the case provided for in paragraph 150-1 of these Rules.

      Footnote. Paragraph 150 - as amended by Resolution No. 749 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.2021.

      150-1.Liquidation through the disposal or processing of unused property transferred under paragraph 11-1 of these Rules by defense industry organizations is allowed on the authorized body’s decision subject to the availability of relevant permits and notification documents.

      Footnote. The rules supplemented by paragraph 150-1, in accordance with Resolution No. 749 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.2021.

      151. Liquidation through the disposal, destruction, burial or processing of unused property in the form of weapons and military equipment, technical and special equipment is carried out within the framework of the state defense order.

      152. Liquidation through the disposal, destruction, burial or processing of unused property, with the exception of unused property in the form of weapons and military equipment, ammunition, technical and special equipment, is carried out by an authorized organization on the basis of a public procurement contract concluded with an authorized body or interested state bodies and departments.

      153. The list of unused property subject to liquidation by means of utilization, destruction, burial or processing indicates:

      1) type of property;

      2) year of manufacture;

      3) quantity;

      4) the location or place of storage;

      5) technical documentation if available;

      6) the quantity and composition of hazardous and harmful substances contained (waste passport);

      7) packaging if available.

      154. Methods of liquidation (disposal, destruction, burial) or processing of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, are determined by the authorized organization taking into account the presence of hazardous components or properties, components or secondary raw materials.

      155. The liquidation of unused property through disposal is carried out if there is a need for components contained in the disposal facility. The presence of the need for components is determined by the authorized body on the basis of applications from government agencies, departments and organizations of the defense industry.

      156. If there is no need for liquidation through disposal, processing or the presence of hazardous properties, unused property is subject to liquidation through destruction and / or disposal in accordance with the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      157. Liquidation by means of utilization, destruction, burial of unused property is carried out on a reimbursable basis, unless otherwise specified by these Rules.

      158. The liquidation of unused property through disposal or processing may be carried out in places of its storage or at specialized enterprises (workshops, sites, sites, territories, bases, etc.) in agreement with the balance holder.

      159. The removal of unused property subject to liquidation by means of utilization, destruction, burial or processing beyond the boundaries of its storage facilities is carried out at the expense of the organizations conducting liquidation or processing.

      160. Liquidation through the disposal, destruction, burial of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, within the framework of the state defense order is carried out by an authorized organization independently and / or organizations that are able to supply work, liquidation services through the disposal, destruction, burial of unused property.

      161. Unused weapons, military equipment, special and technical equipment transferred for elimination by means of disposal, destruction, burial or processing are brought into a safe condition in the manner determined by the balance holder.

      162. Admission of legal entities and an authorized organization to carry out liquidation by means of disposal or processing at the places of storage of unused property is carried out by decision of the balance holder.

      163. Liquidation by means of disposal, destruction, burial or processing of unused property that has a classified heading is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the procedure for its operation.

      164. The processing of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, is carried out when there is a demand for secondary raw materials extracted from unused property.

      165. Processing of unused property, with the exception of ammunition, shall be carried out by an authorized organization independently or by organizations that have appropriate technologies for processing this property, subject to the sale of the obtained recyclable materials. Utilization or processing of ammunition shall be carried out by legal entities that hold the relevant permits.

      Funds from the sale of recyclables shall be directed to the republican budget revenue, with the exception of funds received from the sale of recyclable materials obtained in the process of processing or disposal of unused property transferred under paragraph 11-1 of these Rules.

      Footnote. Paragraph 165- as amended by Resolution No. 749 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.10.2021.

      166. The cost of sales of secondary raw materials is determined based on the estimated cost. An authorized organization or an organization that has processed will purchase recycled materials at an estimated cost.

      167. Liquidation of unused property in the form of ammunition shall be carried out on the authorized body’s decision by organizations engaged in elimination of ammunition, in accordance with the relevant permits.

      If it is impossible to eliminate ammunition by the organization in accordance with part one of this paragraph, the authorized body, with notification of the civil protection authorities, shall apply to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan to assist in the destruction of ammunition classified as unused property. In this event, the organization provides services free of charge.

      By the authorized body’s decision, the organization subordinate to it, together with the subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall destroy ammunition classified as unused property.

      Joint actions in the destruction of unused property specified in part three of this paragraph shall be determined by a joint order of the authorized body and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The actions referred to in part three of this paragraph shall be performed free of charge.

      Footnote. Paragraph 167 - as amended by Resolution No. 694 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.09.2021.

Chapter 5. The procedure for the provision of property rent (lease) of unused defense facilities

      168. Landlords provide property leases (leases) through an authorized organization with the submission of an approved list of unused defense objects and an indication of the book value, name, area, brief description, location, and intended use.

      The provision of unused defense facilities of the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan to property lease (rental) is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Property” and the Rules for the transfer of state property to property lease (rental), approved by order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17 2015 year number 212.

      169. Railway access roads of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, included in the list of unused defense facilities to be leased (for rent), for the liquidation of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during exercises, can be used in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan for loading unloading military cargo at no cost.

      170. The services of an authorized organization are paid by landlords.

      171. The cost of services of an authorized organization consists of expenses for the organization of work, services for the provision of property lease and a commission fee for an authorized organization.

      172. The funds from the provision of unused defense facilities to property rental (lease) are allocated to the republican budget.

      173. An authorized organization ensures that the list and information on an unused defense object are posted on the web portal of the register with an indication of the name, area, brief description, location, term of the lease, intended use, with the exception of information on defense objects located at territories of protected objects, the list of which is approved by the head of the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan in agreement with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Thane.

      174. After placing the list and information on unused defense facilities on the web portal of the registry, the balance holders provide access to their inspection.

Paragraph 1. Consideration of applications for the provision of property lease (rental)

      175. The provision of unused defense facilities in property rental (lease) is carried out on the basis of an application in the form in accordance with Annexes 3 and 4 to these Rules.

      The application is executed in electronic form on the web portal of the registry indicating the name of the object, its balance holder, as well as the rationale for the need for the object with the application of electronic (scanned) copies of the following documents:

      1) for legal entities - a certificate of state registration of a legal entity (certificate of state registration of a legal entity) and the charter;

      2) for individuals - a document proving the identity of the applicant, certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur (for an individual entrepreneur);

      3) for foreign individuals or legal entities - a foreign passport or constituent documents with a notarized translation into the state and / or Russian languages.

      176. The acceptance of applications for the need for an unused defense object (hereinafter referred to as the application) ends after five business days from the date of receipt of the first application on the registry web portal.

      177. Based on the results of the consideration of the application (s) for the provision in property lease (rental) of unused defense facilities and documents attached to them, the renting takes one of the following decisions:

      1) on the provision of an unused defense facility in property lease without a tender;

      2) on the tender, in the case of filing two or more applications for the provision of property lease (rental) of unused defense facilities;

      3) on refusal with reasons in writing.

Paragraph 2. Provision of unused defense facilities in property lease (rental) without a tender

      178. Provision of property unused (leased) unused defense facilities without a tender is made by the lessors in the following cases:

      1) the provision of an unused defense facility for the needs of organizations subordinate to the landlord, and for ATMs;

      2) the provision of an unused defense facility, for which one application for the provision of a defense facility was received, in property lease (rental).

      179. The provision of an unused defense facility for the needs of organizations subordinate to landlords and for ATMs is based on decisions of landlords.

      180. When providing unused defense facilities for property rental (lease) without a tender, the estimated rental rates and the size of the raising (lowering) coefficients, taking into account the location, type, condition, and purpose of the facilities, are determined taking into account regional conditions in accordance with the Transfer Rules state property in property lease (rental).

      181. The provision of an unused defense object in property lease (rental) without a tender is carried out by an authorized organization on the basis of an application in the form in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Regulation.

      The application is executed in electronic form on the web portal of the registry indicating the name of the unused defense object, its balance holder, as well as the rationale for the need for the defense object.

      182. After a decision is made by lessors on the provision of an unused defense object in property rental (lease) without a tender by an authorized organization and a tenant using electronic digital signature, an agreement is concluded within ten business days in accordance with a standard contract for property rental (lease) of state property, the form of which is approved authorized body for state planning.

      183. After signing the property lease (lease) agreement, the tenant accepts an unused defense facility within fifteen working days by signing the acceptance-transfer certificate with the balance holder, which is submitted to the renting for approval.

      184. If the acceptance certificate is not signed within the prescribed period, the contract is considered invalid.

      185. Landlords, on the basis of an approved act of transfer and acceptance of an unused defense object, include information on the agreement in the register with the assignment of an identifier for the agreement.

Section 3. Preparation for the tender

      186. When preparing and conducting a tender, landlords:

      1) form a tender commission;

      2) determine the timing of the tender;

      3) publish the notice of the tender on the registry web portal;

      4) enter into a contract with the winner of the tender using the digital signature on the registry web portal and monitor the implementation of its conditions;

      5) exercise other powers provided for by these Rules.

      187. The amount of the guarantee contribution for participation in the tender when providing the property is calculated by the authorized organization on the basis of the monthly rent for an unused defense object, calculated without taking into account the coefficients, taking into account the type of activity of the tenant and the legal form of the tenant. When providing other property, the guarantee fee is established in the amount of the monthly rent.

      188. The tender commission includes representatives of the landlord and the authorized organization.

      The composition of the commission is approved by the landlords.

      The chairman of the commission is a representative of an authorized organization.

      189. The total number of members of the tender commission must be an odd number and be at least three people.

      The secretary of the tender commission is appointed by an authorized organization, is not a member of the tender commission and does not have voting rights when making decisions by the tender commission.

      190. The tender commission, within the time period established by the renting and on the basis of the submitted data on the unused defense facility, determines the conditions of the tender: use of the defense facility for its intended purpose for the entire rental period, the minimum rental rate, which cannot be lower than the rental rate calculated in accordance with Clause 187 of these Rules. 

      191. An authorized organization shall ensure the publication of a notice of a tender on the register's web portal at least five calendar days before it is held in the state and Russian languages.

      192. The notice of the tender includes the following information:

      1) a brief description of the unused defense facility;

      2) the period of property lease (rental) and the amount of the rent;

      3) the size of the guarantee contribution, the timing of its payment;

      4) the conditions of the tender;

      5) the date and time of the tender;

      6) the deadlines for accepting applications for participation in the tender;

      7) a list of documents required to participate in the tender.

      193. Single operator:

      1) ensures the functioning of the registry web portal, and also accepts guarantee contributions from tenderers;

      2) within three working days from the date of the tender, transfers the guarantee contribution of the successful bidder to the appropriate budget classification code on the basis of the application for the transfer of the guarantee contribution signed by an authorized organization using electronic digital signature on the registry web portal;

      3) returns guarantee contributions to other bidders within three business days from the date they sign on the web portal of the registry of applications for the return of guarantee contributions using EDS.

      194. After the publication of the notice, the balance holder provides free access for inspection of the defense facility.

Paragraph 4. Tendering

      195. Registration of tenderers on the register’s web portal is carried out from the day the tender notice is published and ends five minutes before the tender, after which the tenders cannot withdraw the submitted application.

      196. To participate in the tender, the participant must first register on the registry web portal indicating:

      1) for individuals and individual entrepreneurs: an individual identification number (hereinafter - IIN), surname, name and patronymic (if any); 

      2) for legal entities: business identification number (hereinafter - BIN), full name, surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the first leader; 

      3) details of the current account in a second-tier bank for the return of the guarantee fee;

      4) contact details (mailing address, phone, e-mail).

      If the above data is changed, the participant prior to registration of the application for participation in the tender changes the data entered on the registry web portal.

      197. To register as a participant, it is necessary to register on the registry web portal an application for participation in a tender for the provision of property (rent) of an unused defense object (hereinafter - the application for participation in the tender) in the form, in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules, signed EDS of a participant.

      198. Participants register an application for participation in the tender, containing consent to the terms of the tender and a price offer, uploaded to an electronic envelope on a dedicated page of the registry web portal with electronic (scanned) copies of documents in accordance with paragraph 175 of the Rules.

      199. Applications for participation in the tender and the electronic (scanned) copies of documents of the participants attached to them are stored in the database of the registry web portal and are not available for download and viewing until the time and date indicated in the notice of the tender.

      200. The grounds for refusal by the registry web portal to accept the application for participation in the tender are non-compliance by the participant with the requirements specified in paragraphs 197 , 198 of these Rules, as well as non-receipt of the guarantee fee specified in the tender notification to the account of the single operator.

      201. If there is information about the receipt of the guarantee contribution to the account of a single operator, the registry web portal accepts the application for participation in the tender and blocks the amount of the guarantee contribution until the bidding results for the unused defense object are determined, and also makes the participant admitted to the tender. If there is no information about the receipt of the guarantee contribution to the account of a single operator, the registry web portal rejects the application for participation in the tender.

      The registry web portal sends to the participant’s electronic address indicated on the registry web portal an electronic notification of acceptance of the application for participation in the tender or reasons for refusing to accept it.

      202. Participants make a guarantee contribution in the amount and terms specified in the notice of the tender to the account of a single operator.

      The guarantee contribution is paid by the participant or on behalf of the participant by any individual and legal entity. When making a guarantee contribution, it is necessary to indicate the IIN or BIN of the participant in the payment purpose.

      The size of the guarantee deposit after the publication of the notice does not change.

      203. A guarantee deposit is a guarantee of the following obligations of the winner of the tender:

      1) familiarization with the protocol on the results of the tender in case of victory in the tender;

      2) conclusion of an agreement in accordance with the protocol on the results of the tender.

      204. The guarantee fee is not refunded to the winner in case of non-signing of the contract on terms that meet the proposals of the winner of the tender.

      In all other cases, guarantee fees are returned by a single operator within no more than three business days from the date of signing by the participants on the register portal of the guarantee fee refund application using EDS.

      205. For the winner, the amount of the guarantee contribution made is counted towards the rent for the use of the defense facility under the concluded agreement.

      206. In case of cancellation of the tender at the request of the landlord, the landlord publishes in the state and Russian languages ​​a notice of cancellation of the tender at least three business days in advance on the register’s web portal.

      Persons who submitted applications for participation in the tender before the notice of cancellation of the tender is published, the guarantee fee is refunded on the basis of the application for the return of the guarantee fee signed using the digital signature on the registry web portal.

      207. Bidders may:

      1) to receive additional information on an unused defense object put up for tender;

      2) pre-inspect an unused defense object.

      208. The tender on the registry web portal is held from Tuesday to Friday, with the exception of weekends and holidays stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tender is held from 10:00 to 13:00 on the time of the city of Nur-Sultan.

      The opening of applications for participation in the tender is carried out through the web portal of the registry automatically upon the date and time of the tender specified in the notice of the tender.

      209. If at the time of the start of the tender there are no registered applications for participation in the tender, the tender shall be declared invalid.

      The landlord, within twenty-four hours after the time and date of the tender indicated in the notice of the tender, signs the failed tender by electronic signature generated by the registry web portal.

      Within three business days from the date of signing of the act on the failed tender, the renting shall ensure the re-publication of information about the unused defense facility in accordance with paragraph 192 of these Rules.

      210. When conducting a tender, the winner shall be the only participant or participant who has offered the largest amount of rent for an unused defense facility and meets all the conditions of the tender.

      In case of coincidence (equality) of the rent amounts proposed by the participants, the winner is the participant who has previously registered an application for participation in the tender.

      The web portal of the registry sends an electronic notification of the results of the tender to the electronic address of the participant indicated on the web portal of the registry.

Paragraph 5. Presentation of tender results

      211. Applications for participation in the tender and the electronic (scanned) copies of documents attached to them are considered by the renting on the register's web portal in order to determine the participants allowed to conduct the tender.

      212. A protocol on the results of the tender is drawn up and signed by the secretary of the commission on the register's web portal using EDS on the day of its holding.

      213. The protocol contains the following data:

      1) the composition of the tender commission;

      2) information about an unused defense facility;

      3) the conditions of the tender;

      4) information about the bidders and their proposals;

      5) information about the winner of the tender;

      6) obligations of the parties to sign the contract;

      7) a list of participants not admitted to the tender, indicating the reasons;

      8) a list of participants admitted to the tender, according to which the register's web portal automatically matches the price offers of tenderers.

      214. The protocol on the results of the tender is a document fixing the results of the tender, as well as the obligations of the winner and the landlord to sign an agreement on the conditions resulting from the tender.

      215. The contract is concluded in electronic format on the registry web portal and is signed by the landlord and tenant using electronic digital signatures within ten business days from the date of the tender.

      216. If the winner doesn’t sign the contract within the established deadlines, the renting signs, using electronic digital signatures, the act on canceling the results of the tender, which is generated on the web portal of the register, and the renting ensures the publication of the notice of the tender in accordance with paragraph 192 of these Rules.

Section 6. Property lease agreement

      217. A property lease (lease) agreement with a tenant is concluded in electronic form on the registry web portal in accordance with a standard state property lease (lease) agreement, the form of which is approved by the authorized state planning body, except when the needs to make other conditions related to the specifics of leasing defense facilities.

      218. A contract of property lease (lease) with a tenant is concluded for a period of not more than one year with the right to extend the term of the contract with the proper fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The extension of the contract of property lease is possible for a period of up to three years by written permission of the landlord.

      The extension of the contract is carried out on the registry web portal by concluding an additional agreement to the main contract using electronic digital signature.

      An additional agreement to the main contract is concluded on the basis of a statement from the tenant, sent to the landlord, to extend the contract for thirty calendar days before the expiration of the contract and the decision of the landlord.

      A supplementary agreement to the main contract is not concluded in cases if:

      1) the tenant has sent an application for extension upon expiration of the above period;

      2) the balance holder submitted to the leease a written refusal to extend the term of the contract;

      3) the landlord provided information on the existing debt on rent and other payments from the tenant.

      219. A property lease (lease) agreement concluded for a period of more than one year is subject to state registration.

      State registration of contracts is carried out at the expense of the employer.

      220. Termination of the contract during the period of its validity is carried out at the request of one of the parties to the contract. An application for termination of the contract by one of the parties to the contract is sent to the landlord indicating the reasons for termination. The contract is terminated by mutual agreement of the parties on the basis of the notification and the acceptance certificate of the transfer of the defense facility. In other cases, the termination of the contract is made in court.

      221. Payments for property rent (lease) do not include payments for utilities, deductions for current and major repairs, payments for maintenance of an unused defense facility. These payments are paid by the tenant directly to departmental security, operational, utilities, sanitary and other services.

      222. The following information is obligatoryly entered by the tenant into the payment order or receipt on payment of the lease payment in the field “purpose of payment”:

      1) IIN or BIN of the employer;

      2) contract identifier.

      223. The calculation of the rental rate for the provision of unused defense facilities for property lease (rental) is determined in accordance with the Rules for the transfer of state property to property lease (rental), approved by order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      224. Rental rates for the use of an unused defense facility transferred without a tender may change no more than once a year, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Section 7. Transfer of an unused defense facility under an act of acceptance

      225. Within fifteen working days after the signing of the contract, the unused defense facility is transferred by the balance holder to the lessee under the acceptance-transfer certificate, which is then approved by the lessor.

      Within five days, the approved acceptance certificate is registered by the landlord in the registry.

      226. The act of acceptance contains:

      1) the place and date of drawing up the act;

      2) the name and details of the documents in accordance with which the representatives are authorized to represent the interests of the parties;

      3) the date of signing and the number of the contract, in accordance with which the transfer of the defense facility is carried out;

      4) the name of the transferred unused defense object, its location, technical characteristics and condition (with a list of identified or existing malfunctions);

      5) a list of equipment (if any);

      6) signatures of representatives certified by a seal.

      227. The acceptance certificate is drawn up in triplicate in the state or Russian languages, one of which is kept by the lessor, one by the balance holder and one is transferred to the lessee. 

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation
by means of destruction, utilization, burial and
processing of unused property, as well as
provision of unused defense objects in
property lease (rental)
  The form

for participation in _________________________ for the sale of an object of sale
(the bidding form is indicated)

      1. Having considered the published notice on the sale of the object (s) of

      sale and having read the rules of sale,


      (full name of the individual or name of the legal entity and full name of the head or

      representative of the legal entity acting on the basis of the power of attorney )

      wishes to take part in the tenders to be held on ___ _____________20___ of the

      year at: ______________________________________________.

      2. I (we) made a ______ guarantee fee (s) to participate in the

      ___________________________________________________ tenders in the total

      amount of ___________________ (____________________________________________) tenge

      (quantity) (in figures) (amount in words)

      to the special transit account of the single operator in the field of state property

      accounting ______________________________.

      Information about the objects of sale (lots) for which the guarantee contribution has been paid:

Bid No.

Name of the object of sale (lot)

Amount of guarantee deposit to be paid, tenge







      Information on the contributions made:

No. p / p

Assignment of the guarantee contribution and the name of the object of sale (lot) for which the guarantee contribution has been made for participation in tenders

Payment Document No.

Payment Document Date

Amount of guarantee fee, tenge









      3. I agree (s) that if my (our) discrepancy is found to meet the requirements for the bidder, I (we) lose (are) the right to participate in the auction, the sales contract signed by me (us) will be recognized invalid.

      4. In the event that I (we) will be (are) determined by the winner (s) of the tender, I accept (s) the obligation to sign the contract of sale within ten working days from the day they are held.

      5. I agree (s) that the amount of the guarantee contribution made by me (us) is not refunded and remains with the authorized organization in the following cases:

      1) non-signing of the contract of sale in a timely manner;

      2) failure to fulfill and / or improper performance by me (us) of obligations under the contract of sale.

      6. This application has the force of the contract valid until the conclusion of the contract of sale.

      7. I submit (s) information about myself: For a legal entity:

      Name ______________________________________________________________

      BIN ______________________________________________________________

      Full name Head


      Address: ______________________________________________________________

      Phone (fax):


      Email: ______________________________________________________________

      bank details for refund guarantee fee:

      IIC ______________________________________________________________

      BIC ___________________________________________________________________

      Bank name ______________________________________________________________

      KBE ______________________________________________________________

      IIN / BIN person who has paid a guarantee fee


      shall be accompanied by (do not fill camping when applying for the auction):

      1) ________________________________________________________________

      2) ________________________________________________________________

      3) ________________________________________________________________

      For individuals: full name


      IIN _____________________________________________________________

      data of passport / identity card


      Address: _____________________________________________________________

      Phone (fax):


      Email: _____________________________________________________________

      bank details for refund guarantee fee: IIC


      BIC _____________________________________________________________


      Name _____________________________________________________________

      KBE _____________________________________________________________

      IIN / BIN person paying his guarantee fee


      shall be accompanied by (not filled in an application for an auction):

      1) ________________________________________________________

      2) ________________________________________________________

      3) ________________________________________________________


      (Signature) (Name natural person or name of legal entity and full name

      the head or representative of a legal entity acting on the basis of a power of attorney)

      "___" _________ 20 __ years.


      Accepted by the web portal of the State Property Register

      “___” __________ 20 __ years __________ hours _______ minutes

      Member auction number _______________

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation
by means of destruction, utilization, burial and
processing of unused property, as well as
provision of unused defense objects in
property lease (rental)
  The form

for participation in _________________________ for the sale of an object of sale
(the bidding form is indicated)

      1. Having considered the sent invitation to sell the object (s) of sale and having

      read the rules of sale,


      (name of the legal entity and full name of the head or representative of the legal

      entity acting on the basis of the power of attorney) wishes to participate in the tenders to

      be held "___" ___________ 20 ___ years at the address:


      2. We have made the ______ guarantee contribution (s) for participating in the

      ______________________________________ tenders in the total amount of ____________________

      (_________________________________________) tenge (number) (in figures)

      (amount in words) to the account of the authorized organization _________________________.

      Information about the objects of sale (lots) for which the guarantee contribution has been paid:

№ lot

Name of the implementation object (lot)

Amount of guarantee payment to be transferred, tenge







      Information on guarantee contributions made:

The purpose of the guarantee fee and the name of the object of sale (lot) for which the guarantee fee has been paid for participation in the auction

№ paid blank

Date of the paid blank

Amount of guarantee fee, tenge









      3. notified that it is not subject to registration as a participant in closed tenders

      a legal entity which, in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      or constituent documents may not engage in those activities,

      which are a condition for the sale of unused property.

      4. We agree that if we are found to be in non-compliance with the requirements,

      submitted to the bidder, we will be deprived of the right to participate in closed bidding, signed by

      we will invalidate the contract of sale.

      5. In case we are determined as winners of closed trades, we will accept on

      undertakes to sign a sales contract within ten working days from the date of

      of closed bidding.

      6. We agree that the amount of the security deposit we have paid is not refundable and that

      remains with the authorized organization in cases:

      1) failure to sign the contract of sale in due time;

      2) our failure to perform and/or improper performance of our obligations under the contract

      buying and selling.

      7. This application shall have the force of an agreement in force before the conclusion of the agreement.

      buying and selling.

      8. Introducing the information about yourself:

      Name of legal entity _______________________________________________________________



      First and last name of the




      Telephone (fax) number:


      Email address:


      Bank details for refund of guarantee deposit:





      the name of the bank




      IIN/BIN of the person who paid the guarantee fee

      To the bid shall be attached (not filled in when submitting an application to the auction)):


      2) _____________________________________________________________

      3) _____________________________________________________________


      (signature) (name of the legal entity and name of the manager or

      a representative of a legal entity acting on the basis of a power of attorney)

      "___" ________________ 20 __ years _______________ hours _______ minutes


      Accepted "___" ______________ 20 __ of the year _______________ hours _______ minutes.


      (signature) (name and surname of the person who accepted the application)

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation
by means of destruction, utilization, burial and
processing of unused property, as well as
provision of unused defense objects in
property lease (rental)
  The form

for the provision of an unused defense object
in property rental (lease)

      1. Having examined published on the State Property Registry Web portal of

      information for property lease (lease) of unused defense

      objects and read the rules of property lease (lease)

      of unused defense facilities


      surname, first name, middle name (if any) of a natural person or the name of

      the legal entity and the surname, first name, middle name (if any) of the head or

      representative of a legal person) wants to get into the property AEM (rent)

      following an unused defensive object:

Name of unused defense facility

Name and details of the balance holder of an unused defense object

      An unused defense facility is required for


      (the justification for the need for a defense facility is indicated)

      2. I submit (-) information about myself: For a legal entity:

      Name __________________________________________________

      BIN ___________________________________________________________

      last name, first name, middle name (if any) of the head


      Address: _________________________________________________________

      Phone (fax) number: _________________________________________

      Bank requisites for a contract:

      IIC __________________________________________________________

      Bank Name ____________________________________________

      KBE __________________________________________________________

      The application adj

      They are:

      1) ____________________________________________________________

      2) ____________________________________________________________

      3) ____________________________________________________________

      4) ____________________________________________________________

      For an individual: last name, first name, middle name (if available) _________________________

      IIN _________________________________________________________

      Passport data ____________________________________________

      Address: ________________________________________________________

      Phone number (fax): ________________________________________

      Bank details: for concluding: bank details for concluding:

      IIK __________________________________________________________

      BIK __________________________________________________________

      Name of the bank ___________________________________________

      KBE __________________________________________________________

      The following are attached to the application:

      1) ____________________________________________________________

      2) ____________________________________________________________

      3) ____________________________________________________________

      Data from the electronic signature of the applicant; Date and time of signing with EDS by the applicant.

      The application was accepted by the web portal of the State Property Register “__” _______ 20__, ____ hours ____ min.

  Appendix 4
to the Rules for the transfer, sale, liquidation
by means of destruction, utilization, burial and
processing of unused property, as well as
provision of unused defense objects in
property lease (rental)
  The form

for participation in a tender for the provision of property
rent (lease) of an unused defense facility

      1. Having considered the published notice on the provision of property rent

      (lease) of an unused defense facility and having read the Rules for the

      provision of property lease (rental) of unused defense facilities


      (surname, name, patronymic (if any) of an individual or name of a

      legal entity and surname , name, patronymic (if any) of the head or

      representative of a legal person) wishes to take part in the tender, which will be held on

      "___" _______ __ 20 years on the web portal of the registry for errors

      and state property www.gosreestr.kz.

      2. I (we) have made a guarantee contribution to participate in the tender, which is

      blocked by the registry web portal until the results of the tender for the unused defense facility are determined

No. p / p

Name of unused defense facility

Amount of guarantee fee, tenge







      3. I agree (s) that if there is a discrepancy with the conditions

      presented to the tenderer (tenant), I (we) lose the right to participate in the

      tender, the property rental agreement signed by me (us)

      an unused defense facility will be declared invalid.

      4. In the event that I (we) will be determined (s) as the winner (s) of the tender, I

      accept (myself) the obligation to sign a contract of property rental (lease) of the

      defense facility within ten working days from the day of the tender.

      5. I agree (s) that the amount of the guarantee contribution made by me (us) is not

      refunded and is sent by a single operator in the field of state property accounting

      to the republican budget in case of refusal to sign a property

      lease (lease) contract for the defense facility within the established deadlines.

      6. This application, together with the protocol on the results of the tender, has the force of a contract

      valid until the conclusion of a contract of property lease (lease) of an unused defense facility.

      7. I submit (s) information about myself: For a legal entity:

      Name __________________________________________________

      BIN __________________________________________________________

      last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head


      Address: ________________________________________________________

      Phone (fax) number: ________________________________________

      Bank details for the return of the guarantee fee of

      IIC __________________________________________________________

      BIK __________________________________________________________

      Name of the bank ____________________________________________

      KBe ___________________________________________________________

      IIN / BIN of the person who paid the guarantee

      tourist fee: The application is accompanied by:

      1) ____________________________________________________________

      2) ____________________________________________________________

      3) ____________________________________________________________

      For an individual: last name, first name, middle name (if available)

      IIN __________________________________________________________

      Passport data _____________________________________________

      Address: ________________________________________________________

      Phone number (fax): _________________________________________

      Bank details for the guarantee contribution of the

      IIK __________________________________________________________

      BIC __________________________________________________________

      Bank name ____________________________________________

      KBe ____________ _______________________________________________

      IIN / BIN of the person who paid the guarantee fee:

      The application shall be accompanied by:

      1) ____________________________________________________________

      2) ____________________________________________________________

      3) ____________________________________________________________

      Data from the applicant's digital signature;

      Date and time of signing with EDS by the applicant.

      The application was accepted by the web portal of the State Property Register

      “__” _______ 20__, ____ hours ____ min.

      Price offer of the tenderer (tenge): ________________ (filled in by the tenderer and

      displayed in the application for participation in the tender after signing the protocol on the tender results).

to the Decree of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 6, 2019 No. 832

The list of expired certain decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      1. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2008 No. 687 “Some issues of the circulation of military property” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008, No. 32, Article 338).

      2. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 13, 2009 No. 296 “On Amending the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2008 No. 687” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009, No. 15, Article 108).

      3. Clause 19 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 18, 2010 No. 613 “On Amending Certain Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010, No. 39, Article 342).

      4. Clause 4 of amendments and additions that are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 24, 2011 No. 565 “On amendments and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011. No. 39, Article 491).

      5. Subparagraph 2) of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 11, 2012 No. 1289 “On Amendments and Additions to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 28, 2005 No. 787“ On the Approval of the Rules for the Accounting and Decommissioning of Military Property ”and July 16 2008 No. 687 “Some issues of the circulation of military property” ”(PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2012, No. 74, Article 1078).

      6. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 8, 2014 No. 1062 “On amendments and additions to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2008 No. 687“ Some issues of the circulation of military property ”” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014, No. 61 Article 570).

      7. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 25, 2015 No. 301 “On Amendments and Additions to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2008 No. 687“ Some Issues of the Turnover of Military Property ”” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 26, Article 156 )

      8. Clause 2 of amendments and additions that are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 8, 2017 No. 724 “On amendments and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (PaPAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017. No. 58, Article 361).

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