On approval of the Rules for calculating the amount, appointment, recalculation, payment, termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body

Updated Unofficial translation

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 872 dated December 22, 2020.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 101-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 16, 1997 On Housing Relations, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hereby RESOLVES:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for calculating the amount, appointment, recalculation, payment, termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body.

      2. This resolution shall be enforced after the date of its first official publication and apply to legal relations that arose from November 1, 2020.

      Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin

by Resolution No. 872
of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
of December 22, 2020

Rules for calculating the amount, appointment, recalculation, payment, termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for calculating the amount, appointment, recalculation, payment, termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body (hereinafter - the Rules) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 101-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 16 April 1997 On Housing Relations (hereinafter -the Law) and define the procedure for calculating the amount, appointment, recalculation, payment , termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body and its territorial divisions.

      2. The following basic concepts shall be used in the Rules:

      1) housing benefits - money differentiated by region and family composition, paid in the form of special cash security to recipients of housing benefits at the expense of budgetary funds instead of the provision of official housing, as well as in cases provided for in Chapter 13-1 of the Law;

      2) current housing benefits - benefits paid on a monthly basis to officers of operational investigation units of the authorized anticorruption body and its territorial divisions (hereinafter -officers), recognized as needing housing, from the date of registration of the report on recognition as needy in housing, except for the case specified in part two of subparagraph 6) of this paragraph, and calculated in accordance with the form of Appendix 1 to these Rules;

      3) personal special account - a current bank account opened by recipients of housing payments in a second-tier bank (hereinafter referred to as the bank) of their choice, for crediting housing payments and making payments for the purposes provided for by Article 101-5 of the Law;

      4) usable living space – a total of the residential and non-residential spaces of the dwelling;

      5) housing committee - a committee established by the decision of the head of the authorized body for combating corruption, and in his absence - the person performing his duties, to examine the issues of recognizing the employees as needing a housing, assigning housing benefits and other issues on housing relations. The regulation on the housing committee and its composition shall be approved by the head of the authorized body for combating corruption, and in his absence - by the person performing his duties, taking into account the specifics provided for by these Rules;

      6) the date of recognizing the officer as needing housing for assigning housing benefits to him - the date of registration of the officer's report on recognizing him as needing housing and assigning housing benefits in the event that the housing committee resolves on recognizing the officer as needing housing and assigning housing benefits to him, except for the case specified in part two of this subparagraph.

      An officer who, as of November 1, 2020, is on the priority list of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in need of housing from the housing stock of a state institution, provided for in paragraph 2-2 of Article 74 of the Law, corresponding as of November 1, 2020 and at the time of the decision of the housing committee in accordance with paragraph 21 of these Rules, to the requirements established by paragraph 1 of Article 101-3 of the Law, shall be recognized in need of housing for the appointment of housing benefits from November 1, 2020.

      Footnote. Paragraph 2 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      3. Recipients of housing payments shall include employees, as well as family members of employees who died (died) during the service, receiving them in cases provided for by Chapter 13-1 of the Law.

      The right of employees to purchase a dwelling in ownership by using housing payments shall be exercised once.

      If both spouses are employees referred to in Chapter 13-1 of the Act and/or military personnel, housing payments shall be made to one of the spouses of their choice.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      4. The basis for assigning housing benefits to an employee shall be recognition of him as needing housing as prescribed by Article 101-3 of the Law.

      5. Employees who are on additional maternity leave to attend to a child up to the age of three, adoption of a newborn child (children), on a business trip, study, treatment, shall be paid the housing benefits on a general basis.

      6. The definition of persons as family members of an officer shall comply with article 101-10 of the Law.

      7. Records of officers recognized as recipients of housing benefits shall be maintained by the human resources services of the authorized anticorruption body (hereinafter -the human resources service).

      8. Calculation of the amounts payable to the housing benefits recipients on the basis of the lists formed by the human resources service shall be carried out by the financial unit of the authorized anticorruption body (hereinafter - the financial unit).

      9. The actual amount of housing benefits shall be calculated from the date of recognition of the officer in need of housing in order to assign housing benefits to him.

      10. Housing benefits shall have a strictly intended purpose and cannot be used by an officer for purposes not provided for in Article 101-5 of the Law.

      11. Housing benefits cannot be used by the authorized anticorruption body, except for transfer to the personal special account of the recipient of housing benefits.

      Housing benefits planned but not used by the authorized anticorruption body as of December 31 of the current financial year shall be canceled.

      12. In the event of exclusion of an employee from the lists of personnel in connection with death, recognition of him as missing as prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan or declaring him dead, his family members, and in their absence, the heirs shall have the right to use the housing benefits that are on a personal special account, for the purposes provided for in Article 101-5 of the Law. In this event, the personal special account of such an employee shall be closed after the full use of the housing benefits.

Chapter 2. Procedure for calculating the housing benefits amount

      13. The amount of the current housing benefit shall be calculated by multiplying the rental price of one square meter of housing with amenities in the corresponding region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which the officer is serving, by the living space. The living space quota shall be set at eighteen square meters of usable space for each family member, including the officer himself.

      14. The rental price of one square meter of housing with amenities in the relevant region of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be determined according to the data of the authorized body in state statistics as of January of the current year, published on its Internet resource.

      The rental price per one square meter of housing with amenities shall be set at the beginning of each financial year and shall not be subject to change or adjustment.

      15. In the absence of statistical data on the settlement, the rental price per square meter of housing with amenities shall be determined according to the statistical data of the regional center, and in the absence of statistical data in the regional center - according to the statistical data of the oblast center.

      16. Members of the family of an employee who died (died) during the service, housing payments shall be made in the form of one-time monetary compensation. The amount of one-time monetary compensation is determined by multiplying the norm of the useful area, corresponding at the time of his death to the composition of the employee's family, including himself, for the price of one square meter of the sale of a new dwelling in the corresponding region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which the employee served, according to the data of the authorized body in the field of state statistics for January of this year, published on its Internet resource, minus the amount of previously made housing payments.

      In the absence of statistical data on the settlement for calculating the amount of lump sum compensation provided for in this paragraph, the price per square meter shall be determined according to the statistical data of the regional center, and in the absence of statistical data on the regional center - according to the statistical data of the oblast center.

      Footnote. Paragraph 16 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      17. The lump sum compensation provided for in paragraph 16 of these Rules shall not be paid if it is proved as prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan that the death of an officer occurred:

      1) as a result of suicide, except in cases of incitement to suicide;

      2) when committing a criminal offense;

      3) as a result of non-medical use of substances causing a state of alcoholic, narcotic, psychotropic, substance abuse intoxication (their analogues);

      4) as a result of deliberate infliction of any bodily injury (self-harm) or other harm to health in order to obtain a one-time monetary compensation or evasion from service.

      The causal relationship of the death of officers during the service period and the illness received during the period of service shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote. Paragraph 17 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      18. Calculation of the space of ​​the sought housing of the officer shall be determined according to the form of Appendix 2 to these Rules.

Chapter 3. Procedure for assigning housing benefits Paragraph 1. Consideration of documents for appointment of housing benefits

      19. To be recognized in need of housing and to be assigned housing benefits, the officer shall submit the following documents to the housing committee:

      1) a report addressed to the chairman of the housing committee, and in his absence, addressed to the person replacing the chairman of the housing committee, on recognizing him as needing housing and assigning housing benefits, indicating information on the composition of the family in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules;

      2) a statement of absence (presence) in the possession of the officer and his family members of accommodation on the ownership right in this locality, obtained within ten calendar days before the report registration date;

      3) a statement of the employer (on the presence or absence in permanent use by an employee and (or) members of his family of accommodation in this locality from the state housing stock) posted on the web portal of the register of state property, received within ten calendar days before report registration date;

      4) an employment verification letter from the place of work (from the previous place of work) of the spouse, including statement on non-receipt of accommodation from the state housing stock in this locality within a month before the report registration date, in the event that the spouse is (was) an employee of a state institution or state enterprise.

      If the spouse is (was) a military servant, the letter shall indicate that he (she) did not receive monetary compensation instead of the right to an official housing privatization without compensation.

      If the spouse is an employee of a special state body or a military servant, the letter shall indicate that he (she) is not paid housing benefits in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      If the spouse is (was) an employee of a special state body or a military servant, the letter shall state that he (she) did not acquire housing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by using housing benefits paid at the spouse’s service place.

      If the spouse is an officer of the internal affairs bodies and serves in the same locality with the employee, the letter shall indicate that he (she) is not paid compensation for renting (lease) of the housing in this locality.

      5) a statement of surrender of the service housing at the previous service place, if at the previous service place he was provided with service housing;

      6) a statement from a mortgage organization about a mortgage agreement concluded with an officer, the main obligation on which has not been fulfilled;

      7) copies of identity documents of the officer and his family members, including copies of children’s birth certificates;

      8) copies of certificates of conclusion (dissolution) of marriage, death of family members;

      9) a certificate from the healthcare organization if a family member has a severe form of certain chronic diseases (according to the list of diseases approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan), making cohabitation with them in the same room (apartment) impossible;

      10) in the presence of a child (children) over eighteen years old who became disabled before reaching the age of eighteen, copies of documents confirming the disability;

      11) copies of documents confirming the use of housing benefits in the cases provided for in paragraph 39 of these Rules;

      12) copies of documents confirming expenses incurred earlier for the purposes provided for by subparagraph 3) of Article 101-5 of the Law, if at the time of acquiring accommodation the officer had the status of needing housing;

      13) if the dwelling in which the family lives does not meet the established sanitary-epidemiological requirements, the officer shall additionally submit the original of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion issued by the territorial subdivision of the authorized body in the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population based on the results of the sanitary-epidemiological examination conducted by the organization of sanitary- epidemiological service;

      14) if the dwelling in which the family lives does not meet the established technical requirements, the officer shall additionally provide the original of the technical report (based on the results of technical inspection of the dwelling) of a certified expert in architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

      20. Within ten working days from the date of the employee's report registration, the human resources service shall check the submitted documents for completeness and prepare materials for the meeting of the housing committee.

      In the absence of the necessary documents provided for in paragraph 19 of these Rules, the human resources service shall return the submitted documents to the officer for revision. If the reasons for the return are eliminated, the employee shall reapply to the human resources service within five working days from the date the submitted documents were returned, and the report shall be considered submitted on the day of the initial registration.

      In case of late submission or non-submission of documents by the officer after returning them for revision, the human resources service shall return the submitted documents to the officer without examining them. At the same time, to be recognized as needing housing the officer shall reapply in the manner specified in paragraph 19 of these Rules.

      21. No later than thirty calendar days from the report registration date, the housing committee shall make a resolution on recognizing the officer in need of housing and assigning to him housing payments from the report registration date, except for the case specified in part two of subparagraph 6) of paragraph 2 of these Rules (indicating the living space size to make calculations of housing payments and the date of recognition of the officer as needing housing) or the absence of grounds for recognizing him as needing housing and the appointment of housing benefits, which shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the housing committee.

      22. If the employee does not comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 101-3 of the Law, as well as if there are grounds specified in paragraph 3 of Article 101-3 of the Law, the housing commission makes a decision on refusing to recognize the employee in need of housing and assign housing payments to him.

      Footnote. Paragraph 22 – in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      23. A notice or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the housing committee shall be communicated to the officer, signed and attached to his personal file. If necessary, copies of the minutes of the meetings of the housing committee and (or) extracts from them are issued only upon a written application from the officer.

      24. Housing benefits shall not be paid to officers who are provided with housing from the state housing stock at the service place.

      25. After examination by the housing committee of the documents for assigning housing benefits and approval of the list of housing benefits recipients, the human resources service of the division where the officer is serving, shall file into the officer's personal file the resolution of the housing committee on recognizing him as needing housing in the form of a statement in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules, as well as the documents specified in paragraph 19 of these Rules.

      To open a personal special account, an officer shall be given a statement according to the form of Appendix 5 to these Rules, drawn up by the human resources service.

Paragraph 2. Compilation of the list and calculation of current housing benefits recipients

      26. Based on the resolution of the housing committee, the human resources service, within ten working days from the date of signing the minutes of the meeting of the housing committee by the chairman of the housing committee, shall compile the list of recipients of current housing benefits according to the form of Appendix 6 to these Rules.

      27. Based on the list of the current housing benefits recipients, the financial department, within a month from the date of submission by the human resources service of the list referred to in paragraph 26 of these Rules, shall prepare the calculation of the current housing benefits according to the form of Appendix 1 to these Rules.

      28. Within no more than five working days from the date of prepared calculation of the current housing benefits, the list of the current housing benefits recipients and the calculation of the current housing payments shall be approved by the order of the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - the person performing his duties, which shall be drawn up by the human resources service.

Chapter 4. Recalculation of housing benefits

      29. Recalculation of the current housing benefits amount shall be made in the events of:

      1) changing the composition of the family, including reaching the child (children) of adulthood, with the exception of a person with a disability (persons with disabilities) from childhood;

      2) change of duty station in connection with moving to another place, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 39 of these Rules;

      3) annual change in the renting cost per square meter of housing with amenities in the corresponding region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determined according to the data of the authorized body in state statistics as of January of the current year.

      Recalculation of the amount of current housing benefits, with the exception of the case provided for in subparagraph 3) of this paragraph, shall be made on the order of the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - the person performing his duties, issued on the basis of the housing committee’s resolution and the employee's report in accordance with Appendix 7 to these Rules with the attachment of the necessary documents referred to in paragraph 19 of these Rules.

      Recalculation of the amount of current housing benefits provided for in subparagraph 3) of this paragraph shall be made on the basis of the order of the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - the person performing his duties.

      Footnote. Paragraph 29 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      30. In the cases specified in paragraph 29 of these Rules, the actual amount of housing payments shall be calculated from the moment of the actual occurrence of the event.

      At the same time, the employee submits to the housing commission the documents provided for in paragraph 19 of these Rules, no later than three months from the date of the event. If the employee submits documents after the specified period, current housing payments are recalculated from the date of registration of the report submitted to recalculate the amount of current housing payments.

      Footnote. Paragraph 30 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 5. Procedure for housing benefits payments

      31. A personal special account for housing payments shall be opened independently by the recipient of housing payments recognized as in need of housing, in accordance with the procedure stipulated by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 2016 No. 207 "On approval of the rules for opening, maintaining and closing bank accounts of clients" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 14422), with the attachment of an additional form certificate in accordance with Annex 5 to these Rules.

      Footnote. Paragraph 31 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      32. A tripartite agreement (hereinafter -the agreement) on housing benefits according to the form of Appendix 8 to these Rules shall be concluded between the authorized anticorruption body, the officer and the bank.

      In accordance with the agreement, the authorized anticorruption body shall transfer housing benefits to the officer's personal special account, and the bank shall grant the officer the right to dispose of the housing payments in accordance with the goals provided for in Article 101-5 of the Law.

      The financial unit shall register the agreement and the personal special account of the officer in the registration log of agreements on housing benefits and personal special accounts of the officers according to the form of Appendix 9 to these Rules.

      33. For the accrued and paid amounts of housing benefits, the financial unit shall keep records in the analytical accounting card of the housing benefits recipient according to the form of Appendix 10 to these Rules.

      34. Current housing benefits shall be paid monthly at the service place in the current month for the past month. In December, housing benefits for the current month shall be paid no later than the 25th day.

      Current housing payments in the month of admission to service and dismissal shall be made in proportion to the days of actual service.

      35. When transferring, dismissing an officer from the service, the financial unit shall indicate information in the allotment note about the housing benefits paid to him with a copy of the analytical accounting records attached.

      36. The procedure for paying housing benefits to officers doing the service in a special order to perform special operational tasks, and full-time undercover agents shall be approved by the head of the authorized anticorruption body in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 101-1 of the Law.

      36-1. The recipient of housing payments shall use the money available on a personal special account on the basis of the relevant agreements registered in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, strictly for the purposes provided for in Article 101-5 of the Law.

      Footnote. The rules as added by paragraph 36-1 in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      36-2. The use of housing payments shall be made for the following purposes:

      1) the acquisition of a dwelling, including with installments or the use of a mortgage loan (loan), on the basis of a home purchase agreement concluded between the recipient of housing payments and the seller in accordance with civil and housing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      At the same time, the cost per square meter of purchased housing with installments should not exceed the resale value of a comfortable home according to the data of the authorized body in the field of state statistics as of January of this year, published on its Internet resource;

      2) payment for the rental of a dwelling - on the basis of a notarized copy of the lease agreement concluded between the employee and the lessor in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      payment of home rental with subsequent redemption - on the basis of a home rental agreement with subsequent redemption concluded between an employee and an authorized company in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) repayment of a previously received mortgage loan (loan) - on the basis of a home purchase agreement purchased by an employee through housing payments;

      4) payment of contributions with shared participation in housing construction - on the basis of an employee's participation agreement in housing construction in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on shared participation in housing construction;

      5) payment of contributions with participation in a housing and housing construction cooperative - on the basis of an employee's participation agreement in a housing and housing construction cooperative in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on shared participation in housing construction and housing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      6) replenishment of savings in the form of housing construction savings, which cannot be claimed otherwise than for the purpose of improving housing conditions defined by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On housing construction savings in the Republic of Kazakhstan," with the exception of persons dismissed from service - on the basis of an agreement on housing construction savings in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on housing construction savings in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      7) improvement of housing conditions in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On housing construction savings in the Republic of Kazakhstan" – shall be carried out in accordance with the internal documents of the housing construction savings bank.

      Footnote. The rules as added by paragraph 36-2 in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      36-3. Termination of contracts specified in subparagraphs 4) and 5) of paragraph 36-2 of these Rules shall be allowed at the initiative of an employee if the authorized company shall have not fulfilled the obligation to complete the construction of an apartment building or in case of improper fulfillment of such obligation, with the return of money to the employee's personal special account.

      Footnote. The rules as added by paragraph 36-3 in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      36-4. Upon the use of housing payments for the purposes provided for in Article 101-5 of the Law, an employee, no later than one month from the date of the event, notifies the authorized anti-corruption body of this with the annex of the relevant supporting documents.

      Footnote. The rules as added by paragraph 36-4 in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      36-5. The employee shall submit the following documents once a year to the personnel division at the place of service:

      1) a certificate of the absence (presence) of real estate in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, received according to the composition of the family;

      2) a certificate of the movement of money in a personal special account.

      Footnote. The rules as added by paragraph 36-5 in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 6. Procedure for termination, suspension and resumption of housing benefits payments

      37. Housing payments shall be terminated in cases provided for by Article 101-4 of the Law, according to the order of the head of the authorized anti-corruption body, and in case of his absence - by the person performing his duties, from the day:

      1) exclusion from the lists of personnel, in cases of dismissal of an employee from an authorized anti-corruption body or his transfer to a division of an authorized anti-corruption body that is not operational and investigative;

      2) loss by employees of the status of those in need of housing, except for cases when the obligation under the contract concluded for the purposes provided for in subparagraphs 1), 3), 4), 5) and 7) of Article 101-5 of the Law, as well as for the payment of rental housing with subsequent redemption, shall not be fulfilled by them;

      3) exclusion of an employee from the lists of personnel due to death or recognition in accordance with the procedure established by the Law as missing or declaration of death;

      4) registration of the employee's report on refusal to receive housing payments addressed to the chairman of the housing commission.

      At the same time, the housing commission shall refuse the employee to terminate housing payments on the basis provided for in this subparagraph, in cases where the obligation under the contract concluded for the purposes provided for in subparagraphs 1), 3), 4), 5) and 7) of Article 101-5 of the Law, as well as for the payment of home rent with subsequent redemption, shall not be fulfilled by him;

      5) acquisition of another dwelling on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the presence of a share of less than fifty percent in the dwelling or the emergence of a dwelling on the right of ownership by inheritance is not taken into account.

      When closing a personal special account of an employee, the balance of unused funds is returned by the bank to the account of the authorized anti-corruption body.

      Footnote. Paragraph 37 – in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      38. When relocating an officer, the assigned current housing benefits shall be suspended from the date of entry into force of the personnel directive issued by the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - the person performing his duties, and shall be resumed in the manner prescribed by paragraph 29 of these Rules.

      39. In the event that the recipient of housing payments for further service decreases to another region, the amount of current housing payments remains in the same region where he served, if the corresponding agreement has been concluded with him for the purposes provided for by paragraphs 1), 4), 5) and 7) of Article 101-5 of the Law, as well as for payment of home rent with subsequent redemption.

      At the same time, in the event of an increase in the composition of the family, the recalculation of the amount of current housing payments per family member, in connection with which the composition of the family increases, shall be carried out based on the amount of the region where the employee is serving.

      Housing payments shall be made on the basis of the order of the head of the authorized anti-corruption body, and if he is absent, the person performing his duties, issued on the basis of the decision of the housing commission and the employee's report with the necessary documents specified in paragraph 19 of these Rules.

      If the employee has obligations under the contract concluded for the purposes stipulated by subparagraphs 1), 3), 4), 5) and 7) of Article 101-5 of the Law, as well as for the payment of home rent with subsequent redemption, excessive housing payments in his personal special account are sent annually exclusively for early repayment of these obligations, with the exception of the payment of home rent.

      Footnote. Paragraph 39 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      40. In the event of termination of housing benefits payment to an officer, the authorized anticorruption body shall direct a letter to the bank stating the grounds for terminating the housing benefits.

Chapter 7. Order of actions for an officer, authorized anticorruption body and the bank in case of discovered errors in the transfer of housing benefits payments

      41.Upon discovered absence of certain amounts of paid housing benefits in the received information about the amounts of housing benefits on a personal special account, the recipient of the housing benefits shall report to the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - to the person performing his duties, on the detected errors (wrongfully or excessively listed and (or) unlisted housing benefits) (hereinafter – mistakenly listed) and provide him with copies of payment documents on the housing benefits transfer to the bank for any time and extracts from the lists of individuals attached to the payment documents concerning him personally, in order to obtain the relevant information and take measures to remedy the errors.

      42. If the authorized anticorruption body detects errors or receives a report from an officer on the discovered errors made in the transfer of housing benefits amounts, the authorized anticorruption body shall correct the errors by regulating subsequent transfers of housing benefits. If it is impossible to correct errors by regulating subsequent housing benefits transfers, the authorized anticorruption body shall apply to the bank for return of erroneously paid housing benefits according to the form of Appendix 11 to these Rules. The application for the return of erroneously transferred housing benefits shall be supplemented by a statement from the officer who received the erroneously credited housing benefits on the consent to write off the erroneously credited amounts from his personal special account according to the form of Appendix 12 to these Rules.

      43. The application for the return of erroneously credited amounts of housing benefits shall indicate: the name and details of the authorized anticorruption body (business identification number (BIN), bank identification code (BIC), individual identification code (IIC), reason for return, details of payment documents), in which errors were made (No., date and amount), as well as the details of the recipient, from whose personal special account the refund is made, and the individual amounts to be refunded. The application must be signed by the head of the authorized anticorruption body or an official designated by him, chief accountant and certified with a seal.

      44. Upon receipt of the application from the authorized anticorruption body for the return of erroneously credited housing benefits, the bank within ten operating days from the date of the application receipt shall:

      1) verify the fact of erroneous housing benefits receipt specified in the letter of the authorized anticorruption body;

      2) verify the fact of the absence of refunds on confirmed receipts of erroneously credited housing benefits;

      3) check the availability of the beneficiary's consent for the bank to write off the money erroneously entered into his personal special account by the bank;

      4) carry out the return of erroneously credited housing benefits to the authorized anticorruption body or report the impossibility of such a refund with substantiation of the reasons.

      45. In the event of errors made by the bank servicing the authorized anticorruption body, when processing electronic payment orders, the bank shall take measures to remedy the errors in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 26, 2016 On Payments and Payment Systems.

      46. ​​The application for return of erroneously credited amounts of housing benefits through the fault of the bank shall indicate: the name and business identification number (BIN), individual identification code (IIC), bank identification code (BIC), copies of payment documents, posting date and reason for return. The application must be signed by the head of the authorized anticorruption body or an official designated by him, the chief accountant and certified with a seal.

      47. Within three operating days from the date of receipt of the erroneously credited housing benefits from the bank, the territorial division of the Treasury shall notify the authorized anticorruption body of the return of the erroneously credited housing benefits.

      48. In the absence of funds on the officer’s personal special account, the officer shall restore the housing payments that were wrongfully or excessively transferred in the current year to the cash account of the authorized anticorruption body or through a second-tier bank for subsequent recovery to the budget account of the authorized anticorruption body, for the payments of previous years - to be transferred to the revenue of the relevant budget on the basis of the order of the head of the authorized anticorruption body, and in his absence - the person performing his duties.

      49. In case of refusal or deliberate evasion of the officer from the return of wrongfully or excessively credited housing benefits, the refund shall be made in a judicial procedure.

to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

      Calculation of current housing benefits on_______________________________________

      (authorized anticorruption body (further – state agency)

№ п/п

Name of the structural unit

Full name

Date of payments start

Space of sought housing (from column 8 of Appendix 2)

Rental cost per 1 sq. meter of housing in the region according to the data of authorized state statistics body (in KZT)

Amount of payment per month
(column 4 х column 5) (in KZT)








Total on the officer

Total on the state agency

      The head of the state agency _______________ ____________________

                                    (signature)       (surname, initials)

            The head of the financial unit _______________ _____________________

                                          (signature)       (surname, initials)

            "__" _________ 20 ___


      1) calculation of current housing benefits shall be filled out by the financial unit of the state agency;

      2) data in columns 1-5 shall be provided by the human resources service of the state agency according to Appendix 7 to these Rules.

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Calculation of the space of sought housing of an officer

№ п/п

Full name of the officer

Usable living space quota for an officer, including his family members, in accordance with rules of Article 101-1 of the Law (sq.m.)

Actual (available) usable living space (sq.m.)

Space of sought housing (column 3 – column 4) (sq.m.)

(column 5+column 7)

for the officer

Family members

kinship degree

space size









      Head of the Human Resources service _______________ _______________________

                                          (signature)             (surname, initials)

            "__" _________ 20 ___

      Note: data on the space of sought housing of the officer shall be filled out by the Human Resources service of the state agency.

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

      Footnote. Annex 3 – in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chairman of the housing commission
(name of housing
commissions, last name, initials
Chairman of housing
dated ______________________
(position, last name, first name,
patronymic (if any)
of the employee)

Official report

      I hereby ask you to recognize me in need of housing and assign housing payments at the place of service in connection with




      Composition of the family:

      (indicated if there are family members living together *)


Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee and his/her family members


Degree of relationship

      * family members:

      1) spouse (spouse);

      2) child (s), including joint or one of the spouses, with the exception of the child (children) from the previous (previous) marriage (s) (matrimony (s) living (s) separately on the basis of a court decision;

      3) a joint or one of the spouses a child with a disability (children with a disability), including a person with a disability (persons with a disability) from childhood, regardless of his (their) age, with the exception of a child with a disability (children with a disability) from a previous (previous) marriage (marriages), living (living) separately on the basis of a court decision.

      Annex: documents on ___ sheets.


      (signature, date)

  Appendix 4
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Statement on current housing benefits recipient (for inclusion in the officer’s personal file)


                        (full name of the officer)

      pursuant to the minutes of the housing committee of "__" __________ 20 __ No. ____ and order


                                    is recognized

      (the head of the state agency, date, number of the order)

      as needing housing from "__" ________ 20 ___.

      In accordance with subparagraph 44-3) Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 1997 On Housing Relations the officer is a recipient of housing benefits.

      Current housing benefits are _________ tenge.

      Family members, recognized as needing housing:

№ п/п

Full name of the officer

Family members of the officer

Date of birth

Date of recognizing as needing housing

Document, verifying kinship







      Head of the Human Resources service _____________ ___________________________

                                          (signature)       (surname, initials)

      "__" _________ 20 ___ года

      Note: this form shall be filled out by the Human Resources service of the state

      agency, where the officer is serving and signed by the head of this agency.

  Appendix 5
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body


                              (name of the state agency)

Statement on current housing benefits recipient (to be submitted to the bank)


                        (full name of the officer)

      pursuant to the Minutes of the housing committee of "__" ____________ 20 __ No. __ is recognized

      in need of housing from "__" __________ 20 ___.

      In accordance with subparagraph 44-3) Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 1997 On Housing Relations the officer is a recipient of housing benefits.

      Current housing benefits are _________ tenge.

      Head of the state agency ____________ ______________________

                              (signature) (surname, initials)

      "__" _________ 20 ___


  Appendix 6
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

List of current housing benefits recipients

      on ______________________________________________________________________

                              (name of the state agency)

№ п/п

Name of the unit

Full name of the officer

Family size

Space of sought dwelling (from column 8 Appendix 2) (sq.m)

family members

number of people, including the officer







Total on the officer

Total on the state agency

      Head of the state agency _________ _____________________

                        (signature) (surname, initials)

      Head of the housing committee __________ _____________________

                                    (signature) (surname, initials)

      Head of the Human Resources service __________ _____________________

                                          (signature) (surname, initials)

      "__" _________ 20 ___

      Note: the list of current housing benefits recipients shall be filled out by the Human Resources service of the state agency, where the officer is serving.

  Appendix 7
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

      Footnote. Annex 7 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chairman of the Housing commission
(name of housing
last name, initials
of housing commission)
dated ________________________
(position, last name, first name,
patronymic (if any)
of the employee)

Official report

      I hereby ask you to recalculate the current housing payments appointed by the decision of the housing

      commission in accordance with the protocol of the housing commission



      name of the housing commission dated ______________ "___" 20 ___ № _______________________________

      (day) (month)

      in connection with ______________________________________________________________


      Composition of the family:

      (indicated when changing the composition of co-living family members *)

№ r/n

Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee and his/her family members


Degree of relationship

      * family members:

      1) spouse (spouse);

      2) child (children), including joint or one of the spouses, with the exception of the child (children) from the previous (previous) marriage (s) (matrimony (s) living (s) separately on the basis of a court decision;

      3) a joint or one of the spouses a child with a disability (children with a disability), including a person with a disability (persons with a disability) from childhood, regardless of his (their) age, with the exception of a child with a disability (children with a disability) from a previous (previous) marriage (marriages) (marriage (marriages), living (living) separately on the basis of a court decision.

      Annex: documents on _____ sheets.


      (signature, date)

  Appendix 8
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

      Footnote. Annex 8 - in the wording of the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.09.2022 No. 640 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Housing payment agreement

      ____________________________________ a bank, hereinafter referred to as a "bank," represented by ____________________________, acting on the basis of ___________________, public institution "________________________", hereinafter referred to as "public institution", in the person ____________________, acting on the basis of _____________________, and the recipient ______________, hereinafter referred to as the "recipient" acting on the basis of the identity card from ______ 20 ___ "__" No. ______ issued ___________, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Parties" on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the Housing Relations" (further - the Law) and Rules of calculation of the size, appointment, recalculation, implementation, termination, stay and resumption of housing payments to staff of the operational investigative subdivisions of authorized body for anti-corruption approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from_______ "__" 20 __ No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows:

1. Basic concepts used in the agreement

      1. The following basic concepts shall be used in the contract:

      1) housing payments - money differentiated by region and family composition, paid in the form of special cash support to recipients of housing payments at the expense of budget funds in return for the provision of an official home, as well as in cases provided for by Chapter 13-1 of the Law;

      2) personal special account - a current bank account opened to the recipient in the bank for crediting housing payments and making payments for established purposes.

2. Subject matter of the agreement

      2.1. After the recipient submits the certificate (Annex 5 to the Rules), the agreement signed by the state institution and the recipient, and the documents required to open a current account in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the recipient opens a personal special account in tenge (hereinafter referred to as the "account") for receipt by the recipient of housing payments from the corresponding account of a state institution opened in the territorial subdivision of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2.2. The state institution shall transfer the money provided for as housing payments to the recipient's account opened with the bank.

      2.3. The recipient shall use housing payments for the purposes provided for in section 101-5 of the Law.

      2.4. The Bank shall transfer housing payments from the recipient's account on the basis of its instructions. The payment document shall indicate the purposes of their use, provided for by Article 101-5 of the Law.

      2.5. Opening, closing, maintaining an account, as well as conducting account operations are carried out by the bank, state institution and recipient in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Payments and Payment Systems," Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 2016 No. 207 "On Approval of the Rules for opening, maintaining and closing customer bank accounts," Rules, internal documents of the bank and agreement.

3. Account management

      3.1. The Bank shall carry out the following account transactions and provide banking services related to its servicing:

      1) credits to the account housing payments in tenge received by non-cash means from the corresponding account of the state institution opened in the territorial subdivision of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) transfer money from the account in accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the agreement;

      3) suspend account transactions in accordance with the procedure established by Section 9 of the agreement;

      4) issue to the state institution, at its request, with the written consent of the recipient, as well as the recipient of a certificate of the balance of money in the account and/or the movement of money in the account;

      5) return the money erroneously transferred by the state institution from the account in accordance with the procedure established by section 9 of this agreement.

      Transactions not specified in this paragraph shall not be carried out by the bank on the account.

      3.2. The bank shall not issue cash from the account.

      3.3. Fees for opening, maintaining an account and transactions carried out on it shall be paid by the recipient independently by payment at the bank's cash desk in accordance with the bank's tariffs valid at the date of payment, with the exception of fees when returning money erroneously transferred by the state institution from the account in accordance with the procedure established by Section 9 of this agreement. In this case, the cost of commissions when returning the money erroneously transferred by the state institution from the account shall be incurred at the expense of the state institution by transferring it to the bank's current account.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

      4.1. The state institution shall undertake to transfer housing payments to the recipient's account in accordance with the Rules and this agreement.

      4.2. A government agency shall be obliged to withdraw erroneously listed housing payments in accordance with the procedure established by Section 9 of this agreement.

      4.3. The Recipient shall:

      1) send housing payments for the purposes stipulated by Article 101-5 of the Law;

      2) when changing the composition of the family, notify the state institution of this within ten (10) working days from the date of registration of civil status acts and receipt of the relevant certificate in accordance with the procedure established by the law, as well as from the date of reaching the age of majority of children, with the exception of a person with disabilities (persons with disabilities) from childhood;

      3) in the event of loss of the status of a person in need of housing, as well as the fulfillment of obligations under an agreement concluded for the purposes provided for in subparagraphs 1), 3), 4), 5) and 7) of Article 101-5 of the Law, as well as for the payment of rental housing with subsequent redemption, notify the state institution of this within a period of not more than 10 (ten) working days from the date of loss of the status of a person in need of housing and the fulfillment of these obligations;

      4) take measures to return unused money to the account in case of termination of the contract with the recipient of money from the account.

      4.4. The Recipient may:

      1) accumulate on the account the amount of unused housing payments;

      2) use housing payments for their purpose in any region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of where the service shall be held;

      3) with the consent of the state institution and the bank, transfer unused amounts of housing payments from one bank to another by concluding an additional agreement to this agreement.

      4.5. The Bank guarantees the secrecy of the recipient's transactions.

      4.6. The Recipient shall notify the Bank in writing of amendments in its details (identity documents, IIN, residence address, telephone number, email address, fax number and other information contained in the documents sent to the Bank) no later than five (5) business days from the date of their change.

5. Calculation procedure

      5.1. An account for housing payments shall be opened and maintained independently by each recipient recognized as in need of housing.

6. Dispute resolution procedure

      6.1. All disputes arising between the parties hereunder shall be resolved through negotiations within ten (10) working days.

      6.2. If the Parties fail to reach agreement through negotiations, disputes at the initiative of the interested Party shall be considered in court as provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. Additional conditions

      7.1. Any amendments and additions to the contract shall be valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by the Parties.

      7.2. This Agreement may be terminated only by agreement of the Parties.

      7.3. This contract may be terminated at the initiative of a state institution in cases provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 101-4 of the Law.

      7.4. This Agreement shall be executed in three copies having the same legal force, one for each of the Parties.

      7.5. This Agreement shall come into force upon its signing by the Parties.

      7.6. The terms of this agreement are confidential.

8. Liability of the parties. Exclusion of liability

      8.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper performance hereunder of their obligations under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as for disclosure of information without the consent of the Parties.

      8.2. In any cases, the liability of the bank in case of violation of the terms of the contract shall be limited to the amount of real damage caused to the recipient by illegal actions/inaction of the bank.

      8.3. The Recipient shall have the right to file an application with the Bank to challenge the account transaction reflected in the bank statement within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which it became aware of the fact of such transaction.

9. Procedure for the actions of the recipient, state institution and bank in case of detection of errors in the transfer of payments on housing payments

      9.1. The recipient, having discovered the absence of individual amounts of housing payments paid when receiving information about the amounts of housing payments on the account, sends a written statement to the head of the state institution about the detection of errors. (wrongfully or unnecessarily listed and/or not listed housing payments) (hereinafter referred to as erroneously listed) and providing him with copies of payment documents on the transfer of housing payments to the bank for any time and extracts from the lists of individuals attached to the payment documents relating to him personally, in order to obtain relevant information and take measures to correct the errors made.

      9.2. If the state institution detects errors or receives a written statement from the recipient about the detection of errors made in the transfer of housing payments, errors are corrected by the state institution by regulating subsequent transfers of housing payments. If it is impossible to correct errors by regulating subsequent transfers of housing payments, the state institution applies to the bank with an application for the return of erroneously listed housing payments. Attached to the application for the return of the erroneously listed housing payments is the statement of the recipient who received the erroneously listed housing payments about the consent to write off the erroneously credited amounts from his account.

      9.3. The application for the return of erroneously credited amounts of housing payments indicates: the name and details of the state institution (business identification number (BIN), individual identification number (IIN), bank identification code (BIC), individual identification code (IIC), the reason for the return, details of payment documents in which errors were made (No., date and amount), as well as the details of the recipient from whose account the return is made, and individual amounts to be returned. The application must be signed by the head, head of the financial division of the state institution (chief accountant) and sealed.

      9.4. Upon receipt of the application of the state institution for the return of wrongly credited housing payments, the bank within ten operating days from the date of receipt of the application:

      1) check the fact of receipt of erroneous housing payments specified in the letter of the state institution;

      2) check the absence of returns on confirmed receipts of erroneously credited housing payments;

      3) check the existence of the beneficiary's consent to write off the money mistakenly received by the bank to his account;

      4) return erroneously credited housing payments to a state institution or informs about the impossibility of such a return with justification of reasons.

      9.5. If errors are made by the bank serving the state institution, when issuing electronic payment orders, the bank shall take measures to resolve the errors made in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On payments and payment systems."

      9.6. In the absence of funds in the recipient's account, the recipient restores illegally or unnecessarily listed housing payments to the cash desk of a state institution for subsequent restoration to the budget account of a state institution on the basis of an order from the head of the state institution.

      At the same time, the commission for restoration to the budget account of a state institution illegally or unnecessarily listed housing payments shall be paid by the recipient in accordance with the bank's tariffs in force on the payment date.

      9.7. In case of refusal or intentional evasion of the recipient from the return of wrongfully or unnecessarily listed housing payments, compensation shall be made in court

10. Miscellaneous

      10.1. The legal regime of the account shall be determined by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      10.2. The contract shall be valid until the account is closed in accordance with the agreement.

      10.3. The account shall be closed by agreement of the Parties.

      10.4. The recipient hereby shall give his consent to the bank's submission to the state institution of information about the account number, the flow of money through the account, the closing of the account and other information in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the agreement.

11. Contract amendment procedure

      11.1. Amendments and additions to this agreement shall be made by signing an additional agreement.

12. Force majeure

      12.1. The Parties shall be exempted from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the agreement, if this non-fulfillment have been due to unforeseen circumstances, namely hazardous natural phenomena, fire, flood, earthquake, epidemic, military actions that directly affected the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement.

13. Location and payment details of the Parties

Public institution:
(full name)
(last name, initials)
"__" _______ 20 __ years
Place for seal

(full name)
(last name, initials)
"__" _______ 20 __ years
Place for seal

(last name, first name, patronymic
(if any)
_______"__", 20 __

  Appendix 9
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Registration log of housing benefits agreements and personal special accounts of the officers


Registration date

Full name of the officer- housing benefits recipients

Agreement on housing benefits payments

Name of the bank

Number of the officer’s personal special account










      "___" __________ 20 ___ _____________________________ (city, rural district)

      Note: The registration log of housing benefits agreements and personal special accounts of the officers shall be filled out by the financial unit of the state agency.

  Appendix 10
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Analytical accounting card of the housing benefits recipient No. ______

      IIN _______________________

      Number of personal special account


      Name of the bank



      (full name of the officer) minutes of the housing

      committee of "___" _____________ 20 ___ No. ______and on the order of


      (the head of the state agency, date, number of the order)

      1) is recognized as needing housing from "___" ____________ 20 __ ;

      2) current housing payments ___________________ tenge; (amount)

  Back side



Beginning balance
(in KZT)

Accrued for a month (in KZT)


Closing balance

amount (in KZT)

number, date of the payment document

Amount of the payment document






































      Head of the state agency _________ ______________________

                              (signature) (surname, initials)

      Head of the financial unit _________ ______________________

                              (signature) (surname, initials)

      Head of the Human Resources service _________ ______________________

                                    (signature) (surname, initials)

      "__" _________ 20 ___

      Note: The analytical accounting card of the housing benefits recipient shall be filled out by the financial unit of the state agency

  Appendix 11
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Application of the state agency for return of erroneously transferred housing benefits amounts

      1. Details of the housing benefits payer

      1.1 ______________________________________________________________________

                        (name of the state agency)

      1.2. BIN _________________________________________________________________

      1.3. BIC_________________________________________________________________

      1.4. IIC_________________________________________________________________

      2. Details of the payment order, in which errors were made

      2.1. No. __________________________________________________________________

      2.2. Date "__" ______________ 20 ____

      2.3 Total amount of the payment order _____________________________________

      3. Details of the officer--housing benefits recipient

      3.1 Surname _____________________________________________________________

      3.2 Given name ____________________________________________________________

      3.3 Patronymic (if any) _____________________________________________

      3.4 Date of birth _______________________________________________________

      3.5 IIN _________________________________________________________________

      3.6 Number of personal special account ______________________________________

      3.7 Payment amount of the housing benefits recipient _____________________________

      3.8 Amount to be refunded ___________________________________________

      4. Reason for refund ______________________________________________________

      (indicate the reason on which refund is required, e.g. the officer is dismissed,

      mechanical error, bank error, etc.)

      We hereby ask for refund to the following details:

      State agency _______________________________________________

      BIN _____________________________________________________________________

      BIC _____________________________________________________________________

      IIC _____________________________________________________________________

      5. Head of the state agency ___________________________

                              (surname, initials, signature)

      6. Head of the financial unit ___________________________

                              (surname, initials, signature)

      7. Chief accountant _______________________________________________________

                                    (surname, initials, signature) STAMP HERE

  Appendix 12
to the Rules for calculating
the amount, appointment,
recalculation, payment,
termination, suspension and
resumption of housing benefits to
officers of operational
investigative units of the
authorized anticorruption body

Statement to the bank of the housing benefits recipient on consent to write off erroneously credited amounts from his personal special account

      I, _____________________________________________________________

                  (full name), date of birth)

      IIN _______________________ hereby give my consent for refunding erroneously

      credited housing benefits to my personal special account in the amount (-s) of



                              (amount in words)

      (If refund of erroneously credited housing benefits amounts is required on several payment orders, the amounts to be refunded shall be indicated separately for each payment order)

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