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Scientific and legal journal of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1 (59) 2020.

Founder and publisher:
RSE on the REM "Institute of Legislation and Legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Published since 2006
All journal materials are placed on the website
Included in the list of publications of basic scientific results of dissertations on legal sciences (Order ССES MES RK №894 from 05.30.2013)
Editorial Council members
Sarpekov R.K. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) - (Chairman)
Abaydeldinov Е.М. - d.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Abyzov R.М. - d.j.s. (Moscow, Russian)
Belih V.S. - d.j.s. (Ekaterinburg, Russian)
Gubin Е.P. - d.j.s. (Moscow, Russian)
Melnik R.S. - d.j.s. (Kiev, Ukraine)
Moiseev A.A. - d.j.s. (Moscow, Russian)
Muromcev G.I. - d.j.s. (Moscow, Russian)
Rahmetov S.M. - d.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakh- stan)
Malinovski V.A. - d.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Unzila Shapak - d.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Сhief Editor
Dyussenov Ye.A. - c.j.s.
Editorial Board members
Azer Aliyev - PhD (Kiel, Germany)
Aiymbetov М.А. - Honored Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan, (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Bainiyazova Z.S. - c.j.s. (Saratov, Russian)
Kazbayeva A.G - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Kaziyev Z.G. - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Kairbaeva L.K. - PhD (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Kiyazova A.Zh. - (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Konusova V.Т. - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Kulzhabayeva Zh.O. - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Nurgazinov B.K. - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Nurmagambetov R.G. - PhD (Chelyabinsk, Russian)
Primashev N.M. - c.j.s. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakh- stan)
Rakhimberdin K.H. - d.j.s. (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan)
Tegizbekova Zh.Ch. - c.j.s. (Bishkek, Kyr- gyzstan)
The editorial staff
Dzhamburshin K.A.
Koltubayeva G.B.
Yerdesheva D.T.
Zhumageldina B.Zh.
Bailenova A.K.
tel .: 8 (7172) 26-61-29
The certificate of registration of mass media № 17761-G from 25.06.2019 from the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Number and date of primary registration № 6592- Zh.07.09.2005.)
The Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, Nur-Sultan, D. Konaev str., 12/1 BC "On the water-green boulevard" tel .: 8 (7172) 57-03-42

Civil and Civil Procedural Law
N.R. AIKUMBEKOV, G.L. NURTAYEVA Energy security in the Republic of Kazakhstan
M.A. AKIMBEKOVA Concept and features of resolving investment disputes under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S.A. AKIMBEKOVA Judicial procedure for appealing actions or omissions of bailiffs
G.A. ALIKHANOVА Alienation of real estate in common ownership in connection with the seizure of land for state needs
S.L. DILMUKHAMETOV Non-defined contract: the concept, elements and significance
S.L. DILMUKHAMETOV The history of the emergence and development of the concept of non-defined contracts in the civil law of Kazakhstan, Latvia and Germany
G.A. GAILIN Non-property relations in civil right
A.K. GIRENNCHIN Evaluation of written evidence by the court according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K.M. ILYASOVA Concept, legal nature and protection of business reputation under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: some topical issues
F.S. KARAGUSSOV On the concepts of corporate governance and corporate structure in law Republic of Kazakhstan
F.S. KARAGUSSOV Improvement of legal regulation of establishment of companies with foreign participation and legal regime of corporate contracts in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
V.N. LISITSA Jurisdiction of the international center for settlement of investment disputes
S.P. MOROZ MFC court: issues of theory and practice
L.T. NAZARKULOVA, A.S. SALPEKOV Some issues of improving judicial personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan
M.K. SULEIMENOV Court notice sent to a foreign citizen legal entity: procedure and methods of delivery
M.K. SULEIMENOV, A.E. DUISSENOVA Current problems of judicial practice of application of laws on arbitration of the Republic of Kazakhstan
G.T. TALAPOVA, S. YAKUSHKIN Principles of civil procedure: concept and meaning
F.A. TLEGENOVA, D.R. TAGBERGENOV General rules for applying standards civil legislation
labor and family law
T.M. ABAIDELDINOV, B.A. KENZHEKHANOVA The concept of "labor conflict" and its features
J.T. KUMISBEKOVA Institute of mediation for divorce
G.M. ОNLANBEKOVA, N.R. MAXATOV Change of the amount of alimony established by the court and exemption from their payment
A.E. CHINGISBAYEVA Labor rights of pregnant women and young mothers
Constitutional and Administrative Law
A.U. BEISENOVA Research methodology of legal responsibility
A.A. KARAEV, A.B. BIDAISHIEVA Legal security of the individual as the element of national security
A.A. KARAEV, T.M. TLEUOV Justice and law clarification in the activities of the judiciary
Criminal law and Criminal procedure
S.M. ABIZHANOV Legal methods of combating extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan
P.A. ALMAGAMBETOV, K.B. BRUSHKOVSKII Problems of forensic odorology
K.B. BRUSHKOVSKII, P.A. ALMAGAMBETOV The use and prospects of automated information retrieval systems in the fight against crime
E.N. GREK Peculiarities of procedural order of private prosecution case hearing at the first-instance court according to the criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S.K. ZHURSIMBAEV, YE. S. KEMALI Legality, fairness and expediency: ratio of concepts
K.S. KARBEKOV, SH.M. MAKSUTKHAN Measures for preventing the illegal dissemination of drugs and psychotropic substances
K.S. KARBEKOV, SH.M. MAKSUTKHAN Ways to improve prevention of crimes against personality
YE.S. KEMALI, S.K. ZHURSIMBAEV Some problems in the light of criminalistics today
N.K. KOTOVA The problem of violence in modern society
K.A. МUSHATOVA To the question of the position of the lawyer-defender in the criminal process
G.B. SAMATOVA Arrest as a type of penalty in criminal and penal enforcement legislation
N.V. UVAROVA-PATENKO, V.N. UVAROV Concept of criminal legal sphere
N.V. UVAROVA-PATENKO Law enforcement body - the main link of the law enforcement system
A.N. TSOY, N.D. TLESHALIYEV Criminogenic determinants of crime in the social and budgetary sphere
Tax and financial law
YE.V. POROKHOV On the power-property phenomenon of modern money, problems of their legal regime and organization of monetary circulation
YE.V. POROKHOV Digitalization and tax law
Young scholar tribune
O.T. ALIMOV Legislation agreement agreement Republic of Kazakhstan
A.Z. AMANGALIYEVA Types of damages in english law
N.M. BATYRBAY The history of the formation of internal affairs bodies
VAN YANAN Comparative analysis of the contract law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of China
K.J. DALMATOV Justice and prosecutorial supervision in Kazakhstan as part of the Russian empire in the second half of the XIX century
V.I. KAPATSINA Compulsory purchase of shares: problematic aspects
N.R. MAXATOV Remedial features of consideration of disputes inherited under the will
A.ZH. NUSENOVA Legal status of the Caspian Sea: subsoil use right
I.V. POPOV The clarifications of tax legislation as a preventive measure against tax disputes
А. RAKIMULI Mediation in the people’s Republic of China
O.T. SAYDUOVA Responsibility of spouse for obligations under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S. YE. SATYBALDIEV Lawyer - defender in the Republic of Kazakhstan criminal proceeding and his procedural status
N.D. TLESHALIYEV Modernization of the penitentiary infrastructure in the framework of publicprivate partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan: development paths and shortcomings

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