On approval of the Concept of family and gender policies in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

Updated Unofficial translation

Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 6, 2016 No. 384.

      Unofficial translation

      In order to implement the principles of gender equality in all spheres of society, I hereby DECREE:

      1. To approve the appended Concept of family and gender policies in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 (hereinafter referred to as the Concept).

      2. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall develop and approve an Action Plan for implementation of the Concept (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) within three months.

      3. Central state and local executive bodies and organizations shall take measures to implement the Plan.

      4. Control over execution of this Decree shall be entrusted to the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. This Decree shall enter into force on the day it is signed.

      President of
      the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev

by Decree № 384
of the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
as of December 6, 2016

THE CONCEPT of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

      Footnote. The concept as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.04.2022 № 853.


      Section 1. Passport of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

      Section 2. Analysis of the current situation

      2.1 Achieved results and challenges in the field of family policy

      2.2 Achieved results and challenges in the field of gender policy

      Section 3. Overview of international experience

      Section 4. Vision of the development of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Section 5. Basic principles and approaches to the development of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Section 6. Target indicators and expected results

      Section 7. Action plan for implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

Section 1. Passport of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

      Footnote. Section 1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.04.2023 № 195 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Name of the Concept

Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 (hereafter – the Concept)

Grounds for development

Paragraph 82 of the National Action Plan for implementation of the Address of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021 "Unity of the people and systemic reforms - a solid ground for prosperity of the country", approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 13, 2021 № 659;
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2021 № 521 "On amendments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 15, 2018 № 636 "On approval of the Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 and invalidation of certain decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 26, 2021 № 99 "On amendments to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2017 № 790 "On approval of the State planning system in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

State body, responsible for development of the Concept

Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

State bodies, responsible for implementation of the Concept

Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Bureau of national statistics of the Agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; akimats of the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent and regions
ME – Ministry of Enlightenment of the Republic of Kazakhstan
MSHE – Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Terms of implementation


Section 2. Analysis of the current situation

2.1 Achieved results and challenges in the field of family policy

      Footnote. Subsection 2.1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 15.09.2022 № 1013.

      The state family policy is an integral part of the social policy of Kazakhstan and is a system of principles, assessments and measures of organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational and personnel support aimed at improving the conditions and the quality of life of a family.

      The goals of the state family policy are to support, strengthen and protect families, to create the necessary conditions contributing to the physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral development of families and their members, to protect motherhood, fatherhood and childhood.

      Strengthening the institution of family and family values

      In order to implement the national state task of preserving cultural values, traditions, spirituality, educating the younger generation and strengthening the status of the family, the Family Day has been established in Kazakhstan.

      Since 2014, the national contest "Mereyli Otbasy" (hereinafter referred to as the contest) has been held annually, which is aimed at reviving moral values and cultivating a positive image of family and marriage (matrimony), raising the status of the family. Over the years, more than 18 thousand families from all regions of Kazakhstan have participated in the contest.

      In 2021, changes were made to the rules of the contest. Under the new rules, applications for participation in the contest were submitted not only by families themselves, but also by educational, health, cultural organizations, labor collectives, industrial enterprises, non-governmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as NGOs) and other legal entities.

      Thanks to the introduced changes, all 17 families that became winners at the regional level will be awarded the titles of laureates of the contest.

      An authorized body in the field of family policy has been identified.

      In order to conduct multifaceted studies of the situation of the family in Kazakhstan with the definition of prospects and directions of development, a center for the study of the family institute has been established in the structure of the NJSC "Kazakhstan institute of social development". The center has prepared national reports "Kazakhstani families", "On countering domestic violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan", conducted research on the status and development of families with many children in Kazakhstan, families living in rural areas, divorces and their consequences, parenting models and others.

      More than 100 social projects in the field of family policy are implemented annually in the republic within the framework of the state social order and grant funding by non-governmental organizations.

      Family yard clubs and family communication clubs are functioning in the regions to activate the social partnership of families and organize training. Educational, psychological, and leisure services are provided in family yard clubs, and clubs for children and teenagers are open.

      Public associations of fathers involved in the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren have been developed in the education system.

      For most Kazakhstanis, family is an important value, they try to spend as much time with their children as possible. Thus, according to the survey "Family and demographic policy", 50.3% of parents are with children constantly, 32.7% - try to spend every day together, 8.3% - spend every weekend and holidays together, and only 0.4% - never spend free time with children. The majority of children discuss their hobbies with their parents (88.3%), most of the children like to communicate with their family (85.2%) and only 2.3% of them talk about the lack of mutual understanding with their relatives.

      The majority of citizens strive to instill in children such values as respect for elders (61.3%), diligence (61.0%), self-respect (43.0%), self-confidence (37.6%) and justice (29.5%). Then there are such values as self-development (20.1%), spiritual growth (19.1%), patriotism (16.5%), helping other people (11.7%), the ability to adapt in difficult situations (11.5%), individuality (9.5%)1.

      Despite the importance of the institution of the family in Kazakh society, divorces and the birth of a child out of wedlock tend to increase. Almost every third marriage breaks up.

      The share of divorces of spouses with minor children has increased. In 2016, 51.9 thousand divorces accounted for 141.7 thousand marriages (36.7%), in 2020, 48.0 thousand divorces accounted for 128.8 thousand marriages (37.2%). However, during the pandemic, there is a decrease in divorces. Thus, the share of dissolved marriages in the number of registered marriages by the end of 2020 was 37.2%, while at the end of 2019 this figure was 42.8%.

      The divorce rate in 2019 increased in comparison with 2016 from 2.92 to 3.23, in 2020 there is a decrease in this coefficient (2.56). In the regional context, the Pavlodar region and the city of Astana were in the first place in terms of the total divorce rate in 2020: 3.6 divorced couples for every thousand inhabitants. The North Kazakhstan region is in second place (3.55), the Karaganda region is in third place (3.33). The lowest divorce rate is observed in Turkestan region (1.31), Shymkent (1.87) and Mangistau region (1.96).

      Research in the field of family relations shows that crisis-free development of the family is almost impossible, however, this does not always lead to the dissolution of marriage, since the grounds for divorce can be a variety of reasons, but for each married couple they are individual. The data of the respondents' responses show that the most common cause of divorce was: adultery or the appearance of a second family, following in frequency - the interference of relatives in family life. In addition, systematic domestic violence, alcoholism, jealousy are increasingly indicated as the reasons for divorce, followed by the indication of material reasons: unemployment, lack of funds and housing problems.

      Married couples who do not have children together are more likely to divorce, their share was 34.9%. The share of divorces among couples with 2 or more children in common is 33.3%, with one child in common - 31.8%. Since the difference in the data is small, it can be concluded that the presence of children is not a deterrent to divorce among Kazakhstanis.

      According to the National Report "Kazakhstani Families 2020", cases of domestic violence (43.2%), problems of alcoholism, drug addiction of one of the spouses (39.7%), cases of adultery (35.8%) can serve as a justified reason for divorces in the opinion of Kazakhstanis. Also, almost every fifth respondent named gambling addiction of one of the spouses as the reason. A fairly large group of respondents (14.7%) believes that divorce cannot be justified. Also, the reasons justifying divorce can be the lack of love and understanding (13.5%); the absence of children (12.1%). The most significant consequence of divorce, according to respondents, is the growth of single-parent families with children (75.5%). Also among the negative consequences were mentioned: depression of one of the spouses (17.5%), alcoholism of divorced spouses (14.8%), a decrease in the standard of living of a woman after divorce (11.1%), suicides (10.8%), a decrease in the birth rate (6.3%).

      The number of single-parent families is growing. In 2009, compared with 1999, their share increased by 6.8%. Of these, more than 400 thousand women raise more than 700 thousand children, and more than 60 thousand men - more than 300 thousand children (15.1% of children live with one mother, 6.4% of children live with one father). Thus, every 5th child lives in a single-parent family.

      The gender-based freedom of men leads to a weak participation of fathers in the upbringing of children and the problem of child support payments. The number of civil cases on the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of minor children on claims decreased from 7,117 in 2016 to 6,228 in 2020. The number of civil cases on the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of minor children in cases of writ proceedings also decreased from 40192 in 2016 to 36,653 in 2020.

      At the same time, the number of cases of problematic alimony increased by 9.8%.

      The data of the mass survey demonstrate a rather low degree of participation of men in interaction with children. Thus, according to the study "Family and Demographic Policy" (2021), mothers (38.1%) or father and mother together (40.2%) most often spend time with children, study and take walks, and fathers interact with the child independently (2.1%) less often.

      "Civil" and intermarriage marriages are becoming more common among some representatives of ethnic groups, cases of consolidation of the union of men and women not in civil registration bodies, but in religious associations have become more frequent. At the same time, unacceptable family values are cultivated that contradict the modern position of a woman in the family, her social activity and employment. In the future, conflicts occur in such families, leading to the dissolution of marriage. It should be noted that one-fourth of divorces (24.1%) are interethnic marriages, which indicates the problem of intercultural interaction.

      There are cases of abduction and forced marriage of girls, which is a crime in a legal and secular state.


      Lack of family planning and an unconscious approach to parenthood can have negative consequences for the family and its members in the future.

      Insufficient involvement of fathers in the process of upbringing, which manifests itself in a lack of paternal attention and joint pastime with children.

      There is a tendency to increase divorces, while the presence of children, as a rule, is not a deterrent to divorce among Kazakhstanis.

      State social support for families

      State social support for families with children is carried out primarily through social benefits, payments and services. The system of providing social benefits includes allowances for the birth of a child and for the care of a child up to one year, for the upbringing of a child with a disability, a state allowance for mothers with many children and families.

      In 2008, social payments were introduced for cases of loss of income due to pregnancy and childbirth, adoption of a newborn child (children), as well as care for a child upon reaching the age of one year from the compulsory social insurance system.

      In order to create opportunities for combining family responsibilities with work, the labor legislation establishes norms on the rights of parents to flexible forms of employment and parental leave. The norms fixing the peculiarities of regulating the work of women, pregnant women and women with a child (children) were also specified.

      The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Special Social Services" adopted in 2008 allowed expanding the range of services provided to individuals and families in difficult life situations.

      Orphans and children left without parental care have access to a guaranteed volume of special social services; neglected minors, including those with deviant behavior; minors who are in special educational organizations, educational organizations with a special maintenance regime; children from birth to three years with disabilities of early psychophysical development; persons with disabilities of the first and second category; persons with disabilities due to socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others; elderly living alone; victims of domestic violence and human trafficking; persons without a fixed place of residence and released from prison; persons registered with the probation service.

      Since 2014, in order to ensure an adequate amount of pension savings of working women for recipients of social benefits for child care, additional subsidization of mandatory pension contributions has been provided.

      In 2020, amendments were adopted to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing for the provision of part-time work to pregnant women, one of the parents (adoptive parent) having a child (children) under the age of 3 years, as well as an employee caring for a sick family member.

      Work has been carried out to create a regulatory framework for the transformation of educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.

      In order to assist in the upbringing of children in the family, material incentives for adoptive parents and caregivers are provided in the form of one-time payments to citizens who adopted orphaned children, allowances to guardians or trustees for the maintenance of an orphan child and a child left without parental care, payments to foster carers.

      The effectiveness of social support measures taken by the state for motherhood and childhood is confirmed by positive statistics. So, in comparison with 2016, the birth rate increased by 6.5%, if 400.7 thousand children were born in 2016, then in 2020 - 426.8 thousand children. There is also an annual increase in the total fertility rate (the number of children per woman of fertile age). If in 2016 it was 2.77 in the republic, then in 2020 it increased to 3.13.

      Infant mortality decreased by 1.1 times (from 8.59 in 2016 to 7.77 in 2020, per 1,000 births). The infant mortality rate per 1000 births in the city/village section is 8.43 and 6.84, respectively.

      In 2020, 430,686 women received a one-time state allowance in connection with the birth of a child (in 2016 - 438.1 thousand women), the amount of the assigned allowance amounted to 175 thousand tenge (in 2016 - 88.8 thousand tenge).

      In 2020, 317.3 thousand women received payment in case of loss of income in connection with caring for a child after reaching the age of one year from the State Social Insurance Fund, which is 1.5 times more than in 2016 (211.5 thousand in 2016). The average amount of payment is 32 thousand tenge.

      Since 2018, there has been a high growth in recipients of state targeted social assistance (hereinafter referred to as TSA). So, if 28.8 thousand people received TSA in 2016, then 571.6 thousand people received TSA in 2018. By the end of 2020, the number of TSA recipients amounted to 936.2 thousand people. The average monthly amount of benefits paid also increased from 2.4 thousand tenge in 2016 to 6.6 thousand tenge in 2020.

      Currently, the state organizes free school meals and free provision of school uniforms for children from low-income families. The guaranteed social package for children from low-income families is provided in addition to the designated targeted social assistance and provides children aged 1 to 6 years with food sets and sets of household chemicals, as well as for school-age children with free hot meals at schools, free travel to and from school, as well as school uniforms and accessories.

      435.2 thousand children received a guaranteed social package in 2020.

      The amount of the allowance to parents, guardians raising children with disabilities in 2020 amounted to 45,736 tenge (1.4 of the subsistence minimum).

      The number of large families with 4 or more minor children living together who received state benefits in 2020 amounted to 392,433 people (in 2016 - 248,380).

      The main problems that concern Kazakh rural families are material problems (50.1%), housing and living conditions (31.7%), problems with employment (14.6%) and unavailability of medical care (8.3%). In the regional context, the following features are noted: rural residents of Mangystau (71.2%), Turkestan (68.2%), West Kazakhstan (66.0%) and Kostanay (64.2%) regions are more likely to indicate the urgency of material problems. Every second respondent in Zhambyl (48.0) and Mangystau (52.5%) regions concerns about housing and living conditions. Unavailability of medical care appears more often than others in the responses of respondents from the Atyrau region (36.4%). Problems with employment were identified as the main problem by rural residents of Atyrau (36.4%), Kyzylorda (22.4%), Zhambyl (18.0%), Turkestan (18.4%), East Kazakhstan (20.0%) and Akmola (17.6%) regions4.


      Lack of effective mechanisms for regulating the work regime, taking into account the interests of working single parents.

      Preventive measures to work with families who find themselves in a difficult life situation are not sufficiently developed. Thus, work with the family is carried out mainly upon the occurrence of a difficult life situation.

      Creating conditions for protection of reproductive health of men and women

      In comparison with 2016, the number of organizations with women's consultations and obstetric and gynecological offices increased by 14% in 2020. The share of pregnant women using prenatal services in the whole country in 2019 was 87.4%, which is 5.8% more than in 2016. The proportion of births attended by qualified medical personnel was 99.4%. This indicator is typical for countries with a very high level of development. According to the indicator "paid maternity leave in Kazakhstan", Kazakhstan is 26th in the world.

      In 2020, 16,187 cases of infertility in women were registered in the republic, 1,372 among men. About 16% of marriages are infertile, where the main causes of infertility are identified equally in both men and women. The destructive attitude of men to their health, the bad habits, the tendency to risky behavior in the workplace lead to chronic diseases and mortality at an economically active age.

      In 2020, the Head of State in his Address to the People of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action" called the family and demographic situation one of the subjects of serious concern. Every sixth family in Kazakhstan cannot have children. To solve this problem, the Government was instructed to launch a special program "Ansagan sabi" from 2021 with an increase in IVF quotas by 7 times, more than 6 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget for this.

      In 2021, within the framework of the "Ansagan sabi" program, 7,000 women underwent IVF, about 3,000 pregnant women were registered, about 360 children were born, 181 of them female and 179 male.

      There is a decrease in registered cases of artificial termination of pregnancy from 17.3 cases per 1,000 women of reproductive age in 2016 to 15.7 in 2020. The number of women using contraceptives has increased by 10.3% compared to 2016. The largest number of cases of artificial termination of pregnancy is observed in North Kazakhstan (23.5), Mangystau (22), Pavlodar (21.8), East Kazakhstan (20.8) and Karaganda (19.8) regions.

      There is a problem of early marriages, teenage pregnancy, cases of artificial termination of pregnancy at an early age. More than two million teenage girls and girls under the age of 18 live in Kazakhstan, which is one fifth of the total female population of the republic. On average, the number of early marriages is 1000 cases per year, the number of early pregnancies is 4.3 thousand registered cases per year. The number of cases of artificial termination of pregnancy in the age group from 15 to 18 years remains quite high and is about 2 thousand cases of artificial termination of pregnancy per year or 0.1% of the total number of teenage girls and girls under 18. According to the results of 2020, the largest number of early marriages is in Almaty (141 cases), East Kazakhstan (96 cases), Zhambyl (91 cases) and Karaganda (83 cases) regions.

      According to the analytical report on the results of the sociological study "Early marriages", early marriage and early onset of sexual life lead to serious consequences for a woman, which has an impact on the quality of a woman's health and life. A girl who got married in adolescence often has various health problems caused by the first early pregnancy and often small breaks between subsequent pregnancies and childbirth.

      In recent years, progress has been made in the formation of safe reproductive behavior among adolescents and young people through information and advisory support. Since 2016, the number of youth health centers for adolescents and youth has increased 1.5 times, from 80 in 2016 to 128 in 2020.

      In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on reproductive health. More than 80% of women after the outbreak of the pandemic did not seek help from reproductive health services (maternity protection, family planning), of which 5.9% faced difficulties in obtaining maternity protection services, 5.4% of family planning services and 3.8% in receiving psychological support.

      The consequences of the pandemic have also affected the increase in maternal mortality. If in 2016 this figure was 12.7 per 100,000 live births, then in 2019 it reached 13.7. In 2020 there was a sharp increase to 36.5 cases per 100,000 live births.

      11.1% of urban women and 7.6% of women living in rural areas faced problems in obtaining maternity-related services.

      In order to provide assistance to pregnant women and mothers with newborns, a "Situational obstetric сenter" has been organized, carrying out daily monitoring of pregnant women in serious and critical condition, a clinical protocol for the diagnosis and treatment of "COVID-19 in pregnant women" and methodological recommendations "On the procedure for providing medical care to pregnant women and children during the COVID-19 pandemic" have been developed.

      Along with the successes achieved, the problems in which high gender gaps and imbalances are registered remain relevant. The life expectancy of men is still lower than that of women. In 2020, the life expectancy indicator for women is 75.5 years, for men - 67.1 years. The gender gap is 8.4 years. Among the reasons contributing to the preservation of the gender gap in life expectancy, there is a lack of due attention to the development of men's health as an independent cluster of domestic healthcare. There is an increased injury rate in men at work. The level of occupational injuries in men is 4 times higher than in women. The proportion of men working on equipment that does not meet safety requirements has increased 6.6 times compared to 2016. Excessive requirements for men's behavior patterns against the background of poorly developed practices of seeking psychological help lead to the fact that men are 5 times more likely than women to commit suicide.


      Insufficient coverage of men and women, including adolescents, with the services of reproductive health specialists, especially in rural areas.

      Insufficient involvement of the population in the issues of protecting their own reproductive health.

      Countering domestic violence

      Some progress has been made in the prevention of domestic violence. On January 1, 2010, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On prevention of domestic violence" was put into effect in Kazakhstan.

      A unit for the protection of women from violence was established in the system of internal affairs bodies (in 1999), which coordinates the activities of the police services, and also takes measures to protect victims.

      In pursuance of the instruction of the Head of State, given on February 25, 2021 at a meeting of the National Council of Public Trust, the number of inspectors for the protection of women from violence has been doubled (129 units have been introduced) and brought to the required availability standards (a total of 248 units).

      Now they are available in every city and district police department, whose activities will be aimed at promptly responding to the facts of violence against women and children.

      There are 36 crisis centers operating in all regions of Kazakhstan (31 of them have shelters), whereas in 2006 there were only 24 centers in 10 regions in which victims of domestic violence were provided with a guaranteed amount of special social services. In 2020, the number of people who applied for violence was 3,544.

      Information and educational campaigns "16 days against violence against women" are held annually in all regions.

      The activities of family support resource centers have been organized. There are 31 family support centers "Zhanuya", "Bakytty Otbasy" and others in the regions. The centers provide psychological, social, legal and other necessary assistance to every family in a difficult life situation, as well as comprehensive support in the development of the family institute.

      As part of the election program of the Nur Otan party until 2025, "The path of change: a decent life for everyone!", it is planned to create 234 centers for family support, resolving family conflicts and providing temporary accommodation for women with children.

      According to the results of 2020, there is a slight increase in registered criminal offenses committed in the sphere of family and household relations in the country, from 919 in 2018 to 1072 cases in 2020. From March to June 2020, an increase in domestic violence by 41.7% was recorded compared to the same period in 2019. It should be noted that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the growth of offenses in the family and household sphere, which drew considerable public attention to this area. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, during the quarantine period for victims of violence in all regions, akimats created a reserve from the hotel fund (more than 200 places) for temporary adaptation.

      The largest number of registered criminal offenses in this area is in East Kazakhstan (161 cases), Almaty (125 cases), Karaganda (118 cases) and Pavlodar (98 cases) regions.

      In 2020, about 78 thousand protective orders were issued (2019 - 73541). There are special requirements for the behavior of almost 10 thousand offenders (2019 - 7712).

      According to a survey by the Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development, in 2021, 26.5% of Kazakhstanis observed cases of domestic violence in families they know, which indicates the urgency of this problem. 32.4% noted that the situation with domestic violence in Kazakhstan has worsened over the past 5 years. Rural residents are more likely to believe that there is no problem of domestic violence in Kazakhstan (11.6%) than urban residents (4%), which indicates the need to strengthen information work with the population in rural areas.

      Factors contributing to domestic violence can be both internal and external. Internal factors include such root causes as addiction to alcohol or narcotic drugs, mental and psychological illnesses, excessive aggressiveness, and so on. Factors that influence from the outside are the low standard of living, lack of stable income, low level of education.

      The majority of respondents consider socio-economic problems to be the main cause of domestic violence, in particular, 55.9% of respondents named unemployment. 52.8% named "bad habits" as the reason - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, 25.4% consider the example of moral, psychological and physical violence in the family as the reason, 22.7% - stereotypical attitudes and beliefs, 20.9% - psychological deviations and disorders, 15.9% - low level of education and culture, 15.8% - material and financial dependence on the spouse, 15.1% - lack of criminal responsibility for domestic violence, 13.6% - high level of aggression in society, 10.0% - interference of relatives in family life. Reasons such as the lack of authority of the institution of the family, insufficient preventive measures, insufficient implementation of programs of spiritual and moral education, misunderstanding between spouses were also mentioned.

      The state bodies concerned are taking measures aimed at ensuring the protection of children and promptly responding to the facts of harsh treatment of minors. For this purpose, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses (Article 127-1) introduced a norm on the immediate informing of social workers (not only teachers, but also workers in the field of health and social protection of the population) about the facts of minors committing offenses or offenses committed against them. The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On marriage (matrimony) and family" provides for the obligation of officials of state bodies and organizations and other citizens who become aware of a threat to the life and health of a child to take measures to protect his rights and legitimate interests.


      The problem of the lack of comprehensive interdepartmental interaction of subjects of prevention of domestic violence.

      The absence of an algorithm for interaction, a unified information base on offenses in the field of family and household relations and their victims excludes the prompt exchange of information and an effective solution to the problem.

      Lack of statistical information on domestic violence in open sources by severity, by age group and gender.

      Victims often do not seek help from law enforcement agencies for several reasons: insufficient awareness of their rights and ways to get help, distrust of law enforcement agencies, fear of the aggressor.

2.2 Results achieved and challenges in the field of gender policy

      World practice shows that gender issues are priority areas of public policy in many countries. The international community regularly monitors ratings in the field of gender equality.

      The goals of the state gender policy are to achieve equal rights, benefits, responsibilities and opportunities for men and women in all spheres of society, to overcome all forms and manifestations of gender discrimination.

      Strengthening the institution of gender equality

      Since joining the Beijing Declaration in 1995, the state has purposefully focused on formation of a gender policy. In December 1998, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National commission on women's affairs and family and demographic policy was established, and appropriate advisory bodies function in the regions.

      In September 2015, Kazakhstan committed itself to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDGs), in which 12 of the 17 goals are gender-sensitive. SDG 5 is listed as one of the goals: "Ensuring gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls." It aims to eliminate all forms of gender discrimination and ensure equal opportunities and treatment for girls and women.

      These goals require national adaptation and consideration within all strategic directions and tasks of the state.

      Today, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 79.9% integrated into strategic government programs.

      The Concept of gender policy up to 2006 and the Strategy of gender equality in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006 - 2016 were adopted and implemented, which allowed further steps to be taken to create and improve national legislation in the interests of gender equality.

      The main legislative act in the field of gender policy is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state guarantees of equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women", adopted in 2009.

      A decision has been made to develop approaches to gender budgeting in Kazakhstan, which will strengthen the social component of the state budget and ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for both sexes. In particular, a pilot project has been implemented in Akmola region to test approaches to the introduction of gender budgeting in the sectors of social protection, health and education in order to assess the consideration of gender aspects, gender orientation and gender impact of state programs.

      According to the results of a pilot study conducted in the Akmola region, it was revealed that gender aspects are not taken into account in the budget programs of the healthcare sector (at the same time, there are separate budget programs for the protection of motherhood and childhood, for prevention and control of AIDS in the Republic of Kazakhstan and others). In the field of education in this region, there is a significant gender differentiation, which leads to the restriction of girls to play sports, schools mainly have sections that are highly attractive to boys. There is a significant gender differentiation in the employment of graduates of educational institutions.

      Today, non-governmental organizations play an important role in the socio-political life of the country.

      According to the World Economic Forum Index (hereinafter referred to as the WEF), Kazakhstan ranked 52nd out of 147 countries by the end of 2016, 79th out of 156 countries by the end of 2020. There is a significant decrease in the rating of Kazakhstan on this indicator.

      According to WEF estimates, indicators in the areas of political empowerment and socio-economic participation of Kazakhstan have an average level of gender gaps. In the long term, they may affect the competitiveness of the national human capital.


      The decline of Kazakhstan's position in the international ranking on the gender gap index in recent years.

      The largest gender gap is observed in the indicators "political participation" and "economic participation and opportunities".

      There are no authorized bodies in the field of gender policy at both the central and regional levels.

      Support for women's political and leadership positions

      Over the years of the implementation of the gender strategy, there have been significant shifts in the quantitative representation of women in elected authorities. Thus, in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the first year of the implementation of the Gender strategy (2006), the proportion of women was 10.4%, and in the final year (2016) it increased to 27.6%.

      In 2020, amendments were adopted to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "On political parties", according to which party lists are formed taking into account at least 30% of the representation of women and youth. According to the results of the amendments, the share of women in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 27.1%, in local representative authorities of all levels - 30.5%.

      In six regional maslikhats of the regions, the proportion of female deputies exceeds 30%. These included Mangystau (34.4%), Aktobe (33.3%), Pavlodar (31.3%), Akmola (31.3%), Almaty (31.1%) and North Kazakhstan regions (30%).

      As of January 1, 2021, the share of women among civil servants in the country amounted to 55.5% of the actual number (49,031 out of 88,409), including: 8.9% among political (65 out of 728), 11.4% among administrative employees of Block "A" (9 out of 79), Block "B" - 55.9% (48,957 out of 87,602). The proportion of women among those holding senior positions in the civil service is 40% (9,531 out of 23,959).

      In Sweden, this indicator is 71.8%, France - 62.3%, Australia - 57.5%, Japan - 41.9%, the average for the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter - OECD) - 57.4%.

      There is no positive dynamics in the representation of women in the composition of political civil servants. 65 out of 728 active political civil servants, or 8.9% are women (in 2016 - 9.7%). The share of women in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 9%. For comparison, in Spain and Finland, more than 60% of government members are women. In Austria, Belgium, Sweden - 57.1%, Canada - 51.4%, France, Finland, Spain - 50%, respectively. The global average percentage of women in national Governments is 21.9%.

      There are no major changes in the representation of women in leadership positions in local (territorial) executive bodies. The share of women holding the position of akim of the region is 5.9% (1 region out of 17). The share of female deputy akims in all 17 regions is 9.3%. In the total composition of akims of regions, the capital, cities of republican significance and their first deputies, women make up 9.5%.

      There is an increase in the share of women in the quasi-public sector at the decision-making level from 23.6% in 2018 to 36.1% in 2020. At the same time, the share of women in the management bodies in the technical, industrial orientation is significantly lower than 30%.

      It should be noted that, on behalf of the Head of State, work is underway to gradually increase the proportion of women to 30% in the management bodies of companies with state participation.


      Insufficient representation of women at the upper levels of power in the composition of political civil servants.

      The presence of stereotypes in society that hinder the advancement of women in politics.

      There is an imbalance in the representation of women by spheres of activity in government bodies in the quasi-public sector.

      Economic empowerment of women

      The population of Kazakhstan as of January 1, 2021 amounted to 18879.5 thousand people, including 9719.1 thousand women (51.4%), 9160.3 thousand men (48.5%). The population growth in 2020 amounted to 247.8 thousand people, the growth rate is about 1.3% per year.

      So, in comparison with 2016, the number of women increased by 5.0%, if in 2016 the number of women was 9,249.7 thousand, then in 2020 - 9,719.1 thousand women. A significant number of women live in urban areas - 5,883 thousand (60.5%), in rural areas - 3,836 thousand (39.5%).

      Kazakhstan's labor market is characterized by high female employment, availability of qualified workers. If the unemployment rate of women in 2016 was 5.5%, then in 2020 it was 5.4%, women make up 49.1% of the total number of employees. According to the data of 2020 in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are 2045.4 thousand self-employed, 930.1 thousand of them are women and 1115.3 thousand - men. Thus, the share of women from the total number of self-employed in Kazakhstan is 45.5%.

      Traditionally, women are more vulnerable in the labor market. This circumstance also manifested itself during the pandemic. According to a study conducted by UN Women in Kazakhstan jointly with UNFPA (2020), 22% of men and 26% of women lost their jobs in Kazakhstan in the first months of quarantine.

      During the pandemic in Kazakhstan, not all spheres were on an equal footing. Thus, retail trade and the service sector worked under the conditions of periodically imposed restrictions. Making up the majority of workers in these fields, women were more likely than men to experience the risks of transition to the category of precariat.

      The average monthly nominal salary of women in Kazakhstan is 182.7 thousand tenge, for men - 243.5 thousand tenge. The wage ratio of women relative to men has increased from 69% in 2016 to 75% in 2020. The wage gap between women and men is 25%. For comparison, in Belgium the gap is 3.4%, Norway - 4.8%, Germany - 5.6%, Great Britain - 12.3%, Canada - 16.1%, USA - 17.7%, Latvia - 20.3%, Japan - 22.5%, Israel - 22.7%, South Korea - 31.5%.

      In a study conducted by KPMG for Australia in 2019, the proportion of factors (drivers) forming the gender pay gap was estimated: discrimination, gender stereotypes and biases in hiring staff and making decisions about pay (the proportion is 39% of the gender gap); interruptions in women's professional careers (25%); employment of men and women mainly in different sectors of the economy: there are areas dominated by female labor with predominantly lower wages (occupational and industrial segregation) (17%).

      In Kazakhstan, this ratio is due to the fact that men mostly work in the fields of industry (oil and gas, mining, manufacturing), transport and construction, in which wages are higher than the national average. In these sectors, the use of female labor is often prohibited due to the presence of severe and harmful factors.

      There has been virtually no change in sectoral gender segregation. Women make up more than 70% of employees in the field of health, education and social protection, while the representation of women in the financial and public sectors is slightly more than half. Traditionally, these types of sectors are less profitable compared to "male industries", such as construction, oil and gas sector, extractive industries, transport, etc. According to 2020 data, the share of women in construction is 23.3%, in industry - 31.7%, in agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 42.4%, in transport and warehousing - 23.3%, in professional, scientific and technical activities - 49.9%, in education - 72.1%., in the healthcare sector - 72.3%.

      One of the reasons for the existing gender imbalance in the professional sphere is the widespread stereotypes about the presence of "male" and "female" professions.

      In 2021, amendments were made to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on social protection of certain categories of citizens" regarding the abolition of the list of jobs where the use of women's labor is prohibited. The decision to abolish it is progressive in nature and is aimed at ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women in the field of work.

      Women's economic opportunities are expanding. Through the joint efforts of the National commission for women's affairs and family and demographic policy and authorized state bodies, a dynamic sector of women's entrepreneurship has been formed in the republic. However, special attention needs to be paid to the issue of expanding the economic opportunities of women living in rural areas who are deprived of access to public, state resources and services. According to the Bureau of National Statistics, every third woman living in rural areas of Kazakhstan is self-employed and receives income from subsistence farming, which includes personal consumption. Incomes, which include personal consumption, initially deprive women of the opportunity to invest in human capital to return to the real sector of the economy.

      The active role of women is manifested in small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs). Before the implementation of the Gender strategy, the share of women in business was 38% (in 2004), and as of January 1, 2021, 43.26% of all existing SMEs in the country are run by women.

      Women's entrepreneurship covers wholesale and retail trade, where their share is 54.5% of the total number of such enterprises, 59.2% provide real estate transactions, 25.1% - in agriculture.

      In 2015, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter - the EBRD) signed an Agreement on implementation of the “Women in Business” Program. It is aimed at improving the competitiveness and development of women's entrepreneurship both in terms of the availability of financing and in terms of access to know-how.

      The measures taken allowed Kazakhstan to take the 26th place in the indicator "Women's participation in the labor force" of the WEF Global Competitiveness Index (2019).

      The EBRD annually supports more than 1,000 Kazakhstani businesswomen through educational projects. At the beginning of 2021, the EBRD and UN Women in Kazakhstan decided to join forces to combat the consequences of the coronacrisis against women. The joint work will focus on digital transformation, "green" projects and the involvement of women in the economy. As part of the support for women managers, the EBRD launched the second season of the ReStart 2.0 training project, the theme of which was the role of women in family business management.

      The EBRD's Women in Business program is focused on SMEs headed by women, i.e. enterprises with fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than 50 million euros or a final balance sheet of less than 43 million euros. To participate in this program, the general operational management of the company must be carried out by a woman who may also partially or fully own this business.

      Within the framework of the WEF, an accelerator was created, which is a global initiative, and the participating states are working to improve gender indicators in key areas of political, economic and social life through public and private partnerships. Kazakhstan is the first country in the Central Asian region to join this initiative.

      The accelerator will be aimed at preparing women for work after the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminating the gender pay gap, ensuring women's employment, and promoting women to leadership positions.


      The gender aspect is not taken into account when allocating financial resources for implementation of state measures to support entrepreneurship.

      When creating jobs, the gender aspect is not taken into account, which creates a gender imbalance in the distribution of labor by industry.

      Women's potential in the economy is not fully taken into account, due to the refusal of some women from work in order to fulfill domestic family responsibilities.

      Opportunities for self-fulfillment in the gender aspect

      The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education provides for equal access and opportunities for men and women to receive quality education. According to WEF estimates, the level of gender gaps in education in Kazakhstan is minimal.

      All citizens of Kazakhstan, regardless of social and gender affiliation, take part in a competition for a state educational grant.

      The share of women and girls in the total number of students is 49.5%, the share of men and boys is 50.5%. The minimum gender gap is typical for the levels of secondary schools, technical and vocational education and higher education. At the level of postgraduate education, the proportion of women exceeds the proportion of men by 1.7 times. Within the framework of the WEF Global Gender Gap Index in terms of enrollment in secondary schools and universities, Kazakhstan is in the first place. 18

      Elective courses on gender equality have been developed and introduced in higher educational institutions within the framework of the variable component of educational programs in the following areas: "Education", "Humanities", "Law", "Social sciences, business and economics".

      According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, over the past 7 years, the number of students traveling abroad has doubled. More than 100 thousand Kazakhstanis receive higher education in 130 countries of the world. 992 scholarship holders are studying under the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", 48.7% of them are women.

      In the 2020-2021 academic years in higher education institutions, the proportion of men studying in specialties related to information and communication technologies exceeds the proportion of women by 2.2 times, in specialties related to engineering, manufacturing and construction - by 2.4 times, respectively. At the same time, the proportion of women exceeds the proportion of men studying in the fields of education, social and natural sciences, statistics and journalism by an average of 2.4 times.

      There is a problem of stereotyping in girls' choice of subjects and areas of study, which is further "reflected in the employment structure, characterized by the concentration of women in such traditionally female areas as health care and services."

      Women got more opportunities to play sports at a professional level. At the 2020 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo, the proportion of women was 34%, women won 25% of medals.

      According to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2020, the share of women in ensuring peace and security was 6.2%. The proportion of female military personnel is 16.1% of the personnel. For comparison, the proportion of women in the Canadian Army is 16%.


      The problem of stereotyping in girls' choice of specialty and areas of study, which is further reflected in the employment structure, characterized by the concentration of women in "traditionally female fields".

Section 3. Overview of international experience

      Analysis of the development of foreign countries shows that there is no single universal model in the field of family and gender policy in the world. Each country, taking into account the existing system of public administration, national characteristics and culture, forms its own family and gender policy.

      Foreign models of achieving family policy.

      In OECD countries, government spending on family support is carried out through direct payments (benefits), financing services and reducing the tax burden on families. In recent years, among the OECD countries France (3.68%), Great Britain (3.60%), Sweden (3.54%) and Hungary (3.53%) are leading in terms of spending on state family support (above 3.50% of GDP). On average, OECD countries spend 2.39% of GDP on the implementation of national family policy.

      At the present stage, there are three models of family policy in developed OECD countries, where a special role is given to family protection issues: liberal, conservative and socio-democratic.

      The liberal model of social policy is typical for Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. In these countries, the state is assigned a supporting role in the social security of the family, assistance is provided only to the most needy families. Social support of citizens is carried out at the expense of developed insurance systems and with minimal state intervention. Financial assistance is targeted and is provided only to those in need.

      Financial support for single parents in the UK is provided until the child reaches the age of 16: child benefit, free health services, preferential right to housing. In Australia, single parents, including fathers, receive state assistance, while the amount of this benefit depends on their earnings. Widows with minor children and those who have already turned 50 receive special categories of pensions.

      In the UK, 39 weeks of maternity leave are provided with payment of 30% of wages. In Canada, maternity leave is 35 weeks, which can be divided between parents. Payment for vacation in Canada is carried out by the social insurance system.

      In 2020, the Australian government allocated 1.6 billion Australian dollars to support child care services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to provide families in need with access to care without charging families for care. Free childcare services were provided to approximately 1 million families by mid-July 2020 (about 0.3 billion Australian dollars). The right of citizens to receive income support benefits, including job seekers, has been temporarily expanded.

      Within the framework of the conservative model of family policy, three approaches are being implemented. "Active" support is typical for Belgium and France (a developed child care sector, long paid vacations and substantial cash benefits for children of different ages are combined simultaneously). The "limited support" approach is common in Germany and Austria (a less balanced scheme of benefits and a network of preschool institutions for child care). The "family" approach is typical of Italy, Spain and Portugal (low indicators of social support for the family, the amount of benefits is insignificant, parental leave is relatively long, but low-paid).

      Maternity leave in France lasts 16 weeks (with payment of 90% of salary), 6 of which must be taken before birth, while paternity leave allows you to take only 11 days in a row. Starting with the 3rd child, maternity leave lasts 26 weeks for women and 18 weeks for men.

      Belgian legislation provides for 15 weeks of maternity leave, with 63% of the salary paid. The rest of the leave is paid under the mutual insurance system at the level of 75% of the previous earnings. The parental leave is 10 working days, which must be selected during the month following the birth. Child care expenses are not taxable until the child reaches the age of 12. For children from 2.5 to 6 years old, attendance at preschool organizations is free (during working hours).

      In Germany, parents retain two-thirds of their previous earnings for a period of one year after the birth of a child, while 2 months are additionally paid if fathers also take parental leave.

      Conservative model countries actively prevent violence against women and children through close cooperation of the police, prosecutors, judges and crisis centers.

      The socio-democratic model or the Scandinavian model of family policy is represented by such countries as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland, which have universal guarantees of income from the state and a highly developed system of providing child care services. The main part of the state's expenditures is aimed at meeting the needs of social purposes.

      Special authorized bodies on issues of women, family, childhood, gender equality have been established in public administration structures at national and local levels.

      State support in foreign countries is provided to parents until the children reach the age of majority. For example, in Sweden, parents receive state benefits until the child reaches the age of majority.

      Parents have the right to share 18 months of paid parental leave for child care, during which their wages are compensated in equal shares by the government and the employer. To encourage parents, at least 3 months out of 18 must be used by the second parent, usually the father.

      One of the urgent problems in the field of family policy is divorce. In a number of countries, measures are being taken not only to reduce the divorce rate, but also to minimize their negative consequences for family members.

      Thus, in Singapore there is a Ministry of Social and Family Development. One of the tasks of the Ministry is to help children whose parents are divorcing. As part of this task, there are several programs that prioritize the creation of the most favorable conditions for children. It is worth mentioning the two-hour mandatory parenting program, which helps parents understand the financial problems of divorce, the impact of divorce on living, custody and access to communication with children, the importance of joint participation of parents in raising children. Parents will be informed about the reactions of children during divorce, as well as step-by-step recommendations to parents on how to help children cope with their emotions. In Kazakhstan, measures are being taken to help families in the pre-divorce stage and at the stage of divorce. But there is no developed system of assistance to families and children after a divorce. Singapore's experience would be very useful in Kazakhstan on the basis of family support centers.

      Family centers, social service offices and branches of the Council of Women's Organizations of Singapore also operate in Singapore, which provide assistance to those who have decided to divorce or are victims of domestic violence.

      To reduce the number of divorces in Sweden, a mandatory period of postponement of divorce has been introduced. The periods serve two purposes. First, they give couples time to figure out the reasons for ending their life together. Secondly, in the case of hasty decisions, mandatory separation periods can allow emotions to be adjusted so that couples can resolve conflicts that caused an immediate desire to divorce. So, the mandatory time-out allows couples to resolve disagreements that seemed insoluble at the peak of emotions. In Sweden, the divorce application fee has increased from 68 to 122 euros (2020), which is 0.2% of the average annual income.

      The practice of introducing a reflection period demonstrates its effectiveness. Thus, after the introduction of three-month reflection periods in South Korea, there is a decrease in the number of divorces carried out, but there is no decrease in the total number of applications filed.

      In a number of advanced countries (Singapore, Germany, Great Britain, Japan), there is a positive experience of the functioning of independent family courts that settle family disputes, including regarding divorces.

      In Singapore, Family Justice Courts (FJC) were established in 2014. A centralized registry has been organized for the reception, distribution and management of the entire set of family justice cases that come to court.

      In Japan, family cases and juvenile offenses are considered only by the family justice court.

      In the UK, the range of cases that constitute family disputes and fall within the competence of the family court is determined on the basis of acts regulating issues related to marriage, family, motherhood and childhood.

      The next urgent problem in the modern world is domestic violence. To solve this problem, special educational programs have been developed in many countries, special trainings on investigation of cases of domestic violence are conducted for law enforcement officers and judges.

      For example, in Austria, departmental protocols for working with victims have been developed, which are based on an understanding of the specifics of cases of domestic violence and lack of conviction.

      A special department has been established in Georgia to monitor the investigation of cases of violence and provide recommendations to investigators regarding the proper handling of such cases. Police, prosecutors and judges participate in trainings on the prevention of secondary victimization and the application of gender sensitivity. The law prescribes that the police interrogate the aggressor and the victim separately. There is also a legal requirement that at the scene of a domestic violence call, one of the policemen must be a woman.

      In Ukraine, trainings on domestic violence in general are conducted for the police, including for ordinary precinct and patrol services. Since 2019, specially trained police officers have been forming mobile groups to counter domestic violence, which operate in every city with a population of over 50,000 people. A unified state register of cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence is maintained. It contains data about the abuser, which is stored for 10 years after the court verdict comes into force. This register helps to identify the scale of violence in the country. Also, the risk of getting into such a registry can serve as a deterrent for domestic aggressors.

      The comprehensive assistance of individual countries also includes measures for the reintegration of victims of domestic violence.

      In Portugal, at the level of legislation, companies are required to provide victims with leave to restore their health, as well as to satisfy an application for transfer to the company's branches in other localities of the country. In Georgia and Ukraine, crisis centers offer programs to develop knowledge and skills in mastering new professions, as well as provide support in employment.

      It is a common international practice to inform as widely as possible about free assistance for victims of domestic violence, including crisis centers.

      In the USA, the police in every state effectively interacts with all local NGOs that provide assistance to victims. When registering a statement about domestic violence, the police officer informs the victim about these organizations. The website of the US Federal Government contains information about the national domestic violence hotline, which operates around the clock 7 days a week.

      Violence against children in the United States is regulated by law, according to which one of the spouses who used violence is prohibited from entering the house and any contact with his wife/husband and children for two weeks. In Kazakhstan, there is a practice of applying protective regulations, but the victims do not have a full guarantee of safety.

      In many US states, for example, back in the late 60s of the last century, legislation was passed obliging citizens to report to the authorities every case of suspected child abuse. Any person on his own initiative can inform the social service, designed to protect children, or the police about a case or suspicion of child abuse in the family. Such messages are considered not as a noble intention but as an elementary necessity. As for doctors, teachers, trainers, educators, it is a direct duty for them. The message can be transmitted by phone, sent by mail, and processed directly at the appropriate institution within 24 hours after the incident.

      Foreign models for achieving gender equality

      The experience of countries that have gone through social modernization suggests that the success of its implementation is directly correlated with the achievement of gender equality in society and the family.

      There are four approaches to establishing gender equality: "gender integration" - covers all aspects of socio-economic life, political, private, civil society, etc. (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland). The integration of the principle of gender equality implies that certain views on equality become part of politics in all spheres. Gender equality includes a fair distribution of power and resources, as well as an equal assessment of the actions and needs of men and women. In practice, this means that women's rights, conditions and social status should be taken into account in comparison with the corresponding rights, conditions and status that men have.

      Gender-oriented budgeting is carried out in many OECD countries and is a tool for assessing the impact of the state budget, which provides for an analysis of gender-oriented allocations aimed at achieving equality of opportunities for men and women in public services.

      For example, the Swedish Government has allocated SEK 26 million for a four-year period to implement the Gender Equality Strategy in government agencies for 2015-2018.

      For example, in Spain, according to article 31 of the Constitutional Law on de facto equality between women and men, public authorities must take into account gender aspects in the design of cities, urban policy, as well as the definition and implementation of urban planning.

      The "intersection" model is typical for European countries (Belgium, France) that build their policies on the traditions of positive actions towards women. Three countries fall under this model - France, Belgium and Spain. However, these countries have different approaches.

      In France, the initiative comes directly from civil society to the institutions of power, and in Belgium - from the institutions of power to society.

      According to the UN, in 2021, 50% or more of the ministers in 13 countries of the world are women. In such countries as Austria, Sweden, Belgium, Nicaragua, Albania, Rwanda, Canada, Costa Rica more than 50% of ministers are women.

      For example, in Belgium there is a federal council for equal opportunities, as well as the institute for equality of men and women, which monitor the situation from the point of view of equality between men and women. The institute for gender equality consists of several divisions, each of which works in different fields, such as discrimination, intimate partner violence, labor market, politics, international issues, research. Its legal department handles requests for information and complaints about gender discrimination.

      In France, there is a Supreme council for equality between women and men.

      The "equality beyond gender" model is based on the understanding that inequality goes beyond gender, covering other categories: age, legal capacity, nationality, etc., which also need to be rebalanced (Great Britain). This model assumes the mutual influence of economic development and gender equality. At the same time, economic growth contributes to the destruction of the rigid system of gender division of labor, which occurs due to the expansion of opportunities in the labor market for women, the expansion of women's participation in entrepreneurship, equal access to education and health care.

      The model of "union incentives" is a new model that arose in response to both the demands of "from below" (women's organizations and communities) and "from above" - international statuses, finance, investments. This model assumes the achievement of equality between men and women through social partnership between the state and civil society and the inclusion in this process of broad participation of non-governmental organizations.

      There are many women's non-governmental organizations in Poland, the largest of them is the League of Polish Women, which unites about 1 million members.

      There is also an active Women's Association in the country, a non-governmental organization whose goals are the social integration and empowerment of women, youth, the elderly and various vulnerable groups. The organization implements non-formal education for 17,000 people.

      The most active are the support center for women's organizations, as well as the center for protection of women's rights. In the Republic of Korea, a database consisting of 100,000 women has been compiled to expand the representation of women within the framework of the national policy project "Accelerating future leaders - women ".

      In the Russian Federation, the program "Development of women's entrepreneurship" is being implemented, which includes financial services - credit, guarantee, leasing. Women are provided with consulting and educational support, assistance in the creation and modernization of production facilities, promotion on the market and export. Grants are provided for the development of social entrepreneurship. The content of this program is chosen by the regions themselves, depending on the request of the female audience and regional specifics. Within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative", implemented since 2019, master classes, round tables and business parties for women only were organized for women to exchange experience for both established and novice entrepreneurs. One of the most popular educational programs is the "Mom Entrepreneur" program, which is designed for women on maternity leave, mothers of minor children, as well as women registered with the employment service. It is aimed at helping to create your own business and bring to life a business idea that could not be realized alone.39

      In Canada (Quebec Province) there is an initiative called Femmessor, which supports the opening, growth and acquisition of businesses for women in all regions of Quebec, including financial services and individual support. In 2019, Femmessor received US$ 5,735,823 through the WES Ecosystem Fund to improve access to finance for women entrepreneurs in rural and remote areas, as well as for aspiring entrepreneurs. Femmesor has invested $4.78 million in 97 enterprises in Quebec, in which at least 25% of the co-owners are women, or at least there is one female head. These investments were made up of loans from $20,000 to $50,000 allocated for startups, and up to $150,000 for business development. Of these, 57% of loans were granted to startups, 33% to enterprises at the growth stage and 10% when transferring ownership right or acquiring a business. Femmessor also carries out outreach and consulting activities, which have yielded positive results. In 2020, Femmessor sent 11,398 requests for information, provided business advice to 873 women entrepreneurs and has 136 different experts ready to provide consulting services. 152 women entrepreneurs were also involved in mentoring in 17 different regions of Quebec.

      It is planned to open centers for development of women's entrepreneurship in our country. Taking into account international experience, business consultations, trainings, and investment attraction for women entrepreneurs will be held in the centers.

      In many countries, independent authorized state bodies have been created responsible for the formation and implementation of gender policy in the country, the implementation of comprehensive monitoring of the situation in the country, communications with civil society.

      There is a Ministry for women and equal opportunities in the UK, a Ministry for women, family and community development in Malaysia, a Ministry for women and child development in India, and a Ministry for family affairs, senior citizens, women and youth in Germany. The Ministry of mahalla and family support and the Women's Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan have been established in Uzbekistan. In Kazakhstan, there are also prerequisites for the creation of an authorized body in the field of gender policy, which will allow to comprehensively address the issues of strengthening gender equality and protecting women's rights.

      In Australia, a Minister for women's affairs, a Minister for family and social services are appointed, and an Agency for gender equality in the workplace has been established.

Section 4. Vision of development of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Further implementation of the state family and gender policy will be carried out in accordance with the goals and directions of the country's development set by the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", the national priorities of the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025.

      The state gender policy is guided by the goals outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, including the 5th Sustainable Development Goal "Ensuring gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls".

      Vision of the development of family policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Strengthening the institution of the family and traditional family values is the ideological basis of the state family policy.

      The state family policy will be aimed at the continuity of generations, the preservation of the cultural code of the nation with the harmonious interaction of all family members and prevention of discrimination and violence in it. Such a policy will contribute to the growth of functional families in which all members are mutually responsible for each other, the individual characteristics of each family member are respected, mutual support and assistance are provided.

      The focus on the formation of a conscious approach to parenting among Kazakhstanis and an attitude towards involved fatherhood will help strengthen child-parent emotional ties and strengthen the role of the father in raising children, reduce the number of single-parent families.

      The number of cases of domestic violence will decrease: improving the system of interdepartmental interaction in countering domestic violence will not only reduce the number of cases of violence that have arisen in families for the first time, but also minimize the likelihood of repeated cases.

      Special attention should be paid to countering domestic violence against children. A home for every child should be a safe place where he is surrounded by love and care.

      Special attention should be paid to helping vulnerable families: families with children and parents with special needs, low-income families, large families and other categories of families in need of additional state support.

      With regard to divorces, family policy will focus not only on reducing the number of divorce proceedings, but also on overcoming negative consequences for spouses and their children (psychological, economic, social). Thus, the risks of traumatic consequences of divorce for all family members will be reduced.

      The awareness of the population on reproductive health issues will increase by involving Kazakhstanis, especially young people, in preventive and informational activities.

      Equal conditions will be created to preserve the health of women and men, to ensure equal access to the health care system. Priority will be given to promoting a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, an active lifestyle, sports and physical education.

      Vision of the development of gender policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      The implementation of gender policy is aimed at ensuring equal rights and equal access of women and men to resources and opportunities.

      At the moment, the list of prohibited professions for women has been canceled, which will further contribute to the elimination of restrictions on women's choice of professions at their personal discretion. In the future, this will not only allow women to realize their potential in previously inaccessible professions, but will also provide a motivational incentive for new achievements and career growth in various fields. It can also help to reduce the imbalance in labor-deficient industries.

      An increase in the proportion of women in executive, representative and judicial authorities, in all sectors of the economy at the decision-making level will expand the economic and political rights and opportunities of women.

      Women's economic activity will increase through the provision of advisory services to novice women entrepreneurs. Special attention will be paid to stimulating women's entrepreneurship in rural areas.

      The development of gender budgeting will increase the efficiency of budget spending while ensuring gender balance. Gender-sensitive budgeting will enhance transparency and efforts to ensure gender equality and empower women.

      The introduction of a proactive approach to the promotion of gender equality in Kazakhstan within the framework of the state policy and the "Hearing State" Concept will ensure the high efficiency of the tripartite interaction of the state, business and civil society in this direction.

Section 5. Basic principles and approaches to development of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Basic principles and approaches in the formation of family policy

      At the present stage of development of Kazakhstan as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, which recognizes the principles and values of spiritual and moral traditions of other nationalities, it is important to define the principles and approaches of family policy.

      The institution of the family in Kazakhstan society is formed not only under the influence of its own socio-cultural, economic and political conditions, but also under the influence of a number of external factors typical for the information society era.

      The family is not only the most important group that accompanies the entire life cycle of a person, but also the basis of stable and sustainable development of society itself and a condition for the well-being of the state. The family has many projections in real life - from moral and spiritual to financial and economic. It performs an overwhelming number of functions related to reproduction, upbringing, versatile socialization, transmission of traditions, preservation of ethno-cultural traditions.

      The family develops work skills, develops certain attitudes to the values of human life in society, lays the foundations of economic thinking, forms a psychological microclimate, which has an educational character.

      Depending on the regional specifics, the "age" of the family, the level of education of the spouses, the attitudes on the structure and size of the family group, parenthood, the professional employment of the spouses, the involvement of family members in public life, the distribution of family functions and responsibilities are determined.

      Kazakhstan's approach involves the creation by the state of conditions for expanding the possibilities of independent development of the family and overcoming difficult life situations by the family. A necessary condition is to build a truly equal relationship between a man and a woman, not only at the public level in the field of labor relations, but also in the private sphere within a single family.

      In modern conditions, both parents should bear the same responsibility for raising children and running a household. At the same time, it is important to preserve positive family traditions and moral and spiritual values that characterize ethno-cultural identity.

      The state family policy of Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen the institution of the family and the well-being of its members, contributes to improving access and quality of social assistance to families with children, single-parent families; creating jobs with equal access and payment of parental leave for both parents (single parents); eradicating poverty through an adequate level of wages, pension payments and social benefits; promotion of the principles of joint responsibility within the family.

      The family policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be implemented on the principles of:

      1) equality of rights, opportunities and obligations of spouses in performance of family functions;

      2) availability of conditions under which the family will be able to independently ensure the desired level of material well-being;

      3) independence of the family in making decisions about their lives;

      4) the responsibility of the family, the common and equal responsibility of both parents for the upbringing, education and development of the personality of the child (children) and preservation of the health of each family member;

      5) partnerships of the family, society and the state;

      6) targeting and inclusiveness in implementation of the state family policy, taking into account the needs of families;

      7) zero tolerance for all types of domestic violence;

      8) priority of national and civic values, intolerance to immoral behavior in society;

      9) the importance of preparing young people for family life and strengthening positive family values;

      10) joint responsibility of the state, employers and citizens for preservation and strengthening of individual and public health;

      11) protection of the rights and interests of each child;

      12) ensuring social equality in provision of assistance and support to families and their members.

      The formation of an effective system of family health protection, the improvement of the system of family upbringing, education and leisure, the development of the system of social services for families with children will be the main priorities of the family policy in the medium and long term.

      The Concept in the field of family policy will be implemented within the framework of the following main approaches:

      Strengthening the institution of the family through the formation of family relations based on equal partnership between men and women, equal sharing of parental responsibility for the upbringing, education and development of children, care and support of the elderly

      The issues of a positive image of the family and marriage, family education will become one of the main directions of the state policy.

      Work will be intensified to promote family values and traditions, preserve the continuity of generations through the organization of cultural and educational, cultural events, the expansion of information and propaganda activities with coverage of the results of this work through the media (hereinafter - the media).

      Information and educational events will be held with young people on family planning and informed parenthood issues.

      Work will continue to study the problems of family policy in order to conduct multifaceted studies of the situation of the family in Kazakhstan with the definition of prospects and directions of development.

      In order to reduce the number of divorces and dysfunctional families, it is planned to introduce courses on the basics of family relationships before marriage registration.

      In order to resolve family conflicts and overcome the negative consequences of divorce proceedings, family support centers will hold consultations for spouses with psychologists, lawyers and social workers.

      Mediation services and socio-psychological support for families in conflict or difficult life situations will be developed. The issue of introducing the institute of psychologists-mediators will be considered.

      Activities aimed at developing the institution of conscious fatherhood, increasing the positive role of fathers in the upbringing of children with the involvement of psychologists and the public in all regions of the country will continue.

      In the educational process of educational organizations, family values and the importance of the institution of the family will be promoted.

      Work will be organized to promote positive family values and traditions, preserve the continuity of generations in kindergartens, schools and universities through the creation and introduction of special class hours for family education, instilling high spiritual and moral values.

      Work will continue to improve the qualifications of teaching staff on issues of universal values (including family and gender policy) within the curricula of moral and spiritual education and the academic subject "Self-knowledge".

      New forms of constructive cooperation with the non-governmental sector, involvement of civil society in the implementation of family policy, professional assistance to families, strengthening family values among young people will be introduced.

      Information work on the formation of equal participation of parents in the upbringing and socialization of children will be carried out in family support centers, social networks and the media.

      Within the framework of the envisaged state social order, the activities of non-governmental organizations in the field of providing professional assistance to families (family resource support, crisis centers, helplines, etc.) will be intensified.

      Increasing the availability and targeting of state social support to families

      The expansion of family support services will be accompanied by further measures aimed at reducing poverty and social disadvantage in families.

      An integrated model of the provision of social services and social assistance aimed at the prevention of social ill-being will be developed. Within its framework, a mechanism will be developed to coordinate the activities of social workers in the education, health and social protection systems, and other areas, which will allow to comprehensively identify the needs of the family and provide social services to citizens in need through a "one window". In order to provide proactive comprehensive support measures to families in difficult life situations, the issue of developing a digital family map will be worked out.

      Work will continue to improve the mechanism for obtaining and exchanging reliable and complete information about recipients and the amount of social assistance provided by the state.

      Taking into account the gender aspect, it is planned to improve labor legislation, which provides for the definition of the right of single parents to a remote work format and a reduced employment regime.

      Various programs aimed at increasing the knowledge of families and professionals working with the population, including children, about various types of violence will be developed.

      Measures will be taken to create conditions for the self-fulfillment of the younger generation through the expansion of opportunities in choosing their professional path, achieving personal success regardless of material level and social status.

      Creating conditions for reproductive health protection and eliminating gender gaps in life expectancy

      The preservation of the reproductive health of men and women, the health of children and youth, the protection of motherhood and childhood will become the priorities in the work of the state bodies and non-governmental organizations.

      In order to solve infertility problems, new methods of infertility treatment with the use of modern technologies will be continued.

      The coverage of men and women, including adolescents, with the services of reproductive health specialists will be expanded. The work of offices for protection of reproductive health, including for young people (family planning offices), will continue in each outpatient polyclinic organization.

      Measures will continue to prevent and reduce the number of cases of artificial termination of pregnancy, to ensure the availability of safe motherhood methods for the population and the birth of healthy children through counseling and training of the population and medical workers.

      Measures will be implemented to improve medical, social and psychological support for women during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of a child, the introduction of new forms of work in preparation for parenthood, childbirth and breastfeeding.

      The activities of youth health centers, health schools will provide access to information in the field of reproductive health and family planning.

      The awareness of the population on reproductive health issues will be improved through active involvement in preventive measures and information coverage.

      Prevention of violence in the family and against children

      The fight against violence is defined as one of the priority state tasks in the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the goals of sustainable development is to significantly reduce the prevalence of all forms of violence, which requires more constructive and clear public policy measures in this area.

      Mechanisms and tools for monitoring the implementation of legislation prohibiting violence against children in the family, school, and closed institutions will be developed.

      A set of measures will be taken to develop a unified algorithm of operational actions of officials of subjects of prevention (health, education and social services organizations) when victims of domestic violence contact them.

      Thus, the issue of improving the system of violence prevention will be considered by creating the mechanisms for identifying victims of violence, identifying them and redirecting them to qualified specialists in crisis centers that will be developed in the state and non-state sectors.

      Work will be carried out to improve the system of accounting for domestic violence, systematization and placement of statistical information on domestic violence in open sources by severity in the context of age groups and gender.

      Work will continue on the development of a system of assistance to victims of violence, the organization of appropriate psychocorrection programs, trainings, psychological consultations for persons who have come to the attention of law enforcement agencies or have been brought to responsibility for harming family members.

      Public organizations (councils of fathers, mothers, elders, public councils) will be involved in explanatory work among representatives of religious institutions about the inadmissibility and prevention of violence, as well as early marriages.

      As part of the implementation of the state social order, NGOs will be involved in the search, testing of social innovations and providing anti-crisis services to families, as well as facilitating access to justice for victims of discrimination and violence.

      Within the framework of family support centers, consulting work will be carried out with victims of domestic violence, and temporary accommodation will be provided for victims and their children.

      Awareness and knowledge of families and professionals working with children about various types of violence will be increased through the development of various programs on positive parenting and child safety.

      Through mass media, social networks, social advertising, the general awareness of the population about the current state measures for prevention of domestic violence will be increased.

      Measures will be taken to improve the system of interdepartmental interaction in the prevention and counteraction of domestic violence, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, which will not only reduce the number of cases of violence that have arisen in families for the first time, but also minimize the likelihood of repeated cases.

      Basic principles and approaches in the formation of gender policy

      The modern state policy of Kazakhstan, aimed at achieving equality of women and men in society, is aimed at overcoming all forms and manifestations of gender discrimination, creating political prerequisites and necessary social conditions for the fullest realization of the abilities of women and men in all spheres of work, public and personal life.

      As world practice shows, the effectiveness of the implementation of gender policy directly depends on the early perception by the younger generation of the propagandized ideology, behavioral stereotypes, and spiritual values.

      Thus, the quality of education of the younger generation largely depends on their worldview and attitude to state policy in various spheres of public life.

      Empowering both women and men to maximize the promotion of a more inclusive and sustainable development of society requires a clear comprehensive vision of gender equality in society.

      It is quite obvious that the logical link in the implementation of an integrated gender approach should be to increase the competence of representatives of government structures, the private and civil sector in matters of gender equality, expertise and evaluation.

      The gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be implemented on the principles of:

      1) ensuring equal enjoyment of all economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights regardless of gender;

      2) non-discrimination on the basis of sex;

      3) formation of gender identity and elimination of gender stereotypes and prejudices in society;

      4) zero tolerance for any manifestations of gender-based violence;

      5) equal participation of representatives of both sexes in all efforts to maintain security and promote peace.

      The Concept in the field of gender policy will be implemented within the framework of the following main approaches:

      Strengthening the institution of gender equality

      The conditions of gender equality in state bodies, provided by the heads of state bodies, will be one of the criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of state bodies.

      There will be continuous monitoring of the observance of equal rights and opportunities of civil servants of different sexes for career growth and promotion.

      An authorized body will be identified to provide leadership and inter-sectoral coordination in the field of gender policy, and the institutional framework of the National commission for women's affairs and family and demographic policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be improved. The issue of creating an institutional framework for gender policy at the local level will also be worked out.

      The issues of integration of gender approaches into the system of state and budget planning will be considered, the developed gender approaches will be taken into account in the development of regulatory legal acts aimed at ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women.

      The authorized body in the field of statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan will expand the coverage of industries to ensure gender indicators by gender.

      The issues of introducing gender budgeting in the formation of budgets will be considered.

      Together with the Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, continuous training of civil servants on gender-oriented budgeting will be provided.

      International cooperation will be strengthened through the constant exchange of knowledge, accumulated experience and positive practices in the field of gender equality initiatives in public life.

      Economic and political empowerment of women

      In order to fully utilize the labor and professional and creative potential of women, conditions will be created for equal access of representatives of both sexes to the labor market, financial and other resources.

      The forecast of economic activity of the population will be compiled taking into account the gender specifics of individual regions and sectors of production, as well as poverty monitoring data.

      For the development of women's entrepreneurship, the opening of women's entrepreneurship support centers throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan will continue, which will provide services for informing and attracting funding under existing programs; organization of an assessment of the current state of women's business; creation of a network of women entrepreneurs and women's institutions; financial/business literacy training.

      Conditions will be created for wider involvement of women in innovative, infrastructural and high-tech state projects and programs. Women's business will be developed in the sector of modern and innovative services: communication and digital services, entertainment, tourism, etc.

      When allocating financial resources for implementation of state measures to support entrepreneurship, the gender aspect will be taken into account.

      On a regular basis, an analysis of the availability of social services and state support for SMEs in the gender aspect by place of residence, age, disability and property status will be carried out.

      In order to support entrepreneurial initiatives, the educational programs for the development of entrepreneurship among the population, including for current and novice women entrepreneurs, will be implemented. Special attention will be paid to the support of women's entrepreneurship in rural areas. The introduction of the institute of mentoring and the popularization of successful business projects of women entrepreneurs will contribute to the expansion of entrepreneurial competencies.

      A map will be developed to assess the gender needs and needs of rural territories and single-industry towns in the field of employment and access to basic social services, gender needs and needs of rural territories and single-industry towns will be integrated into the lists of priority areas of small business support.

      A project will be implemented to ensure gender equality and empower all women and girls in Kazakhstan, one of the directions of which is the development of women's economic activity.

      In all regions of the country, women living in rural areas and women from vulnerable groups will be trained in skills in demand on the labor market in order to further self-fulfillment and to increase economic opportunities.

      The issue of professional development of women on maternity leave will be worked out in order to preserve their working skills and accelerate the process of adaptation to the labor market after the maternity leave.

      Among the priorities of the state policy is ensuring the representation of women involved in decision-making processes in executive, representative and judicial authorities, state, quasi-state and corporate sectors at a level of at least 30%.

      Social projects will be implemented to increase the role of women in the socio-political life of the country.

      Purposeful work will be carried out to actively involve the private, corporate, quasi-public sector in the implementation of programs and projects for the development of gender equality.

      Special attention will be paid to the political empowerment of women and the development of women's leadership through training sessions.

      Information and explanatory work will be carried out to overcome negative stereotypes and attitudes about the role of women in politics.

      Prevention of violence against women

      The system of collecting and analyzing statistical information on gender-based violence, as well as monitoring and reporting mechanisms on cases of gender discrimination and violence will be improved.

      A system of interdepartmental response to gender-based violence will be developed and implemented through coordinated actions between the health, social protection and law enforcement sectors.

      Unified approaches will be developed to ensure effective access to justice for victims of sexual violence and other types of gender-based violence, as well as to provide state-guaranteed social, legal and other assistance.

      Prosecutor's offices, with the involvement of NGOs, will regularly conduct monitoring visits to penitentiary institutions for sexual harassment and violence, as well as inspection of the conditions of women's detention in places of deprivation of liberty.

      Instructions will be developed and a comprehensive education will be introduced in the system of social and penitentiary institutions on procedures for protecting the rights of girls and women to live without discrimination and violence.

      Measures will be taken to fulfill Kazakhstan's obligations within the framework of the Coalition of actions to combat gender-based violence, the Coalition of actions for economic justice and rights.

      Promotion of gender education

      The indispensable conditions for establishing equality between men and women are the presence of a gender worldview and its influence on the processes of building social ties and relationships. In order to promote the ideology of gender equality, a developed system of gender education and public education will operate, which will cover all age categories, starting from childhood.

      Measures aimed at eliminating gender stereotypes and prejudices will be of key importance. Taking into account the value-based nature of gender equality, a special role in this process will belong to the education system. In this regard, gender content will be included in all discourses of scientific, professional and public communities to discuss modern approaches in education.

      Lectures on gender equality will be introduced into the teachers' professional development system. This approach will not only improve the quality of educational content, but also introduce the principles of gender equality into the educational process at the level of practices and behaviors of teachers and students.

      In order to promote gender education on the basis of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, thematic classes, training seminars on the implementation of gender policy within the framework of the training system for civil servants will be held.

      The formation of a gender worldview and the promotion of the ideology of gender equality are impossible without the participation of civil society institutions. Close cooperation between the structures of the non-governmental sector and state bodies aimed at popularizing the ideology of gender equality will contribute to improving the effectiveness of gender policy.

      Increasing women's participation in peace and security

      The participation of women in decision-making on the issues of maintaining peace and security will be ensured.

      The issue of appointing women to the positions of special representatives and envoys with the task of carrying out a goodwill mission by them will be considered.

      In accordance with the legislation, an increase in the proportion of women among the military personnel of peacekeeping contingents (the national contingent of the Republic of Kazakhstan) sent to UN peacekeeping operations will be provided on a voluntary basis.

      The wide use of mediation tools in conflict prevention and resolution will be ensured.

      Regional structures dealing with security issues will consider the possibility of creating advisory bodies from among women activists and human rights defenders.

      In order to prevent gender-based violence in conflict and post-conflict situations, gender training will be conducted and protocols of conduct will be adopted for police, military personnel serving both at home and abroad, including peacekeepers.

Section 6. Target indicators and expected results

      1. The gender gap in life expectancy for men relative to women by 2022 will be 8.2 years, by 2023 - 8 years, by 2024 - 7.8 years, by 2025 - 7.7 years, by 2026 - 7.6 years, by 2027 - 7.5 years, by 2028 - 7.3 years, by 2029 - 7.2 years, by 2030 - 7 years.

      2. The share of dissolved marriages to the total number of registered marriages by 2022 will be 37.1%, by 2023 - 37.0%, by 2024 - 36.3%, by 2025 - 36.0%, by 2026 - 35.5%, by 2027 - 35.0%, by 2028 - 34.5%, by 2029 - 34.0%, by 2030 - 33%.

      3. The rate of artificial termination of pregnancy per 1000 women of reproductive age by 2022 will be 15.3, by 2023 - 15.0, by 2024 - 14.5, by 2025 - 14.0, by 2026 - 13.8, by 2027 - 13.5, by 2028 - 13.3, by 2029 - 13.0, by in 2030 - 12.0.

      4. The number of registered facts of domestic violence against women in 2022 will decrease by 15%, in 2023 by 20%, in 2024 by 24%, in 2025 by 26%, in 2026 by 28%, in 2027 by 30%, in 2028 this year by 35%, in 2029 by 45%, in 2030 by 50%.

      5. The number of registered facts of violence against children in 2022 will decrease by 15%, in 2023 by 20%, in 2024 by 24%, in 2025 by 26%, in 2026 by 28%, in 2027 by 30%, in 2028 by 35%, in by 45% in 2029, by 50% in 2030.

      6. The gender gap in the average salary of women relative to men in 2022 will be 24.0%, in 2023 - 23.0%, in 2024 - 22.7%, in 2025 - 22.4%, in 2026 - 22.1%, in 2027 - 22.0%, in 2028 - 21.5%, in 2029, 21.3%, in 2030 - 21.0%.

      7. The share of women relative to men owning a tangible asset (property (housing, transport), sole proprietors) will increase by 4% by 2022, by 5% by 2023, by 5.5% by 2024, by 6.0% by 2025, by 6.5% by 2026, by 2027 by 7%, by 2028 by 8.0%, by 2029 by 9.0%, by 2030 by 10%.

      8. The share of women in executive, representative and judicial authorities, public, quasi-public and corporate sectors at the decision-making level by 2022 will be 24.5%, by 2023 - 25.0%, by 2024 - 25.3%, by 2025 - 25.5%, by 2026 - 26.0%, by 2027 by 2028 - 28.0%, by 2029 - 29.0%, by 2030 - 30%.

      9. The share of women in ensuring peace and security by 2022 will be 7.0%, by 2023 - 8.0%, by 2024 - 8.2%, by 2025 - 8.3%, by 2026 - 8.4%, by 2027 - 8.5%, by 2028 - 9.0%, by 2029 - 9.5%, by 2030 - 10.0%.

      Expected results:

      By 2030, the following results will be achieved:

      1. The awareness of the population in the field of reproductive health will increase.

      2. The share of fathers involved in the process of raising children will increase.

      3. The efficiency of identifying and providing assistance to families who find themselves in a difficult life situation will increase

      4. The number of repeated cases of domestic violence will decrease.

      5. Financial literacy of women in the field of entrepreneurship will increase.

      6. The proportion of women involved in decision-making processes in executive, representative and judicial authorities, state, quasi-public and corporate sectors will increase.

      7. The coverage of the population with measures to strengthen the institution of the family and gender equality will increase.

Section 7. Action plan for implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

      The Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 will be implemented according to the Action Plan for implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 according to the annex to this Concept.

to the Concept of family and gender policy
in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

for implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

      Footnote. Appendix as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 15.09.2022 № 1013; dated 13.04.2023 № 195 (shall be enforced from the date of its first official publication).

Name of reforms/main activities

Completion form

Completion date

Executive in charge






1. Strengthening the institution of the family through the formation of family relations based on equal partnership between men and women, equal sharing of parental responsibility for the upbringing, education and development of children, care and support for the elderly. Increasing the availability and targeting of state social support to families

Indicator: the share of divorces to the total number of registered marriages by 2022 will be 37.1%, by 2023 - 37.0%, by 2024 - 36.3%, by 2025 - 36.0%, by 2026 - 35.5%, by 2027 - 35.0%, by 2028 - 34.5%, by 2029 - 34.0%, by 2030 - 33%


Preparation of the National Report "Kazakh Families - 2022"

Presentation at the meeting of the NCWAFDP

December 2022

Ministry of Information and Public Development of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development (by agreement)


Carrying out activities to support and develop the institute of conscious fatherhood

Educational trainings, videos, contests

December, 2022-2030



Conducting national competition "Mereily otbasy"

Information at the NCWAFDP

September, 2022-2030



Conducting class hours on family education in all schools of the country



Ministry of Enlightenment of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LEB


Conducting preparatory courses for newlyweds on family creation within the framework of the project "Institutionalization of measures to strengthen family values among young people"

trainings, videos, promotions

December, 2022-2024



Implementation of the project on the organization of the family resource support centers at the family courts "Bakytty otbasy"

Organization of the centers' activities, consultations

During 2022



Implementation of the project "Financial literacy begins in the family"


During 2022



Formation of a pool of experts, speakers, as well as representatives from among exemplary families to engage in the implementation of family and gender policy

The list of experts

July, 2022-2030

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Enlightenment of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ministry of Healthcare, LEB


Organization of information support for the implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 within the framework of the unified republican media plan

Information at the NCWAFDP

December, 2022-2030



Placement of a state social order for NGOs aimed at providing professional assistance to families (family resource support, crisis centers, etc.), strengthening the institution of marriage and family, as well as promoting gender equality


December, 2022-2030



Monitoring the progress of the state social order aimed at the implementation of the state family and gender policy

Information at the NCWAFDP

January, July, 2022-2030



Monitoring of well-being in the regions after the development of a digital family map to provide comprehensive assistance to low-income families

Information at the NCWAFDP

December, 2025-2030

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Enlightenment of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Internal Affairs, MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, LEB


Implementation of a set of measures to support families with children in difficult life situations

training, consultations

December, 2022-2024

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Internal Affairs, LEB


Involvement of the boards of trustees of educational organizations in the prevention of family problems


December, 2022-2030

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LEB


Implementation of measures for the development of mediation services and socio-psychological support of a family in a conflict or difficult life situation


December, 2022-2030



Organization of events aimed at recreation for the elderly, single elderly persons


December, 2022-2030



Development of methodological recommendations to raise awareness of couples entering into marriage on the preservation of positive family traditions and spiritual and moral values, family planning and reproductive health of men and women

Methodological recommendations

IV quarter of 2022

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, the structure "UN - women" in Kazakhstan (by agreement), UNFPA (by agreement)


Amendments to the legislation providing for the definition of the right of single parents to a remote work format and a reduced employment regime

Draft Law

October 2022

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs

2. Creation of conditions for reproductive health protection and eliminating gender gaps in life expectancy

Indicators: the gender gap in life expectancy for men relative to women by 2022 will be 8.2 years, by 2023 - 8 years, by 2024 - 7.8 years, by 2025 - 7.7 years, by 2026 - 7.6 years, by 2027 - 7.5 years, by 2028 - 7.3 years, by 2029 - 7.2 years, by 2030 - 7 years; the rate of artificial termination of pregnancy per 1000 women of reproductive age by 2022 will be 15.3, by 2023 - 15.0, by 2024 - 14.5, by 2025 - 14.0, by 2026 - 13.8, by 2027 - 13.5, by 2028 - 13.3, by 2029 - 13.0, by 2030 - 12.0.


Strengthening of information and explanatory work among adolescents and young people on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, reproductive health, including prevention of early sexual activity, family planning, use of contraceptives, prevention of unwanted pregnancy

Information at the Ministry of Healthcare

December, 2022-2030



Provision of medical and psychological assistance, advisory support provided by youth health centers to adolescents and youth, with the active involvement of patients themselves, parents of adolescents or other legal representatives

Information at the Ministry of Healthcare

December, 2022-2030



Consulting of adolescents and youth in schools, colleges, universities with the involvement of UNFPA experts on reproductive health, prevention of unwanted pregnancy

Information at the Ministry of Healthcare

December, 2022-2030

LEB, UNFPA (by agreement)


Carrying out activities to support women during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of a child, in preparation for parenthood, childbirth and breastfeeding

Information at the Ministry of Healthcare

December, 2024-2030



Involvement of volunteer organizations, councils of elders, fathers, mothers in the socialization of children and youth with disabilities on the principle of "we will not leave anyone without attention", including those home-schooled (with special needs)


December, 2022-2030



Implementation of the project "Social and psychological support for families with disabled children and children with disabilities"

Support service

During 2022



Carrying out activities for the moral and psychological support of seriously ill children within the framework of the "Armandar oryndalady" campaign


During 2022



Phased opening of centers (departments) of medical socio-pedagogical rehabilitation for children with special needs


December, 2022-2030



Ensuring maximum coverage of children from poor families, including those living in rural areas, with additional education, sports clubs and sections. Consideration of the possibility of visiting them on preferential terms


December, 2022-2030

LEB, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, Ministry of Culture and Sports

3. Prevention of domestic violence against children and women

Indicators: the number of registered facts of domestic violence against women in 2022 will decrease by 15%, in 2023 by 20%, in 2024 by 24%, in 2025 by 26%, in 2026 by 28%, in 2027 by 30%, in 2028 by 35%, in 2029 by 45%, in 2030 by 50%; the number of registered facts of violence against children in 2022 will decrease by 15%, in 2023 by 20%, in 2024 by 24%, in 2025 by 26%, in 2026 by 28%, in 2027 by 30%, in 2028 by 35%, in 2029 by 45%, in 2030 by 50%


Implementation of the project "Kazakhstan without domestic violence"


December, 2022-2030



Implementation of measures for prevention of domestic violence within the framework of the project "Formation of values of a strong family among youth"

trainings, consultations, videos

During 2022



Creation of family support centers in each town and district, resolution of family conflicts and provision of temporary accommodation for women with children

family support centers

December, 2022-2025

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, LEB


Taking measures to fulfill Kazakhstan's obligations within the framework of the Coalition of actions to combat gender-based violence, economic justice and rights

Preparation and submission of an interim country report to the Coalition Secretariat

December, 2022-2023

NCWAFDP, MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NCE "Atameken" (by agreement), structure "UN - women" in Kazakhstan (by agreement)


Carrying out preventive measures aimed at ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of victims of domestic violence


December, 2022-2030

Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LEB

4. Strengthening the institution of gender equality. Economic and political empowerment of women

Indicators: the share of women relative to men owning a tangible asset (property (housing, transport), sole proprietors) will increase by 4% by 2022, by 5% by 2023, by 5.5% by 2024, by 6.0% by 2025, by 6.5% by 2026, by 2027 by 7%, by 2028 by 8.0%, by 2029 by 9.0%, by 2030 by 10%; the gender gap in the average salary of women relative to men in 2022 will be 24.0%, in 2023 - 23.0%, in 2024 - 22.7%, in 2025 - 22.4%, in 2026 - 22.1%, in 2027 - 22.0%, in 2028 - 21.5%, in 2029 - 21.3%, in 2030 - 21.0%; the share of women in executive, representative and judicial authorities, public, quasi-public and corporate sectors at the decision-making level will be 24.5% by 2022, 25.0% by 2023, 25.3% by 2024, 25.5% by 2025, 26.0% by 2026, and 2027 - 27.0%, by 2028 - 28.0%, by 2029 - 29.0%, by 2030 - 30%


Development of approaches for introduction of gender budgeting in the framework of the implementation of the Concept of family and gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030

Information at the NCWAFDP

IV quarter of 2022

Ministry of National Economy, Ministry of Finance


Implementation of a pilot project to test approaches to introduction of gender budgeting

Pilot project, information at the NCWAFDP

During 2022

Ministry of National Economy, Ministry of Finance, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE


Development of a map of gender needs and needs in the context of regions, cities and districts in terms of employment, access to basic social services, various measures of state support

A map of gender needs

December, 2022-2025



Conducting a sociological study on the topic: "Gender policy in modern Kazakh society"

Analytical report

IV quarter of 2022

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development (by agreement)


Making recommendations to expand the range of gender indicators in the system of state statistics

Information at the NCWAFDP

IV quarter of 2022

Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Carrying out a functional analysis to determine the authorized body in the field of gender policy

Information at the NCWAFDP

IV quarter of 2025

Ministry of National Economy


Conducting gender expertise of educational materials and providing specific recommendations and proposals for inclusion of gender equality issues in educational programs


IV quarter of 2022



Carrying out purposeful work on active involvement of private, corporate, quasi-public sector in implementation of programs and projects to support the institution of family, development of gender equality

Joint projects

December, 2022-2030

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, LEB


Implementation of the joint project "Assistance to Kazakhstan in implementing the Concept of family and gender policy in terms of ensuring gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls in Kazakhstan and overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis"

Joint project

December, 2022-2024

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, structure "UN – women" in Kazakhstan (by agreement)


Implementation of social projects to increase the role of women in socio-political life of the country, creation of equal opportunities for self-fulfillment

Social projects

December, 2022-2025



Provision of information and consulting services on measures of financial and non-financial support of entrepreneurship to SMEs operating in all sectors of the economy, including women entrepreneurs


December, 2022-2025

Ministry of National Economy, NCE "Atameken" (by agreement)


Provision of information on appointment of women and men to senior positions in public, quasi-public and corporate sectors

Information at the NCWAFDP

December, 2022-2030

MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5. Promoting gender education and increasing women's participation in peace and security

Indicator: the share of women in ensuring peace and security will be 7.0% by 2022, 8.0% by 2023, 8.2% by 2024, 8.3% by 2025, 8.4% by 2026, 8.5% by 2027, 9.0% by 2028, by 2029 - 9.5%, by 2030 - 10.0%.


Conducting thematic classes, training seminars on the implementation of gender policy within the framework of the training system for civil servants

approved training schedules

December, 2022-2030

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (by agreement), central government agencies, LEB


Conducting thematic theatrical productions on the implementation of gender policy


December, 2023-2030

Ministry of Culture and Sports


Training and sending women to the security sector of the UN peacekeeping mission


December, 2022-2030

Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Providing analytical information on the number of women working and serving in the field of defense and security, courts and law enforcement, as well as the appointment of women to leadership positions


December, 2022-2030

Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court (by agreement)

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