Unofficial translation
To be published in Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
In accordance with subparagraph 20) of Article 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the attached:
1) Regulation on the National council of public trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) Composition of the National council of public trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Control over implementation of this Decree shall be assigned to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This Decree shall be entered into force from the date of signing.
President | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan | K. Tokayev |
APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 17, 2019 № 63 |
on the National council of public trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. The National council of public trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the National council) shall be a consultative and advisory body under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The main goal of the National Council activity is to develop the proposals and recommendations on topical issues of state policy based on a broad discussion with representatives of the public, political parties, civil society.
3. The National council shall be guided in its activities by the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, as well as by this Regulation.
2. Main tasks of the National council
4. Main tasks of the National council shall be:
conducting a public expertise of draft concepts, state programs and regulatory legal acts;
consideration of significant strategic issues, taking into account the views of the public and civil society;
ensuring a constructive dialogue between representatives of the public, political parties, the non-governmental sector and state bodies;
carrying out other activities within its competence that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Composition of the National council
5. The National Council shall consist of the Chairman of the National Council, his deputy and members.
Footnote. Paragraph 5 – as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.6. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Chairman of the National council (hereinafter - the Chairman).
7. The Chairman shall:
carry out general management of the National council activity;
determine the venue and time of meetings of the National council;
shall give instructions to the Deputy Chairman and members of the National Council.
Footnote. Paragraph 7 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.8. The composition of the National Council shall be formed from a number of well-known government and public figures, representatives of political parties, and the non-governmental sector.
The Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be a member of the National Council ex officio and shall be the deputy chairman of the National Council.
The composition of the National Council shall be approved by the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Footnote. Paragraph 8 – as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.9. By the decisions of the National council, working groups may be created for certain areas of the society development.
Working groups are formed from the composition of the National council.
10. Members of the National council shall have the right to:
make proposals on the work plan of the National council, the agenda of its meetings and the procedure for discussing issues;
participate in the preparation of materials for meetings of the National council, drafts of its decisions;
take part in the discussion and clarification of issues in the society considered at a meeting of the National council.
Members of the National council have certificates of a member of the National council of public trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed by the Head of state.
Footnote. Paragraph 10 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.11. Deputy Chairman of the National Council
ensure the development of the draft of work plan of the National council;
form a draft of agenda for its meetings;
organize preparation of materials for meetings of the National council, as well as drafts of protocol decisions;
notify the members of the National council about the venue, time and agenda of the next meeting of the National council, timely provide them with necessary materials;
engage experts, scientists and specialists in the prescribed manner for implementation of certain types of works;
hold offsite consultative meetings in the regions;
carry out other powers on behalf of the Chairman.
Footnote. Paragraph 11 as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.4. Organization of activity the National council
12. Meetings of the National council shall be held as needed, but at least three times a year.
Meetings of the National council shall be divided into general plenary and thematic.
A meeting of the National Council shall be competent if attended by at least half of the total number of its members.
13. Excluded by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.02.2022 № 806.14. Decisions of the National council shall be formalized in minutes signed by the Chairman.
15. State bodies, as well as public associations that have received recommendations from the National council shall consider them and notify the National council of the decisions made in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
16. Topical issues of state policy discussed by the National council and decisions taken at meetings of the National council shall be brought to the attention of the public through the mass media, and also posted on the Internet.
17. By decision of the Chairman, officials who are not members of the National council, as well as representatives of public organizations and the mass media may be invited to meetings of the National council.
5. Ensuring the activity of the National council
18. The working body of the National council is the corresponding structural division of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
19. The working body of the National council shall:
carry out information and analytical support for the activity of the National council;
request and receive information, documents and materials from state bodies and organizations necessary to perform the assigned tasks;
carry out coordination of activities of working groups; control over implementation of decisions made by the National council;
exercise other powers necessary to ensure the activities of the National council.
APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 17, 2019 № 63 |