On approval of the Rules of activity of military, special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 13, 2016 No. 23. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 19, 2016 No. 13141.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 3) of article 5-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007, I hereby ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Rules of activity of military, special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. The Human Resources department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (A.U. Abdigaliyev) shall:

      1) provide the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, direct it for official publication in periodicals and the information and legal system Adіlet;

      3) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, direct it to the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management "Republican Legal Information Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for placement in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      5) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, report to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph.

      3. Invalidate order No. 331 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Rules of activity of educational organizations of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 9, 2014 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 9594, published in the newspaper Yuridicheskaya Gazeta) of September 3, 2014 No. 130 (2698) and September 4, 2014 No. 132 (2700)).

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Police Lieutenant General, M.G. Demeuov

      5. This order shall take effect upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Police Colonel General K. Kassymov

by order No.23
of the Minister of Internal Affairs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated January 13, 2016

of activity of military, special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Chapter 1. General Provisions

      Footnote. The heading of Chapter 1 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. These Rules of activity of military, special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007 (hereinafter - the Law On Education).

      2. The Rules establish the activity order of military, special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the MIA educational institutions), which includes organization of:

      management of activities;

      educational activities;

      nurturing work;

      research, editorial-publishing and international activities of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

      3. The following concepts shall be used in the Rules:

      1) military universities – the MIA educational institutions that implement educational programmes of higher and supplementary education for the National Guard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - the MIA) of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) students - cadets, trainees (foreign including), undergraduates, doctoral students, candidates for service in the Departments of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - DIA) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking special initial training courses;

      3) universities – MIA educational institutions that implement educational programmes of higher, postgraduate and advanced education, as well as special initial training of candidates for the DIA service (if any);

      4) university department (chair) – an academic structural unit of a university, carrying out academic, learning guidance and research work in one or more related disciplines, nurturing work among students;

      5) the faculty (institute) - the main educational, scientific structural unit of the university, which provides training in one or more related specialties in full-time, part-time forms of education, supervises the research activities of departments and laboratories related to the specialties of the faculty (institute), as well as special initial training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

      6) cycle - an educational structural unit of the MIA Training Center, carrying out teaching, methodological work in one or more related disciplines, nurturing work among students;

      7) MIA Academy - an educational institution of the MIA that implements educational programmes of higher, postgraduate and further education, as well as special initial training of candidates for service in the DIA (if any);

      8) MIA Institute - an educational institution of the MIA that implements educational programmes of higher and additional education, as well as special initial training of candidates for service in the DIA (if any);

      9) the MIA training center - an educational institution of the MIA that implements educational programmes of additional education, as well as special initial training of candidates for service in the DIA (hereinafter - the Training Center).

      4. The standard structure and staffing of educational institutions shall be approved by the MIA.

Chapter 2. The procedure for organizing the management of the activities of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

      Footnote. The heading of Chapter 2 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      Paragraph 1. Organization of university activity management

      5. Management of the university shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules, and also the university regulations.

      6. The direct management of the university shall be performed by the head of the university, appointed and dismissed by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Minister). Deputy heads of the university shall be appointed and dismissed by the order of the Minister on the recommendation of the head of the university (in military universities, the head, deputy heads are appointed and dismissed by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

      7. In universities, governing boards shall be established. The governing board shall include the academic council, education and methodology board, as well as the bodies established by the university charter to address problems and perform the functions of the university efficiently.

      8. The composition and number of the members, activities of the governing boards of the university shall be set by universities.

      9. The university consists of structural units: faculties (institutes), departments, offices, as well as centers, laboratories, units, if any.

      10. The structural units of the university shall base their activities on these Rules, the university charter, regulations on the respective structural units of the university, the annual work plan developed for the academic year.

      11. The head of the university shall approve the regulations on structural units, which establish their main activity areas, and official responsibilities of the staff (workers).

      12. The work of the faculty (institute) shall be supervised by the head of the faculty (institute) appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the university in agreement with the MIA.

      13. Department shall be established in the presence of at least 7 full-time faculty instructors of the department profile.

      The staff of the department shall include the head of the department, deputy, professors, associate professors, senior instructors, instructors, teaching and support staff.

      14. Proceeding from the content of the fixed academic courses in accordance with the standard and working curricula approved in accordance with the Law on Education, the departments are classified as general and special.

      Departments providing training and graduation of specialists are graduate departments.

      15. The work of the department shall be aimed at theoretical and practical training of professionals in accordance with the content of educational programmes of higher and postgraduate education.

      The instructors (staff) of the department shall take advanced training, internship courses at least once every three years.

      16. The number of students in a university shall be established by the state educational order.

      17. Universities shall implement educational programmes in full-time and part-time (except military universities) form of education.

      It shall be allowed to use distance learning educational technologies for part-time studies and supplementary education.

      18. Maximum students’ number per academic group shall be determined in accordance with the state educational order for the training of specialists in higher and postgraduate education.

      The formation of academic flows shall be carried out by the university independently.

      19. To ensure and enhance official discipline, motivate knowledge improvement, fulfillment of the curriculum requirements, the head of the university shall apply measures to encourage and punish students.

      20. Students shall be expelled by the order of the head of the university.

      It shall be allowed to expel students of their own free will, for poor progress, for breaking the official discipline, for health reasons.

      Students who have reached conscription age and are expelled for poor performance, lack of discipline, and also of their own free will, shall be referred to the domicile military authorities to be put on military records.

      Paragraph 2. Organization of activity management of the MIA Training center

      21. The management of the Training Center shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules, and also the Training Center charter.

      22. The direct management of the Training Center shall be carried out by the head of the Training Center, who is appointed and released by the order of the Deputy Minister.

      23. In the Training Center, governing boards shall be established. The governing board shall include the pedagogical council, methodology board and bodies established in accordance with the Training Center charter to address problems and perform the functions of the training center efficiently.

      24. The composition and number of the members, activities of the governing boards of the Training Center shall be determined by the regulations developed by the Training Center.

      25. The structural units of the Training Center shall base their activities on these Rules, the Training Center charter, provisions on the respective structural units of the Training Center, the annual work plan.

      26. The head of the Training Center shall approve the regulations on structural units in which their main activity areas are determined, approve the official duties of the staff (workers).

      27. The cycle shall carry out teaching-methodological and nurturing work in accordance with the annual work plan. The staff of the cycle shall be established proceeding from the scope of work and the average annual teaching load of the teaching faculty, with regard to specifics of the educational process.

      The staff of the cycle shall include the head of the cycle, senior teachers, instructors.

      The teaching faculty members (staff) of the cycle shall take advanced training, internship course at least once every three years.

      28. Students in special initial education courses shall be provided with accommodation in barracks (in a dormitory) and with meals.

      29. To ensure and enhance official discipline, motivate knowledge improvement, fulfillment of the curriculum requirements, the head of the Training Center shall apply measures to encourage and punish students.

      30. Students shall be expelled by the order of the head of the Training Center.

      It shall be allowed to expel students of their own free will, for poor progress, for breaking official discipline, for health reasons.

Chapter 3. Organization of educational activities of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

      Footnote. The heading of Chapter 3 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      Paragraph 1. Organization of educational activity of the universities

      31. In the universities, the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be carried out on curricula different in content and learning terms.

      32. The academic and learning guidance (methodological) work in universities shall be carried out in all structural divisions that implement and coordinate the educational process, training programmes of higher, postgraduate and supplementary education (faculties (institutes), departments), in academic & methodological divisions (educational department, academic process planning department, Training Center).

      33. The direct management of the academic & methodological work of the university shall be performed by the deputy head of the academic work.

      34. The academic & methodological work of the university shall include:

      1) development of the academic calendar, working curricula and syllabi, learning packages of subjects and disciplines;

      2) teaching-methodological support of academic subjects by textbooks, study guides, task collections, comprehensive assignments, manuals on laboratory, control, term papers, guides on learning academic disciplines, as well as materials of current, midterm and final knowledge assessment, final attestation of students in all forms of training;

      3) development of professional internship programmes, as well as recommended practices (guidelines) for writing graduation papers (projects), master's and doctoral dissertations;

      4) development, application of modern educational technologies and teaching strategies enhancing digestion of the course content by students;

      5) teaching-methodological support of students' independent work aimed to develop their ability to search, analyze and formulate the result of activities;

      6) development of programmes on advanced training and retraining of teachers and specialists;

      7) other work pursuant to implementation of academic and methodological activities of the university.

      35. Planning of the content, method of organization and structure of academic & methodological activities shall be carried out by the university on the basis of credit training technology.

      36. The academic year for full-time students at the university shall start in accordance with the working curriculum, from September 1, divided into academic periods (semesters, trimesters, quarters) and end on the dates established by the academic calendar. For the 1st year students the academic year, when conducting camp training, shall start earlier than September 1.

      37. The duration of the academic period is determined by the university independently in accordance with the State mandatory standard of higher and postgraduate education (hereinafter – HPE), approved by the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 № 2 "On approval of State mandatory standards of higher and postgraduate education" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts under № 28916).

      Footnote. Paragraph 37 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.08.2023 № 655 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      38. Examination sessions in the extramural form of study, their periods and number in the academic year shall be established by the academic council of the university. The dates of the courses of special initial training, advanced training and retraining shall be set in accordance with the schedule approved by the order of the Minister.

      39. Introduction of the summer semester shall be allowed (excepting the graduation course) for the formation of additional competencies among students, including the conduct of field training.

      40. Organization of educational activity shall be based on the academic calendar, the schedule of studies.

      41. The structure of educational activity shall be formed on the basis of syllabi and curricula, the academic load volume, duration of academic periods, types of academic studies, and the training content scope.

      42. The syllabi shall be developed by universities in agreement with the relevant MIA services and departments.

      43. The academic calendar, working curricula of the courses and average annual teaching load of the teaching staff shall be approved by the decision of the academic council of the university.

      44. The teaching load of the teaching staff shall be planned in academic hours.

      45. One academic hour of classroom work shall make at least 40 minutes. The exception is laboratory classes, where the academic hour is 100 minutes.

      One academic hour of professional internship, research work of students, the final state attestation of students shall make at least 40 minutes.

      46. ​​The following main types of academic work shall be established in universities: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, consultations, tests, independent work of a student, independent work of a student under a teacher’s guidance, design and graphic work, workshops, all types of exercises, camps, professional practice, academic or scientific internship, term paper (project), graduation paper (project), research work, experimental research work, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation.

      47. The ratio of the volume of credits (hours) between lectures and seminars, practical and laboratory classes shall be determined by the university on its own.

      48. Lecturers holding positions of the head of department, deputy head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, teacher (with practical experience and pedagogical experience in the specialty profile at least 3 years) shall be allowed to deliver lecturers, supervise graduation papers (projects), research work of students.

      Scientists, specialists with practical experience or teaching experience in the specialty profile for at least 3 years shall also be involved in lecturing and conducting other types of training classes.

      49. Academic work shall be divided into classroom work (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, independent work of a student under a teacher’s guidance) and extracurricular, which includes all other types of academic work.

      50. The university shall independently set the forms, methods and means of training, creating the most favorable conditions for students to master the curricula of higher, postgraduate and advanced education.

      51. Distraction of students from studies (including independent work) shall be allowed only on the written permission of the head of the university or his deputy in charge of academic work.

      52. Curricula of higher, postgraduate education shall be developed in accordance with SCES.

      53. Each cycle of disciplines (courses) shall consist of compulsory component, the list and contents of which shall be determined by standard syllabi and standard curricula, as well as disciplines of the university component, the list and contents of which shall be determined by working curricula, programmes (syllabuses).

      54. Learning of a discipline shall be allowed for several academic periods.

      55. Training shall be conducted on the basis of curricula that are common to all the training forms.

      56. Education in the university shall be conducted on shortened curricula with a shortened term of study, which shall be allowed on:

      full-time form for persons with higher education;

      part-time form for persons with technical and vocational, post-secondary or higher education.

      In this case, credits (hours) shall be transferred, and previously mastered disciplines shall be recorded, provided that their volume and the continuity of the curriculum are sufficient. The volume and duration of training shall be determined proceeding from the prerequisites of the student, determined on the basis of the transcript.

      Training on shortened curricula shall be conducted according to the syllabi, approved separately for persons with technical and vocational, post-secondary education, and for persons with higher education.

      Curricula on the higher education basis shall provide only professional training and include cycles of basic and major disciplines, additional types of training, intermediate and final attestation.

      57. Professional internship, research and experimental research work and final attestation of students shall be carried out in accordance with the academic calendar in compliance with the SCES requirements.

      58. The content of the programme developed by the university and the base of professional internship shall be provided in accordance with the profile of the specialty (curriculum).

      59. Relevant MIA units and departments shall be used for professional internships. For professional internship on the basis of the appropriate unit, the conclusion of the agreement shall not be required (except for military universities).

      60. Referral for professional internship shall be formalized by the order of the head of the university.

      Extramural students working in the field of the profession shall be exempted from professional internship. In this event, they shall submit to the university a certificate from the employer (in any form) and a reference reflecting their professional activities.

      61. Academic advising on pre-graduation internship shall be carried out by the graduation paper (project) supervisor.

      62. The research supervisor and the research topic of the undergraduate, doctoral student shall be approved by the order of the head of the university on the basis of the academic council decision.

      63. The research supervisor of the undergraduate and the research advisers of the doctoral candidate shall be appointed from among doctors and candidates of science, doctors of philosophy (PhD) actively pursuing scientific research in the given field of science (on the course profile) and who have the experience of scientific management.

      64. Within the research (experimental research) work, the individual work plan of the undergraduate and doctoral candidate shall provide for a foreign scientific internship.

      65. A graduate student, a doctoral candidate who has not completed the curriculum, shall be expelled by the order of the head of the university and shall be seconded to the previous duty station.

      66. For accounting of passed credits, organizing interim attestation and keeping records of academic achievements of students at a university, a unit shall be established to monitor and control (evaluate) the education quality.

      67. In order to conduct training sessions, organize and conduct professional internships, fellowships, preparation of term papers (projects), dissertations (projects), master's theses and doctoral dissertations, universities shall establish branches of the university departments (cycles) in DIA units corresponding to their profile.

      Paragraph 2. Organization of MIA Training Centers’ educational activity

      68. Enrollment of students in the Training Center for special initial training and the training terms shall be in compliance with order No. 187 of the Minister dated April 26, 2011 “On approval of the Rules of special initial training for persons first admitted to the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan as ordinary, junior and middle commanding officers” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 6978) (hereinafter - Order No. 187).

      69. The Training Center shall organize educational process, select training forms, means and strategies, build the necessary conditions for mastering the curricular.

      70. Direct management of the academic & methodological work of the Training Center shall be performed by the deputy head of the academic work.

      71. The academic & methodological work of the Training Center shall include:

      1) development of the schedule of the educational process, curricula and syllabi;

      2) teaching & methodological support of academic subjects with teachware, task collections, complex assignments, guides on learning disciplines, as well as materials of current and final knowledge assessment;

      3) teaching & methodological support of students' independent work;

      4) other activities pursuant to academic & methodological support of the educational process.

      72. Organization of academic activity shall be based on the timetable of the classes.

      73. The structure of the academic activities shall be formed on the basis of standard curricula and syllabi, scope of the academic load, types of classes, and the training material volume.

      74. Standard curricula shall be developed by the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the specialized services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and approved by the Minister.

      Footnote. Paragraph 74 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      75. The working curricula and plans, the schedule of the educational process, average annual teaching load of the faculty shall be approved by the decision of the pedagogical council of the Training Center.

      When developing curricula, the Training centers shall redistribute the number of hours allotted to learning of the training content on each cycle of disciplines within 20% of the total number of hours of a standard curriculum.

      76. Teaching load of the teaching faculty shall be planned in academic hours, which shall be at least 40 minutes.

      77. The following main types of academic work shall be established in the Training Center: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, independent work of students, preparation and conduct of the final control, all types of exercises.

      78. Academic work shall be divided into classroom (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes) and extramural, which includes all other types of educational work.

      79. The training center shall be independent in the choice of the forms, order and frequency of conducting the current and final performance assessment.

      80. Availability of appropriate classrooms, study rooms, specialized training grounds, shooting ranges, gyms and other supporting facilities shall be a mandatory requirement in the Training Center activities.

      81. Upon completion of special initial training course, advanced training and retraining course, a certificate shall be issued to the trainees in the form in accordance with order No. 187.

Chapter 4. Organization of educational work in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

      Footnote. The heading of Chapter 4 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      82. Nurturing activities of the MIA educational institutions is an integral part of the educational process and shall include:

      1) formation of students' abilities to independently and competently make and implement decisions;

      2) bringing out in students a sense of patriotism, citizenship, internationalism, high moral and ethical standards;

      3) motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle, social activism;

      4) nurturing students’ anti-corruption behavior;

      5) holding thematic events on the profile of the department (faculty (institute)), conducive to students’ personal enrichment, appreciation of the chosen occupation;

      6) conducting career guidance work in secondary schools, technical and vocational education organizations;

      7) activities pursuant to nurturing process tasks.

      83. Nurturing work shall be built on mutual respect for the human dignity of students and faculty and unfailing fulfillment of the university (Training Center) charter requirements.

      84. Nurturing work shall be included in the total workload of the faculty members.

Chapter 5. Organization of research, editorial, publishing and international activities of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (universities)

      Footnote. The heading of Chapter 5 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.01.2020 No. 44 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      85. The universities’ research work shall be aimed at the integration of science, education and practical activities of the MIA units and departments, development on this basis of the research and educational process, enhancement of competitiveness of the research and innovation work.

      86. The organization and conduct of research (basic, exploratory, applied research) (hereinafter - research) shall be performed in the structural divisions of the university.

      87. Research in universities shall be carried out by the faculty and scientific staff members, students.

      88. Temporary authoring teams shall be formed to carry out these activities at universities.

      89. Research for the faculty and scientific staff of the universities shall be a main duty and shall be pursued during working hours in accordance with the individual work plan.

      90. The research work of the university shall include:

      1) fundamental, exploratory, applied research and development, experimental design work aimed at solving practical tasks of the MIA units and departments;

      2) scientific, research and methodological, information and analytical support for the rule-making and practical activities of the MIA units and departments;

      3) research and development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of higher, postgraduate and further education;

      4) development and implementation of innovative teaching technologies in education;

      5) application of research results in the educational process and practice;

      6) formation and development of own scientific schools (in the availability of appropriate scientific potential), active involvement of research and teaching staff and students in the research work;

      7) protection of intellectual property and copyrights of researchers and developers;

      8) organization and supervising of students’ research work.

      91. Research activities at the university shall be coordinated by the deputy head for research and the unit for the organization of research and editorial & publishing work.

      92. Research shall constitute part of the teaching load of the faculty.

      93. Interim and final reports shall be made on the research results, provided for by the schedule. The research supervisors and executors shall bear responsibility for accuracy of the data contained in the report.

      94. The main tasks of the editorial & publishing activities of the university shall be:

      1) preparation and publishing of the training, teaching & methodological and scientific content required for support of the educational process of the university and the practical activities of the MIA units and departments;

      2) promotion and distribution of the university publications in educational institutions and practical bodies of the interior.

      95. The university shall issue the following print content:

      1) monographs, textbooks, teaching aids (study guides, visual study guides), practical course manuals, lecture courses in all disciplines (courses) of the curricula;

      2) teaching aids and academic & methodological documentation to support the educational process (working training programmes, teaching aids, recommendations, developments, instructions for learning or teaching of a discipline (course) or its part);

      3) thematic collections of scientific works by the faculty, research associates (staff members), students;

      4) materials of scientific, research-practical and methodological conferences, gatherings, meetings, round tables and workshops, including those held jointly with other educational institutions and government bodies;

      5) reference, information and other printed materials.

      96. Universities shall pursue international cooperation in training, scientific and pedagogical activities.

      97. International cooperation shall be carried out in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, agreements concluded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan with relevant institutions of foreign states, direct bilateral agreements concluded by a university in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      98. Special universities shall pursue international cooperation in the following forms:

      1) directing students, faculty and scientific staff members outside the Republic of Kazakhstan under the programmes of bilateral and multilateral exchange;

      2) participation in scientific conferences, seminars and other events;

      3) involving teachers of foreign countries’ educational institutions and law enforcement officials to conduct lectures, seminars and workshops, speak at conferences and participate in other events;

      4) training of foreign nationals;

      5) directing the faculty and scientific staff, undergraduates and doctoral students to foreign scientific and educational institutions for teaching, research internship;

      6) conducting joint fundamental and applied research, joint publication of scientific works, academic & methodological literature and courseware;

      7) exchange of scientific and methodological databases;

      8) participation in various programmes funded by international and foreign organizations, foundations, and also, together with foreign partners, participation in various programmes funded by organizations and foundations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      99. Departure of students, faculty and scientific staff, other university staff members outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also reception of foreign delegations and foreign nationals shall be carried out in coordination with the MIA.

      100. Universities within their competence, in coordination with the MIA, shall conclude cooperation agreements with foreign partners (legal entities and (or) individuals) in the field of personnel training and research.

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