Unofficial translation
Footnote. The title - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.08.2022 № 381 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).In accordance with subparagraph 43) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On Education", subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 "On Public Services" I HEREBY ORDER:
Footnote. Preamble is in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.04.2020 № 136 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten days after the day of its first official publication).1. Approve the Rules for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account the needs of the labor market, for preparatory departments of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education.
Footnote. Paragraph 1 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.08.2022 № 381 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).2. To invalidate some orders of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the appendix to this order.
3. In accordance with the procedure established by law, the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education, International Cooperation (S.M.Omirbaev) shall:
1) ensure state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days of the state registration of this order, send its copy to print periodicals and the “Adilet” Legal Information System for official publication, and also to the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for its inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) place these rules on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) within ten working days of the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submit information on the implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of paragraph 3 of this order to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising vice-minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, T.O. Balykbayev.
5. This order shall take effect ten calendar days after its first official publication.
Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
А. Sarinzhipov |
Approved by Order № 122 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 29, 2016 |
for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education,
taking into account the needs of the labor market, for preparatory departments of organizations
of higher and (or) postgraduate education
Footnote. The Rules - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.12.2022 № 182 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with subpararaph 43) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and shall determine the procedure for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account the needs of the labor market, for preparatory departments of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education.
2. The following basic concepts shall be used in these Rules:
1) operator of an authorized body in the field of education - a legal entity with one hundred percent participation of the state in the authorized capital, determined by the authorized body in the field of education, which places the state order for providing students, undergraduates and doctoral students in places in hostels, state educational order for secondary education in private educational organizations, state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education and the payment of state scholarships, with the exception of state registered scholarships, as well as coordinating the activities of participants in per capita regulatory financing within, provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and ensuring monitoring and control over compliance by persons, referred to in paragraph 17 of Article 47 of this Law, its obligations to work out or reimburse budget expenditures in case of failure to work;
2) organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE) - a higher educational institution implementing educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education and carrying out research activities.
3. The state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, formed and distributed among groups of educational programs taking into account the forecast need of the economy for personnel, including sectoral and regional needs, priorities of industrial and innovative development of the country, the needs of the OHPE and scientific organizations in scientific and pedagogical personnel, shall be placed among the OHPE on a competitive basis.
4. The state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education shall be placed in the OHPE, regardless of the form of ownership in the form of educational grants based on the results of a competition conducted by an authorized body in the field of education.
The state educational order for the training of masters and doctors of philosophy (PhD )/doctors in the profile, including for targeted training for the regional OHPE and scientific organizations, shall be placed on a competitive basis, regardless of the form of ownership in the OHPE.
5. The state educational order for training students in preparatory departments shall be placed in the OHPE based on the results of a competition conducted by an authorized body in the field of education.
6. The placement of the state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be carried out by the operator of the authorized body in the field of education within the funds provided for in the relevant budget programs, the administrator of which is the authorized body in the field of education.
Chapter 2. The procedure for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and
postgraduate education, taking into account the needs of the labor market, at the preparatory departments of the OHPE
7. The placement of the state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be carried out in agreement with the authorized body in the field of education.
8. The state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be placed within the framework of per capita regulatory financing in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2017 No. 596 "On approval of the Rules for per capita regulatory financing of preschool education and training, secondary education, as well as technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, taking into account the credit technology of training " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 16138) and Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2017 No. 597 "On approval of the methodology for per capita regulatory financing of preschool education and training, secondary education, technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, taking into account credit training technology" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 16137).
Paragraph 1. Procedure for forming a list of potential providers of training services with higher and postgraduate education
9. To place a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, the authorized body in the field of education and (or) the authorized body of the relevant industry (hereinafter referred to as ABRI) shall form lists of potential providers of training services with higher and postgraduate education by announcing a competition among OHPEs.
The decision to hold the competition shall be formalized by the order of the Minister or the person acting as the Minister, indicating the terms of its holding.
10. The announcement of the competition is published on the official Internet resources of the authorized body in the field of education and (or) the ABRI.
Acceptance of competitive applications of the OHPE in the form according to Annex 1 to the Rules (hereinafter referred to as the tender application) shall be carried out within 5 (five) working days from the date of its publication of the announcement.
11. To conduct the competition, a commission shall be created to form lists of potential providers of training services with higher and postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the Commission for the formation of lists), the composition of which is approved by the order of the Minister or the person acting in his capacity, in the amount of at least 5 members and a chairman.
The commission on the formation of lists shall be formed from among the employees of the authorized body in the field of education and (or) ABRI, interested state bodies and departments, representatives of civil society institutions, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, industry associations, the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By a majority of votes, the chairman shall be elected from among the members of the Commission on the formation of lists. The number of members of the Commission on the formation of lists is odd, including its chairman.
12. Meetings of the Commission on the formation of lists shall be held according to the plan approved by the chairman, and shall be considered valid if more than 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of members are present at them.
13. Decisions of the Commission on the formation of lists shall be made by open voting by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Commission on the formation of lists present at the meeting and shall be drawn up by the minutes of the meeting, which is signed by the chairman. If the vote is equal, the chairman's vote shall be decisive.
14. To participate in the competition for the formation of lists of potential providers of training services with higher and postgraduate education, the OHPE shall submit in electronic format to the authorized body in the field of education and (or) the ABRI a competitive application, including the following documents:
1) tender application;
2) the OHPE questionnaire in the form according to Annex 2 to the Rules;
3) information card of the OHPE in the form according to Annex 3 to the Rules;
4) proposals for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education for the corresponding academic year in the form according to Annex 4 to the Rules.
In case of any questions regarding the information card indicators submitted by the OHPE, in accordance with subparagraph 3) of this paragraph of the Rules, the Commission on the formation of lists shall request supporting documents.
15. Documents included in the tender application shall be signed by the first head of the OHPE, certified by seal and submitted in electronic format and (or) online through the information system in the manner specified in the tender application.
At the same time, the information provided by the OHPE shall be checked for compliance with the data of the National educational database information system.
16. The tender application shall be sent to the authorized body in the field of education and (or) to the ABRI in electronic format no later than the hour and date indicated in the announcement of the tender. A tender application received after the deadline for submitting competitive applications, regardless of the reasons for the delay, is not considered. It shall not be allowed to introduce any amendments to competitive applications after the deadline for their submission.
17. The Commission for the formation of lists shall consider tender applications and shall determine the degree of their compliance with the tender documentation and ranks them in accordance with Annex 5 to the Rules.
18. The competition for the formation of lists of potential providers of training services with higher and postgraduate education by groups of educational programs shall involve the OHPEs that have passed institutional and (or) specialized accreditation in accreditation bodies included in the register of recognized accreditation bodies, with the exception of military and special educational institutions.
The threshold value of the employment indicator of graduates of OHPE shall be determined by the Commission for the formation of lists.
The exception shall be new areas of personnel training, which for the first time received a license, as well as newly created the OHPEs for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education in priority sectors of the economy. In this case, the list of the OHPEs shall be determined by the Commission for the formation of lists.
19. When forming a list of potential providers of personnel training services with higher education, the Commission on the formation of lists takes into account:
1) the presence of a contingent of students in the corresponding group of educational programs, with the exception of areas included for the first time in the classifier of areas of training with higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) personnel support of the OHPE and material and technical support of the scientific and educational process;
3) provision of educational, educational and methodological literature and other information resources;
4) scientific potential and level of scientific research carried out in the OHPE (for the OHPE);
5) availability of places for nonresident students to live in a hostel, catering and medical services;
6) availability of accredited educational programs;
7) information on employment and employment of graduates in the first year after graduation from the OHPE in the declared specialties;
8) participation in international and/or national OHPE ratings;
9) the position of OHPE in the rating conducted by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
20. When forming a list of potential providers of personnel training services with postgraduate education, the Commission on the formation of lists shall take into account:
1) participation in international and/or national ratings of the OHPE;
2) availability of agreements with accredited scientific partner organizations, including foreign ones, on the implementation of joint scientific projects and the provision of a research base;
3) presence of scientific leaders from among the faculty of the OHPE with academic degrees of Doctor of Sciences/Candidate of Sciences, and degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD )/doctor in profile;
4) implementation of joint scientific and educational projects with foreign the OHPE partners (scientific organizations);
5) personnel support of the scientific and educational process and meets the requirements for engaging in educational activities in educational programs of postgraduate education (for the group of specialties "Art," including teachers awarded honorary titles and state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
6) access to world scientific and educational resources; material and technical support of the scientific and educational process corresponding to the requirements for engaging in educational activities in educational programs of postgraduate education;
7) availability of accredited educational programs;
8) implementation of scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects on the basis of grant, program-targeted financing and external sources of financing;
9) the availability of places for students to live in a hostel, catering and medical services in the OHPE;
10) information on employment and employment of graduates in the first year after graduation from the OHPE in the declared specialties.
Admission of the OHPE to the competition, in which graduates of doctoral studies completed their studies and did not receive approval of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), doctor in profile within 4 (four) years after graduation from the corresponding group of educational programs, shall be carried out by decision of the Commission on the formation of lists.
21. To participate in the competition to form a list of potential providers of training services for students at the preparatory department of the OHPE, a tender application shall be submitted in electronic format to the authorized body in the field of education and (or) to the ABRI, including the following documents:
1) tender application according to the form according to Annex 6 to the Rules;
2) the OHPE questionnaire in the form according to Annex 2 to the Rules;
3) proposals for placing a state educational order for training students at the preparatory department for the corresponding academic year in accordance with Annex 7 to the Rules.
22. When forming a list of potential service providers for training students at the preparatory department, the Commission on the formation of lists takes into account:
1) personnel and material and technical support of the educational process and the level of qualifications of teachers, the availability of teachers in all subjects of the Comprehensive testing of applicants;
2) provision of educational, educational and methodological literature and other information resources;
3) the availability of places for students to live in a hostel, catering and medical services in the OHPE.
23. The Committee on the formation of lists taking into account the assessment shall decide on the formation of lists of potential service providers (hereinafter referred to as the Lists of potential suppliers) for:
1) training personnel with higher education;
2) training personnel in the magistracy;
3) training personnel in doctoral studies;
4) training of students at the preparatory departments of the OHPE, including to increase the level of language training.
Based on the results of the work of the Commission on the formation of lists by the order of the Minister or the person acting as him, no later than July 1 of the corresponding year, the Lists of potential suppliers shall be approved, which are published on the official Internet resources of the authorized body in the field of education and (or) in the ABRI, with simultaneous notification by the authorized body in the field of education of the operator of the authorized body in the field of education.
Paragraph 2. Procedure for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education on a competitive basis
24. To participate in the competitive selection for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education on a competitive basis, the submission of competitive applications by OHPE shall not be required.
The OHPE shall be determined by the Commission on the formation of lists from among the OHPEs included in the Lists of potential suppliers published on the official Internet resources of the authorized body in the field of education and/or the ABRI.
25. When determining the OHPE for placing a state educational order for:
training of personnel with higher education The Commission on the formation of lists shall be guided by paragraph 19 of these Rules for potential providers of training services with higher education;
training of personnel with postgraduate education, including target places in doctoral studies, the Commission on the formation of lists shall be guided by paragraph 20 of these Rules for potential providers of training services with postgraduate education;
for the training of students at the preparatory department of OHPE, the Commission for the formation of lists is guided by paragraph 22 of these Rules for potential providers of services for the training of students at the preparatory department.
26. The definition of the OHPE shall be carried out separately by groups of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.
27. The Commission on the formation of lists, taking into account the assessment, shall decide on the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, indicating:
1) the list of the OHPEs in which the state educational order for training personnel with higher education shall be placed under the terms of the competition;
2) the list of the OHPEs in which, according to the terms of the competition, the state educational order for training personnel in the magistracy shall be placed, including indicating the volume of quota for individual the OHPEs;
3) a list of basic the OHPEs in which, according to the terms of the competition, a state educational order for the training of personnel in doctoral studies shall be placed, indicating the volume by groups of educational programs, including for the targeted training of doctors of philosophy (PhD )/doctors in profile;
4) the OHPEs, which place a state educational order for training students at the preparatory departments of the OHPE, including to increase the level of language training with an indication of the volume;
5) the OHPE, in which, according to the terms of the competition, a state educational order shall be placed for the training of teachers with higher education with an indication of the volume by groups of educational programs.
28. Based on the results of the work of the Commission on the formation of lists by the order of the Minister or the person acting as him, the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be approved and published on the official Internet resources of the authorized body in the field of education and (or) the ABRI, with simultaneous notification by the authorized body in the field of education of the operator of the authorized body in the field of education.
Paragraph 3. Procedure for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services
29. Students who shall be recipients of educational services within the framework of the state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education determine the OHPE for placing in them a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services.
In this case, the OHPE shall be determined by students from among the OHPE included in the Lists of potential suppliers published on the official Internet resources of the authorized body in the field of education and/or the ABRI.
After determining the OHPE to place a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education in it, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, an agreement on the provision of educational services shall be concluded between the OHPE and the student.
Information on the agreement for the provision of educational services shall be subject to reflection by the OHPE in the information system determined by the operator of the authorized body in the field of education.
30. The placement of a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be carried out by the following sequential actions:
1) joining the OHPE included in the Lists of potential suppliers, students and second-level banks to the accession agreement providing for standard conditions for interaction between the parties, the form of which shall be approved by the operator of the authorized body in the field of education and posted on its official Internet resource;
The terms of the accession agreement shall be determined by the operator of the authorized body in the field of education and shall be accepted by its parties nothing more than by joining it as a whole. At the same time, the accession agreement should contain conditions on the responsibility of its parties for the targeted use of budget funds as part of the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized financing for recipients of educational services, including in the form of return by the guilty party to the budget of unjustly received budget funds or their use not for the intended purpose;
2) the opening of bank accounts by students in their name under an agreement on an educational funded deposit concluded in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state educational funded system" (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the SEFS) for the purpose of placing a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services.
The opening of bank accounts specified in this subparagraph shall be carried out with a second-tier bank, being a participating bank under the Law of the SEFS and having acceded to the accession agreement, specified in subparagraph 1) of this paragraph of the Rules, within the framework of which the bank of the second tier guarantees compliance with the targeted purpose of budgetary funds, transferred to the bank accounts of students and intended for subsequent non-cash transfer to the OHPE, included in the List of potential suppliers, for the educational services provided by them to the relevant students within the framework of placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services;
3) non-cash (2 times during the financial year) transfer of budget funds to bank accounts specified in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules, in the absence of academic debt based on the results of the examination session, with the exception of the first year of study, transfer of funds in which shall be made no later than October 1;
4) non-cash transfer from bank accounts specified in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules to the accounts of the relevant the OHPEs included in the List of potential suppliers, budget funds, within the framework of the state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized financing for recipients of educational services. It shall not be allowed to transfer budget funds from the bank account specified in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules, opened in the name of one student, to the OHPE account in order to pay for educational services for another student.
It shall not be allowed to issue cash from bank accounts specified in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules.
The budgetary funds remaining unused as at January 1of the financial year in the bank accounts referred to in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules shall be used by the trainees for their intended purpose in the next financial year, except for the case of the student's deduction, in which the above budgetary funds shall be subject to a non-acceptance return to the budget. If there are budget balances in bank accounts specified in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules, after completing training on the basis of a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, the student uses such balances by paying for educational services in order to obtain new levels of education.
The targeted use of budget funds as part of the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be recognized as the receipt of educational services by students in full in the relevant the OHPE according to the corresponding level, code and classification of the field of education.
31. Monitoring of the quality and (or) volume of educational services provided within the framework of the placed state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be carried out by the OHPE and students independently within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
32. The transfer of budget funds within the framework of the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be suspended for the period when the student is on academic leave.
33. The transfer of budget funds as part of the placement of a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, taking into account personalized funding for recipients of educational services, shall be terminated after the student is expelled from the OHPE, with the exception of the case of his transfer from one OHPE to another OHPE included in the List of potential suppliers.
Chapter 3. Procedure for placement by local executive bodies of the state educational order for training personnel in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, taking into account the needs of the labor market
34. To place a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, local executive bodies of the region, a city of republican significance, a capital (hereinafter referred to as the LEB) annually a competition shall be announced among the OHPEs no later than 5 (five) days before the start of accepting documents for participation in the competition for training on a state educational order at the expense of the LEB.
The decision to hold the competition shall be formalized by the order of the akim of the relevant region, the city of republican significance, the capital or the person acting.
The announcement of the competition shall be published on the official Internet resources of the LEB.
To hold the competition, a Commission of the LEB shall be created to place a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the Commission of the LEB), the composition of which shall be approved by the order of the akim of the relevant region, the city of republican significance, the capital or the person acting as him. The composition of the LEB Commission shall include the chairman, members of the commission and the secretary.
The Chairman of the LEB Commission shall be the akim of the relevant region, the city of republican significance, the capital or the person acting as his. The LEB Commission shall be formed from among the LEB employees, representatives of civil society institutions located in this territorial unit. The number of members of the LEB Commission shall be odd, at least 5 people, including the chairman.
Meetings of the LEB Commission shall be recognized as valid if more than two-thirds of the total number of its members are present at them.
Decisions of the LEB Commission shall be adopted by open voting by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Commission present at the meeting and shall be formalized by the minutes of the meeting, which shall be signed by all members of the Commission who participated in the meeting.
To participate in the competition for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education, the OHPE shall submit a competitive application to the LEB in electronic format, including the following documents:
1) tender application in the form according to Annex 8 to the Rules;
2) the OHPE questionnaire in the form according to Annex 2 to the Rules;
3) proposals for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education for the corresponding academic year in the form, according to Annex 4 to these Rules.
Documents included in the tender application shall be numbered, signed by the first head of the OHPE and sealed and submitted in the procedure specified in the tender announcement in electronic format.
The tender application shall be sent to the LEB not later than the hour and date specified in the tender announcement. A competitive application received after the deadline for submitting competitive applications shall not be considered. It shall not be allowed to introduce any amendments to competitive applications after the deadline for their submission.
The LEB Commission shall consider competitive applications within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of submission of the application, shall determine the degree of their compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation.
When determining the OHPE and placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education in the context of specialties, the Commission of LEB shall be guided by paragraphs 19 and 20 of these Rules. The state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education of the LEB shall be placed in the OHPE regardless of the administrative-territorial unit. At the same time, the state educational order for the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be placed in the OHPE taking into account the established quotas, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 26 of the Law, as well as the allocation of target places for certain categories of applicants.
Based on the results of the LEB Commission, a list of the OHPEs shall be formed, which place a state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education.
The list of the OHPEs in which the state educational order for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education shall be placed, in accordance with subparagraph 8-1) of paragraph 2 and subparagraph 28) of paragraph 3 of Article 6, paragraph 5 of Article 62 of the Law, shall be approved by the decree of the akimat of the relevant region, city of republican significance, capital and published on their official Internet resources.
An agreement on the development of at least 3 (three) years in the relevant region or in cities of republican significance, the capital, shall be concluded with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who come on the basis of a state educational order at the expense of the LEB funds.
Annex 1 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Competitive application of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE)
Having studied the requirements for the tender participants and the conditions of the competition,
(the OHPE name)
shall take part in the competition for the following groups of educational programs:
(code, name of the group of educational programs)
in accordance with the documents included in the application, as well as the terms and requirements
of the tender. Annex: documents for participation in the competition on ______ sheets.
Head of the organization ______________________________________________
(signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Annex 2 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Questionnaire of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE)
Full name of the OHPE | |
The OHPE foundation year | |
Founder of the OHPE | |
Legal address of the OHPE | |
Actual address, telephone, fax, e-mail | |
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the OHPE rector | |
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person responsible for participation in the competition, position, contact details |
Head of the organization _____________________________________________
(signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Annex 3 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Information map of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE)
(the OHPE name)
(code, name of groups of educational programs)
№ r/n | General information of the OHPE | Value type |
1. | Institutional and/or specialized accreditation | yes/no |
2. | Availability of an educational portal | yes/no |
3. |
International rating: |
Position: |
4. | Share of funds from the OHPE budget allocated for updating the educational and laboratory base used for the educational process | For each 1% - + 1 point from the OHPE budget. |
5. | Availability of own or rented hostel, hostel, hotel that meets the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of sanitary and epide the LEB logical well-being imposed on educational facilities, including for persons with special educational needs |
For every 500 seats - 1 point; |
6. | Absence of the OHPE in the register of unscrupulous participants in public procurement of the public procurement web portal at the time of submission of documents for participation in the tender | yes/no |
7. | Availability of conditions in the OHPE for persons with special educational needs (entrance paths, information and navigation support, duplication of stairs with ramps or lifting devices, equipping stairs and ramps with handrails, painting doors and stairs with contrasting paint, allocating parking spaces for vehicles of persons with disabilities). | yes/no |
8. | Availability of the information system of the OHPE with up-to-date databases on the student population and faculty (hereinafter referred to as the staff) in accordance with the requirements approved by the authorized body in the field of education, and compliance of the actual data with the national educational database | yes/no |
I. | General information on the groups of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education | |
1. |
Annex to the license to engage in educational activities in educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education | tolerance/non-tolerance |
2. | Institutional and/or specialized accreditation | Availability of institutional and/or specialized accreditation + 2 points |
3. | Position of the educational program of the OHPE in the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Above average - 50 points; |
4. | Employment of graduates,% of employed graduates by groups of educational programs |
More than 80% - 3 points; |
5. | Availability of educational programs registered in the register of educational programs for the relevant groups of educational programs | yes/no |
6. | Availability of educational programs in English, registered in the register of educational programs | yes/no |
ІІ. | Staff and level of teachers’ qualifications | |
1.1. | Total number of full-time faculty: | number, integer |
doctors of science | number, integer | |
PhD Doctors | number, integer | |
candidates of science | number, integer | |
1.2. | / including by educational program group (number) | number, integer |
doctors of science | number, integer | |
PhD Doctors | number, integer | |
candidates of science | number, integer | |
1.3. | The number of staff of teachers in relevant disciplines that speak English with the level: IELTS - at least 4.5; TOEFL PBT - at least 493; TOEFL ITP - at least 150 points; TOEFL CBT - at least 166 points; TOEFL IBT - at least 58); CEFR - B1; APTIS - at least 38. | 5 staff of teachers - 1 point. |
2. | Number of foreign teachers working in the OHPE under a contract for a period of at least one academic period | 1 teacher - 0.3 points. |
3. | % of academic degree of teachers by OHPE as a whole | 10% - 1 point. |
4. | % of academic degree of teachers in the educational program | 10% - 1 point. |
III. | Research activities of the staff | |
1. | Number of scientific and scientific and technical programs/projects on basic research/applied research performed on the basis of grant and program-targeted funding | For each program (project) - 1 point. |
2. | Total volume of research works performed by the staff (in tenge) |
Less than KZT 50 million - 0.5 points; |
3. | Total volume of international research works performed by the staff (in tenge) |
Less than KZT 50 million - 0.5 points; |
3.1 | / including 1 full-time teacher (in tenge) | number |
4. | Number of scientific publications of the staff: | |
in foreign rating journals included in certain quartiles (Q1-Q4) in Clarivate Analytics databases or CiteScore percentile in Scopus database |
10 articles in journals Q1-Q2 and/or percentile on CiteScore above 90 - 5 points; | |
5. | Number of own scientific publication |
Included in the list of journals recommended by the department of the authorized body in the field of education - 5 points 1 journal; |
IV. | Corporate partnerships and international operations | |
1. | Number of joint (double-degree) educational programs with the OHPE included in the QS TOP 700 + rating | 1 program - 1 point. |
2. | Number of joint funded research projects with foreign education organizations | 1 program - 1 point. |
3. | Number of joint international educational projects | 1 program - 1 point. |
1) the declared group of the educational program of higher education, according to which personnel training has not carried out for two years, shall not be allowed to the competition;
2) by the decision of the commission, the OHPEs that have provided inaccurate data shall not be allowed to participate in the competition;
3) the information card shall be signed by the first head of the OHPE.
Annex 4 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Proposals for placing a state educational order for training personnel with higher and
postgraduate education at _____________ academic year ___________________________________________
(name of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education)
By higher education
Code | Name of groups of educational programs | total number of grants | face to face education |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
In postgraduate education
Code | Name of groups of educational programs | Number of seats |
1 | 2 | 3 |
On the targeted training of doctors of philosophy PhD
Code | Name of groups of educational programs | Name of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education where training shall be planned | Number of seats |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Head of organization _________________________________________ (signature, last name, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Annex 5 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education |
Ranking of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE) by information cards
№ r/n | Overview of the OHPE | Identification code | type of values |
1 | Institutional and/or specialized accreditation | А1 | yes/no |
2 | Availability of an educational portal | А2 | yes/no |
3 | International rating of the OHPE (place, rating name) | А3 | number, integer, 0-1,000 |
4 | Share of funds from the OHPE budget allocated for updating the educational and laboratory base used for the educational process | А4 | number |
5 | Availability of own or rented hostel, hostel, hotel that shall meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being imposed on educational facilities, including for persons with special educational needs | А5 | number, integer |
6 | Absence of the OHPE in the register of unscrupulous participants in public procurement of the public procurement web portal at the time of submission of documents for participation in the tender | А6 | yes/no |
7 | Availability of conditions in the OHPE for persons with special educational needs (entrance paths, information and navigation support, duplication of stairs with ramps or lifting devices, equipping stairs and ramps with handrails, painting doors and stairs with contrasting paint, allocating parking spaces for vehicles of individuals with disabilities) | А7 | yes/no |
8 | Availability of the information system of the OHPE with up-to-date databases on the students and staff of teachers (hereinafter referred to as the staff of teachers) in accordance with the requirements approved by the authorized body in the field of education, and compliance of the actual data with the national educational database | А8 | yes/no |
I | General information by educational program group | ||
1 |
Annex to the license to engage in educational activities in educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education | B1 | admission/non-admission |
2 | Institutional and/or specialized accreditation | В2 | yes/no |
3 | Position of the educational program of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education in the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan | В3 | number, integer |
4 | Employment of graduates,% of employed graduates by groups of the educational program | В4 | number |
5 | Availability of educational programs registered in the register of educational programs for the relevant groups of educational programs | В5 | yes/no |
6 | Availability of educational programs in English, registered in the register of educational programs | В6 | yes/no |
ІІ. | Staff and level of qualifications of teachers | ||
1.1. | Total number of full-time faculty: | C1.1 | number, integer |
doctors of science | C1.1.1 | number, integer | |
PhD doctors | C1.1.2 | number, integer | |
candidates of science | C1.1.3 | number, integer | |
1.2. | / including by educational program group (number) | C1.2 | number, integer |
doctors of science | C1.2.1 | number, integer | |
PhD doctors | C1.2.2 | number, integer | |
candidates of science | C1.2.3 | number, integer | |
postgraduates | C1.2.4 | number, integer | |
1.3 | The number of the staff in relevant disciplines that speak English with the level: IELTS - at least 4.5; TOEFL PBT - at least 493; TOEFL ITP - at least 150 points; TOEFL CBT - at least 166 points; TOEFL IBT - at least 58); CEFR - B1; APTIS - at least 38. | C1.3 | number, integer |
2 | Number of foreign teachers working in the OHPE under a contract for a period of at least an academic period | C2 | number, integer |
3 | % of academic degree of by the OHPE as a whole * * * | C3 | number |
4 | % of academic degree of the staff of specialized disciplines by groups of educational programs * * * | C4 | number |
III | Research activities of the staff of teachers | ||
1 | Number of scientific and scientific and technical programs/projects on basic research/applied research performed on the basis of grant and program-targeted funding | D1 | number, integer |
2 | Total volume of research works performed by the staff of teachers (in tenge) | D2 | number |
3 | Total volume of international research works performed by the staff of teachers (in tenge) | D3 | number |
3.1 | / including 1 full-time teacher (in tenge) | D3.1 | number |
4 |
Number of scientific publications of the staff of teachers: | D4 | number, integer |
5 | Number of own scientific publication | D5 | number, integer |
IV | Corporate partnerships and international operations | ||
1 | Number of joint (double-degree) educational programs with the OHPE included in the QS TOP 700 + rating | E1 | number, integer |
2 | Number of joint funded research projects with foreign education organizations | E2 | number, integer |
3 | Number of joint international educational projects | E3 | number, integer |
* * - the threshold value of the employment indicator of the OHPE graduates shall be determined by the Commission;
* * * - calculated from the data provided.
Annex 6 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Competitive application of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as the OHPE)
Having studied the requirements for the tender participants and the conditions of the competition,
(the OHPE name)
shall take part in the competition to place a state educational order for training students at the preparatory department in accordance with the documents included in the application, as well as the conditions and requirements of the competition. Annex: documents for participation in the competition on ___ sheets.
Head of the organization _____________________________________________
(signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Annex 7 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education |
Offers for placing a state educational order for training students
at the preparatory department for the ___________ academic
year ______________________________________________________________________
(name of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education)
Name of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education | Number of seats |
1 | 2 |
Head of the organization ______________________________________________
(signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Annex 8 | |
to the placement of Rules | |
for state educational | |
training order with | |
higher and postgraduate | |
education, taking into account | |
labour market needs, on | |
preparatory departments | |
of higher and/or | |
postgraduate education | |
form |
Competitive application of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education
(hereinafter referred to as the OHPE)
Having studied the requirements for the participants of the competition and the conditions of the competition,
(the OHPE name)
shall take part in the competition held by the akimat of the relevant region on the following groups of educational programs
(code, name of the group of educational programs)
in accordance with the documents included in the application, as well as the terms and requirements
of the tender. Annex: documents for participation in the competition on ___ sheets.
Head of the organization _____________________________________________
(signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date of filling, place of sealing
Appendix to Order № 122 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 29, 2016 |
List of some invalidated orders of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Order No. 198 of the acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of May 4, 2012 “On approval of the Rules for placing a state educational order for pre-school education and training, training of specialists with technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, and also for preparatory departments of higher educational institutions” (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 7690, published in the “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” newspaper on June 13, 2012, No. 183-184 (27002-27003));
2. Order No. 77 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of March 6, 2013 “On amendments to Order No. 198 of the acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of May 4, 2012 “On approval of the Rules for placing a state educational order for pre-school education and training, training of specialists with technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, and also for preparatory departments of higher educational institutions” (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 8387, published in the “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” newspaper on August 7, 2013, No. 246 (27520));
3. Order No. 353 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of August 23, 2013 “On amendments and additions to Order No. 198 of the acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of May 4, 2012 “On approval of the Rules for placing a state educational order for pre-school education and training, training of specialists with technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, and also for preparatory departments of higher educational institutions” (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 8733, published in the “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” newspaper on October 31, 2013, No. 305 (27579));
4. Order No. 295 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of July 22, 2014 “On amendments to Order No. 198 of the acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of May 4, 2012 “On approval of the Rules for placing a state educational order for pre-school education and training, training of specialists with technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, and also for preparatory departments of higher educational institutions” (registered in the State Registration Register of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 9701, published in the “Adilet” Legal Information System on September 22, 2014).