On approval of the Rules of production and turnover of organic products

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 23, 2016 No. 230. It was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 4, 2016 № 13875. Terminated by acting order. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.21.2024 № 284 (to be brought into force on 12.12.2024).

      Unofficial translation
      Footnote. Terminated by acting order. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.21.2024 № 284 (to be brought into force on 12.12.2024).

      Under sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 1 of Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Production of Organic Products”, I HEREBY ORDER:

      Footnote. The preamble - as revised by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the RK № 145 of 03.05.2024 (shall go into effect upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. To approve the attached Rules of production and turnover of organic products.

      2. In the manner prescribed by law, the Department of production and processing of livestock products of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) provide the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, direct a copy of it for official publication in periodicals and in the legal information system Adіlet, and also within five working days to the Republican State Enterprise “Republican Center of Legal Information” for placement in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the intranet portal of the state bodies.

      3. Control over execution of this order shall be assigned to the supervising Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall take effect upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Agriculture
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Myrzakhmetov


      Acting Minister of National Economy

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      ___________ M. Kussainov

      June 2, 2016

  Approved by
order № 230 of the Minister of Agriculture
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated May 23, 2016

Rules of production and turnover of organic products Chapter 1. General Provisions Paragraph 1. Basic concepts

      1. These Rules of Production and Turnover of Organic Products (hereinafter - Rules) have been drawn up under sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Production of Organic Products” (hereinafter - the Law) and establish the order of production and turnover of organic products.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as revised by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the RK № 145 of 03.05.2024 (shall take effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      2. These Rules shall apply to individuals or legal entities engaged in the production and turnover of organic products at any stage.

      3. The following basic concepts are used in these Rules:

      1) organic animal husbandry – breeding of farm animals under conditions that provide full access to natural feed sources, using extensive and natural methods of breeding;

      2) organic production unit - the territory in which products (materials, substances, preparations, fertilizers) are used exclusively for organic production;

      3) organic plant cultivation - production of crops, including collection of wild plants, without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and plant growth regulators;

      4) transition period (conversion) - the time during which inorganic products, as a result of compliance with these Rules and provisions of the international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are certified as organic products.

      4. These Rules shall apply to the following products of agricultural origin, produced and (or) sold as organic:

      1) unprocessed products of agriculture and fisheries, aquaculture;

      2) processed products of agriculture and fisheries, aquaculture, intended for use as food;

      3) fodder;

      4) vegetative planting material.

      5. Products obtained from wild animals are not organic.

      6. In organic production, conditions shall be observed in accordance with article 11 of the Law.

Paragraph 2. Process of transition to organic products production

      7. During the transition period, the organic products manufacturer (hereinafter - the Manufacturer) shall comply with the requirements for the organic products production established by these Rules.

      8. Products obtained during the conversion period shall be marketed and labeled as “transitional organic products”.

      9. Duration of the land plots transition from production of non-organic to production of organic products shall be:

      for crop areas - at least one year prior to planting;

      for pastures - at least six months from the transition period start;

      for perennial crops (except for fodder plants) - at least one year before the first harvesting of organic products.

      10. Duration of the transition period in animal husbandry shall be:

      for meat products - six months;

      for dairy products - six months;

      for honey products - six months;

      for food fish - two months.

      In this case after the end of the transition period, products from young animals shall be organic products.

      11. Duration of the transition period in poultry farming shall be:

      for meat products - six weeks;

      for eggs - six weeks.

      Upon the end of the transition period products obtained from young animals shall be organic products.

Chapter 2. Production of organic products
Paragraph 1. Organic plant cultivation

      12. In organic plant cultivation, soil treatment and cultivation methods shall be used that support the content of organic materials in the soil or increase their amount, enhance soil stability and bio diversity, prevent soil compaction and erosion and development of degradation processes.

      13. For organic production, land plots shall be used that meet the requirements of phytosanitary standards for soils.

      14. Land plots containing pollutants in excess of hygienic standards for soils shall be withdrawn from cropping.

      15. All the applied plant production technologies shall prevent and minimize the impact in environmental pollution.

      16. For the production of products, organically produced seeds and seedlings shall be used. Seeds and vegetative seedlings shall be produced in accordance with these Rules for one generation or, for perennial crops, for two growth seasons.

      17. To improve the general condition of the soil or increase the nutrient content in the soil and (or) in the crop, preparations shall be used based on vital products of microorganisms, as well as those containing live microorganisms.

      18. Fertility and biological activity of the soil shall be maintained and increased through long-term crop rotation.

      19. Fertility and bio activity of the soil shall be maintained and enhanced by application of soil-improving substances and animal and vegetable origin substances obtained in the organic farming system and which are past composting or anaerobic fermentation stage:

      1) litter manure, poultry manure from farms producing organic products - after biothermal treatment when applied to the soil 120 calendar days before harvesting;

      2) litterless manure, litter from farms producing organic products - used after decontamination and neutralization;

      3) household food waste - after fractionation and bio-thermal treatment;

      4) peat - with the exception of peat with synthetic additives.

      20. The total amount of livestock waste-based organic fertilizers put into the soil should not contain more than 170 kilograms of nitrogen a year per hectare of farmland.

      21. Fertilizers and soil-improving substances, substances of animal or plant origin applied as plant protection agents and agrochemicals, microorganisms, insects and substances generated by them, used for biological control of pests and diseases, substances approved for use in traps and sprayers, shall comply with the list of permitted substances applied in the production of organic products, approved in accordance with subparagraph 4) of paragraph 1, Article 7 of the Law (hereinafter - the list of permitted substances).

      22. In organic plant cultivation mineral nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic growth regulators, synthetic dyes, materials based on polychloride, synthetic herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and pesticides shall not be used.

      23. Measures to prevent losses caused by pests, diseases and weeds shall be based on protection of entomophages, selection of appropriate species and varieties of plants, of appropriate crop rotation, optimal cultivation methods and thermal processing methods.

      24. To cover protected structures, synthetic mulch, insect nets and for silage wrapping, materials based on polyethylene, polypropylene and other polycarbonates shall be used.

      25. Collection of wild plants and their parts, naturally growing in natural areas, forests and agricultural areas, shall be considered an organic production method if:

      1) for three years prior to collection the territories were not treated with substances that are not used in organic products production;

      2) the collection does not affect stability of the natural habitat or living conditions of the species in the collection area.

Paragraph 2. Organic livestock breeding

      26. When selecting animals, the suitability of their breeds and species for breeding in a given locality and organic production system shall be taken into account.

      27. Animals that are in the organic production unit, as well as products from such animals, shall be transferred to the category of organic production after transition period.

      28. Animals shall be provided with pastures, grazing areas or walking pens, including partially covered pens and ability to use them in all cases.

      29. Animals bred for organic production shall be grazed on the land plots that were not treated with substances, which have not been used in organic production for at least six months.

      30. Animals bred in traditional way can be kept together with animals raised for organic production within the same farmyard, provided they are separated.

      31. Animals bred in traditional way shall be grazed separately from animals raised for organic production.

      32. During the cattle transfer to a new pasture from one grazing area to another, it is permissible to graze animals on pastures that do not meet the requirements for organic production.

      33. For herbivores, at least 50% of the feed shall be prepared from own production or by other farms in the same region that are engaged in organic production.

      34. Young animals shall be fed with natural milk, chiefly maternal, during the following periods:

      beef cattle, horses and camels - at least forty-five calendar days;

      sheep and goats – at least thirty calendar days;

      pigs - at least forty calendar days.

      35. The animal breeding system is based on grazing in accordance with the availability of pastures at different times of the year.

      36. During the final fattening of livestock, the content of roughage fodder, silage or haylage in the daily feed shall be:

      For beef cattle, horses and camels - at least 50%;

      for sheep and goats - at least 45%.

      37. Coarsely ground and concentrated fodders are added to the daily feed of pigs and poultry.

      38. Fodder of plant and animal origin, of mineral origin, products and by-products of fishing, feed additives shall be used as technological processing aid means.

      39. The animals reproduce in the traditional way.

      40. Organic livestock farming shall not use:

      1) embryo transplantation techniques, cloning and genetic engineering methods;

      2) attaching of rubber rings on the tails of sheep, tail-docking, nibbling of fangs, shortening of beak and removing of horns, except when such measures (sawing off the horns of young animals) are used for safety and (or) are aimed at improving health, conditions or hygiene of the animals;

      3) hormones or similar substances, growth stimulants and synthetic amino acids (including antibiotics, coccidiostatic or other artificial means to stimulate growth), chemically synthesized drugs for veterinary use or antibiotics for prophylactic purposes.

      41. In transportation, loading and unloading of animals, electrical stimulation, as well as tranquilizer shall not be used.

      42. The transportation time to the slaughter shall be no more than sixteen hours.

      43. In pig paddocks possibility of snout-digging shall be provided.

      44. In pedigree breeding:

      1) natural and artificial insemination are used in reproduction;

      2) hormonal or similar treatment is not used to cause reproduction;

      3) forms of artificial reproduction, such as cloning and transplantation of embryos shall not be used.

      45. Feed shall come from the farms where these animals are kept or from other organic farms producing organic feed. Cattle are fed with organic fodder corresponding to the animal's nutritional needs at different stages of their development. It is allowed to feed animals with the fodder of farms that are in the period of transition to organic farming.

      46. ​​The initial products of plant, animal and mineral origin, feed additives and certain substances applied in animal husbandry shall be used according to the list of permitted products.

      47. Prevention of diseases shall be based on the choice of breeds, methods of keeping, high quality of feed, possibility of sufficient motor activity, in compliance with the minimum allowable standards for the area of ​​keeping animals indicated in Appendix 1 to these Rules.

      48. A disease shall be treated immediately to avoid suffering of the animal. Chemically synthesized veterinary medicines, including antibiotics, can be used if necessary and strictly in the conditions when the use of phytotherapeutic, homeopathic and other means is unacceptable. The manufacturer shall separately define restrictions that take into account treatment courses and periods of drug withdrawal.

      49. The use of immune veterinary medicinal products is permitted.

      50. For cleaning and disinfection of buildings for livestock, the substances and means shall be used in accordance with the list of permitted means.

Paragraph 3. Organic poultry farming

      51. Poultry shall not be kept in cages.

      52. Waterfowls shall have access to running water, a pond or a lake.

      53. Birds shall be kept on the premises of the organic production unit:

      1) with the floor without cracks, covered with nesting material (straw, wood sawdust, sand or peat);

      2) with perches corresponding to the number and weight of the birds;

      3) with entrance and exit openings corresponding to the size of the birds, giving the bird a free access to free-range areas.

      54. In enclosed spaces (indoor areas), birds shall be provided with:

      1) artificial lighting no more than sixteen hours a day;

      2) continuous night rest without artificial lighting lasting at least eight hours.

      55. When the birds are kept indoors, they shall be provided with constant access to a sufficient amount of feed, water and material suited to their needs.

      56. For ground runs after raising one batch of birds, a dormant period shall be observed, sufficient for renewal of the vegetation cover. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply in cases where the birds are not bred in batches, are not kept on ground runs, but freely move around in the open, outside territory, throughout the day.

      57. Open grounds for birds mainly have vegetative cover and shall be equipped with shelters.

      58. Birds shall have unhindered access to sufficient amounts of water and feed.

      59. The minimum permissible standards for bird keeping area are indicated in Appendix 2 to these Rules.

Paragraph 4. Requirements for the premises of organic production units

      60. The premises of the organic production unit for keeping animals shall:

      1) meet the hygiene (air circulation, dust level, temperature, relative humidity) requirements in accordance with order № 7-1 / 587 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2015 “On approval of veterinary (veterinary and sanitary) Rules” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11940);

      2) provide convenience for the animals, taking into account all the needs of the species, breeds and age groups;

      3) provide sufficient space for the animals to take natural postures (to stand freely, easily lie down on the floor, turn, stretch or beat with wings);

      4) provide a clean and dry area for animals to rest with the floor plentifully covered with dry straw or other natural material.

      61. The premises of organic production unit for keeping animals shall have a smooth and non-slippery floor. At least half of the floor surface area in the room must be solid, without gaps and not latticed.

      62. Means and substances shall be used for cleaning and disinfecting the buildings, structures, premises where the animals are kept, also equipment and tools in the premises, according to the list of permitted substances.

      63. Storage of construction and other materials treated with paints, preservatives and toxic substances, rodent and pest control products is not allowed on the premises of the organic production unit.

Paragraph 5. Veterinary support

      64. Any suffering of the animals shall be minimized by applying appropriate anesthesia and (or) analgesia, also by surgery only at the most suitable age.

      65. Surgical castration is permitted to maintain product quality and traditional production methods.

      66. Veterinary drugs shall be applied according to the list of approved drugs to fight the disease or treat injuries.

      67. If an animal receives more than three treatment courses with chemical synthesized drugs or antibiotics within twelve months, such animals, as well as any products obtained from them, cannot be recognized as organic production and the animals shall be subject to transitional period.

      68. For the animals on which medicinal products were applied, the Manufacturer shall establish a period during which such animals, as well as products obtained from them, cannot be recognized as organic.

      69. This period shall be calculated from the last use of medicines for the animal and constitute a double period established by instructions for the use of the corresponding medicinal product.

      70. Animals infected with infectious, including especially dangerous diseases, for which restrictive measures (quarantine) can be established in accordance with the legislation in the field of veterinary medicine and products obtained from them cannot be recognized as organic, and such animals must be removed immediately from the farmyard territory.

      71. When treating animals with chemically synthesized veterinary drugs or antibiotics, immunological veterinary drugs, with the exception of vaccination for prevention, diagnosis of animals against especially dangerous animal diseases, the prevention and diagnosis of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, the products received from them are not organic and the animal shall be subject to the conversion period indicated in paragraphs 10, 11 of these Rules. Acts on the occurrence of these cases shall be drawn up in a free form and stored by the Manufacturer.

Paragraph 6. Organic breeding of fish and other aquatic animals

      72. Organic breeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals shall be carried out in an organic production unit in accordance with specific needs of the fish and (or) other aquatic animal species, where they shall be:

      1) provided with sufficient habitat for their life;

      2) kept at the temperature and light, corresponding to the needs of the species.

      73. It is allowed to incubate caviar in the incubation apparatus of one farm at the same time of organically and inorganically bred fish species, provided that they are physically completely separated from each other and have separate water supply systems.

      74. For breeding and improving the genetic stock, as well as in the absence of access to fish and (or) other aquatic animals (males and females), the farms shall use male and female fish and (or) other artificially grown or caught from the natural habitat aquatic animals that shall be kept in accordance with these Rules for at least one month prior to use.

      75. The maximum fish-holding density in cultivated environment is specified in Appendix 3 to these Rules.

      76. At the enterprises engaged in the organic breeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals, possibility of controlling and regulating water quality shall be provided.

      77. Artificial water heating or cooling is allowed only in incubation units, also at the maintained temperature conditions in pools and incubators with closed water supply.

      78. The use of technical oxygen shall be allowed:

      1) in case of the water and (or) air temperature rise and (or) decrease in atmospheric pressure or accidental pollution;

      2) during periodic procedures, such as sampling, test fishing, preventive inspection, pituitary injection, estimation, processing and sorting;

      3) to ensure safety during transplantation or transportation of cultivated objects.

      When using technical oxygen, the Manufacturer shall draw up an appropriate act in a free form.

      79. For organic breeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals feed shall be selected, such as:

      1) organic feed products grown in the aquatic environment;

      2) fishmeal, fish oil and ingredients of fish origin from fish caught in environmentally safe water bodies;

      3) organic feed of plant or animal origin.

      80. During the organic rearing of fish and (or) other aquatic animals, the following requirements shall be observed:

      1) availability of the necessary basic knowledge and skills of the technology of breeding, prevention and treatment of diseases of fish and (or) other aquatic animals among employees engaged in their rearing;

      2) breeding methods, including feeding, characteristic features of hydraulic structures, fish-holding density and water quality parameters that meet the technological requirements for breeding fish and (or) other aquatic animals, as well as the conditions necessary for their growth and development;

      3) rearing technologies preventing negative impact of economy on the environment;

      4) separate keeping of fish and (or) other aquatic animals;

      5) ensuring the well-being of fish and (or) other aquatic animals during transportation;

      6) minimizing discomfort of fish and (or) other aquatic animals, including slaughter time.

      81. In pedigree breeding:

      1) artificial polyploidy induction, cloning, production of unisexual species shall not be used. Artificial hybridization is acceptable in the case of receiving a sterile spawn;

      2) species of fish and (or) other aquatic animals shall be selected that meet the requirements for breeding and rearing in the conditions of a particular region or type of farm;

      3) for the management of the breeding stock, rearing and production of young animals, the conditions inherent in this species shall be provided.

      82. Feeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals shall meet their nutrient needs at different development stages. The feed of plant origin shall come from organic production, and the feed obtained from aquatic organisms – from sustainably used fisheries.

      83. The initial products of plant, animal and mineral origin, feed additives and certain substances used in animal husbandry and for the nutrition of fish and other aquatic animals shall be used in accordance with the list of permitted products.

      84. In the breeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals growth stimulator and synthetic amino acids shall not be used.

      85. In the breeding of fish and (or) other aquatic animals, the use of acetonated pituitary fish glands shall comply with the requirements of technology of the respective species breeding.

Paragraph 6-1. Fishery

      Footnote. The Rules as added with paragraph 6-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19.03.2020 № 101 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      85-1. When conducting fishing, the Manufacturer ensures the maintenance and improvement of the reproduction of the ecological system and the preservation of water and other natural resources of the reservoir on which fishing shall be carried out, as well as the negative impact on the ecological system of the reservoir is not allowed.

      85-2. Fishing methods approved by Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 16, 2015 № 18-04/17 "On approval of the List of fishing and non-fishing tools and fishing methods permitted for use" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 10266) have been described in the Manufacturer's acts to comply with the requirements and conditions of paragraph 6 of these Rules and Chapter 3 of the Law.

Paragraph 7. Organic production in beekeeping

      86. Sources of nectar and pollen from organically cultivated agricultural and (or) wild plant cultures growing in the organic production unit within a radius of three kilometers from apiaries shall be used for the organic production of honey.

      87. Apiaries included in organic beekeeping shall be located away from farms that use pesticides, and also pose a risk of contamination with radioactive, chemical, biological substances and production facilities (landfills, sites for burning solid waste or autobahns) within a radius of at least six kilometers.

      88. Beehives shall be made of natural materials that do not pose a risk of environmental pollution or to agricultural products.

      89. When extracting honey, chemical synthetic repellents shall not be applied.

      90. Only healthy and not physically impaired bees shall be used.

      91. Fumigation shall be minimized, natural materials shall be applied.

      92. In case of interruption in nutrition due to climatic conditions, the colonies shall be fed with the use of organic honey and sugar. Manufacturers shall make a written record of this fact.

      93. At the end of the production season (the period of collecting honey), a plentiful supply of honey shall be left in the hives, sufficient for the colony to survive during the hibernation time.

      94. If the hive is indoors in the wintertime, the feed honey shall be left in the amount of two and a half kilograms in single-chamber hives, in multi-chamber hives - two kilograms. If the hive is in the open air in the wintertime, feed honey is left in the amount of: in single-chamber hives - three kilograms and in multi-chamber hives - two and a half kilograms.

      95. During the collection and processing of honey products, the temperature not higher than 40 ° C shall be maintained.

      96. In organic production in beekeeping synthesized chemical drugs shall not be used.

      97. Veterinary remedies are used in the absence of preventive measures effect.

      98. In the event of using veterinary remedies, the treated hives shall be isolated and undergo conversion.

      99. The conversion period in the use of veterinary drugs shall be six months.

Paragraph 8. Organic food processing

      100. In the organic food processing the following requirements shall be observed:

      1) production of organic food from organic materials;

      2) absence of feed and technological additives;

      3) exclusion of substances and processing methods that are misleading regarding the true nature of the product;

      4) gentle processing of food with application of biological, mechanical and physical methods.

      101. A business entity processing feed or food products shall:

      1) identify the production stages;

      2) take preventive measures to avoid the risk of contaminating the organic products with unauthorized substances or products;

      3) carry out cleaning procedures, monitor their efficiency and record such actions.

      102. A business entity engaged in the processing and (or) storage of organic and inorganic products at one manufacturing facility shall:

      1) carry out operations with organic products continuously until the end of the full production cycle, differentiating them from similar operations performed with inorganic products;

      2) contain organic products before and after production operations separately from inorganic products;

      3) keep a timely record of all the operations and the processed quantity;

      4) take the necessary measures to ensure identification of the batches to avoid mixing with inorganic products;

      5) carry out operations with organic products only after proper cleansing of the production equipment.

      103. The following conditions shall apply to the composition of organic processed foods:

      1) the products shall be made from ingredients of organic agricultural origin, while water and salt added to them are not taken into account;

      2) non-organic agricultural ingredients shall be used if allowed according to the requirements specified in paragraph 104 of these Rules.

Paragraph 9. Criteria for products and substances used in processing

      104. In order to impart special nutritional properties to the food products, it is allowed to use additives, technological additives, flavors, water, salt, compositions based on microorganisms and enzymes, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, as well as amino acids and other micronutrients derived from natural sources.

      105. The substances referred to in paragraph 104 of these Rules shall be processed only by mechanical, physical, biological or enzymatic processes.

      106. In the processing process, substances and products approved for use in the processing of organic ingredients of agricultural origin shall be used, according to the list of allowed agents.

Chapter 3. Turnover of organic products
Paragraph 1. Labeling

      107. During the transition period, the manufacturer shall sell and label organic products as “transitional organic products”.

      108. After passing the procedure for confirming the conformity of the production of organic products and organic products, the Manufacturer applies the national sign of conformity of organic products.

      The image of the national sign of conformity of organic products, technical requirements for it and requirements for its application shall be established by the national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan ST RK 3109-2017 "Organic products. National organic conformity mark. Technical requirements and procedure for marking organic products. "

      Footnote. Paragraph 108 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19.03.2020 № 101 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      109. The use of the national mark of conformity for organic products in the advertising of organic products is allowed.

      110. In labeling and advertising of organic products, one of the terms can be used: "organic", "organik", their derivatives or diminutive forms, separately or in combination with the name of the product.

      111. The terms referred to in paragraph 110 of these Rules shall not be used in labeling, advertising of the products that do not meet the requirements established by these Rules.

      112. The labeling shall indicate information about the place where the agricultural raw materials that make up the product were produced.

      113. In labeling, where the terms mentioned in paragraph 110 of these Rules are used, the following shall be indicated:

      1) the name of the organization that conducted the inspection of the Manufacturer;

      2) the national mark of conformity to organic products.

      114. Directions shall be in a conspicuous place, easily visible, clear and indelible.

      115. In the list of ingredients, it shall be indicated which ingredient is organic and the total percentage of organic ingredients in proportion to the total number of ingredients of agricultural origin.

      116. Terms and percentage amount shall be indicated with the use of the same color, font size and style as for the other indications on the ingredient list.

      117. The national mark of conformity to organic products shall be used in the labeling and advertising of products that comply with the requirements of these Rules.

      118. Labeling of organic products shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union “Food products in terms of their labeling” (TR CU 022/2011), approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 № 881.

Paragraph 2. Packaging and transportation of organic products

      119. Organic products shall be packaged pursuant to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On Packaging Safety” (TRCU 005/2011), approved by Decision of the Customs Union Commission № 769 of August 16, 2011 (hereinafter - TRCU 005/2011).

      Organic products shall be transported under the requirements of Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Food Safety” and TRCU 005/2011.

      Footnote. Paragraph 119 - as reworded by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the RK № 145 of 03.05.2024 (shall enter into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      120. During transportation, organic products shall be separated from other types of products in such a way as to ensure their easy identification.

      121. During transportation, organic products of animal and vegetable origin shall be accompanied by permits in accordance with Order № 7-1 / 453 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2015 “On approval of the Rules of issuance of veterinary documents and requirements for their forms” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11898).

      122. Manufacturers shall not use packaging material, which leads to contamination of organic products.

      123. Organic products shall not be packaged in used bags or containers that have been in contact with substances harmful to organic products.

      124. The operation of all vehicles for the transportation of organic products shall be allowed in accordance with the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for vehicles for the transportation of passengers and goods," approved by order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 11, 2021 № RK HCM-5 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 22066).

      Footnote. Paragraph 124 – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.05.2023 № 196 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Paragraph 3. Storage, destruction and disposal of organic products

      125. Before storage of organic products, the premises shall be cleaned with substances in accordance with the list of permitted products used in the production of organic products. Manufacturers shall keep records of such actions.

      126. Organic products shall be stored separately from other agricultural and (or) food products.

      127. Measures shall be taken to ensure batch identification and avoid mixing with inorganic products.

      128. Organic products shall be stored in packaging, in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 005/2011.

      129. Destruction and disposal of perished organic products shall be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the disposal and destruction of food products that pose danger to human and animal health and the environment, approved by Resolution № 140 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 15, 2008 and Rules for disposal, destruction of biological waste approved by Order № 16-07 / 307 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 6, 2015 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11003).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules of production and
turnover of organic products

Minimum permissible standards for animals keeping areas

Indoor area

Outdoor area

live weight(kilogram)

square meter per head

square meter per head

Reproduction and weight gain for ruminants and equines

under 100



under 200



under 350



350 and more



Dairy cows



Seed bulls



Sheep and goats

per adult animal



young animals

0,35 на


Farrow sows with baby pigs under 40days old

7,5 per pig (sow)


Fattening of pigs

до 50



до 85



до 110



Baby pigs

до 30



Pigs for breeding


2,5 per female pig


6 per male pig. With the use of paddock – 10


  Appendix 2
to the Rules of production and
turnover of organic products

Minimum permissible standards for poultry keeping areas

Indoor area

Outdoor area (square meters per head)

Number of birds per square meter

Perch space per bird, centimeters


Laying chickens



7 laying chickens per nest or, in case of common nest– 120 square centimeters per bird

4, provided that nitrogen limit per hectare a year does not exceed 170 kg

Feeding of domestic poultry (in stationary premises)

10 at maximum 21 kg of total live weight

20 (only for guinea fowls)

4 broilers and guinea fowls, 4,5 ducks, 10 turkeys, 15 geese; provided that for all species the limit of 170 kg of nitrogen per hectare a year is not exceeded

Feeding of domestic poultry (in mobile premises)

16 in mobile premises for poultry with maximum 30 kg of total live weight

2,5 provided that the limit of 170 kg of nitrogen per hectare a year is not exceeded

  Appendix 3
to the Rules of production and
turnover of organic products

Maximum fish-holding density in cultivated environment

      In fish ponds:

      sterlet - 25 kilograms per cubic meter;

      sturgeon - 10 kilograms per cubic meter;

      beluga - 44 kilograms per cubic meter;

      trout - 25 kilograms per cubic meter;

      in pools:

      sterlet - 10 kilograms per cubic meter;

      sturgeon - 22.8 kilograms per cubic meter;

      beluga - 50 kilograms per cubic meter;

      trout - 35 kilograms per cubic meter;

      catfish - 200 kilograms per square meter;

      in installations with a closed water supply cycle:

      sturgeon - 20 kilograms per square meter;

      catfish - 200 kilograms per square meter;

      trout - 50 kilograms per cubic meter;

      for fish in adapted lakes and ponds:

      coregonine fish (peled, ripus, whitefish, chir, nelma) - 400 kilograms per hectare;

      phytovorous fish (grass carp, black carp, silver and bighead carp), carp (common carp), pike perch, pike, common catfish) - in total, by species no more than 3000 kilograms per hectare;

      sturgeons (Russian sturgeon, Siberian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon) - in total, by species no more than 1070 kilograms per hectare;

      channel catfish - 3,000 kilograms per hectare.

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