On approval of the Rules for the Formation of a Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services and the regulation on its activities

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 17, 2017 № 614. It was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 13, 2017 № 15671. Abolished by Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2020 No. KR DSM-168/2020

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. Abolished by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2020 No. KR DSM-168/2020 (effective after ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      In alignment with paragraph 3 of Article 11-1 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 “On Public Health and Healthcare System” I DO HEREBY ORDER:

      1. That the following shall be approved:

      1) the rules for the formation of a Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Order;

      2) the regulation on the activities of the Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Order.

      2. In the manner prescribed by law, the Department for the Organization of Medical Care of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) ensure the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order,, send a copy hereof both in paper and electronic form in Kazakh and Russian to Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” for official publication and inclusion into Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) submit the information on the implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph to the Department of Legal Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. The control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan L. Aktayeva

      4. This order shall become effective ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Health
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan Y. Birtanov

  Appendix 1
  to Order of the Minister
  of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  № 614 of August 17, 2017

Rules for the Formation of a Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for the Formation of a Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) are developed in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 11-1 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Health and the Healthcare System” and govern the procedure for the formation of the Commission.

      2. The Commission shall be a permanent advisory body under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

      3. The commission shall be created to develop recommendations for improving clinical protocols, standards of medical education, drug provision, quality control system and accessibility of health services.

      4. The Commission shall consist of representatives of the Ministries, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘Atameken’ and non-governmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as NGOs).

      Only one representative from each NGO shall be included in the Commission.

      5. The total number of members of the Commission shall be an odd number. The representatives of NGOs in the Commission shall make up no more than half of the total number of members of the Commission.

      6. The term of office of the Commission shall be three years.

Chapter 2. Commission formation procedure

      7. The procedure for the formation of the Commission shall consist of the following steps:

      1) publication of the announcement of the selection of candidates for the Commission;

      2) acceptance of documents from candidates for membership of the Commission;

      3) creation of a working group to review documents and select candidates for members of the Commission;

      4) consideration by the working group of documents of candidates for membership in the Commission for compliance with the requirements established in paragraph 9 of these Rules;

      5) making by the working group of recommendations on the composition of the Commission;

      6) decision of the Ministry on approval of the composition of the Commission.

      8. In order to select candidates for the Commission, the Ministry shall place an advertisement on the Internet resource indicating the postal address, deadlines for submitting documents, and email address.

      9. After placing the advertisement within seven working days, the candidates shall submit to the working group that selects candidates the following documents:

      1) free-form statement;

      2) a resume containing information about professional and (or) social activities with an indication of autobiographical data, with a photo and contact information (phone, email address);

      3) copies of an identity document, a diploma of higher education (medical, economic, legal), a document confirming the labor activity of an employee in senior positions in the healthcare sector for at least 5 years;

      4) a document confirming the absence of a criminal record, including the absence of a criminal record in the commission of a corruption offense and (or) corruption delinquency;

      5) certificates from a neuropsychiatric and narcological organization on the regular medical check-up pursuant to form No. 035-2 / у, approved by order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 907 dated November 23, 2010 “On Approval of the Forms of Primary Medical Documentation of Healthcare Organizations” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 6697).

      10. The requirements of paragraph 9 of these Rules shall not apply to employees - representatives of the Ministries who are candidates for members of the Commission.

      11. At the meetings of the working group, decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes of the members present by open vote. In the event of a tie, the decision for which the head of the working group votes, shall be deemed adopted.

      12. Based on the results of the review, the working group shall make recommendations on the approval of the composition of the Commission.

      13. Having considered the recommendations submitted by the working group, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the person performing his/her duties, shall make one of the following decisions:

      1) on approval of the composition of the Commission by issuing an order;

      2) on refusal to approve the composition of the Commission.

      If a decision is made as provided for in subparagraph 2) of paragraph 13 of these Rules, a repeated selection shall be announced.

      14. The ministry shall replace its representative without a selection procedure.

      15. Members of the Commission shall prematurely leave the Commission by submitting a free-form application. In this case, the Ministry shall announce the selection in accordance with paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10 of these Rules.

      16. In cases where a member of the Commission is absent at meetings more than three times for an unfounded reason, the Ministry shall remove him/her from the Commission.

      17. Creation or termination of the Commission shall be approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shall be posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry.

  Appendix 2
  to Order of the Ministry of Health
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  No. 614 of August 17, 2017

Regulations on the activities of the Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. The Joint Commission on the Quality of Medical Services (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) shall be a permanent advisory body under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

      2. The purpose of creating the Commission shall be to develop recommendations for improving clinical protocols, standards of medical education, drug provision, quality control system and accessibility of health services.

      3. The Commission in its activity shall be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as this Regulation on the Commission.

Chapter 2. Objectives and rights of the Commission

      4. The main objectives of the Commission shall be:

      the improvement of clinical protocols;

      the improvement of the standards of medical education;

      the improvement of drug supply;

      the improvement of the standards of the quality control system and accessibility of health services.

      5. For the implementation of objectives, the Commission shall:

      1) create committees for discussion and consideration of issues falling within the competence of the Commission;

      2) interact with state and non-governmental organizations;

      3) if necessary, involve independent experts and representatives of nongovernmental and international organizations, healthcare entities to conduct analysis, assessment and examination on the issues regulated by this Regulation.

Chapter 3. Bodies of the Commission and their working procedure

      6. The Commission shall consist of a chairman, deputy chairman, members, secretary.

      7. The working body of the Commission shall be a structural unit of the Ministry, which is responsible for the standardization of medical services.

      In order to ensure the activities of the Commission, the working body shall:

      1) provide organizational and technical support for the work of the Commission, including preparing proposals for the agenda of the Commission meeting, the necessary documents, materials that it sends to the Commission members seven business days before the Commission meeting with the application of the draft protocol;

      2) invite representatives of structural departments of the Ministry, subordinate and non-governmental organizations to meetings of the Commission (as agreed);

      3) request the necessary information from structural divisions of the Ministry, subordinate and non-governmental organizations.

      8. The Chairman of the Commission shall supervise its activities, chair the meetings of the Commission, plan its work, and exercise overall control over the implementation of its decisions. During the absence of the Chairman, his/her functions shall be performed by his/her deputy.

      9. The agenda of the meeting shall be formed in accordance with the approved working plan of the Commission for the year. Date, time and place shall be determined by the Chairman of the Commission.

      10. Meetings of the Commission shall be held as necessary, at least once a quarter.

      11. A meeting of the Commission shall be considered competent if it is attended by at least half of the total number of members of the Commission.

      A member of the Commission shall inform the Chairman or working body of the Commission in advance of the impossibility of attending a meeting of the Commission.

      Meetings of the Commission shall be held in person and / or in intercom mode.

      12. After a meeting of the Commission, the secretary shall draw up a draft protocol. The secretary shall be a member of the Commission and shall have the right to vote when making a decision.

      13. The decision of the Commission shall be taken by open vote and shall be deemed adopted if a majority of members of the total number of members of the Commission present at the meeting vote for it. In the event of a tie, the decision shall be considered as adopted by the Chairman.

      14. At meetings, the Commission shall make decisions on approving or denying the approval of clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment, new medical technologies, standards for the organization of medical care, medical education, drug provision, accreditation and quality management of medical services.

      Commission decisions shall serve as guidelines.

      15. Members of the Commission shall take part in the activities of the Commission without replacement.

      16. Based on the results of the meetings of the Commission and on the basis of a vote, a protocol shall be drawn up within three working days, signed by the chairman and secretary.

      17. Accounting and storage of materials and protocol decisions of the Commission with the enclosure of materials shall be carried out by the working body of the Commission.

      18. The minutes of meetings shall be posted on the website of the Ministry no later than 15 calendar days from the date of signing.

      19. Standing committees, that are created to develop proposals on specific problems and issues within their competence, shall act within the framework of the Commission:

      Formulary Committee;

      Committee for the Standardization of Medical Services and the Development of Clinical Protocols;

      Medical Technology Assessment Committee;

      Committee for Accreditation and Quality Management of Medical Services;

      Committee for the Modernization of Medical Education and the Development of Human Resources.

      The number of committee members shall be an odd number.

      20. The composition of the committees shall be approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If necessary, specialized experts shall be invited to participate in the work of the committees without the right to vote.

      21. The committees shall include a leader, a deputy leader, members and a secretary. Committee leaders shall be the members of the Commission.

      22. The working body of the committees shall be an organization subordinate to the Ministry, approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      23. In order to ensure the work of the committees, the working body of the committees shall provide organizational and technical support for the work of the committees, including preparing proposals for the agenda of the meeting of the committee, the necessary documents, materials that shall be sent to the committee members ten working days before the meeting of the committee.

      24. The leaders of the committees shall preside over the meetings of the committee, plan their work, and exercise general control over the implementation of their decisions.

      In the absence of the leader, the deputy leader shall hold meetings of the committee and perform the functions assigned to him/her by the leader.

      The secretaries of the committees shall be the members of the committees and shall have voting rights when the committees make a decision. The secretaries of the committees shall be determined from among the representatives of the working body of the committees.

      25. The meetings of the committees shall be held no later than 10 calendar days before the meeting of the Commission, when it is planned to consider the issue in accordance with the competence of the committee.

      26. The main objectives and functions of the Committee on the Activities of the Formulary Commission shall be:

      assistance in providing the population and healthcare organizations with safe, effective, high-quality and affordable medicines, medical devices and medical equipment;

      assistance in ensuring the quality and availability of medicines and medical devices;

      maintaining and improving drug provision through the rational use of drugs and the formulary system;

      coordination of the activities of the formulary commissions of regions and healthcare organizations;

      promoting the introduction of evidence-based medicine in pharmacotherapy;

      participation in the development and coordination of national reference books for doctors on the rational use of medicines;

      development of recommendations for the rational use of medicines;

      promoting the implementation of a drug use assessment program;

      coordination of lists of medicines and medical devices within the guaranteed volume of free medical care, the system of compulsory social health insurance and the Unified Distributor;

      consideration and approval of recommendations for improving the drug supply system;

      promoting ethical drug promotion based on the criteria of the World Health Organization and the European Union;

      analysis of international experience and national standards for the pharmacotherapy of various diseases, the study of scientific evidence of clinical and economic efficiency;

      participation in the development and coordination of targeted drug supply programs for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      providing advisory and methodological assistance to the formulary commissions of regions and health organizations;

      participation in the development and approval of a list of analogue drug substitutions.

      27. The main objectives and functions of the Committee for Standardization of Medical Services and the Development of Clinical Protocols:

      development of proposals for improving clinical protocols;

      improving standards for the organization of medical care;

      consideration of proposals for the development and improvement of standardization of healthcare, expert assessment and quality control of medical services based on evidence-based medicine;

      consideration and approval of recommendations for the implementation and dissemination of health standardization tools;

      assistance in the implementation of evidence-based medicine principles in the development of clinical protocols, consideration and approval of recommendations;

      development and improvement of regulations for the development of clinical protocols, recommendations for the implementation and dissemination of clinical protocols and other standardization tools in practical healthcare;

      questioning on the effectiveness of the implementation of clinical protocols;

      analysis of international experience in improving health standardization;

      development and implementation of targeted programs for standardization of healthcare in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      providing advisory and methodological assistance to professional medical associations in the development of clinical protocols and other tools for standardizing healthcare.

      28. The main objectives and functions of the Committee for the Evaluation of Medical Technology shall be:

      promoting the development of an assessment of medical technology as a quality management mechanism;

      ensuring the selection process for the most effective medical services and medicines;

      development of evidence-based recommendations on the use of medical technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      coordination of the prioritization of medical technologies to ensure the selection and implementation of the most effective new medical services / medicines in the guaranteed volume of free medical care and the system of compulsory social health insurance (hereinafter referred to as the guaranteed volume of medical care / health insurance);

      coordination of procedures and methods for evaluating medical technologies and making decisions based on the results of an assessment of medical technologies;

      coordination of recommendations on the assessment of interdependent and hybrid technologies for the use within the framework of the guaranteed volume of guaranteed free medical care / medical insurance;

      assessment of the impact on the budget of implemented healthcare technologies, including medicines, medical devices, medical equipment, medical procedures, surgical operations, etc .;

      coordination of recommendations for evaluating medical technologies for the formation of lists of medicines and medical devices within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care / health insurance;

      coordination of recommendations for evaluating medical technologies for selecting the most effective medical services (including high-tech medical services);

      facilitating decision-making and negotiating payment mechanisms by improving interaction with stakeholders (risk sharing agreement, facilitated patient access schemes, discounts);

      formation and regular review of the negative list of medical technologies.

      29. The main objectives and functions of the committee for accreditation and quality management of medical services:

      assistance in improving the accreditation system in the field of health;

      improving the system of internal audit and quality control of medical services at the level of a medical organization, a governing body (supervisory board, board of directors, health department) and Social Health Insurance Fund Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company;

      participation in the development and harmonization of accreditation standards in the field of healthcare;

      participation in the development and coordination of the rules and procedure for accreditation in the field of healthcare;

      development of recommendations for improving the documents of the internal audit system and quality control of medical services at the level of a medical organization, governing body (supervisory board, board of directors, health department);

      development of recommendations for improving the documents of the quality control system for medical services at the level of Social Health Insurance Fund Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company;

      development of proposals for improving the list of medical care within the guaranteed volume of free medical care and the system of compulsory social health insurance.

      30. The main objectives and functions of the Committee for the Modernization of Medical Education and the Development of Human Resources:

      Contributing to improving the efficiency of human resources management in the healthcare system;

      assistance in improving methods of planning and forecasting the need for human resources for health;

      assistance in improving the methods of planning and financing the training and continuing professional development of personnel for the health system.

      promoting the implementation of evidence-based practices in the development of human resources for health;

      participation in the development and coordination of programs, plans, methods and other documents regulating the development of human resources of the health system;

      consideration and approval of recommendations for improving methods of planning and forecasting human resources for health;

      consideration and approval of recommendations for improving methods of planning and financing training and continuous professional development of personnel for the health system;

      providing advisory and methodological assistance to health organizations on the development of human resources for health.

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