Unofficial translation
In compliance with paragraph 7 of Article 44 of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 16, 2012 “On Military Service and the Status of Military Servants” I DO HEREBY ORDER:
1. That the attached Rules of Catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be approved.
2. In the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the frontier service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) ensure the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order, send a copy hereof both in paper and electronic copies in Kazakh and Russian to Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion to the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This order shall become effective ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.
Interim Chairman | |
of the National Security Committee | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan | |
National Security Lieutenant General | S. Abish |
Approved by order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 68 ns of August 24, 2017 |
Rules of catering in the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Footnote. Rules - as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2022 № 18/қе (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. These Rules of catering in the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan establish the procedure for catering in the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the NSB).
2. The following basic terms shall be used in these Rules:
1) food supply - a set of measures for providing food for military personnel and service animals, timely and complete provision of the NSB with food, fodder, equipment and property of the food service, managing their storage;
2) daily ration (per day ration) - the amount of food provided for nutrition of one person per day;
3) carry-over stock – the food stock in the NSB food warehouse with groceries of the current allowance, intended for uninterrupted provision of food until new arrivals;
4) field stocks – logistic stocks formed in the NSB warehouses, intended to maintain combat operations of units, also to provide them during mobilization completion period, en route and at the off-loading points before being placed on planned support;
5) current allowance - food issued for the NSB daily rations;
6) food supply pool - the amount of food rationed for the planning period;
7) caterig service equipment - field technical means of the catering service, equipment intended for food supply;
8) catering service property - tableware and kitchen utensils and inventory intended for food supply;
9) natural loss rate – marginal amount of the loss of mass or volume of transported loads or stored inventory items, under the influence of external environment, due to certain physical and chemical properties of loads or goods.
3. The management of catering in the national security body (NSB) shall be carried out by:
1) in the Border service of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Border service) - by the Rear Department of the Border service of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) in the Aviation Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Aviation Service) - by the Department of Military and Logistics Support of the Aviation Service;
3) in the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Border Academy) - by the Logistics Department of the Border Academy;
4) in the military counterintelligence and military police bodies of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the military counterintelligence and military police bodies of the NSC) - by the Department of Military and Technical Support of the Financial and Logistics Support Service of the National Security Committee (hereinafter referred to as the DMTS NSC).
Footnote. Paragraph 3 as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 № 101қe (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).4. Organization of catering - a set of measures for providing personnel with food, in stationary conditions, in the field, in border departments (units) and border control departments (units), doing service on surface boats and ships stationed in military medical institutions, on guard duty and military duty, en route, in guardhouse confinement, of the Aviation Service, with the involvement of legal entities and individuals, with an individual ration pack.
5. Separate structural units of the military counterintelligence and military police bodies of the NSC shall be provided from the territorial subdivisions and subordinate organizations of the Border Guard Service in which they are deployed, except for the cases provided for in part two of this paragraph.
The line of duty of the NSC military police servicemen at the NSB facilities, catering for them shall be provided from the NSB units (institutions) in which the service is done.
6. The food rations standards and the categories of persons that are provided at the state expense shall be regulated by the order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 22, 2015 № 38 / DSP “On approval of the standards for the supply with food, feed, machinery, equipment and tableware and kitchen utensils of the military servants of the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in peacetime” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11435) (hereinafter referred to as the Security Standards).
Chapter 2. Management of funds for catering in the NSB
7. Funds for catering in the NSB shall be planned in the following directions:
1) provision of food for military servicemen by:
food supplies;
acquisition of catering services through public procurement;
acquisition of individual food rations (hereinafter - IFR);
2) acquisition of equipment and property of the food service.
The benchmark data in the planning of funds for catering for the NSB servicemen shall be:
3) actual availability of food at the beginning of the planning period;
4) roster strength of the personnel on each standard of food rations at the planning period start;
5) standards of supply;
6) organizational measures, the implementation of which is provided for in the planning period;
7) the cost of food and IFR.
8. The benchmark data in the of planning funds for the purchase of equipment and property of the NSB catering service shall be:
1) actual availability of equipment and property of the catering service, their quality condition, taking into account the operating life at the planning period start;
2) the current staff, lists and standards for the provision of equipment and property in accordance with the provision standards;
3) staffing of the units, taking into account ongoing organizational measures.
The data obtained from the results of planning funds for the purchase of catering equipment and property shall be included in the relevant section in the budget application of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 3. Catering for servicemen in stationary conditions
9. To provide catering for the servicemen, the staff of the republican state institutions (units) of the NSB shall envisage canteens (soldier, sailor, cadet, officer) canteens.
10. In the absence of an officer canteen, meals for officers shall be served in separately equipped rooms (dining rooms) of soldier (sailor) canteens.
11. When determining the number of cooks (and when forming the staff), the following calculations shall be made: for up to 150 diners - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 people - 4 cooks, then 1 cook is added for every 125 people catered for. A cook instructor shall be on payroll when there are more than 500 people catered for that is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and also a food technologist for more than 1000 people that is not counted in the estimated number of cooks.
12. Cadet and flight canteens shall enroll waiters issuing from: in cadet canteens - 1 waiter per 50 people, in flight canteens - 1 waiter per 40 people catered for.
13. When catering for servicemen, the staffing level of fulltime cook positions must be at least 70%.
14. When catering for servicemen, with involvement of individuals and legal entities 70% of the positions of the cook staff in peacetime shall be kept vacant.
15. In the canteen of the NSB Republican state institution (unit), food processing, food preparation and distribution shall comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2022 № KР DSM-16 “On Approval of the Sanitary Rules “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering facilities” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 26866) (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules).
16. In the canteen (at bread-making facilities), cooks and bakers shall be admitted to work who have passed pre-employment and periodic medical examinations (hereinafter -medical examination), in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 15, 2020 № KР DSM - 131/2020 “On approval of target groups of persons subject to mandatory medical examinations, as well as the rules and frequency of their conduct, the scope of laboratory and functional examinations, medical contraindications, the list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, occupations and work, in the performance of which preliminary mandatory medical examinations are made upon admission to work and periodic mandatory medical examinations and the “Rules for obligatory preliminary mandatory medical examinations” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 21443).
17. Persons permanently working at catering facilities shall be provided with special clothing (hereinafter - clothing), in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 22, 2015 №37 DSP “On approval of the norms for the peacetime provision of clothing for the servicemen of the national security bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 11438) and shall be admitted to work after a pre-employment medical examination, sanitation training and certification.
18. Persons assigned to mess duty, before taking over the duty (shift in the galley), shall undergo a medical examination by the doctor on duty (paramedic).
19. In the absence in the staff of the NSB republican state institution (impossibility of staffing) of positions for cleaning the premises, delivering food from the warehouse to the canteen, peeling (additional cleaning) of fresh vegetables, setting dinner tables, washing the dining room and kitchen utensils and doing auxiliary work, a day duty shall be assigned from among the servicemen (workers).
20. In the dining room, a day duty (kitchen workers) for kitchen works shall be assigned issuing from:
2 workers per up to 50 eaters;
from 50 to 100 eaters - 4 workers;
for every subsequent 50 eaters - 1 worker additionally.
21. For cutting bread, portioning sugar and dispensing them to the personnel, a bread cutter shall be assigned issuing from the number of eaters in the dining room: up to 500 people - 1, from 500 to 1000 - 2, over 1000 - 3.
22. Individuals of the daily detail (kitchen workers) in the canteen shall not be involved in the processing of meat, fish, distribution of food and finished products, as well as in washing food boilers (with the exception of spill over boilers).
Footnote. Paragraph 22 - as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 № 101қe (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).23. Persons on mess duty (kitchen workers) shall not participate in the processing of meat and fish, cooking and serving food, portioning of butter, pouring of compote, milk and juices, peeling and chopping of boiled vegetables.
24. The list of persons admitted to mess duty for the planned year (month) shall be approved by the NSB republican state institution commander.
25. The head of the canteen, cooks and the head of the food warehouse shall not be involved in mess duties.
26. The head of the canteen together with the dining room orderly on duty shall distribute the work of the servicemen who have taken over the mess duty. Before starting work, the head of the canteen shall brief the duty shift on setting the dining tables, collecting and washing dishes, peeling and cleaning vegetables, cleaning the premises, keeping up personal hygiene, and shall provide the shift with special clothing.
27. A separate room shall be allocated for briefing the mess duty shift, and in the canteens with a small number of eaters, a place shall be allocated for these purposes. The room (place) shall be provided with stands and manuals.
28. The mess duty shift shall be distributed according to the calculations, depending on their tasks.
The distribution of persons on mess duty shall be made depending on the amount of work.
29. In case of insufficiency of technological equipment in the canteen (its breakdown, power outages, water cuts), by the decision of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander, a separate duty shall be assigned to peel potatoes and vegetables.
30. One serviceman shall be assigned to clean the dining room and serve 10 tables.
31. For all the units, the required marked cleaning utensils shall be determined.
32. The persons on mess duty shall wear overalls.
33. The persons on mess duty shall meet the following requirements:
1) put away the outerwear into the closet, wash hands thoroughly with hot water, soap and a brush before starting work;
2) work in clean overalls in the canteen;
3) wash hands with hot water and soap after each technological operation, when leaving the dining room, when using the toilet, take off the overalls, and after returning to the canteen, thoroughly wash hands with hot water, soap and a brush, and then put overalls back on.
34. The documentation of the orderly on mess duty shall be drawn up in accordance with the Regulations of the internal service of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 5, 2007 № 364 (hereinafter - the internal service Regulations).
35. In the course of work, the orderly on mess duty shall ensure that the persons on mess duty keep their workplaces clean, strictly observe the sanitary rules, and also work in accordance with paragraph 474 of the Internal Service Regulations.
36. When taking over the day duty, the canteen orderly shall make an entry in the daily duty logbook of the dining room on taking over the duty, availability of documents according to the inventory, kitchen utensils and tableware, serviceability of technological equipment, sanitary condition of the dining room, production workshops and auxiliary premises, quality of washing dishes and the deficiencies found.
37. The inspecting officers (the unit commander) shall make entries in the logbook on results of checking the performance of the service by the day duty shift and maintaining order in the canteen quarters.
38. When taking over the duty, the canteen orderly shall accept the property in the canteen according to the inventory for safekeeping. If there is a shortage or damage to the property, an internal inquiry shall be made.
39. The head of the Republican state institution (subdivision) of the NSB shall provide at the facilities of the food service:
1) compliance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules by cooks, kitchen workers and daily detail in the canteen;
2) conducting by medical personnel objective methods of control, hygienic training, classes with cooks (bakers) to comply with the requirements of Sanitary Rules and compliance with personal hygiene rules;
3) carrying out production control over compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements when receiving, transporting, storing and dispensing food, preparing and dispensing ready-made food (including by conducting laboratory investigations and tests) in accordance with the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 7, 2023 № 62 "On approval of Sanitary Rules" sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the implementation of production control " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 32276).
Footnote. Paragraph 39 as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 № 101қe (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).40. The official in charge of food supply shall perform his duties as required by the internal service Regulations, and also:
1) watch implementation at the catering facilities of the sanitary requirements for catering of the servicemen;
2) organize the catering specialists’ mandatory pre-employment and timely periodic medical examinations (check-ups);
3) organize sanitary and hygienic training and certification of the catering specialists.
41. Persons permanently working at catering facilities shall:
1) strictly comply with the sanitary rules of the delivery, receipt, storage and distribution of food to the canteen, cooking of food, preparation, storage and distribution of cooked food to the servicemen , maintenance and operation of catering facilities;
2) observe personal hygiene.
42. The canteen shall be equipped with the necessary production, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, engineering communications, equipment and property that enable operation of the technological process of cooking food and its consumption by the servicemen in accordance with the Sanitary Rules.
43. Each item of machinery, property and equipment in the canteen (in the galley) and in the warehouse shall be assigned by order of the NSB republican state institution commander to specific officers who shall be guided by the instructions for their operation, maintenance of equipment and safety precautions when working with them, monitor timely repair and implementation of the sanitary rules and requirements for their maintenance.
44. Food in the canteens of the republican state institution (subdivision) of the NSB shall be prepared according to the menu-layout of products according to the form in accordance with Annex 14 to these Rules.
According to the basic ration Standard, hot meals shall be cooked and served three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). The servicemen entitled for additional catering, shall be given four meals a day.
The norm of the main ration with three meals a day shall be distributed according to energy value (calorie content): for breakfast - 30-35 percent, for lunch - 40-45 percent, for dinner - 20-30 percent. In a hot climate (in summer), it is recommended to reduce the volume and calorie content of lunch by 10-15 percent of the total daily calorie content, respectively increasing the amount and calorie content of breakfast and dinner.
Depending on the service conditions and the daily routine of the NSB republican state institution (unit), the distribution by energy value (calorie content) may be changed by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
The hours and sequence of meals of the servicemen shall be established by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
Footnote. Paragraph 44 as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National security committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 № 101қe (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).45. The master menu shall be compiled by the official in charge of food supply together with the official responsible for medical provision, the head of the canteen and the instructor cook (senior cook).
The master menu on medical rations and dietary nutrition in the NSB republican state institutions (units) shall be compiled by the official responsible for medical support, with the participation of the official in charge of food supply, and the instructor cook (senior cook).
The master menu shall be signed by the head of the department, unit (departments) of logistic support, the official in charge of food supply, the official responsible for medical support, and shall be approved by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
46. Introduction of changes and additions to the master menu shall be endorsed by the signature of the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
47. The master menu shall be compiled in accordance with the supply standards separately on each standard of food rations in three copies and last for a week.
The first copy shall be directed to the financial unit to be the ground for issuing and executing primary accounting documents (menu-requirement for the issuance of foods, an invoice for the internal movement of stocks in the form established by order of the Acting Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 2, 2011 № 390 “On Approval of the Album of Forms of Accounting Documents for State Institutions”) (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 7126), (hereinafter referred to as the Primary Accounting Documents) for the dispensing of groceries from the food warehouse to the canteen (to the galley), and two copies shall be transferred to the canteen. One of them must be hung in the dining room (lobby) of the canteen for familiarization of the eaters, and the other must be kept with the instructor-cook (senior cook) for guidance in cooking.
48. The master menu for separately deployed units shall be made in one copy and additionally in copies according to the number of units and last for one month.
For units supplied in the early delivery order, the validity of the master menu is extended for up to three months.
49. In the absence in the warehouse of separate prestocked foods, included in the master menu, by decision of the unit commander, changes can be made to the master menu in accordance with the supply Standards.
The unit commander shall report to the head of the supply support department (unit), logistics department (unit) and inform the official in charge of food supply about the absence of foods included in the master menu and replacements made in connection with this.
50. For catering for the servicemen who are crew members of ships, the master menu shall be compiled by the official in charge of food supply of the NSB republican state institution (unit) in one copy and in copies according to the number of ships and shall last for one month, approved by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
51. When compiling the master menu, the specifics of the training process, staffing of the catering facility and the cooking staff’s qualifications, the established diet, availability and assortment of foods, availability and condition of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment in the canteen, the wishes of the military personnel shall be taken into account.
52. In order to diversify nutrition, comply with the sanitary requirements, refresh food stocks depending on the assortment and availability of food in the food warehouse, the availability and condition of production facilities, equipment, utilities and taking into account the specifics of catering, groceries may be replaced in accordance with the replacement standards.
53. The daily rations of meat, fish, butter, sunflower oil and sugar must be daily given to those who eat in prescribed quantities in accordance with the supply Standards.
54. Products shall be dispensed from the food warehouse to the canteen for cooking against the signature of the instructor-cook (senior cook,) in the presence of the orderly on mess duty for each meal according to the primary accounting document issued by the financial unit in two copies based on the master menu and data from the roster of personnel on mess feeding. The number of those who eat by meal times, according to the order of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander, shall be daily, before issuing primary accounting documents, brought to the notice of the financial unit by officials of the human resources units and shall be verified in the log of movement of personnel on mess feeding, signed by the NSB Republican state institution (unit) deputy commander.
55. The Republican NSB state institution (unit) commander shall set the time (check-in time) for submitting information on the number of mess eaters to the financial unit.
56. The second copy of the document for dispensing foods from the warehouse to the canteen remains with the instructor-cook (senior cook) for control and the next day is handed over to the financial unit for reconciliation check with the first copy.
57. Products shall be dispensed from the warehouse to the canteen for each meal. In the presence of refrigeration equipment and food storage premises, with the permission of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander, food is dispensed from the warehouse to the canteen once a day.
58. The foods shall be dispensed from the warehouse to the canteen in a clean container specially intended for this purpose.
59. The canteen shall avail of two sets of such containers, one of which is stored in the warehouse, and the other in the canteen.
60. A set of containers shall consist of boxes with lids made of aluminum or stainless steel, carts for meat and fish. Potatoes and vegetables are delivered in cart containers. Container sets shall be marked in accordance with their purpose.
After delivery to the canteen and emptying them of foods, the container sets shall be washed, scalded and dried.
61. Products taking a long time to cook (salted, frozen fish, frozen meat) shall be taken from the warehouse to the canteen, taking into account the time required for their soaking or defrosting.
62. In separately deployed units, food for the canteen shall be dispensed to the cook in the presence of the duty orderly of the unit.
63. On weekends, holidays, days of receiving food stocks, in the presence of conditions for storing food in the canteen, by decision of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander, food is dispensed to the canteen.
64. Each canteen shall maintain a Log of food cooking quality control (hereinafter referred to as the Log) separately on each standard of main food rations in accordance with the supply Standards on the form of Appendix 3 to these Rules.
65. The cooks shall put ingredients into the pot in the presence of the mess duty orderly and persons in charge as prescribed by the internal service Regulations.
66. Before the cooked food is served, its quality shall be checked and tested by the persons in charge as prescribed by the internal service Regulations.
67. Testing of food consists in examining it and determining palatability , volume and mass of meat (fish) portions, cold snacks, first, second and third courses.
Sugar, butter and other foods used in finished form are not subject to testing.
The food testing results shall be recorded in the Log of cooking quality control with scoring for each dish. If a discrepancy between the volume, mass of servings and dishes given to military personnel is found, the calculated data indicated in the layout menu, the causes of the discrepancy shall be identified with measures taken to bring the established rations to the level of compliance with the servicemen maintenance Standards.
68. Catering for servicemen in canteens shall be organized by:
1) table setting method;
2) using self-service counters with handing out of food cooked by chefs.
Ready food shall be put on the tables or on the food serving counter 10-15 minutes before the servicemen arrive at the canteen.
69. Persons on the mess duty shall make the dining room ready for eating under the guidance of the head of the canteen and the dining room orderly. The temperature of the cooked food by the time it is taken by the personnel should be: for first courses and tea (coffee) - not lower than +75 °C; for second courses - not lower than +65 °C; compote, juices, cow milk - not higher than +14 °C. Ready first and second courses should be on a food warmer or a warm stove for no more than two hours after they are cooked.
70. When catering with the use of food serving counters, dining tables are not attached to the units; by order of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander, the meals schedule is established by the units, which is placed in the dining hall (lobby) of the canteen. The food shall be served individually for each serviceman.
71. When catering for servicemen by table setting method, the dining tables are assigned to each unit. The table senior is assigned for each dining table by the unit commander.
72. The duty servicemen of the units (together with the mess attendant of the off-duty shift) go to the canteen 15 - 20 minutes before the start of the meal to accept the set tables and meet the personnel.
73. With the permission of the person on duty at the NSB republican state institution (unit), the personnel on daily duty accepts the set tables from the person on duty at the canteen.
74. After checking the compliance of the number of ready servings with the number of the servicemen on allowances and accepting the set tables, the off-duty shift accept food and depart to change the orderlies remaining in the unit, and the on-duty servicemen of the units meet their units in front of the canteen.
75. Military personnel who are conscripted and under contract in the ranks of privates, sergeants and warrant officers, before each meal, wash their hands in the units and arrive at the canteen in clean clothes and shoes in the formation led by the unit commander or an official of the unit (hereinafter - the unit commander), who controls the dining of subordinate military personnel, who (like the serviceman on duty) is subsequently in the dining room and monitors the order of eating. The unit commander is responsible for the timely arrival at the canteen of the servicemen on food allowance.
76. Upon arrival at the canteen, the units, with the permission of the on duty serviceman of the NSB republican state institution (unit), enter the canteen for meals.
At the command of the head of the unit, the servicemen sit down at the tables, the food distributors begin to evenly hand it it, and the servicemen start eating.
The table senior shall control the uniform handing of the cooked food to each person eating at the table, the order and discipline of the personnel during meals, observance of the culture of eating, and also handing back of the tableware after meals.
77. Persons from the daily mess duty shall take the meals at the time established by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
78. Food shall be saved for the servicemen on assignments and absent at breakfast, lunch or dinner for this reason. Applications for saving food shall be handed in by the warrant officers of the units through the on duty serviceman of the unit to the serviceman on mess duty, indicating the time of the servicemen’s arrival at the canteen.
79. Food for the absent servicemen, with the permission of the doctor (paramedic) on duty and with a mandatory mark in the Log of cooking quality control, is taken out before the general distribution, chilled and kept in a separate closed container in a refrigerator in a cold kitchen at the temperature of 4 +/-2 ° C for no more than 6 hours. Meat and fish servings shall be kept separately from the side dish. Before consumption, the chilled food shall be checked by a doctor (paramedic) with a mark in the cooking quality control Log, after which it is thermal-treated again and re-tested. The period of food intake after reheating should not exceed 1 hour.
80. For personnel who are unable to arrive at the canteen before expiration of the established food keeping time, the ingredients are not potted for cooking. In such cases, at the direction of the person on duty at the NSB republican state institution (unit), food for the absent personnel shall be cooked separately by the time they arrive at the canteen.
81. In order to improve the quality of the cooked food and improve the cooks’ skills in the canteens, demonstration cooking of food shall be conducted at least once a month (in the canteens of the border units - quarterly).
82. Demonstration cooking of food shall be conducted by a serviceman in charge of food supply, with the involvement of a cook instructor (senior cook), as well as the most qualified cooks.
83. Before the start of the demonstration cooking of food during the preparatory period, the schedule for the demonstration cooking shall be drawn up in accordance with the form of Appendix 4 to these Rules, indicating the procedures and the cooks making specific dishes.
84. On the demonstration cooking results, an act shall be drawn up in accordance with the form of Appendix 5 to these Rules.
85. Positive and negative aspects in the work of the canteen shall be noted in the act, work of each cook is evaluated, with general conclusions and suggestions for further improving the work of the canteen. The act is signed by the person who conducted the test cooking and approved by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
Chapter 4. Catering for servicemen with involvement of legal entities and individuals
86. If necessary, meals for servicemen are organized with the involvement of legal entities and individuals.
87. When catering with involvement of legal entities and individuals, the NSB republican state institution (unit) commanders shall conclude public procurement contracts with legal entities and individuals for the provision of catering services (hereinafter referred to as the public procurement contract).
88. Catering services shall be provided in the NSB canteens or at catering establishments owned (leased) by the service provider (supplier).
In the absence of a canteen in the NSB, services shall be provided in the premises, in accordance with the sanitary Rules, adapted for serving meals and eating for the servicemen.
89. When catering for servicemen with involvement of legal entities and individuals, officials of the NSB republican state institution shall carry out the following activities:
1) together with the service provider, on a weekly basis, separately on each standard, the menu layout of products for the next week shall be compiled in triplicate, which shall be coordinated with the service provider no later than Thursday of the current week. The first copy of the menu layout is kept in the food service, the second is hung in the dining room (lobby) of the canteen for familiarization of the eaters, the third is transferred to the service provider. Changes to the approved menu are made with the written permission of the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander;
2) timely put on food ration (taking off food ration) of the servicemen, including on weekends and holidays for separate meals;
3) the service provider shall be informed daily (not later than 16.00) on the number of eaters in the canteen the next day, separately by meals, and on the last working day of the week - the number of eaters in the canteen on weekends (holidays). Arrivals (departures) of the servicemen on weekends (holidays), information on the number of people eating in the canteen shall be double checked. Updated information is sent to the service provider signed by the duty shift officials of the NSB republican state institution (unit) no later than 4 hours before the meal, in which the number of eaters has changed;
4) ensure timely arrival of eaters at the dining room by the time established by the daily routine (service regulations), and their observance of order during meals shall be ensured;
5) daily control the fulfillment by the service provider of the terms of the public procurement contract.
When catering for servicemen with the involvement of legal entities and individuals, officials shall carry out the following actions:
6) the weekly menu-layout of products shall be compiled by an authorized representative of a third-party organization providing catering services, in agreement with the interested subdivisions of the republican state institution.
In the case of organizing the provision of food to military personnel on their own, the menu-layout of products shall be compiled by the official responsible for food supply.
The menu-layout of products shall be compiled for each natural provision standard, regardless of the number of individuals feeding on it, and approved by the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the National security committee or the individual replacing it, in three copies. One copy shall be transferred to the accounting department of the republican state institution, the second and third copies shall be placed in the dining and cooking rooms of the canteen. Introduction of amendments to the approved menu-layouts of products are made with the written permission of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the National Security Committee or the person replacing him;
7) information on the number of feeders is provided from the moment of conclusion of the contract on public procurement, clarification is carried out as necessary. In this case, officials of the military counterintelligence bodies and the military police of the National security committee, monthly, no later than the 1-st day, an application for food for military personnel shall be sent to the customer signed by the head of the subdivision or an individual who shall replace him, according to nutrition for the forthcoming month, indicating the number of military personnel in accordance with Annex 4 to these Rules. If the number of servicemen provided with food changes, an additional application for food for servicemen and a letter of justification shall be sent.
Footnote. Paragraph 89 as amended by the order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 №101қe (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).90. Control over the fulfillment of services shall include a daily check by officials of the NSB republican state institution (unit) of the quality of cooked food, compliance of the actual output of ready meals with the calculated outputs indicated in the master menu of products, as well as the number of cooked servings with the number of the servicemen listed for the meals.
91. If the representative of the recipient of services from the service provider identifies products of inadequate (doubtful) quality, including in terms of organoleptic indicators, the issuance of this food for the personnel shall be suspended, with samples taken, which are sent for examination (sanitary and hygienic, veterinary and sanitary, merchandising) to the centers (laboratories) of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (veterinary and sanitary examination).
92. Acceptance of services in terms of volume, quality and compliance with the terms of the public procurement contract shall be carried out by officials who are in charge of these duties.
When services are provided in the canteen of the NSB republican state institution (unit), an entry on the acceptance of the service shall be made in the control Log.
In the provision of services at public catering establishments owned (leased) to the supplier (by the supplier), the officials together with the service provider shall daily draw up a statement in accordance with the form of Appendix 7 to these Rules.
In the NSC military counterintelligence and the military police bodies, on a monthly basis, no later than the 3rd day, a report on catering for the servicemen approved by the head of the NSC DMTS unit or a person replacing him shall be sent in accordance with Appendix 8 to these Rules.
93. Catering for the servicemen, when individuals and legal entities are involved, shall be organized in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.
Chapter 5. Catering for military servicemen in border units (departments) and border control units (departments)
94. Catering for the personnel of the border department (unit), border control department (unit) (hereinafter referred to as the border department) shall be organized by the border department commander in accordance with the established supply Standards, taking into account the specifics of the duty of the personnel, at nighttime including.
95. The border department commander shall personally, or on his behalf the deputy heads of the department, shall monitor completeness of the food distribution to the kitchen by regularly checking the food actually handed to the cook, check the volume and quality of the cooked food, give permission for serving it to the personnel and recording the results in the Control Log.
96. In the border department food shall be cooked in accordance with the menu-layout of products approved by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
97. In the border departments, food for the kitchen shall be dispensed from the warehouse to the cook in the presence of the on- duty unit serviceman in accordance with the menu-layout and the number servicemen on mess rations.
Meals for the servicemen on duty at night (night rations) shall be provided on the established standards for additional rations in accordance with the supply Standards. Products are given out by the border department warrant officer to the cook who prepares food at night. The cook shall hand out the food according to the list provided by the on-duty serviceman of the border department. The number of issued day’s rations shall be checked against the Border Service log.
98. Border patrols, small groups and squads serving duty in isolation from the units for more than 12 hours and having the opportunity to cook hot meals on their own in duty rooms, stationary posts, heating points, shall be given food (food concentrates, canned food etc.) for the period of service within the supply Standards for self-cooking of hot food. In the absence of the possibility of preparing and delivering hot food to the place of service, the servicemen shall be provided with IMP.
Chapter 6. Meals for servicemen in field conditions
99. Meals for servicemen in the field (at field exercises, maneuvers, training grounds, in training centers and camps, units operating in isolation from the location of the NSB republican state institution (unit), in areas of natural disasters and catastrophes) shall be organized at meal stations by senior unit (squad) officer using technical means of cooking or delivery of hot food in thermoses.
Units that do not avail of field technical means shall be attached to the units that have the said field technical means.
100. When catering for military personnel in stationary conditions with involvement of legal entities and individuals, these legal entities and individuals shall cater for military personnel in the field (in accordance with the terms of the public procurement contract).
101. Meals for servicemen shall be provided according to the menu-layout of products approved by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
102. The menu-layout of products for the servicemen’s meals in the field shall be made in one copy and additionally in copies according to the number of units and shall be valid throughout the entire period of catering for the servicemen in the field.
103. When compiling the menu-layout, the expediency of using concentrated and canned food for cooking shall be taken into account.
104. Hours for taking hot meals shall be set by the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander.
105. Hot food is given to servicemen, as a rule, three times a day. When, under the conditions of the situation and accommodation, it is not possible to prepare and serve hot food three times a day, food is cooked twice, and between meals the personnel are given intermediate food: meat or meat and vegetable canned food, bread (crackers).
106. For food and drink in the field, individual pots, spoons, mugs, flasks, as well as tableware and kitchen utensils included in the sets of field equipment shall be used.
107. Catering in the field shall comply with the Sanitary Rules.
108. Shortly before organizing field catering, additional briefings shall be held with food supply specialists (service provider personnel) on catering for servicemen in the field and cooking with the use of field technical means.
109. Cooks and bakers who have passed medical examinations shall be involved in work at meal stations deployed in the field. In the units without full-time cooks, by decision of the NSB republican state institution (unit) commander, the servicemen of the units who have passed the medical examination may be involved in cooking.
Chapter 7. Catering for Aviation Service personnel
110. To determine the annual need of catering for subordinate organizations and separate structural units, annual estimates shall be drawn on food supply in accordance with form of Appendix 9 to these Rules.
111. Field stocks shall be formed on the staff size and stored separately from the food of the current ration.
Places for keeping stocks shall be determined depending on the availability of warehouses for military stocks.
112. The food stock shall be refreshed upon expired storage term by issuing rations to the personnel. The food stocks volume shall be determined by the supply Standards.
113. Carry-over food stocks shall be stored together with the food of the current stocks and refreshed by issuing allowances to the personnel.
114. The repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment in subordinate organizations and separate structural units shall be organized by the logistics department (unit), direct maintenance and repair of equipment - by repair divisions of subordinate organizations and separate structural divisions, and in their absence, by purchasing goods, works and services from individuals and legal entities, while maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out at least once a year.
115. To order equipment and property of the food service in subordinate organizations and separate structural units, a report-application for catering equipment and property shall be drawn up in the form of Appendix 10 to these Rules.
116. The grounds for issuing an order of the commander of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization or a person replacing him, for enrollment in food ration and exclusion from food ration shall be:
1) for cadets, an order, a food voucher in the form of Appendix 11 to these Rules;
2) for contract servicemen, an extract from the order for the combat unit (for persons departing on assignments) or a report on enrollment in food ration and exclusion from food ration in the form of Appendix 12 to these Rules.
117. Upon a serviceman’s arrival for the Aviation Service, its subordinate organizations and separate structural units without an extract from the special order, he shall be put on food allowance by order of commander of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization or a person replacing him, on the basis of his report, which indicates the reasons for the absence of an extract from the special order and the date up to which he is on the allowance. Concurrently, logistics support department of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization, shall request an extract from the special order from the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization that issue extracts from the special order, within three days.
118. Without a food voucher, a serviceman shall be put on food allowance:
1) at the initial occurrence of the right to food allowance at the state expense. In these cases, he shall be put on food allowance by the order of the commander of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization, or a person replacing him;
2) in case of emergency delivery to the NSB military medical institutions (hereinafter referred to as the military medical institutions).
119. Upon departure of the servicemen from the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization and separate structural units as part of a group (squad), one food voucher shall be issued for the entire group. The list of the servicemen shall be attached to the food voucher, signed by the head of the unit and the commander of the departing unit (team leader) and certified by the official seal.
Upon arrival of the servicemen for the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization as part of a group, a report on enrollment in food allowance and exclusion from food allowance shall be submitted by the senior officer for the entire group.
120. The servicemen that are on food allowance within the time limits (periods) specified by the supply Standards are excluded from food ration by an order from the head of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization. Food vouchers are not issued to them. The ground for putting them on ration is an extract from the special order.
121. When a serviceman is moved from one unit to another, within the unit, he shall be put on food ration and excluded from food ration on the basis of a food voucher in the form of Appendix 13 to these Rules.
122. When attaching the Aviation Service, its subordinate organizations and separate structural units for food supply to another subordinate organization and a separate structural unit of the Aviation Service, extracts shall be provided to the supplying unit from the order of the commander of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization attached to food supply, on the arrival (departure) and enrollment in food ration (withdrawal from food ration) of the military servicemen.
123. The human resources unit of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization and a separate structural unit shall submit data on the number of servicemen enrolled in food ration and removed from food ration to the logistics support department.
124. The data submitted by the human resources unit on the number of military servicemen enrolled in food ration and removed from food ration shall be entered in the Log of movement of personnel on mess allowance, in the form of Appendix 14 to these Rules, which is maintained in the logistics department (unit).
125. The following personnel shall be withdrawn from food allowance:
1) servicemen dismissed from military service, from the date of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a subordinate organization, a separate structural unit;
2) servicemen leaving the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization and a separate structural unit on a mission (vacation) from the date of departure.
126. The food rations to the servicemen that are on ration according to the supply Standards shall be handed on the days established by the commanders of the Aviation Service, its subordinate organization, on invoices for the internal movement of stocks in the form established by the order of the Acting Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 2, 2011 № 390 “On Approval of the Album of Forms of Accounting Documents for State Institutions” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 7126), issued and registered in the financial unit.
127. Catering for servicemen of the flight and engineering Aviation Service staff is organized through canteens (of flight, engineering and technical staff).
128. On flight days, meals for the servicemen of the flight and engineering Aviation Service staff shall be organized directly at the airfield. For this purpose, the cooked food is taken out in thermoses, and special rooms for heating and eating shall be equipped at airfields.
129. Servicemen of the Aviation Service of engineering and technical staff shall be enrollment for meals in permitted cases by special order of the head of the NSB republican state institution.
130. Food in the canteens of the servicemen of the Aviation Service of the flight and engineering staff shall be prepared on preliminary orders on the basis of the menu-layouts of products.
131. Catering for the flight and engineering staff of the Aviation Service on the food ration norms according to supply Standards shall be terminated:
1) when disbanding (reforming) aviation and aviation technical units;
2) when transferring the servicemen from one aviation (aviation technical) unit to another;
3) in case of suspension (including temporary) from flight work (from flights) and non-admission to the performance of flights or maintenance of aircraft by decision of the leadership or the military medical commission (medical flight commission);
4) upon transfer to work unrelated to flights or aircraft maintenance;
5) when the servicemen are on weekends (holidays), on missions (including foreign ones), on main and additional holidays, during temporary disability period.
132. On flight days the servicemen of the flight Aviation Service shall be provided with hot food 4 times a day. The intervals between meals, including in flight, shall not exceed 4-5 hours.
133. On the flight days, the flight Aviation Service personnel shall have meals 1.5-2 hours before the start of flights.
134. Flight ration products in terms of energy value on flight days shall be distributed according to the form of Appendix 15 to these Rules.
135. When performing long non-stop flights, the aircraft and helicopter crews shall be provided with on-board rations for the crews of aircraft and helicopters. Expenses for the required number of rations shall be submitted by the head of the unit (crew commander) to the logistics support unit of the NSB republican state institution at least 10 hours before the departure of aircraft (helicopters).
136. On-board rations shall be formed in the flight canteen for each crew member separately by specially assigned and instructed persons. The issued on-board rations shall be entered on the aircraft crew members’ food vouchers.
137. On-board bags with on-board rations packed in them and thermoses with hot tea shall be delivered to the airfield by the hour specified in the application of the head of the unit (crew commander), and handed over against the signature in the invoice for each aircraft (helicopter) to one of the crew members in charge of on-board catering.
138. To provide wholesome on-board meals to aircraft and helicopter crew members, 4 options of on-board rations are used in accordance with the supply Standards.
139. To provide the crew with on-board meals and water, the aircraft shall be equipped with containers for storing in-flight rations, kitchen utensils and mugs, as well as warmers for canned meat and devices for making hot drinks (coffee or tea). The cabin must have a tank for storing drinking water, and also a container for collecting and storing food waste, food containers and sanitary napkins.
140. Drinking water tanks on board the aircraft shall be filled from centralized water supply systems of drinking quality.
141. On-board rations shall be consumed in compliance with the diet based on the calculation: the first meal - 4 hours after the last pre-flight meal in the canteen or at the airfield, and subsequent meals - every 4 hours of flight. During non-stop flights lasting 4 hours, each aircraft crew member shall be given one on-board ration, and in this case the crew must not be removed from rations in the canteen.
142. When non-stop flights are canceled or rescheduled for a day or more, also when an aircraft (helicopter) returns from a flight earlier than the scheduled time, the products issued to the aircraft crew for on-board rations shall be delivered to the canteen, and the crew members in this case are provided with food in the canteen.
Chapter 8. Catering for servicemen on surface boats and ships
143. Catering for the ship and boat crew (hereinafter referred to as the crew) of the NSB ships and boats shall be organized through galleys, canteens, wardrooms of ships and coastal bases. The meals hours for the crew shall be set by the ship commander.
The crews of boats that do not have galleys shall receive food through the canteen of the coastal base. In cases where the boat has no special galley, and no cook on staff, when going to sea, cooking for the crew of this boat is assigned to one of the sailors at the direction of the boat commander in a place specially equipped for this.
The meals hours for the crew shall be set by the ship (boat) commander.
Hot food shall be given to the ship and boat crews, as well as to the crews of coastal naval units three times a day.
Ration products according to energy value (calorie content) shall be distributed: for breakfast - 20%, for lunch - 40%, for dinner - 30% and for evening tea -10%. The distribution of rations by calorie content, depending on the service conditions, the nature of the service tasks performed by the personnel, and taking into account climatic conditions, may be changed by the ship (boat) commander.
144. Sailors and foremen of ships and boats shall have meals in the ship's canteen, and in its absence - in the cockpit or on the upper deck, if weather conditions permit.
For meals the sailors and foremen are distributed according to tables and tanks of the cubicles in which they are accommodated for living. The number of sailors assigned to the tank should not exceed 10 people. One of the foremen is appointed senior.
For serving the table, receiving food from the galley, clearing the table and washing dishes, the head of the table appoints on-duty sailors from the sailors on the tank.
The officers, midshipmen, chief ship foremen and chief foremen shall have meals in the wardrooms, and in their absence - in one of the living cabins.
Hot food before the start of its distribution shall be tested by the doctor, the ship's on-duty officer and the ship commander or, at his direction, by one of the ship's on- deputy commanders. The food testing results shall be recorded in the Log of food quality control (permission to dispense food to the crew with the knowledge of the ship commander is given by the ship's on-duty officer, while en-route - by the watch officer).
145. The seafaring crew of small boats that have no galleys, during the period of service with separation from the shore base of their unit and temporary basing in border departments, shall be put on mess allowance in the canteen of the department according to the food rations norms in accordance with the supply Standards on which the personnel of the department is provided.
Chapter 9. Meals for servicemen in military medical institutions (infirmaries
146. Nutrition of persons undergoing treatment in military medical institutions (infirmaries) shall be organized on a medical ration in accordance with the supply Standards.
147. On medical indications, republican state institutions (units) shall organize dietary meals for servicemen with digestive diseases.
148. In republican state institutions, the official responsible for medical provision shall be in charge of therapeutic nutrition. The menu-layout of products according to the norm of medical rations, as well as the menu-layout of products in the organization of dietary nutrition shall be compiled for a week by the official responsible for medical support, with the participation of the official in charge of food supply, and the instructor-cook (head cook), and signed by officials responsible for medical, food supply, and approved by the head of the NSB republican state institution (unit).
149. Admission to dietary nutrition shall be made by order of the NSB republican state institution commander on the basis of the conclusion of the official responsible for medical support for the period necessary for the treatment of military servicemen, but no more than three months.
150. Separate tables shall be allocated for meals when organizing dietary nutrition.
151. In separately deployed units, dietary meals are not organized.
152. In military medical institutions (infirmaries), patients are enrolled in rations depending on the time of their arrival.
153. Withdrawal from allowance at discharge is made after breakfast, lunch or dinner with the issuance of a food voucher (as required).
Chapter 10. Meals for servicemen on sentry and guard duty
154. The servicemen assigned for sentry duty with a shift every other day shall be provided with three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner with additional rations at night (if the time of service on guard (sentry) duty includes at least two hours of night time from 22:00 to 06:00).
155. When on guard duty the meals shall be cooked in specially equipped premises by one of the servicemen (a full-time or non-staff cook) who has undergone special training and a medical examination.
156. In the absence of conditions for cooking food on sentry, and for servicemen on guard duty –of the opportunity to eat in the canteen, it shall be delivered in thermoses and handed out by a food distributor who has undergone a medical examination.
157. Food for guards (sentry duty) shall be put into clean thermoses after checking its quality by a medical worker and a duty officer at the NSB republican state institution (unit) before its general distribution to the personnel. Thermoses with food are sealed by the person on duty at the NSB republican state institution (unit). Bread, tableware and kitchen utensils shall be carried in special containers that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. The delivered food shall be kept for no more than 3 hours, including the delivery time. After this period, the food shall be boiled (simmered) for 15 - 20 minutes and consumed within one hour.
158. For cooking (heating) and eating while on guard duty, a place shall be equipped in a separate room of the guardhouse.
159. Guards duties of 3-5 people at a considerable distance from the location of the NSB republican state institution (unit) shall be provided with food according to the supply Standards and small-sized means of cooking and delivering (storing) water. The meals shall be cooked directly in the service places by one of the guards, who have undergone special training and a medical examination.
160. In cases where, under the service conditions it is not possible to cook food and deliver it to the place of service, the servicemen assigned for the guard (sentry) duty shall be provided with IMP.
161. Servicemen taking over the duty of guarding the State Border of the Republic of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be provided with three meals a day.
162. Depending on the time of the beginning and end of the duty of the servicemen assigned for the guard duty, meals for them shall be rescheduled.
Chapter 11. Meals for servicemen who are en route
163. The servicemen who are en route in teams and singly shall be provided with:
1) hot food using technical means;
2) IMP.
164. At the same time, the servicemen shall be provided with one of the food ration types.
165. The time spent en route shall be calculated as full days, and the time over 6 hours at that shall be taken as a full day
Chapter 12. Meals for servicemen in disciplinary confinement
166. Servicemen in disciplinary confinement, regardless of the unit they are subordinate to, shall be provided with food at the rate of the main (general) ration established by the supply Standards on which servicemen are provided where the disciplinary confinement premises are put on food allowance.
167. Information on the number of servicemen held in disciplinary confinement shall be submitted by the head of the guardhouse to the NSB republican state institution (unit) on the day the serviceman is placed in the guardhouse to organize catering for the term of serving the penalty established by the verdict (decree) of the court.
Chapter 13. Order of provision with individual meals pack (IMP)
168. IMPs shall be provided to servicemen in accordance with the supply Standards requirements, also in the order of their refreshment upon the end of the expiry term. The order of the NSB republican state institution commander, constituting the ground for issuing primary accounting documents (invoices) for the issuance of the IMP, shall indicate to whom and for how many days the IMP is issued.
169. The IMP from the warehouse of the NSB republican state institution (unit) shall be received by the head (foreman) of the unit. The ground for deregistration of the IMP from the food warehouse is the primary accounting documents for which they are issued, and for deregistration from the NSB republican state institution - the report of the head (foreman) of the unit on their spending and the distribution list for the issuance of the IMP to each serviceman. At the same time, the accountant of the financial unit shall check whether the serviceman was provided with food (monetary compensation) at that time.
170. The number of servicemen entitled to the IMP shall be indicated in the log of the movement of personnel on mess allowance.
171. To maintain combat readiness, the IMP shall be issued to units (servicemen). In this case, the ground for their issuance shall be the order of the NSB republican state institution commander and the primary accounting document (consignment note) drawn up on its basis. IMPs shall not be written off from the register of the NSB republican state institution, but shall be accounted for by the units.
172. In subordinate organizations and separate structural units that have no catering according to the established Standards for the provision of basic food rations, the reserves shall be laid in the form of an individual food ration.
Appendix 1 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
LOG of food cooking quality
(name of the unit)
Started “______”______________ ________.
Finished “______”____________ ________.
Meals | Name of dishes on the menu of "__" _____ 20__ . | Put into cooking pot, kg | Actual weight, g | Name of the cook who cooked the meal | Conclusion of the doctor (paramedic) on the cooked meal quality and sanitary condition of the canteen | Permission of the on-duty serviceman of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) for serving meals | Assessment of the NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander (authorized persons) of palatability of the cooked food and weight fullness | ||||
meat (fish) | potatoes | cereals (pastas) | dishes | Meat (fish) portions | |||||||
weight | % of waste | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Breakfast | |||||||||||
Lunch | |||||||||||
Dinner |
Instructor cook
military rank, signature, full name
Correctness of recording and of remaining products checked
“__” _____________20__
1. The Log of food cooking quality is intended for control over the quality of cooking, fullness of the portions.
2. The Log shall be maintained in the canteen of NSB Republican state institution (unit).
3. Column 2 shall be filled out by instructor cook (head cook) basing on the products layout.
4. Columns 3 - 6 shall be filled out by instructor cook (head cook) in the presence of the canteen orderly after determining the percent of waste and placing food into pot. The mass of meat must be shown as a fraction: in the numerator - the mass of meat, in the denominator - the mass of bones.
The same persons shall fill out columns 7 ad 8 on the first courses, in column 7 the mass of the portion is recorded without meat and fish, on second courses- the mass of the side dish and gravy (in a fraction). In column 8 factual mass of meat and fish portions is recorded.
5. Column 10 shall record: assessment of food quality – “Good” or “Poor”; assessment of the sanitary condition – “Good”, “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”.
6. Column 11 shall record: “Food issuance is allowed” or “Food issuance is not allowed”.
7. Column 12 shall record assessment of food palatability: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”, weight fullness of the portions – “Portions are full-weight” or “Portions are under-weight”. In underweight portions the products missing in them are indicated.
8. Entries in columns 10 - 12 shall be signed by the persons who made these entries.
Appendix 2 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
SCHEDULE of test-demonstration cooking in _________________
№ п/п | Name of the work | Performed by | Time of work | |||||
start | duration | end | ||||||
hr. | min. | hr. | min. | hr. | min. | |||
1. | Familiarization of the participants with the demonstration cooking process, checking theoretical preparedness of the cooks, distribution of the cooks’ duties in processing products and cooking dishes | Head of the demonstration cooking process, instructor cook | ||||||
2. | Acquisition of products from the warehouse | Instructor cook, orderly on mess duty | ||||||
Making cold snacks | ||||||||
3. | Primary and heat treatment of vegetables for vegetable salad | Cook | ||||||
4. | Chopping of vegetables | Cook | ||||||
5. | Dressing of the salad | Cook | ||||||
Making 1-st and 2-nd courses | ||||||||
6. | Deboning of meat and chopping of bones | Cook | ||||||
7. | Making broth | Cook | ||||||
8. | Placing into pot and cooking meat | Cook | ||||||
9. | Removal of meat, cooling and cutting it into portions for the 2nd course | Cook | ||||||
10. | Making cutlet mass | Cook | ||||||
11. | Roasting cutlets, weighing | The head of the demonstration cooking, cook | ||||||
12. | Heat retreatment of meat portions and cutlets | Cook | ||||||
13. | Chopping of vegetables for the 1st course | Cook | ||||||
14. | Heat retreatment of potatoes and vegetables for the 1st course | Cook | ||||||
15. | Sautéing onions, carrots and tomatoes | Cook | ||||||
16. | Seasoning of the 1st course | Cook | ||||||
Making sauce, side dish and compote | ||||||||
17. | Roasting bones and cooking broth for the sauce | Cook | ||||||
18. | Making red sauce | Cook | ||||||
19. | Sorting and washing cereals, pouring water into the cooking pot and preparing a side dish | Cook | ||||||
20. | Making compote | Cook | ||||||
21. | Cooling of the 3rd course | Cook | ||||||
22. | Pouring of chilled compote into mugs | Cook | ||||||
23. | Determination of the actual output of the 1st and 2nd dishes | The head of the demonstration cooking, cook | ||||||
24. | Determination of food quality | The head of the demonstration cooking, instructor cook | ||||||
25. | Dining table setting | Orderly on mess duty | ||||||
26. | Handing out meals | Cooks | ||||||
27. | Eating of the meals by the personnel | Orderly on mess duty, unit commander, personnel | ||||||
28. | Survey of eaters about the food cooking quality | The head of the demonstration cooking | ||||||
29. | Tallying up the demonstration cooking and filling the paperwork | The head of the demonstration cooking |
Head of the demonstration cooking process
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 3 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Approved NSB Republican state institution (unit) commander ___________________________ military rank, signature, full name “____” ______________ 20___ . |
ACT of test- demonstration cooking in the canteen________
“___” __________ 20__ . ________________
I, ___________________________________________________________________,
basing on, ______________________________________________________________
conducted test-demonstration cooking in the canteen _____________________
on standard № ___ with dinner cooked for all the personnel.
The test-demonstration cooking process was attended by:
__________________________________ in total__________________ people.
Before test cooking, the state of the canteen, warehouse, compliance with sanitary and
hygienic requirements, serviceability of technological and refrigeration equipment, its correct
operation, availability and storage of food in the warehouse were checked, practical measures
were taken to eliminate the identified shortcomings, and also classes and instruction with cooks was conducted.
The food was cooked according to the menu, which included the following dishes:
Products for the canteen were received in accordance with the approved menu and
the number of eaters according to invoice № _______________.
The products were delivered to the canteen and stored before cooking: _______________________________________________
Name of the product | Received, kg | Waste on standards | Actual waste | Weight after primary treatment | ||
% | amount, kg | % | Amount, kg | |||
Meat | ||||||
Potatoes | ||||||
Carrots | ||||||
Beets | ||||||
Onions | ||||||
Chives |
Actual waste after primary treatment of the products made
During the demonstration cooking, the percentage of primary processing of meat, potatoes, vegetables, cereals was demonstrated, calculation of the required amount of water for the first, second and sweet courses, as well as cold snacks, the sequence of laying products into pot, sautéing of flour and vegetables, determination of the actual output of meat, its portioning, cooking.
Consumption of food | Estimated output of one portion according to the layout | Actual output |
Deviation of the actual output from the estimations is within permissible limits ________________________________________________________________________
Organoleptic evaluation of cooked food by persons participating in the test cooking:
Tables were set by ____________________________________________
For equal distribution of food, control portions were established.
Evaluation of palatability of the cooked food by eaters:
Comments and suggestions of the eaters: ____________________________________
Test-demonstrative cooking was performed by:
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 4 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Approved ___________________ (position, military rank) __________________ (Full name) |
Application for catering for the servicemen of _____________________ (unit) of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for “____” _______________________
№ | Place of meals | Number of people | Note |
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 5 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Statement _______________________________________________ (name of catering service provider) for “____” _______________________
№ | Full name | Signature | Date |
Handed (issued)
military rank, signature, full name
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 6 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Approved ____________________________ full name |
REPORT on catering for the servicemen of ___________________________________________ (unit) of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for “____” _______________________
№ | Date | Number of people | Note |
Report made by:
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 7 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form | |
Approved Commander of the NSB Republican State Institution ____________________________ military rank, signature, full name “____” __________ 20___ |
Annual calculation of food supply need
№ | Name of food items according to supply standards | Measurement unit | Main standards | Additional rations to the main standards | Food rationing standards | Rate of raw materials consumption for baking bread | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
Average number of per day rations | ||||||||||||||||||||
Table continuation
Other | In TOTAL required by standards (sum gr.4+gr.24) | Carry-over stocks | In TOTAL required, taking into account carry-over stocks (gr.25+гр.26) | Projected balance at the beginning of the period | TOTAL requirement for 20___ (gr.27-gr.28) | ||
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
Information on average roster strength on rations by rationing standards
№ | Name of the recipient | Measurement unit | Average daily number of eaters | Days of functioning of the institution | Average annual number of eaters |
1 | Standard № 1 Main ration | Daily ration | |||
Total: |
Calculation of daily rations by types of food rations
№ | Name of the rations | Measurement unit | Average daily number of eaters on ration types | Days of functioning of the institution | Average annual number of eaters on ration types |
1 | Standard № 1 Main ration | Daily ration | |||
Total: |
Calculation of the average roster strength
№ | Months |
Number of days in a month | Contract servicemen, taking over the duty |
Number of day’s rations | |||
Total: average number |
Note: benchmark data for annual calculation of the need for food supply shall be:
1) roster strength at the beginning of the planning period;
2) number of food rations;
3) arrangements scheduled for the planned period;
4) sizes of the carryover food stocks;
5) actual availability of food at the beginning of the planning period.
Head of the unit
military rank, signature, full name
Calculations made by:
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 8 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form | |
Approved Commander of the NSB Republican State Institution ____________________________ military rank, signature, full name “___” __________ 20___ |
Report-application for catering equipment and property
№ | Name of equipment and property | Measurement unit | Required by standard | Carry-over stocks | Required in total | Balance by 1 January, 20__ | Receipts in 20__ | ||
from suppliers | other receipts | total in receipts with balance | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1 | Refrigeration equipment | ||||||||
2 | Technological equipment | ||||||||
3 | Bakery equipment | ||||||||
4 | Weighing instruments | ||||||||
5 | Non-mechanical equipment | ||||||||
6 | Field cooking facilities | ||||||||
7 | Kitchenware and utensils | ||||||||
8 | Crockery and cutlery | ||||||||
9 | Porcelain and glass tableware |
Table continuation
Expenditures in 20__ | Balance at the year-end | To be written off in 20__- | Total requirement | Shortage | Excess | Declared in 20____ | Issued for service | New in stock | ||||||
written off after expiration | transferred to other NSB republican state institutions | other expenses | Total expense | |||||||||||
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 28 |
Information on the number of canteens in use as of January 1, 20__
Name of canteens and suppliers | Number of canteens |
Stationary: | |
under 15 people | |
from 16 to 50 people | |
from 51 to 150 people | |
from 151 to 300 people | |
from 301 to 500 people | |
from 501 to 750 people | |
from 751 to 1000 people |
Information on the number of food warehouses in use
Number of servicemen on rations | Number of warehouses |
under 40 people | |
from 41 to 100 people | |
from 101 to 300 people | |
from 301 to 500 people | |
from 501 to 1000 people | |
over 1000 people |
Information on the number of bakeries in use
Number of servicemen on rations | number of bakeries |
under 50 people | |
under 400 people | |
over 400 people |
In addition, mess rooms are available:
10) on guard duty with food delivery in thermoses from the canteen ______ for _______people;
11) for officers (dining room) __________ for ______ people;
12) infirmary with _______beds.
Head of the unit
____________________________________________________________ military rank, signature, full name
Report made by: ________________________________________________________________________________ military rank, signature, full name
13. The benchmark data for drawing up a report-application shall be:
14) supply standards;
15) staff size of the subordinate organization and separate structural units of the Aviation Service, taking into account the ongoing organizational arrangements;
16) the actual number of canteens, food warehouses and bakeries;
17) availability of 4-, 6- and 10-seat tables and canteens;
18) carry-over stocks.
19. The report-application for equipment and property of the catering service shall reflect availability, movement and quality condition of the catering equipment and property in canteens, food warehouses, guards, infirmaries for the reporting period and at the same time shall be the main document for request for them to meet the needs of the subordinate organization and separate structural units for the next year.
20. Data on the movement and availability of utensils and equipment for the reporting period shall be entered on the report on the basis of data from warehouse accounting books and receipt and expenditure documents.
Other receipts shall include:
21) excess property revealed during the inventory, audit, etc.;
22) recording of previously incorrectly written off property;
23) received equipment from the newly commissioned canteen;
24) made by efforts and resources of territorial units, subordinate organizations.
Other expenses shall include:
25) handed over to the food warehouse;
26) to complete food service equipment;
27) premature wear;
28) shortages and theft;
29) loss in natural disasters.
The report shall show the amount of property subject to deregistration from the subordinate organization and separate structural units after the established service term expiry in the year following the reporting one. These data shall be obtained by calculation. The number of utensils in use at the end of the reporting year and the number of utensils required according to the supply standards for the average number of diners shall be taken into account.
The number of utensils to be written off after the service term expiry cannot be more than that requirement for the current provision.
When determining the number of mugs and tablespoons to be written off after their service life expiry in the current year, the mugs and spoons contained in a conscript’s kit bag shall not count at that.
When determining the number of mugs and tablespoons to be written off after their service life expiry in the current year, the mugs and spoons contained in a conscript’s kit bag shall not count at that.
The equipment of canteens and food warehouses subject to write-off shall be included in the report only if its service life expires in the coming year and it is really subject to write-off due to its technical condition.
Provision with utensils and household property and equipment shall be determined as follows: the amount of property and equipment to be written off according to the service life in the current year is added to the total need, and the balance at the end of the reporting year is subtracted.
30. The explanatory note to the application report shall indicate:
31) the number of eaters on each food ration;
32) actual number of canteens, food warehouses, infirmaries, bakeries;
33) the authorized bed capacity in the infirmary;
34) availability of tables with hygienic covering in the canteen and more.
The report- application shall be formed as of December 1 of the current year and submitted to the Department of Military and Logistics Support of the Aviation Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan by December 20 of the current year.
Appendix 9 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form |
Food voucher № _______ ________________________________ (name of the unit)
to serviceman _______________________________________________________,
military rank, signature, full name)
who departed ____________________________________________________________
(on duty assignment, to hospital, on leave)
according to ____________________ is provided with food __________________
(document number) (name of the unit) on rationing standard ______________
up to_______________________
№ | Type of food supply | Number of absence days (in words) | By what date of the month (in words of the year) |
1. | Food ration in kind | ||
2. | Field ration (individual ration) | ||
3. | Cash allocated for food en route | ||
4. | Cash compensation in exchange for food rations | ||
5. | Excluded from food ration |
Signature of the voucher receipt
military rank, signature, full name
Unit commander
military rank, signature, full name
Note drawn by:
military rank, signature, full name
The food voucher is a document confirming the date and type of ration standard on which a cadet or serviceman, military group (unit) is provided with food in kind upon departure from the unit. The food voucher shall give the right to a serviceman (military group, unit) to receive food in kind both at the new service place of the serviceman, and while on a duty trip, on vacation and on inpatient treatment in a military hospital, clinic, infirmary of the unit or a higher military educational institution.
The food voucher shall be recorded in the log of food vouchers, which shall be run in the Logistics department (unit) issued in duplicate: first copy– to the departing serviceman, the second copy shall be filed in the indexed record.
Appendix 10 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form | |
To commander of the NSB Republican State Institution ____________________________ military rank, signature, full name |
____________________________ |
In connection with________________ (reason for arrival (departure) and being in the unit is indicated)
I request to enroll (exclude) me to (from) food rationing
from “__” ________ to “___” ____________ 20__at state expense.
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 11 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form |
Food rationing confirmation № _______
(name of the unit)
Confirms that _________________________________________________________,
military rank, signature, full name
who departed to _______________________________________________________________,
(name of the unit)
was provided on departure day with breakfast, lunch, dinner pack (delete where not applicable) and also:
а) for en route time with food on the standard ______________ of ration for ___ days
In total he was supplied up to “_____” _________________ 20___ inclusive.
Excluded from rations from _________________________________ 20 _____
Unit commander
military rank, signature, full name
Food rationing confirmation received
military rank, signature, full name
Appendix 12 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form |
Log of movement of personnel on mess allowance _________________________________________________________________________ (name of the unit)
Start “___” ____________ _____
End “___” __________ _____
date of the month | Ground for the entry | On rations | ||||||||||||
№ |
№ | arrived | departed | put on allowance | arrived | departed | put on allowance | arrived | departed | put on allowance | arrived | departed | put on allowance | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Total: |
Table continuation
On rations | Separate meals on rations | ||||||
arrived | departed | put on allowance | breakfast | lunch | dinner | breakfast | lunch |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Table continuation
Separate meals on rations | Data on headcount reconciliations with HR department | |||||||
dinner | breakfast | lunch | dinner | breakfast | lunch | dinner | Signature of the person in charge of food supply | Signature of the person responsible for accounting for personnel in HR department |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | ||
Appendix 13 to the Rules of catering in the National Security Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Distribution of flight ration products by energy value on flight days in percent
Meals | In flights of 3-5 hours | In flights of 8-9 and 14-16 hours | In night flights |
1-st breakfast | 10-15 | 20-25 | 20-25 |
2-nd breakfast | 25-20 | 15-10 | - |
Lunch | 35-40 | 35-40 | 40-35 |
1-st dinner | 30-25 | 30-25 | 25-30 |
2-nd dinner | - | - | 15-10 |
Note: second breakfast is given during a break between flights or after their completion.
Annex 14 to the order of the Acting Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan Республики Казахстан dated August 24, 2017 № 68 нс |
I hereby allow the replacement of products: |
Republican state institution national security agencies (NSA)
special or military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
subject to laying in the boiler at the natural standard ______ per military personnel
per day for the time dated from "___" ___________ to "___" _____________ 20___
Footnote. The order was supplemented with Appendix 14 in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.12.2023 № 101ke (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Date and days of the week | Food intake | Name of dishes | Different cereals | Dairy products | Food | ||||||||||
Monday "__" _______ 20__ | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Tuesday "__" _______ 20__ | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Wednesday | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Thursday | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Friday | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Saturday | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: | |||||||||||||||
Sunday | Breakfast | ||||||||||||||
Lunch | Snacks | ||||||||||||||
Dish I | |||||||||||||||
Dish II | |||||||||||||||
Dish III | |||||||||||||||
Dinner | |||||||||||||||
Total products per day: |
Continuation of the table
Vegetable | Vegetable juice | Fruit and berry juice | Bee honey | Fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges) | Total mass of the finished dish (gram) | Mass of meat and fish portions (grams) | |||
Head of the department of material support
special or military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Consultant (senior officer) of the department (department) of material support
special or military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Head of the department for medical support (team)
special or military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)