Unofficial translation
In accordance with subparagraph 5) of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 "On State Statistics" and subparagraph 258) of paragraph 17 of the Regulation on the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Decree No. 1011 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 24, 2014, I hereby ORDER:
1. Approve the attached methodology for determining investment amount in fixed assets, including hidden and informal activities.
2. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, the Office of Production Statistics and Environment jointly with the Legal Office of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) ensure state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, send a copy of it in paper and electronic form in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information" for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, send a copy of it for official publication in printed periodical publication;
4) publish this order on the Internet resource of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The Office of Production Statistics and Environment of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall bring this order to the structural subdivisions and territorial agencies of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for guidance in the work.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (G.M. Kerimkhanova).
5. This order shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after its first official publication.
Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy Republic of Kazakhstan |
N. Aidapkelov |
Approved by order No. 198 of Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy dated December 13, 2017 |
Methodology for determining investment amount in fixed assets, including hidden and informal activities
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. This Methodology for determining investment amount in fixed assets, including hidden and informal activities (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology), refers to a statistical methodology formed in accordance with international standards and approved in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 “On State Statistics” (hereinafter referred to as the - the Law).
2. The methodology shall determine the main approaches to the calculation of statistical indicator of investment amount in fixed assets, including hidden and informal economy on the basis of data of nationwide statistical observations, administrative sources and economic calculations.
3. The methodology shall be used in statistical activities by employees of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Committee).
4. The methodology developed including the principles of the System of National Accounts 2008 (hereinafter - the SNA).
Chapter 2. Determining investment amount in fixed assets, including the assessment of hidden and informal activities
5. Determination of investment amount in fixed assets, including the assessment of hidden and informal activities, shall be carried out by a combined method based on data of nationwide statistical observation, information from administrative sources and economic calculations used to determine capital expenditures not observed by nationwide statistical observations.
The hidden sector shall be defined as "activities being within the scope of production in the SNA and shall be legal (subject to certain standards and regulatory requirements), they are hidden from the bodies of state administration.
The informal sector is an informal production activity of enterprises that not registered in tax authorities.
6. The investment amount in fixed assets, including hidden and informal activities, shall be determined by the following technological structure:
expenditures for construction and installation;
expenditures for acquiring machinery, equipment, vehicles, tools;
other costs in the investment amount in fixed capital.
Distribution of estimated amounts of hidden and informal investment activity shall be carried out according to the detailed structure of assets.
Section 1. Determination of the cost for construction and installation work, including hidden and informal sector
7. The calculation of costs for construction shall be based on nationwide statistical observations and special calculation algorithms.
When calculating the issue of new construction, information shall be used on investments in fixed capital, aimed at carrying out construction and installation works and other capital works and costs included in cost of construction products.
The calculation shall be carried out on the basis of nationwide statistical observations data on investments in fixed capital and commissioning of facilities by individual developers (administrative data of state authorities for architectural and construction control and local executive bodies for architecture and urban planning).
The parameters of hidden and informal activities include:
underestimation of the cost of individual houses of the population compared to the actual costs of its construction;
growth of investment in fixed assets for sold newly built residential buildings;
lowering the cost of construction of non-residential buildings and structures by individuals.
8. The size of underestimation of costs of individual houses per month shall be determined by the difference between costs of building individual houses per month and its costs, obtained as a result of nationwide statistical observation of commissioning of objects by individual developers:
The cost of construction of individual houses per month shall be determined by the following formula:
The average total area of individual residential buildings for month shall be calculated based on the data of nationwide statistical observation of the start of construction and installation work on notifications and permits, by dividing the total area of residential houses according to permits submitted to individual developers by the average duration of the process of building houses by individual developers (determined by calculation, including the norms of the duration of construction of residential buildings).
The average actual construction costs of one square meter of the total area of residential buildings built by the population shall be defined as the sum of the actual costs incurred by individual developers per one square meter of the total area of all residential buildings completed during the reporting month, regardless of the construction date, degree of comfort and number of floors.
Estimated size of the underestimation of the cost of individual houses for the month shall be referred to the costs of construction and installation work performed on residential buildings.
9. The increase in investment in sold newly built residential buildings per month shall be calculated on the basis of data on the total area of housing sold to the population per month, the average actual cost of building one square meter of total area of residential buildings and the sale price of one square meter of total area of residential buildings in the primary market by the following formula:
The calculation shall be performed with the use of data generated from the results of nationwide statistical observations on the registration of housing prices and the commissioning of facilities, as well as data on the calculation of the total area of housing sold to the population for the month, based on data on the number of housing purchase transactions and housing data stock.
The growth of investments in sold newly built residential buildings per month shall be calculated separately for individual houses and apartments in apartment buildings.
By species structure, the growth of investments in sold newly built residential buildings shall be referred to the cost of construction and installation work on residential buildings.
10. The underestimation of the cost of construction of non-residential buildings by individuals for month shall be determined on the basis of statistical data on commissioning of facilities by individual developers and shall be determined by the difference between the costs of constructing non-residential buildings for a month and their cost, obtained as a result of nationwide statistical observation on commissioning of facilities by individual developers.
To determine the cost of construction of non-residential buildings for the month, the actual costs of the construction of main buildings shall be adjusted for the term of their construction (calculated including the norms of the duration of the construction of non-residential buildings):
The underestimation cost of construction of non-residential buildings by individuals for the month shall be calculated by the formula:
The value of underestimation cost of construction of non-residential buildings by individuals for a month shall be included in amount of costs for construction and installation work on non-residential buildings.
11. The size of underestimation cost of construction of buildings by individuals for the month shall be determined similarly, based on data on the costs of construction of buildings, adjusted for the average construction time, and the cost of facilities of nationwide statistical observations of commissioning facilities by individual developers.
The estimated amount of underestimation cost of construction of buildings for the month shall be referred to cost of construction and installation work performed on the structures.
Section 2. Determining cost of acquisition of machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools, including hidden and informal sectors of economy
12. The amount of costs for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools shall be formed by summing up the reporting data obtained from the results of nationwide statistical observation and the estimated costs of hidden and informal sector of economy.
Estimates of costs of hidden and informal sector for purchasing of machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools shall be carried out on the basis of data on amount of industrial production, exports and imports by the main product groups (foreign trade statistics), as well as on the basis of national statistical observation of leasing activity and estimated expenditure data of peasant, farmer and households engaged in the production of agricultural products for sale, for purchase of agricultural machinery.
13. The estimated amount of costs of hidden sector for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools shall be determined by using the ratio of the national production of machinery, equipment (including import and export) with the amount of costs for purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles, calculated by the formula:
Estimated amount of costs of hidden sector for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools for month shall be calculated by the formula:
The estimated amount of the costs of hidden sector for purchasing of machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools for month shall be included in the amount of costs for purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles.
14. The costs of hidden and informal sector for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools under financial leasing contracts shall be determined by the difference in the estimated value of the costs for purchasing machinery and equipment and amount of costs recorded by the national statistical observation.
Costs for purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles under financial leasing contracts shall be calculated using ratio of amount of received leasing payments and amount of investments for purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles.
According to the data on financial leasing contracts submitted by organizations operating in the field of leasing, obtained as a result of nationwide statistical observation of leasing activities, by formula the ratio shall be:
The resulting ratio shall be used to determine the cost of acquiring leased property in the reporting month:
The difference in the estimated value of costs for purchasing machinery and equipment under financial leasing contracts for month and amount of costs accounted for by the nationwide statistical observation shall be connected to the investment data for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles obtained by the nationwide statistical observation.
15. To estimate the costs of peasant, farming and households engaged in the production of agricultural products for sale, purchasing agricultural machinery, equipment, and tools the average prices of agricultural machinery shall be multiplied with its quantity.
The basis for the calculation shall be the data of agricultural register, price statistics and foreign trade on the value of agricultural machinery.
The received amount of the monthly assessment shall be connected to amount of investments for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools.
Section 3. Determination of other costs in amount of investments in fixed assets, including hidden and informal sector
16. Other costs in amount of investments in fixed capital, including hidden and informal sector, shall be determined including the costs of peasant, farm and households engaged in the production of agricultural products for sale, for purchase of working, productive livestock and cultivation of perennial plantings, as well as estimated data on the difference in costs for exploration and assessment of mineral reserves obtained by comparing data of nationwide statistical observations and data of administrative source, costs estimate of hidden and informal sector for information and communication technology and research and development works.
17. The costs of peasant, farmer and households engaged in the production of agricultural products for sale, purchase of working and productive livestock, shall be determined by the difference between the estimated data on the cost of purchasing and amount of costs generated by the results of nationwide statistical observation.
The initial data for calculation shall be agricultural register data on the availability and movement in livestock in peasant, farmer and households in natural terms and price statistics data on prices per head of working, productive and breeding livestock.
Costs of peasant, farm and households for purchasing livestock shall be adjusted based on the ratio of data on new fixed funds introduced “Adult worker and productive livestock (except young animals and livestock for slaughter)” obtained from a nationwide statistical observation of state of fixed funds and investment in formation working productive and breeding herds.
The difference between calculated data on the cost for purchasing livestock for a month and amount of costs formed on the basis of nationwide statistical observation shall be included in the cost for purchasing working, productive and breeding livestock.
18. The costs of growing perennial plantings in peasant, farm and household farms shall be calculated similarly, based on the ratio of data on changes in the area under perennial plantings in these categories of farms multiplied by the prices of perennial plantings and put into effect new basic assets “Perennial plantings”.
Obtained by the difference between calculated data and data of nationwide statistical observation for month, amount of costs for cultivation of perennial plantings shall be connected to other costs in amount of investments in tangible fixed assets, respectively.
19. The cost of exploration and assessment of mineral reserves for assessing hidden and informal activities shall determine the difference between the administrative data generated in the course of monitoring and controlling compliance with the terms of subsurface use contracts, and data on costs of exploration and assessment of minerals of the national statistical observations on investments in fixed assets.
The value of estimated cost of hidden and informal sector for exploration and evaluation of minerals for month shall be included in other costs in amount of investments in intangible fixed assets.
20. The costs of research and development of hidden and informal sector shall be estimated on the basis of data generated from results of nationwide statistical observation of research and development works.
Assessment of monthly costs of research and development shall be based on annual data on cost of research and development performed by third parties under contracts, and the twelfth part of the annual amount shall be included in other costs in amount of investments in intangible fixed assets.
21. Assessment of costs of hidden and informal sector for software development shall be carried out on the basis of data generated by the results of nationwide statistical observation on the use of information and communication technologies in enterprises, which is adjusted to take into account in monthly amounts of costs for creation and purchasing computer software and databases respectively.
Section 4. Amount of investments in fixed assets, including the assessment of hidden and informal activities
22. The total amount of investments in fixed assets shall consist of amount of investments in fixed assets obtained from the results of nationwide statistical observation, assessment amounts of hidden and informal investment activity, and additional estimates of the volume of investments in fixed capital not monitored (for incomplete coverage and before annual amount of investments of business entities).
The summation of reporting data, taking into account the additional estimates and estimated amounts of hidden and informal sector, shall be carried out in accordance with the structure of assets.
23. The amount of costs for construction and installation work, including hidden and informal sector shall be determined by the formula:
24. Determination of cost for purchasing of machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools shall be carried out with the inclusion of the costs of hidden and informal sector for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools:
25. Other costs in amount of investments in fixed assets, including hidden and informal sector, shall be calculated by the formula:
The total amount of investments in fixed assets, including hidden and informal sector, shall be determined by the formula:
The algorithm for calculating amount of investments in fixed assets of hidden and informal sectors of economy shall be given in the Appendix to this Methodology.
Appendix to the Methodology on | |
Determination the amount of | |
investments in fixed assets of | |
hidden and informal | |
sectors of economy |
Algorithm for calculating the amount of investments in fixed assets of hidden and informal sectors of economy
Name of the indicator | Line number | Formation (calculation) of indicator |
Investments in fixed assets | 01 | line 01 = line 02+ line 17 |
Investments in tangible fixed assets | 02 | line 02 = line 03 + line 09 + line 14+ line 15 + line 16 |
costs for construction and installation work and capital repairs of buildings and facilities | 03 | line 03 = line 04 + line 08 |
costs for construction and installation work | 04 | line 04= line 05+ line 06+ line 07 |
including: | ||
on residential buildings | 05 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data, including additional estimates and estimated amount of understating the cost of individual residential buildings , calculated by the formula (3) |
on non-residential buildings | 06 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data, including additional estimates and estimated amount of understating the cost of non-residential building construction by individuals , calculated by the formula (5) |
on facilities | 07 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data including the estimated amount of understating the cost for construction of facilities by individuals |
cost for capital repairs of buildings and facilities | 08 | reporting data |
cost for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and their capital repairs | 09 | line 09= line10+ line 13 |
cost for purchasing machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools | 10 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data, including additional estimates and estimated amount of costs of hidden and informal sector for purchasing machinery, equipment and vehicles |
of which: | ||
vehicles | 11 | reporting data |
information, computer and telecommunication equipment | 12 | reporting data |
capital repairs of machinery, equipment and vehicles | 13 | reporting data |
cost of planting and growing perennial crops | 14 |
Shall be determined by summing reporting data and estimated amount |
cost of forming a working, productive and breeding herd | 15 |
Shall be determined by summing reporting data and estimated amount |
other costs in amount of investments in tangible fixed assets | 16 | reporting data with additional estimates |
Investments in intangible fixed capital | 17 | line 17 = line 18+ line 19+ line 20 |
cost of creating and purchasing computer software and databases | 18 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data and estimated amount of costs of hidden and informal sector for software development |
costs for exploration and assessment of mineral reserve | 19 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data and estimated amount of costs of hidden and informal sector for exploration and assessment of minerals |
other costs in amount of investments in intangible fixed assets | 20 | Shall be determined by summing up reporting data, including additional estimates and costs for research and development of hidden and informal sector |