Unofficial translation
Unofficial translation
Footnote. Abrogated by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.05.2020 № 42 (effective after ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
In accordance with subparagraph 4-8) of paragraph 1 of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 1998 "On natural monopolies", subparagraph 2) of paragraph 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 "On state statistics", I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in the relevant industry (sphere).
2. The Committee for regulation of natural monopolies, protection of competition and consumers rights of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ensure:
1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order in the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to send its copy in paper and electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in periodic printed publications for official publication, as well as to the Republican state enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management "Republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in the Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this order in the Internet resource of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order in the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to submit the information to the Legal Department of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the measures, provided for by subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph.
3. The supervising Vice-Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be authorized to oversee the implementation of this order.
4. This order shall come into force from January 1, 2018 and shall be subject to official publication.
Minister of national economy | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Suleimenov T. |
Approved | |
by the order of | |
the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
dated December 28, 2017 No. 435 |
Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects
of natural monopolies in the relevant industry (sphere) Chapter 1. General provisions
1. This Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in the relevant industry (sphere) (hereafter – the Methodology) shall regulate the setting of the standards and assessing of the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in the relevant industry (sphere) (hereinafter – services).
2. The Methodology shall be used:
1) in development and approval of standards of quality of services;
2) in assessment of the quality of services.
The Methodology shall not apply to subjects of small capacity, excluding subjects of small capacity, which have the approved tariff or which filed an application for approval of the tariff, taking into account the incentive methodology of tariff setting.
3. Setting of the standards and assessing of the quality of services in terms of spheres shall be based on the following principles:
1) the rule of law through adherence to the main provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On natural monopolies", other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of activities of subjects of natural monopolies;
2) ensuring the equivalence of the views of consumers and subjects of natural monopolies by taking into account the views of service consumers and providers (subjects of natural monopolies) in assessment of standards of quality of services;
3) ensuring the objective approach of the department and/or its territorial subdivision when making actions for setting and assessment of standards of quality of services of subjects of natural monopolies, ensuring transparent access to the results of setting the standards and assessing the quality of services both for subjects of natural monopolies and consumers of services, by posting information in the Internet resource of the authorized body about the approved service quality standards, observance of these standards by subjects of natural monopolies and the results of assessment of the quality of services;
4. The Methodology shall use the following concepts:
1) a newly organized entity – an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that started or plans to start activities for production of goods, works and (or) renders services to consumers under the conditions of a natural monopoly;
2) a target value of the indicator - a digital value of the indicator, approved by the Committee on regulation of natural monopolies, protection of competition and consumers rights of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the department) and/or its territorial subdivision, which is achieved by the subject at the end of the period of validity of the standard of quality of service;
3) a competent authority – a state body, managing the corresponding industry (sphere) of public administration;
4) standard of quality of services – the minimum requirements to the provision of services by the subject, including the characteristics of the process, content and results of the services, indicators and their target values;
5) the indicator of the standard of quality of service (hereinafter – the indicator) - a measurable characteristic of the quality of services of the subject;
6) a subject of natural monopoly (hereafter – the subject) – an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, engaged in production of goods, execution of works and/or provision of services to consumers under the conditions of a natural monopoly;
7) an authorized body – a state body, managing in the spheres of natural monopolies;
Other concepts and terms used in the Methodology shall be applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on natural monopolies.
Chapter 2. Development and adoption of the standard of quality of services
Paragraph 1. Setting of standards of quality of services in terms of natural monopolies
5. Setting of the standard of quality of services shall consist of the following stages: formation of the list of service quality indicators;
development of target values of indicators and acceptable deviations from target values of indicators in terms of subjects, rendering the service;
approval of the standard of quality of service.
6. Development, approval and introduction of standards and assessment of quality of service in terms of spheres shall be carried out by the department separately for each service according to the List of regulated services (goods, works) of subjects of natural monopolies, approved by the order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2014 No. 186 (registered in the Register of the state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 10469).
7. When setting the standards and assessing the quality of services in the context of spheres of natural monopolies, the following sources of information shall be used:
1) results of consumer surveys, carried out by the department and/or its territorial subdivision when setting the standards of quality of services;
2) monitoring data on observance of standards of quality of services by subjects;
3) data of own researches of the department;
4) information, received from competent authorities;
5) information, received from the state body, managing in the sphere of the state statistical activities.
8. The department shall develop a draft standard of quality of service in the form according to Annex 1 to the Methodology.
9. Before starting the work on the draft standard of quality of services, the department shall determine the name of the service in cases, if:
the draft standard of quality of services is developed for the first time;
the validity period of the standard of quality of service ends less than 200 (two hundred) calendar days.
10. The department shall publish on its Internet resource a press release about the start of work on the draft standard of quality of services (hereinafter - a press release).
11. After the publication of the press release, in order to develop the coordinated decisions, the head of the department within 15 (fifteen) calendar days, shall establish a working group on development of the draft standard and assessment of the quality of a certain service (hereinafter – a Working group), composed of at least 9 (nine) people.
The Working group shall include representatives of the department, authorized and competent bodies of the corresponding sphere of natural monopolies, independent experts, representatives of associations of subjects, in the absence of the association of subjects – the representatives of the subjects, representatives of consumers of services.
Paragraph 2. Formation of the list of indicators of quality of services
12. The department within ten (10) calendar days from the date of publication of the press release shall develop a draft list of indicators of quality of service (hereinafter - the list), which includes the indicators from the minimum list of indicators, specified for the corresponding service in the Annex 2 to the Methodology.
13. Indicators shall be developed based on the importance of services for consumers, assessment of customer satisfaction with the quality of services and availability of services to consumers.
14. The department and/or its territorial subdivision, within 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of publication of the press release, in accordance with the State register of subjects of natural monopolies shall make a draft list of subjects, providing the service for which the draft standard of quality of services is developed.
15. Within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of publication of the press release, the list shall be sent to the subjects, providing the service, on the draft standard of quality of service.
16. The subject within 30 (thirty) calendar days of receipt of the list shall submit to the department and/or its territorial subdivision the information on the actual and planned values of indicators of the standard of quality of services in accordance with Annex 3 to the Methodology.
The subject shall submit to the department and/or its territorial subdivision the proposals for exception and/or addition of any indicators from the draft list.
17. When determining the average annual planned and actual values of indicators, the subject shall use the following sources of information:
1) the rules and regulations of the subject;
2) internal orders and other documents of the subject, regulating the requirements for quality of service;
3) a list of consumers with the standard contracts attached;
4) data of the emergency services on complaints/consumer requests on services, rendered by the subject;
5) registration logs of requests of customers of services of the subject (if any);
6) registration logs of applications of consumers of services of the subject (if any);
7) the registration logs of visits made by representatives of the subject to the consumers according to their requests and/or acts, compiled during the visit of the representatives of the subject to the consumers according to their requests;
8) registration logs of accidents.
The subject shall send to the department and/or its territorial subdivision any information which in the opinion of the subject, is important to determine the average annual planned and actual values of the indicators.
18. The proposals, received from subjects, for exception and/or addition of new indicators to the list, shall be put by the department and/or its territorial subdivision for discussion of the Working group and, in case of their approval by the Working group, the department and/or its territorial subdivision shall arrange an additional collection of the average annual actual and planned (if any) values for the proposed indicators, from all the subjects, rendering the corresponding service.
19. The department shall make a revised draft list, which includes:
1) indicators from the draft list, except for the indicators, the exclusion of which is suggested by more than half of the subjects;
2) indicators (if available), proposed by the subjects.
At that, the number of indicators to be included in the draft list should not exceed 10 (ten).
20. According to the draft list, the department and/or its territorial subdivision shall organize a survey of consumers of services in terms of subjects (hereafter – consumer survey).
A form of questionnaire for a survey shall be given in Annex 4 to the Methodology. Participation of consumers in the survey shall be voluntary. In case if none person participated in the survey, the department and/or its territorial subdivision shall initiate a re-survey through the targeted sending of questionnaires to the consumers.
21. The consumer survey shall be carried out in the form of a questionnaire, item-by-item (door-to-door) survey or placement of a questionnaire on the official Internet resource of the department and shall last not more than 30 (thirty) calendar days since the formation of the revised draft list of indicators.
The department and/or territorial subdivision by agreement shall involve the subjects and public enterprises to conduct the consumer surveys.
22. The consumer survey shall be conducted to assess:
1) the degree of importance of each indicator for a consumer of service, rendered by the appropriate subject;
2) the degree of satisfaction of the consumer of the service of the subject with the average actual value of each indicator for the year preceding the year of development of the standard of quality of services.
In case of dissatisfaction of the consumer of the service with the average actual value of the indicator for the year preceding the year of development of the standard of quality of service, the consumer of service, rendered by an appropriate subject, shall specify the target value of this indicator in the questionnaire, proposed by him.
23. Following the results of the consumer survey within 20 (twenty) calendar days since the end of the customer survey, the department shall make the final draft list of indicators, which includes the list’s indicators, most important for the consumers of the service, as well as the indicators that satisfy the consumers of services the least.
24. In the absence of consumers who participated in the survey, the department shall include all the indicators of the draft list in the draft list. The total number of indicators, selected in the draft list, shall range from 3 (three) to 10 (ten).
25. The final draft list of indicators shall be put by the department for consideration by the Working group with the results of the consumer survey attached. Following the consideration, the Working group, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of submission of the draft list of indicators, shall develop, if any, proposals and/or recommendations that are sent to the leadership of the department.
Paragraph 3. Development of target indicators and acceptable deviations from target
values of indicators in terms of the subjects
26. The department and/or its territorial subdivision, depending on the section of the State register of subjects of natural monopolies, which includes the subject, after the issuance of the final draft list of indicators, shall calculate the target values of indicators of the final list in terms of subjects (hereinafter – the target values of indicators) separately for domestic and non-domestic consumers.
27. To calculate the target value of the indicator for each subject, the department within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date of issuance of the final draft list of indicators, shall calculate the arithmetic average annual actual and planned values of the indicator.
28. In the case if the reduction or increase in the value of the indicator shows the improvement of the quality of service, the department shall calculate the estimated target value of an indicator as: maximum/minimum of:
the actual value of the indicator, represented by the subject Rf;
the arithmetic average of the actual value of the indicator, represented by the subject Rf, and the target values of the final list, proposed by the consumers of the subject, obtained as the result of survey of consumers of service, rendered by the subject, falling within the interval
– statistical standard deviation from the actual value of the indicator;
– the arithmetic average actual value of the indicator.
29. In the event that the subject does not provide actual and / or planned values of the indicator, the department shall accept them as the arithmetic average, respectively, actual and planned values of this indicator, represented by the other subjects.
In the event that the subject has not declared an improvement in the planned values, the department shall independently establish the target values for the standards of quality of service.
30. The department and / or its territorial subdivision, after calculating the target values of the indicators, shall calculate the permissible deviations from the target values of the indicators of the list in terms of subjects for each year of the validity period of the standard of quality of service, using the following formula:
- the deviation, permissible for the subject, of the actual value of the indicator from the target value of the indicator of the list for the year;
t - the year of validity period of the standard of quality of service;
T - the validity period of the standard of quality of service;
Rf - the actual value of the indicator,
represented by the subject;
Рц - the target value of the indicator, calculated by the department and / or its territorial subdivision for the subject.
31. Development of target values and permissible deviations from target values shall be carried out by the department and / or its territorial subdivision separately for each subject, rendering service.
Paragraph 4. Approval of standard of quality of service
32. After the issuance of the final draft list of indicators and calculation of the target values of indicators, the department shall submit the Draft service quality standard to the Working group for consideration. Following the results of consideration, the Working group, within 15 calendar days from the date of the submission of the draft service quality standard, shall make its comments and recommendations, forwarded to the administration of the department.
33. The heads of department, within 10 (ten) calendar days, with the comments and recommendations of the Working Group, shall approve the standard of quality of service.
34. For a newly created subject in the presence of a standard of quality of service, approved by the head of department, the department shall develop the target values and permissible deviations from the target values of the indicators. The department shall begin the work on development of target values and permissible deviations from the target values of the indicators for the newly created subject one year later after the establishment of the subject.
Chapter 3. Formation of assessment of quality of services
35. Assessment of the quality of services, rendered by the subjects, shall be carried out by the department and / or its territorial subdivision by considering the report on compliance with the standard of quality of service.
36. The subject annually, not later than May 1 of the year following the reporting year, shall submit to the department and / or its territorial subdivision a report on compliance with the standard of quality of service of the subject in the form in accordance with Annex 5 to the Methodology. The report on compliance with the standard of quality of service shall be attached with the explanatory note, attached by the subject, in the context of indicators on the causes of non-compliance (if any) of the actual values of the indicators, achieved by the subject during the reporting period, their target values, adjusted for permissible deviations from the target values of the indicators for the reporting period (hereinafter – the causes of inconsistencies).
37. The subject, within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of sending a report on compliance with the standard of quality of service to the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall place it in its official Internet resource (if available), or send an appeal to the department about the need to post a report on compliance with the standard of quality of service in the Internet resource of the department.
38. In order to verify the accuracy of the information, presented in the report of the subject on observance of the standard of quality of service, the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall:
1) conduct a survey of consumers of the service of the subject, including with the involvement of independent organizations;
2) request the necessary information from:
competent authorities;
local executive bodies;
the state body, managing in the field of state statistical activities;
the subjects and accredited associations of subjects of private entrepreneurship.
39. When assessing the quality of the service, rendered by the subject, the department and / or its territorial subdivision within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the report of the subject, shall perform:
1) the calculation of the compliance rate of the actual value of each indicator, reached by the subject during the reporting period, to the target value of this indicator, adjusted for the deviation from the target value, permitted for the reporting period (hereinafter – the permitted value of the indicator for the reporting period);
2) the calculation of the compliance rate of the standard of quality of service by the subject;
3) assessment of the quality of service, rendered by the subject.
If the department and / or its territorial subdivision checks the accuracy of the information presented in the subject's report on compliance with the standard of quality of service, in accordance with paragraph 38 of the Methodology, the period for monitoring the compliance of the subject with the standard of quality of service shall be suspended until the information is received, but not more than 30 calendar days.
40. In the event that a decrease in the value of an indicator shows an improvement in the quality of a service, the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall calculate the compliance rate of the actual value of the indicator, achieved by the subject over the reporting period, with the permitted value of this indicator for the reporting period using the following formula:
Кi – the compliance rate of the actual value of the indicator i, achieved by the subject during the reporting period, permissible for the value of this indicator i for the reporting period;
Рфi – the actual value of the indicator i , achieved by the subject during the reporting period;
Рцi – a target value of indicator i;
– permissible deviation of the actual value of the indicator from the target value of the indicator i for the reporting period.
41. In case if the increase in the indicator value characterizes the improvement in the quality of the service, the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall calculate the compliance rate of the actual value of the indicator, achieved by the subject during the reporting period, with the value of this indicator, permissible for the reporting period using the following formula:
Кi – the compliance rate of the actual value of the indicator i, achieved by the subject during the reporting period, with the value of this indicator i permissible for the reporting period (hereinafter - the compliance rate Ki);
Рфi – the actual value of the indicator i , achieved by the subject during the reporting period;
Рц – a target value of indicator i;
- permissible deviation of the actual value of the indicator from the target value of the indicator i for the reporting period.
42. For each indicator, the actual value of which, reached by the subject during the reporting period, does not correspond to the value of this indicator permissible for the reporting period (Ki> 1), the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall adjust the compliance rate Ki, taking into account the reasons, specified in the explanatory note of the subject (if any). The adjustment of the rate Ki shall be carried out by the department and / or its territorial subdivision in accordance with the following criteria:
the department and / or its territorial subdivision accepts the compliance rate Кi = 1 in case if the subject gives factors, beyond his control, for this indicator as the reasons of non-compliance;
in all other cases, the rate Ki is not adjusted.
43. The factors, beyond the subject’s control, shall be:
meteorological conditions, confirmed by the conclusion of the relevant authority;
actions / inaction of consumers, third parties, confirmed by means of audio, video recording, acceptance statements of the work performed;
emergency situations, confirmed in accordance with Article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On civil protection".
44. The department and / or its territorial subdivision shall calculate the compliance rate of the service quality standard, which is taken into account in the tariff of the subject in the framework of incentive tariff formation methods, according to the following formula:
В - coefficient of observance by the subject of the service quality standard, which is taken into account in the tariff for the service, rendered by the subject;
I - the number of indicators.
45. The department and / or its territorial subdivision shall assess the quality of the service, rendered by the subject in accordance with the following criteria:
if B> 1, the subject achieved a high quality of service;
if B <1, the subject achieved a low quality of service;
if B = 1, the subject achieved an average quality of service.
46. According to the results of monitoring of compliance of the subject with the service quality standard, the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall draw up a draft analytical report on the following structure:
introduction – specifies the names of the subject and service quality standard, the reporting period and the list of information and documents used;
calculation of the coefficient of compliance for each indicator - the actual indicators, achieved by the subject for the reporting period are determined, the values of which correspond to or do not correspond to the value of these indicators permissible for the reporting period;
adjustment of the coefficient of compliance of indicators (if any) - indicators are determined for which the department and / or its territorial subdivision has adjusted the coefficient of compliance with the justifications attached and the reasons for nonconformity, submitted by the subject;
calculation of the coefficient of observance by the subject of the service quality standard - the value of the coefficient of observance by the subject of the service quality standard is determined;
conclusions on assessment of the quality of service, rendered by the subject.
47. Within 40 (forty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the report of the subject, the department and / or its territorial subdivision shall send the draft analytical report to the Working group’s consideration with the documents attached, used in monitoring the observance of the service quality standard by the subject. In case of suspension of the period for monitoring of the subject’s compliance with the service quality standard, provided for in paragraph 39 of the Methodology, the department shall send the draft analytical report to the Working Group for consideration with all documents attached not later than 70 (seventy) calendar days from the date of receipt of the subject's report.
Following the consideration of the draft analytical report, the Working group, within fifteen (fifteen) calendar days from the date of submission of the draft analytical report, shall develop, if available, the proposals and / or recommendations that are sent to the leadership of the department and / or its territorial subdivision.
48. By the order of the head of the department and / or its territorial subdivision, within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the subject's report, taking into account the comments and recommendations of the Working group, an analytical report on the subject's observance of the service quality standard shall be approved. In case of suspension of the period for monitoring of the subject’s compliance with the service quality standard, provided for by paragraph 40 of the Methodology, the analytical report shall be approved not later than ninety (90) calendar days from the date of receipt of the subject's report.
49. The department, within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of approval of the analytical report on the subject's compliance with the service quality standard, shall place it on its official Internet resource.
Annex 1 to the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in a relevant industry (sphere) |
Form |
by the order ______________
dated "__" _________ ____ year № ___ Service quality standard _______________________________
(name of service) 1. General provisions
name of service
Period of validity of the service quality standard 20 ___ - 20____yy.
2. Indicators of standard of quality of the regulated service
№ |
Name of the indicator of service quality standard | Unit of measurement | Formula for calculating the indicator of service quality standard |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 |
3. Special conditions
Peculiarities of provision of services to socially vulnerable groups
Peculiarities of provision of services to small and medium businesses
4. "Target values and permissible deviations of service quality standards from target values"
are formed by the department separately for each subject, rendering the service, for which a draft service quality standard is formed in accordance with the annex to this service quality standard.
Annex to the service quality standard __________________________ (name of service) |
Target values and permissible deviations from the target values of the indicators of the standard
of quality of service, rendered by the subject ________________________________
(name of subject)
№ | Name of indicator of service quality standard | Unit of measurement | Target value of indicator of service quality standard | Permissible deviation of the actual value of indicator of service quality standard from the target value of indicator of service quality standard | ||||||||||
1 year*** | 2 year*** | 3 year*** | 4 year*** | 5 year*** | ||||||||||
r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||||||||
1 | ||||||||||||||
2 | ||||||||||||||
3 |
* - residential users (hereafter – r/u);
** - non- residential users (hereafter – nr/u);
*** - year of validity period of service quality standard
Annex 2 to the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in a relevant industry (sphere) |
Minimum list of indicators
Form 1. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standards in the sphere of electric power transmission
№ | Indicator | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | The period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for connection and issuance of technical conditions for connection of electrical installations of consumers to the electric networks of the subject from the moment of receipt of the application | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration of the consumer's application for connection and issuance of technical conditions for connection of electrical installations of consumers to the electric networks of the subject from the moment of receipt of the application for the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Duration of unplanned interruptions of transmission and / or distribution of electric power | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of unplanned interruptions of transmission and (or) distribution of electric power for the reporting year to the number of such interruptions for the reporting year |
3 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's complaint to the late issuance of technical conditions for connecting the electrical installations of consumers to the electric networks of the subject | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration of the consumers’ complaints about the late issuance of technical conditions for connection to the electric networks from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ complaints |
4 | Duration of service interruption per customer (SAIDI) | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of subscribers (connections) |
5 | Frequency of service interruptions per user (SAIFI) | The ratio of the total number of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of subscribers (connections) |
Form 2. Minimum list of indicators of a service quality standard in technical dispatching of supply to the network and consumption of electric power in the sphere of technical dispatching of supply to the network and consumption of electric power
№ | Indicator | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for access to the service from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the introduction of restrictions on electricity supply | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of preliminary notification of consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying consumers to the actual limitation of electricity supply) for the reporting year to the number of all electricity supply restrictions for the reporting year |
3 | Period of response of the subject to emergency situations in the system of electricity supply | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of recovery of electricity supply from the moment of onset of emergencies to the number of all emergencies in the electricity supply system for the reporting year |
4 | Duration of interruption of provision of services per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
5 | Frequency of service interruptions per user | The ratio of the total number of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 3. Minimum list of indicators of the service quality standard for organization of balancing of production and consumption of electric power in the sphere of organization of balancing of production and consumption of electric power
№ | Indicator | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject’s consideration of all consumers’ applications for access to the service from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Duration of unplanned interruption of provision of services for the organization of balancing of production and consumption of electric power | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of unplanned interruptions of provision of services for organization of balancing of production and consumption of electric power for the reporting year to the number of such interruptions for the reporting year |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the occurrence of electric power imbalances, leading to overloading of the electric network sections, and unilateral termination of the service contract | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of preliminary notification of consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual occurrence of significant imbalances of electric power consumers, leading to overloading of electrical network sections, and unilateral termination of service contracts) for the reporting year to the number of all such terminations of contracts by the subject for the reporting year |
4 | Duration of interruption of provision of services per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
5 | Frequency of service interruptions per user | The ratio of the total number of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 4. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for the following services in the sphere of storage, transportation of marketable gas through connecting, main gas pipelines and (or) gas distribution systems, operation of group tank installations, as well as transportation of raw gas through connecting gas pipelines, except for storage, transportation of marketable gas for the purpose of transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan:
transportation of marketable gas through the connecting gas pipelines;
transportation of marketable gas through the main gas pipelines;
transportation of marketable gas through gas distribution systems for consumers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
transportation of raw gas through the connecting gas pipelines.
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of the consumer’s application to connect to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for connection to the service from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period for issuance of technical conditions for connecting the consumer to the service from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions for connection to the regulated service from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on the issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about a planned interruption of the service | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of preliminary notification of the consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of the planned interruption of the service to the number of such interruptions) for the reporting year to the number of all such interruptions for the reporting year |
4 |
Period of consideration of the consumer's complaint about the late issuance of technical conditions to connect the consumer to the service from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration of consumers’ complaints about the late issuance of technical conditions from the receipt of consumers’ complaints, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ complaints |
5 | Duration of interruption of provision of service per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 5. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standards for transporting liquefied gas through gas pipelines from a group tank installation to the tap at the consumer’s input in the sphere of storage and transportation of marketable gas through connecting, main gas pipelines and (or) gas distribution systems, operation of group tank installations, as well as transportation of raw gas through connecting gas pipelines, except for storage, transportation of marketable gas for the purpose of transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of the application of the consumer to connect to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for connection to the service from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of issuance of technical conditions for connecting the consumer to the service from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions for connection to the regulated service from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about a planned interruption of the service | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of preliminary notification of the consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of the planned interruption of the service) for the reporting year, to the number of all interruptions for the reporting year |
4 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the forced restriction of gas supply by the consumer to the average daily gas supply rate | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of the forced restriction of gas supply by the consumer to the average daily gas supply rate) for the reporting year, to the number of all supply restrictions for the reporting year |
5 | Period of consideration of the consumer's complaint about the late issuance of technical conditions for connection of the consumer to the service from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the consideration of the consumers’ complaints about the late issuance of technical conditions from the moment of receipt of consumers’ complaints, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ complaints |
Form 6. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for storage of marketable gas in the sphere of storage, transportation of marketable gas through connecting, main gas pipelines and (or) gas distribution systems, operation of group tank installations, as well as transportation of raw gas through connecting gas pipelines, except for storage, transportation of marketable gas for the purpose of transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of the consumer's application for access to the service for storage of marketable gas | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for access to the service of the subject for storage of marketable gas from the moment of their receipt by the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of submission of information by the subject to the consumer about the emergency and emergency situations that may affect the injection and (or) storage and (or) selection of marketable gas | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of submission of information by the subject to the consumer about the emergencies and emergency situations that may affect the injection and / or storage and (or) selection of marketable gas from the moment of onset of such situations, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of all cases of emergency and emergency situations |
3 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s claims for damages caused by violation of obligations by the subject under the service contract | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration of the consumers’ claims for damages, caused due to the subject’s breach of obligations under the service contract from the moment of receipt of such claims, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of all consumers’ claims |
4 | Duration of interruption of provision of service per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
5 | Frequency of service interruptions per user | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 7. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for thermal power generation in the sphere of production, transmission, distribution and / or supply of thermal power, except for thermal power, generated using heat from the soil, groundwater, rivers, reservoirs, waste water of industrial enterprises and power plants, sewage treatment plants
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Duration of unplanned cessation of thermal power generation | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of unplanned interruptions in thermal power production for the reporting year to the number of such interruptions for the reporting year |
2 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about a planned interruption of the thermal power generation | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of the planned interruption of the thermal power generation) for the reporting year to the number of all planned interruptions for the reporting year |
3 | Duration of interruption of provision of services per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
4 | Frequency of service interruptions per user | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 8. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for transfer and distribution of thermal power in the sphere of production, transmission, distribution and / or supply of thermal power, except for the thermal power, generated using the heat of the soil, groundwater, rivers, reservoirs, waste water of industrial enterprises and power plants, sewage treatment plants
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about a planned interruption of transfer and (or) distribution of thermal power | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumers by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of a planned interruption of the transfer and (or) distribution of thermal power) for the reporting year to the number of all planned interruptions for the reporting year |
2 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for recalculation of the amount of payment for the provided thermal power due to interruptions in heat supply or deviation of the quality of heat energy from the moment of filing such an application | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of the consumers’ applications to recalculate the amount of payment for the heat energy provided due to interruptions in heat supply or deviation of the quality of heat energy from the moment of filing such applications, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
3 | Duration of unplanned interruptions in provision of service to one object | The ratio of the total duration of unplanned interruptions in provision of service for the year to the total number of objects |
4 | Frequency of unplanned interruptions in provision of service to one object | The ratio of the total number of unplanned interruptions in provision of service for the year to the total number of objects |
Form 9. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for the supply of thermal power in the sphere of production, transmission, distribution and / or supply of thermal power, except for thermal power, generated using the heat of the soil, groundwater, rivers, reservoirs, waste water of industrial and power plants, sewage treatment plants
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of applications for conclusion of a heat supply contract of the consumer for connection to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) of the subject's consideration of applications for conclusion of a contract for provision of services for the thermal power supply to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of consideration of responses to the consumers’ appeals regarding the quality of services provided, including to invoices for payment | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) of the subject’s consideration of consumers’ appeals regarding the quality of services provided, including invoices for payment, to the number of such appeals of consumers |
Form 10. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for the following services in the sphere of production, transmission, distribution and / or supply of thermal power, except for the thermal power, generated using heat from the soil, groundwater, rivers, reservoirs, waste water from industrial enterprises and power plants, sewage treatment facilities:
production, transmission and distribution of thermal power;
production, transmission, distribution and / or supply of thermal power:
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of the application of the consumer to connect to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for connection to the subject’s service from the moment of their receipt by the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of issuance of technical conditions for connection of consumer’s facilities to the subject’s heat supply networks from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions for connection of consumers’ facilities to the heat supply networks of the subject from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on the issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
3 | Duration of unplanned interruption of production, transmission and (or) distribution, supply of thermal power | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of unplanned interruptions in the production, transmission and (or) distribution of heat energy for the reporting year to the number of such interruptions for the reporting year |
4 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about a planned interruption of the production, transmission and (or) distribution of thermal power | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual start of planned interruptions in production, transmission and (or) distribution of thermal power) for the reporting year to the number of all planned interruptions for the reporting year |
5 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for recalculation of the amount of payment for the provided heat energy due to interruptions in heat supply or deviation of the quality of heat energy from the moment of filing such an application | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of the consumers’ applications to recalculate the amount of payment for the provided heat energy due to interruptions in heat supply or deviation of quality of heat energy from the moment of filing such applications, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications of the consumers |
Form 11. Minimum list of indicators of the quality standard of services in the sphere of mainline railway networks:
making the main railway network available for use, except for the main railway network services for transportation of goods in containers and transportation of empty containers;
organization of the pass of the rolling stock through the main railway network, except for the main railway network services for transportation of goods in containers and transportation of empty containers;
making the main railway network available for use and organizing the pass of the rolling stock along it, except for the mainline railway network services for transportation of goods in containers and transportation of empty containers.
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the application of the consumer to obtain access to the services of the main railway network from the moment of submission of such an application by the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for access to the main railway network services from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period for notifying the consumer about the refusal to accept a consumer’s application for access to the services of the main railway network for consideration from the moment of submission of such application | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the notification of the consumer about the refusal to accept the consumer's application for access to the main railway network services for consideration from the moment of submission of such an application, the decision on refusal of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumer applications |
3 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s claim for damages caused due to violation of obligations by the subject under the service contract | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration of the consumers’ claims for damages caused by the subject’s breach of obligations under the service contract from the moment of receipt of such claims, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such claims of consumers |
Form 12. Minimum list of indicators of quality standard for making the railways with railway transport facilities available for use under concession agreements provided there is no a competitive railway track in the sphere of provision of railway services with the railway transport facilities under concession agreements in the absence of a competitive railway track
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for access to railway services under concession agreements from the moment of submission of such an application of the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of all consumers’ applications for access to railway services under concession agreements from the moment of their submission to the subject by the consumers, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
2 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the time of delivery of the train for technical and / or commercial inspection | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (prior to the start of using the railways by the consumer) for the reporting year to the number of all inspections for the reporting year |
3 | Duration of deviation of provision of services to the consumer from the approved train schedule | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of deviations in provision of services to consumers from the approved train schedule for the reporting year to the number of all cases of such deviations for the reporting year |
Form 13. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for the following services in the sphere of access roads in the absence of a competitive access road:
provision of access roads for the passage of rolling stock in the absence of a competitive access road;
provision of an access road for shunting, loading and unloading, other technological operations of the transportation process, as well as for parking of rolling stock, unforeseen by technological operations of the transportation process subject to the absence of a competitive access road
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for access to the access roads | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the consideration by the subject of all consumers’ requests for access to the service of the subject from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ requests |
2 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the planned suspension of provision of the service of the access road | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notification of consumers to the actual start of the planned suspension of the service) for the reporting year, to the number of all planned suspensions for the reporting year |
3 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s claim for damages, caused by violation of obligations by the subject under the service contract | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject’s consideration of consumers’ claims for damages, caused by the subject’s breach of obligations under the service contract from the moment of receipt of such claims, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year to the number of such consumers’ claims |
Form 14. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for air navigation services for aircraft in the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for air navigation services for international and transit flights and air navigation services for aircraft in the airfield area, except for air navigation services for aircraft, making international flights in the sphere of air navigation
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 |
Overrun of indicators of severity grade A, B, C, D of target (minimum) levels of flight safety provided by the Civil Aviation Safety Program, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 11, 2016 No. 136 |
A – 2,31х10-8 accident in the air with direct impact of air traffic management system; |
Form 15. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for entering a seaport for transshipment of oil and oil products through pipelines to / from tanker / tankers with subsequent departure from the port (ship entry) in ports and airports
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration of the application of the consumer for ice channeling | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for ice channeling from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
2 | Period of consideration of the application of the consumer for radar-location wiring | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of consumer’s applications for radar-location wiring from the moment of receipt of such applications by the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications of the consumers |
3 | Duration of registration of arrival of the vessel to the port | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the registration of arrival of the vessel to the port from the moment of submission of applications from consumers for registration until the moment the subject issues a document, confirming the registration of the vessel’s arrival to the port in the reporting year to the number of all ships entering the port during the reporting year |
4 | Duration of registration of departure of the vessel from the port | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of registration of the ship’s departure from the port for the reporting year from the moment of submission of applications from consumers for registration until the subject issues a document, confirming the registration of the vessel’s departure from the port to the number of ships leaving the port for the reporting year |
5 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the ice situation on the approaches to the port | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) before the ship enters the port, during which the subject notifies the consumers of ice situation on the approaches to the port for the reporting year to the number of all ships, entering the port during the ice situation on the approaches to the port for the reporting year |
Form 16. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for a takeoff and landing of an aircraft, except for the air transportation services, which make transit flights through the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan with technical landings at the airports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for non-commercial purposes and in international directions in ports and airports
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | The time the consumer waits to receive the runway, taxiways, aprons from the subject | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide the runway, taxiways, aprons to the consumers to the number of all cases of provision of the runway, taxiways, aprons to consumers for the reporting year |
2 | Duration of interruption of aerodrome lighting | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of interruption of the aerodrome lighting maintenance for the reporting year to the number of all such interruptions for the reporting year |
3 | The time the consumer waits for the subject to provide a passenger aircraft of the subject with a parking area at the aerodrome for three hours after landing, if there are goods (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide a parking area for a passenger aircraft at the aerodrome for three hours after landing, if there is cargo (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
4 | The time the consumer waits for a subject to provide a parking area for a cargo / passenger certified aircraft at an aerodrome for six hours after landing if there is cargo (mail) to be processed (loading and / or unloading) at the landing airport |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide a parking area for cargo / passenger certified aircrafts to consumers at the aerodrome for six hours after landing if there are goods (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
5 | The time the consumer waits for a subject to provide a parking area for a cargo / passenger certified aircraft for six hours after landing if there is no cargo (mail) to be processed |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide a parking area for cargo / passenger certified aircraft at the airdrome for six hours after landing if there is no cargo (mail) to be processed to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
Form 17. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for aviation security, except for air transportation services, making transit flights through the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan with technical landings at airports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for non-commercial purposes and in international directions in ports and airports
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Duration of inspection of passengers, their hand luggage and baggage | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of inspection of passengers, their hand luggage and baggage for the reporting year to the number of all passengers for the reporting year |
2 | Duration of the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft, cargo, mail and in-flight catering | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) of pre-flight inspection of aircraft, cargo, mail and in-flight catering for the reporting year to the number of all aircraft for the reporting year |
3 | Duration of interruption of provision of service per consumer |
The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
4 | Frequency of service interruptions per user | The ratio of the total number of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 18. Minimum list of indicators of quality standard to provide a parking area for an aircraft for over three hours after landing for passenger and six hours for cargo and cargo-and-passenger certified types of aircraft in the presence of cargo (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) in the landing airport, except for the air transportation service, making transit flights through the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the technical landings at the airports of the Republic Kazakhstan for non-commercial purposes and in international directions in ports, airports
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for provision of parking area at the airport | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) for the reporting year of consideration by the subject of the consumers’ applications for provision of parking areas at the airport from the moment the consumers submit applications to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
2 | The time the consumer waits for a subject to provide a parking area to the passenger aircraft for more than three hours after landing in the presence of cargo (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide parking areas for over three hours to passenger aircraft of consumers at the aerodrome after landing in the presence of cargo (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
3 | The time the consumer waits for a subject to provide a parking area for a cargo / passenger certified aircraft for more than six hours after landing, if there are goods (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide parking areas for over six hours to cargo / cargo-passenger certified aircraft of consumers at the aerodrome after landing in the presence of cargo (mail) to be processed (loaded and / or unloaded) at the landing airport to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
4 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's appeal for untimely provision of a parking area to an aircraft at the base aerodrome | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of consumers’ requests for untimely provision of parking areas for aircraft, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of all such consumers’ requests |
Form 19. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for providing a parking area for an aircraft at a base aerodrome, except for the international destinations in the field of ports and airports
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for provision of a parking area for aircraft at the base aerodrome | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of the consumers’ applications for providing a parking area to aircraft at the base aerodrome from the moment the consumers submit applications to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ requests |
2 | The time the consumer waits for the subject to provide a parking area for an aircraft at the base aerodrome | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) for the reporting year, during which the consumers expected the subject to provide parking areas for aircraft of consumers at the base aerodrome to the number of all such landings for the reporting year |
3 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's appeal for the untimely provision of a parking area to an aircraft at the base aerodrome |
The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject's consideration of the consumers’ requests for untimely provision of parking areas for aircraft, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ requests for the reporting year |
Form 20. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for making the telephone conduit available for use in the sphere of property leasing (rent) or use of cable sewage and other fixed assets, technologically related to the connection of the telecommunications networks to the public telecommunications network
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer's application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all the consumers’ applications for access to the service of the subject from the moment they arrived to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
2 | Duration of issuance of technical conditions to the consumer for joining the services of the subject | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions for consumers to join the services of the subject from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers for access to the service for the reporting year to the number of consumers’ applications for the reporting year |
3 | Period of the subject's response to the emergencies that occurred through no fault of the consumer on the telephone (cable) conduit | The ratio of the total duration of response to emergency situations that occurred through no fault of consumers on telephone (cable) conduit from the moment of receipt of a signal from the consumer about the occurrence of an emergency until the moment of eliminating the causes of such situations to the number of all emergencies for the reporting year |
4 | Period of the subject’s response to the defects or damage to the telephone (cable) conduit that occurred through no fault of the consumer |
The ratio of the total duration of response to the defects and damage to the telephone (cable) conduit that occurred through no fault of the consumers from the moment the defects and damages were detected until elimination of the causes to the number of all the defects and damages detected during the reporting year |
5 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the risen debt for the service provided | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers until the actual debts for the service provided) for the reporting year to the number of all suspensions in service provision for late payment for the service |
Form 21. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for oil transportation through trunk pipelines in the sphere of transportation of oil and (or) petroleum products through trunk pipelines, except for their transportation for transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan:
unified routing operator activity;
oil pumping through the main pipeline system;
discharge of oil from railway tanks;
loading of oil into railway tanks;
loading of oil in a tanker;
discharge of oil from tank trucks;
loading of oil in tank trucks;
oil storage;
oil transshipment;
oil blending.
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about unilateral suspension of transportation of oil (or) petroleum products through the main pipelines |
The ratio of the total duration (in working days) for which the subject provides the consumer with a notification about the unilateral suspension of transportation of oil (or) petroleum products through the main pipelines for the reporting year to the number of such suspensions for the reporting year |
2 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s claim for damages, caused by violation of obligations by the subject under the service contract | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject’s consideration of the consumers’ claims for damages, caused by the subject’s breach of obligations under the service contract from the moment of receipt of such claims, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such claims of consumers |
3 | In the event of suspension of provision of services for transportation of oil and (or) petroleum products as a result of accidents, the response time to emergency interruptions in the transportation of oil and (or) petroleum products through main pipelines |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours) from the moment of interruption of the transportation of oil and (or) petroleum products in case of suspension of the provision of services for transportation of oil and (or) petroleum products as a result of accidents until the moment of complete restoration of transportation for the reporting year to the number of emergency suspensions for the reporting year |
4 | Duration of interruption of provision of services per consumer | The ratio of the total duration of all (planned and unplanned) service interruptions for the year to the total number of consumers |
Form 22. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for the following services in the sphere of water supply and (or) water disposal:
water supply through main pipelines;
water supply through the channels.
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject’s consideration of all consumers’ applications for access to the subject’s service from the moment they arrived to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications for the reporting year |
2 | Period for issuance of technical conditions to the consumer to connect the consumers’ facilities to the subject’s water supply networks from the date of receipt of the application from the consumer |
The ratio of the total duration of the issuance of technical conditions to connect the consumers’ facilities to the water supply networks of the subject from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on the issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of all consumers’ applications for the reporting year |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the suspension of the service to the consumer for more than a day, except for the cases of suspension of the service for non-payment | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject until the service is suspended for more than a day, except for the cases of service suspension for non-payment, for which the subject notifies the consumers of such suspensions for the reporting year to the number of all suspensions of service provision to the consumers for the reporting year |
4 | Period of restoration by the subject of the service to the consumer from the moment of elimination of the reason for suspension of the service | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) from the moment of elimination of the reasons for suspension of the service to the full restoration of the service provision by the subject to the number of all such suspensions for the reporting year |
5 | Period of the subject’s response to a consumer’s complaint about malfunctions in the work of the water supply system and (or) water disposal system from the moment when such a complaint is received in writing through the office of the enterprise or orally to the control room |
The ratio of the total duration (in hours for oral application and in working days for a written request) from the moment the subject receives consumers’ complaints about any malfunctions in the work of the water disposal system until the full restoration of the work of the facility to the number of all such complaints, received during the reporting year |
Form 23. Minimum list of indicators of quality standard of a water supply service through distribution networks in the sphere of water supply and (or) water disposal
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the subject’s consideration of all consumers’ applications for access to the subject’s service from the moment they arrive to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications for the reporting year |
2 | Period for issuance to the consumer of the technical conditions to connect the consumer facilities to the subject’s water supply networks from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer |
The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions to connect the consumers’ facilities to the water supply networks of the subject from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on the issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such applications |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the suspension of the service to the consumer for more than a day, except for the cases of suspension of the service for non-payment | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject until the moment the service is suspended for more than a day, except for the cases of service suspension for non-payment, for which the subject notifies the consumers about such suspensions for the reporting year to the number of all suspensions of service to consumers for the reporting year |
4 | Period of restoration by the subject of the service to the consumer from the moment of elimination of the reason for suspension of the service | The ratio of the total duration (in calendar days) from the moment of elimination of the reasons for suspension of the service to the full restoration of the service provision by the subject to the number of all such suspensions for the reporting year |
5 | Period of the subject’s response to a consumer’s complaint about malfunctions in the work of the water supply system and (or) water disposal system from the moment such a complaint is received in writing through the office of the enterprise or orally to the control room | The ratio of the total duration (in hours for oral application and in working days for a written request) from the moment the subject receives consumers’ complaints about any malfunctions in the work of the water disposal system until the full restoration of the work to the number of all such complaints received during the reporting year |
6 | Period of response of the subject to the consumer's complaint about the arisen malfunctions in the operation of metering devices from the moment of the receipt of such a complaint | The ratio of the total duration (in hours) from the moment the subject receives the consumers’ complaints about any malfunctions in the operation of metering devices until the full restoration of this device to the number of all complaints, received during the reporting year |
Form 24. Minimum list of indicators of quality standards for the following water supply and / or water disposal services:
regulation of surface runoff using retaining hydraulic structures;
waste water treatment.
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of all consumers’ applications for access to the subject’s service from the moment they arrive to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
2 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the suspension of provision of service to the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notification of consumers to the actual suspension of provision of the service) for the reporting year to the number of all suspensions of the service provision to the consumers for the reporting year |
3 | Period of restoration by the subject of the service provision to the consumer from the moment of elimination of the reason for the suspension of the service provision |
The ratio of the total duration (in working days) from the moment of elimination of the reasons for suspension of the service provision to the full restoration of the service provision by the subject to the number of such suspensions for the reporting year |
Form 25. Minimum list of indicators of service quality standard for disposal of wastewater in the sphere of water supply and (or) water disposal:
№ | Indicator of service quality standard | Formula for calculating the indicator |
1 | Period of consideration by the subject of the consumer’s application for access to the service | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of consideration by the subject of the consumers’ applications for access to the service of the subject from the moment of their arrival to the subject, the decisions on which were made by the subject in the reporting year, to the number of such consumers’ applications |
2 | Period for issuance to the consumer of the technical specifications to connect the consumer’s facilities to the subject’s sewerage networks from the moment of receipt of the application from the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of the issuance of technical conditions to connect the consumer facilities to the subject’s sewerage networks from the moment of receipt of applications from consumers, the decisions on the issuance of which were made by the subject in the reporting year to the number of such consumers’ applications |
3 | Period of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject about the suspension of provision of service to the consumer | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) of preliminary notification of the consumer by the subject (from the moment of notifying the consumers to the actual suspension of the service provision) for the reporting year to the number of all such suspensions of service provision to consumers for the reporting year |
4 | Period of restoration by the subject of the service provision to the consumer from the moment of elimination of the reason for the suspension of the service provision | The ratio of the total duration (in working days) from the moment of elimination of the reasons for suspension of the service provision to the full restoration of the service provision by the subject to the number of such suspensions for the reporting year |
Annex 3 to the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in a relevant industry (sphere) |
The form, intended to collect administrative data
Actual and planned values of indicators of service quality standard
(name of service)
To whom it may concern : _____________________________________________
(name of the department or its territorial subdivision)
Period of submission ___________________
Purpose: formation of a draft service quality standard
№ | Name of indicator | Formula of indicator of service quality standards | Unit of measurement | Annual average actual value | Annual average planned value | ||||||||||
1 year*** | 2 year *** | 3 year *** | 4 year *** | 5 year *** | |||||||||||
r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | r/u * | nr/u ** | ||||
1 | |||||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||||
3 |
Name of subject ________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Telephone _____________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________
Surname and telephone of executive _________________________________
Head of subject _________________________________________________
(Surname, name, patronymic (if available), signature)
Date " " ______________ 20___year
Place of seal
In the column "Name of indicator of service quality standard," the department shall specify the indicators of the draft of the initial list.
If the subject has proposals for supplementing the draft of the initial list with new indicators, the subject shall add new lines below the indicators of the draft of the initial list.
The column "annual average actual value" shall indicate the actual values of indicators for the year preceding the year of development of the service quality standard.
The column "annual average planned value" shall indicate the planned values of indicators for the year of development of the service quality standard and the next 4 years.
In the absence of the planned values in the development of target values, the actual values shall be used only. Actual values shall be the actual values of indicators of the subject for the reporting period.
Annex 4 to the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in a relevant industry (sphere) |
Form |
Dear consumer!
The Committee for regulation of natural monopolies, protection of competition and consumer rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is developing a draft service quality standard ________________________,
name of service
in the framework of which a survey of consumers of subjects is held.
The purpose of the survey is the assessment of preferences of the consumers on the indicators of service quality standard ___________________
name of service
Please, answer the following questions, based on your experience of using the service.
Specify, whether you are a residential user
or a non-residential user
Specify the administrative and territorial unit where you use the service
name of service
Name of subject, whose service you use _______________________.
IIN / BIN ___________________,
telephone, by which we can contact you ______________,
email address ______________.
№ | Name of indicator | Unit of measurement | Value of indicator | Please indicate the degree of importance of the indicator for you | Please indicate your degree of satisfaction with the average annual value of the indicator | If you are not satisfied or are absolutely dissatisfied, indicate the target value of the indicator, proposed by you | |||||||||||||
Annual average actual value* | Annual average planned value * | Extremely important | Very important | Relatively important | Not very important | Unimportant | Fully satisfied | Partially satisfied | Relatively satisfied | Not satisfied | Absolutely dissatisfied | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |||||||||||||||
2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||||||||||||||
* values for residential / non-residental users are indicated, depending on whether the respondent is a residential / non-residential user |
Annex 5 to the Methodology of setting the standards and assessing the quality of regulated services of subjects of natural monopolies in |
a relevant industry (sphere) |
The form is intended to collect administrative data
Report on observance of the service quality standard of the subject
Reporting period 20___year
Index: form # OSSKUS-1
Periodicity: annual
Scope of persons, representing: subjects of natural monopolies
To whom it may concern: the Committee for regulation of natural monopolies, protection of competition and consumers’ rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial subdivisions
Deadline for submission: May 1 of the year following the reporting period
№ | Name of indicator | Unit of measurement | Target value of the indicator | Permissible deviation from the target value of the indicator for the reporting period (year) | Actual value of the indicator for the reporting period (year) | Actual deviation of the actual value of the indicator from its target value for the reporting period (year) | Reasons of deviation |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1 | |||||||
2 | |||||||
3 |
Name of subject _________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Telephone _______________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________
Surname and telephone of the executive _________________________________
Head of subject ________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if available), signature)
Date " " ______________ 20___year
Place of seal
Explanations for completing the form "Report on observance of the service quality standard of the subject"
The form is completed as follows:
In the column 1, "No." shall indicate the number in order. Subsequent information should not interrupt the numbering in order;
In the column 2, "Name of the indicator" shall specify the indicators of the service quality standard in the relevant sphere of natural monopolies;
in the column 3, "Unit of measurement", the unit of measurement of the relevant service quality standard shall be indicated;
in the column 4, "Target value of the indicator", the Target value of the indicator of quality standard shall be indicated;
in the column 5, "Permissible deviation from the target value of the indicator for the reporting period (year)" shall indicate the permissible deviation from the target value of the indicator for the reporting period (year);
in the column 6, "Actual value of indicator for the reporting period (year)" shall indicate the actual value of the indicator for the reporting period (year)
in the column 7, "Actual deviation of the actual value of the indicator from its target value for the reporting period (year)" shall indicate the actual deviation of the actual value of the indicator from its target value for the reporting period (year);
in the column 8, "Reasons of deviation" shall indicate the reasons of deviation.