On approval of the Methodology for Evaluationof the Activities of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 20, 2018 No. 325. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 20, 2018 No. 17394.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 5 of article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan" I HEREBY ORDER:

      Footnote. The preamble as amended by the Acting Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31.03.2023 № 128.

      1. That the attached Methodology for Evaluation of the Activities of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be approved.

      2. The following orders shall be declared to have lost force

      1) Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2016, № 70 "On Approval of the Methodology for Evaluation of Activities of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 13463, published on March 25, 2016 in Adilet, the Legal Information System);

      2) Order № 198 of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 14, 2017 "On Amendments to Order № 70 of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2016 "On Approval of the Methodology for Evaluation of Activities of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 15372, published on August 7, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

      3. In accordance with the procedure established by law, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the direction hereof to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information" for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) the placement of this order on the website of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Department of Legal Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the information on the implementation of measures provided by subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph.

      4. The responsible secretary of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be responsible for the control over the execution of this order.

      5. This Order shall come into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Energy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
К. Bosumbayev

by order of the Minister of Energy
Republic of Kazakhstan
№ 325 dated August 20, 2018

Methodology for Evaluation of the Performance of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Footnote. The methodology - as revised by order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 236 of 22.06.2023.

Chapter 1: General provisions

      1. This Methodology for Evaluation of Administrative Civil Servants of the Corps B (hereinafter - the Methodology) of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry) has been developed under paragraph 5 of Article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and establishes the procedure for evaluating the performance of administrative civil servants of the Corps B of the Ministry (hereinafter - employees of the Corps B).

      2. The main concepts used herein are as follows:

      1) employee of the Corps B is a person holding an administrative public position of the Corps B, excluding the head of a structural subdivision;

      2) the person being assessed is the head of a structural unit or an employee of the Corps B;

      3) evaluated period is the period of assessment of the civil servant's performance results;

      4) evaluating person is an immediate manager and/or superior manager depending on the specifics of the public authority's activity, as well as the circle of persons from the working environment of the person being evaluated in the 360 assessment method;

      5) an individual performance plan is a document outlining the key target indicators of a B Corps member for the period being evaluated, prepared in conjunction with the immediate supervisor and approved by the supervisor;

      6) superior manager is a person to whom the direct supervisor of the employee being evaluated is directly subordinate;

      7) calibration sessions are periodic meetings of the evaluators to discuss, possibly adjust and approve the outcomes of the performance evaluation of the evaluated persons;

      8) head of a structural sub-division/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial sub-division of its department on achievement of key target indicators (hereinafter - KTI) - administrative civil servant of the Corps B of categories C-1, C-3 (heads of independent structural sub-divisions), C-O-1;

      9) key target indicators (hereinafter - KTI) - indicators established for the head of a structural unit/public authority and aimed at achieving the documents of the state planning system, including national projects, the agreement of the Corps A employee or aimed at improving the efficiency of the public authority's activities;

      10) ranking method is an evaluation method whereby the performance of the Corps B employees is measured in terms of their compliance with the evaluation parameters - quality of performance of functional duties, compliance with deadlines, initiative and independence, compliance with labour discipline, volume and complexity of work performed;

      11) direct supervisor is a person superior in public office to whom the civil servant is directly subordinate as per his/her job description;

      12) 360 method is an appraisal method aimed at revealing whether the assessed person has the required competencies by interviewing a circle of persons from the assessed person's working environment.

      3. Performance of the Corps B employees (hereinafter - evaluation) shall be evaluated to determine the efficiency and quality of their work through the unified information system for personnel management (hereinafter - information system). In this case, in the absence of technical capability, the evaluation shall be made on paper, or in information systems functioning in the Ministry.

      The evaluation shall be based on the results of the achievement of KTI, by ranking and 360 methods, depending on the job category of the person being evaluated.

      4. The achievement of KTI and the ranking method shall be evaluated based on the results of the quarter - not later than the tenth day of the month following the reporting quarter, the 360 method shall be evaluated based on the results of the year - not later than the tenth day of the month following the reporting year.

      The final KTI and ranking score shall be the average of the Corps B member's grade for the reporting quarters.

      5. The evaluation shall not be conducted in cases where the tenure of an evaluated employee in a particular position during the evaluation period is less than one month. If in the period of evaluation the evaluated employee is on labour or social leave, temporary disability, business trip, internship, retraining or professional development, the evaluation of the employee on achievement of KTI, evaluation by ranking method and/or 360 shall be conducted without his/her participation within the timeframes established by paragraph 5.

      Herewith, employees on social leave, period of temporary disability for the period of work from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 shall be evaluated pursuant to the procedure established by Chapter 6 hereof.

      6. Employees dismissed from the Ministry and its department, territorial bodies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and territorial subdivisions of its department prior to the end of the evaluated period shall be evaluated without their participation within the timeframes established by paragraph 5.

      7. The evaluation results shall be graded as follows:

      “Performs his/her functional duties effectively”,

      “Performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner”,

      “Performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily”,

      “Performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily” (unsatisfactory rating).

      The outcome “Performs his/her functional duties effectively” shall correspond to the range of scores from 4 to 5 points, “Performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner” - from 3 to 3.99 points, “Performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily” – from 2 to 2.99 points, “Performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily” – from 0 to 1.99 points.

      8. The outcome of achieving the KTI and the results of the ranking method evaluation shall be the ground for making decisions on bonuses, incentives, training, rotation, promotion, demotion or dismissal from public office.

      9. The findings of the 360 method evaluation shall be the basis for making training decisions for the employee.

      10. Organisational support for the evaluation shall be ensured by the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry, including via the information system.

      Meanwhile, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall create in the information system a schedule of evaluation of employees, which shall be approved by the official having the right to appoint to a public position and relieve from a public position an employee of the Corps B.

      11. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall ensure that the evaluated employee is familiarised with the results of the evaluation within two working days from the date of its completion.

      The employees referred to in the second part of paragraph 5 hereof shall be notified by means of sending a registered letter with notification of its delivery and/or a telephonogram and/or a telegram and/or a text message via a cellular subscriber number or an electronic address, or by using other means of communication ensuring the fixation of the notification or call.

      12. Should the Corps B employee disagree with the evaluation results, he/she shall file an appropriate application in an arbitrary form for a calibration session with the official having the right to appoint to a public position and dismiss the Corps B employee from a public position within five working days from the date of familiarisation with the evaluation results.

      13. The decision of the calibration session may be appealed by a civil servant under the established procedure of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      14. Documents associated with the evaluation shall be stored in the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry for three years from the date of completion of the evaluation, as well as, if technically possible, in an information system.

      15. The evaluation outcomes shall be strictly confidential information and shall not be disclosed to third parties, excluding cases when the public authority is obliged to disclose this information under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Access to Information”.

      16. Disputes regarding the evaluation procedure shall be handled by the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry with the assistance of all concerned persons and parties.

      17. The evaluator shall ensure:

      1) that strategic goals of the Ministry, general results of the Ministry's/structural unit's work for the evaluated period have been communicated to the evaluated persons;

      2) the KTI have been timely established, agreed and approved;

      3) regular monitoring of the degree of fulfilment of the KTI during the period under evaluation and providing them with summative performance evaluation and constructive feedback; regular monitoring of the degree of fulfilment of functional responsibilities by the evaluated persons during the period under evaluation and providing them with summative performance evaluation of the employee and constructive feedback;

      4) participation in calibration sessions and in resolving disputes on the evaluation of evaluated persons, if they arise during the evaluation process.

      18. The evaluated person shall ensure:

      1) regular monitoring of the extent to which he/she is fulfilling his/her KTI/objectives;

      2) undertaking timely self-assessment as part of the 360 method of assessing his/her performance;

      3) participating in meetings with the supervisor to discuss the results of the performance evaluation.

      19. The Head of the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall ensure:

      1) organising and supporting the performance evaluation process, including preparation of communication messages, advising participants in the evaluation process;

      2) conducting timely analyses and agreeing on the KTI;

      3) if required, participating in meetings between the manager and the employee, helping to resolve disputes by advising on the performance appraisal process;

      4) holding a calibration session, including preparation of information on each worker in preparation for calibration sessions;

      5) completion and timeliness of the documents required as part of the performance evaluation for the reporting period, entering the necessary records, sending the relevant notifications to employees as part of the performance evaluation of employees.

      20. The evaluation outcomes may be known only to the person being evaluated, the evaluator, the Director of the Ministry's Personnel Development Department, and the participants in the calibration sessions.

Chapter 2:
Procedure for evaluation of the head of a structural unit/territorial authority under
the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial subdivision of its agency on achieving the KTI

      21. The performance of the head of a structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial subdivision of its department shall be evaluated based on the assessment of the achievement of the KTI.

      22. The KTI shall be established by the evaluator in coordination with the Strategic Development Department of the Ministry, as well as with the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry in the individual performance plan of the head of a structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial subdivision of its department to achieve the KTI, prepared within ten working days after the commencement of the evaluated period in the form as per Appendix 1 hereto.

      Where an employee is appointed to a post after the commencement of the evaluation period, the KTI shall be established within ten working days from the date of appointment to the post.

      In doing so, within five working days from the date of establishment (approval) of the KTI, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall ensure (if technically feasible) that the individual performance plan is posted in the information system.

      Should the period from the date of appointment of an employee to the end of the period under evaluation be less than three months, no KTI shall be imposed on the said employee.

      The evaluation of the achievement of KTI of the head of a structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial unit of its department shall be made by the evaluator within the timeframe established in paragraph 4 hereof.

      Herewith, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry in coordination with the Strategic Development Department of the Ministry, shall preliminary calculate the actual values of KTI to ensure the reliability of the data and forward it to the evaluator via the information system (if technically possible) not later than five working days prior to the last day of the evaluation as per paragraph 4 hereof.

      23. The KTI shall be fixed at three to five and shall reflect the expected specific outcomes of the evaluated person's performance up to the end of the evaluated period.

      24. KTI shall have quantitative and qualitative indicators of measurable achievement of the objectives and shall be:

      1) specific (the outcome is precisely stated with an indication of the expected positive change to be achieved);

      2) measurable (specific criteria are identified to measure the achievement of the KTI);

      3) achievable (KTI are based on available resources, authority and constraints);

      4) time-limited (the timeframe for achieving the KTI during the evaluation period is specified);

      5) aimed at the implementation of documents of the state planning system, including national projects, strategic goals of the Ministry, the agreement of the Corps A employee, or at improving the efficiency of the Ministry's activities.

      25. The KTI shall be amended in case of changes in the functions and structure of the Ministry directly affecting the achievement of the KTI.

      26. The information system, or in case of its absence, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry, shall notify the head of the structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and the territorial subdivision of its department of the evaluation in respect of him/her not later than the fifth day of the month following the reporting quarter.

      27. The evaluation sheet shall be forwarded to the evaluator for review via the information system, or in the absence thereof, by the Ministry's Personnel Development Department.

      Upon review of the submitted materials, the evaluator shall assign marks (from 0 to 5) in the appropriate column of the evaluation sheet in the form as per Appendix 2 hereto.

      When assigning grades, the evaluator shall use the table for estimating the acceptable grade depending on the percentage of implementation of the key target indicator in the form as per Appendix 3 hereto.

Chapter 3: Evaluation of the Corps B employees using the ranking method

      28. The Corps B employees shall be evaluated using the ranking method.

      29. Appraisal of the Corps B employees by ranking method shall be made by the head of the structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and the territorial division of its department in the form as per Appendix 4 hereto by means of the information system functioning in the public authority (if technically possible). Herewith, in the absence of technical possibility, the evaluation shall be performed in hard copy.

      30. The information system, or in case of its absence, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall notify the Corps B employee of the evaluation of the employee no later than the tenth day of the month following the reporting quarter.

      31. The appraisal sheet shall be sent to the evaluator by the information system, or in case of its absence, by the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry.

      The evaluator shall assign marks (from 0 to 5) in the appropriate column of the evaluation sheet in the form pursuant to Appendix 4 hereto.

      Should the number of employees of the Corps B of a structural unit exceed fifty persons, the evaluation shall also be performed by persons determined by the evaluator.

      32. The following parameters shall be used to evaluate the employees of the Corps B, given the level of results achieved by them in the performance of their functional duties, as well as the volume and complexity of the work performed during the period being evaluated:

      quality of fulfilment of functional responsibilities;

      adherence to deadlines for the fulfilment of objectives;

      independence and initiative;

      labour discipline.

Chapter 4. Evaluation procedure using the 360 method

      33. The 360 method evaluation shall be anonymously performed once a year in the information system. In addition, if it is not technically possible, the evaluation shall be done in paper form.

      The heads of structural units (of a territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial unit of its department) shall be appraised by the 360 method in the form as per Appendix 5 hereto, the Corps B employees in the form as per Appendix 6 hereto.

      34. Method 360 shall be used to appraise the following competencies depending on the category of persons to be appraised:

      for structural managers:

      activity management;

      building effective communications;

      adherence to ethical standards and principles;

      change management;

      results orientation;

      autonomy and decision-making skills;

      team management;

      leadership skills;





      for Corps B employees:

      building effective communications;

      adherence to ethical standards and principles;

      change management;

      results orientation;

      autonomy and decision-making skills;




      35. The number of persons participating in the survey shall be not less than three and not more than seven persons, individually decided by the information system, or in case of its absence by the personnel management service, for each person to be assessed.

      The 360 method also shall also include a self-assessment of the employee. However, the employee's self-assessment shall not be included in the final results.

      Persons to be interviewed shall include:

      1) immediate supervisor;

      2) the Corps B employee directly reporting to the evaluated person;

      3) persons at the same level of seniority and working closely with the evaluated person.

      36. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall administer the 360 method evaluation process, generate individual reports and organise the provision of feedback on the 360 evaluation results in the forms as per Appendices 7 and 8 hereof. When developing the topics of professional development seminars and disciplines of retraining courses, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall include the outcomes of the 360 method assessment, including the least expressed competencies of an employee.

Chapter 5. Procedure for holding calibration sessions and providing feedback

      37. To harmonise and follow a uniform approach to the evaluation process, public authorities shall conduct calibration sessions in the order envisaged in paragraph 12 hereof.

      38. An official entitled to appoint to a public position and release from a public position of an administrative public servant of the Corps B shall make a decision on holding a calibration session and approve its composition within three working days from the day of receipt of the servant's application.

      39. The calibration session shall be held within ten working days from the date of the employee's application in the manner envisaged in paragraph 12 hereof.

      40. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall organise the activities of the calibration session.

      41. In the calibration session, the evaluator shall briefly describe the performance of the person being evaluated and give reasons for his/her evaluation.

      Participants in the calibration session may support the evaluator's estimate or provide arguments for adjusting the estimate.

      Grade adjustments shall be made both upward and downward.

      The final evaluation shall be adopted by the majority of votes of the participants of the calibration session and shall be formalised by the relevant protocol. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall ensure that the protocol is placed in the information system (if technically possible) within three working days from the date of its signing.

      42. Following the calibration session, the evaluator shall meet with the evaluated employee and provide feedback on the results of the final evaluation.

      The following issues shall be discussed during the meeting:

      an overview of achievements during the evaluation period;

      an overview of skills and competency development;

      review of potential and discussion of the employee's career aspirations.

      The evaluator shall ensure an atmosphere of open and friendly dialogue during the meeting.

Chapter 6. Procedure for evaluating the performance of administrative civil servants
of the Corps B for the period of work from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022,
who are on social leave, period of temporary incapacity for work

      43. KTI shall be specified by the immediate supervisor in the individual performance plan of the administrative civil servant of the Corps B, prepared within 10 working days after the commencement of the evaluated period in the form as per Appendix 9 hereto.

      44. An individual performance plan, with appropriate KTI shall be approved by the superior manager.

      45. Should the direct supervisor of the Corps B employee be the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the individual performance plan shall be approved by this official.

      46. The KTI shall be:

      1) precise (the outcome is precisely specified with an indication of the expected positive change to be achieved);

      2) measurable (specific criteria are determined to measure the achievement of the KTI);

      3) achievable (the KTI are measured given the available resources, authority and constraints);

      4) time-limited (the timeframe for achieving the KTI during the period being assessed is determined);

      5) oriented towards the realisation of the strategic goals of the public authority, the agreement of the Corps A employee.

      47. The number of KTI shall be 5.

      Paragraph 1: Procedure for evaluating the achievement of the KTI

      48. For evaluation, the immediate supervisor of the Corps B employee shall fill in and sign the sheet of evaluation on KTI in the form as per Appendix 10 hereto.

      49. The implementation of the individual performance plan shall be evaluated at the end of the year covered by the individual performance plan, based on an estimate of the achievement of the KTI in the following order:

      when all the KTI are achieved, the grade “Performs his/her functional duties effectively” shall be given.

      Where 4 out of 5 KTI are achieved, the grade “Performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner” shall be assigned.

      when 3 out of 5 KTI are achieved, the grade “Performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily” shall be assigned.

      when less than 3 out of 5 KTI are achieved, a grade of “Performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily” shall be assigned.

      Achievement of the KTI shall include full fulfilment of the indicators envisaged in the individual plan.

      50. Once the appraisal sheet has been completed by the immediate supervisor, it shall be presented to the superior for review.

      51. Should the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan be the direct supervisor of the employee of the Corps B, the evaluation sheet shall be presented for his/her consideration.

      52. Upon review of a Corps Bemployee's scorecard, the supervisor shall make one of the following decisions:

      1) agree with the evaluation;

      2) send for revision.

      53. The scorecard shall be revised in case of insufficient or unreliable facts confirming the achievements of KTI.

      54. The re-submission of the scorecard to the superior manager shall be made no later than 2 working days from the date of submission for revision.

      55. Once the scorecard has been signed by the superior, the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall present it to the Commission no later than 2 working days for review.

      Paragraph 2: Consideration of the evaluation by the Commission and appeals against the evaluation findings

      56. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall draw up a schedule for the evaluation in coordination with the Chairman of the Commission and ensure that the persons performing the evaluation are notified of it three working days in advance.

      57. A meeting of the Commission shall be deemed competent if at least two thirds of its members are present at the meeting.

      58. An absent member or chairperson of the Commission shall be replaced by decision of the authorised person by amending the order establishing the Commission.

      59. The Commission's decision shall be taken by open vote.

      60. The results of voting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members of the Commission. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Commission shall have the casting vote.

      61. The secretary of the Commission shall be an employee of the Personnel Development Department of the Ministry. The Secretary of the Commission shall not take part in voting.

      62. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall ensure that the meeting of the Commission is held pursuant to the dates agreed upon with the Chairman of the Commission.

      63. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall present the following documents to the meeting of the Commission:

      1) completed evaluation sheets;

      2) draft minutes of the Commission's meeting in the form as per Appendix 11 hereto (hereinafter referred to as Minutes).

      64. The Commission shall examine the findings of the evaluation and take one of the following decisions:

      1) approve the evaluation findings;

      2) revise the evaluation findings.

      65. Should the Commission decide to revise the evaluation findings, it shall adjust the evaluation and specify it in the column “Commission's Adjustment of Evaluation Findings (if any)” of the minutes.

      66. The evaluation findings shall be approved by the authorised person and recorded in the minutes.

      67. The Personnel Development Department of the Ministry shall familiarise the employee of the Corps B with the findings of the evaluation within two working days from the day of its completion.

      68. The Corps B employee shall be informed of the evaluation findings by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and/or telephonograph and/or telegram and/or text message to a mobile phone number or e-mail address, or by other means of communication ensuring that the notice or call is recorded.

      69. The Corps B employee shall appeal the decision of the Commission to the competent authority for civil service or its territorial department within ten working days from the date of the decision. The competent civil service authority shall take one of the following decisions upon consideration of the appeal:

      1) recommend to the public authority to cancel the decision of the Commission and reconsider the evaluation findings of the Corps B employee;

      2) leave the findings of the Corps B employee's evaluation without revision.

      70. Corps B employees may appeal the evaluation findings to the judiciary.

  Appendix 1
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Superior Executive
(surname, initials)
date _______________________
signature ____________________

Individual performance plan of the head of a structural unit
(a territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial unit of its department)
year (the period for which the individual plan is drawn up)

      Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee: ______________________

      Employee position: _________________________________________________

      Name of the employee's structural unit:


KTI name

Which indicator of a Corps A employee agreement or State planning system document is derived from?

Unit of measurement

Target value

Timeframe for achievement

End result*

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter


1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

      Note: Expected positive change from achievement of key target indicator.

  Appendix 2
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  KTI scorecard
(Full name, position of the person being evaluated)
(evaluation period)

№ s/o

KTI name

Unit of measurement

Target value

Actual value

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

1 quarter

      Table Continued

KTI Percentage realisation


1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

      Final evaluation: _______________________________ sum of KTI grades divided by the number of KTI Evaluation Result: ____________ (performs his/her functional duties effectively, performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner, performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily, performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily)

      The result of the evaluation shall be assigned to the employee based on the final grade

Person being evaluated
(surname, initials)
date __________________________________
signature _______________________________

(surname, initials)
date _________________________________
signature ______________________________

  Appendix 3
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative Civil
Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table for acceptable evaluation depending on the percentage of realisation of the key target indicator

Realisation of key target indicator percentage and ranking parameters

Range of acceptable grade *

100 and above










































      Note: The grade shall be based on the percentage of realisation of the key target indicator. In this case, within the permissible range, the evaluator shall assign a grade at his/her discretion.

  Appendix 4
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ranking method scorecard

      Full name of the employee being evaluated _________________________________

      Full name of the evaluating employee (Head of a structural unit/territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and a territorial unit of its agency) __________________________

      To evaluate the performance of administrative civil servants of the Corps B (hereinafter - evaluation), we offer you to evaluate your colleagues by ranking method on a 5-point scale.

      Grades shall be assigned objectively, without personal likes/antipathies

      The questionnaire shall be filled in immediately from beginning to end without distractions.

      Thus, you can save time and increase the reliability of the results.



(1 to 5 points)


1. Quality of fulfilment of functional duties*

No substantiated comments, returns, complaints

2. Compliance with deadlines for task fulfilment

No violation of deadlines for execution of documents, assignments, tasks

3. Independence and initiative.

An employee's ability to fulfil functional duties with a high degree of independence. Initiation of elaborated approaches, proposals aimed at improving the sphere of activity of the Ministry. Activity and participation in solving the Ministry's objectives.

4. Observance of labour discipline

No late arrivals, no leaving work early without a valid excuse, no disciplinary sanctions and no breaches of work ethics

Average final grade

      Note: To calculate the average final grade, divide the sum of the grades given by the number of parameters evaluated.

      Evaluation result: ____________ (performs his/her functional duties effectively, performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner, performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily, performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily)

      The result of the evaluation shall be assigned to the employee based on the average final grade.

      Justification for the evaluation ___________________

  Appendix 5
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scorecard of the heads of structural units by method 360

      Full name of the head of the structural unit _____________________________

Dear Respondent!

      For the purposes of performance evaluation of administrative civil servants of the Corps B (hereinafter referred to as evaluation), we suggest you to evaluate your colleagues by the method of 360.

      Note: 360 method is an evaluation method aimed at identifying whether the assessed person has the required competencies by interviewing a circle of persons from the assessed person's working environment;

      This method will help your colleague to better understand their strengths and weaknesses and see the potential for further growth and development.

      Please specify one of the proposed answer options in the answer column (competency is not manifested, competency is rarely manifested, competency is manifested in about half of cases, competency is manifested in most cases, competency is always manifested).

      Grades shall be given objectively, without personal likes/antipathies. Anonymity and confidentiality shall be guaranteed.

      The questionnaire shall be filled in immediately from beginning to end, without distractions. In this way, you can save time and increase the reliability of the results.

№ s/o

Name of competency

Questions on competencies



Activity management

Assigns specific tasks and assignments in line with strategic objectives

Creates conditions and orientates the team to ensure quality and timely fulfilment of tasks set by the unit

Organises the work of the unit efficiently, prioritising the work of the unit

Average score for performance management


Building effective communications

Able to co-ordinate his/her activities with colleagues, open to communication, willing to cooperate in business, helps colleagues when needed

Able to resolve conflicts in a way that is beneficial to the common cause, and is reasoned in communicating his/her point of view and considering the opinion of colleagues

Builds an efficient group/team/stakeholder relationship

Average score for building effective communications


Adherence to ethical standards and principles

Strictly follows the rules of ethical behaviour in any situation under the Code of Ethics

Adheres to the principles of integrity, honesty, helpfulness, respect for colleagues and stakeholders

Keeps up with stressful situations, seeks and finds solutions

Average score for adherence to ethical standards and principles


Change management

Positive attitude to changes in the organisation

Adapts his/her tactics to meet the changed situation, analyses the reasons for failure and changes approaches or strategy

Supports and encourages employee initiatives

Average change management score


Results orientation

Sets challenging goals and achieves them

Makes extra effort to complete tasks

Takes responsibility for achieving the result

Average score for results orientation


Independence and decision-making skills

Able to analyse opportunities, risks, and calculate and plan resources

Able to act effectively under conditions of uncertainty

Offers several options for solving problems, with due consideration of possible risks

Average score for independence and decision-making skills


Team management

Never partial to people, always able to avoid personal likes and dislikes

Able to identify and account for the personality of a subordinate in interaction and motivation

Able to inspire and motivate the team

Average score for team management


Leadership skills

Demonstrates enthusiasm and talent, faith in his/her own convictions

Charismatic, uses the power of his/her personality to motivate subordinates

Attuned to motivate staff, intelligently chooses the ratio of rewards and reprimands

Average score for leadership skills



Guides employees in building effective interaction with government agencies and organisations within the scope of their competence

Utilises the potential of each employee to achieve the set objectives

Jointly with structural units of the Ministry, implements plans and achieves common results

Average score for co-operation



Communicates new priorities to the team in a timely manner

Creates effective measures to respond to changes in a timely manner

Manages the unit effectively and achieves results with internal and external changes

Average score for responsiveness



Finds and makes proposals for the promotion of promising employees

Adopts systematic measures for the development of employees

Demonstrates by personal example a commitment to self-development

Average score for self-development



Examines and elaborates proposals for the introduction of innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of operations

Analyses and makes proposals for the introduction of innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of operations

Initiates projects to improve the Ministry's activities

Average score for initiative

      One of the proposed answer options shall be entered in the answer column:

      no competency is shown; competency is rarely shown; competency is shown in about half of the cases; competency is shown in most cases; competency is always shown. The average score shall be calculated automatically by summing up the scores and dividing by the number of respondents' answers for each competency.

  Appendix 6
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scorecard of the Corps B employees by method 360

      Full name of the employee being evaluated______________________________________

Dear Respondent!

      For the purposes of evaluating the performance of administrative civil servants of the Corps B (hereinafter referred to as evaluation), we suggest you to evaluate your colleagues using the 360 degree method.

      Note: 360 method is an evaluation method aimed at revealing whether the person being evaluated has the required competencies by interviewing a circle of persons from the work environment of the person being evaluated.;

      This method will help your colleague to better understand their strengths and weaknesses and see the potential for further growth and development.

      Please enter one of the proposed answer options in the answer column (competency is not manifested, competency is rarely manifested, competency is manifested in about half of cases, competency is manifested in most cases, competency is always manifested).

      Grades shall be assigned objectively, without personal sympathies/antipathies. Anonymity and confidentiality shall be guaranteed.

      The questionnaire shall be filled in immediately from beginning to end without distractions.

      This will save you time and increase the reliability of your results.

№ s/o

Name of competency

Competency questions



Building efficient communications

Able to co-ordinate his/her activities with colleagues, open to communication, willing to cooperate in business, helps colleagues when needed

Able to resolve conflicts in a way that is beneficial to the common cause, and is reasoned in communicating his/her point of view and respecting the opinion of colleagues

Builds effective group/team/stakeholder engagement

Average score for building efficient communications


Adherence to ethical standards and principles

Strictly follows the rules of ethical behaviour in all situations as per the Code of Ethics

Adheres to the principles of integrity, honesty, helpfulness, respect for colleagues and stakeholders

Keeps up with stressful situations, seeks and finds solutions

Average score for adherence to ethical standards and principles


Change management

Positive attitude to changes in the organisation

Adapts his/her tactics to meet the changed situation, analyses the reasons for failure and changes approaches or strategy

Supports and encourages employee initiatives

Average change management score


Results orientation

Sets challenging goals and achieves them

Makes extra effort to complete tasks

Takes responsibility for achieving the result

Average score for results orientation


Independence and decision-making skills

Able to analyse opportunities, risks, and calculate and plan resources

Able to act efficiently under conditions of uncertainty

Offers several options for solving problems, with due consideration of possible risks

Average score for independence and decision-making skills



Contributes to the team and seeks clarification from more experienced colleagues when needed

Promotes interaction with colleagues and representatives of public authorities and organisations

Exchanges views and performs objectives based on the discussion

Average score for co-operation



Makes suggestions for improvement

Explores new approaches and how to implement them

Adapts quickly to changing conditions

Average score for responsiveness



Demonstrates interest in new knowledge and technologies

Seeks self-development, looking for new information and ways to apply it

Practises new skills to improve his/her efficiency

Average score for self-development

      One of the proposed answer options shall be entered in the answer column:

      competency is not manifested; competency is rarely manifested; competency is manifested in about half of the cases; competency is manifested in most cases; competency is always manifested. The average score shall be derived automatically by summing up the scores and dividing by the number of respondents' answers for each competency.

  Appendix 7
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The outcome of the employee's evaluation by the 360-degree method (for heads of structural units/
territorial authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and the territorial unit of its department)

      Full name of the head of the structural unit ____________________________


Average final score for the competencies



Activity management


Building effective communications


Adherence to ethical standards and principles


Change management


Results orientation


Independence and decision-making skills


Team management


Leadership skills









      Average final evaluation results for each competency shall be calculated automatically by summing up the scores of each respondent and dividing by the number of respondents (excluding self-evaluation).

      Evaluation results: _______________________________

  Appendix 8
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Result of the 360-degree evaluation of the employee (for Corps B employees)

      Full name of the employee being evaluated__________________________


Average final grade for each competency



Building effective communications


Adherence to ethical standards and principles


Change management


Results orientation


Independence and decision-making skills







      Average final evaluation results for each competency shall be calculated automatically by summing up the scores of each respondent and dividing by the number of respondents ( excluding self-evaluation).

      Evaluation results: ______________________________

  Appendix 9
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Superior Executive
(surname, initials)
date _______________________
signature ____________________

Individual performance plan of the administrative civil servant of the Corps B
year (the period in respect of which the individual plan is drawn up)

      Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee: ______________________

      Position of employee: _________________________________________________

      Name of the employee's structural unit: _____________________

№ s/o

Name of KTI

Which indicator of a Corps A employee agreement or state planning system document is derived from?

Unit of measurement

Target value

Timeframe for achievement

End result*

      * Expected positive change from the achievement of the key target indicator.

(surname, initials)
date ________________
signature _____________

Immediate supervisor
(surname, initials)
date ________________
signature _____________

  Appendix 10
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Superior Executive
(surname, initials)
date _______________________
signature ____________________

KTI scorecard

(Full name, position of the person being evaluated)
(period under evaluation)

№ s/o

Name of KTI

Unit of measurement

Target value

Actual value

Result achieved/
Result not achieved

      Evaluation result _________________________________________________________
(performs his/her functional duties effectively, performs his/her functional duties in an appropriate manner, performs his/her functional duties satisfactorily, performs his/her functional duties not satisfactorily)

(surname, initials)
date _________________________
signature ______________________

Immediate supervisor
(surname, initials)
date __________________________
signature _________________________

  Appendix 11
to the Methodology for Evaluation
of the Performance of Administrative
Civil Servants of the Corps B
of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Authorised Person
(surname, initials)
date ____________________
signature _________________

Minutes of the meeting
of the Evaluation Commission

(name of public authority)
(evaluation period, year)

      Evaluation results

№ s/o

Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of employees

Details of the results of the evaluation

Adjustment of the evaluation results by the Commission (if there are any)

Recommendations of the Commission




      Conclusion of the Commission:


      Verified by:

      Secretary of the Commission: ________________________ Date: ___________

                              (surname, initials, signature)

      Chairperson of the Commission: _____________________ Date: ___________

                              (surname, initials, signature)

      Member of the Commission: ____________________________ Date: ____________

                  (surname, initials, signature)

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