Unofficial translation
Footnote. Repealed by order of the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 180 dated May 24, 2022 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).In accordance with subparagraph 41) of paragraph 1, article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2005 On State Regulation of Development of Agricultural Complex and Rural Territories and subparagraph 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 On State Services I hereby ORDER:
Footnote. Preamble - as amended by Order No. 295 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 23, 2020 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).1. That the attached Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in the Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture Products (Fish Farming).
2. The following shall be deemed to be no longer in force:
1) Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 237 of June 9, 2017 "On Approval of the Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture Products (Fish Farming)" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 15452, published on August 16, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
2) order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 16 of January 11, 2018 "On Introduction of Amendments to Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 237 of June 9, 2017 "On Approval of the Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture Products (Fish Farming) "(registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 16735, published on April 28, 2018 in the Reference to Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
3. In compliance with the procedure established by legislation, the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) ensure the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order, send it both in the Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information" for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, send a copy of it for official publication in periodicals;
4) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.
4. The control over the implementation of this order shall be imposed on the Supervising Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order shall become effective upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.
Deputy Prime Minister | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister | |
of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan | U. Shukeyev |
Ministry of Information and Communications
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by order No. 408 of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 4, 2018, |
Rules for subsidizing the increase in the productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products
Footnote. Rules as amended by Order No. 295 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.09. 2020 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. These Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in the Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture (Fish Farming) Products (hereinafter- the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 41) of paragraph 1, article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2005 On State Regulation of Development of Agricultural Complex and Rural Territories and subparagraph 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 On State Services (hereinafter Law on state services) and govern the procedure for granting budget subsidies to increase the productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products, within the limits, stipulated in the local budget for the relevant fiscal year and also the procedure for rendering the state service "Subsidizing the increase in the productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products."
2. The following basic concepts shall be used in these Rules:
1) aquaculture - artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish resources and other aquatic animals;
2) repair and mother herds (hereinafter referred to as RMS) - different-aged groups of fish and other aquatic animals, including protected species used for breeding purposes, for the reproduction of aquaculture objects with high breeding and productive qualities, for the preservation of aquatic biological resources contained in controlled conditions;
3) fish feed - all types of balanced full-feed feed for domestic or foreign fish;
4) fish farming - the direction of aquaculture for artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish for business purposes;
5) fish and biological justification (hereinafter referred to as FBJ) - a set of scientifically based recommendations, developed by scientific organizations in the field of wildlife protection, reproduction and use as a result of research and study of available scientific data, proven technologies and other measures to assess the state and potential of natural and adapted water bodies for aquaculture needs, other methods for artificial cultivation of fish and other aquatic animals, including a comprehensive assessment of water bodies, features of species biology, growing technologies, veterinary and sanitary requirements, fodder formulation and feeding regimen, increasing the potential of the natural feed base, as well as the organization of reproduction and stocking;
6) fish sediment material (hereinafter referred to as FSM) - larvae, juveniles, youngsters and other age groups of fish, depending on the fish farming object, intended for stocking water bodies;
7) Certificate of origin of catching - established in accordance with the order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2016 No. 304 "On approval of the form of certificate of origin of catching" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 14117) a document confirming the origin of fish resources and other aquatic animals harvested from fishery reservoirs and (or) sites or grown in fish farms;
8) medicinal products - medical preparations used to treat fish and other aquatic animals from contagious and non-contagious types of diseases arising under the influence of the external environment during their cultivation in aquaculture (fish farming);
9) personal account - a set of records that allow identifying a registered person in order to register applications for subsidies and record transactions under them;
10) service provider - a person providing access to the subsidy information system and its support as an owner, which shall be determined by the structural unit of the local executive body of the region, the city of national significance, the capital, implementing functions in the field of agriculture and fisheries (hereinafter referred to as the local executive body (service provider)), in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement;
11) subsidy application - an electronic application for subsidies for purchased fish feed, fish planting materials, fish and biological justification, medicinal products, as well as for repair herds and their content, signed by an electronic digital signature of the commodity manufacturer (service recipient);
12) electronic register of applications for subsidies (hereinafter referred to as the register) - a set of information about applications for subsidies, as well as about borrowers, creditors, and other information reflected in the information system of subsidies;
13) subsidy information system - an organizational and orderly set of information and communication technologies, service personnel and technical documentation, designed to provide services for the implementation of subsidy processes, providing the ability to interact with the electronic government web portal, register an application for subsidies, as well as process it by automatically checking the application for compliance with the conditions of subsidies;
14) web portal of the subsidy information system (hereinafter referred to as the web portal) - an Internet resource located on the Internet providing access to the subsidy information system;
15) commodity producer – an individual or legal entity engaged in aquaculture (fish farming) (hereinafter referred to as the commodity producer (service recipient));
16) e-government web portal - an information system that shall be a single window of access to all consolidated government information, including the regulatory legal framework, and to state services, services for issuing technical specifications for connecting natural monopolies to networks and services of quasi-public sector entities provided in electronic form;
17) electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS) - a set of electronic digital symbols created by means of electronic digital signature and confirming the reliability of an electronic document, its ownership and invariability of content.
Footnote. Paragraph 2 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).3. Subsidies shall be intended for commodity producers (service recipients) to reduce the cost of aquaculture (fish farming) products by reimbursing:
1) 30 (thirty) percent (hereinafter referred to as %) of expenses for the purchase of feed used in the cultivation of sturgeon, salmon, carp, catfish, cichlids, lat, bonytongues species of fish and their hybrids, crustaceans;
2) 50% of expenses for the acquisition of FSM;
3) 50% of expenses for the acquisition of FBJ;
4) 50% of expenses for the purchase of drugs;
5) 50% of expenses for the purchase of RMS and their maintenance.
Footnote. Paragraph 3 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).4. Proposals on the volume of subsidies for increasing the productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products (hereinafter - proposals for the volume of subsidies) shall be drawn up in duplicate and provided with a cover letter signed by the akim of the region, the city of republican status, the capital, in case of his absence - by the person performing his duties, for approval by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter -the Ministry), no later than January 20 of the corresponding year.
When submitting a proposal on the amount of subsidies for approval to the Ministry, documents shall be attached substantiating the calculations on the amount of types of feed to be subsidized, taking into account the feed consumption rate.
In case of a positive decision, the Ministry shall return one copy of the proposal for the amount of subsidy by a relevant cover letter, no later than January 30 of the corresponding year. In case of a negative decision, the Ministry, by a letter with a reasoned substantiation, shall send for revision both copies of the proposal for the amount of subsidies, no later than January 30 of the corresponding year.
The revised proposals on the amount of subsidies in duplicate shall be submitted for re-approval to the Ministry, no later than February 5 of the corresponding year.
The Ministry shall return one copy of the approved proposal for the amount of subsidies by a relevant cover letter, no later than February 10 of the corresponding year.
After approval by the Ministry, the volume of subsidies for increasing the productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products shall be approved by a resolution of the akimat of the region, the city of republican status, the capital.
5. Within 3 (three) working days after approval of the individual financing plan on the obligations and payments of state institutions for subsidies (hereinafter -the Financing Plan), the local executive body (service provider) shall place it on the web portal.
Chapter 2. Conditions for obtaining subsidies
6. Subsidies for purchased feed shall be paid subject to the following conditions:
1) submission by the commodity producer (service recipient) through the "e-government" web portal of an application for subsidies for purchased feed according to Form 1 in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules.
The list of basic requirements for obtaining subsidies, including the characteristics of the process, the form, content and result of the provision of subsidies, as well as other information, taking into account the specifics of the provision of subsidies, shall be set out in the public service standard "Subsidizing the improvement of productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products" in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules.
Information interaction between the web portal "e-government" and the information system of subsidies shall be carried out in accordance with Article 43 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Informatization";
2) registration of the application for subsidies in the subsidy information system;
3) availability of a personal account in the information system of subsidies from the commodity manufacturer (service recipient), the data of which shall be confirmed as a result of information interaction of the information system of subsidies with the state databases "Legal Entities" or "Individuals";
4) confirmation of the purchase of feed by the commodity producer (service recipient) as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the information system for receiving and processing electronic invoices (availability of appropriate electronic invoices from feed suppliers);
5) confirmation of the volume of production of the commodity producer (service recipient) of fish products in the fourth quarter of the previous year and (or) this year as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the information system for receiving and processing electronic invoices;
6) confirmation of information on the origin of fish grown in artificial conditions as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the information system "State database" E-licensing "(hereinafter referred to as IS" SDB "E-licensing"), in accordance with paragraph 1-3 of Article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On protection, reproduction and use of wildlife" (hereinafter referred to as the Law);
7) confirmation of information on artificial breeding of animals whose species shall be included in Annexes I and II of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the IS “SDB” E-Licensing”, when subsidizing sturgeon feed and their hybrids in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 3-1 of Article 19 of the Law.
Footnote. Annex 6 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).6-1. Subsidies for purchased FBJ, medicinal products shall be paid subject to the following conditions:
1) submission by the commodity manufacturer (service recipient) through the "e-government" web portal of an application for subsidies for the purchased FBJ, applications for subsidies for purchased drugs according to Forms 2 and 3 in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules;
2) registration of the application for subsidies in the subsidy information system;
3) availability of a personal account in the information system of subsidies from the commodity manufacturer (service recipient), the data of which shall be confirmed as a result of information interaction of the information system of subsidies with the state databases "Legal entities" or "Individuals";
4) confirmation of the acquisition of FBJ, medicines by the commodity manufacturer (service recipient) as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the information system for receiving and processing electronic invoices (availability of relevant electronic invoices of FBJ suppliers, medicines).
Footnote. Rules added with paragraph 6-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).6-2. Subsidies for purchased FSM, RMS and their content shall be paid subject to the following conditions:
1) submission by the commodity manufacturer (service recipient) through the e-government web portal of an application for subsidies for purchased FSMs, applications for subsidies for purchased RMSs and their content according to Forms 4 and 5 in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules;
2) registration of the application for subsidies in the subsidy information system;
3) availability of a personal account in the information system of subsidies from the commodity manufacturer (service recipient), the data of which are confirmed as a result of information interaction of the information system of subsidies with the state databases "Legal Entities" or "Individuals";
4) confirmation of the acquisition of FSM, RMS and their content by the commodity manufacturer (service recipient) as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the information system for receiving and processing electronic invoices (availability of appropriate electronic invoices from FSM, RMS suppliers);
5) confirmation of information on the origin of fish grown in artificial conditions as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the IS "GBD" E-licensing "in accordance with paragraph 1-3 of Article 26 of the Law;
6) confirmation of information on artificial breeding of animals whose species shall be included in Annexes I and II of the Convention on International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the IS "GBD" E-licensing", when subsidizing FSM, RMS sturgeon and their hybrids in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 3-1 of Article 19 of the Law.
Footnote. Rules added with paragraph 6-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).Chapter 3. Procedure for calculating subsidies
7. The amount of the subsidy due to fish feed shall be calculated using the following formula:
Vр – the volume of produced aquaculture (fish farming) products confirmed in accordance with paragraph 6 (5) of the Rules, kilogram;
Nрк – the rate of feed consumption for the production of one kilogram of aquaculture (fish farming) products specified in accordance with paragraph 8 of these Rules;
∑ – total amount of funds spent on fish feed, KZT;
Ск – the cost of fish feed for one kilogram, KZT;
Сс – number of subsidies, KZT.
The cost of fish feed shall not include the amount of value added tax.
7-1. The amount of the RMP subsidy due shall be calculated using the following formula:
1) Рп=К*Ср;
2) Сс=(Рп*50)/100,
Рп – the total amount spent for the purchase of FSM, KZT;
К –number of RMP, piece;
Ср – the cost of FSM for one piece, KZT;
Сс – number of subsidies, KZT.
The value of the RMP shall not include value added tax.
Footnote. Rules added with paragraph 7-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).7-2. The amount of the RBO subsidy due is calculated using the following formula:
1) Rb=К*Сб;
2) Сс=(Рб*50)/100,
Rb - the total amount spent for the purchase of RBO, tenge;
K is the number of RBO, unit;
Sat - the cost of RBO for one unit, tenge;
Сс is the amount of subsidies, tenge.
The cost of RBO does not include the amount of value added tax.
7-3. The amount of the medicinal products subsidy due shall be calculated using the following formula:
1) Л=К*Сл;
2) Сс=(Л*50)/100,
Л – total amount spent for the purchase of medicinal products, KZT;
К – the number of medicinal products, a piece and/or a kilogram;
Сл – the cost of medicinal products per piece and/or kilogram, KZT;
Сс –number of subsidies, KZT.
Value added tax shall not be included in the cost of medicinal products.
Footnote. Rules added with paragraph 7-3 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).7-4. The amount of the subsidy due for RMS and their content shall be calculated using the following formula:
1) Рм=Км*См;
2) Сс=(Рм*50)/100,
Рм – the total amount spent on the purchase of RMS and their content, KZT;
Км –number of PMS, piece;
См – cost of RMS for one piece, KZT;
Сс –number of subsidies, KZT.
The value of PMS shall not include value added tax.
Footnote. Rules added with paragraph 7-4 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).8. The feed consumption rate for the production of 1 (one) kilogram of aquaculture (fish farming) products shall not exceed for:
1) salmon and their hybrids - 1.2 (one whole two tenths) kilograms;
2) sturgeon and their hybrids - 1.5 (one and a half) kilograms;
3) cyprinids and their hybrids:
for granulated feeds of domestic production, with protein content not more than 25% - 4.0 (four) kilograms;
for feed of foreign production - 1.6 (one whole six tenths) kilograms;
4) catfish and their hybrids -1.2 (one whole two tenths) kilograms;
5) cichlid and their hybrids - 1.2 (one whole two tenths) kilograms;
6) lat and their hybrids - 1.3 (one whole three tenths) kilograms;
7) aravan and their hybrids - 1.5 (one whole five tenths) kilograms;
8) crustaceans - 1.6 (one whole six tenths) kilograms.
At actual costs for the production of one kilogram of aquaculture (fish farming) products below these standards, subsidies shall be calculated based on the actual consumption of feed.
Footnote. Annex 8 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).9. The number of subsidies allocated per kilogram of fish feed shall not exceed for:
1) salmon and their hybrids 270 (two hundred and seventy) KZT;
2) sturgeon and their hybrids 285 (two hundred and eighty-five) KZT;
3) cyprinids and their hybrids:
for domestic feed - 105 (one hundred and five) KZT;
for foreign-made feed - 210 (two hundred and ten) KZT;
4) catfish and their hybrids 210 (two hundred and ten) KZT;
5) cichlid and their hybrids 210 (two hundred and ten) KZT;
6) lat and their hybrids 210 (two hundred and ten) KZT;
7) aravan and their hybrids 285 (two hundred and eighty-five) KZT;
8) crustaceans 228 (two hundred and twenty-eight) KZT.
The number of allocated subsidies for the purchase of 1 (one) FSM shall not exceed for:
1) salmon and their hybrids:
fertilized caviar (pieces) – KZT 5 (five) per 1 (one) caviar;
young (up to 10 grams) - KZT 25 (twenty-five) per 1 (one) piece;
2) sturgeon and their hybrids:
fertilized caviar (pieces) - KZT 100 (one hundred) per 1 (one) caviar;
young (up to 10 grams) - KZT 250 (two hundred and fifty) per 1 (one) piece;
3) cyprinids and their hybrids:
larvae - KZT 60,000 (sixty thousand) for 1 (one) million pieces;
juveniles (up to 30 grams) - KZT 15 (fifteen) per 1 (one) piece;
4) whitefish and their hybrids:
larvae - KZT 500,000 (five hundred thousand) for 1 (one) million pieces;
5) catfish and their hybrids:
juveniles (0.5-5 grams) - KZT 5 (five) per 1 (one) piece;
6) cichlid and their hybrids:
juveniles (0.5-5 grams) - KZT 15 (fifteen) per 1 (one) piece;
7) lat and their hybrids (0.5-5 grams) - KZT 20 (twenty) per 1 (one) piece;
8) aravan and their hybrids (0.5-5 grams) - KZT 25 (twenty-five) per 1 (one) piece;
9) crustaceans:
fertilized caviar - KZT 5 (five) per 1 (one) caviar;
young - KZT 25 (twenty-five) per 1 (one) piece.
The number of subsidies allocated for purchased medicinal products when growing fish for aquaculture (fish farming) shall not exceed KZT 5,000 (five thousand) per 1 (one) ton of grown fish.
The number of allocated subsidies for the acquired FBJ in the cultivation of fish for aquaculture (fish farming) shall not exceed KZT 500,000 (five hundred thousand).
The number of subsidies allocated for purchased RMS and their maintenance intended for aquaculture (fish farming) purposes shall not exceed for:
salmon species of fish and their hybrids - KZT 15,000 (fifteen thousand) per 1 (one) individual;
sturgeon species of fish and their hybrids - KZT 30,000 (thirty thousand) per 1 (one) individual;
carp, aravan, catfish, lat, cichlid - KZT 10,000 (ten thousand) for 1 (one) individual.
Footnote. Annex 9 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).Chapter 4 Subsidies Payment Procedure
10. Applications shall be accepted at the location (legal address) of the commodity producer (service recipient) from March 1 to December 1 of the corresponding year.
11. To provide access to the register data through the web portal (hereinafter - the personal account), the local executive body (service provider) shall direct the updated lists of employees with EDS to the service provider by February 10 of the corresponding year.
12. To gain access to the personal account, the commodity producer (service recipient) must have an EDS for self-registration in the subsidy information system.
13. When registering on the web portal to open a personal account by a commodity producer (service recipient), the following information shall be indicated:
1) for individuals and individual entrepreneurs: individual identification number (hereinafter -IIN); full name;
2) for legal entities in the form of joint ventures: business identification number, full name and IIN of the head of the entity;
3) contact details (postal address, telephone number, email address);
4) bank account details in a second-tier bank.
In the event of the change in the indicated data, the commodity producer (service recipient) shall change the data of the account entered in the personal account within one working day.
14. Formation and registration of the application shall be made in the personal account in the following order:
1) an application is formed with inclusion of the information in it, necessary for verification by the information system of subsidizing of the requirements under subparagraphs 4), 5), 6) and 7) of paragraph 6 of these Rules
2) the application is registered in the information system of subsidizing by signing it with the EDS of the commodity producer (service recipient) and becomes available in the personal account of the local executive body (service provider). An electronic notification of receipt of the application for consideration is sent to the email address of the local executive body (service provider) indicated on the web portal.
In the event of revealed by the commodity producer (service recipient) inconsistencies in the data in the registered subsidy application, before the local executive body (service provider) draws up invoices for payment, the commodity producer (service recipient) has the opportunity to withdraw the subsidy application indicating the reason for the withdrawal.
15. Within one working day from the moment of registration of the application the responsible executor of the local executive body (service provider) shall confirm its acceptance by signing the corresponding notification with EDS. This notification becomes available in the personal account of the commodity producer (service recipient).
16. In accordance with the Financing Plan, the responsible executor of the local executive body (service provider) shall generate accounts payable for the payment of subsidies in the subsidy information system, uploaded to the Treasury-Client information system, within one working day after confirmation by the local executive body (service provider) of the acceptance of the application for subsidies in accordance with paragraph 15 of these Rules.
The provided state service shall result in notification of the transfer of a subsidy in accordance with the form of Appendix 3 to these Rules, or a notification of rejected state service in accordance with the form of Appendix 4 to these Rules.
The result of the provided state service shall be mailed as an electronic document to the personal account of the commodity producer (service recipient) in the information system of subsidies.
On applications for subsidies in which the amount of subsidies exceeds the amount of budget funds provided for in the Funding Plan for the corresponding month, the payment of subsidies shall be made in the next month in the order of priority from the date of submission of the application for subsidies.
17. Refusal to provide subsidies shall be accepted on the following grounds:
1) established inaccuracy of the documents submitted by the commodity producer (service recipient) for receiving subsidies, and (or) the data (information) contained therein;
2) inconsistency of the commodity producer (service recipient) and (or) the data and information provided, necessary to obtain subsidies, with the requirements established by these Rules.
18. The local executive body (service provider) shall ensure that data on the stage of obtaining subsidies are entered into the information system of monitoring of the state services rendering in accordance with subparagraph 11) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Law on State Services.
Chapter 5.Procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of the service provider and (or) his officials on the state service rendering
19. A complaint against the decision, action (inaction) of the local executive body (service provider) on the state service rendering shall be submitted to the head of the local executive body (service provider), to the authorized body assessing and monitoring the state services rendering quality.
20. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law on State Services the complaint of the commodity producer (service recipient)shall be examined by:
the local executive body (service provider) within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration;
the authorized body for the assessment and quality control of the state services rendering- within 15 (fifteen) working days from its registration date.
21. The term for examining the complaint by the local executive body (service provider), the authorized body for the assessment and quality control of the state services rendering in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 25 of the Law on State Services shall be extended by no more than 10 (ten) working days in cases of need:
1) to conduct additional examination or verification of the complaint , or on-site verification;
2) to obtain additional information.
In the event of an extension of the complaint examination term, an official authorized to consider complaints, within 3 (three) working days from the date of the complaint examination term extension, shall notify in writing (when the complaint is on paper) or electronically (when the complaint is in electronic form) the commodity producer (service recipient) who filed the complaint, on the extension of the complaint examination term, indicating the reasons for the extension.
In cases of disagreement with the results of the state service rendering, the commodity producer (service recipient) shall apply to the court in accordance with subparagraph 6) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Law on State Services.
Annex 1 Rules for subsidy to increase productivity and product quality and aquaculture (fish farming) |
Form 1
Application for subsidies for purchased feed
Footnote. Annex 1 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
(local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital)
dated ______________________________________________________________________
(name of legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
of an individual)
I hereby ask you to pay me subsidies for purchased feed for __________ species of fish
in the amount of __________________ kilograms of ____________________,
in the amount of _______________________________________________________ KZT.
(amount in numbers and words)
1. Applicant information: for legal entity:
name ___________________________________________________________
Business identification number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) _____________________________
surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Head ___________________________________________________________
address __________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number __________________________________________________
for an individual: surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as IIN) ___________________
identity document:
_________________________________________________________________ number
by whom the ________________________________________________________ was issued
date of issue ____________________________________________________________
address __________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number __________________________________________________
Notice of commencement as an individual entrepreneur -
for an individual:
location ________________________________________________________
date of notification _______________________________________________________
2. Current account information of an individual or legal entity with a second-tier bank:
IIN/BIN _____________________________________________________________
Beneficiary code (hereinafter referred to as Kbe) ___________________________________________
bank details _______________________________________________________
name of the bank ____________________________________________________
bank identification code ______________________________________
individual identification code _________________________________
BIN _________________________________________________________________
Kbe __________________________________________________________________
3. Information from the information on the origin of the catch: number and date of issue
fish species _____________________________________________________________
the volume of fish grown ________________________________________________
4. Confirmation of registration with the administrative body on activities
for artificial breeding of sturgeon species of fish, species of which shall be included
Annex I and/or II of the Convention on international trade in wild species
endangered fauna and flora: issue number and date
number of notifications ___________________________________________________
5. Information on invoices for the sale of aquaculture products (fish farming):
№ r/n | Number of invoices | Date of invoices | Name of aquaculture (fish farming) products | Volume of sold products, kilogram | IIN/BIN of the consumer and name |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
6. Information on sales and purchase agreement between individuals/legal entities and the seller of feed:
№ r/n | IIN/BIN of the food salesman | Name of the salesman | Number of the agreement | Date of conclusion of the agreement | Name of the food | Cost, KZT | Feed volume, kilogram |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
7. Information on invoices confirming the costs incurred for the purchase of feed:
№ r/n | Number of the invoice | Invoice date | Name of the food | Volume of feed purchased, kilogram | Cost of purchased feed, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
8. Calculation of subsidies due:
№ r/n | Type of subsidized fish | Volume of the manufactured products, kilograms | Name and type of feed | Cost of one kilogram of feed, KZT | Feed consumption rate for the production of one kilogram | Total consumption for the purchase of feed, KZT | Amount of budget subsidies due, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consent to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law, as well as to the collection and processing of personal data.
Signed and sent by the applicant at _____ o'clock "__" ______ __ 20:
Data from electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS)
Date and time of EDS signing
Confirmation for acceptance of the application:
The application has been accepted for consideration by "__" _________ ___ 20 at _____ o'clock
Data from EDS
Date and time of EDS signing
Form 2
Application for subsidies for purchased fish and biological justification
In ________________________________________________________________________
(local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital)
from _______________________________________________________________________
(name of legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
of an individual)
I hereby ask you to pay me subsidies for the acquired fish-biological
justification (hereinafter referred to as FBJ) for the cultivation of __________ fish species in the scope of
____________________________________ tons,
in the amount of ___________________________________________________________ KZT.
(sum in numbers and words)
1. Applicant information: for legal entity:
name ____________________________________________________________
Business Identification Number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) ______________________________
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head
address ___________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ____________________________________________________
for an individual:
surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as IIN) ____________________
identity document:
__________ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ number ______________________________________
by whom ______________________________________________________________ issued
date of issue _____________________________________________________________
address ___________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ___________________________________________________
Confirmation of activity as an individual entrepreneur -
for an individual:
location _______________________________________________________
date of confirmation _______________________________________________________
2. Current account information of an individual or legal entity with a second-tier bank:
IIN/BIN _____________________________________________________________
Beneficiary code (hereinafter referred to as Kbe) ___________________________________________
bank details _______________________________________________________
name of the bank ____________________________________________________
bank identification code ______________________________________
individual identification code _________________________________
BIN _________________________________________________________________
Kbe __________________________________________________________________
3. Information on sales and purchase contracts between individuals/legal entities and the developer of FBJ:
№ r/n |
ИИН/ БИН физического/юридического лица | Name of the designer РБО | Number of the agreement | Conclusion date of the agreement | NameРБО | Cost, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
4. Information on invoices confirming the costs incurred for the acquisition of FBJ:
№ r/n | Number of the invoice | Date of the invoice | Number of developed FBJs, pieces | Cost of FBJ, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided, I am aware for the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consent to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law, as well as to the collection and processing of personal data.
Signed and sent by the applicant at _____ o'clock "__" ______ __ 20:
Data from electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS)
Date and time of the EDS signing
Confirmation for the acceptance of application:
The application has been accepted for consideration by "__" _________ ___ 20 at _____ o'clock
Data from the EDS
Date and time of the EDS signing
Form 3
Application for subsidies for purchased medicinal products _
(local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital)
from _____________________________________________________________________
(name of legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
of an individual)
I hereby ask you to pay me subsidies for purchased medicinal products
when growing __________ species of fish in the amount of __________ tons,
in the amount of _____________________________________________________KZT.
(sum in numbers and words)
1. Applicant information: for legal entity:
name ________________________________________________________
Business Identification Number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) __________________________
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head ____________________
address _______________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ________________________________________________
for an individual: surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as IIN) ________________
identity document:
______________________________________________________________ number
by whom the _________________________________________________________ issued
date of issue _________________________________________________________
address _______________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number _______________________________________________
Confirmation for the activity as an Individual Entrepreneur
- for an individual:
location _____________________________________________________
date of notification _____________________________________________________
2. Current account information of an individual or legal entity with a second-tier bank:
IIN/BIN ___________________________________________________________
Beneficiary Code (hereinafter referred to as Kbe) _________________________________________
bank details _____________________________________________________
name of the bank __________________________________________________
bank identification code ____________________________________
individual identification code _______________________________
BIN _______________________________________________________________
Kbe ________________________________________________________________
3. Information on sales contracts between individuals/legal entities and the seller of medicinal products:
№ r/n | IIN/BIN of the salesman | Name of the salesman | Number of the agreement | Conclusion date of the agreement | Name of the medicinal product | Cost, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
4. Information on invoices confirming the costs incurred for the purchase of medicinal products:
№ r/n | Number of the invoice | Date of invoice | Number of medicinal products, pieces, kilogram | Cost of medicines, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided, I am aware for the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consent to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law, as well as to the collection and processing of personal data.
Signed and sent by the applicant at _____ o'clock "__" ______ __ 20:
Data from electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS)
Date and time of the EDS signing
Confirmation for the acceptance of the application:
The application has been accepted for consideration by "__" _________ ___ 20 ____ o'clock
Data from the EDS
Date and time of the EDS signing
Form 4
Application for subsidies for purchased fish deposit materials
(local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital)
from ________________________________________________________________________
(name of legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual)
I hereby ask you to pay me subsidies for purchased fish planting materials
(hereinafter referred to as FSM) when growing __________ fish species in the amount of __________ pieces,
in the amount of _________________________________ KZT. (sum in numbers and words)
1. Applicant information: for legal entity:
name _____________________________________________________________
Business Identification Number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) _______________________________
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head_________________________
address ____________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ____________________________________________________
for an individual:
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) _____________________________________
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as IIN) _____________________
identity document:
___________________________________________________________________ number
by whom the _______________________________________________________________ issued
date of issue ______________________________________________________________
address ____________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ____________________________________________________
Confirmation for the activity as an Individual Entrepreneur
for an individual:
location _________________________________________________________
date of notification _________________________________________________________
2. Current account information of an individual or legal entity with a second-tier bank:
IIN/BIN _______________________________________________________________
Beneficiary Code (hereinafter referred to as Kbe) _____________________________________________
bank details _________________________________________________________
name of the bank ______________________________________________________
bank identification code ________________________________________
individual identification code ___________________________________
BIN ____________________________________________________________________
Kbe _____________________________________________________________________
3. Confirmation of registration with the administrative body on activities
for artificial breeding of sturgeon species of fish, species of which shall be included
Annex I and/or II of the Convention on international trade in species of wild fauna
and endangered flora:
number and date of issue __________________________________________________
number of notifications __________________________________________________
4. Information on contracts of sale between individuals/legal entities and FSM salesman:
№ r/n | IIN/BIN of the salesman | Name of the salesman | Number of the agreement | Conclusion date of the agreement | Name/type | Cost, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
5. Information on invoices confirming the incurred costs of FSM acquisition:
№ r/n | Number of the invoice | Date of the invoice | Number of the FSM, pieces | Cost of the FSM, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consent to the use of information constituting a secret protected by the Law, as well as to the collection and processing of personal data.
Signed and sent by the applicant at _____ o'clock "__" ______ __ 20:
Data from electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS)
Date and time of the EDS signing
Confirmation for the acceptance of the application:
The application has been accepted for consideration by "__" _________ ___ 20 at _____ o'clock
Data from the EDS
Date and time of the EDS signing
Form 5
Application for subsidies for purchased repair herds and their maintenance
In ________________________________________________________________________
(local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital)
from _______________________________________________________________________
(name of legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual)
I hereby ask you to pay me subsidies for purchased repair herds (hereinafter referred to as
the PMS) and their content for growing __________ species of fish in the volume of __________
tons, in the amount of __________________KZT . (the sum in numbers and words)
1. Applicant information: for legal entity:
name _____________________________________________________________
Business Identification Number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) _______________________________
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the manager __________________________
address _____________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ______________________________________________________
for an individual:
surname, first name, patronymic (if any) _____________________________________
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as IIN) _____________________
identity document:
_____________________________ number
by whom the ________________________________________________________________ issued
date of issue _______________________________________________________________
address _____________________________________________________________________
telephone (fax) number ______________________________________________________
Confirmation for the activity as an Individual Entrepreneur
for an individual:
location __________________________________________________________
date of notification __________________________________________________________
2. Current account information of a person or legal entity with a second-tier bank:
IIN/BIN ________________________________________________________________
Beneficiary Code (hereinafter referred to as Kbe) _______________________________________________
bank details ___________________________________________________________
name of the bank _______________________________________________________
bank identification code _________________________________________
individual identification code _____________________________________
BIN _____________________________________________________________________
Kbe ______________________________________________________________________
3. Confirmation of registration with the administrative body on activities
for artificial breeding of sturgeon species of fish, species of which shall be included
Annex I and/or II of the Convention on international trade in species of wild fauna
and endangered flora: issue number and date
number of notifications ______________________________________________________
4. Information on sales and purchase contracts between individuals/legal entities and the seller of the RMS:
№ r/n | IIN/BIN of the salesman | Name of the salesman | Number of the agreement | Conclusion date of the agreement | Type PMS | Cost, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
5. Information on invoices confirming the costs incurred for the purchase of RMS and their content:
№ r/n | Number of the invoice | Date of the invoice | Number of the PMS, pieces, kilogram | Cost PMS, KZT |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consent to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law, as well as to the collection and processing of personal data.
Signed and sent by the applicant at _____ o'clock "__" _____ __ 20:
Data from electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS)
Date and time of the EDS signing
Application Acceptance Notice:
The application was accepted for consideration by "__" _________ ___ 20 at ____ o'clock
Data from the EDS
Date and time of the EDS signing
Annex 2 Rules for subsidy to increase productivity and product quality and aquaculture (fish farming) |
Form 1
Standard for public service
"Subsidizing increased productivity and quality of aquaculture (fish farming) products"
Footnote. Annex 2 - in the revision of the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2021 № 190 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
1 | Name of the service provider | Local executive bodies of the regions, the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent (hereinafter referred to as the service provider). |
2 | Methods for public service provision (access to channels) | Through the web portal of "e-government" (hereinafter referred to as the portal). |
3 | Term of provision of public service | 2 (two) working day. |
4 | Form of Public Service Provision | Electronic (fully automated). |
5 | Result of Public Service Provision |
Confirmation of grant transfer, or notice of refusal to provide public service. |
6 | The amount of payment charged to the service recipient during the provision of the state service, and the methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Free. |
7 | Working schedule |
1) the service provider - from Monday to Friday inclusive from 9.00 to 17.30, with a break for lunch from 13.00 to 14.30, except for weekends and holidays in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter referred to as the Law); |
8 | List of documents required for rendering public service | An individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the service recipient) shall submit an application for subsidies in the form of an electronic document certified by the service recipient's electronic digital signature. |
9 | Grounds for refusal to provide public services established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
1) establishing the unreliability of documents submitted by the service recipient for receiving subsidies, and (or) data (information) contained in them; |
10 | Other requirements taking into account the peculiarities of the provision of state services, including those provided in electronic form and through the State Corporation |
The service recipient has the opportunity to receive information on the procedure and status of the provision of state service in the remote access mode through the "personal account" of the portal, as well as a unified contact center for the provision of public services. |
Appendix 3 to the Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in the Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture (Fish Farming) Products |
Form |
Notification of the subsidy transfer
Dear ______________________________________________________
(commodity producer)
On your application No. ____ of "__" _______ 20 ___ the state service
was fulfilled and we notify of transfer to your current account No. __________ of the subsidy
in the amount of _______ KZT by invoice of "__" ___________ 20 ___.
Appendix4 to the Rules for Subsidizing the Increase in the Productivity and Quality of Aquaculture (Fish Farming) Products |
Form |
Notification of rejected state service
Dear _______________________________________________________(commodity producer)
On your application No. _______ of "__" ______ 20 ___ the
state service was rejected due to: