On approval of the Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to administrative and residential buildings”

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 26, 2018 № Р DSM-29. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 23, 2018 № 17769. Abolished by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 16, 2022 No. KR DSM-52.

      Unofficial translation

On approval of the Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to administrative and residential buildings”

      Footnote. Abolished by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 16, 2022 No. KR DSM-52 (effective after ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      In accordance with item 6 of article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 "On public health and healthcare system" I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to administrative and residential buildings".

      2. To deem as no longer in force the Order no. 125 of the Acting Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2015 ”On approval of the Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to maintenance and operation of residential and other premises, public buildings” (registered in the Register of State Registration of the Regulatory Legal Acts as no.10637, published in the Informational Legal System “Adilet” dated May 18, 2015).

      3. The Committee for the Protection of Public Health of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the direction hereof in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and placement in the Reference Control Bank of the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, direction of a copy hereof for official publication to periodical printed media;

      4) placing this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      5) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, reporting to the Department of Legal Services of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan on performance of activities, stipulated by sub-items 2) 3)and 4) of this item.

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tsoy A.V.

      5. This order shall be put into effect upon expiry of twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Healthcare
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye. Birtanov

by the order no. ЌР ДСМ-29 of
the Minister of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Dated October 26, 2018

Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to administrative and residential buildings”

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to administrative and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) have been developed in accordance with sub-item 2) of item 1 of article 7-1, item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 "On public health and healthcare system" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the sanitary and epidemiological requirements to:

      1) selection of a land plot, design, reconstruction, operation;

      2) water supply, water disposal, heat supply, lighting, ventilation, microclimate, physical factors of residential premises, territory of residential construction;

      3) repair and maintenance of administrative and residential buildings(hereinafter referred to as the buildings).

      2. These Sanitary Rules shall use the following notions:

      1) an administrative building - a building, здание – a building united by a common architectural task of creating an environment for the work of the administrative apparatus of state, economic, public organizations and institutions, including offices;

      2) a dormitory – residential building, specially built or refurbished for residence of persons working under an employment contract, students (cadets, graduate students) and students during their studies, as well as other persons who have an agreement with the owner or a dormitory owner;

      3) a lower ground floor (underground) – a storey with a mark of the floor of the premises lower than the grade elevation of more than half of the height of the premises or the first underground storey (to the entire height of the premises);

      4) insolation – a standardized indicator of solar radiation for hygienic assessment of the site, room, building;

      5) a residential building – a building consisting mainly of residential premises (apartments) and parts of a public house, as well as non-residential premises;

      6) an entrance floor – at the mark of the floor of premises lower than the grade elevation to the height of not more than the half of the height of premises;

      7) permissible noise level – level of the factor, which does not cause significant inconvenience and substantial changes of indicators of functional condition of systems and analyzers, sensitive to noise in human.

Chapter 2. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to selection of a land plot, design, reconstruction and operation of buildings

      3. Selection of a land plot, design, reconstruction and operation of buildings shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and hygienic standards, approved by a state body in sanitary and epidemiological wellness of population in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code and requirements of state standards in architecture, town-planning and construction, approved by the authorized body for architecture, town-planning and construction, in accordance with sub-item 23-16) of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2001 " On Architectural, Town-planning and Construction Activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan " (hereinafter referred to as the state standards in architecture, town-planning and construction).

      4. Placing residential premises at entrance floor and (or) at a lower ground floor shall be prohibited in the design, reconstruction and operation of buildings.

      5. Functional zoning of the territory shall be ensured subject to the following hygienic standards to insolation:

      1) In the design of residential buildings, newly developed and in the replanning of residential areas, the duration of insolation of 2,5 hours must be ensured:

      at least in one living room of one-, two-, three-room apartments;

      at least in two living rooms of four-, five-, six-room apartments;

      in a dormitory, at least in 60% of living rooms;

      2) 3-hour duration of insolation shall be ensured in activities and group rooms of pre-school organizations, in classrooms of general educational, primary schools, boarding schools, and sleeping areas of boarding schools, in the territories of children playgrounds and playground accommodation recreational grounds of residential buildings, group grounds of preschool organizations, recreational area, rest area of general education schools and boarding schools;

      3) placing and orientation of buildings shall ensure the following duration of uninterrupted insolation of premises and territories:

      for the central area(within the range of geographical latitude of 58 o – 48 o of north latitude) at least 2,5 hours a day for the period from March 22 to September 22;

      for the northern area (to the north of 58 o of north latitude) at least 3 hours a day for the period from April 22 to August 22;

      for the southern area(less than 48 o of north latitude) at least 2 hours a day for the period from February 22 to September 22;

      4) Limitation of excessive thermal effect of insolation of premises in the hot part of the year shall be ensured by the relevant layout planning and orientation of buildings; landscaping, the use of sun protection devices, if necessary, air conditioning and internal cooling systems;

      5) Limitation of thermal effect of insolation of a territory shall be ensured by shading from buildings, special shading device and rational planting.

      6. In the design and reconstruction of residential buildings, the size of the living area per one person shall be determined at the rate of at least from 15 square meters(hereinafter referred to as m2).

      7. In the design and reconstruction of administrative buildings, the area of premises shall be accepted at the rate of 6 m2 per one employee, for employed disable people, who use wheelchairs, 5,65 and 7,65 m2 correspondingly.

      8. In the equipping of work places with a large-size equipment and placing in working premises the equipment of collective use (terminals of electronic computing machines, machines for microfilms watching, etc.) the areas of premises shall be enlarged in accordance with technical documentation for operation of the equipment.

      9. In the design and reconstruction of dormitories, the area of living rooms shall be determined at the rate of at least 6 m2 per one person.

      10. Sanitary facilities, washrooms, kitchens shall be provided on each floor of the dormitories.

      The number of sanitary-technical devices in the dormitories shall be provided at the rate of: 1 shower, 1 washbasin and 1 toilet bowl per 4-6 persons.

      n administrative buildings and dormitories, requirements for sanitary facilities, including for people with limited mobility, should be provided for in accordance with the requirements of state regulations in the field of architecture, town-planning and construction.

      11. Rooms (places) for rest and meals, storage of personal and special clothes, a shower room, and a toilet area shall be allocated in the administrative buildings and dormitories.

      12. The following is not allowed in the buildings:

      1) placing of toilet areas over living rooms;

      2) placing of refuse collecting chambers under living rooms;

      3) junction of refuse chutes to living rooms;

      4) to use living premises for purposes other than that intended;

      5) to use premises, not relevant to the calculations, specified in items 6 and 7 of these Sanitary Rules.

      13. Constructional materials that have documents, confirming their quality and safety shall be used for interior finishing of the premises of buildings.

      Flooring at the entrance to the building and on the landings shall not be slippery and have level difference.

      14. Buildings accessibility shall be ensured subject to requirements of state standards in architecture, town-planning and construction.

      15. It is allowed to place elevator wells adjacently to non-living rooms subject to acoustic insulation of external and internal enclosing structures of the wells.

      16. At the entrance to buildings, litter bins and shoe racks shall be installed.

      17. In placing in residential buildings of organization of recreational and leisure purpose, healthcare and social security institutions, public catering, retail business and housekeeping service facilities, organizations of preschool education and training, administration, information and communication agencies, the following shall be provided:

      1) installation of autonomous entrances;

      2) development of measures on acoustic insulation of adjacent and (or) superjacent living premises;

      3) using the technological engineering and other equipment, not creating noise and vibration, exceeding permissible indicators for living premises.

      18. In the design, playgrounds for children should be placed on isolated land plots, away from arterial streets, public utilities and industrial enterprises, garages. The territory of playgrounds shall not be passed by engineering communications of urban (rural) purpose (water supply, water disposal, heat supply, electric power supply, gas supply).

      18-1. In case of the threat of importation and spread of infectious diseases, to ensure the activities of state bodies (organizations), national companies, other offices in compliance with social distance and enhanced sanitary and disinfection regime in accordance with the requirements according to Appendix 2 to these Sanitary rules.

      Footnote. The sanitary rules are supplemented with paragraph 18-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.07.2020 No. KR MHC-78/2020 (shall be enforced from the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the systems of water supply, water disposal, heat supply, lighting, ventilation, microclimate, physical factors of buildings

      19. The buildings shall be provided with serviceable domestic and hot water supply, drainage, heating, lighting, ventilation and air conditioning.

      20. The buildings shall be provided with safe and high-quality drinking water in accordance with established requirements of the sanitary rules, hygienic standards, approved in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code.

      21. Non-centralized water supply shall be provided in rural localities in case of the absence of centralized water supply.

      22. In case of the absence of centralized system of hot water supply, hot water appliance shall be installed. Hot and cold water shall be delivered to all bathrooms, shower rooms, laundries, wash places at the places of living, in medical purpose premises as well as to the technological equipment at the food unit.

      Using of hot water from the system of water heating shall not be allowed for technological and service-utility purposes.

      23. In the rural localities, in case of placing of the buildings in locations not provided or partially provided with sewerage systems, the installation of local water disposal shall be provided. Waste water collection shall be made to common or separate underground water-resistant reservoirs (pits, sewage caissons), equipped with caps with hydraulic seals (siphons), located in the utility zone of the building, cleansing of which shall be performed timely.

      It shall be prohibited to discharge sewage waters to the open reservoirs and to the adjacent territory, as well as installation of absorbing wells.

      24. The discharge stacks for water disposal in storage and utility rooms shall be laid in plastered boxes.

      25. The buildings shall be equipped with the central heating systems. In case of the absence of the centralized source of heating, an independent boiler room or other sources of heat supply shall be provided.

      26. Installation of furnace heating shall be allowed in rural localities.

      27. The buildings shall provide for natural and artificial lighting in accordance with requirements of the Hygienic Standards of human affecting physical factors, approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2015 no.169 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts dated May 23, 2015 as no.11147) and requirements of state standards in architecture, town-planning and construction.

      28. It shall be allowable to place without natural lighting the toilet areas, shower rooms, storage rooms, conference-halls and other auxiliary premises with short-time staying of people.

      29. The buildings shall be provided with ventilation and air conditioning systems. Design of ventilation and air conditioning systems shall be made in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, hygienic standards, approved in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code and state standards in architecture, town-planning and construction.

      30. The parameters of microclimate in the premises of buildings shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Hygienic Standards of human affecting physical factors, approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2015 no.169 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts dated May 23, 2015 as no.11147).

      31. In the premises of residential buildings, the design parameters of the air and the air exchange rate provide indicators in accordance with the annex to these Sanitary Rules.

      32. The permissible levels of infrasound and noise in buildings shall be in accordance with the requirements the Hygienic Standards of human affecting physical factors, approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2015 no.169 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts dated May 23, 2015 as no.11147).

      33. The electric field strength of the industrial frequency of 50 hertz from overhead power lines of alternating current and other objects does not exceed 1 kilowatt per meter at a height of 1.8 meters from the ground.

Chapter 4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the territory, repair and maintenance of buildings

      34. The territory, adjacent to buildings shall be landscaped, passages and pedestrian walkways shall have solid surface and shall be kept clean.

      35. Collection, storage and transportation of waste shall be regulated in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, hygienic standards, approved in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code.

      36. The repair of premises of administrative buildings and dormitories shall be performed as necessary.

      37. All premises of administrative buildings and dormitories shall be subject to daily wet cleaning using detergents.

      For cleaning and disinfection of equipment, inventory, premises of administrative buildings and dormitories, detergents and disinfectants approved for the use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the states of the Eurasian Economic Union, shall be used in accordance with the technological instructions, instructions for use of the manufacturer.

      38. Heating radiators should be easily accessible for cleaning..

      39. The rooms shall be provided with ventilation through transoms, vents or other devices.

      40. Signal markings are put on cleaning equipment intended for cleaning sanitary facilities (buckets, mops), cleaning equipment (buckets, mops, rags) is used for its intended purpose. Premises (places) shall be allocated for storage of cleaning equipment.

      41. In the dormitories, soft inventory (mattresses, pillows, blankets) shall be subject to disinfection according to epidemic indications in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, hygienic standards, approved in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code.

      42. Mattresses shall be provided with removable mattress covers, which are erased as they become dirty. Bed linen shall be changed as far as it becomes dirty, but at least once every 7 calendar days. Textile products shall be subject to change in accordance with the useful life, specified by the manufacturer.

      43. Bedding sets (mattress pads, pillows, blankets), clean linen shall be kept in closets (racks) in warehouses.

      44. Sealable containers for waste food, which are cleared daily and as they are filled, shall be placed in the kitchens of dormitories.

      45. Underground premises of buildings shall be kept clean, must be dry and illuminated.

      Leaks, failures and blockages of communications shall be timely eliminated in the underground premises of buildings. After liquidation of breakdowns in the sewerage systems, preventive disinfection activities shall be performed. 46. Disinfection, disinsection, and deratization activities in the building shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, hygienic standards, approved in accordance with item 6 of article 144 and article 145 of the Code.

to the Sanitary Rules of “Sanitary
and epidemiological requirements
to administrative and residential

Design air parameters and air exchange rate in residential buildings

Item no.


Design temperature during the cold period of the year, о С

Air exchange rate or the amount of the air discharged from the room


Air extraction system







A living room of apartments or dormitories


3 cubic meter per hour (hereinafter referred to as - m3/h) per 1 square meter (hereinafter referred to as - m2) of residential premises


A kitchen of an apartment and dormitory, cubic, with electric stoves and gas stoves



At least 60 m3/h with 2-burner stoves, 75 m3/h with 3-burner stoves and 90 m3/h with 4-burner stoves.


Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartments



30 m3/h







Individual toilet





Combined toilet and bathroom premise





Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in a dormitory





Vestibule, common corridor, hallway, staircase in an apartment building or a dormitory





Laundry place


As per calculation, but at least 4



Ironing room, drying room in dormitories


As per calculation, but at least 3



Storage rooms for personal belongings, sports equipment, household and linen in a dormitory





Elevator machine room



As per calculation, but at least 0,5


Waste chamber



1 (through the waste chute pipe)


      1. In the corner premises, the design air temperature must be accepted by 2 degrees С (hereinafter referred to as the о С) higher than the one indicated in the table.

      2. Air temperature in the elevator machine room in the warm period of the year must not exceed 40 о С.

  Annex 2
to the Sanitary rules
requirements to administrative
and residential buildings"

Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for state bodies (organizations), national companies,
other offices in compliance with social distance and enhanced sanitary and disinfection regime
for the period of imposition of restrictive measures, including quarantine

      Footnote. The sanitary rules are supplemented by Appendix 2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.07.2020 No. KR MHC -78/2020 (shall be enforced from the day of its first official publication).

      1. Admission to the object:

      control of the employees’ body temperature at the entrance (checkpoint);

      employees without signs of illness;

      to install sanitizers with skin antiseptic at the entrance, in the halls, at the entrance to elevators, sanitary facilities.

      2. Organization of the workflow:

      to determine the person responsible for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements (temperature measurement, personnel briefing, timely change of personal protective equipment, tracking the required supply of disinfectants, detergents and antiseptics, keeping a training log, disposal of masks, respirators, napkins, processing equipment and inventory, cleaning of premises);

      if possible, to organize a centralized delivery to and from work on a service bus/vehicle;

      to provide sanitary facilities with personal hygiene products (liquid soap, antiseptics);

      use of gloves, masks/respirators during the working day, subject to their timely change;

      to ensure conditions under which the employees in the same room will be at least 1 meter apart from each other (with observance of social distance);

      to provide workplaces with antiseptics;

      conducting the instruction of employees on the need to comply with the rules of personal/industrial hygiene and control their strict observance.

      3. Maintenance of the territory and premises:

      the territory of the facilities and all premises are kept clean, cleaned of debris and dirt daily;

      cleaning of all rooms is carried out daily with a wet method using detergents and disinfectants and ventilated;

      4. During the period of complication of the epidemiological situation with COVID-19, the canteen, buffet and toilets are cleaned daily using disinfectants.

      5. Furniture, window sills, cabinets, door handles, computer keyboards (places that are most often touched by hands) are wiped with a disinfectant at least 2 times.

      6. For conducting disinfection, the agents, registered and allowed in accordance with the established procedure for use on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union and included in the Unified register of state registration certificates of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are used.

      7. For disinfection, the agents with antiviral effectiveness are used.

      8. Disinfectants are used with strict compliance with the instructions attached to them, which reflect the disinfection regimes for viral infections.

      9. For washing and processing premises and certain types of equipment (dining tables, dishes, panels, doors, windows, floors), a separate rag is provided.

      10. Preparation of working solutions of disinfectants is carried out in a specially designated place. Disinfectants are stored in a container (packaging) of the supplier, indicating the name of the product, its purpose, expiration date on the label. The container label remains during the entire period of storage (use) of the disinfectant.

      11. Transfer of disinfectants to unauthorized persons and leaving them unattended shall not be carried out.

      12. It is preferable to use disposable wipes for disinfecting surfaces (tables, door handles, couches) with subsequent disposal in a trash can with a lid.

      13. Technical personnel (cleaners) shall carry out disinfection using personal protective equipment: gown, gloves, medical mask.

      14. Disinfectants shall be handled by adults who have no contraindications for health reasons.

      15. Cleaning equipment (buckets, brushes, rags) after use shall be well washed and stored in specially designated places.

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