On approval of risk assessment criteria and checklists in the field of seed production

Updated Unofficial translation

Joint order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 30, 2018 № 485 and Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 30, 2018 № 93. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 6, 2018 № 17871.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 141 and paragraph 1 of Article 143 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we hereby ORDER:

      Footnote. Preamble - in the wording of the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.02.2023 № 46 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.02.2023 № 15 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. Approve:

      1) criteria for assessing the degree of risks in the field of seed production in accordance with Annex 1 to this joint order;

      2) seed checklists for:

      producers of original seeds as per Annex 2 to this joint order;

      elite seed industry in accordance with Annex 3 to this joint order;

      seed industry in accordance with Annex 4 to this joint order;

      seed distributors as per Annex 5 to this joint order;

      seed quality examination laboratories in accordance with Annex 6 to this joint order;

      consumers of seeds (except for individuals engaged in the production of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them) in accordance with Annex 7 to this joint order;

      individuals to carry out activities for testing varietal crops of agricultural plants in accordance with Annex 8 to this joint order;

      individuals to carry out activities for the examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds in accordance with Annex 9 to this joint order.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2023 № 241 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2023 № 121 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The joint order № 15-05/1137 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2015 and № 822 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2015 "On Approval of the Checklist in the Field of Seed Production" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under the number 12750, published in the information-legal system "Adilet" on January 20, 2016).

      3. In accordance with the procedure established by law, the Crop Production and Processing Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall:

      1) ensure the state registration of this joint order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this joint order, send its copies both in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management of the Republican Center of Legal Information for official publication and inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this joint order, send a copy of it for official publication in periodicals;

      4) place this joint order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      5) within ten working days after the state registration of this joint order, submit the information on the implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This joint order shall enter into force upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Deputy Prime Minister
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan –
      Minister of Agriculture
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan ______________ U. Shukeyev
      Minister of National Economy
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan ______________ T. Suleimenov



      on Legal Statistics and

      Special Accounts of the

      General Prosecutor's Office

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  Appendix 1
to joint order № 485
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan -
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of November 30, 2018,
and № 93 of the Minister of
National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of November 30, 2018

Risk assessment criteria in the field of seed industry

      Footnote. Annex 1 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2023 № 241 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2023 № 121 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These criteria for assessing the degree of risks in the field of seed production (hereinafter referred to as the Criteria) have developed in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 141 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Code), the Rules for the formation of a risk assessment and management system by regulatory authorities, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 22, 2022 № 48 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 28577), and by the order of the Acting Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2018 № 3 "On approval of the form of the checklist" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 17371), for classifying subjects of control in the field of seed production as degrees of risk and for selecting subjects (objects) of control during the inspection carried out for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications (hereinafter referred to as the checks for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications), and preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control.

      2. The following terms shall be used in these criteria:

      1) control subjects (objects) - producers of original seeds, elite seed industry, seed industry, seed quality examination laboratories, seed consumers (except for individuals engaged in the production of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them), seed distributors, individuals for the implementation of activities for testing varietal crops of agricultural plants, individuals for the implementation of activities for the examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds;

      2) score shall be a quantitative measure of risk calculation;

      3) insignificant violation - violation of the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of seed production, in terms of incorrect documentation in the field of seed production;

      4) data normalization shall be a statistical procedure that provides for bringing the values ​ ​ measured in different scales to a conditionally common scale;

      5) significant violation - violation of the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of seed production for the presence of arable land, mastered seed crop rotation, varietal agricultural technology, qualified specialists, initial seed material, ensuring the safety of accounting materials for seed production, conducting a systematic survey of crops (planting), territories, seed cleaning machines and mechanisms, warehouses for identifying quarantine facilities and taking measures to combat them, storing average samples, drawing up documents on the quality of seeds, using seeds corresponding to the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on seed production for sowing in terms of varietal and sowing qualities, the presence of a license agreement, as well as violation of the deadlines and completeness of reporting;

      6) gross violation - violation of the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of seed production, entailing administrative liability provided for by Article 402 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On administrative offenses," non-compliance with the requirements for material and technical equipment, testing, sampling, compliance with standards in the field of seed production during an examination of the quality of seeds, the presence of complaints and appeals, use for sowing (planting) seeds of genetically engineered (genetically modified) agricultural plants, use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants infected with quarantine facilities, misuse of subsidized seeds;

      7) risk shall be the probability of causing harm as a result of the activities of the subject of control, the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the property interests of the state, taking into account the severity of its consequences;

      8) risk assessment and management system - the process of making management decisions aimed at reducing the likelihood of adverse factors by distributing subjects (objects) of control by degrees of risk for the subsequent implementation of preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and (or) checks for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications in order to minimize the degree of restriction of freedom of enterprise, while ensuring an acceptable level of risk in the relevant areas of activity, as well as aimed at changing the level of risk for a specific entity (object) of control and (or) release of such subject (object) of control from preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and (or) checks for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications;

      9) objective risk assessment criteria (hereinafter referred to as the objective criteria) - risk assessment criteria used to select subjects (objects) of control in the field of seed production and not directly dependent on an individual subject (object) of control;

      10) risk assessment criteria - a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators related to the direct activities of the subject of control, the peculiarities of sectoral development and factors affecting this development, which make it possible to attribute the subjects (objects) of control to different degrees of risk;

      11) subjective criteria for assessing the degree of risk (hereinafter referred to as the subjective criteria) - criteria for assessing the degree of risk used to select subjects (objects) of control depending on the results of the activities of a particular subject (object) of control;

      12) checklist - a list of requirements for the activities of subjects (objects) of control, non-compliance with which entails a threat to the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the state;

      13) sample population (sample) - a list of evaluated subjects (objects) belonging to a homogeneous group of subjects (objects) of control in a specific area of ​ ​ state control, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 143 of the Code.

Chapter 2. Procedure for the formation of a risk assessment and management
system during verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications
and preventive control of control subjects (objects)

      3. For the purposes of risk management, when carrying out preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and (or) verification for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications, the risk assessment criteria for checking for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications and preventive control of subjects (objects) of control shall be formed by determining objective and subjective criteria that shall be carried out in stages (multicriteria analysis of decisions).

      At the first stage, according to objective criteria, control subjects (objects) belong to one of the following risk degrees:

      1) high risk;

      2) medium risk;

      3) low risk.

      For subjects (objects) of control classified as high and medium risk, a check shall be carried out for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications, preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and an unscheduled check.

      In relation to subjects (objects) of control classified as low risk, an unscheduled inspection shall be carried out.

      4. At the second stage, according to subjective criteria, control subjects (objects) belong to one of the following risk degrees:

      1) high risk;

      2) medium risk;

      3) low risk.

      According to the indicators of the risk degree according to subjective criteria, the subject (object) of control shall include:

      1) to a high degree of risk - with a risk degree indicator from 71 to 100 inclusive;

      2) to the average risk degree - if the risk degree is from 31 to 70 inclusive;

      3) to a low risk degree - with a risk degree indicator from 0 to 30 inclusive.

      5. Depending on the possible risk and significance of the problem, the singularity or consistency of the violation, the analysis of previously made decisions on each source of information, the requirements for the activities of the subjects (objects) of control correspond to the degree of violation - gross, significant and insignificant.

      The degree of violations of the requirements in the field of seed production shall be determined in accordance with Annex 1 to these Criteria.

      6. Risk assessment criteria for verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications and preventive control of subjects (objects) of control shall be formed by determining objective and subjective criteria.

Paragraph 1. Objective criteria

      7. According to objective criteria, the subjects (objects) of control of a high degree of risk include producers of original seeds, elite seed industry, seed industry and seed quality examination laboratories.

      8. According to objective criteria, medium-risk control subjects (objects) include consumers of seeds (with the exception of individuals engaged in the production of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them), individuals for the implementation of activities for testing varietal crops of agricultural plants and individuals for the implementation of activities for the examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds.

      9. According to objective criteria, seed distributors belong to subjects (objects) of low-risk control.

Paragraph 2. Subjective criteria

      10. Determination of subjective criteria shall be carried out using the following stages:

      1) creation of a database and collection of information;

      2) information analysis and risk assessment.

      11. Formation of a database and collection of information are necessary to identify subjects (objects) of control.

      To assess the degree of risk according to subjective criteria for conducting preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control, the following sources of information shall be used:

      1) the results of previous inspections and preventive control with a visit to the subjects (objects) of control;

      2) results of monitoring of reporting and information submitted by the subject of control.

      To assess the degree of risk according to subjective criteria for verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications, the results of previous inspections in relation to the subjects (objects) of control shall be used.

      12. Based on the available sources of information, data on subjective criteria shall be formed, which shall be subject to analysis and assessment.

      Analysis and assessment of subjective criteria shall be allowed concentrating the verification for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications and preventive control of the subject (object) of control in relation to the subject (object) of control with the highest potential risk.

      At the same time, during the analysis and assessment, the data of subjective criteria previously taken into account and used in relation to a specific subject (object) of control or data for which the limitation period has expired in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 178 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall not be applied.

      In relation to the subjects of control who fully eliminated the violations issued following the results of the previous preventive control with a visit and (or) verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications, it is not allowed to include them in the formation of schedules and lists for the next period of state control.

      13. Based on the priority of the information sources used and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria, in accordance with the procedure for calculating the risk level according to subjective criteria defined in Chapter 3 of these Criteria, the risk level according to subjective criteria shall be calculated on a scale from 0 to 100 points.

      The priority of the information sources used and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria shall be established according to the list of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk according to subjective criteria in the field of seed production in accordance with Annex 2 to these Criteria.

Paragraph 3. Risk management

      14. In order to implement the principle of encouraging bona fide subjects of control and concentration of control on violators, subjects (objects) of control shall be exempted from preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control and (or) verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications for the period determined by paragraphs 22 and 23 of these Criteria by applying subjective criteria.

      15. Subjects (objects) of control according to subjective criteria shall be transferred with the use of an information system with a high degree of risk to a medium degree of risk or with a medium degree of risk to a low degree of risk in the field of seed production in cases where the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these Criteria shall define cases of exemption from preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control or inspections for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications.

      16. The risk assessment and management system shall be carried out using information systems that relate the subjects (objects) of control to specific degrees of risk and form schedules or lists of control measures, and shall be also based on state statistics, the results of departmental statistical observation, as well as information tools.

      In the absence of an information system for assessing and managing risks, the minimum permissible threshold for the number of control subjects (objects) in respect of which preventive control shall be carried out with a visit to the control subject (object) and (or) verification of compliance with the requirements for sent notifications should not exceed five percent of the total number of such control subjects in the field of seed production.

Chapter 3. Procedure for calculating the total risk level according to subjective criteria

      17. To classify the subject of control as a risk in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of these Criteria, the following procedure for calculating the risk level shall be applied.

      The state body shall collect information and form a database on subjective criteria from sources in accordance with paragraph 11 of these Criteria.

      18. Calculation of the risk level according to subjective criteria (R) shall be carried out in an automated mode by summing the risk level according to violations based on the results of previous inspections and preventive control with visits to control subjects (objects) (SP) and the risk level according to subjective criteria (SC), with subsequent normalization of data values ​ ​ in the range from 0 to 100 points.

      Rпром = SP + SC,


      Rпром – intermediate risk score according to subjective criteria;

      SР – risk indicator for violations;

      SC – risk index according to subjective criteria determined in accordance with paragraph 13 of these Criteria.

      The calculation shall be made for each subject (object) of control of a homogeneous group of subjects (objects) of control in the field of seed production. At the same time, the list of assessed control subjects (objects) belonging to a homogeneous group of control subjects (objects) of one sphere of state control forms a sample set (sample) for subsequent normalization of data.

      19. According to the data obtained from the results of previous inspections and preventive control with visits to the subjects (objects) of control, a risk indicator for violations shall be formed, estimated in points from 0 to 100.

      If one gross violation is detected according to any of the information sources specified in paragraph 11 of these Criteria, the control subject is equated with a risk level of 100 points and is checked for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications or preventive control with a visit to the control subject (object).

      If gross violations are not detected, the risk indicator for violations is calculated by the total indicator for violations of a significant and insignificant degree.

      When determining the indicator of significant violations, a coefficient of 0.7 shall be used.

      This indicator is calculated using the following formula:

      SРз = (SР2 х 100/SР1) х 0,7,


      SРз – indicator of significant violations;

      SР1 – number of significant violations required;

      SР2 – number of detected significant violations;

      When determining the indicator of insignificant violations, a coefficient of 0.3 shall be used.

      This indicator shall be calculated using the following formula:

      SРн = (SР2 х 100/SР1) х 0,3,


      SРн – indicator of insignificant violations;

      SР1 – number of insignificant violations required;

      SР2 – number of detected insignificant violations;

      The violation risk score (SP) shall be calculated on a scale of 0 to 100 points and shall be determined by summing the indicators of significant and insignificant violations according to the following formula:

      SР = SРз + SРн,


      SР – risk indicator for violations;

      SРз – indicator of significant violations;

      SРн – indicator of insignificant violations.

      The obtained value of the risk index for violations shall be included in the calculation of the risk index according to subjective criteria.

      20. Calculation of the risk level according to subjective criteria determined in accordance with paragraph 13 of these Criteria shall be carried out on a scale from 0 to 100 points and shall be carried out according to the following formula:

      xi – subjective criterion indicator;

      wi – specific gravity of the subjective criterion indicator xi;

      n – number of indicators.

      The obtained value of the risk score according to subjective criteria determined in accordance with paragraph 13 of these Criteria shall be included in the calculation of the risk score according to subjective criteria.

      21. The R values calculated by subjects (objects) shall be normalized in the range from 0 to 100 points. Data normalization shall be carried out for each sample set (sample) using the following formula:

      R – risk score (final) according to subjective criteria of an individual subject (object) of control;

      Rmax – maximum possible value according to the risk scale according to subjective criteria for subjects (objects) included in one sample set (sample) (upper limit of the scale);

      Rmin – minimum possible value according to the risk scale according to subjective criteria for subjects (objects) included in one sample population (sample) (lower limit of the scale);

      Rпром – an intermediate risk level according to subjective criteria calculated in accordance with paragraph 18 of these Criteria.

Chapter 4. Final provisions

      22. The frequency of inspections for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications in relation to subjects (objects) of control classified as high risk shall be determined no more than once a year.

      The frequency of inspections for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications in relation to subjects (objects) of control classified as medium risk shall be determined no more than once every two years.

      The frequency of inspections for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications in relation to subjects (objects) of control classified as low risk shall be determined more than once every three years.

      23. The frequency of preventive control with a visit to the control subject shall be determined by the results of the analysis and assessment of the information obtained according to subjective criteria, but no more than twice a year.

      24. Checks for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications shall be carried out on the basis of the schedule of checks for compliance with the requirements for sent notifications, approved by the regulatory state body in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 144 of the Code.

      Preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control shall be carried out on the basis of semi-annual lists of preventive control with a visit to the subject (object) of control, formed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 144-2 of the Code.

  Annex 1
to the evaluation criteria
degree of risks
in the field of seed industry

Degree of violation of requirements in the field of seed industry

      Footnote. Annex 1 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Name of criteria

Degree of violation

Producers of original seeds


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage



Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers



Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry



Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year



Availability of arable land for the production of original seeds (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)



Availability of mastered seed rotations (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes), laid in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil and climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of the agricultural plant for which the original seeds are produced, and which have undergone at least one rotation



Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 25 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



Experience in the production of original seeds (primary seed industry), by confirming the availability of documents recording the quantity and quality of original seeds produced - at least five years (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)



Availability of varietal agricultural equipment that complies with scientifically substantiated recommendations for the cultivation of crops for a specific soil and climatic zone



The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the producer of original seeds, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while quarantine facilities must be absent on the territory of the producer of original seeds also for a period of at least three years before certification



Availability of at least one crop breeder with at least five years of experience or an agreement with an individual or legal entity carrying out research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding to carry out joint work on the production of original seeds



Availability of at least one agronomist and a specialist for each crop, as well as at least three technical personnel who own specific methods of work on seed industry of crops and varieties



Ensuring the production of original seeds in strict accordance with schemes that shall take into account the biological characteristics and properties of the crop and variety



Availability of the initial seed material of the variety (uterine plantings for producers of seedlings of fruits, berry crops, nut crops and grapes) in the assortment and volumes necessary for the production of the planned number of original seeds in order to subsequently ensure the production of elite seeds



Availability of seed insurance funds from the need: for laying primary links - 100 percent; for the super-elite - 50 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



The availability of specialized breeding and seed-growing equipment on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management to ensure the entire range of work on the production of original seeds of species of agricultural plants for which original seeds are produced



Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing



Keeping records of each variety of agricultural plants for which the production of original seeds shall be carried out, taking into account the quantity and quality, origin of the original seeds produced, sold and used on their own farm (acts of sowing, rejection, varietal, species and phytopathological weeding (cleaning), acceptance and (or) testing of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of original seeds, seed register (which shall be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local executive body), certificates of seed quality, seed certificates)



Maintaining documentation on the variety, reflecting the method of cultivar breeding, information on parental forms, distinctive characteristics of the variety characteristics



Ensuring the safety of accounting materials for seed industry for at least five years


Elite seed industry


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage



Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers



Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry



Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year



Availability of mastered seed rotations (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes), laid in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil and climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of an agricultural plant for which elite seeds are produced, and which have undergone at least one rotation



Availability of varietal agricultural equipment that shall comply with scientifically substantiated recommendations for the cultivation of crops for a specific soil and climatic zone



Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 20 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



Yield over the past three years (does not apply to producers of potatoes and sunflower, seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes) - above the regional average



The availability of experience in seed industry, by confirming the availability of documents for accounting the quantity and quality of elite seeds produced - at least three years (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)



Ensuring the share of the main activity in the total production volume (elite seed industry) - at least 25 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



The number of cultivated crops for which seed industry shall be carried out is no more than 5 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes, as well as to elite seed industry that shall be simultaneously producers of original seeds)



The number of varieties for each crop for which seed industry shall be carried out in accordance with the subject of certification - no more than 5 (with the exception of corn), for corn - no more than 9 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes, as well as to elite seed industry, which shall be simultaneously producers of original seeds)



Availability of seed insurance funds from the need for laying super-elite - 50 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)



Availability of a variety renewal plan by cultures and varieties



Availability of schemes for growing seeds of varieties (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)



Organization of accounting and maintenance of documentation that reflects all types of work on growing seed material and its quality indicators



Availability of initial seed material (original seeds) of varieties in the assortment and volumes for the production of the planned number of elite seeds



Availability of an agreement with the producer of original seeds for a period of at least three years and/or the seed distributor for a period of at least two years from the date of submission of the application for certification on the supply of original seeds (for manufacturers of first-generation hybrids on the supply of parental forms of hybrids, self-pollinated lines and hybrid populations) of varieties, in assortment and volumes, for the production of the planned number of elite seeds



Availability of an agreement with an individual or legal entity with experience in research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding for scientific support of elite seed industry (does not apply to elite seed industry carrying out scientific activities)



Availability of agricultural machinery on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management, including seed cleaning machinery and equipment for seed dressing, providing a set of works for the production of the planned volume of elite seeds



Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing



Keeping records for each variety of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds produced, sold and used in their own farm (acts of sowing, acceptance and (or) approbation of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of seeds, seed certificates, certificates of seed quality, seed register (which must be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local executive body)



Organization of storage of accounting materials for seed industry for at least three years



Availability of a number of specialists provided for by the staffing table, with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher) for qualified performance of the planned scope of work, including at least one agronomist



The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the elite seed farm, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while quarantine facilities must be absent on the territory of the elite seed farm also for a period of at least three years before certification



Availability of arable land for production of elite seeds (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)



Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for production of elite seeds or first-generation hybrids)


Seed industry


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage



Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers



Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry



Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year



The availability of experience in seed industry by confirming the availability of documents for accounting the quantity and quality of seeds produced - at least one year (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)



Availability of arable land for the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)



Availability of seed-growing crop rotations introduced in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil-climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of an agricultural plant for which seeds of the first, second and third reproductions shall be produced (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)



Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 15 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)



The number of cultivated crops for which seed industry shall be carried out is no more than 4 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



The number of varieties for each crop for which seed industry shall be carried out in accordance with the subject of certification shall not be more than 5 (with the exception of corn), for corn - not more than 9 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)



Availability of an agreement with the elite seed farm for a period of at least three years and (or) a seed distributor for a period of at least two years from the date of submission of an application for certification for the supply of elite seeds of varieties for the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions



Availability of an agreement with an individual or legal entity with experience in research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding for scientific support of the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (does not apply to seed industry engaged in scientific activities)



Adherence to agro-ecological zone-specific agro-technology for crop cultivation



The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the seed farm, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while quarantine facilities must be absent on the territory of the seed farm also for a period of at least three years before certification



Availability of at least one agronomist with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher)



Availability of a variety renewal plan by cultures and varieties



Availability of schemes for growing varietal seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)



Availability of initial seed material in the assortment and volumes for the production of the planned number of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions



Availability of agricultural machinery, including seed cleaning equipment and seed dressing equipment, on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire, or in trust, to ensure the entire range of work for the production of the planned volume of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions



Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing



Keeping records for each variety of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds produced, sold and used in their own farm (certificates of sowing, acceptance and (or) approbation of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates of seed quality, seed log (to be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local executive body)



Ensuring the safety of accounting materials for seed industry for at least one year



Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for production of first reproduction seeds)


Seed implementers


Availability of a number of specialists provided for by the staffing table, with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher) for qualified performance of the planned scope of work, including at least one agronomist



Availability of an annual contract with seed producers for the supply of seeds of agricultural plants for subsequent sale (in case of purchase of seeds from foreign suppliers (for import) with seed suppliers)



Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of containers (warehouses and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bunkers) for storing seeds, special containers, tailings for fruit, berry crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing



Availability of specialized equipment on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management to ensure the entire range of work on part-time production, storage and sale of seeds of agricultural plants (does not apply to seed producers selling seeds in a packed (packed) state)



Keeping records for each batch of seeds of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds sold, documentation of seeds, a register of seeds, which shall be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the corresponding local executive body of the region



Ensuring the safety of materials for storage and sale of seeds for at least two years



When selling seeds of varieties of agricultural plants included in the State register of the Republic of Kazakhstan, protected varieties of plants, a license agreement, according to which the patent holder (licensor) represents the right to temporarily use the selection achievement



The absence of quarantine facilities, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Seed quality examination laboratories


Submission of data on the number of studies and issued documents confirming the sowing quality of seeds by types of crops for the corresponding year



Medium sample logging



Seed quality logging



Keeping a log of issued documents on seed quality



Preparation of documents on the quality of seeds: certification of the quality of seeds or the result of analysis of seeds, on seed potatoes - the act of tuber analysis



Storage of parts of samples remaining from the analysis for one month after the end of sowing of this culture in the area (according to regional statistical reports)


Consumers of seeds (except for individuals engaged in the production of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them)


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year



Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year



Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage



Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year



Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants not infected with quarantine facilities



Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants that have passed the examination for sowing qualities



Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants not obtained on the basis of genetic engineering (genetically modified)



Availability of documents certifying the varietal and sowing quality of seeds for sowing (certificate of approbation, certificate for seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates of seed quality, results of seed analysis)



Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for elite seeds and seeds of the first reproduction for the production of seeds of subsequent reproduction, for hybrids of the first generation, tomato, cucumber and cotton for the production of agricultural products)


Individuals for carrying out activities for testing cultivar crops of agricultural plants


Availability of higher or post-secondary education in the following specialties: agronomy, horticulture, soil science and agrochemistry, plant protection and quarantine



Availability of a document on special training (approbator courses)


Individuals for carrying out activities on examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds


Availability of higher or post-secondary education in the following specialties: agronomy, horticulture, processing technology (agriculture), standardization and certification (agriculture)



Availability of a document on work or internship (at least two months) in the laboratory for examination of the quality of seeds and planting material


  Annex 2
to the evaluation criteria
degree of risks
in the field of seed industry

      Footnote. Annex 2 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).


List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk according to subjective criteria in the field of seed industry

№ r/n

Subjective criterion indicator

Source of information on the subjective criterion parameter

Weight by significance, score (total must not exceed 100 points),wi

Conditions/Values, xi









List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk in the field of seed industry in accordance with Article 138 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to producers of original seeds

For preventive control with visit


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

 Non-submission of the report / 100%

List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk in the field of seed industry in accordance with Article 138 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to producers of elite seed industry

For preventive control with visit


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry, monthly by the 5th

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%

List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk in the field of seed industry in accordance with Article 138 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to producers of seed industry

For preventive control with visit


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry, monthly by the 5th

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%

List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk in the field of seed industry in accordance with Article 138 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to consumers of seeds (with the exception of individuals engaged in the production of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them)

For preventive control with visit


Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%

List of subjective criteria for determining the degree of risk in the field of seed industry in accordance with Article 138 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the laboratory for the examination of seed quality

For preventive control with visit


Submission of data on the number of studies and issued documents confirming the sowing quality of seeds by types of crops for the corresponding year

Results of monitoring reporting and information provided by the control entity


Timely submission / 0%

Non-submission of the report / 100%

  Annex 2
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist in the field of seed of industry for producers of original seeds

      Footnote. Annex 2 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control __________________________________________________

      ____________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Business identification number of the control entity



      Location address _____________________________________________


List of requirements

Conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year


Availability of arable land for the production of original seeds (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)


Availability of mastered seed rotations (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes), laid in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil and climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of the agricultural plant for which the original seeds are produced, and which have undergone at least one rotation


Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 25 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


Experience in the production of original seeds (primary seed industry), by confirming the availability of documents recording the quantity and quality of original seeds produced - at least five years (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)


Availability of varietal agricultural equipment that shall comply with scientifically substantiated recommendations for the cultivation of crops for a specific soil and climatic zone


The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the producer of original seeds, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while quarantine facilities must be absent on the territory of the producer of original seeds also for a period of at least three years before certification


Availability of at least one crop breeder with at least five years of experience or an agreement with an individual or legal entity carrying out research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding to carry out joint work on the production of original seeds


Availability of at least one agronomist and a specialist for each crop, as well as at least three technical personnel who own specific methods of work on seed industry of crops and varieties


Ensuring the production of original seeds in strict accordance with schemes that shall take into account the biological characteristics and properties of the crop and variety


Availability of the initial seed material of the variety (uterine plantings for producers of seedlings of fruits, berries, nut crops and grapes) in the assortment and volumes necessary for the production of the planned number of original seeds in order to subsequently ensure the production of elite seeds


Availability of seed insurance funds from the need: for laying primary links - 100 percent; for the super-elite - 50 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


The availability of specialized breeding and seed-growing equipment on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management to ensure the entire range of work on the production of original seeds of species of agricultural plants for which original seeds shall be produced


Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing


Keeping records of each variety of agricultural plants for which the production of original seeds shall be carried out, taking into account the quantity and quality, origin of the original seeds produced, sold and used on their own farm (acts of sowing, rejection, varietal, species and phytopathological weeding (cleaning), acceptance and (or) testing of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of original seeds, seed register (which is numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local executive body), certificates of seed quality, seed certificates)


Maintaining documentation on the variety, reflecting the method of cultivar breeding, information on parental forms, distinctive characteristics of the variety characteristics


Ensuring the safety of accounting materials for seed industry for at least five years

      Officer (s) _____________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

      Head of the subject of control _________________ _________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

  Annex 3
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist of the seed for elite seed industry

      Footnote. Annex 3 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control __________________________________________________

      ____________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control ______________________________


      Business identification number of the control entity



      Location address ______________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year


Availability of mastered seed rotations (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes), laid in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil and climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of an agricultural plant for which elite seeds are produced, and which have undergone at least one rotation


Availability of varietal agricultural equipment that complies with scientifically substantiated recommendations for the cultivation of crops for a specific soil and climatic zone


Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 20 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


Yield over the past three years (does not apply to producers of potatoes and sunflower, seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes) - above the regional average


The availability of experience in seed industry, by confirming the availability of documents for accounting the quantity and quality of elite seeds produced - at least three years (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)


Ensuring the share of the main activity in the total production volume (elite seed industry) - at least 25 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


The number of cultivated crops for which seed industry shall be carried out is no more than 5 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops and grapes, as well as to elite seed industry that are simultaneously producers of original seeds)


The number of varieties for each crop for which seed industry shall be carried out in accordance with the subject of certification - no more than 5 (with the exception of corn), for corn - no more than 9 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops and grapes, as well as to elite seed industry, which at the same time are producers of original seeds)


Availability of seed insurance funds from the need for laying super-elite - 50 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)


Availability of a variety renewal plan by cultures and varieties


Availability of schemes for growing seeds of varieties (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)


Organization of accounting and maintenance of documentation that reflects all types of work on growing seed material and its quality indicators


Availability of initial seed material (original seeds) of varieties in the assortment and volumes for the production of the planned number of elite seeds


Availability of an agreement with the producer of original seeds for a period of at least three years and/or the seed distributor for a period of at least two years from the date of submission of the application for certification on the supply of original seeds (for manufacturers of first-generation hybrids on the supply of parental forms of hybrids, self-pollinated lines and hybrid populations) of varieties in the range and volumes for the production of the planned number of elite seeds


Availability of an agreement with an individual or legal entity with experience in research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding for scientific support of elite seed industry (does not apply to elite seed industry carrying out scientific activities)


Availability of agricultural machinery on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management, including seed cleaning machinery and equipment for seed dressing, providing a set of works for the production of the planned volume of elite seeds


Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing


Keeping records for each variety of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds produced, sold and used in their own farm (acts of sowing, acceptance and (or) approbation of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of seeds, seed certificates, certificates of seed quality, seed register (which shall be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local executive body)


Organization of storage of accounting materials for seed industry for at least three years


Availability of a number of specialists provided for by the staffing table, with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher) for qualified performance of the planned scope of work, including at least one agronomist


The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the elite seed farm, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while ensuring the absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the elite seed farm also for a period of at least three years before certification


Availability of arable land for production of elite seeds (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)


Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for production of elite seeds or first-generation hybrids)

      Officer (s) _____________________ __________________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

      Head of the subject of control ________________________ __________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

  Annex 4
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist of the seed for seed industry

      Footnote. Annex 4 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control __________________________________________________

      ____________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Business identification number of the control entity



      Location address _____________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage


Presentation of information on the production and expected sale of seeds from the previous year's crop by seed producers


Presentation of information on the use of seeds from the previous year's harvest by certified subjects of seed industry


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year


The availability of experience in seed industry by confirming the availability of documents for accounting the quantity and quality of seeds produced - at least one year (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)


Availability of arable land for the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (on irrigated lands - water-provided crop rotation arable land)


Availability of seed-growing crop rotations introduced in accordance with scientifically substantiated recommendations for a specific soil-climatic zone, taking into account the characteristics of an agricultural plant for which seeds of the first, second and third reproductions are produced (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)


Availability of seed crops in the total sown area - at least 15 percent (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit and berry crops, nut crops and grapes)


The number of cultivated crops for which seed industry shall be carried out is no more than 4 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


The number of varieties for each crop for which seed industry shall be carried out in accordance with the subject of certification is not more than 5 (with the exception of corn), for corn - not more than 9 (does not apply to producers of seedlings of fruit crops, nut crops and grapes)


Availability of an agreement with the elite seed farm for a period of at least three years and (or) a seed distributor for a period of at least two years from the date of submission of an application for certification for the supply of elite seeds of varieties for the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions


Availability of an agreement with an individual or legal entity with experience in research work in the field of agricultural plant breeding for scientific support of the production of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (does not apply to seed industry engaged in scientific activities)


Adherence to agro-ecological zone-specific agro-technology for crop cultivation


The absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the seed farm, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while ensuring the absence of quarantine facilities on the territory of the seed farm also for a period of at least three years before certification


Availability of at least one agronomist with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher)


Availability of a variety renewal plan by cultures and varieties


Availability of schemes for growing varietal seeds of the first, second and third reproductions (does not apply to producers of seedlings of nut crops)


Availability of initial seed material in the assortment and volumes for the production of the planned number of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions


Availability of agricultural machinery, including seed cleaning equipment and seed dressing equipment, on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire, or in trust, to ensure the entire range of work for the production of the planned volume of seeds of the first, second and third reproductions


Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of specialized currents, containers (storage facilities and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bins) for storing seeds, special containers, covered paved areas, tailings for fruit, berry, nut-fruited crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing


Keeping records for each variety of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds produced, sold and used in their own farm (certificates of sowing, acceptance and (or) approbation of crops, harvesting, capitalization, cleaning and additional production, sale of seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates of seed quality, seed log (which is numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the relevant local district executive)


Ensuring the safety of accounting materials for seed industry for at least one year


Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for production of first reproduction seeds)

      Officer (s) _____________________ __________________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

      Head of the subject of control _______________________ ___________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

  Annex 5
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist of the seed for seed implementers

      Footnote. Annex 5 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control __________________________________________________

      ____________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Individual identification number, business identification number

      subject (object) of control ___________________________________________


      Location address ______________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Availability of a number of specialists provided for by the staffing table, with appropriate education (post-secondary or higher) for qualified performance of the planned scope of work, including at least one agronomist


Availability of an annual agreement with seed producers on the supply of seeds of agricultural plants for subsequent sale (in case of purchase of seeds from foreign suppliers (for import) with seed suppliers)


Availability on the right of ownership, leasing or property lease or in trust management of containers (warehouses and (or) silo-type storages and (or) bunkers) for storing seeds, special containers, covered asphalt sites, digging sites for fruit, berry crops and grapes, allowing to place batches of seeds, preventing their mixing


Availability of specialized equipment on the right of ownership, leasing or property hire or in trust management to ensure the entire range of work on part-time production, storage and sale of seeds of agricultural plants (does not apply to seed producers selling seeds in a packed (packed) state)


Keeping records for each batch of seeds of agricultural plants of the quantity and quality, origin of seeds sold, documentation of seeds, a register of seeds, which shall be numbered, stitched and signed by the state seed inspector of the corresponding local executive body of the region


Ensuring the safety of materials for storage and sale of seeds for at least two years


When selling seeds of varieties of agricultural plants included in the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan, protected varieties of plants, a license agreement, according to which the patent holder (licensor) represents the right to temporarily use the selection achievement


The absence of quarantine facilities, confirmed by the state inspector for plant quarantine of the territorial inspection of the State Inspection Committee in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Officer (s) _____________________ __________________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

      Head of the subject of control ________________________ __________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

  Annex 6
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist in the field of seed industry for laboratories on examination of seed quality

      Footnote. Annex 6 - as amended by the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 377 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.11.2023 № 174 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control __________________________________________________

      __________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control



      Business identification number of the control entity



      Location address ___________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Submission of data on the number of studies and issued documents confirming the sowing quality of seeds by types of crops for the corresponding year


Medium sample logging


Seed quality logging


Keeping a log of issued documents on seed quality


Preparation of documents on the quality of seeds: certification of the quality of seeds or the result of analysis of seeds, on seed potatoes - the act of tuber analysis


Storage of parts of samples remaining from the analysis for one month after the end of sowing of this culture in the area (according to regional statistical reports)

      Officer (s) _____________________ __________________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

      Head of the subject of control ________________________ __________

      (position) (signature) ___________________________________________

      (full name (if any))

  Annex 7
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist in the field of seed industry for seed consumers (except for individuals engaged in the production
of seeds for use in household, garden, summer cottage and garden plots without the right to sell them)

      Footnote. The Rules as added by Annex 7 in accordance with the joint order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.07.2021 № 208 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.08.2021 № 76 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication); in the wording of the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2023 № 241 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2023 № 121 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      State authority that appointed the inspection/preventive control

      with a visit to the subject (object) of control _____________________________


      Act of appointment of inspection/preventive control with a visit to the subject

      (object) of control _________________________________________________

      __________________________________________________________ №, date/

      Name of the subject (object) of control ____________________________


      Individual identification number, business identification number

      subject (object) of control



      Location address ____________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Presentation of information on the forecast structure of sown areas of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the quantity and quality of sown crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the need and supply of agricultural formations with seeds of winter, spring grain, leguminous, oilseed, industrial crops, annual and perennial herbs and potatoes for sowing in the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the varietal composition of covered crop seeds for the crop of the corresponding year


Presentation of information on the reproduction composition of the filled seeds of crops for the harvest of the corresponding year


Presentation of data on availability of material and technical base for seed processing and storage


Presentation of information on approbation of cultivar crops in the current year


Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants not infected with quarantine facilities


Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants that have passed the examination for sowing qualities


Use for sowing (planting) seeds of agricultural plants not obtained on the basis of genetic engineering (genetically modified)


Availability of documents certifying the varietal and sowing quality of seeds for sowing (certificate of approbation, certificate for seeds, certificates for seeds, certificates of seed quality, results of seed analysis)


Targeted use of subsidized seeds (for elite seeds and seeds of the first reproduction for the production of seeds of subsequent reproduction, for hybrids of the first generation, tomato, cucumber and cotton for the production of agricultural products)

      Officer (s)

      ___________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

      Head of control subject

      ____________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

  Annex 8
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

in the field of seed industry for individuals for the implementation
of activities for testing varietal crops of agricultural plants

      Footnote. The joint order as added by Annex 8 in accordance with the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2023 № 241 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2023 № 121 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      The state body that appointed the audit ________________________


      Inspection assignment certificate __________________________________________

      ___________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control ____________________________


      Individual identification number of the subject (object) of control



      Location address ____________________________________________


List of requirements

conforms to requirements

Does not meet the requirements






Availability of higher or post-secondary education in the following specialties: agronomy, horticulture, soil science and agrochemistry, plant protection and quarantine


Availability of a document on special training (approbator courses)

      Officer (s)

      ____________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

      Head of control subject

      ____________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

  Annex 9
to the joint order
of the Deputy Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 485
and Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated November 30, 2018 № 93

Checklist in the field of seed industry for individuals to carry out activities for the examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds

      Footnote. The joint order as added by Annex 9 in accordance with the joint order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2023 № 241 and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.06.2023 № 121 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      The state body that appointed the audit _________________________


      Inspection assignment certificate __________________________________________

      ___________________________________________________________ №, date

      Name of the subject (object) of control ____________________________


      Individual identification number of the subject (object) of control



      Location address ____________________________________________


Name of criteria

Degree of impairment

Individuals for carrying out activities on examination of varietal and sowing qualities of seeds


Availability of higher or post-secondary education in the following specialties: agronomy, horticulture, processing technology (agriculture), standardization and certification (agriculture)



Availability of a document on work or internship (at least two months) in the laboratory for examination of the quality of seeds and planting material


      Officer (s)

      ___________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

      Head of control subject

      ___________________________ __________________

      (position) (signature)


      (full name (if any))

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