On approval of the public service standard “Formation of an individual identification number for foreigners temporarily residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order No. 966 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 3, 2019. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 8, 2019, No. 18157

Act approved on 01/03/2019
Act change date 03/27/2020
Date of official publication in ILS "Adilet"
Information on official publication of the act 100000000031
Act form Order, Standard
Legal relations area Passport and visa regime. The registration accounting of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship on RK territory, Regulations: preparation, adoption, change, publication, interpretation, state account
Legal validity Акт Министерства или ведомства
Agency of act regulation The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Area of activity Республика Казахстан
Act registration number in the State Register of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan 128212
RLA registration number assigned by rule-making body 966
Number of RLA state registration at justice agencies 18157
RLA developer
Registered in the MoJ on
Database section Constitutional system and foundations of public administration
Authority of departmental act registration The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Location of act approval город Астана

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