Unofficial translation
In accordance with subclause 11) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 9, 2015 "On State Youth Policy" I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the model regulation on youth resource centers according to the appendix to this order.
2. To recognize the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015 No. 243 "On approval of the model regulation on youth resource centers" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 11170, published on June 16, 2015 in "Adilet" Legal Information System) as invalid.
3. The Committee for Youth and Family Affairs of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the procedure, established by the law, shall ensure:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after its official publication.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order shall come into force upon expiration of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.
Minister | D. Abayev |
Approved by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2019 No. 444 |
Model Regulation on Youth Resource Centers
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. This Model Regulation on Youth Resource Centers (hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulation) have been developed in accordance with subclause11) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Youth Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and shall determine the status and powers of regional, city and district youth resource centers (hereinafter referred to as the Resource Centers).
2. Resource Centers are legal entities carrying out information and methodological, consulting maintenance and support of the youth's initiatives, monitoring and analysis of the situation among youth.
3. The activities of the Resource Centers aim to promote the social and personal development of youth and support the activities of youth organizations.
4. Resource Centers are created in order to provide services for support and development of youth and youth organizations.
5. The creation, provision and coordination of the activities of the Resource Centers are within the competence of local executive bodies of cities / districts, regions, cities of republican significance and the capital.
6. Resource Centers have their own stamps, seals, letterheads with their names in Kazakh and Russian, settlement accounts with the treasury bodies and the bank.
7. In their activities, Resource Centers are governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as by this Model Regulation and charters developed on their basis.
8. Resource Centers carry out their activities in interaction with the interested state bodies and non-profit organizations, whose activities promote the achievement of goals and tasks of Resource Centers.
2. Tasks, functions of Resource Centers
9. Resource Centers works with youth through the implementation of youth projects and programs, non-formal education, support for initiatives and consulting support for youth and the creation of open spaces for youth self-development.
10. The planning and implementation of the activities of the Resource Centers is based on the needs and interests of youth and youth organizations.
11. The activities of the Resource Centers are carried out in the building of the Resource Centers and in places of mass gathering of young people.
12. Resource Centers (cities / districts, regions, cities of republican significance and the capital) coordinate the activities of their structural divisions - Youth Service Centers, departments of the city / district, regional center, in villages and villages, and are engaged in increasing the competence of their employees.
13. Main tasks of Resource Centers:
1) implementation of information and methodological support;
2) consulting support and support of youth initiatives;
3) conducting analysis and monitoring of the situation among youth.
14. Resource Centers perform the following functions by areas of activities:
1) assistance in preparation for employment and career guidance of youth:
consulting and informing young people about state programs and projects for youth in the field of employment and on the choice of a profession;
conducting soft-skills development courses - competent resume writing, communication skills, methods of effective interviewing;
organization and holding of job fairs for youth, development and implementation of youth projects and programs on the issues of career guidance, employment and decent work;
2) development of vital skills, competence and self-reliance of young people through non-formal education:
organizing and conducting seminars and trainings on the development of vital skills (civic engagement, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, responsibility, emotion management, etc.), competence and independence of youth;
development of youth projects and programs aimed at developing life skills and non-formal education;
3) assistance in increasing digital literacy and the development of new technologies among youth:
consulting youth on digital and media literacy;
organization of training courses on digital and media literacy for youth;
organization of the activities of studios and clubs in robotics, programming and information technology;
4) providing psychological assistance to young people:
consulting by a psychologist for young people on personal and emotional issues;
organizing and conducting psychological trainings and classes with young people;
development of youth projects on youth mental health;
5) providing free of charge consulting and legal assistance to young people:
providing legal advice to youth and youth organizations;
organizing and conducting courses on legal literacy among young people;
development of youth projects and programs to improve the legal literacy of youth;
legal assistance for youth organizations;
6) promoting the activation of innovative and entrepreneurial activities of youth:
advising and informing young people on the implementation of entrepreneurial activity and measures of state support for entrepreneurship;
organizing and conducting seminars and trainings on entrepreneurial competencies;
support of social entrepreneurship among young people;
development of projects to enhance entrepreneurial activity among youth;
7) support and development of volunteer activities among youth:
consulting and informing young people about volunteering and opportunities to support young volunteers;
organization of training courses, schools, camps, seminars and trainings to support and develop volunteer activities among young people;
cooperation with volunteer organizations, educational organizations, culture and social sphere for organizing youth volunteer activities;
support of volunteer initiatives and implementation of joint events with volunteer organizations and youth initiative groups;
development of projects on activization of volunteer activities among youth;
8) ensuring work with young families and assisting young people in preparing for family life:
consulting young families on family and marriage issues;
work with young people, who submitted applications for registration of marriage;
development of youth projects and programs to strengthen family values in society;
9) support and assistance in the development of youth organizations, movements youth self-government bodies:
consulting and informing youth organizations, youth self-government bodies about measures of state support and cooperation with non-governmental organizations;
providing youth organizations, movements and youth self-government with halls and premises for events;
information support for the activities of youth organizations, movements and youth self-government bodies;
support of initiatives of youth organizations and youth self-government bodies;
development of joint projects and programs with youth organizations, movements and youth self-government bodies;
10) support in the development and evaluation of youth projects and programs:
consulting and informing youth and youth organizations on the development and evaluation of projects and programs;
organizing and conducting courses, schools, camps, seminars and trainings for youth organizations, movements, youth self-government bodies, youth initiative groups on project management;
organizing and maintaining a database of youth projects and programs;
developing and evaluating sustainable projects and programs based on the interests and needs of youth;
11) expansion of the information space;
12) creating catalogs of best practices;
13) coverage of the activities of the Resource Centers;
14) performing other functions that meet the needs and interests of youth and do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this model provision.
The above functions, within each of them, are carried out through assessing the needs of the target group, involving youth in planning and evaluation, consulting support, conducting trainings, developing youth projects and programs, supporting youth initiatives.
Chapter 3. Organization of activities of Resource Centers
15. The heads of the Resource Centers organize and ensure the activities of the Resource Centers, are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the executive body, which is part of the structure of the local executive body.
16. The heads of the Resource Centers of cities / districts are assigned in consultation with the Resource Centers of the regions.
17. The heads of the Resource Centers report directly to the head of the executive body, which is part of the local executive body and are personally responsible for the performance of their functions.
18. The heads of the Resource Centers act on the principle of one-man management and independently resolve issues of the Resource Centers in accordance with their competence, determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Model Regulation.
19. When carrying out the activities of the Resource Centers, the head of the Resource Centers in the manner prescribed by law:
1) without a power or attorney acts on behalf of the Resource Centers;
2) represents interests of the Resource Centers at all organizations;
3) in cases and within the limits, established by law, manages the property;
4) enters into agreements;
5) approves the procedure and plans of the Resource Centers for business trips, internships, training of employees in Kazakhstan and foreign training centers and advanced training of employees;
6) hires and dismisses employees of the Resource Centers;
7) defines the functional responsibilities and approves the job descriptions of the employees of the Resource Centers;
8) takes measures to combat corruption and bear personal responsibility.
20. Persons with education are admitted to leading positions of the Resource Centers: humanities, or social sciences, economics and business, or law, or education, or natural sciences, or technical sciences and technologies and experience in working with youth.