On Approval of the Rules for Assigning (Confirming) Qualification Categories to Teachers

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order No. 192 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 11, 2020. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 12, 2020 under 20618. Abolished by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 561 dated November 12, 2021

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. Abolished by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 561 dated November 12, 2021 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      In compliance with Article 14, sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 2019 “On the Status of a Teacher” I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. That the Rules for Assigning (Confirming) Qualification Categories to Teachers shall be reworded in obedience to Annex hereto.

      2. That according to the procedure set by the legislation, the Committee of Preschool and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:

      1) state registration hereof with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) posting this order on the web-site of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration hereof with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to submit to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on the implementation of measures under sub-paragraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      3. That control over the execution hereof shall be assigned to the supervising Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. That this order shall be put into effect from the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Aimagambetov

  Annex to
order of the Minister
of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
No. 192 dated May 11, 2020

Rules for Assigning (Confirming) Qualification Categories to Teachers

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for Assigning (Confirming) Qualification Categories to Teachers (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in obedience to Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Status of a Teacher” and determine the procedure of assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories to teachers.

      2 The educational organization shall draw up and approve annually by September 1 the prospective plan for assigning (confirming) qualification categories for the upcoming financial year, which shall be adjusted as necessary.

Chapter 2. Procedure for assigning qualification categories to teachers

      3. Qualification categories shall be assigned by the Commission (hereinafter - the Commission), approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 83 dated January 27, 2016 “On Approval of the Rules and Conditions of Assessment of Teaching Staff and Persons Equated to Them, Occupying Positions in Educational Organizations, Implementing General Education Training Programs of Preschool Education and Training, Primary, Basic Secondary and General Secondary Education, Educational Programs of Technical and Vocational, Post-Secondary, Additional Education and Special Training Programs, and Other Civil Servants in the Field of Education and Science” (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan under No. 13317, published Adilet, the information and legal system on March 11, 2016) (hereinafter - Order No. 83).

      4. An expert council shall be established to carry out the procedure of assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories for compliance with the claimed qualification category:

      for qualification category “teacher-moderator” – an expert council, organized at the level of educational organization, consisting of: highly qualified teachers of educational organization, representatives of public, non-governmental organizations in the field of education, trade unions, employers;

      for the qualification category “teacher-expert” - an expert council, organized at the level of city (district), region, cities of republican status and the capital, the authorized body in the field of education (for the national subordinate organizations), the authorized body of the relevant industry, consisting of: methodologists of methodical rooms (centers), highly qualified teachers of educational organizations, the city (district), representatives of training organizations, public, non-governmental organizations in the field of education, representatives of trade unions, employers;

      for the qualification category “teacher-researcher” - an expert council, organized at the level of the region, cities of republican status and the capital, the authorized body in the field of education (for the national subordinate organizations), the authorized body of the relevant branch, consisting of: methodologists of methodical rooms (centers), highly qualified teachers of educational organizations of the region, cities of republican status and the capital, the national subordinate organizations, representatives of the authorized body of the relevant industry, professional development organizations, public, non-governmental organizations in the field of education, trade unions, employers;

      for the qualification category “master teacher” – an expert council, organized at the level of the region, cities of republican status and the capital, the authorized body in the field of education (for the republican subordinated organizations), the authorized body of the relevant industry, composed of: methodologists of methodical offices (centers), highly qualified teachers of educational organizations of the region, representatives of organizations of advanced training, boards of trustees, public, non-governmental organizations, trade unions, employers, which shall be approved by the order of the head of a management body of education of the region, cities of republican status and capital city, authorized body in the field of education (for republican subordinated organizations), authorized body of the relevant branch.

      5. The Expert Council shall consist of the Chairman and members of the Expert Council. The Expert Council shall consist of an odd number of members, but not less than five people.

      6. The Commission shall send materials to the Expert Council twice a year (before May 15 and November 15 of the current year, respectively) under the act of acceptance and transfer of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories in the form according to Annex 1 to these Rules.

      7. The Expert Council shall review and evaluate the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories in obedience to the criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories in the form according to Annex 2 to these Rules with due regard for the observation sheets in the form according to Annex 3 to these Rules.

      8. The Expert Council shall send evaluation sheets of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories in the form according to Annex 4 to these Rules and recommendations for comprehensive analytical summary of the results of the teacher's activities for the qualification category to the Commission by June 15 and December 15 of the current year in the form according to Annex 5 to these Rules.

      9. An expert council shall make recommendations on compliance or non-compliance for assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories for each teacher.

      10. The qualification category “teacher” shall be assigned to persons who have pedagogical or other vocational education diplomas in the relevant field, as well as persons who have completed retraining courses without any requirements for work experience and meet the following professional competencies:

      knows the content of the educational subject, the educational process, teaching and evaluation methods; plans and organizes the educational process, with allowances made for the psychological and age characteristics of students, contributes to the formation of the general culture of the student and his/her socialization, takes part in activities at the level of the educational organization, carries out an individual approach in education and training factoring in the needs of students, has the skills of professional and pedagogical dialogue, applies digital educational resources.

Paragraph 1: Procedure for the regular assignment of qualification categories to teachers

      11. Assignment of the qualification category shall be made by the decision of the Commission with an eye toward the recommendations of the Expert Council:

      1) for the qualification category “teacher-moderator”:

      persons with pedagogical or other vocational education diplomas in the relevant profile, as well as persons who have completed retraining courses, pedagogical experience of not less than two years, corresponding to the following professional competencies:

      meets the general requirements of the qualification category "teacher", in addition uses innovative forms, methods and means of education, summarizes the experience at the level of educational organization, has participants in competitions, contests, competitions at the level of educational organization;

      2) for the qualification category "teacher-expert":

      persons with pedagogical or other vocational education diplomas in the relevant profile, as well as persons who have completed retraining courses, pedagogical experience of not less than three years, corresponding to the following professional competencies:

      meets the general requirements of the qualification category "teacher-moderator", in addition owns the skills to analyze the organized educational activities, teaching and educational process, constructively determines the priorities of professional development: own and colleagues at the level of educational organization, generalizes experience at the district / city level, has participants in competitions, contests, competitions at the district / city level;

      3) for the qualification category "teacher-researcher":

      persons with pedagogical or other vocational education diplomas in the relevant profile, as well as persons who have completed retraining courses, pedagogical experience of not less than four years, corresponding to the following professional competencies:

      meets the general requirements of the qualification category “teacher-expert”, in addition owns the skills of lesson study and development of assessment tools, provides the development of research skills of students, provides mentoring and constructively determines development strategies in the teaching community at the level of district, city, generalizes experience at the level of the region / cities of national importance and the capital, the republic (for national subordinate organizations); availability of participants in competitions, contests, competitions

      persons who took part in the republican expertise of textbooks, educational-methodical complexes and educational-methodical manuals, without requirements to the above-mentioned indicators.

      4) for the qualification category “master teacher”:

      persons with higher or post-graduate pedagogical or other vocational education diplomas in the relevant profile, as well as persons who have completed retraining courses, teaching experience of not less than five years, corresponding to the following professional competencies:

      meets the general requirements of the qualification category "teacher-researcher", in addition has an author's program, which has received approval at the Republican Teaching-Methodological Council, or is the author (co-author) of published textbooks, teaching-methodological aids, included in the list of textbooks, teaching-methodological complexes and teaching-methodological aids, approved by the authorized body, provides development of scientific design skills, carries out mentoring and plans development of professional community network at the level of the region, is a participant of republican and international competitions and Olympiads or prepared participants of republican and international competitions and Olympiads, approved by the authorized body in the field of education.

      12. Assignment of the qualification category to teachers shall be carried out in compliance with the qualification characteristics of teachers. The procedure for awarding the qualification categories of teachers shall be carried out at the following levels of education:

      for the qualification category “teacher-moderator” - in organizations of preschool, primary, basic secondary, general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education (hereinafter - educational organization);

      to the qualification category “teacher-expert” - in educational departments of districts (cities), departments of education, cities of republican status and capital, in the authorized bodies in the field of education (for the republican subordinated organizations), the authorized bodies of the relevant branch;

      for qualification category “teacher-researcher” - in departments of education, cities of republican level and the capital, in the authorized bodies in the field of education (for republican subordinated organizations), authorized bodies of the relevant branch;

      for the qualification category “teacher-master” - in the departments of education, cities of national importance and the capital, in the authorized bodies in the field of education (for the republican subordinate organizations), the authorized bodies of the relevant branch;

      13. Educational organization shall submit the list of teachers (on paper or electronic media) for assignment of qualification category to educational departments of districts (cities), educational departments of regions, cities of republican status and capital, republican organizations - to the authorized body in the field of education (for the republican subordinated organizations), the authorized body of relevant branch.

      14. For each teacher, the Commission shall make one of the following decisions:

      1) corresponds to the claimed qualification category;

      2) does not correspond to the claimed qualification category;

      3) corresponds to the qualification category, lower by one level than the claimed qualification category. 15.

      15. The Commission's decision shall be documented in a protocol in obedience to Annex 6 to these Rules.

      16. Where the Commission takes a decision “does not correspond to the claimed qualification category”, the existing qualification category shall be retained until the expiry of its validity.

      17. The decision of the Commission on the extension of the qualification category of teachers shall be drawn up in the form in concordance with Annex 7 to these Rules.

      18. The qualification category shall be extended on the basis of teachers' application, but not more than for three years in the following cases:

      1) in case of temporary disability of a teacher, pursuant to the list of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others, approved by order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 367 dated May 21, 2015 “On Approval of the List of Socially Significant Diseases and Diseases that Pose a Danger to Others” (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No.11512);

      2) for those on maternity or child care leave;

      3) for those on a business trip, on training (internship) by specialty outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) in case of resumption of work in a position for which a qualification category was assigned irrespective of the reasons for its termination;

      5) in case of change of workplace within the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      6) implementation of pedagogical activity by persons who arrived in the Republic of Kazakhstan from countries of near and far abroad upon the availability of documents confirming education, work record and qualification category;

      7) for those outplaced to educational organizations from authorized body in the field of education, bodies of education management, methodical offices, institutes of professional development.

      19. In order to resolve the issue of extending the period of validity of the qualification category of the teachers specified in paragraph 18 of this Procedure, the educational organization shall submit to the Commission the following documents:

      1) an application for extension of the period of validity of qualification rules (arbitrary form);

      2) an identity document (required for identification) (returned to the owner);

      3) a copy of a diploma of education or a document on retraining with an appropriate qualification for the position held;

      4) a copy of the document on taking refresher courses on the programs agreed with the authorized body in the field of education;

      5) a copy of the document certifying the teacher's employment history;

      6) a copy of the certificate on the regular assignment of qualification categories (except for the teachers who have moved from the organization of higher education and have no qualification categories);

      7) a document confirming the validity of the extension of the qualification category.

      20. The meeting of the Commission on the extension of the qualification category shall be held within five working days from the date of receipt of the application.

      21. The order on assignment of qualification category shall be issued not later than July 15 and December 25 of the current level. On the basis of the relevant order, the educational organization shall issue a certificate of qualification assignment in obedience to Annex 8 to these Rules.

      22. Teachers who have been assigned the following qualification categories, shall be assigned or retain the following job qualifications which shall be equalized from the moment of assignment:

      "second category" - "teacher-moderator";

      "first category" - "teacher-expert";

      "highest category" - "teacher-researcher" and "teacher-master".

      23. Issuance of certificates on the assignment of the qualification category shall be carried out by the educational organizations based on the decisions of the Commissions and the relevant orders.

      24. Issuance of certificates to teachers on the assignment of the qualification category shall be recorded in the register of registration and issuance of certificates of assignment of qualification categories in the form pursuant to Annex 9 to these Rules.

      25. The existing qualification category shall be retained for teachers until its expiration when moving to a new place of work in the pedagogical industry within the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      26. In the case of expiration of the qualification category of teachers who have no more than four years before the retirement age, their existing qualification categories shall be retained until retirement age in obedience to the application for exemption from the next assignment (confirmation) of qualification category (arbitrary form). The head of the educational organization shall issue an order on the extension of the qualification category.

      27. The procedure of assignment (confirmation) of qualification category shall be carried out on general grounds for teachers of retirement age, continuing pedagogical activity after retirement. Qualification category shall be reduced by one level in case of refusal of the procedure of assignment (confirmation) of qualification category on general grounds.

      28. The assignment of the qualification category to teachers shall be carried out in compliance with the specialty (qualification) specified in the diploma of education or retraining document with the assignment of appropriate qualifications for the position held.

      29. In the case of teaching disciplines specified in the diploma of education as one specialty, the qualification category shall be awarded in the main position with indication of the subject/subjects taught (optional subjects) and the category in the main position shall be assigned.

      30. For teachers of small staffing schools in the event of teaching disciplines not listed in the diploma, the next assignment of qualification category shall be carried out for the position held upon the availability of a document on training courses (not less than 72 hours) or retraining with an appropriate qualification in interdisciplinary (related) disciplines.

      31. In the case the disciplines in which there is no professional training of specialists are taught by a teacher in higher education institutions or organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, the previously obtained category shall be retained for the teacher; the next assignment of the qualification category shall be carried out on general grounds upon availability of a relevant document of professional development.

      32. Teachers who teach in special educational organizations shall be awarded a qualification category in accordance with the diploma, area of expertise or document on retraining for the relevant area of expertise in educational organizations.

      33. Teachers of organizations of technical and vocational education shall be assigned regular qualification category in compliance with the area of expertise being taught.

      34. Qualification categories shall be assigned to teachers (methodologists) of methodical offices (centers), organizations of additional education pursuant to their diplomas with due regard for the position occupied.

      35. The existing qualification category "teacher - moderator", "teacher - expert", "teacher - researcher", "teacher - master" shall be retained (equated) for the teacher until its expiration in the case of outplacement from an educational organization to an organization that provides methodological support, or organization of educational activities.

      36. When a teacher teaches the subject “Self-Knowledge”, the qualification category shall be equal to the qualification category for the previously taught subject upon the availability of a document on professional development courses in the subject “Self-Knowledge” and shall be retained until its expiry date.

      37. At the regular, early assignment (confirmation) of qualification categories, teachers teaching "Self-Knowledge" discipline shall undergo a national qualification test by diploma or by the subject “Self-Knowledge”.

      38. Teachers of preschool educational organizations, having pedagogical education outside their area of expertise shall be assigned a qualification category upon the availability of a document on refresher courses of professional development (or retraining) in pre-school education and training.

      39. Teachers who carry out psychological, diagnostic (in terms of determining the special educational needs and disabilities of students), correctional, social and educational activities shall be assigned a qualification category: "teacher-moderator", "teacher-expert", "teacher-researcher", "teacher-master" in obedience to the specialty specified in the diploma or factoring in the completion of training or retraining courses.

      40. The regular assignment of the qualification category to teachers in “Handicraft” discipline shall be based on the diploma of such specialties as: “Technology”, “Fine Arts”, “Technical Drawing”, as well as vocational training with an eye toward the previously awarded qualification category.

      41. In the case teachers teaching disciplines in special educational organizations or special classes (groups) outside their area of expertise specified in the diploma of education, the next assignment of the qualification category shall be carried out for their position held on the basis of a document on training courses or retraining courses.

      42. Teachers, who teach in special educational organizations the disciplines, specified in the diploma, shall be assigned the qualification category on the disciplines taught based on the document on refresher or retraining courses.

      43. Teachers who teach in general education schools with inclusive education, shall be assigned qualification category in obedience to the specialty specified in the diploma and shall reflect in the portfolio the materials on work with children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Paragraph 2: Procedure for early assignment of qualification categories to teachers

      44. Teachers for early assignment of qualification categories shall meet the requirements of paragraph 11 of these Rules and take a national qualification test in compliance with Order No. 83.

      45. The following categories of persons shall participate in the early assignment of qualification categories:

      1) for the qualification category "teacher-moderator":

      persons who have been hired for the first time to work in an educational organization after completion of higher, postgraduate educational institution, technical and vocational, post-secondary education organization in the event of a positive assessment for teaching practice, the average score on the diploma:

      diploma of higher, postgraduate education - not lower than 3 points of GPA;

      diploma on technical and vocational, post-secondary education - not lower than 4.5 points of GPA indicator.

      Persons who have graduated from a higher education institution with the right to teach a subject (discipline) in English, with a certificate confirming knowledge of English language at least level C1 (on the CEFR scale);

      2) for the qualification category "teacher-expert":

      persons who have prepared winners of subject Olympiads, creative, professional competitions, scientific, sports competitions of the city (district) level;

      persons who are the winners of professional competitions of city (district) level;

      persons who have summarized their own pedagogical experience at the regional level (cities of national importance and the capital);

      persons who speak English at least at level C1 (on the CEFR scale) and who teach subjects in English;

      persons who have been outplaced to pedagogical work in educational organizations from a higher educational institution and have at least 2 years of pedagogical work experience;

      persons who have been outplaced to pedagogical work in educational organizations from production and specialized organizations, with at least five years of experience in their specialty;

      persons who are masters of sports of international class in the major discipline.

      3) for the qualification category "teacher-researcher":

      persons who have prepared winners of subject olympiads, creative, competitions, scientific, sports competitions of the regional level or participants of the national or international level;

      persons, who are the winners of professional competitions of oblast level or participants of republican or international level;

      persons, who generalized their own pedagogical experience at the republican level;

      persons, who have academic degree of Candidate of Sciences/Research Doctorate/Doctor Habilitatus or PhD and pedagogical work experience not less than 3 years;

      persons, who have been outplaced to pedagogical work from enterprise, specialized organization, having work experience not less than three years, including not less than two years in managerial position.

      4) for the qualification category "master teacher":

      persons, who prepared winners of subject olympiads, creative competitions, scientific, sports competitions of the republican level or participants of the international level, approved by the authorized body in the field of education;

      persons, who are the winners of professional competitions of the republican level or participants of the international level;

      persons, who generalized their own pedagogical experience at the international level, systematically using in the pedagogical practice the scientifically grounded methods, as well as author's technologies of training and education, approved by the Republican Educational and Methodological Board.

      46. The procedure of the Commission for taking a decision on early assignment of the qualification category of a teacher is indicated in paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 of these Rules.

Paragraph 3. Order of assigning a qualification category to teachers without undergoing the procedure for assigning a qualification category

      47. Graduates of higher educational institutions and organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education who have shown a negative result of the national qualification testing for the qualification category "teacher-moderator" shall be assigned the qualification category "teacher" upon entering employment for the first time.

      48. Persons who have graduated from technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher, postgraduate educational institution with "honours" shall be awarded the qualification category "teacher-moderator" without passing the national qualification testing.

      49. Persons who are the graduates of the Bolashak Program, as well as persons included in the Presidential Personnel Reserve, graduates of foreign higher education institutions included in the list of recommended for training under the Bolashak Program shall be assigned a qualification category of "teacher-researcher" without undergoing the procedure for assigning a qualification category based on personal application.

      50. Qualification category "teacher-moderator" shall be assigned to teachers of foreign languages (English, German, French) who have certificates in CLIL methodology and the level of foreign language skills without undergoing the procedure of assigning a qualification category based on a personal application:

      English: IELTS - 6.5 points; TOEFL - 60 - 65 points;

      French: DELF - C1;

      German: Goethe Zertifikat - C1.

      The qualification category "teacher-expert" shall be assigned to teachers of foreign languages (English, German, French) who have certificates in CLIL methodology and proficiency in a foreign language without passing the procedure of assigning a qualification category on the basis of a personal application:

      English: IELTS - 6.5 points; TOEFL - 66 - 78 points;

      French: DELF - C1;

      German: Goethe Zertifikat - C1.

      The qualification category "teacher-researcher" shall be assigned to teachers of foreign languages (English, German, French) who have certificates in CLIL methodology and foreign language proficiency level without passing the procedure of assigning a qualification category on the basis of a personal application:

      English: IELTS - 7 points; TOEFL - 79 - 95 points;

      French: DELF - C2;

      German: Goethe Zertifikat - C2.

      The qualification category "master teacher" shall be assigned to teachers of foreign languages (English, German, French) who have certificates in CLIL methodology and proficiency in a foreign language without passing the procedure of assigning a qualification category based on a personal application:

      English: IELTS - 7.7 points; TOEFL - 96 - 110 points;

      French: DELF - C2;

      German: Goethe Zertifikat - C2.

      51. Foreign language teachers who do not have the above-mentioned certificates shall be awarded the qualification category on general grounds.

  Annex 1 to the Rules
for Assigning (Confirming)
Qualification Categories to
  Document form

Acceptance Act for the Portfolio

      "___"________ 20__

      We, the undersigned, the Chairman of the Expert Council_____________________________

      (appropriate level) (full name)

      as the party of the first part, and

      Chairman of the Commission_________________ ________________________________

                              (appropriate level) (full name)

      as the party of the second part, hereby certify that portfolios have been handed over and accepted (in electronic/paper format):


Full name


Qualification category



      Transferred by: _______ _______________________ Chairman of the Expert Commission

                  (signature)       (full name)

      Accepted by: ________ ___________________________ Chairman of the Commission for

            (signature)       (full name)

                                                            Assignment (Confirmation)

                                                      of Qualification Category

  Annex 2
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers
  Document form

Criteria for evaluating the portfolio of a teacher of the organization of preschool education and training for the assignment (confirmation) of qualification category

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

The level of skills and abilities of the educatees

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 3%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 7%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 10%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of abilities and skills of educatees - by 15%

Quality of classes

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (district/city) (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Class observation sheets (with recommendations from representatives of methodological offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Achievements of educatees

Level of organization of education

District/city level (if any)

Level of the region/cities of national importance and the capital (if any)

Republican/international level (if any)

Summary of pedagogical experience 1

Level of organization of education

District/city level

Level of the region/cities of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea)

Professional achievements of the teacher

Participation in professional contests, competitions and other events

      1 Document on the inclusion of experience in the data bank of the appropriate level, presentation at conferences (the program of the event and the text of the presentation published in the event collection are attached), development of methodological materials (approved by the educational and methodological council of the appropriate level), seminars, master classes.

      Note: all evaluation criteria of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category,.

Criteria for evaluating the portfolio of a teacher of general secondary education for the assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

The level of skills and abilities of the educatees1

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 3%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 7%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 10%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of abilities and skills of educatees - by 15%

Quality of classes

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (district/city) (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Class observation sheets (with recommendations from representatives of methodological offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Summary of pedagogical experience 1

Level of organization of education

District/city level

Level of the region/cities of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea)

Summary of pedagogical experience 2

Level of organization of education

District/city level

Level of the region/cities of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea)

Professional achievements of the teacher

Participation in professional contests, competitions and other events

      1 This criterion shall not be obligatory if the quality of knowledge is not less than 70%.

      2 Document on the inclusion of experience in the data bank of the appropriate level, presentation at conferences, symposiums (the program of the event and the text of the presentation published in the event collection shall be attached), development of methodical materials (approved by the educational and methodical council of the appropriate level), holding seminars, master classes.

      Note: all evaluation criteria of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category.

Criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio of organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education for the assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

The level of skills and abilities of the educatees1

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 3%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 7%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of skills of educatees - by 10%

Dynamics of increase in the level of formation of abilities and skills of educatees - by 15%

Taking professional development courses (not including online and distance learning courses)

The total number of hours is not less than 72 hours

The total number of hours is not less than 144 hours

The total number of hours is not less than 216 hours

The total number of hours is not less than 288 hours

Introduction of innovative educational technologies

Feedback from the methodologist, indicating the teaching technology used by the teacher (at least one)

Feedback from the deputy head of the organization of technical and vocational education, indicating the teaching technology used by the teacher (at least one)

Feedback from the head of the organization of technical and vocational education, indicating the teaching technology used by the teacher (at least two)

Feedback from the head of the organization of technical and vocational education, indicating the teaching technology used by the teacher (at least three)

Quality of teaching

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 2 if available)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 3 if available)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational authority (oblast/cities of national significance and the capital city) (at least 3)

Class observation sheets (with recommendations from representatives of the education authority (oblast/cities of national significance and the capital city) (at least 3)

Achievements of students

Level of the educational organization

District/city level

Level of the region/cities or the republic, of national importance and the capital

Republican/international level

Summary of the results of activity 2

Level of the educational organization

District/city level

Level of the region/cities or the republic, of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea)

Professional achievements of the teacher

Participation in professional contests, competitions and other events

      1 This criterion shall not be obligatory if the quality of knowledge is not less than 70%.

      2 Document on the inclusion of experience in the data bank of the appropriate level, presentation at conferences, symposiums (the program of the event and the text of the presentation published in the event collection shall be attached), development of methodical materials (approved by the educational and methodical council of the appropriate level), holding seminars, master classes.

      Note: All criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category..

Criteria for evaluating the portfolio of a teacher of supplementary education organizations for the assignment (confirmation) of qualification category

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

Level of mastery of the chosen educational program by students, educatees (according to the developed diagnostic tools1)

Programme uptake at 40%

Programme uptake at 60%

Programme uptake at 80%

Programme uptake at 90%

Quality of teaching

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (district/city) (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Class observation sheets (with recommendations from representatives of methodological offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Achievements of students

Level of the educational organization

District/city level

Level of the region/cities or the republic, of national importance and the capital

Republican/international level

Summary of the results of activity 2

Level of the educational organization

District/city level

Level of the region/cities or the republic, of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea of the educational program)

Professional achievements of the teacher

Participation in professional contests and Olympiads

      1 Diagnostic tools for each educational program shall be developed by the organization of supplementary education.

      2 A document on the inclusion of experience in the data bank of the appropriate level, presentation at conferences, symposiums (the program of the event and the text of the presentation published in the event collection shall be attached), development of educational programs or educational-methodical complexes in the area of activity (approved by the educational-methodical council of the appropriate level), holding seminars, master classes.

      Note: All criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category.

Criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category (for teachers of special educational organizations, special classes (groups) in educational organizations)

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

Performance of a specialist in the implementation of an individual developmental program (excluding teachers of Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation)

Implementation of an individual developmental program

Implementation of an individual developmental program

Implementation of an individual developmental program

Implementation of an individual developmental program

Quality of remedial and developmental classes (excluding teachers of Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of the educational organization (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (district/city) (at least 2)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of methodical offices (centers) (oblast/cities of national importance and the capital) (at least 3)

Class observation sheets with recommendations from representatives of regional methodical offices (centers) (at least 3)

Summary of the results of activity 1

Level of the educational organization

District/city level

Level of the region/cities or the republic, of national importance and the capital

Republican level (based on the implementation of the author's own idea)

Professional achievements of the teacher

Participation in professional contests and Olympiads

      1 Document on the inclusion of experience in the data bank of the appropriate level, performances at conferences, symposiums (the program of the event and the text of the presentation published in the event collection shall be attached), development of methodical materials (approved by the educational and methodical council of the appropriate level), seminars, master classes.

      Note: all evaluation criteria of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category.

Criteria for evaluating the portfolio of methodologists of methodology offices (centers) for the assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category

Evaluation criteria

Qualification category

Teacher Moderator

Expert Teacher


Master Teacher

Availability of developed methodical manuals, recommendations, educational and methodical complexes, approved by the educational and methodical council of the appropriate level (author/co-author)

Not less than 1
(district/city level)

Not less than 2
(regional level)

Not less than 3
(national or international level)

Publications in psychological and pedagogical publications, speeches at scientific conferences, seminars, congresses and forums

At least 2

At least 3

At least 4, including at least 2 at the national level

Not less than 5, including at least 3 at the national and international level

Observation of teachers' lessons/classes

Lesson/class observation sheets
(at least 5)

Lesson/class observation sheets
(at least 10)

Lesson/class observation sheets
(at least 15)

Lesson/class observation sheets
(at least 20)

Participation in projects, research, innovation, experimental activities (organization and coordination of experimental/innovation site activities, conducting research, reviewing projects (methodological, thesis, etc.)

Certificate of participation with the presentation of interim/total results, signed by the head of the educational organization; copies of reviews

Professional achievements of the methodologist

Participation in professional competitions, Olympiads (methodologists of district/city methodical offices - not below the regional level; methodologists of regional methodical offices - not below the national level) or working groups at the national level

      Note: All criteria for evaluating the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category shall be mandatory and be presented for the period between the procedures of assignment (confirmation) of the category.

  Annex 3
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers

Lesson/class observation sheet (video recording of the lesson/class is acceptable)

Lesson Observation Date:


Discipline: Topic:




Observation details

Mark (v)


A lesson plan is presented


Expected outcomes:
are consistent with the learning objectives

take into account the needs of students/educators

are aimed at the development of research skills


The teacher engages students in setting lesson goals and expectations


At each stage of the lesson, the teacher engages all students in active learning


In organizing the study of educational material, the teacher provides:

Meeting the needs of students/educators

development of the abilities of students/children


During the lesson, the teacher applies ICT resources:

uses off-the-shelf digital educational resources to achieve educational outcomes

uses his/her own digital educational resources

uses online resources for students to work together


The educator monitors each student's progress toward the learning objectives


The teacher involves students in the assessment process


The teacher creates conditions for students to provide constructive feedback

Additional surveillance elements




Feedback and recommendations:

      Observer: _____________________________________________________________

                                    Signature, full name

Class observation sheet (for teachers of special educational organizations, special classes (groups) in educational organizations (video recording of the lesson is allowed)

Date of lesson observation:

Group or age of the child:


Discipline: Topic:




Observation details

Mark (v)


An individual developmental program or a corrective and developmental program of individual/group work is presented


Expected outcomes:

take into account the age specifics of the children and the degree of severity of the developmental disorder of the child (children)

are aimed at correcting the developmental disorder of the child (children)


Individual characteristics and the zone of the child's (children's) closest development are taken into account when planning the lesson


The teacher uses a psychological attitude to perform the tasks


The teacher takes into account the following when forming skills:


child's age

the child's maximum ability and capacity

child's developmental level

the physical environment (in the classroom and at home)


In the course of the lesson, the teacher:

uses didactic material and ICT resources

uses off-the-shelf computer programs to achieve results

uses her/his own teaching aids and programs


The teacher motivates the child when performing the tasks


The teacher evaluates the child's activities

Additional observation elements




Feedback and recommendations:

      Observer: ____________________________________________________________

                                    Signature, full name

  Annex 4
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers

Evaluation sheet of the portfolio of teacher of organization of preschool education and
training for the assignment (confirmation) of qualification category
                  (claimed qualification category)

      Teacher: ___________________________________________________________

                                    (full name)

Portfolio sections


Indicators of the level of formation of skills

Copies of documents confirming the achievements of educatees, copies of documents confirming the generalization of experience

Class observation sheets

Copies of documents confirming the teacher's professional achievements, as well as mentoring (except for the "teacher-moderator")


Evaluation sheet portfolio of the teacher of organization of general secondary education for
the assignment (confirmation) of qualification category
                  (claimed qualification category)

      Teacher: _________________________________________________________

                                    (full name)

Portfolio sections


Indicators of the quality of knowledge of students for the entire period, including the results of the external evaluation of educational achievements, the final assessment of students

Copies of documents confirming the achievements of students, copies of documents confirming the generalization of experience

Lesson observation sheets

Copies of documents confirming the teacher's professional achievements, as well as mentoring (except for the "teacher-moderator")


Evaluation sheet portfolio of the teacher of supplementary educational organization for
assignment (confirmation) of qualification category
                  (claimed qualification category)

      Teacher: _________________________________________________________

                                    (full name)

Portfolio sections


Indicators of the level of mastery of the chosen educational program by students, pupils (according to the developed diagnostic tools)

Copies of documents confirming the achievements of students, educatees, copies of documents confirming the generalization of experience

Sheets of observation of lessons

Copies of documents confirming the teacher's professional achievements, as well as mentoring (except for the "teacher-moderator")


Evaluation sheet of the teacher's portfolio for assignment (confirmation) qualification
category (for teachers of special educational organizations, special classes (groups) in
educational organizations)
      (claimed qualification category)

      Teacher: _________________________________________________________

                                    (full name)

Portfolio sections


Performance indicators of a specialist in the implementation of an individual developmental program (excluding teachers of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation)

Copies of documents confirming the generalization of experience

The sheets of observation of correctional and developmental classes

(excluding teachers of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation)

Copies of documents confirming the teacher's professional achievements, as well as mentoring (except for the "teacher-moderator")

Evaluation sheet for the portfolio of methodologists of methodology rooms (centers) for
assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category
(claimed qualification category)

      Teacher: _________________________________________________________

                                    (full name)

Portfolio sections


Availability of developed methodical manuals, recommendations, educational and methodical complexes, approved by the educational and methodical council of the appropriate level (author/co-author)

Copies of documents confirming the professional achievements of the methodologist, as well as mentoring (except for the "teacher-moderator")

Publications in psychological and pedagogical editions, speeches at scientific conferences and seminars

Participation in projects, research, innovation, experimental activities (organization and coordination of experimental/innovation site activities, conducting research, reviewing projects (methodological, thesis, etc.)


  Annex 5
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers

Recommendations of the Expert Council for a comprehensive analytical summary of the results of the teacher

      Claimed qualification category ___________________


Full name


Claimed level

Recommendations of the Expert Council

      Members of the Expert Council:

      ____________________________________ _________________________ ___________

            full name                         place of employment, position (signature)

      _____________________________________ ________________________ ____________

            full name                         place of employment, position (signature)

      _____________________________________ ________________________ ____________

            full name                         place of employment, position (signature)

      ______________________________________ ________________________ ___________

            full name                         place of employment, position (signature)

      ______________________________________ ________________________ ___________

                  full name                   place of employment, position (signature)

      Date: "__" _________ _____

  Annex 6
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers
  Document form

Minutes of the meeting of the Commission for Assignment (Confirmation) of the Qualification Category

      "___"___________________ 20____

      Chairman of the Commission: _________________________________

      Members of the Commission:

      1. _____________________________________________________

      2. _____________________________________________________

      DECISION of the Commission on the results of the stages of assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category:

      The following teachers meet the claimed qualification category:

Full name



Current qualification category

Claimed qualification category

Assigned qualification category

      The following teachers do not meet the claimed qualification category:

Full name



Current qualification category

Claimed qualification category

Assigned qualification category


      Chairman of the Commission _______________________________


      Members of the Commission:









      Secretary: ______________________________


  Annex 7
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers
  Document form

Minutes of the Commission Meeting on the extension of the qualification category
"___"___________________ 20____

      Chairman of the Commission: _________________________________

      Members of the Commission:

      1. _____________________________________________________

      2. _____________________________________________________

      DECISION of the Commission following the results of the stages of assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category:

      To extend the terms of the qualification category to teachers:

Full name


Current qualification category


Valid until

Extended until

      Chairman of the Commission _______________________________


      Members of the Commission:









      Secretary: ______________________________


  Annex 8
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers
  Document form

on assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category

      This is to certify that in obedience to the decision of the

      Commission for Assignment (Confirmation) of Qualification

      Categories dated "___" ________ 20___, by order

      No. _____dated "____" ____20 _______ of _______________________________________

      (full name of the educational organization or educational authority)


                  (teacher’s full name, signature)

      has been awarded (confirmed) the qualification category

      ___________________________________________ by virtue of his/her position


                        (position name)

      This certificate is valid until "____"______________20____

      Head of the educational organization _____________________________

                                          (full name, signature)

      Stamp here

      Registration number__________________

      Issued on: "____" __________ 20 ____

  Annex 9
to the Rules for Assigning
(Confirming) Qualification
Categories to Teachers
  Document form

Log of registration and issuance of certificates of assignment (confirmation) of qualification category


Full name

Name of the position and the assigned/confirmed qualification category

Date of the commission's decision

Date and number of the order of assignment/ confirmation and qualification category

Date of issuance of the certificate

Signature of the teacher in receipt

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