On approval of the Code of Ethics for Civil Servants

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 28, 2020, No. 342. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 29, 2020, No. 21150.

      Unofficial translation

      According to subparagraph 41-4) of Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Code of Ethics for Civil Servants.

      2. The Department of Labor and Social Partnership of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by law, shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) posting this Order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this Order, submission to the Department of Legal Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan the information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      3. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the First Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sarbassov A.A.

      4. This Order shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication. 

      Minister of Labor and Social
Protection of the Population of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
B. Nurymbetov

by Order of the
Minister of Labor and Social
Protection of the Population of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated August 28, 2020, № 342

The Code of Ethics for Civil Servants

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. This Code of Ethics for Civil Servants (hereinafter referred to as the Code) has been developed in accordance with subparagraph 41-4) of Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015.

      2. The Code is a set of general principles and norms of service ethics that civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall follow.

      3. Knowledge and observance by civil servants of the provisions of the Code shall be one of the criteria for assessing the quality of their professional activities and labor discipline.

      4. The ethical norms and requirements contained in this Code shall be binding on all civil servants, which must be unswervingly observed by them.

      5. A civil servant, within three working days from the date of entering the civil service, shall become familiarized with the text of this Code in writing.

      6. The acknowledgment form shall be kept in the personal file of the civil servant, which shall be maintained directly by the personnel department of the organization.

Chapter 2. Ethical principles of the civil servant

      7. A civil servant in the performance of his/her duties must comply with the following principles:

      1) impartiality;

      2) honesty and objectivity;

      3) decency;

      4) professional competence;

      5) impeccable behavior;

      6) loyalty;

      7) confidentiality of information.

Chapter 3. Ethical requirements for civil servants

      8. When carrying out his/her activities, a civil servant shall comply with the requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, the laws of the Republics and Kazakhstan and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the provisions of this Code.

      9. A civil servant shall:

      1) conscientiously fulfill his/her official duties, strictly observe labor discipline, rationally and efficiently use working hours;

      2) comply with high moral and ethical criteria, comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) improve his/her professional level and qualifications for the effective use of official duties;

      4) by his/her actions and behavior not to give rise to criticism from society, to prevent persecution for criticism, to use constructive criticism to eliminate shortcomings and improve their activities;

      5) be honest, fair, modest, observe generally accepted moral and ethical standards, show politeness and correctness in dealing with citizens and colleagues;

      6) ensure legality in the performance of official duties;

      7) ensure the transparency of decision-making affecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;

      8) ensure the safety of state property, rationally, effectively, and only for official purposes to use the entrusted property of the organization, including vehicles;

      9) comply with business etiquette and rules of official conduct;

      10) Resist manifestations of corruption and take measures to prevent corruption in accordance with the procedure established by law;

      11) to suppress or take other measures to prevent violations of the norms of official ethics on the part of other civil servants;

      12) to comply with the official duties, to be correct, not to make statements and (or) actions related to bribery or mediation in bribery;

      13) to immediately inform the employer, prosecutor's office or other state bodies about all cases when a civil servant is approached in order to induce him/her to commit corruption offenses.

      14) to refrain from behavior and other unlawful actions related to the performance of official duties by a civil servant;

      15) upon discovery of a gift left at the workplace by a subordinate and (or) service recipient, take measures to return the gift to the person who left it. If it is impossible to identify this person, the civil servant should immediately notify the employer of this fact in writing;

      16) gifts received without his knowledge, as well as received by him in connection with the performance of relevant functions, shall be subject to gratuitous transfer to the authorized body for state property management within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of the gift or from the date on which the civil servant became aware of the received gift, and services rendered to the civil servant under the same circumstances shall be paid by him by transferring money to the republican budget within seven calendar days from the date of rendering the service or from the date on which the civil servant became aware of the gift, and services rendered to the civil servant under the same circumstances shall be paid by him by transferring money to the republican budget within seven calendar days from the date of rendering the service or from the date on which the civil servant became aware of the gift.

      Footnote. Paragraph 9 as amended by the order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.11.2023 № 472 (shall be enforced upon expiry of sixty calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      10. A civil servant shall prevent:

      1) conflict situations that can damage the reputation or authority of a civil servant and the organization;

      2) Use of official position to influence the activities of state bodies, local executive body, organizations, officials, civil servants and citizens in resolving issues of a personal nature;

      3) committing misconduct and offenses for which the law provides for disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability;

      4) using his/her official position to solve personal issues, not to allow acceptance of gifts, monetary remuneration, loans, services of material nature, payment for entertainment, recreation, transportation and other remuneration from individuals and legal entities in connection with the performance of official duties;

      5) use of official information for self-interested and other personal purposes;

      6) dissemination of information that does not correspond to reality, not to comment and discuss, including professional qualities of other civil servants, not to allow expressions and statements defaming another civil servant, as well as critical remarks against him;

      7) to accept gifts or favors in connection with the performance of their official duties from persons dependent on them in service, for general patronage or connivance in service;

      8) to give gifts and render non-official services to officials in order to obtain a property benefit, good or advantage with the use of official powers of these persons;

      9) unjustified denial of information to individuals and legal entities, or its delay, transfer of inaccurate or incomplete information;

      10) giving undue preference to individuals and (or) legal entities in the preparation and decision-making process;

      11) granting of advantages not provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (protectionism, familialism) at admission and promotion.

      Footnote. Paragraph 10 as amended by the order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.11.2023 № 472 (shall be enforced upon expiry of sixty calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      11. A civil servant outside by off-duty shall:

      1) adhere to generally accepted moral and ethical standards, prevent cases of antisocial behavior;

      2) show modesty, do not emphasize or use their official position;

      3) prevent, on their part, violation of the requirements of the legislation, associated with encroachment on public morality, order, and safety, and not to involve other citizens in the commission of illegal, antisocial actions.

      12. The appearance of a civil servant in the performance of his/her official duties must comply with the generally accepted business style, which is distinguished by formality, restraint, and accuracy.

Chapter 4. Ethical conflicts and their resolution

      13. In the event of a conflict situation, the civil servant shall report and discuss the problem of the conflict with the direct supervisor for taking appropriate measures.

      14. Violation of official ethics by civil servants shall entail disciplinary liability established by law.

      Compliance by civil servants with the provisions of this Code shall be taken into account when carrying out certification, promotion to higher positions.

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