On approval of the Rules for execution and application of work permits during the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions

New Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 28, 2020, No. 344. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 1, 2020, No. 21151

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 41-6) of Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for execution and application of work permits during the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions.

      2. The Department of Labor and Social Partnership of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner prescribed by law, shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) posting this Order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Department of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan the information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      3. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the First Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A.A. Sarbassov.

      4. This Order shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
B. Nurymbetov

by Order of the Minister of
Labor and Social
Protection of the Population of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated August 28, 2020, No. 344

The Rules for execution and application of work permits during the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for execution and application of work during the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 41-6) of Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, and shall determine the procedure for registration and application of work permits during the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions.

      2. A work permit for the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Work permit) shall be a written order of the organization for the safe performance of work, applied to work under the higher-risk conditions, which shall indicate all the necessary safety measures and persons responsible for the safe performance of work.

Chapter 2. Execution of a work permit for the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions

      3. The work permit shall be drawn up and registered in organizations where work under higher-risk conditions is supposed to be carried out.

      4. The work permit for the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions shall be drawn up in a special form, in the form in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules.

      The plans of the transferred territory and the location of the equipment, sketches of protective devices and gadgets, schemes for the arrangement of cordon posts, the installation of signs and safety posters shall be attached to the permit.

      5. The work permit shall be drawn up in duplicate, filled out in compliance with the preciseness and clarity of the records. Corrections and erasures in the work permit shall not be allowed, filling in all columns of the work permit shall be made in accordance with the content of the interlinear text. In the columns that do not require filling, a dash shall be is put.

      6. The work permit shall be issued for the period necessary to complete the specified amount of work. The validity of the work permit during this period shall be is retained if the safety conditions provided for by the work permit do not change.

      A work permit shall be issued for a shift or the entire period of work with a continuous nature of their conduct with an extension for each shift. The extension of the work permit shall be is drawn up and carried out by the admitting person to work before the beginning of each shift.

      7. When several work performers work at the same site at the same time, before issuing a work permit, the customer organization, together with work performers, shall develop additional measures to ensure labor safety and indicate them in the permit, which shall be issued to the manufacturer of work of each organization.

      8. Work carried out near existing railways, highways, power lines, gas and heat pipelines and other, existing open (hidden) communications and technological lines, as well as all earthworks, shall be preliminarily agreed upon by the person issuing a work permit with the organizations serving these objects. Relevant documents (diagrams, communications), if necessary, shall be attached to the permit.

      9. For work associated with higher-risk danger, carried out by work performers according to permits issued for the provision of territory for work on the customer's territory, work permits shall be issued by authorized persons of work performers.

      10. Before the commencement of work, the work permit shall be signed by the person issuing the work permit, the persons who have completed the occupational safety measures specified in the work permit, the persons who approved the work permit, admitting to working, and the manufacturer of the work.

      11. The closure of the work permit shall be formalized with the signatures of the admitting to work and the manufacturer of the work. The admitting person shall make a note of the completion time of work to close the work permit after receiving it from the work supervisor and ensures its storage.

      In the absence of an admitting person to work, the work permit shall be closed and signed by the manufacturer of the work and the person who issued the outfit.

      12. Works on localization and elimination of accidents shall be carried out without a work permit until the elimination of a direct threat of harm (damage) to individuals and legal entities, the environment and are carried out in accordance with the plan for the elimination of accidents.

      After elimination of the threat, work on elimination of accidents and their consequences shall be carried out according to the permit.

      13. Registration of the issued work permits shall be kept in the Register of the issuance of work permits for the performance of work of higher-risk danger in the form in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules. The register shall be laced up and numbered.

      14. It is allowed to issue and register a work permit and maintain the Register for the issuance of work permits to perform work of higher-risk danger in electronic form. If a work permit is issued in electronic form, it is required to provide protection against unauthorized changes in the information in the permit, as well as the storage conditions of the permit for one year from the date of its closure.

      15. The storage of closed work orders shall be carried out within one year from the date of their closure in the organization that issued them.

      Work permits for work, during the performance of which accidents or accidents occurred, shall be stored in the archive of the organization with materials for investigating accidents or accidents.

Chapter 3. Application of work permit in the performance of work under the higher-risk conditions

      16. For work associated with higher-risk danger, during the performance of which several structural divisions of the organization take part, work permits shall be issued by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him/her.

      For work of a local nature, associated with higher-risk danger, the issuance of work permits shall be carried out by the heads of the structural divisions of the organization or their deputies, where this work is supposed to be carried out.

      17. Production areas, technological lines or stand-alone equipment, buildings, and structures, as well as other objects allocated for performing work on them associated with higher-risk danger, by the forces of a working performer, may be transferred under an admission certificate for the performance of work in the form according to the Annex 3 to these Rules.

      18. If current conduits, gas pipelines, heat pipelines, oil pipelines, acid pipelines, or other existing communications pass through the section allocated for the performance of work associated with higher-risk danger, as well as technological machines and mechanisms, then the section shall not be transferred to the working performer according to the act-admission for the performance of works.

      19. The person issuing the work permit shall determine the need to carry out work associated with higher-risk danger and measures to ensure the safe performance of work, appoints a work supervisor, who admits to working, a working performer.

      20. A person admitting to working on a permit-admission shall be appointed from the management of the unit that performs these works.

      21. Admitting to working on a work permit shall ensure the implementation of measures to ensure labor safety specified in the work permit, including for:

      disconnecting the facility from steam, water, gas, electrical, and other power sources and installing grounding;

      installation of shut-off valves on all types of pipelines, cleaning of gas pipelines and dust pipelines, purging and steaming of pipelines and tanks, cleaning equipment from dust and dirt, fuel oil, acid, purging and ventilating gas ducts and equipment, performing other preparatory work;

      allocation of the work area from the existing equipment and communications by fences, dead ends, safety signs, signaling devices, posters, and other means to ensure the safety of personnel.

      22. Person admitting to working before the permit to work, as well as when extending the work permit shall check the implementation of measures to ensure labor safety specified in the work permit, instruct the manufacturer of the work on the specifics of work in the organization directly at the place of work.

      23. When the brigade is admitted to work, the person admitting to working shall hand over a copy of the work permit to the manufacturer of the work.

      A daily break in work and re-admission shall be formalized with the signatures of the admitting person and the manufacturer of the work. Lunch break shall not be formalized.

      24. When accepting a shift, a working performer shall accept the work from the shift operator along with a work permit, shall personally check the production conditions, make a note in the work permit on the extension of work, and start work after receiving the permission of the admitting person to work.

      25. The admitting person to work shall terminate the performance of work, withdraw the work permit, draw it up again and make the admission to work again, if before the end of work under this permit:

      an emergency has arisen;

      the discrepancy was found between the actual state of the working conditions and the safety requirements stipulated by the work permit;

      when performing work near facilities where there is a threat of an emergency, including with a risk to the life and health of personnel;

      it became necessary to connect at least a part of the existing equipment or energy communication in the work area (to the unit, system).

      26. In case of loss of the work permit, the work shall be terminated. For the continuation of the work, a new work permit shall be executed and issued, and the admission to work shall be made anew.

      27. In the event of a temporary suspension of work on the work permit, at the direction of the admitting person to work, the work manager shall remove the crew members from the place of work and return the work order to the admitting person.

      The resumption of work shall be carried out with the permission of the admitting person after checking all the initial measures to ensure the safety of those working under the permit and the return of the work permit to the manufacturer of the work.

      28. In case of termination of work under the terms of production during one shift, the work permit shall remain with the manufacturer of the work, and the crew shall start again to work with his permission.

      If there is a break in the work of more than one shift, the re-admission shall be carried out after checking by the admitting and the manufacturer of the work that the safety conditions specified in the work permit have not changed.

      29. When performing work on a shift schedule for the entire duration of the work permit, the responsible work supervisors shall be appointed for each shift.

      30. The management of the organization (site) shall not start the operation of the equipment after the work on the work permit until the manufacturer returns the closed work permit.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for execution and
application of work permits during
the performance of work under the
higher-risk conditions

Organization, site, workshop _______________________________________
Work permit No. ______ to perform work of the higher-risk

      1. Performer of the work ___________________________________________________


      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), organization, site, workshop, position)

      2. Admitted for performance _______________________________________________


      (Place of work, name of equipment, summary of _______________________________

      scope of work)

      3. Admitting person(s) to work _____________________________________________


      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position)

      4. Responsible manager ___________________________________________________

      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position)

      5. Measures to ensure the safety of work:

      5.1. Stop ________________________________________________________________

      (stopping place, position) ___________________________________________________

      5.2. Disconnect ___________________________________________________________

      (switch, valve, mains, etc.) __________________________________________________

      5.3. Install ___________________________________________________________ ____

      (dead ends, plugs, warning lamps, etc.) ________________________________________

      5.4. Take a sample for analysis of the air environment ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (indicate the places and the result of the analysis, the gas contamination group)

      5.5. Fence _______________________________________________________________

      (work area, post posters) __________________________________________________

      5.6. Provide safety measures when working at height and in wells ________________________________________________________________________

      (scaffolding, safety belts, ropes, etc.)

      5.7. Warn ________________________________________________________

      (operators of adjacent cranes and cranes of adjacent ________________________________

      spans signed in the logbook)

      5.8. Provide safety measures at railway tracks ______________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (install signs, posters, fences, dead ends, etc.)

      5.9. Indicate routes to the place of work ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (if necessary, attach a diagram)

      5.10. Additional measures _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      6. The permit issued by ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position, signature, date)

      7. Activities completed _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (Event number; surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position, signature) ________________________________________________________________________

      8. Approved: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (shift supervisor (section), surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature)

      8.1. _____________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature)

      9. The measures have been taken, the safety of the work is ensured, the manufacturer of the work has familiarized and instructed the work conditions, the admission is authorized - allowing to work _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature, date)

      10. Herby, I have been familiarized with the working conditions and instructed,

      preparation was checked, the workplace was accepted - the work performer _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature, date, time)

      11. The composition of the brigade and the mark of the briefing


Date and time of work

Surname, first name, patronymic (if any), crew members


Hereby, I am familiar with the working conditions, I received instructions (signature)

The briefing was carried out (allowing surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature)

      The crew(s) in the amount of ________ person instructed, started work


      (date, time)

      Work performer _____________________________________________________

      (Surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature)

      12. Extension of the work permit

Date Time

The conditions have not changed, the shift has been passed - the working performer

The numerical strength of the advancing brigade

Hereby, I have read the working conditions, accepted the shift - the work manager

Permitting permission - admitting to working in shift

Surname, first name, patronymic (if available),


Surname, first name, patronymic (if available),


Surname, first name, patronymic (if available),


      13. The work was completed _________________________________________

      the workplace

      (date, time) has been removed, the personnel have been removed from the place of work.

      The work permit passed by _________________________________________________

      (position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature _________________________________________________________________ of the work manufacturer)

      The workplace, the work permit was accepted by _______________________________

      (position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature, _____________________________________________________________________________ admitting to work)

  Annex 2
to the Rules for execution and
application of work permits during
the performance of work under the
higher-risk conditions

Logbook for issuing work-permits


Date and time (start and end) of the initial admission to work

Date and time (start and end) of re-admission to work

Work order number

The person issuing the work permit

The nature of the work performed

      Note: registration of work-permits shall be carried out in chronological order as work-permits are received, regardless of the date and time of issue of the time of the work permit.

  Annex 3
to the Rules for execution and
application of work permits during
the performance of work under the
higher-risk conditions

Certificate of admission for the performance of work on the territory of the operating organization (enterprise) "____" _____________ 20 ___.


      (name of the organization)

      We, the undersigned, the head of the shop (site) _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (Surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position) have drawn up this act on the following:

      The organization allocates a site bounded by coordinates: __________________ ________________________________________________________________________

      (name of axes, marks and number of drawings) for production on it __________________________________________________

      (name of work) __________________________________________________________

      under the guidance of technical personnel - a representative of the work performer for the following period: beginning "____" ________________________ end "___" _______________________. Before starting work, the following measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the work: ______________________________________________________

      No.: Name: Deadline: Work performer : activities:________________________________

      Surname, first name, patronymic (if any), position: signature ______: _______________: _______________: __________________: _____________

      Head of the shop (site) _____________________________ (signature)

      Responsible representative of the work performer ______________ (signature)

      Note: If it is necessary to carry out work after the expiration of this certificate of admission, it is necessary to draw up certificate of admission for a new term

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