Unofficial translation
In accordance with subclause 38) of article 7 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Health Care System" I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals, according to Appendix 1 to this order.
2. To recognize certain orders of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan as invalid, according to Appendix 2 to this order.
3. Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information about implementation of measures stipulated by subclauses 1) and 2) of this clause.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.
Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
M. Shoranov |
Appendix 1 to the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 14, 2020 no. ҚР ДСМ-130/2020 |
Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals
Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. These Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subclause 38) of article 7 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Health Care System" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the procedure for attestation of professional competence of health professionals (hereinafter referred to as the attestation), held at the republican and local levels.
2. The attestation shall be held within the period established by clause 6 of article 26 of the Code, state bodies in the field of healthcare, specified in clauses 3, 4 and 5 of article 26 of the Code.
3. The following persons shall be subject to attestation:
1) at the republican level, held by the central executive body, carrying out management and cross-sectoral coordination in the field of protection of public health, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, circulation of pharmaceutical products and medical devices, control over the quality of medical services (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body):
Heads of local public health authorities of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital and their deputies;
Heads of healthcare organizations, subordinated to the authorized body and their deputies;
Heads of healthcare organizations, carrying out activities in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.
2) at local level, held by the local public health authorities of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Healthcares): heads of healthcare organizations, subordinated to them.
4. The attestation includes the following stages:
1) organization of attestation;
2) testing;
3) interviewing.
Chapter 2. Procedure for attestation
5. Organization of attestation at the republican level shall be entrusted to the responsible person of the authority of the authorized body (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person of the working body), at the local level - the person responsible for organization of the attestation in the Department of Healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare).
6. The responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare, for the formation of a list of attestable persons, shall collect data about persons, who are subject to attestation, employment records in the form according to Appendix 1 to these Rules.
7. The list of persons, who are subject to attestation, attestation schedules and the composition of attestation commissions, shall be approved by the head of the corresponding state body.
8. The attestation commission shall be formed at the republican and local levels.
The composition of the republican attestation commission shall include representatives of the authorized body, healthcare organizations, medical education organizations, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations, public associations, trade unions.
The composition of the local attestation commission shall include the representatives of Department of Healthcares, organizations of medical education as well as on agreement, representatives of non-governmental organizations, public associations, trade unions.
The number of members of the attestation commission shall be at least five people. The chairperson is appointed from the number of members of the attestation commission.
9. No later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the start of attestation, the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare shall notify the relevant personnel services of the certification timing, including the list of attestable persons and attestation schedules.
10. The responsible person of the Department of Healthcare shall submit the lists of attestable persons of his/her region to the responsible person of the working body for formation of the total list of attestable persons.
5 (five) working days before the start of testing, the responsible person of the working body shall submit the general list of attestable persons to the organization that assesses the knowledge and skills of students, graduates of professional preparedness and healthcare professionals (hereinafter referred to as the assessment organization).
11. An expert commission of the authorized body (hereinafter referred to as the expert commission) shall be created for approval of test questions.
The expert commission is formed from the employees of the authorized body, as well as from specialists in the field of management and public healthcare, and consists of at least five people.
12. Before the start of the attestation, the responsible person of the working body shall submit to the assessment organization a notice on the need to provide to the expert commission of developed test items.
The expert commission shall review the developed test items within 3 (three) working days. By results of the review, the expert commission shall make a decision on approval or rejection of test items.
13. In the event if the expert commission approves test items, the assessment organization shall place them on its official Internet resource, but no later than 20 (twenty) calendar days before the start of the attestation.
14. In the event if one of the members of the expert commission has not approved the test items, the test items shall be considered not approved and shall be subject to rejection with comments and recommendations on each test item.
In case of rejection of the test items, the responsible person of the working body shall submit to the assessment organization the comments and recommendations of the expert commission on each test item.
The assessment organization, within 2 (two) working days, after correcting all the comments, shall re-submit the test items for approval to the expert commission.
Chapter 3. Procedure for testing
15. Testing shall be held at the premises of the assessment organization in electronic format, the number of test items shall consist of 100 (one hundred) questions.
16. Attestable persons, carrying the identification document of the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be admitted to the testing.
17. To participate in the testing, the attestable person shall come to the hall for testing no later than the start time of testing.
The attestable person shall be notified about time and date by the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare 5 (five) working days prior the start of testing.
18. When admitting for testing, hand-held and (or) frame-type metal detectors shall be used. The use of metal detectors when admitting for testing shall be carried out within the framework of ensuring safety during testing, as well as preventing the smuggling of prohibited items.
19. Prior to the start of testing, the operator of the assessment organization familiarizes the certified persons with the testing procedure and answers any questions they have about the testing procedure.
20. The attestable person who is not feeling well at the time of testing shall report this to the assessment organization operator prior to the start of testing. In this case, testing of such persons shall be carried out at another time during this day or on another day according to the testing schedule.
21. The hall for testing shall be equipped with video surveillance cameras for video recording of the testing process. Surveillance footages are stored in the assessment organization after testing is completed for 30 (thirty) calendar days.
22. During testing, the attestable persons do not talk with other attestable persons, do not exchange materials, do not use information on paper and other media, do not leave the testing room, it is not allowed to bring into the audience and use cheat notes, textbooks and methodological literature, calculator, camera, mobile devices communication (pager, cell phones, tablets), laptops, players, modems (mobile routers), use any kind of radio-electronic communication (Wi-Fi ), Bluetooth , Dect, 3G, 4G, wired and wireless headphones, etc.).
23. In case of breach by the attestable person of the requirements of clause 22 of these Rules, the operator shall stop the testing process of such a person and expels him from the testing room.
In this case, the operator draws up an act of detection of prohibited items and expelling from testing according to Appendix 2 to these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Breach Report). The attestable person shall be considered not passed the test, his/her results shall be cancelled.
24. The time provided for the performance of test tasks is 1 hour 40 minutes, after the specified time, testing is automatically completed.
25. The calculation of testing results shall be carried out automatically by the computer program.
26. The test result is considered negative when receiving: for top managers - less than 70%, for deputy managers - less than 60% of correct answers from the total number of test items.
27. The results shall be handed out to the attestable persons no later than 30 (thirty) minutes after the completion of testing and by the end of the working day shall be sent to the appropriate state body in the field of healthcare.
28. The attestable person, who received during the test a negative result, shall not be allowed for the interview and shall be subject to repeated attestation in 6 (six) months after the date of the initial attestation.
The decision on the attestable persons subject to repeated attestation shall be approved by the order of the head of the relevant state body in the field of healthcare or his/her substituting person.
29. The attestable persons, who failed the repeated testing, shall be recognized not attested.
30. In case of disagreement of the attestable person with the test results for the purpose of their consideration in the relevant state body, appeal commissions are created.
31. The appeal commission includes representatives of the authorized body at the republican level, health departments at the local level, medical education and science organizations, as well as, by agreement, representatives of a non-governmental organization, public associations, trade unions.
The number of members of the appeal commission shall be at least 5 (five) people. A chairperson shall be appointed from among the members of the appeal committee.
32. The composition of the appeal commission shall be approved by the order of the head of the corresponding state body.
33. The responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare shall organize the work of the appeal commission.
34. The application for appeal shall be accepted from the attestable person in cases of appealing:
1) the correctness of certain issues;
2) results of testing with reference to technical difficulties;
3) the breach certificate.
35. The application for an appeal shall be submitted to the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Health Department personally by the attestable person, who received test results below the threshold values, indicating the reasons established in clause 34 of these Rules.
36. The application for an appeal shall be accepted within 7 (seven) working days after testing and shall be considered by the appeal commission within 3 (three) working days upon receipt of the latest application.
37. When appealing the correctness of specific questions, the appeal commission considers detailed test results of candidates: test items for which the attestable person answered incorrectly, and his/her answer option.
38. If the appeal commission decides in favor of the attestable person regarding the validity of incorrect testing questions, then the number of answers to these questions shall be added to the test result, as correctly answered, and the attestable person, taking into account clause 26 of these Rules, is allowed for an interview or is sent to retake testing on time, according to the approved schedules.
39. When appealing the test results by the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Health Department, the organization of the assessment, including the operator who participated in the testing, requests appropriate explanations on the arguments set forth by the attestable person.
If the appeal commission makes a decision in favor of the attestable person, regarding the validity of the complaint and the objectivity of the reasons, a decision shall be made to satisfy the appeal and admit him to retake testing within the period, according to the approved schedules.
40. Based on the results of consideration of the received application for appeal, the appeal commission shall make one of two decisions:
1) leave the appeal rejected;
2) satisfy the appeal of the candidate and admit to the interview;
3) send for test retaking.
41. The decision of the appeal commission by the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Health Department shall be brought to the attention of the applicant (by telephone, including by sending a message) by the end of the working day.
42. The decision of the appeal commission shall be made by a majority vote of the total number of members of the commission. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairperson shall be decisive
The decision of the appeal commission shall be drawn up in a protocol, which is signed by all members of the appeal commission who took part in this meeting. The decision of the appeal commission shall be competent in the presence of two-thirds of the members of the total number.
Chapter 4. Procedure for the interview
43. The interview of the attestable persons shall be carried out by the attestation commissions in the form of presentation of the report on the organization’s activities in accordance with the structure according to Appendix 3 to these Rules.
44. When making a decision, the attestation commissions shall take into account the following factors:
1) reaching main indicators of the public health by priority areas within two years in a row;
2) existence of disciplinary sanctions for violation of performance discipline, including for the violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for the period of last six month).
45. Attestation commissions, after studying the submitted materials, conducting an interview with the attested persons, by calculating the points set out in the assessment sheet of the interview of the attestable person in the form according to Appendix 4 to these Rules, shall take one of the following decisions:
1) attested;
2) subject to repeated attestation;
3) not attested.
46. The repeated attestation shall be conducted at least in 6 (six) month from the date of the initial attestation, in accordance with the procedure, determined by these Rules.
The attestation commission, according to the results of the repeated attestation, shall take one of the following decisions:
1) attested;
2) not attested.
Receipt of a negative result in case of the repeated attestation shall be the grounds for termination of labour relations of the employer with the attestable person in accordance with subclause 4) of clause 1 of article 52 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
47. The meeting of the attestation commission shall be competent in the presence of two-thirds of its total number.
In case of equality of points, the point of the chairperson of the commission shall be decisive.
48. When holding a meeting of the attestation commission, video and (or) audio recording shall be made.
49. The decision of the attestation commission shall be approved within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of attestation by the order of the head of the authorized body, or by the person performing his/her duties.
The decisions of the attestation commission and the employment record of the attestable person shall be kept in the attestation file.
50. The attestable person who was absent from the attestation (testing or interview) for valid reasons (diseases associated with disability, death or serious illness of a close relative, business trip, labor leave, being at military training, or other circumstances that deprived the attestable person of the capability to arrive personally), shall undergo the attestation (testing or interview) after going to work, within the period determined by the relevant state healthcare authority that carried out the certification. The reasons for the absence shall be confirmed by the relevant documents.
In case of the absence from the attestation for valid reasons, the attestable person within 3 (three) calendar days after the attestation (testing or interview) shall notify the responsible person of the working body or the responsible person of the Department of Healthcare and shall send supporting documents by email.
In case of the absence from the attestation without a valid reason, the attestable person shall be considered not attested.
51. Disputes arising during the interview shall be considered in court.
Appendix 1 to the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals |
form |
Employment record of the attestable person | |
I. Personal data |
(surname, name, patronymic (if any)
(place of employment, position)
Date of birth (date, month, year) | |
Place of birth | |
Education | |
Graduation year and name of the educational institution | |
Qualification by specialty | |
Academic degree, academic title (if any) | |
Availability of a qualification category in the specialty "Public healthcare" or in the clinical specialty | |
Foreign languages proficiency | |
State awards, honorary titles (if any) | |
Information about disciplinary sanctions | |
Information on the imposition of an administrative penalty for the commission of a corruption offense (date of imposition and execution) | |
Information on the imposition of a disciplinary sanction for the commission of a disciplinary offense discrediting the public service (on the commission of a corruption disciplinary offense) | |
Information about attendance of advanced training courses over the period of last 5 years |
II. Labour activities
Date | Position, place of employment, location of the organization | |
admission to job | termination of employment | |
Head of HR Service:
(surname, name, patronymic (if any))
Signature________________ "___" ______________ month 20____
III. Characteristics to the attestable person
Characteristics | Points (0-5) |
Observance of working ethics | |
Responsibility and official duty performance | |
Proactivity | |
Leadership qualities and ability to organize work | |
Proficiency in the official language | |
Communicability and ability to work in team | |
Other information, characterizing the attestable person |
The table for assessing the professional and personal competencies of the attestable person reflects the characteristics of his/her activities.
The activities shall be assessed on a 4-point scale: 5 - excellent, 4 - good, 3 - satisfactory, 2 - unsatisfactory.
Observance of working ethics
5 – High level of responsibility, self-organization and self-discipline.
4 – The person follows the requirements of labour and performance discipline, tries to do everything in good faith.
3 – The person commits violation of labour and performance discipline, takes very little effort when performing the assigned work
2 – The person often violates labor and performance discipline, shows irresponsibility and indifference to work.
Responsibility and official duty performance
5 – The person performs work effectively, practically without errors, knows how to present information correctly on the content of the work performed. The person knows how to prioritize goals using available time and resources.
4 – The quality of work meets the requirements, mistakes are rare. The person knows how to plan his/her work and use his/her working time effectively.
3 – Errors are often encountered, the results of work require verification and correction. The person has difficulties in work planning and using working time.
2 – Low quality of work, the result of work is constantly being significantly altered. The person doesn't know how to organize his/her work.
5 – The person is proactive in his/her work and carries out additional workload, studies and applies new experience, methods of solving issues.
He is able to find a solution in difficult situations.
4 – The person is ready for additional assignments and responsibilities, evaluates his/her work and tries to make it better. s/he knows how to resolve issues of current work independently.
3 – The proactivity is poorly expressed, the person does not seek to carry out additional assignments, expects problems to be solved by other people.
He is able to manage only the simple tasks independently.
2 – The person doesn’t show interest in work, s/he is passive, cannot act without instructions from the head.
Leadership qualities and ability to organize work
5 – The person can work independently and effectively on assigned tasks. s/he constantly directs employees to improve and develop the scope of functional activities.
He is able to make non-standard management decisions in conditions when alternative courses of action are unclear or questionable.
4 – The person performs assigned tasks with good quality, constantly directs employees to the efficiency of current activities. s/he is able to make timely decisions in a critical situation, take responsibility.
3 – The organization of work does not always allow ensuring the completeness and timeliness of the execution of assigned functional tasks, assignments and activities. Deficiencies in work are eliminated slowly.
He is often has lack of time when solving problems.
2 – There are significant omissions in work, insufficient problem-solving skills, in the event of difficult situations, s/he is not able to make the right decision and responsibility.
Proficiency in the official language
5 – The person is fluent in writing and reading. s/he has large vocabulary. s/he understands colloquial speech and correctly perceives information. s/he can communicate effectively.
4 – The person is comparatively fluent in speaking, using simple structures of sentences. People understand him. The vocabulary is limited, by s/he already can replenish it immediately in the process of communication.
3 – The person understands a limited set of phrases; it is very difficult to communicate on any topic. s/he makes many mistakes in colloquial speech.
2 – s/he absolutely doesn’t know the language.
Communicability and ability to work in team
5 – The person works effectively in cooperation with other employees, shares his/her knowledge and experience.
4 – The person can coordinate his/her activity with other people, s/he shows readiness to business cooperation, assists his/her colleagues when necessary.
3 – The person focuses only on their functions and responsibilities, avoids the necessary business cooperation, s/he is reluctant to support the team.
2 – The person does not seek to cooperate with other employees, refuses to participate in teamwork. If necessary, indicate additional information characterizing the civil servant. This information is given in any form, without points.
(surname, name, patronymic (if any))
Position ___________________________________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________________________
I have read and understood the characteristics:
(surname, name, patronymic (if any))
Signature __________________________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________________________
Justification in case of disagreement with the characteristic:
Head of HR Service:
(surname, name (if any))
IY. Assessment of the results of activity of organization, reaching its target indicators (for heads and deputy heads of subordinate organizations)
No. | Name of the document, activity | Name of indicator |
20___ . |
20____. | Responsible officer | Assessment (not reached - 1, partially reached - 2, reached - 3) |
1. | ||||||
2. |
Designate indicators, parameters reflecting the implementation of the organization development plan.
Total quantity of reached parameters, indicators – absolute number (%)
The quantity of not reached parameters, indicators – absolute number. (%)
The quantity of partially reached parameters, indicators – absolute number (%)
Appendix 2 to the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals |
form |
Act on detection of prohibited items and expelling from testing
(name of organization)
"______" _______________ 201____ "_____" hours "_______" minutes
Duty officer of the auditorium ________________________________________________
(Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
It was detected that the tested: Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
from the auditorium No. _________, seat No. ____________ during testing had ______________________________________________________________________________,
(the detected item (name, brand, quantity)
that is the breach of clauses 17, 18 of the Rules for Testing.
Given this fact, it was decided:
to withdraw the material of testing;
to expel from the auditorium No.___ and to cancel the results of the tested:
Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
(signature and surname, name, patronymic (if any) of persons, who has drawn up this report)
I have read and understood this report: __________________________________________
(signature and surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the tested person)
I have read and understood this report: __________________________________________
(signature and surname name, patronymic (if any) of the head of organization)
Seal of the testing point Date:___________
Appendix 3 to the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals |
form |
Structure of the report on the organization’s activities
1. General information
Full name of the organization
Legal address and location
Organizational structure
Accreditation (if any)
Subordinate organizations of local executive bodies
Other information
Staffing and staffing analysis
2. Analysis of financial and economic activities
Financial condition and results of financial and economic activities
Financial performance for the last 3 years
3. Strategic areas of development
Mission, vision, tasks, strategic directions of development
4. Report on the reaching target indicators of the state program, a memorandum concluded between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and akimats of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital per each year
5. Report on the main areas of activity
Report on the effective use of budget funds
For hospitals, a report on the effectiveness of the use of bed resources, the level of consumption of inpatient care, the introduction of differentiated payments, information on financial and economic activities
For primary healthcare - indicators affecting the payment of the incentive component of the per capita standard
6. Work plan
Planned activities for the next reporting period
Planned performance indicators for the next reporting period
Appendix 4 to the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals |
form 1 |
Assessment sheet of the attestable person
(for heads and deputy heads of local state bodies)
Attestation type: regular ____, repeated _____ (mark
(surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the attestable person)
(name of organization)
in the capacity of ___________________________________________________________
(position name)
No. | Criteria | Ineffective (0 points) | Insufficiently effective (1 point) |
Effective |
1. | Implementation of the memorandum concluded between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and akimats of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital * | |||
2. |
Reaching the main indicators, indicators of public health in priority areas for the last 3 years, provided for by the state program for the development of healthcare, in force for the reporting period. | |||
3. | Implementation of the program for development of territories *** | |||
Total assessment |
Calculation formula: The sum of the assigned assessment points * 100 / The total (maximum) number of applicable points
Assessment form:
Assessment | Points |
Effective | 80-100% |
Insufficiently effective | 50-80% |
Ineffective | 0-50% |
Decision of the member of the attestation commission:
1) suitable for the position held / attested;
2) is subject to repeated attestation;
3) not suitable with the position held /not attested.
(brief comment)
_______________________________________________ __________________________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the member signature
of the attestation commission
"_____" ______________ 20.
Note: The assessment sheet of the personal interview of the attestable person shall be filled out on the basis of the annual assessment form for the reaching target indicators of the state program of the authorized body, a memorandum concluded between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and akimats of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital
* - upon reaching 60% or more of the parameters, it is assessed as “effective”; upon reaching over 30% or more of the indicators, it is assessed as “insufficiently effective”; upon reaching less than 30% of the indicators, it is assessed as “ineffective
** - upon reaching 90% or more of the parameters, it is assessed as “effective”; upon reaching over 75% or more of the indicators, it is assessed as "insufficiently effective"; upon reaching less than 75% of the indicators, it is assessed as "ineffective".
*** - upon reaching 80% or more of the parameters, it is assessed as "effective"; upon reaching over 40% or more of the indicators, it is assessed as “insufficiently effective”; upon reaching less than 40% of the indicators, it is assessed as "ineffective".
form 2 |
Assessment sheet of the attestable person
(for heads and deputy heads of healthcare organizations subordinated to the authorized body /local state bodies)
Attestation type: regular ____, repeated _____ (mark
(Surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the attestable person)
(name of organization)
in capacity of _______________________________________________________________
(position name)
No. | Criteria | Ineffective (0 points) | Insufficiently effective (1 point) |
Effective |
1. | Reaching the indicators "Development Indicators" of the Development Plan of the Healthcare Organization, agreed (approved) by the authorized body (local state body)* | |||
2. | The share of income for research activities from the total budget of the organization (for educational and scientific organizations in the field of healthcare)** | |||
3. | Hirsch index of the head of educational and scientific organizations in the field of healthcare*** | |||
Total assessment |
Calculation formula: The sum of the assigned assessment points * 100 / The total (maximum) number of applicable points
Assessment form:
Assessment | Points |
Effective | 80-100% |
Insufficiently effective | 50-80% |
Ineffective | 0-50% |
Decision of the member of the attestation commission:
1) suitable for the position held / attested;
2) is subject to repeated attestation;
3) not suitable with the position held /not attested.
(brief comment)
_____________________________________________________ _____________________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) member signature
of the attestation commission
"_____" ______________ 20 .
Note: The assessment sheet of the personal interview of the attestable person is filled out on the basis of the presentation form for the report on the organization's activities for the last 3 years and plans for the upcoming three-year period, according to the structure of the activity report
* - upon reaching 90% or more of the parameters, it is evaluated as “effective”; upon reaching over 75% or more of the indicators, it is assessed as "insufficiently effective"; upon reaching less than 75% of the indicators, it is assessed as "ineffective".
** - upon reaching the planned parameters, the activity of the head of organization is assessed as “effective”, in case of not reaching it is assessed as “ineffective”.
***- when the Hirsch index reaches 2 or more points, it is assessed as “effective”; upon reaching less than 2 points, it is assessed as “insufficiently effective”; if the Hirsch index is not reached, it is assessed as "ineffective".
Appendix 2 to the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 14, 2020 no. ҚР ДСМ-130/2020 |
List of in certain invalidated orders of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 6, 2009 no. 660 "On approval of the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 5906, published on 2010 in the Collection of acts of central executive and other central state bodies No. 2).
2. Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 2, 2014 no. 369 "On amendments to the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 6, 2009 no. 660 "On approval of the Rules for attestation in the field of healthcare" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 9634, published on August 11, 2014 in "Adilet" Information and Legal System.
3. Order of the Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 2015 no. 258 "On amendments to the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 6, 2009 no. 660 "On approval of the Rules for attestation in the field of healthcare" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 11187, published on June 22, 2015 in "Adilet" Information and Legal System).
4. Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 20, 2020 no. ҚР ДСМ-52/2020 "On amendments to the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 6, 2009 no. 660 "On approval of the Rules for attestation of professional competence of health professionals" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 20690, published on May 25, 2020 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).