On approval of the Rules for placing a state order, admission for education and training of medical personnel in residency

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 15, 2020 No. ҚР ДСМ-270/2020. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 15, 2020 No. 21802.

      Unofficial translation

      For the purposes of implementation of clause 4 of article 222 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Healthcare System" I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve:

      1) the Rules for placing a state order for training of medical personnel in residency according to Appendix 1 to this order;

      2) the Rules for admission of medical personnel for education to residency according to Appendix 2 to this order;

      3) the Rules for training of medical personnel in residency according to Appendix 3 to this order.

      2. The Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) placing this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information about implementation of measures stipulated by subclauses 1) and 2) of this clause.

      3. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Tsoy

Minister of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  Appendix 1
to the order of the
Minister of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 15, 2020
No. ҚР ДСМ-270/2020

Rules for placing a state order for training of medical personnel in residency

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These rules for placing a state order for training of medical personnel in residency (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with clause 4 of article 222 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Healthcare System" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the placement of a state order for training of medical personnel in residency taking into account the needs of labor market.

      2. The following definitions are used in the Rules:

      1) academic policy – a system of measures, rules and procedures for planning and managing educational activities and effective organization of the educational process aimed at implementing practice-oriented learning and improving the quality of education;

      2) National coordinator on human resources in the field of public healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the National coordinator) – the coordinator shall be defined by the authorized body and shall be responsible for maintaining of the National system of accounting of human resources in the field of public healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the NSAHRPH);

      3) National system of accounting of human resources in the field of public healthcare (professional register) is a basis for registration, accounting, migration, outflow for the purposes of personal record-keeping, as well as continuous professional development of public healthcare personnel;

      4) an authorized body in the field of public health (hereinafter referred to as an authorized body) is a central executive body that carries out management and inter-sectoral coordination in the field of health protection of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, circulation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, the quality of healthcare services (assistance);

      5) resident doctor is a physician enrolled in a residency educational program and works in a medical organization under the supervision of a mentor;

      6) residency base is a clinic of the organization of education in the field of health care, university hospital, national center, scientific center or research institute, accredited as a medical organization, on the basis of which residency programs are implemented in the manner established by the authorized body, according to subclause 9 of article 8 of the Code.

      3. The state educational order for the training of medical personnel in residency, formed in the context of clinical specialties, shall be placed among educational organizations and national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination, which have passed specialized accreditation in accreditation bodies entered in the register recognized accreditation bodies (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization).

      4. The state educational order for the training of medical personnel in residency, including targeted training, shall be carried out on a competitive basis.

Chapter 2. Procedure for placing a state order for training of medical personnel in residency

      5. Applications for the training of health personnel in residency shall be annually placed by March 15 by local healthcare executive bodies of regions, cities of republican status, the capital (hereinafter the Customer) with the authorized body in the prescribed form, in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules.

      Footnote. Paragraph 5 - as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      6. Based on the applications placed by customers for the training of health personnel in residency, the National coordinator annually forms and submits the total need for health personnel in clinical specialization fields in the Republic of Kazakhstan by April 10, indicating the funding source to the authorized body and local executive bodies of the region, the city of republican status, the capital (hereinafter - LEB).

      Footnote. Paragraph 6- as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      7. To place a state educational order for the training of health personnel in residency, the authorized body shall annually announce a competition among educational organizations and publish an announcement about the competition on the Internet resource of the authorized body until April 10.

      The decision to hold a competition shall be made by the order of the authorized body.

      Footnote. Paragraph 7- as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      8. To hold the Tender, a Commission is created annually for placing a state educational order for training of medical personnel in residency (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the composition of which is approved by order of the authorized body.

      The Commission is formed from the number of employees of the authorized body, other interested state bodies and departments, representatives of civil society institutions, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", industry associations, associations of private entrepreneurship in the field of healthcare.

      The chairman of the commission is elected by majority vote from among the members of the commission. The quantitative composition of the commission is odd, including its Chairman.

      9. Meetings of the Commission are held according to the plan approved by its chairman, and are considered valid if attended by at least two-thirds of the total number of its members.

      10. The National coordinator prepares materials for the meeting.

      11. The decisions of the Commission are taken by an open vote by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Commission present at the meeting and are drawn up in the minutes of the meeting, which is signed by the chairman. During the work of the Commission, audio and (or) video recording is carried out. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the commission is decisive.

      12. To participate in the tender for placing a state educational order for training of medical personnel in residency, educational organizations, national and (or) scientific centers and research institutes submit a competitive application to the authorized body, including the following documents:

      1) application in the prescribed form, according to Appendix 2 to these Rules;

      2) questionnaire in the prescribed form, according to Appendix 3 to these Rules;

      3) information card in the prescribed form, according to Appendix 4 to these Rules;

      4) proposals for placing a state educational order for training of medical personnel in residency for the corresponding academic year in the prescribed form, according to Appendix 5 to these Rules.

      If any controversial questions arise regarding the indicators of the information card provided by educational organizations, the Commission requests supporting documents specified in the information card of the educational organization.

      13. The documents included in the tender application are tied up, numbered, signed by the first head of the educational organization, certified by the seal (if any) and submitted in paper and electronic form in the manner specified in the announcement of the tender.

      The information provided by educational organizations is checked for compliance with the data of the Unified Education Information System.

      14. The competitive application is filed to the National coordinator, assigned by the authorized body no later than the hour and date indicated in the announcement of the competition. Competitive application that came after the deadline for competitive applications filing, regardless of the reasons for the delay, shall not be considered. Making any changes to the competitive applications after the filing deadline is not allowed.

      Footnote. Paragraph 14- as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      15. The Commission considers tender applications within 20 calendar days from the date of application submission. When considering applications, in the case of face-to-face consideration, audio-video filming is carried out, in the case of absentee consideration, it is drawn up in the minutes of the meeting of the Commission.

      16. When determining educational organizations, scientific centers and research institutes and placing a state educational order for training of medical personnel in residency, the Commission is governed by the following main criteria:

      1) the presence of a contingent of students in the relevant group of educational programs, with the exception of medical specialties, for the first time included in the list approved by the authorized body according to clause 1 of article 222 of the Code;

      2) staffing of the educational process that meets the requirements for engaging in educational activities for educational residency programs;

      3) access to world scientific and educational resources;

      4) material and technical support of the scientific and educational process that meets the requirements for engaging in educational activities for educational residency programs;

      5) availability of accredited educational residency programs;

      6) availability of educational programs in the registry of educational programs of the Unified Information Education System;

      7) availability in the educational organizations of catering and medical care facilities;

      8) results of employment of graduates;

      9) participation in international and (or) national ratings of educational organizations;

      10) participation in the rating conducted by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" for healthcare education organizations.

      Footnote. Paragraph 16- as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      17. Based on the assessment, the commission makes a decision on placing a state educational order for training of medical personnel in residency, indicating the list of educational organizations, scientific centers and research institutes in which, according to the terms of the tender, a state educational order for training personnel in residency is placed, indicating the number of state order by specialties.

      18. Based on the competition commission’s work results, by the authorized body’s order, the placement of the state educational order for the training of health personnel in residency is approved and published on the Internet resources of the authorized body.

      Footnote. Paragraph 18- as amended by order No. ҚР-ДСМ-70 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.07.2021 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for placing a state
order for training of medical
personnel in residency

Application for training of medical personnel in residency according to the state order for 20___/20___ academic year


Name of specialty

Number of places










      Head of organization _________________________________________________

                                    (surname, name, patronymic (if any))


                                    signature of the head


      Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for placing a state
order for training of medical
personnel in residency

Form of application of educational organization (to be completed on a letterhead)


                        (name of educational organization)

      will take part in a tender held by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for clinical residency specialties



                  (name of residency specialty)

      in accordance with documents, included into the application, as well as with conditions and requirements of the tender.

      Appendix: documents for participation in the tender on ___ sheets.

      Head of organization _______________________________________________

                              (surname, name, patronymic (if any))


      signature of the head


      Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for placing a state
order for training of medical
personnel in residency

Questionnaire of educational organization

Full name of the educational organization

Year of foundation of the educational organization

Founder of the educational organization

Legal address of the educational organization

Actual address, telephone, fax, e-mail of the educational organization

Surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the head of the educational organization

Surname, name, patronymic (if any) of a person responsible for participation in the tender, position, contact information

      Head of organization __________________________________________________

                              (surname, name, patronymic (if any))


      signature of the head


      Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 4
to the Rules for placing a state
order for training of medical
personnel in residency

Information card of the educational organization


                              (name of educational organization)


                              (name of residency specialty)


General information about the educational organization


1. General information


International and (or) national institutional accreditation


International rating of the educational organization (place, name of the rating)


Availability of an educational portal


Updating the educational and laboratory base used for the educational process (tenge / reduced contingent)


Availability of own or owned on the basis of the right of economic management or operational management of tangible assets that ensure the quality of educational services, including for universities 3 or more, academies 1 or more, institutes 1 or more educational buildings with classrooms with an area corresponding to sanitary standards


Availability of tangible assets owned or owned by the right of economic management or operational management, ensuring the quality of educational services, including for universities 3 or more, academies 1 or more, institutes 1 or more clinics with classrooms with an area corresponding to sanitary standards

2. General information on the groups of educational residency programs


Appendix to the license for the right to conduct educational activities in the areas of training personnel with higher and postgraduate education


International and (or) national specialized accreditation


Participation in the rating of the educational program of the NCE "Atameken" (place)


Employment of graduates,% of employed graduates


Contingent of students


Percentage of residency graduates who successfully passed an independent assessment of knowledge and skills

3. Staffing and the level of qualification of the teaching staff


Total number of full-time teachers:

Doctors of Science


Candidates of science

with the highest or first qualification category


and (or) incl. on the groups of educational programs (number)

Doctors of Science


Candidates of science

with the highest or first qualification category

4. Corporate partnerships and international activities


Number of joint (double-degree) educational programs (if any)


The number of students who took part in academic exchange programs in the last 3 years


The number of students who have undergone clinical training at all levels of medical care (CRH and (or) monotowns, regional level, republican) over the past 3 years

      I hereby confirm the reliability of the above information

      Head of organization _________________________________________________

                              (surname, name, patronymic (if any))


      signature of the head


      Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 5
to the Rules for placing a state
order for training of medical
personnel in residency

Proposals for placement of the state educational order for training personnel in residency for ________ academic year


                        (name of educational organization)


Name of specialty

Number of places


      Head of organization _________________________________________________

                                    (surname, name, patronymic (if any))


      signature of the head


      Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 2
to the order of the
Minister of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 15, 2020
No. ҚР ДСМ-270/2020

Rules for admission of medical personnel for education to residency

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for admission of medical personnel for education to residency (hereinafter referred to as the Правила), have been developed in accordance with clause 4 of article 222 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Healthcare System" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the procedure for admission of medical personnel for education to residency.

      2. The admission of persons entering the residency shall be carried out by placing a state educational order at the expense of the republican budget or local budget, as well as paying tuition fee at the expense of the student's own funds and other sources.

      3. The authorized body in the field of healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) shall determine the plan for admission in residency in the prescribed form according to Appendix 1 to these Rules.

      According to the plan for admission in residency, agreements between the authorized body and organizations of education and science shall be concluded in the prescribed form, according to Appendix 2 to these Rules.

      4. Educational organizations and national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination (hereinafter referred to as the of the educational organization), accept citizens according to the plan of admission to residency.

Chapter 2. Procedure for admission of medical personnel for education to residency

      5. Admission to residency of educational organizations shall be carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance exams, the procedure of which of the educational organization is approved and carried out independently.

      Admission of foreigners to residency shall be carried out of a paid basis, in accordance with the Standard Rules for admission for education to the educational organizations, implementing educational programs of post-graduate education, approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600 (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 17650). The receipt by foreigners on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order of free postgraduate education shall be determined by international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      6. The admission of foreign citizens to study at the educational organization on a paid basis shall be carried out based on the results of an interview conducted by the selection committees of the educational organization during the calendar year.

      Enrollment of foreign citizens shall be carried out in accordance with the academic calendar 5 (five) days before the start of the next academic period.

      7. Documents on education issued by foreign educational organizations shall be recognized or nostrified in accordance with the procedure established by law in accordance with the Rules for recognition and nostrification of education documents approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2008 No.8 (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 5135).

      8. To receive documents and organize entrance exams in educational organizations, an admission committee shall be created. The chairman of the selection committee shall be the head of the education organization or the person performing his duties.

      The composition and functions of the selection committee are approved by order of the head of the educational organization or by a person acting as.

      The admissions committee shall carry out:

      1) advising applicants on the issues of the chosen group of educational programs of residency, familiarization with the procedure of the entrance exam;

      2) organization of acceptance and verification of documents received;

      3) organization of the entrance exam in specialties.

      9. Reception of applications for residency, of the educational organization, shall be carried out by the selection committees of the educational organization and (or) through the information system from July 3 to July 25 of the calendar year.

      Enrollment – before August 28 of the calendar year.

      10. Educational organizations in accordance with subclause 6) clause 2 of article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On Education" shall determine the procedure for admission, form, program of examination and (or) a passing grade of at least 75 points for applicants, taking into account the peculiarities of training specialties.

      11. Persons who have a document indicating the qualification of a "doctor" are admitted to residency.

      12. Persons entering residency shall submit documents to an organization that provides training for residency programs and (or) through the information system the following documents:

      1) an application in a free form in the name of the head of organization;

      2) a document of higher education (when submitting documents to the admissions office), a copy (when submitting through the information system). Upon enrollment, the original document of higher education is handed over to the admissions committee;

      3) a copy of the certificate of completion of the internship;

      4) a copy of the certificate of a specialist in the field of healthcare;

      5) a copy of an identity document;

      6) a copy of the work record book (if available);

      7) six 3x4 cm photos;

      8) medical certificate in accordance with subclause 31) of article 7 of the Code.

      When providing an incomplete list of documents specified in this paragraph, the admissions committee does not accept documents from applicants.

      When submitting documents to the admissions committee, together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification, carried out in the presence of the applicant after verification, the original documents are returned. An applicant who has submitted documents through the information system, before issuing an order for enrollment, submits the original document on higher education to the admissions committee.

      13. Persons entering residency take an entrance examination in the specialty profile.

      Residency entrance examination s are held from August 8 to August 16.

      The entrance examination for the profile of the specialty of residency is conducted independently by educational organizations that carry out admission to educational programs of postgraduate education. The applicant takes an entrance exam in the specialty in educational organizations, which he enters into.

      Each organization establishes the form of entrance examinations independently.

      For the period of the entrance examinations to residency - examination commissions for specialties are created in educational organizations. It is allowed to create one examination committee in related areas of personnel training.

      The examination committee includes - teachers with the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and (or) Candidate of Medical Sciences and (or) PhD, practical doctors with at least 5 years of work experience, having the highest and (or) first qualification category in the specialty.

      14. The results of the entrance exams are announced on the day they are held. Retaking entrance exams is not allowed.

      15. For the consideration of applications of persons who do not agree with the results of the entrance exams, appeals commissions are created in each of the educational organization.

      16. The chairman and the composition of the Appeals Commission are approved by order of the head of the educational organization.

      17. The Appeals Commission accepts and considers applications from persons entering the residency, on the content of examination materials and technical reasons.

      The Appeals Commission makes the decision on the addition of points to the person appealing the results of the entrance examination by specialties.

      18. An application for an appeal is submitted to the chairman of the appeal commission by a person entering the residency. Applications for the content of examination materials and for technical reasons are accepted until 13:00 the next day after the announcement of the results of the entrance exams and are considered by the appeal commission within one day from the date of submission of the application.

      The Appeals Commission works with each person individually. If a person does not appear at a meeting of the appeal commission, his application for an appeal is not considered.

      19. When considering the application by the appeals commission, the person who filed the appeal provides an identity document.

      20. Decisions by the appeal commissions are made by a majority vote of the total number of commission members. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the commission is decisive. The work of the appeals commissions is documented by a protocol signed by the chairman and all members of the commission.

      21. Individuals are enrolled in residency on a paid basis based on the results of the entrance exam for the profile of the group of educational programs and who have scored at least 75 points out of a possible 100 points.

      Persons who have scored the highest scores in the entrance exam, but not less than 75 points, are enrolled in training on a state educational order on a competitive basis.

      22. In the case of the same indicators of competitive points, the priority right when enrolling in residency is given to persons with medical experience. Then scientific achievements corresponding to the profile of the educational program are taken into account:

      1) scientific publications, including in rating scientific publications;

      2) certificates of scientific research;

      3) certificates of awarding scientific scholarships, grants;

      4) letters of recognition and (or) diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.

      23. Undeveloped places on the state educational order for residency, including target ones, are returned to the authorized bodies in the form of an application for further redistribution between educational organizations in the context of specialties no later than September 5 of the calendar year.

      First of all, applications from educational organizations that have applicants with the highest scores based on the results of entrance examinations in the relevant specialty are satisfied. In the absence of applicants for this specialty, redistribution is carried out in another specialty. The redistribution of undeveloped places is approved by order of the authorized body before September 30 of the calendar year.

      24. Educational organizations, after enrolling in residency, submit to the authorized bodies in the field of health within 10 calendar days Total, a report on the organization and conduct of admission, as well as copies of orders for admission to residency on a state educational order.

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for admission of
medical personnel for education to

Plan for admission to residency for ___________ academic year


Name of specialty

Number of places

At the expense of the republican budget funds

At the expense of the local budget funds

at the expense of the student's own funds and other sources*

      Notice* - for applicants who have completed the previous level on a paid basis, as well as persons who have completed a state grant

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for admission of
medical personnel for education to

Agreement on the plan for admission to residency for ___________ academic year


                  (Name of organization of education and science)


Name of specialty

Number of places

At the expense of the republican budget funds

At the expense of the local budget funds

at the expense of the student's own funds and other sources*

      Notice* - for applicants who have completed the previous level on a paid basis, as well as persons who have completed a state grant

      Head of organization of education and science _____________________ ______________________________________________________________

      (surname, name, patronymic (if any))

      ______________________ signature of the head

      Seal Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

      Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan ___________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic (if any))

      Seal Date "___" _______________ 20 ___

  Appendix 3 to the order
of the Minister of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 15, 2020
No. ҚР ДСМ-270/2020

Rules for training medical personnel in residency

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. The Rules for training of medical personnel in residency (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with clause 4 of article 222 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On Public Health and Healthcare System" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the procedure for training medical personnel in residency.

Chapter 2. Procedure for training medical personnel in residency

      2. Personnel training in residency shall be carried out according to the list of clinical specialties, approved by the authorized body, according to clause 1 of article 222 of the Code.

      3. The period of training of medical personnel in residency shall be included in the work experience in the specialty.

      4. The implementation of residency programs shall be carried out by educational organizations in accredited clinics of educational organizations in the field of health care, university hospitals, as well as national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes accredited as residency bases.

      The distribution of resident doctors among the residency bases shall be carried out by the educational organization independently according to the individual work plan of the resident doctor.

      5. A person studying in residency in order to change professional qualifications, masters the program in accordance with independently developed organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education abbreviated educational programs based on requirements for the level of qualifications of graduates, taking into account the recognition of previously achieved learning outcomes of formal education and the State Compulsory Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2015 No. 647 "On approval of state compulsory educational standards and standard professional curricula for medical and pharmaceutical specialties" (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 15382).

      6. The volume of the study load and clinical work by specialty sections is determined by the individual work plan of the resident doctor.

      7. Working curricula are developed on the basis of state compulsory standards for residency, individual work plans of resident doctors and are approved by the head of the organization on the basis of a decision of a collegial body. The individual work plan of the resident doctor is approved at the meetings of the department.

      8. Resident doctor during the period of training shall:

      1) carry out an individual work plan;

      2) passes the intermediate attestation provided by the program, Final attestation.

      9. The transfer of a resident doctor from one educational institution to another, from a paid basis to training on a state educational order for a vacant place for the remaining period of study, shall be carried out during the vacation period by the decision of the head of the educational organization.

      The transfer procedure is established by the educational organization independently and is reflected in its academic policy.

      The transfer of resident doctors from other universities to a national university or another university is carried out subject to an additional payment by students of the difference in the cost of an educational order.

      10. Resident doctors studying under the state educational order are paid a scholarship, according to the Rules for establishment, payment and sizes of state scholarships to students in educational organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 7, 2008 No. 116.

      11. Residency training is carried out on the basis of the integration of theory and clinical practice, with the involvement of resident doctors in personal participation in the provision of medical services and responsibility for patient care activities under the supervision of a mentor. In the training process, an increasing degree of independent responsibility of the resident doctor is ensured as skills, knowledge and experience are acquired.

      12. Training of a resident doctor and involvement in the provision of services is carried out:

      1) on the basis of residency of an organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education - a training agreement concluded between the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education, the residency base and a resident doctor;

      2) in national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes accredited as residency bases - a training agreement concluded between the national and (or) scientific center, research institute and a resident doctor.

      Residency training provides for the provision of a workplace for a resident doctor with equal responsibility of the residency base, the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education, as well as the national and (or) scientific center, research institute.

      During the period of study, the resident doctor is subject to the labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements of the residency base of the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education, national and (or) scientific center, research institute.

      To ensure the execution of this clause, an agreement on training under the residency program is concluded before September 1 in accordance with subclause 2) clause 5 of article 222 of the Code.

      13. Resident physicians are granted holidays between academic periods. The duration of vacations during the academic year is at least seven weeks, with the exception of the graduation course, in accordance with the state compulsory standard of residency in medical specialties and the educational program in specialties of residency.

      14. Control over the quality of the educational program is carried out in the form of Final attestation - by an organization accredited by an authorized body to assess the knowledge and skills of students.

      15. Resident doctors who have completed their residency training are issued a certificate of completion of residency.

      16. Dismissal of doctors-residents of residency is carried out in accordance with subclause 4-1) clause 1 of article 41 of the Law "On Education".

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