Unofficial translation
Footnote. Name - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the RK dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 106 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the health of the people and the healthcare system” I hereby ORDER:
Footnote. Preamble- in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the RK dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).1. To approve the attached procedure for registration by healthcare entities providing specialized medical care in the field of occupational pathology and expertise at the place of their detection of all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisonings, including suspicions of occupational diseases and (or) poisonings caused by exposure of an employee to harmful production factors in connection with the performance of the employee's labour (official) duties, or other actions, on their own initiative in the interests of the employer.
Footnote. Paragraph 1 – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).2. The Committee for sanitary and epidemiological control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) posting of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission of information to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.
3. The supervising vice minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan is authorized to control the execution of this order.
4. This order comes into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.
Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
A. Tsoi |
Ministry of labor and social protection of the
population of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by the order Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 20, 2020 № ҚР ДСМ-284/2020 |
The procedure for registration by healthcare entities providing specialized medical care in the field of occupational pathology and examination at the place of their detection of all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning, including suspected occupational diseases and (or) poisoning caused by exposure of the employee to harmful production factors due to performance by the employee of his/her labor (official) duties, or other actions on their own initiative in the interests of the employer, including after the termination of labor relations with the employer
Footnote. Name - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. This procedure for registration by healthcare entities providing specialized medical care in the field of occupational pathology and examination at the place of their detection of all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning, including suspected occupational diseases and (or) poisoning caused by exposure of the employee to harmful production factors due to performance by the employee of his/her labor (official) duties, or other actions on their own initiative in the interests of the employer, including after the termination of labor relations with the employer (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) has been developed in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 106 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public health and healthcare system" (hereinafter referred to as the Code).
Footnote. Paragraph 1 – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).2. In this order, the following concepts and definitions are used:
1) acute occupational disease - a disease that arose after a single (within no more than one shift) exposure to harmful occupational factors;
2) occupational disease - an acute or chronic disease caused by exposure of an employee to harmful production factors in connection with the performance of his labor (official) duties;
3) chronic occupational disease - a disease that has arisen after repeated and prolonged exposure to harmful production factors.
Chapter 2. The procedure for registration by healthcare entities providing specialized medical care in the field of occupational pathology and examination at the place of their detection of all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning, including suspected occupational diseases and (or) poisoning caused by exposure of the employee to harmful production factors due to performance by the employee of his/her labor (official) duties, or other actions on their own initiative in the interests of the employer, including after the termination of labor relations with the employer
Footnote. The name of Chapter 2 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
3. For each case of establishing a preliminary diagnosis of an acute and (or) chronic occupational disease and (or) poisoning, the medical organization shall fill out a notification in the form approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020, № KR DSM-175/2020 "On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of health care" (registered in the State Register of Normative Legal Acts under № 21579), register in a numbered, laced journal of cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning in the form according to the appendix to this Procedure.
Occupational poisoning is poisoning caused by the exposure of an employee to harmful production factors in connection with the employee’s performance of his labor (official) duties, or other actions, on his initiative in the interests of the employer.
Footnote. Paragraph 3 – as amended by the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.03.2022, № KR DSM -23 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).4. Notification of an acute occupational disease and (or) poisoning of an employee from the moment of establishing a preliminary diagnosis within twenty-four hours shall be sent by the medical organization to the territorial division of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (hereinafter referred to as the Territorial division) and to the head of the organization (employer) at the patient's place of work.
Notification of a preliminary diagnosis of chronic occupational disease and (or) poisoning from the moment the preliminary diagnosis is established shall be sent within three working days by the medical organization to the territorial unit and the head of the organization (employer) at the patient’s place of work, as well as to the state health care organization providing specialized medical care in Occupational Pathology and Examination.
Footnote. Paragraph 4 – as amended by the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.03.2022 № KR DSM -23 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).5. When the diagnosis of an acute occupational disease and (or) poisoning is changed or canceled, the medical organization sends a new notification within twenty-four hours to the territorial subdivision and the head of the organization (employer) at the patient's place of work, and registers it in a numbered, laced register of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning in the form, in accordance with the appendix to this Procedure.
6. Chronic occupational disease is established by expert occupational pathological commissions established in state healthcare organizations that provide specialized medical care in the field of occupational pathology and expertise (hereinafter referred to as the occupational health clinic), which conduct an examination of establishing the connection between occupational disease and the performance of labor (official) duties.
7. For each case of chronic occupational disease, a professional health clinic conducting an examination of establishing a connection between an occupational disease and the performance of labor (official) duties, a notification of an occupational disease is filled out in the form approved by the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, in accordance with subparagraph 3) of article 9 of the Code.
8. A notification of a chronic occupational disease within three working days from the date of diagnosis shall be sent to the territorial division, the medical organization that sent the patient for examination to establish the connection of the occupational disease with the performance of labor (official) duties and to the employer at the patient's last place of work in contact with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, including after termination of labor relations with the employer.
Footnote. Paragraph 8 – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).9. If the diagnosis of a chronic occupational disease is changed or canceled within three working days the occupational health clinic, which carried out an examination of establishing the connection between occupational disease and the performance of labor (official) duties, sends a new notice of occupational disease to the territorial subdivision, to the employer at the patient's last place of work in contact with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, and a medical organization that sent the patient for examination to establish a connection between an occupational disease and the performance of labor (official) duties.
10. One copy of the notice of occupational disease is kept in the occupational health clinic permanently in accordance with paragraph 419 of the order of the acting Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 29, 2017 № 263 "On approval of the List of standard documents generated in the activities of state and non-state organizations, with indication of the storage period" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 18, 2017 under № 15997, published on November 21, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
11. After the establishment of a chronic occupational disease, by the specialists of the occupational health clinic, who carried out the examination of establishing the connection between the occupational disease and the performance of labor (official) duties, the patient's data are registered in a numbered, laced register of cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning in the form, according to the appendix to this Procedure.
12. The occupational health clinic, on the 10th day of the month following the reporting period, submits data on all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning to the territorial subdivisions.
13. Territorial divisions shall take into account data on all cases of occupational diseases and (or) poisoning according to the occupational disease (poisoning) registration card, approved by order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 20, 2021, № KR DSM-84 “On approval of forms of accounting and reporting documentation in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" (registered in the State Register of Normative Legal Acts under № 24082).
Footnote. The procedure is supplemented by paragraph 13 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.03.2022 № KR DSM-23 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).Annex to the order for registration by subjects of healthcare providing specialized medical care in the region of occupational pathology and expertise at the place of their identification of all cases of occupational diseases and/or poisoning, including suspicions of occupational diseases and/or poisoning, due to the impact on employee hazardous production factors in connection with the employees performing their labour (official) duties, or other actions undertaken on their own initiative in the interest of the employer, including after the termination of the labour relationship with the employer |
Кәсіптік аурулар және (немесе) уланулар оқиғаларын есепке алу журналы
Record book of cases of occupational diseases and/or poisoning
Footnote. Annex – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.06.2024 № 42 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
Басталды (began) "____"______________________________(г.)
Аяқталды (finished) "____"___________________________(г.)
Тіркеу нөмірі |
Т.А.Ә. (болған жағдайда) |
Жынысы |
Жасы |
Ұйымның атауы |
Цех, бөлімше, учаске |
Кәсібі |
Жұмыс өтілі | |
Жалпы еңбек өтілі |
Кәсіби ауруды туғызған өндірістік зиянды факторлармен жанасуда болған | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Өндірістік зиянды факторлар |
Диагнозы |
Қорытынды диагнозды қойған ұйымның атауы |
Ескерту | |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |
ТАӘ – Тегі, аты, әкесінің аты;