Unofficial translation
Footnote. The title is in the wording of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
In accordance with subparagraph 102) of paragraph 16 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2020 № 701, I ORDER:
Footnote. The preamble is in the wording of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.07.2023 № 382 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).1. Approve the attached rules for the safe operation of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities).
Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).2. In the manner prescribed by law, the Industrial Safety Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall provide:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, report to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions referred to in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.
3. The supervising vice minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be in charge of enforcement of this order.
4. This Order shall take effect sixty calendar days after the date of its first official publication.
Minister of Emergency Situations | |
of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Y. Ilyin |
Ministry of Industry and
Infrastructure Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by order № 477 of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 29, 2021 |
Rules for the safe operation of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities)
Footnote. The title is in the wording of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. These Rules for the Safe Operation of lifts for Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 102) of paragraph 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2020 № 701 and determine the procedure for the safe operation of lifts for persons people with disabilities (persons with disabilities) (hereinafter referred to as lifting platforms).
Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.07.2023 № 382 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).2. The basic concepts used in these Rules shall be applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the industrial safety.
3. Installation, maintenance, technical diagnostics, technical inspection and repair of lifting platforms is carried out by organizations certified for the right to carry out installation, maintenance, technical diagnostics, technical inspection and repair of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities) in accordance with Article 72 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection" (next – the Law).
Footnote. Paragraph 3 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.07.2023 № 382 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).4. The lifting platforms shall be installed according to the design documentation, with regard to requirements of these Rules, national and (or) interstate standards and state regulations in the architectural, urban planning and construction activities for the installation of metal structures and lifting-transportation equipment.
5. Changes to the design of lifting platforms shall be made only after coordination of these changes with the manufacturer or design organization and the owner of the lifting platform.
6. Deviations from the requirements of the design (project) documentation, the need for which arises in the process of installation, repair, upgrading, reconstruction and operation of the lifting platform, shall be coordinated with the lifting platform owner, as well as the lifting platform manufacturer or the organization that developed this documentation.
7. Lifting platforms shall be designed and installed in accordance with national and (or) interstate standards, taking into account the possibility of maintenance and repair of all their components and parts.
8. Each lifting platform shall be supplied with operational documentation:
passport in accordance with the form in Appendix 1 to these Rules;
technical description of the design;
installation, maintenance and operation manual;
instruction manual for the owner and user.
Chapter 2 Operation of lifting platforms
9. The organization that performed the installation or reconstruction of the lifting platform shall conduct its inspection, verification and testing for compliance of the lifting platform and its installation with the requirements of these Rules and project (design) documentation, which include:
1) general visual inspection with checking of the lifting platform compliance with the package of documentation under paragraph 8 of these Rules;
2) checking of the dimensions and correct installation of the lifting platform, including the dimensions associated with its installation;
3) inspection of traction elements, guides, platforms, travel and speed limiters, safety gear, condition of fences and doors, electrical equipment;
4) measurement of regulated distances (clearances) in the structures of the shaft, platform, landing site, doors and fences;
5) functional tests to verify the operation of the control system, electrical safety devices and the rated speed of the platform.
10. Upon completed repairing of the faults identified during the examination, inspections and tests, a technical readiness report shall be drawn up, as exemplified in Appendix 2 to these Rules.
11. Before using the lifting platform, the owner shall:
1) ensure fulfillment of the requirements established by paragraph 34 of these Rules;
2) check availability and completeness of:
documentation provided for in paragraph 8 of these Rules;
protocol of inspection and testing of grounding (neutralizing) elements of the equipment; report on inspection of the insulation resistance of power electrical equipment, control and signaling circuits, power and lighting wiring;
hidden works acceptance report;
technical readiness report;
3) organize the work of the commission to resolve on the feasibility of putting the lifting platform into operation, consisting of:
chairman of the commission - representative of the owner;
commission members:
representative of the operating organization;
representative of the territorial unit of the authorized industrial safety body or the local executive body exercising state supervision in the industrial safety, if the lifting platform is installed at a social infrastructure facility;
By agreement, the commission includes representatives of:
organizations that performed installation of the lifting platform, commissioning and construction and installation works;
organization-manufacturer and (or) organization-supplier of the equipment.
12. The commission, formed in accordance with subparagraph 3) of paragraph 11 of these Rules, shall check the availability of the documentation specified in subparagraph 2) of paragraph 11 of these Rules, conduct inspection and verification to the extent provided for in paragraph 21 of these Rules.
13. Based on the commission’s work outcome, a report shall be drawn up on the feasibility of putting the lifting platform into operation, as exemplified in Appendix 3 to these Rules.
14. In the passport of the lifting platform, the person in charge of serviceability and safe operation of the lifting platform shall make a record of the lifting platform commissioning, indicating the date of its commissioning.
15. After putting the lifting platform into operation, the operating organization shall register the lifting platform in accordance with the Rules for the registration and deregistration of hazardous production facilities and hazardous technical devices, approved in accordance with subparagraph 14-3) of Article 12-2 of the Law.
16. Operation of the lifting platform shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules and operational documentation.
17. Production control over the safe operation of the lifting platform shall be organized and carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the organization and implementation of production control at a hazardous production facility, approved by order № 315 of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 24, 2021 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 23276).
18. The organization operating the lifting platform ensures its maintenance in working condition and safe working conditions by organizing maintenance, technical inspection and repair.
The technical inspection is carried out by the owner of the lifting platform in the presence of a certificate in the field of industrial safety for the right to conduct a technical inspection of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities), provided for in Article 72 of the Law.
It is allowed to conduct a technical inspection of the lifting platform on the basis of a contract by organizations certified for the right to conduct a technical inspection of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities) in accordance with article 72 of the Law.
The monitoring and diagnostic methods used during the operation of the lifting platform or its technical inspection are indicated in the operating manual of the lifting platform.
Footnote. Paragraph 18 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).19. During operation, the lifting platforms shall undergo technical inspection at least once every 12 months, as well as after manufacture (installation), reconstruction (upgrades) and overhaul.
20. During the technical inspection, the following shall be carried out:
verification of operational documentation;
checking of the technical condition of the equipment by inspection and measurements;
static and dynamic tests.
21. When inspecting the lifting platform, the condition of the equipment and its fastenings, ropes, chains, electrical wiring, shaft fencing and the drive shall be checked, as well as compliance of the lifting platform installation with the installation drawing.
22. When checking the lifting platform with an unloaded load-carrying device, work shall be controlled of:
the winch;
platform and shaft doors, seat belts, barriers, sensitive safety edges (platforms), safety devices, except for those checked during the dynamic test of the platform;
control systems;
signaling and lighting;
hydraulic drive (run and pressure of the working fluid) of the lifting platform with hydraulic drive.
23. For a hydraulically operated lifting platform, the tightness of the hydraulic system and the safety valve operation shall be checked by a static test. During the static test, an evenly distributed load is placed on the load-carrying device, the mass of which 25% exceeds the rated load capacity of the lifting platform.
24. During dynamic testing of the lifting platform, its mechanisms shall be checked in operation, buffers (stops), safety devices, brakes and speed limiters are tested, and the accuracy of stopping the platform is also checked.
The test, with the exception of checking the platform stopping accuracy, must be carried out with a load evenly distributed over the floor on the platform, the mass of which exceeds the load capacity of the lifting platform by 10%.
Checking of the platform stopping accuracy shall be carried out at the movement in each of the directions of an empty platform and platform with a load, the mass of which is equal to the carrying capacity of the lifting platform.
On the end landing (loading) sites, the accuracy of the stop is checked when the lifting platform moves in the direction of these sites. The stop accuracy is checked after the platform stops automatically.
25. Testing of buffers (stops) shall be carried out at the operating speed of the lifting platform.
The results of the buffer (stop) test are considered unsatisfactory if residual deformations or breakages are found on them.
26. The braking system is tested by turning off the power supply of the electric motor and the brake with the lifting platform moving down at the rated speed, in which the load is placed with a mass that is 25% higher than the rated load capacity of the lifting platform.
27. The tested safety gear stop and hold on the guides the load-carrying device (counterweight) moving down with a load, the mass of which corresponds to the carrying capacity of the lifting platform.
28. The safety gear, actuated from the speed limiter, must be tested without breakage and with imitation of traction elements breakage.
29. The safety gear driven by the device triggered by breakage or slack of all the traction elements are tested from the action of this device.
30. The safety gear actuated from the speed limiter and from the device triggered by breakage or slack of all the traction elements must be tested independent of each of the drive devices.
31. The speed limiter shall be tested for actuation at the speed corresponding to the speed of the platform movement specified in the operational documentation, as well as for its ability to actuate the safety gear when the speed limiter rope is on the working pulley.
32. Based on the technical inspection results, the operating organization shall make a decision on the possibility of further operation of the lifting platform or on carrying out repairs or restoration work and approve it by its order.
33. A record of the technical inspection results shall be made in the passport of the lifting platform, indicating the date of the next examination by the person in charge of serviceability and safe operation of the lifting platform.
34. The organization operating the lifting platform:
persons responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of the lifting platform are appointed;
persons responsible for the maintenance of the lifting platform in good condition and for their safe operation are appointed;
Personnel are assigned for maintenance and repair;
the procedure for storing and accounting for the issuance of keys to rooms and cabinets in which the equipment of lifting platforms is located is ensured;
provides persons responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of lifting platforms, for the proper condition and safe operation of lifting platforms, with regulatory legal acts establishing industrial safety requirements, and personnel with technological regulations;
It is ensured that persons responsible for the implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of lifting platforms, for the proper condition and safe operation of lifting platforms, the requirements of these Rules, and by personnel – technological regulations.
Footnote. Paragraph 34 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27.01.2023 № 43 (effective sixty calendar days after the date of its first official publication).35. Training and retraining in the industrial safety of persons in charge of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements, in charge of serviceability and safe operation of lifting platforms, of the personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the training, retraining and testing of the knowledge of specialists, professionals in industrial safety , approved by order № 332 of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2021 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 23461) (hereinafter referred to as the Training Rules).
36. Maintenance and repair of lifting platforms is carried out by an electrician and an operator in accordance with the operating manual or with the maintenance manual of lifting platforms.
It is allowed to carry out maintenance and repair of lifting platforms on the basis of a contract by organizations certified for the right to carry out maintenance and repair of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities) in accordance with Article 72 of the Law.
Footnote. Paragraph 36 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).37. The list of malfunctions of lifting platforms, as well as other reasons for which the operation of lifting platforms is prohibited, shall be indicated in the operation manual or in the maintenance manual, and also in the technological regulations for the electrician and the operator.
38. The operation of lifting platforms is not allowed in the following events:
non-compliance of the design of lifting platforms, its elements, components and premises with the requirements of these Rules;
presence of malfunctions affecting the safe operation of lifting platforms that cannot be eliminated during the inspection, testing or technical certification;
expiration of the designated operation term;
expired technical inspection term;
failure to perform maintenance;
malfunctions of safety devices;
presence of cracks in metal structures and equipment elements;
absence of personnel who have passed the knowledge test in accordance with the Training Rules for the inspection and maintenance of lifting platforms.
39. Putting the lifting platform into operation after major repairs, as well as at the end of the operation period established by the previous technical inspection, shall be carried out after inspection and verification in the technical inspection scope.
40. Maintenance shall comprise inspection, lubrication, wear measurement, cleaning, adjustment and replacement of components and parts based on the inspection and measurements results.
41. Maintenance shall be carried out within the time frames specified in the operation manual or in the maintenance manual for the lifting platform.
42. Lifting platforms that have worked out their standard service life are subject to a technical condition survey in order to determine the possibility of their further operation by organizations certified for the right to conduct inspection in the industrial safety in accordance with Article 72 of the Law.
Appendix 1 | |
to the Rules for the safe | |
operation of lifts for persons | |
with disabilities | |
(persons with disabilities) |
Footnote. The upper right corner is in the wording of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Passport of the lift with vertical (inclined) movement
When transferring the lift to another owner, this passport is transferred along with the lifting platform. | |
Name of the manufacturer (supplier), address |
List of documents included in the lift passport
Name of the document | Document index | Number of sheets |
Installation drawing | ||
Schematic diagram with a list of circuit elements | ||
Schematic hydraulic diagram with a list of circuit elements | ||
Other documents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation |
1. General information
Manufacturer | |
Type and model of the lifting platform | |
Serial number | |
Date of manufacture | |
Drive (electric, hydraulic) | |
Execution (national and (or interstate standard) | |
Environment in which the lifting platform can be operated (temperature, relative humidity, precipitation ingress) | |
Main regulatory and technical documents in accordance with which the lifting platform is made (their designation and name) |
2. Main technical characteristics 2.1. General information
Load capacity, kg | |||
Rated speed of the lift, m/s | |||
Number of transported users at the same time (including accompanying person) | |||
Possibility to transport the user in a wheelchair | |||
Type of handling | |||
Number of stops | |||
Inclination angle horizontal (vertical) | |||
Lifting height, m | |||
Length of the load-carrying device route (for lifts with inclined movement) | |||
Type of the current | Voltage, V; Permissible deviation from the nominal, % (±) |
Frequency Hz | |
On the input device when the lifting platform is not working | |||
Power circuit | in normal mode | ||
when starting the engine | |||
Control circuit | |||
Lighting circuit for: maintenance shaft platform | |||
Signaling circuit |
2.2. Winch
Type (geared, without gearbox, with traction sheave, drum reel, with sprocket etc.) | |
Serial number | |
Year made | |
Rated output shaft torque, Nm | |
Diameter of traction sheave, drum, sprocket, mm | |
Weight, kg |
2.2.1. Gearbox
Type | |
Serial number | |
Year made | |
Gear ratio | |
Distance between axes, mm | |
Weight, kg |
2.2.2. Brake
Type (drum, disc, conic) | ||
Diameter of brake pulley, mm | ||
Brake drive | Type | |
Force, kN (kgf) | ||
Motion of operative device, mm |
2.3. Electric engines
Purpose | ||
Type | ||
Type of current | ||
Voltage, V | ||
Rated current, A | ||
Frequency Hz | ||
Power, kWt | ||
Permissible overheating of the motor windings °C (insulation class) | ||
Rotation frequency, rpm | ||
PV (%) | ||
Number of starts per hour | ||
Execution (normal, moisture-proof, dust-water-proof, marine) with indication of protection degree | ||
Weight, kg |
2.4. Hydraulic drive
Type |
2.4.1. Hydraulic cylinder
Type | |
Number | |
Serial number | |
Year made | |
Diameter of rod piston plunger, mm | |
Stroke, mm | |
Working pressure, MPa lowest maximum test pressure, MPa | |
Speed, m/s at lifting, not less than at lowering, not more | |
Weight, kg |
2.4.2. Hydraulic unit
Type | |
Serial number | |
Year made | |
Maximum working fluid flow, dm/min | |
Working fluid | |
Filling volume, dm3 | |
Safety valve setting pressure, MPa | |
Test pressure, MPa | |
Weight, kg |
2.4.3. Piping
High pressure hoses (type) |
2.5. Shaft doors
Design (swing, sliding, combined, one-, two- or multi-wing) | |
Doorway size (width height), mm | |
Opening or closing method (manual, semi-automatic, automatic) | |
Drive (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, spring) | |
Method of shaft door unlocking when the platform stops at the landing (loading) site level (fixed, movable shifting device) | |
Method of opening shaft door in the absence of a platform at the landing (loading) site level |
2.6. Platform
Internal dimensions, mm | |
Doors design (swing, sliding, single, double or multi-wing) | |
Doors opening or closing method (manual, semi-automatic, automatic) | |
Drive of the doors (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, spring) | |
Type of platform (passable, non-passable) | |
Weight, kg | |
Seat belt (available/not available) | |
Barrier (available/not available) |
2.7. Counterweight
Weight, kg (assembled) |
The number of loads is indicated in the documentation supplied with the lift.
2.8. Ropes
of the Platform | Counterweight | Speed limiter | Balancing | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Type | ||||
Design | ||||
Symbol according to the standard | ||||
Diameter, mm | ||||
Number of ropes | ||||
Length of one rope, including the length required for fastening, m | ||||
Breaking force of the rope as a whole, N (kgf) | ||||
Safety factor | ||||
The table is filled out according to the certificates of the manufacturer of the ropes. To be filled out for traction ropes and speed limiter ropes. |
2.9. Chains
of the Platform | Counterweight | Speed limiter | Balancing | |
Type | ||||
Symbol according to the standard | ||||
Chain pitch, mm | ||||
Number of chains | ||||
Length of one chain, m | ||||
Breaking load of the chain, N (kgf) | ||||
Safety factor |
The table is filled out according to acceptance tests report of the chain manufacturer.
The safety factor is filled out for traction chains and speed limiter chains.
2.10. Safety devices
2.10.1. Mechanical devices
Platform | Counterweight | ||
Safety gear | Type (sharp, combined) | ||
Actuated (from speed limiter, from the device triggered by a slack of all traction ropes) | |||
Conditions of safety gear test (platform speed, counterweight, platform loading) | |||
Permissible braking path for safety gear, mm maximum minimum | |||
Speed limiter | Type (centrifugal, pendulum) | ||
Platform (counterweight) movement speed at which the speed limiter is activated, m/s maximum minimum | |||
Force on the speed limiter rope from the tensioner, kN (kgf) | |||
Buffer | Type | ||
Number |
2.10.2. Safety switches
Shaft door closing | |
Automatic lock of shaft door | |
Non-automatic shaft door lock | |
Shaft maintenance opening | |
Pit door closing | |
Speed limiter | |
Safety gear | |
Slack of haul ropes (chains) | |
Speed limiter of rope tensioner | |
Pressure sensor (hydraulic lifting platform) | |
Other safety switches applied in the lifting platform |
Specify “available” or “not available”.
2.10.3. Limit switches
Broken chain (power, control) | |
Actuation method |
3. Loads during the full technical inspection
Name | Load amount |
4. Acceptance certificate
The lift
(name, type, code,) is manufactured in accordance with regulatory documents
and is found fit for work with characteristics indicated in the passport.
Date of manufacture ________________
Persons responsible for acceptance ______________________________________________
(signature, date) Seal (if any)
5. Warranty
5.1. Warranty statement of the manufacturer
(name of the manufacturer organization) guarantees compliance of the lift
with design documentation requirements subject to the conditions of
transportation, storage, installation and operation.
Warranty term of the lift __ from the date of commissioning (years, months)
Chief engineer of the manufacturer organization ___________________________________
Seal (if any) (date)
5.2. Warranty of the organization that performed installation (reconstruction) of the
lift ____________________________________________________guarantees
(name of the organization that installed the lift)
compliance of the lift installation with technical documentation requirements
for installation and successful operation of the lift pertaining to its installation,
subject to observance of operation conditions by the owner.
Warranty term of the lift ________________________________________
from the date of signing (years, months) of the report of technical readiness and acceptance of the lift.
Authorized representative of the organization that performed installation (reconstruction) of the lift
Seal (if any) (date)
6. Information on the lift location
name of the organization-owner of the lift | Installation place of the lift (city, street, house, building, entrance) | Date of the lift installation |
(two pages)
7. Person in charge of serviceability and safe operation of the lift
Date and № of the assignment or appointment order | Position, full name | Signature of the authorized person |
(two pages)
8. Information on maintenance and upgrade of the lift
Date | Information on maintenance and reconstruction | Signature of the authorized person |
Documents confirming the quality of the newly installed lift structural elements are stored together with the lift passport.
(at least twenty pages)
9. Record of technical inspection results
Date of inspection | Inspection results | Date of next inspection |
10. Registration
The lift is assigned №_________ in _________________________________________
(name of the body)
The passport has ______ pages numbered and______ sheets laced,
including drawings on ______ sheets
(position) (signature) (print full name)
"__" _________ 20__.
Seal (if any)
The standard-form passport is a model on which the manufacturer develops the passport applicable to the type of lift produced, entering into it the information contained in this sample, information regarding this type of lift.
If necessary, the manufacturer enters into the passport additional specifics of the manufactured lift.
Appendix 2 | |
to the Rules for the safe | |
operation of lifts for persons | |
with disabilities | |
(persons with disabilities) |
Footnote. The upper right corner is in the wording of the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Technical readiness report
City ______________ "__" _____________ 20__.
We, the undersigned, representative of the organization, that performed installation (reconstruction) of the lift
(name of the organization, position, full name,
installation permit ___________________________________ № _____________
(day ,month, year)
issued ___________________________________________________________________,
(by whom) and representative of the organization that performed installation and commissioning
(name of the organization, position, full name),
have drawn up this report stating completion of the installation and commissioning works.
The lift was inspected, checked and tested
__________________________________ serial number ___________________
(type) and its component parts
(name and symbols of component parts)
to the extent provided for by the manufacturer’s technical documentation.
The lift is installed at the address: ___________________________________________
The lift and its component parts have been inspected and tested, passed the tests,
are in serviceable condition and ready for their intended use.
Representative of the organization that performed installation (reconstruction) of the lift
_______________ _________________________
__________ ______________________________
(signature) (print full name)
Appendix 3 | |
to the Rules for the safe | |
operation of lifts for persons | |
with disabilities | |
(persons with disabilities) | |
Form |
The act on the possibility of commissioning the lift
Footnote. Appendix 3 - as amended by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.08.2022 № 43 (effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
City ________________ "__" _____________ 20__ year.
We, the undersigned, are members of the commission: the authorized representative of the owner of the lift is the chairman of the commission
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) authorized representative of the operating organization
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) authorized representative of the commissioning organization
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) authorized representative of the organization that performed the installation (reconstruction) of the lift
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) authorized representative of the construction and installation organization
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
authorized representative of the manufacturer of the lift
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) representative of the state body responsible for supervision in the field of industrial safety
(name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
we have drawn up this act stating that the submitted documentation has been reviewed, inspection and verification of the lift and its components have been carried out to the extent provided for by the technical documentation of the manufacturer and the Rules for the safe operation of lifts for persons with disabilities (persons with disabilities) approved in accordance with subparagraph 14-7) of Article 12-2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Aviation protection" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). The lift is installed at:
The inspection and verification established that the construction, installation and commissioning works were carried out in accordance with
(designation of the technical condition) working technical documentation, installation drawings and Rules; the lift complies with the passport data and the requirements specified in the Rules; the lift is in good condition, allowing its safe use for its intended purpose; the organization of operation complies with the requirements of the Rules. The lift is accepted by the owner.
Signatures of the commission members.