On approval of the Agreement on coordinated development of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the CIS member states

New Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 2010 No. 1400

      Unofficial translation

      The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan hereby RESOLVED as follows:

      1. To approve the attached Agreement on the coordinated development of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the CIS member states, signed in Yalta on November 20, 2009.

      2. This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its signing.

      Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Massimov

on the coordinated development of international transport corridors passing through the
territory of the CIS member states

      Governments of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

      for enforcement:

      of Priority areas of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of transport for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decision of the Council of the Heads of Government of the CIS dated November 14, 2008,

      of Memorandum on cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of international transport corridors dated September 18, 2003

      of the Concept of coordinated transport policy of the CIS member states for the period up to 2010 approved by the Decision of the Council of the Heads of Government of the CIS dated September 15, 2004,

      of the Protocol on international motorways of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated September 11, 1998;

      recognizing the need for a coherent policy to ensure the effective operation and development of sections of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the CIS member states, to ensure optimal transport and economic conditions for their functioning, and to attract additional transit of traffic stream;

      being aware of international transport corridors passing through the CIS member states shall be an integral part of the Euro-Asian transport corridor system;

      taking into account the world experience in the development of regional transport systems,

      hereby agreed as follows:

Article 1

      The following terms shall be used for the purposes of this Agreement:

      the international transport corridor (ITC) - a set of main transport links of different modes of transport (except air) established by the Parties, both available and newly created, with appropriate arrangement, ensuring the transport of passengers and cargo in the directions connecting the territories of the CIS member states;

      ITC support subsystems – regulatory and legal, resource and information and logistics areas of activity of the competent authorities of the Parties and bodies of sectorial cooperation of the CIS to ensure the coordinated development of the ITC;

      harmonization of the ITC support subsystems - inter-state activities aimed at creating conditions for coordinated and balanced operation and interaction of the ITC support subsystems in order to increase their efficiency and development;

      the subsystem of regulatory and legal support of the ITC - a set of international treaties and national regulatory legal acts of the CIS member states in the transport sphere regulating the development of the ITC;

      the ITC resource support subsystem - a set of elements of transport, infrastructure, financial, technological support, as well as systems for traffic safety, cargo safety and environmental protection, regulating the implementation of the international transport process in ITC areas;

      information and logistics support subsystem of the ITC - set of tools and rules of information and documentary organization of cargo and passengers transportation, their monitoring, data collection and analysis of efficiency of ITC use;

      competent authorities of the Parties - bodies to be determined by the Parties to deal with the development and use of the ITC.

Article 2

      This Agreement shall regulate the development and use of the ITC sections passing through the CIS member states on the basis of harmonization of the ITC support subsystems.

Article 3

      The Parties shall define the effective development of the ITC as a basic component of sustainable international transit communication and shall create mutually beneficial conditions for lifting restrictions in order to ensure the unimpeded transport of cargo and passengers through the territory of the CIS member states.

Article 4

      1. The Parties shall take measures to harmonize the ITC support subsystems.

      2. The competent authorities of the Parties shall develop an agreed plan of joint practical actions for the harmonization of the ITC support subsystems with a view to implementing the areas identified by this Agreement as priorities in each subsystem.

      3. Implementation of the directions shall be carried out in stages on the basis of the development of international transport projects by the competent authorities of the Parties and bodies of CIS sectoral cooperation.

Article 5

      1. Priority areas of harmonization of the ITC regulatory and legal support subsystem shall be:

      harmonization of the legal and regulatory framework of the CIS member states with the standards and principles of international law and standards enshrined in multilateral agreements and conventions on transport and customs in order to ensure the integration of the various modes of transport of the CIS member states into European and Asian transport systems;

      development and adoption of international treaties within the CIS creating legal conditions for the coordinated development of the ITC;

      the unification of regimes and preferences established in bilateral international treaties to which the member states to this Agreement shall be parties, as well as the transition from bilateral to multilateral international treaties;

      creating conditions for the coordinated removal of barriers in international, including transit transport;

      cooperation with international organizations concerned with the organization of international transport.

      2. The competent authorities of the Parties shall develop proposals for streamlining regulatory legal acts affecting the issues of coordinated development of the ITC and improving the mechanisms for their implementation, aimed at:

      harmonization of provisions of customs legislation of the member states to this Agreement in the field of international transport;

      mutual recognition of means of identification and transport documents;

      implementation of information technologies.

Article 6

      Priority directions for development of the ITC resource support subsystem shall be:

      development of agreed recommendations on the priority of development of infrastructure of the ITC sites, improvement of its use efficiency and investment attractiveness of its development projects;

      increased use of cross-cutting tariff rates for combined and multimodal transport of cargo on the ITC routes;

      creation of conditions for the removal of barriers in international transport on the ITC directions;

      increasing capacity and improving the technological equipment of customs checkpoints, improving the technology and procedures of customs clearance and control;

      introduction of systems and devices to improve vehicle safety;

      formation of mutually agreed transport and technological schemes for cargo delivery, development of combined cargo transport, improvement of the technology of border crossings and crossing points in order to minimize their passage time;

      systematic joint research to respond adequately to developments in the international transport and commodity markets to improve the efficiency of the ITC use.

Article 7

      Priority areas of development of the information and logistics support subsystem of the ITC shall be:

      development of transport logistics;

      establishment of information and logistics centres integrated with all modes of transport;

      introduction of progressive cargo navigation and monitoring systems that meet international requirements;

      Creation of a unified automated system for the regulation of the transport process, carried out in areas of the ITC passing through the territory of the CIS member states, integrated with national departmental and industry automated systems for the control of transport processes;

      achieving information transparency of the location, condition and status of goods transported on the ITC sites passing through the territory of CIS member states;

      implementation of a unified inter-agency system of electronic document circulation in inter-state standards;

      creation of a common glossary and a single package of supporting documentation;

      ensuring information and commercial security of transport operators operating the ITC use.

Article 8

      1. The Parties shall establish a Coordination Committee of the CIS transport corridors in order to coordinate and inform the activities of their competent authorities and bodies of sectorial cooperation of the CIS, as well as to implement the coordinated and integrated development of the ITC, which shall carry out its activities on the basis of the Regulation approved by the Economic Council of the CIS.

      2. The main functions of the Coordinating Committee of the CIS transport corridors shall be:

      coordination and information support of the activities of the competent authorities of the Parties and the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies on the coordinated development and joint use of the ITC;

      development and coordination of a plan of joint practical actions to ensure harmonization of ITC support subsystems, complex international transport projects aimed at systematic coordinated development and use of ITC and financial and economic mechanisms for their implementation;

      examination of the draft of regulatory legal acts and proposals for the management of development of the ITC support subsystems;

      creation of conditions for attraction of investments in development of the ITC support subsystems;

      analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the capacity of the ITC and development of recommendations.

Article 9

      This Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of each Party arising under it from other international treaties to which its state shall be a party.

Article 10

      This Agreement may, by mutual consent of the Parties, be amended and supplemented as an integral part thereof, which shall be formalized by the relevant protocol and shall enter into force in the manner provided for the entry into force of this Agreement.

Article 11

      Disputes between the Parties arising in the implementation and interpretation of this Agreement shall be settled through consultations and negotiations between the Parties concerned or through other procedure agreed by the Parties.

Article 12

      This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the depositary of the third written notification of the implementation by the Signatories of the domestic procedures necessary for its entry into force.

      For Parties that have implemented domestic procedures at a later date, this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the depositary of the relevant documents.

Article 13

      This Agreement shall, after its entry into force, be open to accession by any state by means of an instrument of accession to the depositary.

      For the CIS member states, this Agreement shall enter into force upon expiry of 30 days after the date of receipt by the depositary of the instrument of accession.

      For a non-member state of the CIS, this Agreement shall enter into force upon expiry of 30 days after the date of receipt by the depositary of the last notification of the consent of the signatory or acceding states to such accession.

Article 14

      This Agreement shall be entered into indefinitely.

      Each Party may withdraw from this Agreement by giving written notification to the depositary of such intention not later than six months prior to withdrawal and by settling obligations arising during the validity of the Agreement.

      Done in Yalta on November 20, 2009 in one original copy, in Russian. The original copy shall be kept by the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which shall send to each signatory state a certified copy thereof.

      For the Government For the Government
      of the Republic of Azerbaijan of the Russian Federation
      For the Government For the Government
      of the Republic of Armenia of the Republic of Tajikistan
      For the Government For the Government
      of the Republic of Belarus of Turkmenistan
      For the Government For the Government
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Uzbekistan
      For the Government For the Government
      of Kyrgyz Republic of Ukraine
      For the Government
      of the Republic of Moldova

of the Republic of Moldova to the Decision of the Council of the Heads of Government of the
CIS on Agreement on the coordinated development of international transport corridors
passing through the territory of the CIS member states

      November 20, 2009, Yalta

      "The Republic of Moldova shall implement the regulations of this Agreement in accordance with national legislation and international obligations in this field.

      The Republic of Moldova shall finance the implementation of the regulations of this Agreement within the limits approved for this purpose in the state budget.

      This Agreement shall enter into force for the Republic of Moldova after the implementation of domestic procedures. "

  Vladimir FILAT
  Prime Minister

      I hereby certify that the attached text shall be an authentic copy of the Agreement on the coordinated development of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the CIS member states adopted at the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States held in Yalta on November 20, 2009. The original copy of the above-mentioned Agreement shall be kept in the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

      The First Deputy Chairman
      Executive Committee -
      CIS Executive Secretary V. Garkun

      I hereby certify that this text shall be a certified copy of the Agreement on the coordinated development of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the CIS member states, done on November 20, 2009 in Yalta.

      Head of department
      International law department
      of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Piskorsky

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