On approval of rules of education of public monitoring commissions of regions, cities and the capital to carry out public control in institutions

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Resolution of the Government Republic of Kazakhstan on June 24, 2011 № 702. Expired by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.03.2022 No. 100 (effective from the date of its signing and subject to official publication).

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1 On approval of rules of education of public monitoring commissions of regions, cities and the capital to carry out public control in institutions Resolution of the Government Republic of Kazakhstan on June 24, 2011 № 702 06/24/2011 New
2 On approval of rules of education of public monitoring commissions of regions, cities and the capital to carry out public control in institutions Resolution of the Government Republic of Kazakhstan on June 24, 2011 № 702. Expired by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.03.2022 No. 100 (effective from the date of its signing and subject to official publication). 03/02/2022 Invalidated
3 On approval of rules of education of public monitoring commissions of regions, cities and the capital to carry out public control in institutions Resolution of the Government Republic of Kazakhstan on June 24, 2011 № 702. Expired by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.03.2022 No. 100 (effective from the date of its signing and subject to official publication). 03/02/2022 Invalidated

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