On approval of the Rules for arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan to military service

Updated Unofficial translation

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 620 dated May 15, 2012.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Military Service and the Status of Military Servants", the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY RESOLVES:

      Footnote. The preamble as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.08.2024 № 673 (shall enter into force after its first official publication, but not earlier than 20.08.2024).

      1. Approve the attached Rules for arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan to military service.

      2. The following shall be deemed to have lost force:

      1) the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 30, 2006 № 623 “On approval of the Rules for arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens to military services” (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006, № 24, Article 248);

      2) the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2006 № 1005 “On introduction of amendments and additions to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 30, 2006 № 623" (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006 г., № 38, Article 427).

      3. This Decree shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication.

      The Prime Minister Republic of Kazakhstan K. Massimov

  Approved by
the Decree of the Government of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
№ 620 dated May 15, 2012

Rules for
arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan to military service
Chapter 1 – General Provisions

      1. These Rules for organizing and conducting conscription of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for military service (hereinafter - the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Service and Status of Servicemen” (hereinafter - the Law).

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.08.2024 № 673 (shall enter into force after its first official publication, but not earlier than 20.08.2024).

      2. These Rules defined procedures for arrangement and conduction of draft:

      1) of citizens for military service;

      2) of reserve officers to military service;

      3) to military training;

      4) on mobilization in case of military situation and in time of war

Chapter 2 – Procedures for arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens to
compulsory military service

      3. Draft of citizens to compulsory military service shall be in accordance with the Article 31 of the Law.

      4. Local executive bodies within their competence shall arrange and maintain legislative execution on issues of military service.

      5. For arrangement and conduction of draft of citizens to compulsory military service in regions (cities of republican status and the capital city) and districts (cities, cities of regional status), upon resolution of local executive bodies, draft commissions shall be established in the composition defined by the Article 28 of the Law. In case of sickness or absence for other justifiable reasons of any of appointed members of draft commissions, a reserve composition of a draft commission shall be determined and approved by a resolution of respective local executive bodies. In case where local military administration bodies provide services to several administrative districts, draft commissions shall be established in each district under chairmanship of a deputy akim of respective district.

      Footnote – Paragraph 5 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      6. Regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status and the capital city) shall:

      1) exercise direction of and control over operation of district draft commissions (draft commission of a city of republican status and the capital city);

      2) check the accuracy of the granting of deferment or exemption from call-up for military service including the verification of all the personal files of conscripts found to be unfit for military service in peacetime or unfit for military service in wartime, with exclusion from the military register (following verification of documents and the draft commission's decision on deferment or exemption from call-up for fixed-term military service, a note shall be made in the conscript's registration form confirming the decision of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission (with the official stamp of the defence affairs department) or sending the citizen for a re-examination);

      3) excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall enter into force upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication);
      4) excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication);

      5) consider claims and applications of citizens on resolutions of district draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status);

      6) revoke resolutions of district draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status).

      Results of inspection of resolutions adopted by draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status) shall be entered into Minutes Book of a regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status or the capital city) as per Annex 1 to these Rules.

      Footnote – Paragraph 6 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication); № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be promulgated ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      7. Following medical examination of draftees, district draft commission (draft commission of a city or a city of regional status) shall adopt resolution as per Paragraph 3, Article 28 of the Law.

      Footnote – Paragraph 7 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      8. The chairman of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission shall ensure the commission's operation, conduct its sessions with a complete set of members and exercise constant control over the timely and proper preparation of documents relating to the call-up of citizens for fixed-term military service, the granting of deferments or exemption from call-up for fixed-term military service.

      Deferment or exemption from call-up for compulsory military service shall be granted under the Rules for the Provision of a State Service “Deferment from Call-up” and the Rules for the Provision of a State Service “Exemption of Citizens from Call-up for Military Service” approved by Order № 605 of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 5 November 2020 (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 21613).

      Footnote. Paragraph 8 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be put into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      9. Head of organization shall withdraw citizens who are subject to draft from business trips, and shall arrange their informing and ensure their on-time arrival to a reception center for medical examination of citizens in case of draft to military service.

      Draftees who are subject to draft to compulsory military service shall upon call from local military administration bodies arrive to a reception center to pass district draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status).

      10. Draft to compulsory military service of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who temporary stay abroad shall be in accordance with the Law upon their arrival for permanent residence to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the absence of a right for deferment or exemption.

      In case of departure of a draftee for an official business trip or for studying abroad, a department (division) of defense shall issue respective certificate as per Annex 2 to these Rules on the basis of a petition of respective governmental agency and personal application of such draftee.

      11. Citizens shall be informed of draft to compulsory military service and necessity to appear to reception centers by officers of local military administration bodies with notifications at place of their residence, and by heads of organizations in settlements, villages, rural districts through local executive bodies or at their place of work (study) under signed receipt.

      Citizens at the age between eighteen and twenty-seven having no right for deferment or exemption from draft are subject to draft to compulsory military service in numbers required for recruiting for Armed Forces, other troops and military units.

      12. Heads of departments (divisions) of defense shall communicate any case of non-appearance of draftees to district draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status) without due cause, as well as of impossibility to serve notification to a citizen in person law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to initiate search and support their appearance at reception centers. Files on persons intentionally evading the draft, as well as of those who hindered on-time appearance of citizens at reception centers shall be passed to respective agencies to bring them to liability in accordance with the applicable laws.

      Footnote – Paragraph 12 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      13. Good causes for non-appearance of citizens at reception centers are:

      disease (injury) associated with disability;

      death or disease of an immediate relative who needs physical assistance, not being on complete state provision, requiring care on the part of a draftee in absence of immediate relatives or other persons residing within the Republic of Kazakhstan together with them or separately, who are charged by law to support family members;

      natural and man-made emergencies (earthquake, mudflow, avalanche, flood, fire and others) which prevented a citizen from appearing in person

      Causes of non-appearance shall be supported by documents.

      14. Health examination of citizens shall be performed, as well as the membership of medical commissions shall be determined under the Rules for Military and Medical Examination and the Regulation on Commissions for Military and Medical Examination in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted by Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 716 of December 21, 2020 (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 21869) (hereinafter - Rules for Military and Medical Examinations).

      Footnote. Paragraph 14 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication)..
      15. Excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      16. District draft commission (draft commission of a city, a city of regional status) in taking decision on draft of citizens to compulsory military service and assignment to respective type and branch of Armed Forces, other troops or military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall take into account their specialty and health condition, therefore preferentially:

      1) draftees working in organizations associated with output of rocket or aviation equipment, armored vehicles or radio technical apparatus shall be directed for recruitment of respective types and branches of troops;

      2) draftees who had been previously selected for such troops shall be directed for recruitment of secret or special troops;

      3) for recruitment of air assault, draftees with at least high-school education with sound physical development, in the first place from among parachute athletes shall be selected;

      4) for recruitment of the Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan draftees shall be selected on a priority basis in accordance with the requirements as per educational level, work experience and physical condition specified for military personnel of the Service of State Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan established by the Head of the Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 3, 1995 “On Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

      5) draftees with higher education shall be directed to training camps on specialties similar to their education and profile of military training;

      6) draftees who graduated from faculties of mathematics, physics or engineering and economic shall be directed to radio-engineering or air defense and missile units, communication units of all branches of Armored Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      7) conscripts who have graduated from the faculties of mechanization and electrification of agriculture shall be sent to tank, aviation, anti-aircraft missile units and military units of the civil defense of the authorized body in the field of civil protection, the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      8) draftees who graduated from faculty of medicine or pharmacy shall be directed to Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan to positions of junior medical staff respectively;

      9) selection for training camps and schools sergeant schools or junior specialist schools from among soldiers shall be strictly individual from among draftees with high school education and possessing high integrity standards. In selection of candidates to training camps, specialties acquired by them before the draft shall also be taken into account;

      9-1) for recruitment of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan selection shall be conducted from among draftees with at least high school education. At the same time, person with outstanding or unexpunged convictions in accordance with the procedures established by the law, previously convicted persons and persons discharged from criminal liability for offences based on paragraphs 3), 4), 9), 10) and 12), Part I, Article 35 or Article 36 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as persons having relatives who as of the date of draft have outstanding or unexpunged convictions in accordance with the established procedures shall not be drafted. Representatives of military units of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be engaged in selection and preliminary examination of draftees;

      10) The Border Service of the Commission of National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Border Services) shall be completed with draftees selected on a priority basis with corresponding physical and moral and psychological characteristics, and with at least high school education.

      The defence departments (directorates, divisions) shall conduct examination and selection of draftees to be called up for compulsory military service.

      Footnote – Paragraph 16 as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.04.2014 № 378; dated 16.10.2014 № 1098 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication); dated 20.11.2014 № 1215; dated 08.06.2017 № 350 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication); dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication); dated 23.10.2020 № 701; № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-1. Draftees shall be examined based on the systematic accumulation in the defence directorates (divisions) of information on their business qualities, physical development, general education and special training, and family situation, and shall be conducted in two stages.

      The first stage shall be undertaken annually by the defence directorates (divisions), from January 10 to February 28, for the spring call-up, and from July 10 to August 28, for the autumn call-up.

      The second stage shall be organised annually by the defence departments at the gathering pointsfrom March 1 to the end of the spring call teams, and from September 1 to the end of the autumn call teams.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-1 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enacted ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-2. Draftees shall be examined and selected from among citizens subject to call-up for compulsory military service.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-2 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-3. The examination shall be conducted to identify draftees:

      1) those who have been criminally prosecuted;

      2) those under investigation or witnesses in criminal cases;

      3) those who are members of parties, public associations and non-traditional religious movements that are not registered under the established procedure.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-3 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be brought into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-4. The examination shall clarify the family composition, fitness for military service, education and qualifications of the draftee.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-4 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall enter into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-5. Officials of defence directorates (divisions) shall examine personal file documents and interview draftees, completing a draftee examination sheet as set out in Annex 2-2 hereto.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-5 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall take effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-6. The defence departments shall undertake the following activities:

      1) a plan is prepared for the examination of draftees by the local military administration;

      2) an order is issued on the organisation and conduct of the examination of draftees, with the assignment of staff from the defence departments to conduct the examination in the defence directorates (divisions);

      3) supervision of the preparation and conduct of the examination.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-6 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-7. The following activities shall be undertaken in the defence directorates (divisions) for the conduct of the examination of draftees:

      1) a plan is drafted for the preparation and conduct of the examination of draftees;

      2) an order is issued concerning the organization and conduct of the examination of persons liable for conscription;

      3) a list of draftees shall be compiled, with the assignment of the officials conducting the examination;

      4) personal files are selected and a separate file is created for the personal files of draftees assigned to form military teams of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (by type and kind of troops), who are fit in terms of health and have an appropriate level of education and specialism;

      5) a schedule and timetable for the examination of draftees is drawn up;

      6) the lists of officials to be involved in the examination by personal interview with draftees are adopted;

      7) information is obtained:

      lists from health-care establishments and (or) their subdivisions of persons, with their consent, registered dynamically with chronic diseases, including in mental health centres, phthisiopulmonology centres and dermatovenerology centres, documents describing the state of health of citizens subject to conscription, pursuant to forms of health-care documentation (medical card of an outpatient (form 052/), preventive examination (screening) card (form 055/) and medical card for pre-prisoners;

      from law-enforcement agencies lists of persons prosecuted and under investigation;

      from the civil registry authorities concerning changes in the surname, first name and patronymic (if any), date and place of birth of a draftee, and the registration of his or her death;

      from the social welfare authorities on those conscripts recognised as persons with disabilities, through the interoperability of the state information systems of the public authorities.

      If there is no interaction between the state information systems, information shall be forwarded to the defence directorates (divisions) on relevant requests.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-7 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enacted ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-8. In the course of the examination, the requirements of the legislation governing conscription and military service shall be communicated to draftees.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-8 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-9. Lists of the draftees examined and selected by the defence directorates (divisions) shall be provided to the defence department by February 28 and August 28, as per Annex 2-3 hereto.

      In the course of the regular conscription of citizens for compulsory military service, draftees who have not undergone examination but are deemed fit for military service on health grounds shall be further examined by officials of the defence directorates (divisions), meeting all requirements, and based on the results of the examination and selection shall be entered on an additional list of those selected, which shall be sent to the defence department.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-9 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-10. To conduct the second stage of the examination of draftees at regional (the city of national status or the capital) recruiting stations, a working group shall be established by the order of the head of the defence department, comprising:

      1) head - deputy head of the defence department - head of the manning directorate;

      2) the deputy head of the defence department - the head of the education and ideology department;

      3) the head of the conscription department;

      4) head of the medical service

      5) psychologist;

      6) head of the legal service.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-10 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be brought into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-11. The working group shall verify:

      1) in personnel files - completion of the paperwork, availability of documents and completion of study sheets;

      2) absence of a draftee on the psychiatric, drug treatment, dermatovenerological, tuberculosis and oncological dispensaries' dispensary records;

      3) absence of a conscript on the register of internal affairs bodies, bodies of enquiry, pre-trial investigation and on the presence of a criminal record;

      4) existence of records in the recruit's examination sheet and signatures of the persons interviewed and the persons conducting the interviews;

      5) the appropriateness of the decisions taken by the draft commissions.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-11 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      16-12. The working group shall conduct interviews with draftees during the formation of the military squad, by interviewing them and filling in examination sheets paying attention to their state of health, as well as their psychological study.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 16-12 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall fall into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      17. Deferment from draft to compulsory military service shall be granted by a resolution of a district draft commission (draft commission of a city or city of regional status) in accordance with Article 35 of the Law.

      18. Deferment from draft to compulsory military service for family reasons shall be granted to citizens on the basis of documents presented and a report of inspection of their marital status. Decision on deferment from draft to compulsory military service shall be made only once at initial consideration of the matter.

      Inspection shall be held by respective commissions consisting of representatives of a local executive body, department (division) of defense, educational organizations and other institutions. Following the inspection, commission shall execute an act of inspection of marital status of a draftee as per Annex 2-1 to these Rules.

      In the subsequent, departments (divisions) of defense prior to autumn draft shall inspect marital status of draftees who had been granted deferment for family reasons. Respective marks on findings of inspection shall be endorsed in record card of a draftee and they shall be certified by signature of the head of a local military administration body.

      Footnote – Paragraph 18 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      19. Persons who have lost reasons for deferment from draft due to their marital family status shall be drafted to compulsory military service on general basis.

      20. The decision to defer conscription to continue education shall be granted to citizens and shall be taken once upon initial application via the e-government portal based on a certificate as per Annex 3 hereto, obtained by the conscript through the interaction of state information systems of public authorities.

      Subsequently, by October 1, each year the defence directorates (divisions) shall collect information from the relevant educational organisations confirming that draftees continue their education via the information systems.

      Where there is no interaction between the state information systems, information shall be forwarded to the defence directorates (divisions) on appropriate requests.

      The information, confirming the continuation of education shall be added to the draftee's personal file.

      Footnote. Paragraph 20 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be put into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      21. Deferment from draft to compulsory military service for medical reasons shall be granted by a decision of a draft commission for a period up to one year to citizens who at medical examination have been condemned as temporary unserviceable. Upon expiration of the above period, a final decision on serviceability shall be made.

      22. Deferment from draft to compulsory military service for other reasons shall be granted in accordance with the Law.

      23. Decisions of district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) on granting of deferment from draft to compulsory military service shall be recorded in Minutes Book of district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status), to record cards of draftees and certificate of registration with indication of terms and grounds for granting deferment.

      24. Draftees shall have a right to withdraw from deferment, except for deferment for medical reasons, and they may be drafted to military service upon submission of a personal application and corresponding notarized document from persons and social welfare bodies concerned.

      25. Exemption from call-up for military service in peacetime shall be granted by decision of the district (city, the city of regional status) draft commission under paragraph 1 of Article 36 of the Law.

      Draftees eligible for exemption from conscription, other than those declared unfit for military service on health grounds, may be called up for compulsory military service under paragraph 5 of Article 36 of the Law.

      Citizens who have not been called up for compulsory military service upon reaching the age of twenty-seven for various reasons shall be transferred to the reserve without undergoing a health examination as per the act of the commission of the defence directorates (divisions).

      The commission of the defence directorate (division) shall verify the existence of the personal files of draftees not called up for compulsory military service upon attaining the age of 27 against the data in the alphabetical register and draw up an act in any form accompanied by a list of draftees to be transferred to the reserve.

      Footnote. Paragraph 25 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      26. Persons declared unfit for military service in peacetime and registered as liable for military service by district (city or city of regional status) draft commissions shall undergo a medical re-examination in peacetime as provided for in the Rules for Conducting a Military-Medical Expert Examination.

      Footnote. Paragraph 26 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall enter into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      27. In accordance with a decision of district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status), documents shall be executed subject to the following requirements:

      1) decision of district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) on category of fitness for military service of a draftee according to his health state, and which type and branch of Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan he is assigned to shall be entered to registration card of a draftee;

      2) persons who has been granted deferment from draft to military service for family reasons, for continuation of studies, for medical reasons and for other reasons, respective records shall be entered into Section “Results of passing of draft commission” in certificates of registration at a draft office, which shall be certified by a signature of the head of a department (division) of defense and an official seal;

      3) persons declared unfit for military service in peacetime or persons medically acceptable for military service with restrictions in wartime, and persons declared unfit for military service and excluded from the military register, shall be issued a decision on exemption from call-up for compulsory military service in the form of an electronic document. The personal files of all citizens who have been granted deferment or exemption from military service on health grounds shall be forwarded to the regional (the city of national status or the capital) draft commission for examination. Following verification of the documents, the regional (the city of national status or the capital) draft commission shall make a note in the draftee's registration card confirming the decision of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission or sending the citizen for a re-examination. Citizens having disagreed with the decision of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission on fitness for military service on health grounds shall also be subject to re-examination. After approval of the decision of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission, the following documents shall be prepared for registration with the military service reserve.

      Upon execution of military recording documents, respective lists shall be compiled in three copies and together with record cards of draftees they shall be submitted to records office of departments of defense, where they shall receive military service cards. Record cards of draftees with endorsed series, number and date of issue of military service card, the second copy of a list with military service cards shall be returned to department (division) of defense.

      Footnote. Paragraph 27 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      28. Within one working day, the decision of the chairman of the draft commission on granting deferment or exemption from call-up shall be forwarded to the service recipient's personal profile on the portal in the form of an electronic document certified by an electronic digital signature, as well as to the local body of military administration in the place of residence and military registration of the service recipient for recording in the book of minutes of district (city, city of regional status) draft commissions as per Annex 4 hereto.

      In the event of disagreement with the decision of the district (city or the city of regional status) draft commission, citizens may appeal against it as required by the Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Complaints concerning the provision of public services shall be subject to consideration with due regard for the peculiarities established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services”.

      Footnote. Paragraph 28 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be promulgated after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication).

      29. Persons drafted to compulsory military service in accordance with decision of a district draft commission (draft commission of a city or a city of regional status) shall arrive to assembly point in an orderly manner accompanied by employees of a department (division) of defense. Accompanees shall receive 3 copies of nominal lists as per Annex 5 to these Rules and personal files, record and service sheets, and loose leafs for teenagers to outpatient medical records in a sealed container.

      Copies № 1 and 2 of nominal lists shall be passed to the head of a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city), and copy № 3 to be signed by the head of a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) to acknowledge receipt of team shall be returned to respective department (division) of defense with an accompanee.

      Copy № 2 of nominal lists on the day of departure of the team from the regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) shall be returned to the department (division) of defense. Marks against each last name of citizens: when (day, month and year) and by which military command or what is the reason for return to a department (division) of defense shall be endorsed. This copy of the nominal list shall be signed by the head of the regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) and shall be certified by the official seal of the department of defense.

      In the department (division) of defense, Copy № 2 of the nominal list received from the regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) shall be accounted as per book of entries. On the basis of the list “Sent on /__/__/20__0 by military team __” note shall be made in respective column of alphabetical accounting book against the last name of each draftee sent to military forces, thereafter the list shall be filed in the department (division) of defense.

      Copy № 1 of the nominal list with notes, indicating when and by which military teams’ persons included in the list have been sent or what are the reasons for their return to the department (division) of defense shall be filed in the department (division) of defense.

      29-1. Citizens shall be issued with information on proof of enlistment by the defence directorate (division) at the place of demand, as per Annex 5-1 hereto.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 29-1 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enacted ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      30. Immediately before sending to Armed Forces, other troops or military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional draft commissions (draft commissions of a city of republican status or the capital) shall conduct at regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) medical examination of persons drafted by a district draft commission (draft commission of a city or city of regional status) to compulsory military service.

      30-1. Based on the results of the medical examination as set out in Annex 5-2 hereto, draftees shall be referred for a psychological examination at the assembly point.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 30-1 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall enter into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      30-2. After a session of the regional draft commission, draftees enlisted in military teams shall undergo:

      1) body examination with the drawing up of a report in two copies (one copy to the defence department, the second copy to the representative of the military unit (institution), which shall be drawn up in any form and signed by the head of the medical service of the defence department and the medical officer of the military unit);

      2) drug testing.

      On completion of unit formation, conscripted citizens shall be sent to representatives of the military unit with the following documents:

      name lists - in duplicate;

      food certificate;

      clothing certificate (only for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

      itinerary sheet;

      vaccination card of 063 form;

      characteristic documents;

      copy of an identity document;

      draft registration card;

      extract from an outpatient card, form 25/u;

      completed medical records;

      results of the psychological examination.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 30-2 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be brought into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      31. Draftees with diseases identified following medical examination at a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) which prevent military service shall be sent to department (division) of defense at place of drafting.

      Draftees returned to departments (division) of defense from a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) shall be recorded in draftee registration book as per Annex 6 to these Rules.

      For each returned draftee, the chairman of a regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status or the capital city) a service letter as per Annex 7 to these Rules addressed to the head of a department (division) of defense shall be sent, and it shall indicate reasons for return of a draftee. Such service letter shall be attached to the personal file of the draftee.

      Heads of departments (divisions) of defense shall recall all persons returned from a regional assembly point to draft commission for resolution of a matter on their draft to compulsory military service in consideration of new information obtained from the regional assembly point.

      The final stage of medical examination of draftees for Armed Forces, other troops or military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan is work of physicians at regional assembly points (assembly points of a city of republican status or the capital city), as for draftees allocated for the Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan – at younger reinforcement receiving point. Medical examination shall identify possible mistakes of district draft commissions (draft commissions of cities or cities of regional status) in order to avoid draft of persons not physically qualified for compulsory military service.

      Footnote – Paragraph 31 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      32. A regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican city or the capital city) shall notify district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) of terms, place for conduction of medical re-examination and citizens who are subject to examination. For medical re-examination a citizen shall be sent with a personal file and medical documents certifying proven diagnosis and conclusion made. In case where following medical re-examination category of fitness for military service of the citizen is changed, a medical specialist shall execute a medical examination sheet, and regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status of the capital city) shall override decision of a lower-level commission and shall render a decision to be documented in Minutes Book (of condemned as unserviceable for medical reasons) and shall be announced to respective citizen. Record card of the draftee, medical examination sheet, as well as extract from Minutes Book of a regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status or the capital city) bearing the seal of the department of defense shall be sent to the medical commission decision whereof has been revised. In case when following medical re-examination, decision of the district draft commission (the draft commission of a city or a city of regional status) remains unchanged, then a record on its approval shall be made in Minutes Book and registration card, and a medical examination sheet shall not be executed.

      33. Regional draft commissions (draft commissions of republican status or the capital city) shall also be charged with consideration of claims on draft issues of drafted citizens, their parents and other persons concerned.

      A claim of a draftee or other persons against decision of a district draft commission (a draft commission of a city or a city of regional status) shall not suspend such decision.

      34. Under the Law, local military authorities shall be provided with equipped gathering pointsfor the purpose of:

      1) forming of military teams by draftees;

      2) handing over commands to representatives of military units (institutions) arriving to receive and escort the military teams;

      3) providing the military teams with necessary equipment and food on the way to the place of destination;

      4) organising the dispatch of teams to the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote. Paragraph 34 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be put into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      34-1. At regional (national or capital city) gathering points:

      1) military teams shall be formed by draftees over a period of three days;

      2) three hot meals a day for draftees ( with allowance for reserves) shall be arranged at the expense of the local executive body;

      3) it shall be permitted to have a reserve of up to twenty per cent of the draftees in a military team, which shall be used to replenish the teams, in cases of acute illness and positive drug test results.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 34-1 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      34-2. At the gathering points, the following shall not be permitted:

      1) delaying draftees in reserve for more than three days;

      2) departure, as well as temporary discharge of draftees without complying with the requirements of paragraph 31 hereof.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 34-2 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      35. A regional ( city of republican status or the capital) gathering point must have:

      1) accommodation for personnel arriving from defence departments (divisions);

      2) premises for sanitary treatment (baths, showers) of personnel;

      3) a room for educational work among the called-up citizens during their stay at the gathering point;

      4) rooms for medical examinations, with one room for each specialist physician and the necessary equipment;

      5) fluorography room, mobile X-ray unit;

      6) room for the formation of military teams;

      7) accommodation for personnel arriving from the troops to receive and escort military teams to military units (institutions);

      8) catering facility;

      9) sanitary passageway with disinfection chambers, isolation ward for two infections, sanitary units;

      10) a place for personnel to line up and do drill and sporting activities;

      11) premises for storage and issue to the military team of clothing items and individual rations;

      12) premises for psychophysiological examination of citizens subject to drafting for military service.

      All premises, offices and sanitary passageway must conform to sanitary norms and regulations.

      In addition, the gathering point shall provide space for the gathering point commanders, duty officers and other persons responsible for maintaining military order and discipline.

      Footnote. Paragraph 35 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      36. Heads of departments of defense and their deputies for moral and welfare, and ideological work shall arrange necessary educational and ideological work among draftees, give briefings to parents arriving for farewell in accordance with plans developed, and shall also arrange ceremonial farewell for staff of military commands with participation of local executive bodies, social organizations and draftees’ parents at regional assembly points (assembly points of cities of republican status or the capital city).

      In the course of educational and ideological work with draftees at regional assembly points (assembly points of cities of republican status or the capital city), as well as along the line, it is necessary to pay attention to maintenance of higher organization and order, and elimination of possible riotous behavior towards local population and other immoral practices. Rules of conduct and safety precautions along the line and at stations, necessity for strict compliance with military discipline by staff, and protection of information constituting state secrets shall be explained.

      Footnote – Paragraph 36 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      37. Personnel assigned to receive and escort the military teams shall arrive at the gathering point at least three days prior to the dispatch of the teams. The personnel must bring with them:

      1) identity documents;

      2) a travel document;

      3) a power of attorney from the military unit (institution) to receive the young recruits;

      4) medical booklet forms for the receiving team;

      5) itinerary sheet for the transport of the military team.

      Footnote. Paragraph 37 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      37-1. Representatives of the troops at the regional (the city of republican status or the capital) gathering points for the admission of young recruits shall:

      1) report to the head of the recruitment department;

      2) specify the total number of young draftees as per the conscription plan;

      3) reconcile the name lists of conscripts destined for the command;

      4) check the availability of military records, psychological examination results, medical documents and completeness of records;

      5) perform body examination for abrasions and haematomas, as well as any pronounced abnormalities in the health and anthropometric data of conscripts;

      6) accompany personnel for meals, sanitary treatment.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 37-1 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall apply after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication).

      37-2. Representatives of military units (institutions) may not make unreasonable (exaggerated) demands regarding the health, marital status or moral and business qualities of draftees.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 37-2 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be brought into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      38. Foremen shall receive power of attorney for accompanying of military commands.

      39. At regional assembly points (assembly points of republican status or the capital city), p[citizens drafted shall be passed on the head of a military command according to a nominal list as per Annex 8 to these Rules.

      A nominal list shall be compiled for each military command send in 4 copies. Copies № 1 and 2 together with service record cards, loose sheets to outpatient medical record, as well as a copy of personal identification document for each draftee shall be вручается to the head of a military command. Copy № 3 of the list with a распиской of the head of a military command on receipt of draftees shall remain with the department of defense. Copy № 4 of the list shall be attached together with a sheet for issue of military service cards.

      Footnote – Paragraph 39 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      39-1. For conscripts subject to conscription for military service, during the medical commission period, the place of work (position), salary at the place of work, if there is a summons to call local military administration bodies, and for the period of military service, the place of work (position) is retained.

      Footnote. Rules as added by paragraphs 39-1 according to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.09.2020 № 571 ( shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication) .

      39-2. For submission of details at the place of demand by military personnel of compulsory military service, military units (establishments) shall issue details from the place of service of the military personnel in the form shown in Annex 9 hereto.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 is supplemented by paragraph 39-2 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall enter into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      39-3. Military servants of compulsory military service under bank loan agreements and (or) microcredit agreements shall be granted a deferment of payments on the principal debt and remuneration for a period including the period of compulsory military service and 60 days after its completion, without accrual of interest on the loan and (or) microcredit in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote. Chapter 2 was added with paragraph 39-3 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.08.2024 № 673 (shall enter into force after its first official publication, but not earlier than 20.08.2024).

      40. Expenses for transportation of citizens drafted for compulsory military service in Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be directly reimbursed to organizations conducting transportation services against invoices presented within funds provided for such purposes in the republican budget by respective governmental agency.

      41. Upon arrival to destination point, foremen shall transfer staff according to nominal lists and service record cards to heads of receiving points. At the same time, they shall report to respective heads on condition of military discipline and on any event of its breach along the line.

      At receiving points, notes shall be made in the first copy of the list in Column 8 against each last name regarding when and to which military unit (reference number of a unit without indication of home station) a draftee has been sent to pass compulsory military service. This copy of the list upon completion of receipt of draftees shall be passed on to a military unit by an order of commanders (heads), where the receiving point is established. The second copy with a note on receipt of recruitment bearing official seal shall be sent to department of defense from which the recruitment had been arrived.

Chapter 3 – Procedures for arrangement and conduction of draft to military service of reserve officers

      42. Draft to military service of reserve officers to positions of officer corps shall be conducted in accordance with Article 32 of the Law.

      43. In selecting reserve officers for draft, selection commission composition shall include representatives of military unit for recruitment whereof officers are assigned for.

      44. The head of a local military administration body together with representatives of military units (authority) shall conduct works on examination and selection of reserve officers who are subject to drafting.

      45. Commanders-in-Chief of Armed Forces branches, combat arms commanders, regional commanders, military unit commanders, and heads of authorities to which a reserve officer is drafted shall:

      1) appoint a representative for preliminary examination and selection of a candidate draftee from among officers with respective educational level and service experience;

      2) conduct interviews with selected candidates or examine them according to qualification documents, paying special attention to their health condition, moral and managerial capacities, and marital status, and where necessary shall make decision on additional inspection of candidates and medical examination, and shall conduct general poll to determine their level of professional preparedness;

      3) execute examination list with a candidate selected following interviews;

      4) plan preliminary distribution of reserve officers across military posts for further use at military service in consideration of territorial principle of recruitment;

      5) conduct training (briefing) with commanders, officers of educational structure of a military unit (subdivision) regarding forms and methods of work with officers drafter from reserve.

      46. Material of reserve officers selected for draft shall be executed only after their examination by officials specified in Paragraph 45 of the Rules.

      47. Candidates selected from among reserve officers shall be sent for medical examination to determine degree of fitness for military service.

      At the same time, an official, selecting candidates, shall check for completeness and quality of filled-in medical examination cards, personal files and other drafting documents. The head of a local military administration body shall complete requests to respective bodies for conduction of special inspection.

      Decision on fitness of a candidate for military service shall be taken following medical examination and responds from respective bodies carrying out special inspection.

      48. List of candidates selected by officials of military units and fitting for draft to military service, upon agreement with respective commander (head) shall be sent to local military administration bodies.

      49. When drafting reserve officers, the head of a local military administration body shall execute and present the following documents:

      1) service card;

      2) personal file;

      3) a copy of ID card of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) candidate draftee examination sheet;

      5) medical examination card and data from Psychiatry and Narcology mental health centres, Phthisiopulmonology Centre, fluorography, electrocardiography results, general urine and blood tests, blood tests for Wasserman reaction and HIV infection;

      6) data from internal affairs bodies on the absence of administrative offences;

      7) data from the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on possible involvement in religious organisations of a radical nature and extremism, and other compromising materials;

      8) data from the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the absence of criminal record preventing entry into the military service;

      9) excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication);
      10) excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).
      Foot-note – Paragraph 49 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication); № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be promulgated ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      50. The head of an authorized body, the structure whereof provides for passing of military service, upon presentation of materials for a reserve officers who are subject to drafting for officer posts from local military administration bodies, shall issue a personnel order on drafting.

      51. Extracts from personnel orders on draft of reserve officers shall be sent to respective military units (institutions) and local military administration bodies.

      52. Upon receipt of an extract from personnel order, military unit (institution) commander shall monitor arrival of officers drafted from reserve, and shall specify terms for departure to service place with sending of requests to local military administration bodies.

      53. Personal files of officers shall be sent in advance in accordance with established procedures before issue of ordinance on departure to military service place.

      54. The head of a local military administration body shall hand over the ordinance to an officer drafted and shall monitor his/her departure to a military unit (institution). Arrival of officers to a military unit shall be monitored by the head of a local military administration body and the commander of a military unit.

      55. Upon arrival of an officer to a military unit (institution), the commander of a military unit (institution) shall issue an order on placement on personnel roll of the military unit and attach for all types of administration, and present a report and notify a local military administration body, and specify registration details of officers.

      56. Upon arrival of officers drafted from the reserve to military units, the commander (head) shall give the following instructions:

      1) on briefing to examine social and demographic information, inclinations, capacities and level of training;

      2) on familiarization with any peculiarities of life, daily routine and combat training of a troop (squadron), and condition of armor and armament, and shall present the mission of the subdivision;

      3) on conduction of meeting with familiarization with areas of responsibility, directive documents governing organization of battle training, operation of equipment with further passing of tests;

      4) on conduction of instructional method exercises on training subjects;

      5) on conduction of control training in firing, driving of armored fighting vehicles, and achievement of objectives in operation and maintenance of equipment;

      6) on assignment of mentors from among trained officers, provision of assistance evolvement, and solution of social and domestic issues;

      7) on provision of housing in accordance with housing laws;

      8) on provision of assistance in transportation of household goods to service place, solution of issues of employment of wives, and admission of children to pre-school institutions and schools.

      In case of non-arrival of an officer to place of service, personnel bodies of branches of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional commands and military units shall specify reasons and send requests to departments of defense of regions with indication of registration details of the officer and personnel order reference number.

      Upon specification, they shall together with bodies of military police conduct investigations and submit report to higher-level personnel body on non-arrival of officers drafted within specified terms with indication of measures taken.

Chapter 4 – Procedures for arrangement and conduction of draft to military muster

      57. The main objective of military musters is improvement of combat and mobilization readiness of military units kept in time of peace in reduced strength, and preparation and accumulation in reserve of military trained resources necessary for deployment of Armed Forces, other troops and fighting units of the Republic of Kazakhstan in case of their mobilization and completing in time of war in completing districts.

      Footnote – Paragraph 57 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      58. People who are liable for military service shall be conscripted under Article 33 of the Law.

      Footnote. Paragraph 58 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall come into force ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      59. Certain tasks on conduction of military musters shall be annually defined:

      1) at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan – by General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) at local executive bodies (on preparation of area defense) – by General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan after consultations with local executive bodies.

      Footnote – Paragraph 59 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      60. According to the nature and objectives of training of persons liable for military service, musters are divided into the following types:

      1) training assembly;

      2) special muster;

      3) check muster.

      61. The following is included at training assembly:

      training of officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers for solution of tasks as per mobilization intent;

      operational coordination of squads, subunits, units and forces under conditions similar to wartime organization and staff;

      check of individual activities provided for by mobilization plans

      62. The following shall be conducted at training assembly on training, retraining and improvement of military expertise of persons liable for military duty:

      1) training of reserve officers for higher posts;

      2) training of reserve officers from among reserve sergeants and soldiers;

      3) improvement of military expertise and training of persons liable for military duty on new weapons and equipment, as well as of other specialists required for completing Armed Forces according to mobilization plan.

      63. At training assemblies on maintenance of armament, equipment and assets from reserve stock or long-storage stock, persons liable for military duty shall familiarize with equipment maintained and acquire practical skills in its operation and operational use.

      64. Check muster with persons liable for military duty attached to military units as per mobilization plan shall include training in maintenance of required level of their military readiness and practical skills, as well as training in performance of duties on new weapons and armament on operational use, driving and maintenance.

      65. General planning of musters at Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be executed by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of annual strength of persons liable for military duty who are subject to draft to military muster approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in consideration of lacking specialists for military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Planning of military musters on training in area defense at local executive bodies shall be executed by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan after consultations with local executive bodies.

      Footnote – Paragraph 65 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      66. Proposals on conduction of military musters by branches of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan or services shall be developed by respective headquarters and departments on the basis of assignments specified by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proposal shall specify types of musters, place and terms of conduction, number of persons liable for military duty who are subject to draft to muster broken down by specialties and certain forces, unit or institution planned for deployment for musters.

      When planning military musters at secret units or institutions, as well as at units or institutions where persons liable for military duty would be related to works of special importance, top secret or secret equipment or documents, proposals shall specify forms of access for persons liable for military duty drafted to musters to such units. Form of access for persons liable for military unit shall be defined by same templates as for military personnel on compulsory military service or military service by contract.

      Sections of proposals relating to training of officers, as well as training of specialists at units, forces or military education institutions not immediately reporting to headquarters or departments planning musters shall be accordingly agreed with personnel departments and organizational and mobilization work of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Proposals on planning military musters agreed with respective headquarters or departments shall be submitted on an annual basis to the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by January 15.

      67. On the basis of instructions of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and general plan for conduction of military muster, headquarters shall develop:

      1) plans for conduction of military muster by subordinate military units;

      2) training programs, guidelines and necessary instructions on matters of organization and conduction of military musters of persons liable for military duty at subordinate units in consideration of activities on mobilization training of forces for next training year;

      3) information on number of persons liable for military duty and terms of their engagement in military musters by commands, forces and military units agreed with concerned structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to plan material and financial support for musters;

      4) plans for conduction of military musters for military units with indication of scope of draft of persons liable for military units by specialties, terms of musters, as well as activities on material support for musters and distribution of training fields, firing ranges and protection of state and military secrets.

      General plan of training of persons liable for military duty at military musters shall be presented to the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by February 1 each year.

      Military muster plans shall provide for draft of reserve officers to training assembly 10 days before beginning of deployment of military units. Persons liable for military duty shall be drafted to forces and maintenance units in numbers required for maintenance of musters.

      68. For development of a general plan across the Republic of Kazakhstan, headquarters of forces, units or institutions of other troops and fighting units of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall annually send necessary calculations before February 1 to the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      69. Instruction and orders for departments of defense of regions (a city of republican status or the capital city) for drafting of persons liable for military duty to military muster to military units shall be submitted by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      70. Commanders of commands, forces or units and heads of departments of defense shall communicate to akims of regions (a city of republican status or the capital city) information on scope, terms of drafting of persons liable for military duty and delivery of equipment to military musters for next year.

      71. Persons liable for military duty to military muster shall be drafted by departments (administrations or divisions) of defense based on instructions and orders of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Persons liable for military duty assigned to military units according to mobilization plan are subject to draft in the first instance.

      72. Departments (administrations, divisions) of defense shall be liable for quality of draft, on-time sending of persons liable for military duty to military musters and complete execution of orders. Departments (administrations, divisions) of defense shall select persons liable for military duty for military musters in cooperation with respective commanders of military units for which reserves are prepared.

      73. Persons liable for military duty who are exempted from military drafts for medical reasons, family reasons or other reasons shall be replaced by persons liable for military duty from free reserves meeting requirements for musters as per respective specialties.

      74. The following persons shall be drafted for military musters on training of persons liable for military duty and improvement of military expertise on shortage specialties shall be drafted:

      1) for improvement of military expertise, reserve officers mainly from among those who passed military training at organizations of higher vocational education, but haven’t served in the army on officer posts, as well as reserve officers with lower theoretical and practical military expertise. For training for higher-level posts reserve officers with sound military expertise and practical work experience in troops shall be drafted;

      2) for training of officers from among reserve sergeants and soldiers:

      in commander area of expertise – reserve sergeants and soldiers at the age under 30 years with higher or secondary special education who have passed military service on specialties of respective military branches and meeting specified requirements for health conditions, and managerial and moral qualities;

      on engineering and technical and other areas of responsibility – sergeants and soldiers at the age under 35 with higher or secondary special education on specialties similar to the areas of military training, or with military service experience in such area, medically fit for military service and meeting requirements on managerial and moral qualities;

      3) for training and retraining of persons liable for military duty on new and shortage specialties, reserve officers, sergeants, foremen, soldiers and seamen of Category 1 with similar military and civil specialties and respective general or secondary special education shall be drafted.

      Preliminary selection and examination of persons liable for military duty to be sent to military muster on training and advanced training on shortage specialties shall be conducted in advance according to data of personal registration without calling to department (division) of defense.

      Selection of candidates shall be conducted over limits of specified number against the possibility of exemption of individuals from musters for medical or other reasons.

      Reserve officers selected as candidates for musters in secret units, as well as training on posts form deputy battalion (division) commander, similar posts or higher shall be considered and approved personally by the head of a department of defense of a region (a city of republican status or the capital city).

      75. Draft of reserve officers, sergeants and soldiers to military muster for training on specialties of military intelligence as per to nominal lists of headquarters of forces.

      76. Persons liable for military duty medically fit for service in respective military (service) branches and on certain posts shall be sent for military muster for training and improvement of military expertise on shortage specialties, wherefore prior to sending they shall compulsorily pass medical examination of district draft commissions (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) and regional draft commissions (draft commissions of a city of republican status or the capital).

      In case of sending of designated personnel to muster, only persons liable for military duty who filed complaints for health condition, as well as persons sent to muster of designated personnel of air assault troops, aviation flying personnel and divers shall be subject to medical examination.

      Flying personnel shall be subject to medical examination at flight medical boards.

      Findings of medical examination shall be reflected in personal files of reserve officers to which certificates of respective certificates of military physician boards shall be attached. Special notes shall be entered in relevant nominal lists for reserve sergeants and soldiers in column “Notes”.

      Footnote – Paragraph 76 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      76-1. For military personnel being subject to military service, during the medical commission period, the place of work (position) and salary at the place of work shall be retained, in case of having a draft card to local military administration bodies.

      Footnote. Rules as added by paragraphs 76-1 according to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.09.2020 № 571 ( shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      77. Candidate persons liable for military duty to be sent to military muster to secret or other units, institutions or military educations institutions, which require access, shall be agreed with national safety agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Information on agreement shall be entered in accordance with the established procedures into military service cards, personal files and other military registration documents of persons liable for military duty, which are the basis for provision of access to persons drafted to military muster for special importance works, top secret and secret equipment and documents.

      In case where a person liable for military duty has respective note in his military service card on provision of access (consent) of national security agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and its validity term has not expired, duplicate documents for a right to attend muster in secret units shall not be executed.

      Persons without access (consent) of national security agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to military muster in secret and other units, institutions and military educational institutions which require access (consent) of national security agencies shall not be sent.

      78. Persons liable for military duty, candidates selected for draft to military muster on training of shortage specialists, as well as reserve officers for musters of designated personnel shall be notified in advance in order to verify registration details and to conduct medical examination with further service of standard form summons with specified terms for appearance for sending and duration of muster. Notification for a head of an enterprise, period of attendance of persons liable for military duty at military muster shall be indicated in consideration of time of attendance at muster and time for traveling to a military unit and return from muster.

      Reserve sergeants and soldiers shall be notified of draft to military muster of designated personnel within the terms and in accordance with procedures provided for by mobilization plan.

      79. Departure of persons liable for military duty to military muster shall be arranged and performed by local military administration bodies in accordance with orders received.

      Draft and departure of persons liable for military duty for military muster of designated personnel for purposes of check of individual activities of mobilization plans shall be conducted according to specially developed documents executed with regard to calculations of mobilization plans without specification of mobilization terms. Reserve sergeants and soldiers shall be sent to such musters within the terms and in accordance with procedures provided for by above calculations, while reserve officers, when they are called in advance, shall be sent random order.

      Persons liable for military duty drafted to military musters to advanced training and preparation on shortage specialties shall be sent to units in view of their arrival to muster place one day before start of training.

      Transportation of such persons liable for military duty and back shall be performed by rail or by road, and in case of their absence in some spots, by air at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided for in the republic budget for respective financial year.

      80. For persons liable for military duty drafted to military muster on training of shortage specialists, local military administration bodies shall sent to military unit commanders the following:

      1) for reserve officers – nominal list and personal files;

      2) for reserve sergeants soldiers – nominal list;

      3) for flight personnel – nominal list, personal files, flight and medical cards.

      Nominal lists, flight and medical cards in a sealed container shall be handed over to a foreman against signed receipt. Persons without flight books shall not be drafted to military muster on training of flight personnel.

      81. Personal files of reserve officers to be sent to military musters shall only be delivered by secret post, in addition, nominal lists, flight and medical cards shall be sent to secret units and institutions by secret post in view of receipt thereof by units two days before start of musters.

      82. Persons liable for military duty to be sent to musters at special units solely or within teams shall receive instructions in accordance with the procedures for secret units and institutions. Nominal lists to be handed over to foremen shall only specify last name, first name and patronymic of persons liable for military duty heading to musters within teams.

      83. Persons liable for military duty to training assembly to units and institutions of Armed Forces, other troops or fighting units of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be drafted according to personal lists (numerical requests) to be sent by them to departments of defense one month before start of musters.

      84. Military training of persons liable for military duty drafted to military muster shall be conducted in accordance with instructional guidelines and muster programs. At military musters on training of designated personnel and shortage military specialists, the entire training period shall be used for improvement of military and special expertise in accordance with military training programs. At musters on maintenance of equipment, 25 per cent of the training period shall be allocated for military training of persons liable for military duty, and the rest – for works on maintenance of equipment.

      85. Military unit commanders where military muster is conducted shall be liable for arrangement and quality of military training of reserve officers, sergeants and soldiers, on-time and complete technical support of musters, preparation of training base, and arrangement of receipt and departure of persons liable for military duty from musters. Special attention shall be paid to creation of necessary conditions for conduction of secret work and protection of secret documents, equipment and armament. Main requirements on storage and handling of secret documents, equipment and armament, procedures for maintenance of personal correspondence and personal liability for protection of state and military secrets, prevention of secret recording, sketching, calculations in personal notebooks, as well as photo and video recording of military facilities and secret equipment shall be communicated to persons liable for military duty.

      86. Upon receipt of orders for conduction of military muster, commanders shall:

      1) appoint heads of musters in advance and assign trained officers and sergeants with experience and expertise in organization and conduction of military training, and exempt them from other duties for respective period;

      2) submit to respective heads of headquarters requests for lacking armament, ammunition, equipment and military property required for complete support of military musters for persons liable for military duty no later than two months before start of muster;

      3) develop and approve training schedule with persons liable for military duty one week before start of musters in accordance with training program and calculation of hours;

      4) conduct instructional methods exercises with officers and sergeant assigned for training of persons liable for military duty two or three days before start of muster;

      5) allocate required scope of armament, equipment, and training and reference materials and attach them to muster;

      6) prepare premises for accommodation of persons liable for military duty and required quantity of military uniform and shoes in advance;

      7) arrange receipt of belongings of persons liable for military duty arriving to military muster;

      8) systematically conduct instructional method exercises with reserve officers drafted to military muster for internship on vacant posts of squads or unit commanders prior to their appointment to posts and during internship.

      87. Training process with persons liable for military duty shall be arranged using military equipment and weapons operated by military units conducting military muster.

      88. Duration of training of persons liable for military duty at military muster shall be determined in the same manner as for regular personnel, units and military education institutions where they attend muster.

      89. All persons drafted to musters shall live in barracks. They shall be dismissed from units by company commanders (heads of musters) in accordance with the procedures specified in Internal Service Regulations. Persons liable for military duty drafted to military musters shall be liable for violation of military discipline and public order, crimes, as well as for material damage caused to the state in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      90. It is prohibited to engage persons liable for military duty in different general labor or construction works and in services not related to attendance at muster.

      91. It is expressly prohibited to use actual numbers or names of military units, field number posts at time of war specified for deployed or forming units, as well as original documents of a mobilization plan in conduction of military musters for designated personnel. For the period of military musters, military units shall be named in official documents only by code names assigned thereto at time of peace. Reference lettered numbers of military units existing at time of peace shall be assigned to forming units for a period of military musters.

      92. Persons liable for military duty drafted to military musters who have not taken the oath in past, shall take military oath within five calendar days, respective notes whereof shall be made in military service cards.

      93. Upon completion of military musters on training of shortage specialists achievement tests on the program materials taught shall be conducted and conclusion on degree of readiness shall be drawn. Special commissions from among trained and experience officers of military units, institutions and military educational institutions shall be established to administer examinations (tests).

      94. Upon completion of military musters and headquarters of military units shall:

      1) draw profiles for reserve officers, as well as for reserve sergeants and soldiers who passed training for officers corps, which specify degree of mastering of training program of musters, attitude to study of military science and moral qualities demonstrated, a post to which an officer may be appointed at time of war, military specialty which shall be used to consider (in case when an officer passed retraining on a new specialty) possibility for regular (initial) promotion;

      2) make note on attendance at muster in personal file and respective section of a military service card of an officer, as well as of a sergeant or soldier certified by a signature of a commander (headquarters commander) and a seal of a military unit;

      3) compile nominal lists for reserve sergeants and soldiers who have successfully passed military muster (on shortage specialties or designated personnel) and necessary training on respective posts (regardless of terms of musters) by indicating therein duration of muster, numbers of military specialties and official qualifications, according to which it is reasonable to consider in the future. In respective section of a military service card a note shall be made on attendance at muster, certified by a signature of a commander (headquarters commander) and a seal of a military unit;

      4) confer military ranks to reserve sergeants and soldiers who have successfully completed training program at musters and who deserve promotion by entering respective record in their military service cards, and shall send extracts from orders to local military administration bodies at place of drafting;

      5) verify availability of secret materials, equipment, armament and individual units, blocks and spare parts thereto used at musters;

      6) arranged orderly departure of persons liable for military duty from units in a solemn ceremony, and incite persons who successfully internalized program of muster;

      7) send personal files and letter of recommendations for reserve officers and nominal lists for sergeants and soldiers who attended military musters within ten days to local military administration bodies at place of registration of persons liable for military duty.

      95. Persons liable for military duties shall preserve jobs for the period of attendance at muster, and they shall be paid average wage, while unemployed persons liable for military duty shall be paid minimum wage:

      1) at the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan – at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided for in the republic budget for respective financial year;

      2) at local executive bodies – at the expense of local executive bodies provided for in local budget for respective financial year.

      Footnote – Paragraph 95 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      96. Meals for persons liable for military duty drafted to military musters from place of their residence to place of conduction of muster, as well as upon completion of the muster to the place of their residents shall be provided at the expense of the Ministry of Defense provided in the republican budget for respective financial year:

      by local military administration bodies – to place of location of military units conducting muster;

      by military units (upon completion of muster) – to place of residence of persons liable for military duty.

      97. For the period of a muster, persons liable for military duty drafted to military muster shall be provided with:

      provisions as per food ration rates established for staff of units conducting muster;

      military uniforms and accessories at rates established for respective categories of persons liable for military duty and medical services to be arranged in the same way as for military personnel.

      98. Reserve sergeants and soldiers drafted to muster for training for officer corps shall be provided with all types of allowance at rates established for reserve sergeants and soldiers.

      99. Conduction of military muster for persons liable for military duty shall be under constant control exercised by administration of branches of Armed Forces, heads of departments, general directorates and administrations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional commanders and force commanders.

      100. The main form of control is inspection of organization and progress of military musters directly within military units conducting such musters.

      To that effect, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall plan conduction of inspections by defining when and who, within what period and at which military units inspections shall be conduction.

      In checking of military training and military inspection, military musters of persons liable for military duty must be inspected mandatorily.

Chapter 5 – Procedures for arrangement and conduction of draft on
mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war

      101. Draft of citizens to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war shall be conducted on the basis of a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in accordance with procedures established by the Law.

      102. The following activities shall mean draft to military service on mobilization in case martial law or at time of war of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan being in reserve and attached to military units of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other troops or fighting units and special units of ministries for military service on military posts provided for by war establishment or their sending for work on posts of civil personnel of military units and special commands:

      1) announcement of general or partial mobilization;

      2) notification of population of general or partial mobilization;

      3) appearance (conveyance) of citizens at preliminary assembly points (assembly points) of local military administration bodies or directly at military units and special units;

      4) conveyance of citizens from preliminary assembly points (assembly points) to military units or special units;

      5) documentation of draft of citizens to military service (job placement).

      103. Draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (job placement) shall be conducted on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 16, 1997 “On mobilization training and mobilization in the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated January 7, 2005 “On defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated February 16, 2012 “On military service and status of servicemen” and other regulatory legal acts in the field of defense and maintenance of security of the state.

      104. Orders on announcement of general or partial mobilization within a region (a city of republican status or the capital city), district (a city or a city of regional status) shall be issued by heads of local military administration bodies in compliance with a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on announcement of general or partial mobilization and on the basis of respective order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      105. Draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (job placement) shall be conducted within the scope specified in mobilization plans of military units or special units stipulating their transfer to war-time organization and structure.

      106. Terms and place for appearance of citizens who are subject to draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (job placement) shall be specified in mobilization plans of military units (institutions) or special units or shall be specified in mobilizations instructions or personal summons to be handed over to citizens.

      107. Categories of citizens who are subject to draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (job placement), as well as those granted deferment or those who are not subject to draft shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      108. Attaching of citizens to military units (assignment to special units) shall be arranged by local military administration bodies in cooperation with commanders of military units or special units.

      Citizens employed at time of peace in military units and special units on posts of civil personnel are subject to prior attaching to such military units (assignment to special units).

      Citizens who previously have passed service in the Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be attached to military units of Task Forces of the Service of National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Footnote – Paragraph 108 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).

      109. Decision on planned draft on mobilization in case of martial law or at tome of war (job placement) of local military administration bodies shall be brought to the notice of citizens in advance by handing over of mobilization instructions and making respective note thereon in military service cards. Besides, all citizens attached to military units (designated to special units), as well as citizens designated to reinforcement apparatus of local military administration bodies, shall receive from local military administration bodies personal summons. Mobilization instructions and personal summons shall be signed by head of local military administration bodies and shall be witnessed by official seals.

      Forms of mobilization instructions and personal summons shall be determined by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      110. For purposes of draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law and at time of war (job placement), a draft commission on mobilization of citizens shall be established in each region (a city of republican status or the capital city), district (city or a city of regional status) by decision of local executive bodies.

      111. Personnel and operating procedures of a draft commission on mobilization shall be approved by a local executive body, the chairman whereof shall be the head of a local military administration body.

      112. Against the possibility of absence of any member of commission, its reserve composition shall be approved in accordance with the established procedures.

      113. Local executive bodies shall arrange and maintain through local military administration bodies notification of citizens of general or partial mobilization and necessity to appear at preliminary assembly points. Officials of organizations and persons designated to reinforcement apparatus of local military administration bodies shall be engaged in notification, with that technical communication means couriers shall be used.

      For notification at place of work, legal entities shall establish notification headquarters.

      Procedures for the use of local radio broadcasting network, TV and other mass media, including that electronic for transmission of an order of the head of a local military administration body on general or partial mobilization shall be determined at time of peace by a decision of local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Appearance (conveyance) of citizens to preliminary assembly points or directly to military units and special units shall be based on mobilization instructions and personal summons.

      114. for transportation of citizens drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (assigned to work), primarily, public passenger transport, shuttle trains and ships shall be used. Motor transport of organizations and motor transport seized from citizens to complete military units and special units shall be employed in accordance with the established procedures.

      Persons drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law and at time of war (assigned to work) shall be sent to point for meeting reinforcement of military units and special units or to assembly points.

      To accompany citizens during their movement from preliminary assembly points and to transfer them to military units or special units, a head from among citizens not subject to draft to military service (job placement) with military ranks of reserve officers, sergeants and foremen shall be appointed for each command.

      Citizens drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or in time of war (assigned to work) shall be transferred to military units and special units at receiving points for designated personnel of military units and special units or directly at preliminary assembly points.

      115. As a rule, citizens attached to military units (designated to special units) dislocated beyond a region (a city of republican status or the capital city) shall be sent through preliminary assembly points.

      116. The following citizens drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (assigned to work) may be sent directly to military units or special units:

      1) employed for conduction of primary works at military units or special units in case of transfer to war-time organization and structure;

      2) employed at time of peace at military units or special units on permanent positions of civil personnel or for hire (according to staff schedule) and attached thereto.

      117. Akims of settlements, auls (vilages) and aul (rural) districts (hereinafter referred to as akims) shall conduct assembly of citizens drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (assigned to work) who reside in rural district and their conveyance to preliminary assembly points. The above citizens shall be transferred at preliminary assembly points in accordance with nominal lists approved by akims. Personal summons of un-notified citizens shall be presented alongside with nominal lists with indication of reasons of failure to notify. Form of nominal lists shall be defined by the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      118. Draft of citizens to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war, and their job placement (including on a voluntary basis) shall be only conducted by local military administration bodies.

      119. If the citizens attached to military units (designated to special units) for draft to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (assigned to work) have been condemned as unserviceable by respective commissions for medical reasons, then citizens without any mobilization designation shall be drafted to military service (job placement). The above citizens shall be sent to military units or special units for the purposes of their full and quality completing.

      120. Passport and other documents of a citizen drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (assigned to work) shall not be withdrawn.

      121. A citizen shall be deemed as drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law or at time of war (accepted for employment) upon execution of draft (employment) in his military registration documents and signing by the commander of a military unit or a special units of an order on inclusion of such citizen in lists of the military unit or special units and its designation to a military post (civil personnel post).

      122. Head of organization shall dismiss citizens drafted to military service on mobilization in case of martial law of at time of war (assigned to work) in accordance with the established procedures on the basis of notification they receive from local military administration bodies.

      123. Local executive bodies shall:

      1) ensure conduction of medical examination of citizens upon their attachment and draft to military service;

      2) ensure conveyance of citizens residing in remote areas for passing medical and draft commission and back, as well as their departure for passing military service;

      3) provide equipped draft (assembly) points, ensure their support and maintenance, as well as provision of medicines, tools, fire-fighting, medical and household goods, motor transport, as well as communication and security means;

      4) provide required strength of operating personnel, as well as medical and technical staff;

      5) provide places at health facilities for draftees sent by medical board for examination and treatment;

      6) ensure passing of medical specialists of advance training courses.

      124. Internal affairs bodies shall maintain search of persons evading draft to military service, as well as public order, accompanying at departure of draftees to military units.

      125. For implementation of plans for mobilization under conditions of time of war, headquarters or notification stations, and assembly points for persons liable for military duty and equipment shall be established by resolution of local executive bodies.

      126. Members of commissions on attachment of citizens to draft office, draft commissions, medical and technical staff, as well as persons from operating personnel assigned for work at draft offices or assembly points, headquarters, notification stations, preliminary assembly points for persons liable for military duty and preliminary assembly points for equipment shall preserve their positions and salary for the period of performance of such duties.

      When performance of duties by the above persons are related to official trips, local executive bodies shall compensate them for expensive for traveling from their place of residence to their workplace and back, rent of accommodation, as well as trip allowance.

      Note of RCLI!
      It is planned to add Chapter 6 to the Rules in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.04.2014 № 378. (top secret)

  Annex 1
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

      Registered as per checklist № ____


Minutes Book
Regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status or the capital city)

  Date of start: /___/ ___/20___
  Date of completion: /___/ ___/20___


Last name

Year of birth

By which district draft commission and when examined, resolution of the commission

Complaints, (other applications of a draftee)

Data of physical laboratory and imaging, diagnosis

Decision of regional draft commission










Ninutes №__ /___/___/20__


      Persons examined in total on /___/___ 20__


      ______ resolutions of district draft commissions

      (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) approved;

      ______ resolutions of district draft commissions

      (draft commissions of a city or a city of regional status) failed to be approved;


      ____ persons qualified for military service;

      ____ persons condemned unserviceable at time of peace,

      ____ persons medically fit with restrictions at time of war;

      ____ persons condemned unserviceable with exclusion from

      military registration;

      ____ persons requiring in-patient examination;

      ____ persons requiring deferment from draft

      Chairman of Commission______________________

      (position held, signature)


      Chairman of Commission: ________________________

      (position held, signature)

      Commission Members: ____________________________

      (position held, signature)


      (position held, signature)


      (position held, signature)

      Physicians: ___________________________________________________




      Commission Secretary: ______________________________________


      Note: requirements for keeping minutes books of regional draft commission (draft commission of a city of republican status or the capital city) are the same as for keeping minutes of a district draft commission (draft commission of a city or a city of regional status).

  Annex 2
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

      Stamp of department (division) of defense


      In accordance with petition of ______________________________


      (name of ministry, institution)

      a citizen_____________________________________________________

      date of birth 19___, shall be sent to official business trip (training)

      abroad for the period between /___/___/20__ and /___/___/20__

      Upon expiration of term of official business trip (training), but no later than

      /___/___/20__, a citizen_____________________________________ in

      accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On military service and

      status of servicemen” shall appear at department (division) of

      defense for draft to compulsory military service.

      Certificate of attachment to a draft office of the citizen


      is kept by department (division) of defense


      Head of department (division) of defense


      (military rank, signature)

      Place of Seal

      Head of department (division) drafting of servicemen against contract

      and on draft ___________________________________________________________

      (military rank, signature)

      Note of a ministry (institution) documenting departure of a draftee for official business trip abroad and on time of return to the Republic of Kazakhstan on /___/___/20__

      Place of Seal



  Annex 2-1
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

Inspection of Marital Status of a Draftee

      Footnote – Rules are supplemented by Annex 2-1 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.11.2019 № 835 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after its first official publication).


            1. Commission comprised of a representative of department (division, joint division)
      of defense __________________________________________________________
      (military rank, position held, and last and initials)
      of a representative of a local executive body _______________________________
      (position held, last name and initials)
      of a representative of educational institution _______________________________________
      (position held, last name and initials)
      of a representative of other organizations ___________________________________________
      (position held, last name and initials)
      has inspected marital status _____________________________________
      (last name and initials of a draftee, date of birth) ______________________________
      2. Place of work (none), studies (completed studies) __________________________________________
      (position held, salary amount, number of class at educational institution)
      3. Who is kept or has been kept at his expense ____________________________
      4. As of the date of inspection, the family of a draftee ________________________________________


Full name if any

Year of birth

Kinship relation

Place of residence

Health condition (disablement group)

Position held, salary (pension) amount








      5. Housing of the family of a draftee __________________________________

      6. Sources of the means of subsistence of the family of a draftee _______________________

      7. Brother and sisters living separately form parents ________________________


Full name if any

Year of birth

Kinship relation

Place of residence

Health condition (disablement group)

Position held, salary (pension) amount








      8. What assistance is rendered to parents on the part of brothers or sister of a draftee



      9. What are the needs of the family of a draftee, what material assistance and by whom material

      assistance is provided or has been provided for the family


      10. Conclusions and proposal of a commission inspecting marital status of a draftee




      Signatures of commission members witnessed by seal of organizations:





      11. Petition before draft commission of a head of department

      (division, joint division) of defense ______________________________



      Place of Seal

      Head of department (division, joint division) of defense _________________________________

            (military rank, signature, last name and initials)


  Annex 2-2
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service

      Document form

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Annex 2-2 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enacted ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      Draftee examination sheet

      Draftee ________________________________________________

      Number, month, year of birth _________________________________

      Place of residence _________________________________________

№ s/o




Education (name of the educational institution, qualifications obtained)


Place of employment and speciality


Marital status


Vehicle licence and category


Completed basic military training


Membership in a military patriotic club


Membership in a political or youth organisation, not duly registered parties, public associations and non-traditional religious movements


State awards or badges




Sports titles




Foreign language skills


The branch or service in which I would like to complete my military service


Whether he/she wishes to continue his/her military service under contract

      Conclusion: _____________________________________________________



      (military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person conducting the examination)

      Signature of the draftee: _____________________________________

      Date of interview "____" ____________ 20 ____

  Annex 2-3
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service

      Document form

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Annex 2-3 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

List of draftees examined and selected by the defence department(s) in the district
_______________ as of ________________________20___

№ s/o

Full name (if any)

date of birth

fitness for military service

school (speciality) graduated from (field of study)

family composition (father, mother)


at the time of mobilization draftee assignment

at the time of the draft

      Table continued

special test results

intended (type of troops)

attitudes towards religious organisations

results of a psychological study

Name and surname (if any) of the draftee

examination date



      Head of the defence department of the city (district)


      (military rank, signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if any)

  Annex 3
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service

      Footnote. Annex 3 - as reworded by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      Stamp of the educational institution


      This is to certify that the draftee, born on _____ ______________________________________________________________________________

      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any) in 20__ entered the __________________________________ is currently studying at _____ as a full-time, evening (part-time) student ______________________________________________________________________________________

      (full name of the educational institution). Date of graduation ____________________20__ (month)

      The certificate is issued for submission to _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (name of the defence directorate (division) ________________________________________________________________ (signature of the head or deputy head of the educational institution)

      Stamp here

      Explanations for completing the certificate

      1. The certificate must be entered in the register of service documents of the educational institution and issued to the draftee against receipt.

      2. The certificate must be presented in person or by a proxy to the defence directorate (division) where the draftee is registered with the military authorities at the initial registration by the district (city or city of regional status) enlistment commission.

      3. The head or deputy head of the educational institution shall sign the certificate and affix the stamp or digital signature of the educational institution.

  Annex 4
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

      Registered as per checklist № ____


Minutes Book of district draft commission (draft commission of a city or a city of regional status)
___________________ district (of a city)
__________________________ region

  Date of start: /___/ ___/20___
  Date of completion: /___/ ___/20___


Last name, first name and patronymic

Year of birth

Complaints (other applications of a draftee)

Data of physical laboratory and imaging, diagnosis

Decision of draft commission









Minutes № dated /___/ ___/20__

      ___ persons attended draft in total on ___/___/20__.


      a) ____ persons qualified for military service,

      b) ____ persons temporarily condemned unserviceable for medical reasons;

      c) ____ persons condemned unserviceable at time of peace, qualified for military service with restriction at time of peace;

      d) ____ persons condemned unserviceable with exclusion form military registration;

      e) ____ persons sent to in-patient examination;

      From among __persons qualified for military service:

      a) ____ persons are subject to draft to compulsory military service;

      b) ____ persons have been granted deferment from draft to compulsory military service


      a) ____ persons for family reasons;

      b) ____ persons for continuation of studies;

      c) ____ persons for other reasons

      Chairman of draft commission: ________________________________

                        (position held, signature)

      Deputy Chairman of draft commission: ___________________

      (position held, signature)

      Commission members: _______________________________________________

      (position held, signature)


      (position held, signature)

      Physicians: ________________________________________________________________




      Commission Secretary: _____________________________________________


      Upon completion of draft, outcomes of draft of citizens to compulsory military service shall be summarized in minutes book of a draft commission according to the following form:

No of minutes


Persons passed draft commission

Qualified for military service

Deferment granted

Condemned unserviceable at time of peace, medically fit with restrictions at time of war

Condemned unserviceable with exclusion from military registration

Sent for examination










Identified from among persons sent for examination



Explanation on keeping minutes books of a district draft commission (draft commission of a city or
a city of republican city)

      1. Minutes books of draft commission is an accountable document. It must be numbered, tied and signed by the head of a department (division) of defense and bear official seal of the department (division) of defense, and it shall be kept as restricted documents. Access for persons to work with such book must be strictly restricted and shall be declared by an order of the head of a department (division) of defense.

      2. Records in the book shall be kept by a specially trained secretary of the commission from among nurses. All records shall be made in ink, legibly and accurately. It is prohibited to make erasures and leave spaces between records. Mistakes admitted shall be corrected in ink and shall be signed by the head of a department (division) of defense and shall bear the official seal of the department (division) of defense.

      3. All draftees who passed during a day draft commission, including those sent for additional examination shall be registered in the book. Draftees returning from examination shall be registered repeatedly on the date when the draft commission takes final decision in relation thereto. In both cases, respective records shall be made in the book:

      in case of sending to examination, the following note shall be made in Column 6: “Send for additional examination to city hospital № __”, and after repeated passing of draft commission the following shall be recorded: “Passed draft on /___/___ 20__, Minutes № __”;

      in case of repeated passing of draft, the following shall be recorded in Column 2 of the book, below last name, first name and patronymic: “Repeated – See Minutes № __ dated ___/___/20___”.

      4. Where it is necessary to cancel a decision of draft commission, the decision shall not be crossed out in the book, but the following shall be recorded: “Decision canceled – See Minutes № __ dated /___/___/20__”. The draftee shall be registered repeatedly. The following shall be recorded in Column 6 of the book: “Decision of draft commission dated /___/___/20__, Minutes № ___ shall be cancelled (specify a reason for cancelation)”, and a new decision of the draft commission shall be recorded.

      5. In case of enrollment of draftees to special units following branches, numbers of such commands shall be specified.

      6. Sequence numbers in minutes shall indicate the following: numerator – sequence number of respective minutes; denominator (starting from Minutes № 2) – sequence numbers of persons passed draft commission since the start of draft.

      For instance, when on the first day 50 persons passed draft commission, then in Minutes № 2 against the first registered draftee № 1/51 shall be recorded, and № 5/55 – against that fifth etc.

  Annex 5
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

Nominal list
for military command №____, sent
from department (division) of defense ______
to regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republic status or the capital city)
for sending to forces


Full name

Year of birth


Military specialty

Appeared at department (division) of defense for departure to forces (day/month/year)

№ of command, when and by which military command has been sent to forces










      Place of Seal

      Head of department (division) of defense


      (military rank, signature)

Explanation on compilation of nominal list

      1. Nominal list shall be compiled by department (division) of defense for each command sent in three copies.

      2. The list shall specify number specified for each military command by department of defense.

      3. In case of sending of draftees to secret units, Column 4 shall specify № of command specified by the General Staff of Armed Force of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. Column 7 shall be filled in at regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city) in the first and in the second copies of the list. The column shall specify when and by which military command a draftee has been sent to troops against each last name.

  Annex 5-1
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service
  Document form

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Annex 5-1 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall take effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Information on proof of conscription

      Date of issue ____________________________________________________

      Surname, name and patronymic (if any) _________________________________________

      Date of birth __________________________________________________

      Number and date of the order of the Head of the Defence Department

      ___________________ of Region, dated "__" _________ 20__№ __.

      (region name)

      Name of the military unit (institution) ________________________

      Head of the defence directorate (division) ________________________________________ 

      (region name) ____________________________________________

      (military rank, signature, surname and initials)

      Stamp here


      Under sub-paragraph 1) of paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Service and Status of Servicemen”, the duration of military service shall be twelve months in calendar terms for compulsory military servicemen.

      Under paragraph 6 of Article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Service and the Status of Servicemen”, a citizen shall be regarded as called up for military service as soon as the order of the head of the local military administration of the region (city of republican status or the capital) to call him to military service has been issued.

  Annex 5-2
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service

      Document form

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Annex 5-2 as per Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Бақылау медициналық куәландыру нәтижесі/ Results of the final medical check-up


      ауданның (қаланың) ҚІБ атауы / Name of the district (city) defence department ______________ облысының

      қорғаныс істері жөніндегі департаментінің жиын пунктінде/

      At the regional gathering point of the defence department _______________ of the region

      Антропометриялық деректер/ Anthropometric data

      Бойы/рост___салмағы/вес ___кеуде көлемі/ chest size _____

      Өкпе көлемі/ spirometry ______ Тағайындау көрсеткіші/ destination index _________

      Дәрігер-мамандардың қорытындысы/ Opinion of specialist doctors

Жарамдылық санаты/
Fitness category

Тағайындау көрсеткіші/
Destination indicator



оң құлағына сыбырлау/ whispering into the right ear сол құлағына сыбырлау/ whispering into the left ear


а) оң көздің көруі/ right eye visual acuity сол көздің көруі/ left eye visual acuity
б) жарық сезгіштігі/ colour perception



Флюорография деректері/ fluorography data



Қосымша дәрігер-мамандар / additional medical specialists

      Қорытынды / Concluding statement


Жарамдылық санаты/
Fitness category

Тағайындау көрсеткіші/
Destination indicator

      Head of the medical service of the defence department/ _______________________________


      М.О./stamp here

      Chairman of the medical commission (қолы/signature)________________________________

      М.О. /stamp here

      20___ жылғы /20 _____

  Annex 6
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

      Registered as per checklist № ____


Register of draftees, returned from ______
regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city)
to departments (divisions) of defense

  Date of start: /___/ ___/20___
  Date of completion: /___/ ___/20___

Last name, first name, patronymic

Year of birth

Name of department (division) of defense to which a draftee is returned

Reason for return






      /___/___ 20____

      Head of a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city)


      (military rank, signature)

Explanations on keeping the register

      1. The register shall include all draftees returning from a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city).

      2. Records shall be entered to the register by the head of a regional assembly point (assembly point of a city of republican status or the capital city).

  Annex 7
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

      Stamp of department

      of defense

      To head of department (division) of defense _______________


      A draftee ___________________________________________________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic)

      is returning from _______________________________________regional assembly point

      (a city of republican status or the capital city)

      For ___________________________________________________________________


      (indicate reason)

      for repeated consideration by draft commission.

      Attachment: __________________________________________________________


      (list of documents)

      Head of the department of defense


      (military rank, signature)

  Annex 8
Rules for arrangement and
conduction of draft of citizens of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
to military service

Nominal list
for military team №___ send
from assembly point _________________
of the department of defense to the command of head of receiving point ______ of regional
command, other troops and militaryunits of the Republic of Kazakhstan__________________ railway station

Full name

Year of birth

Which department (division) of defense drafted


Military specialty

Appeared at department (division) for departure to troops (day, month, year)

To which point for receipt of younger reinforcement (to which military unit) has been sent









      Head of department of defense


      (military rank, signature)

  Annex 9
to the Rules for Arrangement and
Conduct of Draft of Citizens
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
to Military Service

      Document form

      Footnote. The Rules have been supplemented by Annex 9 under Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 636 of 01.09.2022 (shall be enacted ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Information from the serviceman's place of duty

      Date of issue ____________________________________________________

      Surname, name, patronymic (if any) _________________________________________

      Date of birth__________________________________________________

      Number and date of the order of the head of the defence department ___________________ of the region,

      dated "__" __________ 20__ № ___. (region name)

      Name of the military unit (institution) ______________, where he is actually doing his military service.

      Commander (chief of staff) ________________________________________ (name of the military unit (institution))

      ____________________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname and initials)

      stamp here


      Under sub-paragraph 1) of paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law of he Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Service and the Status of Servicemen”, the period of military service in calendar terms shall be twelve months for fixed-term military servicemen.

      Under paragraph 6 of Article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Service and the Status of Servicemen”, a citizen shall be deemed to have been called up for military service from the moment the order of the head of the local military administration body of the region (city of republican status or the capital) to call him up for military service is issued.

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