On approval of the list of diseases for mandatory preventive vaccinations within the guaranteed volume of medical care, the rules, terms and the population groups subject to preventive vaccinations

Updated Unofficial translation

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 612 dated September 24, 2020.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 85 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 On Public Health and Healthcare System, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY RESOLVES:

      1. To approve:

      1) the list of diseases for mandatory preventive vaccinations within the guaranteed volume of medical care in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Resolution;

      2) Rules and terms for mandatory preventive vaccinations within the guaranteed volume of medical care (hereinafter the Rules) in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Resolution;

      3) population groups subject to preventive vaccinations in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Resolution.

      2. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akims of regions, cities of republican scale and the capital shall provide:

      1) receipt of preventive vaccinations by the population in accordance with the Rules;

      2) work of mobile vaccination teams in order to vaccinate the population living in settlements that lack conditions for carrying out preventive vaccinations.

      3. To invalidate some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Resolution.

      4. This Resolution shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Prime Minister
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin

  Appendix 1
to Resolution № 612
of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated September 24, 2020

List of diseases for mandatory preventive vaccinations within the guaranteed volume of medical care

      Footnote. The list - as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. At the expense of the republican budget, mandatory preventive vaccinations (the administration of vaccines) shall be carried out against the following infectious diseases after obtaining the informed consent of the vaccinated person for vaccination:

      1) routine preventive vaccinations:

      disease caused by the human papillomavirus;

      2) preventive vaccinations for epidemiological indications:

      coronavirus infection.

      2. At the expense of local budgets, mandatory preventive vaccinations (administration of vaccines and other immunobiological preparations) shall be carried out against the following infectious and parasitic diseases after obtaining the informed consent of the vaccinated person for vaccination:

      1) routine preventive vaccinations:

      viral hepatitis "A";

      viral hepatitis "B";

      hemophilus influenzae type b;


      whooping cough;



      pneumococcal infection;





      2) preventive vaccinations for epidemiological indications:

      viral hepatitis "A";

      viral hepatitis "B";


      spring-summer tick-borne encephalitis;









      typhoid fever;


  Appendix 2
to Resolution № 612
of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated September 24, 2020

The Rules and timing of mandatory preventive vaccinations within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care

      Footnote. The title - as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. These Rules and the timing of mandatory preventive vaccinations within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 85 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public health and the healthcare system" and shall determine the procedure and timing of preventive vaccinations.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 – as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 102 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      2. Mandatory preventive vaccinations (hereinafter - vaccinations) shall be carried out by legal entities with a license for providing primary health care, consultative and diagnostic and (or) inpatient medical care for adults and (or) children.

      3. The terms of mandatory vaccinations within the guaranteed volume of medical care shall be established in accordance with the appendix to these Rules.

      4. Persons with a higher and secondary medical education, trained in the rules of vaccination techniques, emergency care in the event of adverse post-immunization effects, who have a permit for carrying out vaccinations, shall be allowed to administer injections.

      The permit shall be issued annually by an ad hoc commission formed at the medical organization for the issuance of permits to administer injections.

      5. The heads of medical organizations shall organize vaccinations, training of specialists administering injections.

      6. Vaccines shall be administered in specially equipped vaccination rooms of healthcare organizations and (or) educational organizations. The premises where vaccinations are carried out must be provided with emergency and anti-shock therapy kits with instructions for their use.

      7. In the absence of conditions for vaccinations in a settlement (absence of a healthcare organization, a healthcare professional or conditions for storing vaccines and other immunobiological preparations), vaccinations shall performed by the respective mobile vaccination team.

      The mobile vaccination teams’ operation mode shall be determined by the local public health authorities of regions, cities of republican scale and the capital.

      8. Vaccines and other immunobiological preparations shall be administered that are duly registered as prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in healthcare.

      9. Injections shall be administered parenterally with the use of autodestruct syringes and orally - by ingestion.

      10. On the vaccination day to the vaccinated person, the doctor, in the absence of a doctor - a paramedic, shall conduct a survey of the vaccinated person or his legal representative with a medical examination and thermometry to exclude contraindications to immunization and, in the absence of such, shall give permission for the vaccination.

      11. The healthcare professional shall provide the vaccinated person or his legal representative with complete and objective information about the vaccination, possible reactions and adverse manifestations after immunization, the consequences of refusing to be vaccinated. Vaccinations shall be carried out after obtaining an informed consent for vaccination by citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors and persons recognized as incapacitated as prescribed by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      12. A medical examination of an adult vaccinated person before vaccinations shall be carried out in the event of a complaint about deteriorating health and / or in the presence of objective symptoms of diseases.

      13. Before vaccinations, a healthcare worker shall check the integrity of the ampoule (vial), the expiration date and labeling of the vaccine and other immunobiological preparations, the compliance of the vaccine with the solvent and the attached instructions.

      14. Vaccinated persons shall be under observation for 30 minutes in the healthcare organization where they received injections to take action in the event of post-immunization adverse effects. In the event of vaccinations by a mobile vaccination team, the vaccinated shall be under the supervision of the healthcare worker who made the injection.

      15. All vaccinations performed shall be subject to registration by a medical professional and must contain the following information: date of administration of the drug, name of the drug, batch number, dose, control number, expiration date, nature of the reaction to the administration of the drug, country of origin.

      Footnote. Paragraph 15 – as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      16. Information on preventive vaccinations shall be entered into the medical information system and accounting forms approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020, № KR DSM-175/2020 "On approval of accounting documentation forms in the field of healthcare, as well as instructions for their filling out" (registered in the State Register of Normative Legal Acts under № 21579).

      Footnote. Paragraph 16 – as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      17. All cases of reactions and adverse events after immunization to the administration of vaccines and other immunobiological preparations shall be recorded in medical document registration forms.

      Footnote. Paragraph 17 – as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

to the Rules for Compulsory
Preventive Vaccinations within
the Guaranteed Volume of Medical Care

Timing of mandatory preventive vaccinations within the framework of the guaranteed volume of medical care

      Footnote. Appendix table - as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. Infectious diseases against which preventive vaccinations shall be carried out at the expense of the republican budget:

      1) routine preventive vaccinations:

Age of those vaccinated

Disease caused by human papillomavirus



11 years old (girls)


11.5 years (girls)


      2) Preventive vaccinations for epidemiological indications:

Contingent of those vaccinated

Coronavirus infection



according to epidemiological indications


      2. Infectious and parasitic diseases, against which preventive vaccinations shall be carried out at the expense of local budgets:

      1) routine preventive vaccinations:

Age of those vaccinated


Viral hepatitis "B"


Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus

Haemophilus influenzae type b

Pneumococcal infection

Viral hepatitis "A"

Measles, rubella, mumps

Diphtheria, tetanus





















1-4 days



2 months






3 months




4 months






12-15 months




18 months




2 years


2.5 years


6 years (1st grade)



16 years and every 10 years


      2) Preventive vaccinations for epidemiological indications:

Contingent of those vaccinated

Viral hepatitis "A"

Viral hepatitis "B"

Diphtheria, tetanus

Measles, rubella, mumps








1) population living and working in natural foci of infectious diseases

2) persons belonging to risk groups by the nature of their professional activities, including:

medical workers



workers of sewerage and







treatment facilities

employees of research organizations, laboratories, including personnel conducting sampling, vivariums, organizations and institutions conducting research for the presence of the rabies pathogen and working with animals

persons performing work on catching and keeping stray animals

employees of hunting and forestry authorities, game wardens, workers at slaughterhouses (sites), taxidermists, dog handlers

employees of healthcare organizations involved in parenteral interventions for patients with rabies, and








3) persons who have been bitten or salivated

4) persons who have received injuries, or wounds with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes


5) persons belonging to risk groups due to their health status, including:

children undergoing dynamic observation in a medical organization


persons who have received a blood transfusion


6) orphans and children left without parental care, studying and (or) brought up in educational organizations for orphans and children left without








care, medical and social persons

institutions for the elderly, persons with disabilities

7) according to epidemiological indications




      Table continuation

Contingent of those vaccinated


Typhoid fever

Spring-summer tick-borne encephalitis










1) population living and working in natural foci of infectious diseases





2) persons belonging to risk groups by the nature of their professional activities, including:

medical workers

sewerage and treatment plant workers


employees of research organizations









laboratories, including personnel conducting

sampling, vivariums, organizations and institutions conducting research for the presence of the rabies pathogen and working with animals

persons performing work on catching and keeping stray animals


employees of hunting and forestry authorities, game wardens, workers at slaughterhouses (sites), taxidermists, dog handlers


employees of healthcare organizations involved in parenteral interventions for patients with rabies, and pathologists


3) persons,









who have been bitten or salivated by any animal

4) persons who have received injuries, or wounds with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes

5) persons belonging to risk groups due to their health status, including:

children undergoing dynamic observation in a medical organization

persons who have received a blood transfusion

6) orphans and children left without parental care, studying and (or) brought up in educational organizations for orphans and children left without care








parents, persons in medical and social institutions for the elderly, persons with disabilities

7) according to epidemiological indications

  Appendix 3
to the Decree of the Government
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated September 24, 2020 № 612

Population groups subject to preventive vaccinations

      Footnote. Population groups - as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.02.2024 № 102 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      The following population groups shall be subject to mandatory preventive vaccinations:

      1) persons by age in accordance with the established deadlines for mandatory preventive vaccinations;

      2) the population living and working in natural foci of infectious diseases (spring-summer tick-borne encephalitis, anthrax, tularemia, plague);

      3) persons belonging to risk groups by the nature of their professional activities:

      medical workers (viral hepatitis "B", influenza);

      workers (typhoid fever);

      employees of research organizations, laboratories, including personnel conducting sampling, vivariums, organizations and institutions conducting research for the presence of the rabies pathogen and working with animals (rabies);

      persons performing work on catching and keeping stray animals (rabies);

      employees of hunting and forestry authorities, game wardens, workers at slaughterhouses (sites), taxidermists, dog handlers (rabies);

      employees of healthcare organizations involved in parenteral interventions for patients with rabies, and pathologists (rabies);

      4) persons who have been bitten or salivated by any animal (rabies);

      5) persons who have received injuries, or wounds with a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes (tetanus);

      6) persons belonging to risk groups due to their health status:

      children undergoing dynamic observation in a medical organization (influenza);

      those who received a blood transfusion (viral hepatitis "B");

      7) orphans and children without parental care, studying and (or) being raised in educational organizations for orphans and children without parental care, persons in medical and social institutions for the elderly, persons with disabilities (influenza);

      8) persons at high risk of infection for epidemiological reasons (viral hepatitis "A", influenza, measles, rubella, mumps, coronavirus infection).

  Appendix 4
to Resolution № 612
of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated September 24, 2020

List of some invalidated resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      1. Resolution № 2295 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2009 "On approval of the list of diseases against which preventive vaccinations are carried out, the Rules for carrying them out and population groups subject to routine vaccinations" (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010, № 4, art. 45).

      2. Resolution № 663 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2010 On amendments to Resolution № 2295 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2009 (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010, № 40, art. 357).

      3. Resolution № 119 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 12, 2013 On amendments to Resolution № 2295 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2009 On approval of the list of diseases for preventive vaccinations, the Rules for carrying them out and population groups, subject to routine vaccinations (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013, № 15, art. 266).

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