On establishing the availability standards for special vehicles and determining criteria for classifying vehicles as special vehicles in the areas of activity that fall within their competence in republican state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

New Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 6, 2017 No. 681. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 29, 2017 No. 15823.

      Unofficial translation

      On establishing the availability standards for special vehicles and determining criteria for classifying vehicles as special vehicles in the areas of activity that fall within their competence in republican state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      In accordance with paragraph 1-4 of Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 145 dated February 10, 2003 “On Determination of the Mechanism for Monitoring the Administrative Expenses of State Enterprises, Joint-Stock Companies, the Controlling Blocks of Shares of Which Belong to the State, as well as Limited Partnerships, the Size of State Shares in Which Allow the State to Determine the Decisions of the General Meeting of Participants for the Purpose of Their Optimization”, I DO HEREBY ORDER:

      1. That the availability standard for special vehicles of the republican state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be established in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Order.

      2. That the criteria for classifying vehicles as special vehicles in the areas of activity within their competence, shall be determined in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Order.

      3. The heads of republican state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall take measures to register vehicles established by this order as a special vehicle at the registration and examination points of the Administrative Police Office of the Department of the Interior of the Regions, the cities of Astana and Almaty prior to November 1, 2017 and shall inform the Ministry Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan before November 5, 2017.

      4. In the manner prescribed by the law, the Department of Public Procurement and Assets of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:

      1) the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order, sending a copy hereof both in paper and electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages to Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” for official publication and inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission of the information on implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph to the Department of Legal Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. The control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the Department of Public Procurement and Assets of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      6. This order shall become effective ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Health
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan Y. Birtanov


      Minister of Finance

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      ______________ B. Sultanov

      September 6, 2017

  Appendix 1
to Order of the Minister of Health
of the Republic of Health
№ 681 of September 6, 2017

Availability standards for special vehicles of the republican state enterprises subordinate
to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Organization name


for provision of emergency care to patients, transportation of patients to other medical organizations in order to provide consultative and diagnostic assistance, delivery of patients from one department to another, located in different parts of the city

for prompt delivery of blood and its components to medical organizations

for the detection of falsified / counterfeit, low-quality medicines - a mobile express laboratory for the assessment of environmental factors, noise, electromagnetic radiation, air pollution, for mass X-ray examinations of the population for the purpose of early detection of tuberculosis and other diseases of the chest organs, for blood donation field conditions

for transportation and unloading of solid household waste, disposal and utilization of liquid waste, cleaning the territory, transportation of goods

for transportation of employees and students studying in medical organizations (buses and minibuses)









Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics"





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine"





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology"



Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology"



Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan State Medical University"




Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Semey State Medical University"





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Karaganda State Medical University"






Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University”





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Scientific and Production Center for Transfusiology





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Republican Center of Air Ambulance



Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management
"National Center for Expertise of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment"




Republican State Budget-Supported Enterprise "Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology"





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery




Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health




Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management National Center for Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management National Scientific Center of Phthisiopulmonology





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Burabay Republican Rehabilitation Center"





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Central Clinical Hospital for the Disabled Veterans of World War II




Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Republican Clinical Hospital for the Disabled Veterans of World War II





Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management Republican Blood Center





  Appendix 2
to Order of the Minister of Health
of the Republic of Health
№ 681 of September 6, 2017

Criteria for classifying vehicles as special vehicles by fields of activity within their competence
in republican state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Kazakhstan

      1. A special vehicle designed to provide emergency assistance to patients, transportation of patients to other medical organizations for the purpose of providing consultative and diagnostic assistance, delivering patients from one department to another located in different parts of the city.

      1. Equipping with medical equipment: artificial lung ventilation apparatus, oxygen reducer-inhaler with a 2 liter cylinder, a receiving device;

      2. Equipping with a couch or a trolley with a removable chair stretcher for transporting patients;

      3. Equipping with a bix for first aid;

      4. Equipping with frameless stretchers;

      5. Equipping with a set of transport folding tires;

      6. Equipping with a feldsher set.

      2. A special vehicle designed for the prompt delivery of blood and its components to medical organizations

      1. Equipping with refrigeration equipment;

      2. Equipping with a thermal container.

      3. A special vehicle designed to detect falsified / counterfeit, substandard medicines – a mobile express laboratory

      1. Equipping with a dust-, vibration-moisture-resistant near-infrared spectrometer.

      4. A special vehicle designed to assess environmental factors, noise, electromagnetic radiation, air pollution

      1. Equipping with a multifunctional stand-alone converter;

      2. Equipping with a gasoline-driven alternator;

      3. Equipped with a refrigerator;

      4. Equipping with a laboratory table with a sink and shelves for appliances;

      5. Equipping with instruments (gas analyzers, noise-vibration measuring equipment and apparatus, instruments for measuring the electromagnetic environment, for measuring microclimatic parameters, for measuring illumination).

      5. A special vehicle designed for mass X-ray examinations of the population with the aim of early detection of tuberculosis and other diseases of the chest

      1. Equipping with an X-ray fluorographic mobile digital apparatus.

      6. Special vehicle designed for the off-site donated blood collection

      1. Equipping with chairs and tables for donors;

      2. Equipment with biomixers;

      3. Equipment with sealers;

      4. Equipping with thermal containers.

      7. A special vehicle designed for the transportation and unloading of municipal solid waste

      1. Equipping with side / rear manipulator;

      2. Equipping with means of self-loading-self-unloading.

      8. Special vehicle designed for liquid waste disposal and utilization

      1. Equipping with a pump with a drive;

      2. Equipping with a waste container;

      3. Equipping with a receiving hatch with a special hose;

      4. Equipping with a storage tank.

      9. Special vehicle for cleaning the territory

      1. Equipping with attachments: a snow blower;

      2. Equipping with means of self-loading-self-unloading.

      10. Special vehicle for the transportation of goods

      1. Equipping with a carriage body;

      2. Equipping with a canvas tilt.

      11. A special vehicle designed for transportation of students studying in medical organizations (buses and minibuses)

      1. Equipping with firmly fixed seats for transporting people (more than 7 seats in the cabin), handrails and sun-protection devices on the windows (curtains or darkening of windows), as well as emergency hatches;

      2. Equipping with a bix for first aid;

      3. Equipping the cabin with heating and cooling systems.

      Note: Special vehicles shall include vehicles that have one of the abovementioned criteria.

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