On approval of the Rules for development, agreement, approval, registration and implementation (suspension, cancellation) of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2017 № 890. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 23, 2018 № 16270.

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. The title - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.05.2023 No. 314 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      In accordance with subparagraph 23-30) of Article 20 and paragraph 6 of Article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2001 "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" I hereby ORDER:

      Footnote. Preamble - as amended by Order No. 510 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 30, 2020 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      1. Approve the attached Rules for the development, agreement, approval, registration and implementation (suspension, cancellation) of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.05.2023 No. 314 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The committee on construction and housing-communal services of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order sending its copy on paper and electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​to the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican Center for Legal Information" for official publication and inclusion into the Standard control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order, sending its copy for official publication in periodicals;

      4) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      5) within ten working days after state registration of this order, submitting information on implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph to the Legal department of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the acting Vice-minister for investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after its first official publication.

      Minister for Investment and Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zh. Kasymbek

Minister of Finance
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
__________________ B. Sultanov
December 26, 2017

Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
__________________ T. Suleimenov
"___" _____________ 2017

Acting Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
__________________ S. Zhumangarin
January 5, 2018

by order of the Minister
for Investment and Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 22, 2017 No. 890

for development, approval, agreement, registration and implementation (suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction

      Footnote. The Rules - in the wording of the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.05.2023 No. 314 (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. The rules for the development, agreement, approval, registration and implementation (suspension, cancellation) of state standards (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and shall determine the procedure for the development, agreement, approval, registration and implementation, suspension and cancellation of state standards.

      2. The provisions of these Rules shall apply to the subjects of architectural, urban planning and construction activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan developing state standards.

      3. The following concepts shall be used in these Rules:

      1) the developer - an organization developing state standards;

      2) Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter referred to as the STC) - a consultation and advisory body created in the department of the authorized body, which prepares and considers proposals on the main areas of development of the construction industry, conducting scientific and technical policies in the field of architecture, urban planning, construction and housing and communal services, pricing in construction, implementation of architectural and construction control, as well as draft regulatory legal and state documents in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction;

      3) Code of Practice (hereinafter referred to as CP) - a regulatory and technical document of voluntary application selection containing acceptable solutions for design, construction, installation, maintenance or operation of buildings and structures;

      4) revision - revision of the state standard with a significant change in its content (more than 35% of the volume), changes in the structure and (or) name, updating, as well as the introduction of new and (or) more progressive provisions into it;

      5) acceptable solution - a normatively fixed method for satisfying the entry into force upon expiry of requirement, which is given in the regulatory technical documents of voluntary application;

      6) construction standards (hereinafter referred to as the CS) - a regulatory technical document containing that shall enter into force upon expiry of requirements specifying the requirements of technical regulations and mandatory for application by subjects in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction;

      7) guiding documents in construction (hereinafter - GDC) - regulatory legal acts establishing mandatory requirements for the organization of design and construction activities and regulating the relationship of subjects in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction;

      8) development of state standards - activities on the development of new and revision of existing state standards;

      9) technical adjustment of state standards - editing the text of the state standard by excluding double or ambiguous interpretation of regulatory requirements and provisions, elimination of duplication and conflicts, as well as irrelevant regulatory references with the possibility of their further translation into digital format;

      10) conversion to the digital format of state standards - building the requirements of the state standard to be computer processed (interpreted) in order to conduct an automated examination of information models of construction facilities for compliance with regulatory requirements;

      11) provision of the state standard - a structural element of the content of a regulatory and technical document, which shall have the form of a requirement, rules, recommendations and notes;

      12) recommended provision of the state standard - a provision containing advice or instruction;

      13) resulting requirements - the minimum necessary mandatory requirements to the operational characteristics of the facility, which do not establish methods or solutions for their satisfaction and shall be given in the provisions of CS and GDC;

      14) resulting solution - an alternative method to an acceptable solution that satisfies resulting requirement. Resulting solutions shall be based on scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested solutions that fully satisfy the resulting requirement;

      15) prescriptive normalization method - a method providing for an element-by-element description of construction facilities, which prescribes certain space-planning, structural and other solutions, materials, products, equipment, performance characteristics, methods of manufacture, installation, operating conditions, acceptance procedure and other means of achieving the goal;

      16) regulatory technical document (regulatory technical document) - regulatory document containing technical and technological standards;

      17) improvement of regulatory and technical documents - updating of state standards (development, technical adjustment, translation into digital format) in order to maintain the technical level and current requirements taking into account international experience, research work;

      18) feedback - a written document submitted based on the results of consideration of draft state standards;

      19) architectural, urban planning and construction catalog (hereinafter referred to as the catalog) - systematized lists of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, standard designs and standard design solutions of enterprises, buildings and structures, building structures, products and construction materials, work execution technologies and regulatory documents on pricing in construction;

      20) state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction (state standards) - a system of regulatory legal acts, urban planning and technical regulations, regulatory and technical documents, other mandatory requirements, conditions and restrictions that ensure favorable, safe and other necessary conditions for human habitation and life;

      21) formalized part of the requirement - part of the requirement in the state standard, where quantitative and (or) calculable qualitative characteristics of the requirement are known and determined, which can be converted into a machine-readable format in the form of a set of rules for application in the information system of checks of information models;

      22) customer - a legal entity organizing the development, technical adjustment and (or) translation into the digital format of state standards;

      23) the resulting rationing method - an approach to rationing that focuses on desired, measurable outcomes rather than prescriptive processes, methods and procedures. This rationing method is based on performance (on achieving certain results) without specific guidance as to how these results shall be obtained;

      24) agency of the authorized body - a department of the central state body that performs, within the competence, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, control and implementation functions in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities;

      25) digital format - data (documents, images and the like) in the form of a sequence of numbers intended for storage and processing using software or information systems

Chapter 2. Procedure for development of state standards

      4. Organization of works on development, technical adjustment and digitization of state standards shall include formation of:

      prospective nomenclature subject to development, technical adjustment and digitization of state standards (hereinafter referred to as the Prospective nomenclature) for a period of three years;

      annual list of state standards subject to development, technical adjustment and digital conversion.

      5. Proposals for inclusion in the forming Perspective nomenclature for a period of three years, subject to development, technical adjustment and translation into the digital format of state standards shall be submitted by the subjects of architectural, urban planning and construction activities to the department of the authorized body in the form of an application drawn up in any form.

      6. The application shall show the justification of the need to improve the regulatory and technical documents, the deadlines for implementation and, if necessary, the approximate volume (number of pages) in accordance with the structure of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules.

      7. The submitted application shall be considered by the agency of the authorized body within 30 calendar days from the date of registration to establish the feasibility of including the declared document in the Prospective nomenclature.

      8. Based on the results of the consideration of applications by the department of the authorized body, a Perspective nomenclature shall be formed, taking into account the priority and relevance of topics, as well as the timing of work by year.

      9. The annual list of state standards subject to development, technical adjustment and digitization is formed from priority and current topics included in the Perspective nomenclature in the form of a thematic work plan for the development, technical adjustment and digitization of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules.

      The formed thematic plan shall be approved by the leadership of the department of the authorized body and shall be included in the republican budget program in order to allocate funding.

      10. Subjects of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, in case of written confirmation by the department of the authorized body, carry out the initiative development of state standards at their own expense with the involvement of scientific and (or) specialized organizations.

      11. State standards shall be developed taking into account:

      1) results of scientific research, experiments, tests and measurements;

      2) international, regional standards, standards of organizations, standards of foreign countries and other documents establishing requirements for the design, construction and operation of buildings and structures;

      3) experience in the use of new technologies and constructing materials, products and structures.

      12. State standards for various purposes shall be subject to technical adjustment, with the exception of standards for the calculation of constructing structures, as well as containing provisions on organizational and methodological issues of design and construction.

      13. The development of state standards shall be carried out within one calendar year. When carrying out work on the development of state standards with technical adjustment and digitization, as well as if it is necessary to conduct scientific research under one contract, the development period is increased, with the breakdown of the scope of work by years.

      14. The organization of work on the development, technical adjustment and digitization of state standards shall be divided into the following stages.

      On the development of state standards:

      Stage 1 - organization of state regulation development;

      Stage 2- development of a draft state standard in the first edition (if necessary, subsequent, intermediate), receipt of feedback and responses from state bodies in the corresponding direction of rationing (determined by the customer), receipt of conclusions of the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and associations of private enterprises;

      Stage 3 - preparation of the draft state standard in the final version of the developer, approval and submission to the customer;

      Stage 4 - consideration, adoption (approval or agreement) and registration with the justice bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (if necessary) of the state standard;

      Stage 5 - the implementation of the state standard.

      According to the technical adjustment of state standards: similar to the stages for the development of state standards.

      On the translation into digital format of state standards:

      Stage 1- organization of translation into digital format of the state standard;

      Stage 2- creation of test models of automated checks from the formalized part of the requirements of state standards;

      Stage 3 - demonstration of test models of automated checks from the formalized part of the requirements of state standards and presentation of the work performed to the customer;

      Stage 4- review, acceptance (approval) of works by the customer.

      It shall be allowed to combine the stages or highlight individual works performed as part of the stage during the development, technical adjustment and digital conversion of state standards.

      15. The organization of work on the development of state standards on an initiative basis in accordance with paragraph 10 of these Rules shall be carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract.

      At the same time, the draft state regulation must be approved by the STC before its approval and implementation.

      16. The procedure for choosing a developer of state standards shall be carried out in compliance with the standards of Article 41 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan or Chapter 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public procurement."

      17. The development of state standards shall be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the contract, as well as the provisions of these Rules.

      18. When developing state standards, their content is set out taking into account the following requirements:

      1) the provisions of state standards shall be divided into mandatory and recommended.

      Mandatory provisions shall be set at the minimum necessary or maximum permissible level, recommended - at the level of economically justified and proven in practice solutions, taking into account advanced achievements.

      Mandatory include those provisions that, in accordance with the principles of state standards, shall be subject to unconditional compliance.

      The recommended provisions shall include those that shall be amended according to the specific needs and capabilities of the consumer or production conditions;

      2) GDC shall refer to the derivative type of regulatory legal acts establishing mandatory requirements for certain types of products and (or) processes of their life cycle and developed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) CS shall contain provisions detailing the requirements of technical safety regulations for various technical regulation facilities, the required level of quality of construction facilities, general technical requirements for engineering surveys for construction, design and construction, as well as requirements for planning and development, buildings and structures, construction structures, foundations and systems of engineering equipment, as well as operational characteristics of construction products.

      CS shall include the following:

      requirements to the organization and methods of the processes of production and operation of construction products aimed at ensuring its safety and quality;

      standards and rules for the formation of a favorable and safe life environment;

      resulting requirements for buildings, structures, their structural elements and systems of engineering equipment, as well as individual premises;

      requirements to material properties ensuring their suitability for use in construction and durability of building structures and engineering systems;

      fire safety requirements to prevent the spread of fire and smoke, ensure the evacuation of people, fire resistance of structures, safe operation of fire brigades;

      characteristics necessary to meet hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements of technical regulations and sanitary rules;

      requirements ensuring rational consumption of material and energy resources during the operation of buildings and structures, environmental protection.

      CS shall not contain the provisions of the prescriptive standard method related to design and space planning solutions, the use of specific types and grades of materials, unless it is necessary to achieve the goals of the technical regulations and if it is impossible to directly normalize operational characteristics, including due to the lack of control methods. These characteristics shall be regulated indirectly by establishing the relevant provisions of the prescriptive normalization method.

      CS shall not contain requirements for production processes for which buildings or structures are intended.

      CS shall not contain references to voluntary application selection documents;

      4) in the CP for design and construction shall provide with the necessary completeness the provisions recommended as officially recognized, justified in practice - acceptable solutions, the application of which shall allow to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and CS, as well as provisions on certain issues not regulated by CS in the form of the section "Additional requirements."

      The CP, particularly shall comprise:

      rules for engineering surveys and design works, composition and forms of the developed design and process documentation;

      provisions on the organization of production, methods and methods of work during the construction and operation of buildings and structures;

      recommendations on the application of urban planning and typological solutions, as well as social standards;

      methods of calculation and design of building structures, foundations of buildings and structures and their engineering systems, forecasting of service life, ensuring durability and maintainability of buildings, structures and their elements;

      recommendations on selection of space-planning and structural solutions of buildings, structures and their parts;

      rules for the use of elements of building structures, engineering systems, products and materials in the construction of buildings and structures with different operating conditions and in different climatic conditions.

      In CP it is not allowed to duplicate the provisions of technical regulations, MV, in the development of which these CP are developed;

      5) CP identical to European Design Standards (Eurocodes) - CP RK EN shall contain the full text of the Eurocode (including Annexes) issued by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

      The National Annex to CP RK EN shall contain only information on the parameters that are left open in Eurocode for decision-making at the national level. These parameters set at the national level (NDP) shall apply only to the design of buildings and engineering structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      CP RK EN shall establish general principles and rules for design, calculation and determination of parameters, both of the load-bearing structures themselves and of individual structural elements. They concern both traditional construction methods and aspects of innovative application, but shall not contain rules for non-standard structures or special solutions for which it is necessary to involve experts to develop alternative solutions;

      6) regulatory technical documents in the form of regulatory technical manuals (RTM), process design standards, process charts, methodological construction documents shall contain practice-proven provisions (calculations, examples, technological and technical descriptions and explanations, procedures, etc.) for the implementation of the requirements of technical regulations and CS, as well as acceptable solutions of the CP.

      19. Construction, presentation, registration of state standards shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules and ST RK 1.5 "General requirements for the construction, presentation, execution and content of national standards and recommendations for standardization."

      The procedure for the construction, presentation, execution, content and designation of regulatory technical documents developed on the basis of the application of international, regional and national standards is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SR RK 1.9 "State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General requirements for the construction, presentation, formalization and content of international, regional and foreign standards used as national and preliminary national standards. "

      20. The text of the GDC shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the development, coordination and state registration of regulatory legal acts approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 6, 2016 No. 568 and the Rules for the development, agreement of draft by-laws of regulatory legal acts approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 6, 2016 No. 569 (hereinafter referred to as the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 568 and No. 569).

      21. State standards shall be published in the state and Russian languages.

      22. The form of the cover of state standards, with the exception of the GDC, shall be drawn up in accordance with the form provided in Annex 3 to these Rules.

      23. The form of the structural element "Preface" for state standards, with the exception of GDC, shall be given in Annex 4 to these Rules.

      24. Shmuttitul (first page) of state standards in the state and Russian languages, with the exception of the GDC, shall be drawn up in accordance with the form provided in Annex 5 to these Rules.

      25. The structural element "Regulatory references" in state regul, with the exception of GDC, shall contain a list of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents to which the text of the document contains (given) references. The list of references shall begin with the words: "The following references shall be used to apply these building codes (regulatory technical manuals, codes of practice, etc.):"

      At the end of the section, a note should be given as follows:

      "Note - when using this state standard, it shall be advisable to verify the validity of reference documents on information catalogs "List of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction operating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan," "Catalog of national standards and national classifiers of technical and economic information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "Catalog of interstate standards," compiled annually as of the current year, and the corresponding monthly newsletters - magazines and information indexes of standards published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (amended), then when using this regulation, it is necessary to be guided by the replaced (amended) standard, if the reference document is canceled without amenment, then the provision in which it is referred to shall apply in the part not affecting this reference. "

      The list of references shall include full designations and names of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents, in ascending order of registration numbers of designations (if any) in the following sequence:

      legislative and by-laws, technical regulations, orders depending on the legal force in the hierarchy of regulatory legal acts;


      interstate building codes;


      interstate codes of practice for design and construction;


      Scientific and technological progress STP;

      international and interstate standards in construction;

      national standards, as well as standards of foreign countries allowed for use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 3. Procedure for approval of state standards

      26. The developer shall send to the organizations defined by the customer in the contract the developed draft state standard with an explanatory note in order to obtain the appropriate feedback. Feedback on the draft state standard shall be provided to the developer no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the draft for consideration.

      If the organization fails to submit a recall within the specified period, the development of state standards continues according to the terms established in the contract, and the draft state standard is considered agreed by this organization, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

      If necessary, the developer holds a meeting with representatives of interested state bodies and organizations to consider disagreements on the submitted reviews. Decisions taken at the meeting shall be documented in a protocol and reflected in a summary table of comments and proposals.

      27. Draft state standards marked "for official use" shall be sent for consideration to the interested state bodies for feedback directly by the customer.

      28. The draft of the developed state standard in the first version with an explanatory note is submitted to the department of the authorized body for its consideration and formation of the case in accordance with the list of documents included in the case of the developed state standard in accordance with Annex 6 to these Rules.

      29. The developer, prior to submission of the draft state standard in the final version, shall organize the re-review of the draft state standard by the relevant state bodies and organizations defined in the contract.

      At the same time, the draft state standard shall be sent to the relevant state bodies for consideration in the developed version, taking into account previously received reviews.

      30. The preparation of the draft state standard in the final version shall be carried out taking into account the received answers of the relevant state bodies and organizations.

      31. The draft state standard in the final version shall be submitted to the customer in the state and Russian languages, in paper and electronic media, and in the quantity specified by the contract, cover letter and annexes:

      1) explanatory note to the draft state standard containing:

      justification of economic efficiency from the development and application of the state standard;

      grounds for the development of a state standard;

      information on the distribution of the draft state standard for consideration and receipt of feedback from organizations;

      information on regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents that have been used in the development of the draft state regulation;

      Developer data

      2) the list of organizations to which the draft state regulation has been sent in the first version;

      3) feedback received from state bodies and organizations to which the draft state standard in the first (intermediate) and final version has been sent for consideration;

      4) the compiled summary table of comments and proposals on the draft state standard in the first (intermediate) and final version;

      5) proposals on the abolition of current state standards or amendments and (or) additions to them related to the introduction of a new state standard.

      32. The final versions of the draft state standards shall be submitted for consideration by the STC, with the exception of documents marked "for internal use."

      33. The scope of work on the approval of the draft state standard, according to which a technical adjustment has been carried out, shall be similar to the work on the development of state standards.

      34. The digitized draft state regulation shall be coordinated with state bodies and organizations defined in the contract.

Chapter 4. Procedure for approval, registration and implementation (suspension, cancellation) of state standards

      35. Registration (accounting) numbers of state regulations begin with the number 00 (01), with the exception of CS, which begin with the number 100.

      36. The code of the state standard shall ensure the accounting and registration unity of the designations of documents of all levels combined in the industry classification, and shall create the necessary conditions for effective storage, dissemination and use of information on the regulatory framework in the field, architecture, urban planning and construction activities.

      The structure of the code shall include alphabetic and numeric (X) elements of the designation, separated by the signs "point" and "hyphen" according to the above scheme:

      XX XX - an abbreviation of state standards;

      X. - complex;

      XX - sub-complex;

      - ХХ - registration (accounting) number;

      - ХХХХ - year of approval.

      Example - SN RK 1.02-03-2011, SP RK 1.02-106-2013.

      An element < * >, for example: SN RK 1.02-03-2011 *, SP RK 1.02-106-2013 *, shall be added to the code reprinted with amendments in the state standard.

      The star sign also shall indicate the amended points of the state standard.

      37. State regulations shall be approved by the order of the department of the authorized body, as well as amendments and (or) additions introduced to them.

      38. The standard shall be canceled, when adopting a state standard which has been developed instead.

      39. Amenments and additions to the provisions of state standards should be justified, have a scientific and technical justification, an analysis of world experience and, if necessary, financial and economic calculation.

      Supporting documentation for construction materials and products shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 13 of the technical regulations "Requirements for the safety of architecture and structures, construction materials and products," approved by resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 17, 2010 No. 1202.

      40. Proposals for amendments and/or additions to state regulations, with the exception of documents marked "for internal use," shall be submitted for consideration and approval by the STC.

      41. The date of introduction of state standards, as well as amendments and/or additions to them, shall be established taking into account the adaptation period, but not earlier than six (6) months from the date of their approval.

      It shall be allowed to reduce the period of implementation of state standards, as well as amendments and (or) additions to them by decision of the department of the authorized body in cases of the need to prevent or eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, the execution of orders of higher state bodies, as well as in cases of approval of such recommendations at the STC meeting.

      42. The state standard or its individual standards may be suspended for a certain period. Suspension of state standards or its individual standards shall be carried out by a separate order.

      43. Information on approval, cancellation, suspension of state standards, as well as amendments and (or) additions to them shall be published in industry print media, and is also posted on the website of the department of the authorized body.

      44. State registration of the STC shall be carried out in accordance with the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 568 and No. 569.

      45. Information on the current state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction shall be placed in the catalogs "List of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, operating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "List of regulatory documents on pricing in the construction of operating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, " formed by the agency of the authorized body in accordance with the Rules for the formation and maintenance of architectural, urban planning and construction catalogs approved by order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2015 No. 701 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 12423).

      46. State standards shall be sent within the established time frame by the department of the authorized body to a unified state fund of regulatory technical documents in accordance with the Rules for the formation, agreement and maintenance of a unified state fund of regulatory technical documents, as well as the distribution of copies of regulatory technical documents, official publications approved by order of the Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018 No. 944 (registered under No. 18090).

      47. The provisions of newly developed and shall enter into force upon expiry of state standards, as well as amendments and (or) additions to the current state standards do not apply to existing architecture and structures designed and built-in accordance with previously existing regulatory and technical documents.

      When changing (reconstruction, expansion, modernization, re-equipment, technical re-equipment, restoration, overhaul) of existing architecture and structures, the provisions of the current state standards included in the catalogs specified in paragraph 45 of these Rules shall be applied.

      48. The provisions established in the regulatory technical documents of the voluntary choice of application, in the absence of effective solutions (alternative documents), shall be subject to mandatory compliance with the design and construction of facilities.

      49. If there are contradictions in state standards of different levels, the standards of a higher-level document shall apply.

      If there are contradictions in state standards of the same level, the standard of the document later shall enter into force, or the standard that corresponds to the document later shall enter into force, shall be recognized as valid.

  Annex 1
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction

Structure of state standards

Organizational and methodological regulatory documents

1.01 Standardization, rationing, certification

Objectives, objectives, facilities, methodology and organization of work on standardization, standardization and certification in construction.

1.02 Engineering survey for construction and design

Composition, general requirements and procedure of engineering surveys for construction, pre-design and design works. Procedure for approval, examination and approval of projects. Types, content and execution of urban planning and design and estimate documentation.

1.03 Production

Construction organization, technological preparation and general rules of construction production, construction mechanization, occupational safety and environmental protection during construction. Quality control and acceptance of completed facilities. Organization of production of construction products and materials. Types, content and execution of process and as-built documentation.

1.04 Operation

General rules for maintenance, inspection and repair of building structures and engineering equipment systems of buildings and structures. Types, content and execution of repair and operational documentation.

1.05 Architecture and urban planning activities

Organizational and methodological provisions defining the structure and functions of a unified system of architecture and urban planning bodies. Rules and methods of carrying out architectural activities by its participants.

General regulatory and technical documents

2.01 Basic provisions of construction structure’s reliability

General principles for ensuring the safety, serviceability and durability of construction structures, engineering systems, structures and materials. Basic concepts of reliability, classification of construction structures by the degree of responsibility, load and impact of various types. Classification of failures, parameters of design models and principles of establishment of regulatory requirements for reliability of construction structures, structures and foundations. Basics of statistical acceptance control in construction.

2.02 fire safety

General principles for ensuring fire safety in solving urban planning, space planning and structural tasks, classification of the building, structures and their elements by fire resistance and fire hazard, fire protection equipment, escape routes and safety zones. Fire and technical indicators of building structures, materials and products, calculation principles, control and test methods.

2.03 Protection against hazardous geophysical impacts

General principles of engineering protection and characteristics of hazardous geophysical impacts (seismic, landslides, collapses, avalanches, mudslides, erosion, moonlighting, karst, flooded and flooded areas, etc.). Requirements for engineering surveys for construction, urban planning, space planning, structural construction and technological measures to ensure the safety of people, as well as the operation of engineering protection structures.

2.04 Internal climate and protection from harmful effects

General principles of ensuring the thermal, air-humidity, acoustic and light conditions of the premises. Environmental impact characteristics (including climatic effects, vibration, noise, radiation, toxic emissions, etc.). Design methods and constructive provision of protection of human health from these impacts, methods of control and testing.

2.05 Dimensional interchangeability and compatibility

General principles of ensuring dimensional interchangeability and compatibility in construction, rules for coordinating dimensions, tolerances of geometric parameters. Methods of measurement and accuracy control.

3. Regulatory and technical documents on urban planning, buildings and structures, hormative and technical documents

3.01 Urban planning

The main provisions of resettlement, placement of productive forces, development of the interverse, engineering and transport infrastructure of territories, planning and development of territories, settlements and their separate parts.

3.02 Residential, public and industrial facilities and structures

Classification and technical requirements for residential, public, production and warehouse facilities, structures and their parts. Main provisions for performance of works, acceptance rules, methods of control and testing.

3.03 Transport facilities

Classification, loads and impacts, geometric parameters and technical requirements for structures and elements of roads and railways, underground, sea, river, air, industrial and urban transport. Basic provisions for calculation, design and performance of works, acceptance rules, control and test methods.

3.04 Hydrotechnical and reclamation structures

Classification, loads and impacts, basic requirements for dams, channels, dams, shore protection and other structures. Basic provisions for calculation, design and performance of works, acceptance rules, control and test methods.

3.05 Export Pipelines and Flowlines

Load and impact classification, geometric parameters and technical requirements for pipelines and storage facilities for gas, oil and petroleum products, as well as their location. Basic provisions for calculation, design and performance of works, acceptance rules, control and test methods.

3.06 Ensuring an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other socially protected segments of the population

Basic provisions and general requirements for ensuring an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other socially protected segments of the population.

4. Regulatory documents for engineering support of facilities and structures and external networks

4.01 Water supply and sewerage

Classification of systems and consumers, technical requirements for external networks, structures and their location, internal systems. Water consumption standards, water treatment and wastewater treatment. Main provisions for design and performance of works, operation mode. Sanitary equipment, valves, appliances and sewer pipes. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

4.02 Heat, heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Classification of systems and consumers, technical requirements for external networks and facilities, their location, network water, internal systems and equipment. Heat consumption rates, emission cleaning, use of secondary heat resources. Main provisions for design and performance of works, operation mode. Heating devices, valves and air ducts. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

4.03 Gas supply

Classification of systems, technical requirements for gas pipelines, equipment and disconnecting devices. Gas consumption rates. Main provisions for design and performance of works, operation mode. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

4.04 Power supply

Classification of lines and consumers. Design and execution philosophy. Electrical installation Rules.

4.05 Rubbish disposal

Technical requirements for waste disposal systems, equipment, organization of solid waste collection, disposal and disposal systems. Basic provisions for design, installation and operation.

5. Regulatory and technical documents for building structures and products

5.01 Foundations and basis of facilities and structures

Classification and design characteristics of soils. Methods of calculation and design of foundations and pile foundations. Main provisions for performance of works, operation mode and condition diagnostics. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

5.02 Stone and reinforced stone structures

General requirements for stone and reinforced stone structures of facilities and structures. Methods of calculation and design of structures and their connections, basic provisions for erection of structures, mode of their operation and state diagnostics. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

5.03 Reinforced concrete and concrete structures

General requirements for cast-in-situ, prefabricated and cast-in-situ concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Methods of calculation and design of structures and their connections, basic provisions for the manufacture, erection of structures, protection against corrosion, the mode of their operation and diagnostics of the state. Prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

5.04 Metal structures

General requirements for load-bearing and enclosing structures, including those with effective insulation, made of steel and aluminum alloys. Methods of calculation and design of structures and their connections, basic provisions for the manufacture, installation of structures, protection against corrosion, the mode of their operation and diagnostics of the state. Prefabricated metal structures. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

5.05 Wood structure

General requirements for wooden structures of buildings and structures. Methods of calculation and design of structures and their connections, basic provisions for the manufacture, installation of structures, protection against corrosion, the mode of their operation and diagnostics of the state. Prefabricated wooden structures and products. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

5.06 Structures made of other materials

General requirements for asbestos cement and structures made of other materials. Methods of calculation and design of structures and their connections, basic provisions for the manufacture, installation of structures, the mode of their operation and diagnostics of the state. Prefabricated structures. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

5.07 Windows, doors, gates and devices for them

General requirements for products. Specifications for products and components. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6. Regulatory documents for construction materials and products

6.01 Wall masonry

General requirements for bricks and wall stones made of various materials. Specifications for specific varieties, types, grades. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

6.02 Mineral binders

General requirements for cement and other binders. Specifications for specific varieties, types, grades. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.03 Concretes and mortars

General requirements for concretes of various types, concrete mixtures, mortars. Specifications for specific varieties. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.04 Crushed stone, gravel and sand for construction works

General requirements for crushed stone, gravel, sand, artificial and natural porous aggregates. Specifications for specific varieties. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.05 Heat-insulating, sound-insulating and sound-absorbing materials

General requirements for mineral wool products, cellular concrete products, foam-based slabs and other heat-insulating materials. Specifications for specific varieties. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.06 Roofing, waterproofing and sealing materials and products

General requirements for rolled roofing materials, roofing mastics, insulating and sealing materials. Specifications for specific varieties. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.07 Finishing and facing materials

Requirements for polymer, ceramic, wood and other finishing and facing materials and products. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.08 Asbestos-cement products

Requirements for asbestos-cement flat and wavy sheets, pipes, extrusion products. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.09 Road materials

Requirements for asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete mixtures and other road materials. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

6.10 Construction glass

Requirements for Sheet Glass and Glass Products for Construction. Acceptance rules, control and test methods.

7. Regulatory documents for equipment of construction organizations

7.01 Mobile buildings and structures

Classification and general technical requirements. Specifications for specific types of buildings and structures. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

7.02 Equipment of construction organizations

General technical requirements for scaffolding and scaffolding, formwork for concrete works, installation equipment and fasteners, manual tools, packaging and containerization facilities. Acceptance of rules, control and test methods.

7.03 Specialized tooling of construction industry enterprises

General technical requirements for tooling, lubricant for tooling and molds. Acceptance rof ules, control and test methods.

8. Regulatory documents on pricing and estimates

8.01 Organizational and methodological documents on pricing in construction

8.01 Organizational and methodological documents on pricing in construction

8.02 Pricing and estimates at the stage of investment planning

Rules and methods for determining the cost of construction, reconstruction as part of pre-design documentation. Estimated regulatory framework for determining the need for capital investments.

8.03 Pricing and estimates for design and survey work

Rules and methods for determining the cost of design and survey work in construction

8.04 Pricing and estimates for new construction, reconstruction

Rules and methods for determining the cost of construction, reconstruction as part of design documentation. Estimated regulatory framework for determining the need for capital investments.

8.05 Pricing and estimates for major repairs of buildings and structures

Rules and methods for determining the cost of major repairs of buildings and structures as part of design documentation. Estimated regulatory framework for determining the need for capital investments.

8.06 Pricing and estimates for liquidation of buildings and structures

Rules and methods for determining the cost of liquidation works as part of design documentation. Estimated regulatory framework for determining the need for capital investments.

8.07 Resource and technological base of estimated pricing

Rules and methods for development and application of normative indicators of consumption of material and fuel and energy resources for construction. Rules and methods for determining the labour intensity of elements of construction products. Electronic data bank of implemented projects.

9. Regulatory documents on the maintenance of the state urban planning cadastre

9.01 Urban planning cadastre

General rules for creation and maintenance of urban planning cadastre. Types, content and execution of documentation of the urban planning cadastre.

10. Regulatory documents of conformity assessment and state supervision and control bodies

10.01 Conformity assessment, control, supervision

Organizational and methodological, composition, general requirements, procedure, organizational structure

11. Regulatory documents on the procedure for organization and holding of tenders (tenders) for contract works in construction

  Annex 2
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction
  Approved by order
  from _____ "____", 20
  № _________

Thematic work plan for development, technical adjustment and translation
to the digital format of state standards in the field of architecture,
urban planning and construction

      by section ________________________________

      (section and name of the budget program)

№ r/n

Name of the regulatory and technical document

Plan ___ (year)

Quarterly planned development, thousand tenge

completion date





Section __ "Development of regulatory documents, project proposals, technical solutions"


Total by event

  Annex 3
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction

State standard cover

State standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction (in state/Russian language)
(type of standard - building codes, regulatory and technical manual, code of practice, etc.) in the state/Russian language

Color strip: with the element "kerege" building codes - red; regulatory documents on pricing in construction - green; other government regulations shall be blue.

(name of the standard) - in the state/Russian languages
(designation of the standard) - in the state/Russian languages
ҚР ҚН / X. X X - X X -20 X X
ҚR hedgehog
СН РК / X. X X - X X -20 X X
official edition - in the state/Russian languages
(name of the standard) - in the state/Russian languages
(designation of the standard) - in the state/Russian languages
ҚР ҚН / X. X X - X X -20 X X
ҚR hedgehog
СН РК / X. X X - X X -20 X X
official edition - in the state/Russian languages

(Name of the department of the authorized body that approved the document) - in the state/Russian languages (year of publication)

  Annex 4
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction



____________ (әзірлеген ұйымның атауы)


_________ (уәкілетті орган)


_________ (уәкілетті органның) 20ХХ жылғы
"__" _______ бұйрығымен



__________ (developer organization)


_________ (authorized body)


by order of the __________ (authorized body) from "__" _____ 20XX

Осы мемлекеттік нормативті ресми басылым ретінде қайта шығаруға (толық немесе ішінара), көбейтіп таратуға және таратуға сәулет, қала құрылысы және құрылыс саласындағы уәкілетті орган ведомствосының рұқсатымен жол беріледі.
This state standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the department of the authorized body in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction.

  Annex 5
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction

Shmuttitul (first page) of the state regulatory document in the state/Russian languages

      ҚР ҚН/ Х.ХХ-ХХ-20ХХ

      ҚР ЕЖ

      СН РК/ Х.ХХ-ХХ-20ХХ

      СП РК










      Date of introduction 20ХХ-ХХ-ХХ


      T E X T


      Official edition

Shmuttitul (first page) of regulatory technical manuals (STP) to JV RK EN in the state/Russian language

      ҚР НТҚ Х.ХХ-ХХ-20ХХ

      НТП РК Х.ХХ-ХХ-20ХХ







      Date of introduction 20ХХ-ХХ-ХХ


      T E X T


      Official edition

  Annex 6
to Rules for development,
agreement, approval, registration
  and implementation
(suspension, cancellation)
of state standards in the field
of architecture, urban planning
and construction

List of documents included in the work of the developed state standard

      1. Developer's letter on submission of the draft state regulation in the version of the first/final one.

      2. Explanatory note to the draft state standard being developed.

      3. Draft of the developed state standard in the first edition.

      4. The list of organizations to which the draft developed state standard for feedback has been sent (with a mark on receipt of feedback).

      5. Originals of feedback (comments and proposals) received on the draft developed state standard in the first version.

      6. Minutes of the conciliation meeting developer (during the meeting).

      7. Summary of feedback on the draft developed state regulation in the first edition.

      8. The list of state bodies to which the draft of the developed state regulation was sent in the final version for consideration (with a note on receiving a response to the review) with a summary table formed according to their comments and proposals.

      9. Original documents confirming the consideration of the draft state regulation being developed with the relevant state authorities.

      10. Proposals on the abolition of current state standards or draft changes to them related to the introduction of a new state standard.

      11. Final version of the state regulation.

      12. Minutes of the STC of the department of the authorized body.

      13. STC Resolution.

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