Unofficial translation
In accordance with subparagraph 15) of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and rural territories", subparagraph 2) of paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" and subparagraph 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Services", I HEREBY ORDER:
Footnote. The preamble as amended by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.11.2023 № 409 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).1. That the attached Subsidy Rules for Reimbursement of a Part of the Expenses Incurred by an Agro-Industrial Complex Entity, in the Context of Investments (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) shall be approved.
2. The following orders shall be declared to be no longer in force:
1) Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 48 dated February 1, 2017 “On Approval of the Subsidy Rules for Reimbursement of a Part of Expenses Incurred by an Agro-Industrial Complex Entity in the Context of Investments” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 14816 , published on March 7, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
2) Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 473 of November 28, 2017 “On Introduction of Amendments to Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 48 of February 1, 2017 “On Approval of the Subsidy Rules on Reimbursement of a Part of the Expenses Incurred by an Agro-Industrial Complex Entity in the Context of Investments ”(registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 16091, published on December 15, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
3. In accordance with the procedure established by legislation, the Department of Investment Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, sending a copy hereof in paper and electronic form both in Kazakh and Russian languages to Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” for official publication and inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, sending a copy hereof for official publication in periodicals;
4) placing this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.
3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order shall enter into force upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication, with the exception of part three of paragraph 16 of the Rules, which shall come into effect on January 1, 2019.
Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
A. Yevniyev |
Minister of Information and Communications
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ D. Abayev
of "____" ____________ 2018
Minister for Investments and Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ Zh. Kassymbek
of "____" ____________ 2018
Minister of Finance of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ B. Sholpankulov
of "____" __________ 2018
Minister of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ R. Dalenov
of "____" ____________ 2018
Approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 23, 2018 № 317 |
Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments
Footnote. The Rules preamble as amended by the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.11.2023 № 409 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
Chapter 1. General provisions
1. These Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 15) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and rural territories" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), subparagraph 2) of paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" and subparagraph 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Services" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on state services) and shall determine the procedure for subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex (hereinafter referred to as the AIC), in case of investments.
2. The main purpose of subsidizing on compensation of a part за expenses incurred by the AIC subject, in case of investments, is to increase the availability of goods, works and services as part of the implementation of investment projects in priority areas (sectors) of AIC by reducing capital intensity and increasing the return on investment.
The following terms and definitions shall be used in these Rules:
1) investment project in the AIC (hereinafter referred to as the investment project) – a set of measures that provides for investments in the creation of new, reconstruction, expansion of production facilities, acquisition of vehicles, machinery and equipment in accordance with project passports;
2) investor in the AIC (hereinafter referred to as the investor (service recipient)) – a business entity, carrying out investments and engaged in the production and (or) processing of agricultural products, the main or secondary type of activity of which belongs to the sections of the Common Classifier of Economic Activity (hereinafter referred to as the ССEA) according to the list of the main or secondary type of activity for the business entity making investments and engaged in the production and (or) processing of agricultural products provided for in Annex 1 to these Rules;
3) special account – special account - an account of a financial institution in a second-tier bank, to which the amounts of investment subsidies are credited in accordance with the conditions of Chapter 4 of these Rules;
4) agricultural equipment (hereinafter referred to as the equipment) – equipment designed for mechanization, electrification and automation of agricultural work, which, due to the specifics of its operation, is characterized by the immobility of the base and body structural elements, relative to the supporting surface, during the execution of technological processes;
5) agricultural machine (hereinafter referred to as the machine) – self-propelled agricultural machinery, trailed and mounted implements intended for the mechanization of agricultural work (in farming and animal husbandry), which is characterized by the mobility of the base and body elements, relative to the supporting surface, during the execution of technological processes;
6) agricultural machinery (hereinafter referred to as the machinery) – a wide range of technical means designed to increase labor productivity in agriculture by mechanization, electrification and automation of individual operations or processes;
7) the administrator of the budget program (hereinafter referred to as the administrator) – local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, capital;
8) creation of new production capacities – construction of buildings, industrial structures and equipping them with vehicles, machinery, equipment in accordance with the list of project passports provided for in Appendix 2 to these Rules;
9) personal account - a set of entries contained in the register, allowing to identify a registered person to register applications for subsidies and record transactions on them;
10) project passport – a list and share of reimbursement of investments for the creation of new, reconstruction, expansion of production facilities, acquisition of new, previously unused vehicles, machinery, equipment and other fixed assets, works and services subject to investment subsidies, specified in Annexes 2 and 3 to these Rules;
11) expansion of existing production facilities – measures providing for the construction of additional production facilities at an existing facility, equipping existing production facilities with missing or necessary new, previously unused equipment, vehicles and machinery in accordance with Annex 3 to these Rules;
12) investments – costs aimed at creating new or expanding existing production facilities;
13) investment subsidies − reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred by the investor (service recipient) during investment investments;
14) the working body for investment subsidies (hereinafter referred to as the working body (service provider) – local executive body of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital in the field of agriculture, authorized to consider applications from investors (service recipients) and make decisions on payment/refusal to provide investment subsidies;
15) investment subsidizing agreement – an agreement concluded between the working body (service provider) and the investor (service recipient), providing for the procedure and conditions for the transfer of investment subsidy funds, the course of monitoring, the responsibility of the parties and other conditions;
16) financial institutions – second-tier banks, microfinance organizations, credit organizations that have an appropriate license for the right to carry out banking operations, leasing companies, and credit partnerships;
17) production complex – a set of interconnected production facilities (buildings, structures, installed equipment, engineering networks) aimed at the production, processing, storage, and packaging of agricultural products;
18) production facility – maximum output of agricultural products and/or food products of a production facility in physical terms per unit of time (hour, day, month, year);
19) application – an electronic application for the receipt by investors (service recipients) of investment subsidies for investment in the form in accordance with Annexes 4, 5 to these Rules;
20) reconstruction – construction, reconstruction and (or) expansion and (or) change of purpose of facilities in accordance with Annex 3 to these Rules;
21) state information system for subsidizing (hereinafter referred to as the SISS) – an organizationally ordered set of information and communication technologies, service personnel and technical documentation, designed to provide services for the implementation of subsidy processes, which provides the ability to register an application for subsidies, as well as its processing through automatic verification of the application for compliance with the conditions of subsidies;
22) electronic register of applications for subsidies (hereinafter referred to as the register) – a set of information about applications for subsidizing the agro-industrial complex, as well as about borrowers, financial institutions, and other information reflected in the SISS;
23) web portal of the state information system for subsidizing (hereinafter referred to as the web-portal) – an Internet resource hosted on the Internet, providing access to the state information system for subsidizing;
24) electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS) – a set of electronic digital symbols created using an electronic digital signature and confirming the authenticity of an electronic document, its ownership and the invariance of the content.
3. Subsidizing the costs of construction and installation work shall be carried out on investment projects that provide for the achievement of indicators of output and / or productivity and / or product sales volumes and / or capacity utilization in accordance with the business plan of the project.
At the same time, as part of the creation of new or expansion of existing production facilities, investment subsidies for the reconstruction of the facility shall be allowed in accordance with the project passports specified in Annex 3 to these Rules.
4. Every year, before February 1 of the corresponding year, the working body (service provider) shall create and register in the SISS a group of specialists (hereinafter referred to as the group of specialists) from among the employees of the working body (service provider), local executive bodies (including district/city) and other organizations, being representatives of public and non-governmental sectoral organizations.
When inspecting facilities according to project passports that provide for the creation of new ones, reconstruction, expansion of production capacities, the group of specialists shall include specialists from the department of construction, urban planning and architecture of local executive bodies of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital.
If the investment project exclusively involves the acquisition of equipment with state registration within the framework of project passports № 1 and № 1.1, then an inspection of the investor’s (service recipient’s) facility by a group of specialists shall not be required.
For other investment projects, a group of specialists in all project passports, except for the cases specified in part three of this paragraph, shall check documents, inspect the investor’s (service recipient) facility, purchased equipment for compliance with the conditions stipulated in the project passports, with the obligatory attachment of supporting photos and video materials, also check the availability of installed equipment, achievement of the capacity utilization.
Verification of achievement of the capacity utilization shall be carried out according to project passports specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules.
At least 2 (two) specialists shall be sent to each facility, which will be determined by the working body (service provider).
The inspection shall be carried out in the presence of the investor (service recipient) or his authorized representative, and its result shall be documented by an act of inspection of the investor’s facility and confirmation of the achievement of the capacity utilization in the form in accordance with Annex 6 to these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the act of inspection of the facility).
5. Persons who are members of a group of specialists in accordance with paragraph 4 of these Rules shall have permanent access to SISS, except for cases where these persons have limited access to SISS due to being on vacation, a business trip, during a period of temporary disability, or dismissal. Restriction of access to SISS shall be confirmed by a note of restriction of access of a member of a group of specialists in the state information system for subsidies in the form according to Annex 7 to these Rules.
6. Investment subsidies are combined with other measures of state support, except for measures providing for cost recovery for investment investments.
Investment subsidies are not eligible for organizations whose fifty or more percent of shares (stakes in the authorized capital) are directly or indirectly owned by the state, national management holding, national holding, national company.
The requirement specified in part two of this paragraph shall not apply to cases of subsidizing an investor (service recipient) when he purchases vehicles, machinery and equipment on lease using the mechanism of transferring investment subsidies as an advance payment to a financial institution to a special account in accordance with Chapter 4 of these Rules.
7. Investment subsidies shall not be provided to investors (service recipients) in respect of whom liquidation, rehabilitation or bankruptcy procedures have been initiated, as well as whose activities have been suspended in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on rehabilitation and bankruptcy).
Chapter 2. Basic conditions of investment subsidies
8. Investment subsidies shall be implemented according to the project passports specified in Annex 3 to these Rules, and shall be carried out at the place of implementation of the investment project.
The list of basic requirements for the provision of the state service "Subsidizing the reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of the agro-industrial complex with investments" shall be set out in Annex 8 to these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the List of basic requirements for the provision of state services).
9. Investment subsidies shall be provided for investment projects put into operation no earlier than three years before the year of filing the electronic application for subsidies. At the same time, subsidizing shall be subject to new, previously unused vehicles, machinery or equipment, the year of manufacture no earlier than three years before the date of commissioning of the investment project.
The investor attaches to the application for investment subsidies the act of commissioning of the investment project, under which the acquisition of machinery, equipment and/or equipment has been carried out.
When calculating the amount of investment subsidies, the production capacity of new, previously unused equipment that meets the conditions of this paragraph, shall apply.
10. If, according to the project passports, the acquisition of exclusively vehicles, machinery and/or equipment is assumed, then new, previously unused vehicles, machinery and/or equipment, the year of manufacture and purchased no earlier than 3 (three) years before the year of application, shall be subject to subsidization.
Subsidizing of vehicles, machinery and equipment specified in project passport № 1.1 shall be carried out in accordance with the list of priority agricultural machinery and equipment (hereinafter referred to as the List). The list is provided by the authorized body in the field of state support of industrial activities no later than December 1 of the current year for the next year and no later than July 1 for the corresponding year. Within 3 (three) working days after receipt, the List shall be posted by the authorized body in the field of development of the agro-industrial complex in SISS.
At the same time, in the absence of the declared model of equipment and machinery in the List, subsidies shall be carried out according to project passport № 1.
11. For project passports № 1 (if there is a minimum standard for livestock), № 4, № 6 it is necessary for the investor (service recipient) to have an appropriate number of conventional cattle heads, which shall be confirmed as a result of information interaction between the subsidy information system and the database for identifying farm animals.
In case of submitting an application from an agricultural cooperative, the total number of breeding stock of farm animals registered with members of the agricultural cooperative shall be taken into account.
The coefficients for converting the livestock of farm animals into conventional cattle heads, which are indicated in the project passports, shall be carried out in accordance with Annex 9 to these Rules.
12. For project passports № 1 (if there is a minimum standard for land plots), № 2, № 4, № 11, № 13, № 14 it is necessary for the investor (recipient of services) to have an agricultural land plot(s) with land use rights and (or) private property of the corresponding area, confirmed as a result of information interaction between SISS and the information system of the unified state real estate cadaster.
In case of submitting an application from an agricultural cooperative, the total area of agricultural land plots registered with members of the agricultural cooperative is taken into account.
Herewith, membership in an agricultural cooperative shall be confirmed by information interaction between SISS and the state database “Legal Entities”.
In case of submitting an application according to project passports № 1, № 2, № 4, № 11, № 13, № 14 from a peasant or farm enterprise operating in the form of a joint enterprise, the members of which have registered land plots, shall be allowed to provide subsidies for purchased equipment and (or) machinery registered to a member of the peasant or farm enterprise.
Membership in a peasant or farm enterprise shall be confirmed by verification with data from the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
13. Investment subsidies shall be implemented if the application meets the project passports specified in Annex 3 to these Rules, as well as the requirements of these Rules.
14. Confirmation of purchased goods, works and services by electronic invoices shall be carried out through the electronic invoice information system (except for preferential financing programs provided without co-financing from the investor (service recipient) through subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the national management holding in the field of agro-industrial complex). Expenditures made before January 1, 2020 shall be confirmed by paper invoices.
When an agricultural commodity producer (agricultural cooperative) acquires vehicles, machinery and/or equipment directly from a foreign manufacturer that does not use the electronic invoice information system, the acquisition costs shall be confirmed by a customs declaration for goods (from third countries that are not members of the Eurasian Economic Union) or a statement (statements) on importation of goods and payment of indirect taxes with a stamp of the tax authority in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 456 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget" (Tax Code) (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code) (from the territory of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union).
15. Investment subsidies shall be paid after commissioning of new, reconstruction, expansion of production facilities and/or acquisition of vehicles, machinery and equipment, except as provided for in paragraph 32 of these Rules. In case of implementation of the investment project by introducing a stage or start-up complex, subsidizing of the stage or start-up complex shall be carried out.
At the same time, subsidizing of costs as a part of reconstruction of production facilities shall be carried out not more often than once in 5 (five) calendar years.
16. Investment subsidies shall be calculated on the basis of actual investments made. The percentage (hereinafter referred to as the %) of reimbursement of costs is set in accordance with the share of reimbursement stipulated in the project passports.
For project passports № 7, № 8 (for milk processing plant), № 10, № 19, № 24, № 25, № 26, № 27, № 27.1, № 28, № 29 for creation of new production facilities, investment subsidies shall be paid in two tranches:
1) the first tranche in the amount of 50 (fifty) % of the total amount of investment subsidies after commissioning of the facility;
2) the second tranche in the amount of 50 (fifty) % of the total amount of investment subsidies after achieving production volumes of at least 50 (fifty) % of the total production capacity within the terms stipulated by the business plan.
If an investment project reaches a production volume of 50 (fifty) percent or more of the total production capacity at the time of application, investment grants shall be paid in one installment.
17. Increase in the share of investment reimbursement shall be possible under the decision of the administrator for the following project passports:
Up to 50 (fifty) %:
according to project passport № 1 “Acquisition of agricultural vehicles, machinery and equipment” for agricultural cooperatives on the following items: 1.1-1.6; 3.1-3.4; 4.1-4.2; 17.1.1-17.1.2; 17.3; 18; 25.1-25.2; 26-30; 31; 32; 34; 35-37; 40-43; 48; 50;
according to project passport № 1.1 “Acquisition of priority agricultural machinery and equipment" for agricultural cooperatives on the following items: 1-1.10 and 3.1-3.4; 4.
according to project passport № 8 "Creation and expansion of milk processing facility, creation of milk collection points, acquisition of equipment and machinery for agricultural cooperatives, procurement organizations, milk collection points and milk processing enterprises" for agricultural cooperatives.
At the same time, one agricultural cooperative may receive investment subsidies for purchased (being purchased) vehicles, machinery and equipment, up to:
three tractors with the appropriate number of trailed and mounted equipment;
two grain harvesters and a corresponding number of mounted and trailed equipment;
two vehicles for transporting agricultural goods and a dump trailer.
The requirement for minimum normative per one machinery unit (hectare / conventional cattle head) shall not apply to agricultural cooperatives;
up to 80 (eighty) %:
according to project passport № 11 "Introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies with creation and expansion of infrastructure for water intake and supply" for well drilling.
18. The size of investment subsidy shall be determined according to the following formula:
А = B х C,
А – the amount of investment subsidies;
B – the amount of actual investment or the maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies indicated in the project passports (if the actual investment exceeds the maximum allowable value for calculating subsidies);
C – the share of reimbursement of investments in percentage terms, indicated in the project passports.
For project passports that provide for subsidies per unit of measurement, the amount of subsidies is determined by the following formula:
А = (B х C) х D,
А – the amount of investment subsidies;
B – the amount of actual investment or the maximum allowable value for calculating subsidies indicated in the project passports (if the actual investment exceeds the maximum allowable value for calculating subsidies);
C – the share of reimbursement of investments in percentage terms, indicated in the project passports;
D – a unit of measurement specified in project passports.
For AIC subjects that are registered for value added tax (hereinafter referred to as the VAT), the calculation of the amount of subsidies shall be made based on the amount of investments, reduced by the amount of VAT taken as an offset for them.
19. Applications are accepted at the place of implementation of the investment project from February 1 to December 15 (inclusive) of the corresponding year.
According to the project passport № 4 "Creation of infrastructure for watering pastures and providing water to livestock farms (wells, boreholes)", applications shall be accepted at the place of implementation of the investment project from April 1 to October 1 (inclusive) of the corresponding year.
Applications shall be considered in turn according to the date and time of receipt of applications.
20. If the investor (service recipient) uses his own funds, the amount of investment subsidies shall be transferred by the working body (service provider) to the current account of the investor (service recipient).
When purchasing machinery, vehicles, equipment and other facilities on credit/leasing, investment subsidies, in agreement with the investor (service recipient), are transferred to a financial institution to repay the principal debt of the investor (service recipient) or to the investor's (service recipient's) current account).
For AIC subjects receiving investment subsidies, the counter obligation will be to provide statistical reporting starting from 2020 on fixed capital investment in agriculture and food production.
21. The application for investment subsidy shall be submitted electronically through the e-government web portal and registered in SISS.
Information interaction between the web portal of "e-government" and SISS shall be carried out in accordance with Article 43 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Informatization".
Availability of a personal account of the investor (service recipient) in SISS shall be confirmed as a result of information interaction between SISS and the state databases "Legal Entities" or "Natural Persons".
Chapter 3. Procedure for receiving and reviewing applications for investment subsidies in electronic form
22. To receive the decision of the working body (service provider), the investor (service recipient) shall submit through the "e-government" web portal an electronic application for investment subsidization in the form according to Annex 4 to these Rules, signed by the EDS of the investor (service recipient), attached with the required documents specified in the application in the "PDF (Portable Document Format)" format (a scanned copy of the paper version signed and sealed (if available) by the investor (service recipient)).
In this case, the working body (service provider) shall make a decision on compliance/non-compliance of the investment project with the conditions of these Rules within 2 (two) working days from the date of registration of the application.
The investor (service recipient) shall be sent a note on the decision of the working body (service provider) on compliance/non-compliance of the investment project in the form according to Annex 10 to these Rules and a note on the decision of the working body (service provider) on payment/rejection of investment subsidies on the project passport in the form according to Annex 11 to these Rules in the form of an electronic document signed by the EDS of the working body (service provider).
The notification shall be sent to the e-mail address specified by the investor (service recipient) when registering with SISS, as well as to the "personal account" in SISS.
The working body (service provider) shall ensure the entry of data into the information system for monitoring the provision of state services on the stage of provision of state services in accordance with subparagraph 11) of paragraph 2 of Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Law on state services.
23. To receive subsidies, the investor (service recipient) shall submit an application for investment subsidies in the form according to Annex 4 to these Rules, attaching the following supporting, title and/or registration documents in electronic format "PDF (Portable Document Format)" (scanned copy of the paper version signed and sealed (if any) by the investor (service recipient)):
1) copies of the act of acceptance of the facility of the investment project into operation (in case of creation of new production facilities or expansion of the existing ones) or the act of commissioning of a start-up complex or a phase of the investment project (in cases specified in paragraph 15 of these Rules) in accordance with the form of the act of acceptance of the facility into operation approved by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 24, 2017 № 234 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 15141) (hereinafter referred to as the form of commissioning act), as well as in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 73 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On architectural, urban planning and construction activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on architectural, urban planning and construction activity);
2) copies of the equipment commissioning act between the buyer and the supplier (if the equipment is purchased);
3) copies of sales contracts, electronic and/or paper invoices (except for preferential financing programs provided without co-financing from the investor (service recipient) through subsidiaries and affiliates of the national management holding in the agro-industrial complex) for purchased goods, works, services, confirming investment in the creation of new or expansion of existing production facilities, documents confirming payment;
4) copies of design and estimate documentation with a positive conclusion of project expertise in accordance with Article 60 and Chapter 9-1 of the Law on architectural, urban planning and construction activities (for project passports for which subsidies are provided in accordance with the design and estimate documentation);
5) copies of acts of acceptance and transfer of vehicles, machinery, equipment;
6) copies of loan/leasing agreements certified by a financial institution in case of investment at the expense of borrowed funds in financial institutions;
7) in case of application for the second tranche in accordance with subparagraph 2) of paragraph 16 of these Rules, the investor (service recipient) shall attach supporting documents in electronic format "PDF (Portable Document Format)" (scanned copy of the paper version):
business plan;
electronic invoices for the sale of finished products;
8) copies of the certificate of VAT registration (for AIC subjects registered under the VAT (for AIC subjects registered under the VAT).
9) according to project passport № 4 and in case of direct (primary) water intake from surface or underground sources according to project passport № 11 additionally:
a copy of the permit for special water use, obtained in accordance with the Rules of rendering the state service "Permit for special water use", approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 11, 2020 № 216 "On Approval of the Rules for Provision of State Services in the Field of Regulation of Water Fund Use" (registered in the Register of Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts) № 21194);
10) additionally, for project passport № 4:
copy of the document confirming the state registration of rights to the water management facility;
for wells (boreholes) for arid zones - copy of information on the qualitative condition of the land plot with indication of aridity of the zones;
copy of the technical passport of the water well in the form according to the order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 4, 2009 № 326 "On approval of the Rules of passportization of hydromeliorative systems and water management facilities and the form of the passport" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts). № 5714);
copies of electronic invoices, payment documents confirming the fact of payment by the investor (service recipient) for services of the contracting organization for construction and drilling of wells (boreholes), as well as the cost of pipes with indication of its thickness and diameter;
copy of the concluded contract with the contractor;
copies of the contractor's license for construction and installation works under the sub-type soil drilling works, as well as for survey activities under the sub-type field soil investigations, hydrogeological investigations.
24. Confirmation of the purchase of machinery and/or automobiles by the investor (service recipient) shall be carried out through SISS information interaction with the state register of agricultural machinery and/or the "Automobile" database.
25. Working body (service provider) within 1 (one) working day from the moment of registration by the investor (service recipient) of the application shall confirm its acceptance by signing the corresponding notification using EDS. This notification shall become available in the personal cabinet of the investor (service recipient).
26. In case of incompleteness of the documents attached to the application or incompleteness of the necessary information contained in them, the working body (service provider) within 1 (one) working day shall refuse to provide the state service with a detailed description of the reasons for this refusal.
27. When an application is submitted and registered, the application shall be received in the "personal cabinet" of the working body (service provider) or a group of specialists.
Working body (service provider) upon receipt of an application from an investor (service recipient) within 10 (ten) working days shall carry out works in accordance with paragraph 4 of these Rules.
28. Refusal to issue subsidies shall be made on the grounds specified in paragraph 9 of the List of basic requirements for the provision of state service.
The decision to refuse to pay investment subsidies shall be made by the working body (service provider) in SISS on the basis of the act of inspection by a group of specialists or in case of identification of non-compliance of the investment project and/or submitted materials, facilities, data and information with the requirements established by these Rules.
29. The hearing procedure is conducted in accordance with Article 73 of the Administrative Procedure and Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the APPC RK).
30. Information on the results of the application review shall be sent to the investor's (service recipient's) "personal cabinet" and reflected on the web portal.
Within 1 (one) working day from the day of making a positive decision, the working body (service provider) shall electronically form and sign by means of SISS an investment subsidizing agreement in the form according to Annex 12 to these Rules and an agreement on target use and non-alienation of purchased vehicles, machinery and equipment in the form according to Annex 13 to these Rules, which shall be automatically sent to the investor (service recipient) for signing.
In case of failure of the SISS containing the necessary information for granting subsidies, the working body (service provider) shall immediately notify the authorized body in the field of agro-industrial complex development of the situation, which shall proceed to its remedy.
In this case, after carrying out works on elimination of the occurred failure, the authorized body in the field of agro-industrial complex development within 3 (three) working days shall draw up a protocol on the technical problem and place it in SISS.
31. The concluded investment subsidizing agreements are included in the reserve (waiting list) and are subject to subsidization under the conditions and criteria in force at the time of conclusion of the investment subsidizing agreement.
Investment subsidizing agreements shall be included in the reserve (waiting list) by the working body (service provider) by priority according to the date and time of receipt of applications.
Information on inclusion of the investment subsidizing agreement in the reserve (waiting list) shall be reflected in the SISS.
The subsidies under investment subsidy contracts entered into the reserve (waiting list) shall be paid by priority according to the date and time of entry of the investment subsidy contract into the reserve (waiting list) when additional budgetary funds are allocated in the current fiscal year. In the absence of additional budgetary funds in the current fiscal year, under investment subsidy contracts entered into the reserve (waiting list), payment of subsidies shall be made in the next fiscal year.
Notification of the allocation of additional budgetary funds in the current financial year, indicating the start of time and date of the start of payment of applications for subsidy contracts on the waiting list, shall be sent to the e-mail address specified by the investor (service recipient) when registering in the SISS, as well as to the "personal account" in the SISS.
Chapter 4. Separate conditions of investment subsidies for investments at the expense of borrowed funds
32. In the event of planned acquisition by the investor (service recipient) of vehicles, machinery, equipment on credit/leasing basis, investment subsidies shall be transferred by advance payment to a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Banks and Banking Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on banks and banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan), or to a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations.
At the same time, for applications considered under:
1) project passports № 1, № 1.1, № 2, № 3, № 6, № 8, № 13, № 14 expediency of application of the mechanism of transfer of investment subsidies by advance payment to a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or to a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities to a special account shall be determined by the investor (service recipient), which shall be reflected in the application for investment subsidies;
2) project passports № 4, № 5, № 7, № 9, № 10, № 11, № 12, № 15, № 16, № 17, № 18, № 20, № 21, № 22, № 23, № 24, № 25, № 26, № 27, № 27.1, № 28, № 29, № 30, № 31 expediency of applying the mechanism of investment subsidies transfer by advance payment to the financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of financial institutions. 30, № 31 the expediency of applying the mechanism of transferring investment subsidies by advance payment to a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or to a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, to a special account shall be determined by the working body (service provider).
33. To receive investment subsidies to the special account, the investor (service recipient) shall submit an electronic application for investment subsidies using the advance payment mechanism to the special account in the form according to Annex 5 to these Rules and shall additionally attach a certified by a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or by a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, a copy of a positive decision of the credit committee of a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or by a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities.
Within 3 (three) working days from the date of approval by the working body (service provider) of the application of the investor (service recipient), between the working body (service provider), a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, and the investor (service recipient) shall conclude a tripartite contract and agreement on non-use by a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities, investment subsidies on a special account in the form according to Annex 14 to these Rules.
At the same time, a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, shall not use the funds of investment subsidies received on the special account until timely fulfillment of the conditions specified in paragraphs 34 or 35 of these Rules.
34. In case of financing the investor (service recipient) by granting a loan, a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of investment subsidies on a special account shall issue a loan to the investor (service recipient), and shall submit the loan to the investor (service recipient) under the following conditions.
A financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities within a period not exceeding 360 (three hundred sixty) calendar days from the date of signing of the tripartite agreement and the agreement on non-use by a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities, money on a special account shall send to the investor (service provider) a written note of completion of delivery of vehicles, machinery and/or equipment to the investor (service recipient), accompanied by a copy of acceptance certificates of vehicles, machinery, equipment between the buyer and the supplier and an additional agreement to the loan agreement (if any).
At the same time, a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, may not use the funds on the special account until the requirements stipulated in part two of this paragraph are met.
At the request of investors (service recipients), for which the final amount under the loan agreement actually turned out to be less than the amount specified in the subsidy agreement, the working body (service provider) recalculates the subsidies, identifies the amount of the difference (excessively transferred funds to the special account) and within no more than 3 (three) working days sends a note to the financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities on the need to restore the amount of the difference (excessively transferred funds to the special account) to the settlement account of the working body (service provider).
A financial institution licensed by the authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, shall, within no more than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the notification from the working body (service provider), restore funds to the settlement account of the working body (service provider) in the amount specified in the notification.
No recalculation of subsidies shall be made at the request of investors (service recipients), for which the final amount under the loan agreement actually exceeds the maximum allowable cost for subsidy calculation.
35. In case of investor financing by leasing vehicles, machinery and (or) equipment, a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking transactions in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities, within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of a copy of the positive decision of the working body (service provider) and funds to the special account shall transfer the funds provided for in the financial leasing agreement to the account of the investor (service recipient), unless otherwise provided for in the agreement between the investor (service recipient) and a financial institution licensed by the authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, and provides supporting documents to the working body (service provider), as well as a copy of the financial leasing agreement.
A financial institution holding a license of the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution holding a license to conduct microfinance activities, within a period not exceeding 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days from the date of signing of the tripartite agreement and the agreement on non-use by the financial institution of the money on the special account shall send to the service provider the following information written notification on completion of delivery of vehicles, machinery and (or) equipment to the investor (service recipient) with attachment of the acceptance certificate of the leasing item and additional agreement to the leasing agreement on determination of the final value of the leasing item.
At that, a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, may not use the funds on the special account until the requirements stipulated in part two of this paragraph are fulfilled.
At the request of investors (service recipients), for which the final cost of the leasing facility actually turned out to be less than that specified in the subsidizing agreement, the working body (service provider) recalculates subsidies, identifies the amount of the difference (excessively transferred funds to the special account) and within a period not exceeding 3 (three) working days shall send a notification to the financial institution licensed by the authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or to the financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, on the need to restore the amount of the difference (excessively transferred funds to the special account) to the settlement account of the working body (service provider).
A financial institution licensed by the authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities, shall, within no more than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the notification from the working body (service provider), restore funds to the settlement account of the working body (service provider) in the amount specified in the notification.
At the requests of investors (service recipients), for which the final cost of the leasing facility actually exceeds the maximum allowable cost for the calculation of subsidies, recalculation of subsidies shall not be carried out.
36. In the event that a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities does not meet the conditions stipulated in paragraph 34 of these Rules (when financing an investor (service recipient) by extending a credit) or paragraph 35 of these Rules (when financing the investor (service recipient) by leasing vehicles, machinery and (or) equipment), then a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities shall, within 3 (three) working days, shall recover the funds transferred by the working body (service provider) to the special account to the fullest extent. In this case, the return of payments made in the current financial year shall be made through the recovery of cash expenditures of the working body (service provider) by increasing the amount of unfulfilled obligations and reducing cash expenditures under the relevant codes of the budget classification of expenditures. In case of refund of payments of previous years, the refund amount shall be credited to the income of the respective budget from which the payments were made.
37. Funds transferred to the special account shall be credited by a financial institution licensed by the authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations in accordance with the Law on banks and banking activities, or by a financial institution licensed to carry out microfinance activities on account of repayment of the investor's (service recipient's) principal debt on the loan/leasing used for the purchase of vehicles, machinery and equipment within the framework of the investment project based on a positive decision of the working body (service provider) to provide the investor (service recipient) with an investment subsidy.
Chapter 5. Final provisions
38. Monitoring of investment subsidies shall be carried out within 3 (three) years from the date of subsidization by the working body (service provider) in the SISS according to the following criteria:
1) quarterly on the subject of non-alienation and targeted use by the investor (service recipient) of purchased vehicles, machinery and equipment;
2) on project passports № 7, № 8 (for milk processing plant), № 10, № 19, № 24, № 25, № 26, № 27, № 27.1, № 28, № 29 for: action/inaction of the facility of investment subsidy at least 1 (one) time a year after commissioning, achievement/achievement of reaching the design capacity of the facility of investment subsidy. 29 for: action/inaction of the facility of investment subsidizing at least once a year since commissioning, achievement/non-achievement of reaching the design capacity of the facility of investment subsidizing in the amount of at least 50 (fifty) % of the total design capacity within the terms stipulated by the business plan;
3) indicators on performance and/or productivity and/or product sales and/or production capacity utilization in accordance with the business plan of investment projects for which construction and installation works are subsidized in accordance with part one of paragraph 3 of these Rules;
4) at least 1 (one) time a year for commissioning (within the terms specified in the business plan), action/inaction, non-alienation, targeted use of facilities subsidized under the mechanism for transferring subsidies by advance payment to the special account;
5) not less than 1 (one) time a year after subsidies are paid for the compliance of the investor's type of activity to the production and (or) processing of agricultural products, the main or secondary activity of which refers to the sections of CCЕA of the relevant activity.
39. To perform monitoring functions, the working body (service provider) shall request from the investor (service recipient) the necessary information to fulfill the monitoring conditions specified in paragraph 38 of these Rules, including the necessary information to form a report on the utilization of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in the course of investment investments in the form according to Annex 15 to these Rules, by sending the list of requested information to SISS.
Notification of a request by the working body (service provider) for a list of requested information shall be sent to the e-mail address specified by the investor (service recipient) when registering in the SISS, to the "personal cabinet" in the SISS, and additionally by text message to a cellular subscriber number that ensures the fixation of the notification.
The investor (service recipient) within 15 (fifteen) working days shall submit the requested information to the working body (service provider) by placing it in the SISS.
Failure by the investor to provide the requested information to the working body (service provider) within the specified timeframe shall be the basis for the working body (service provider) to make a decision to terminate investment subsidies and claim the return of paid investment subsidies.
At the same time, the return of paid investment subsidies shall be made by the investor.
40. Analysis based on monitoring data generated by the subsidizing information system shall be verified and agreed by the working body (service provider).
In case the investor (service recipient) fails to achieve performance and/or productivity and/or product sales and/or production capacity utilization indicators in accordance with the business plan of the investment project for which construction and installation works were subsidized, working body (service provider) within 2 (two) working days from the date of discovery of the fact shall take the actions provided for in this paragraph. In this case, the decision on non-return of paid subsidies shall be made on the basis of objective factors due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, which the investor (service recipient) is unable to foresee and prevent.
In case of alienation and/or misuse of purchased vehicles, machinery and/or equipment by the investor (service recipient), inactivity of the production facility within three calendar years from the date of commissioning or failure of the facility to reach its design capacity in the amount of at least 50 (fifty) % within the terms stipulated by the business plan, as well as establishment of non-compliance of the main and secondary type of activity of the investor (service recipient) with Annex 1 to these Rules, establishment of the fact of liquidation, rehabilitation or bankruptcy proceedings in respect of the investor (service recipient), suspension of the investor's (service recipient's) activity in accordance with the Tax Code, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law on rehabilitation and bankruptcy, the working body (service provider) shall, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of taking a decision on the return of investment subsidies, initiate legal proceedings for the return of funds.
The working body (service provider) within 5 (five) working days from the moment of making a decision on termination of investment subsidies shall notify the investor (service recipient) by letter with indication of the reason for the decision made.
In this case, the working body (service provider) shall refund payments made in the current financial year by restoring cash expenditures of the working body (service provider) by increasing the amount of unfulfilled obligations and reducing cash expenditures under the relevant codes of the budget classification of expenditures. In case of refund of payments of previous years, the refund amount shall be credited to the income of the respective budget from which the payments were made.
41. Working body (service provider) quarterly, not later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, shall submit to the authorized body in the field of agro-industrial complex development through SISS a report on the use of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex, in the course of investment investments in the form according to Annex 15 to these Rules.
The annual report of the working body (service provider) on the development of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of AIC, for investment investments, shall be submitted to the authorized body in the field of agro-industrial complex development through SISS not later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period, in the form according to Annex 15 to these Rules. In addition, the working body (service provider) shall provide a report on monitoring of the conditions specified in paragraph 38 of this Regulation through SISS.
42. The working body (service provider) shall quarterly, not later than the 5th day following the reporting period, publish on its official Internet resource a list of investors (service recipients) that received investment subsidies, indicating the project passport and the amount of subsidies received, as well as annually publish a monitoring report.
Chapter 6. The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of the service provider and (or) its officials concerning the provision of state service
43. A complaint against a decision, action (inaction) of a working body (service provider) on the issues of rendering state services shall be submitted to the head of the working body (service provider), local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital (hereinafter referred to as the local executive body), to the authorized body for assessment and supervision over the quality of rendering state services.
In case of receipt of a complaint in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 91 of the APPC RK, the working body (service provider) shall send it to the body considering the complaint (higher administrative body and (or) official) not later than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the complaint. The complaint by the working body (service provider) shall not be forwarded to the body considering the complaint (higher administrative body and (or) official), in case of adoption of a favorable act, performance of an administrative action, fully satisfying the requirements specified in the complaint.
44. A complaint of an investor (service recipient) in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25, paragraph 2 of the Law on State services shall be subject to review by:
1) the working body (service provider), local executive body - within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration;
2) the authorized body for assessment and control over the quality of state services - within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.
45. The term of consideration of the complaint by the working body (service provider), local executive body, authorized body for evaluation and control over the quality of rendering state services in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 25 of the Law on state services shall be extended for no more than 10 (ten) working days in cases of necessity:
1) conducting an additional investigation or review of the complaint or an on-site review;
2) receiving additional information.
In case of extension of the period of consideration of the complaint, the official authorized to consider complaints shall, within 3 (three) working days from the moment of extension of the period of consideration of the complaint, inform the investor (service recipient) who filed the complaint in writing (in case of filing a complaint on paper) or in electronic form (in case of filing a complaint in electronic form) about the extension of the period of consideration of the complaint with indication of the reasons for the extension.
46. Unless otherwise provided by law, recourse to the court shall be allowed after appealing in a pre-trial procedure in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 91 of the APPC RK.
Annex 1 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
List of the main or secondary type of activity for an entrepreneurial
entity making investment investments and engaged in production
and (or) processing of agricultural products
№ |
Common Classifier of Economic Activity |
Name from the Common Classifier of Economic Activity |
1 | 01.11 | Growing of grains (except rice), legumes and oilseeds |
2 | 01.12 | Rice growing |
3 | 01.13 | Growing vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops |
4 | 01.16 | Fiber crops growing |
5 | 01.19 | Growing other annual and biannual crops |
6 | 01.21 | Grape growing |
7 | 01.24 | Growing seed and stone fruits |
8 | 01.25 | Production of other fruits, berries and nuts |
9 | 01.42 | Breeding of other cattle and buffaloes |
10 | 01.41 | Breeding dairy cattle |
11 | 01.43 | Breeding horses and other equine animals |
12 | 01.44 | Breeding camels and other animals of the camelid family |
13 | 01.45 | Sheep and goat breeding |
14 | 01.46 | Pig farming |
15 | 01.47 | Agricultural poultry breeding |
16 | 01.49 | Breeding other species of animals |
17 | 01.50 | Mixed agriculture |
18 | 10.11 | Processing and preserving of meat |
19 | 10.12 | Processing and preserving of poultry meat |
20 | 10.13 | Production of meat and poultry products |
21 | 10.31 | Processing and preserving of potato |
22 | 10.32 | Production of fruit and vegetable juices |
23 | 10.39 | Other types of processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables |
24 | 10.41 | Production of oils and fats |
25 | 10.42 | Production of margarine and similar edible fats |
26 | 10.51 | Milс processing and cheese production |
27 | 10.52 | Ice-cream production |
28 | 10.61 | Production of flour and cereal products |
29 | 10.62 | Production of starch and starch products |
30 | 10.71 | Production of bakery and flour confectionery products for non-durable storage |
31 | 10.72 | Production of crackers and cookies, flour confectionery products for long-term storage |
32 | 10.73 | Pasta production |
33 | 10.81 | Sugar production |
34 | 10.82 | Production of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery |
35 | 10.84 | Production of spices and seasonings |
36 | 10.86 | Production of baby food and dietary foods |
37 | 10.89.9 | Production of other food products not included in other groups |
38 | 10.91 | Production of ready-made feed for farm animals |
39 | 13.10.3 | Preparation of wool fiber |
40 | 13.10.4 | Spinning wool fiber |
41 | 13.20.2 | Production of woolen fabrics |
42 | 13.99.2 | Production of felt products |
43 | 15.11.1 | Tanning and dressing of leather |
44 | 20.14.2 | Bioethanol production |
45 | 52.10.1 | Warehousing and storage of grain |
46 | 52.10.5 | Warehousing and storage of vegetables and fruits |
Annex 2 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
List of project passports
1 | Acquisition of agricultural vehicles, machinery and equipment |
1.1 | Purchase of priority agricultural machinery and equipment |
2 | Acquisition of breeding and seed-growing machinery and equipment |
3 | Acquisition of seed cleaning and sorting equipment |
4 | Creation of infrastructure for watering pastures and providing water to livestock farms (wells, boreholes) |
5 | Creation and expansion of facilities for small cattle fattening |
6 | Creation and expansion of facilities for breeding dairy cattle/goats |
7 | Creation and expansion of facilities for slaughter of livestock and meat processing |
8 | Creation and expansion of a milk processing facility, creation of milk collection points, acquisition of equipment and vehicles for agricultural cooperatives, procurement organizations, milk collection points and milk processing enterprises |
9 | Acquisition of equipment for a wool harvesting point |
10 | Creation and expansion of enterprises for the processing of hides and wool of agricultural animals |
11 | Introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies with creation and expansion of infrastructure for water intake and supply |
12 | Construction and expansion of a greenhouse complex |
13 | Planting an intensive apple orchard from 5 hectares |
14 | Planting fruit and berry crops and grapes from 5 hectares |
15 | Establishment and expansion of facilities for poultry meat production with capacity from 5 thousand tons per year |
16 | Establishment of a breeding-hybrid center with the capacity to produce and breed from 1200 hybrid sows |
17 | Creation and expansion of pig breeding facilities with a capacity of 1,000 sows or more |
18 | Creation of a feed-milling plant |
19 | Acquisition of vehicles and equipment for processing poultry manure, with a capacity of 50 tons/day |
20 | Creation and expansion of a breeding reproducer in egg and meat poultry breeding |
21 | Construction and expansion of grain storage facilities |
22 | Construction, expansion of potato and vegetable storage facilities from 1 000 tons |
23 | Construction and expansion of fruit storages from 1 000 tons |
24 | Establishment and expansion of a fruit/vegetable/ melon processing enterprise |
25 | Construction of a potato processing plant |
26 | Creation and expansion of an enterprise for the production of fat and oil products |
27 | Creation and expansion of an enterprise for the production of processed grain products |
27.1 | Creation and expansion of a plant for deep processing of crop products |
28 | Creation and expansion of a sugar production enterprise |
29 | Expansion of a confectionery production facility with a capacity of 2,000 tons of products per year |
30 | Expansion of egg poultry farms with increased production capacity from 50 million eggs per year |
31 | Acquisition of equipment for agrochemical laboratories for soil analysis |
Annex 3 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
List of project passports to be subsidized
Project passport № 1 "Acquisition of agricultural vehicles, machinery and equipment" | ||||||||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Share of investment recovery % | Minimum standard per one unit of equipment, hectare/per capita of cattle heads | Maximum allowable cost for calculation of subsidies per unit of vehicles/machines/equipment/running meter, tenge | ||||
1 | tractor (wheeled): | |||||||
1.1 | capacity up to 99 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 7 000 000 | |||||
1.2 | capacity from 100-138 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 21 026 000 | |||||
1.3 | capacity from 139-155 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 49 438 000 | |||||
1.4 | capacity from 156-249 horsepower (inclusive) | 15% | 70 373 000 | |||||
1.5 | capacity from 250-429 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 173 771 000 | |||||
1.6 | capacity from 430 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 204 583 000 | |||||
2 | tractor (caterpillar): | |||||||
2.1 | capacity up to 100 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 19 500 000 | |||||
2.2 | capacity from 101-200 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 27 000 000 | |||||
2.3 | capacity from 201-400 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 50 800 000 | |||||
2.4 | capacity from 401 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 221 500 000 | |||||
3 | *harvester-thresher: | |||||||
3.1 | capacity from 201 - 230 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 100 568 000 | |||||
3.2 | capacity from 231 - 285 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 120 379 000 | |||||
3.3 | capacity from 286 - 369 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 147 739 000 | |||||
3.4 | capacity from 370 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 194 885 000 | |||||
4 | forage harvester | |||||||
4.1 | capacity up to 300 horsepower (inclusive) | 15 % | 93 244 000 | |||||
4.2 | capacity from 301 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 217 390 000 | |||||
5 | beet root combine: | |||||||
5.1 | tractor-hauled | 50 % | 159 964 000 | |||||
6 | rice harvester: | |||||||
6.1 | capacity from 201 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 226 236 000 | |||||
7 | mechanical cotton harvester: | |||||||
7.1 | capacity from 201 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 % | 226 649 000 | |||||
8 | carrot harvester: | |||||||
8.1 | mounted | 25 % | 21 368 000 | |||||
8.2 | semimounted | 25 % | 55 644 000 | |||||
8.3 | single-row tractor-hauled | 25 % | 47 602 000 | |||||
8.4 | two-row (three-row) tractor-hauled | 25 % | 157 114 000 | |||||
9 | cabbage harvester: | |||||||
9.1 | mounted | 25 % | 12 500 000 | |||||
9.2 | tractor-hauled | 25 % | 11 000 000 | |||||
10 | onion harvester: | |||||||
10.1 | semimounted | 25 % | 53 099 000 | |||||
10.2 | tractor-hauled | 25 % | 5 000 000 | |||||
10.3 | Semitrailer | 25 % | 12 400 000 | |||||
11 | potato harvester | |||||||
11.1 | tractor-hauled | 25 % | 148 511 000 | |||||
11.2 | self-propelled | 25 % | 330 762 000 | |||||
12 | tomato harvester | 25 % | 85 000 000 | |||||
13 | corn harvesting device | 25 % | 7 000 000 | |||||
14 | root harvester (digger) | 50 % | 4 700 000 | |||||
15 | top-saving machine | 50 % | 25 211 000 | |||||
16 | self-propelled harvester for collecting berry crops | 25 % | 71 300 000 | |||||
17 | seeder: | |||||||
17.1 | for sowing grain and leguminous crops | |||||||
17.1.1 | with the operating width up to 3 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 2 488 000 | |||||
17.1.2 | with the operating width from 3.1 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 7 162 000 | |||||
17.2 | beet | 50 % | 37 667 000 | |||||
17.3 | vegetable | 25 % | 32 299 000 | |||||
17.4 | cotton | 25 % | 2 400 000 | |||||
17.5 | pneumatic / sowing machine: | |||||||
17.5.1 | with the operating width up to 6 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 51 509 000 | |||||
17.5.2 | with the operating width from 6.1-12 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 149 514 000 | |||||
17.5.3 | with the operating width from 12.1 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 184 281 000 | |||||
18 | potato-planter | 25 % | 30 609 000 | |||||
19 | desiccator for agricultural products: | |||||||
19.1 | up to 20 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 40 850 000 | |||||
19.2 | from 20,1-40 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 95 500 000 | |||||
19.3 | over 40,1 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 117 133 000 | |||||
20 | grain and seed cleaning machines: | |||||||
20.1 | productivity up to 20 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 3 200 000 | |||||
20.2 | productivity from 20,1-40 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 14 153 000 | |||||
20.3 | productivity over 40,1 tons per hour (inclusive) | 15 % | 20 979 000 | |||||
21 | seed disinfectant | 25 % | 2 000 000 | |||||
22 | grain loaders | 25 % | 1 200 000 | |||||
23 | grain thrower | 25 % | 4 764 000 | |||||
24 | grain trailer storage tank | 25 % | 76 917 000 | |||||
25 | plough (three- and more furrow): | |||||||
25.1 | with the operating width up to 4,0 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 2 245 000 | |||||
25.2 | with the operating width from 4,1 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 19 049 000 | |||||
26 | disk/rotary harrow: | |||||||
26.1 | operating width up to 6,0 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 12 099 000 | |||||
26.2 | operating width from 6,1 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 18 957 000 | |||||
27 | spring harow | 15 % | 17 000 000 | |||||
28 | tooth harow: | |||||||
28.1 | operating width up to 12 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 5 830 000 | |||||
28.2 | operating width from 12,1-20 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 11 438 000 | |||||
28.3 | operating width from 20,1 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 23 863 000 | |||||
29 | hoeing plough | 25 % | 880 000 | |||||
30 | cultivator | 25 % | 34 764 000 | |||||
31 | planning equipment (laser planner) | 25 % | from 200 hectares | 14 438 000 | ||||
32 | trailed/mounted cutterbar: | |||||||
32.1 | cutterbar from 6-9 meters: | 15 % | 27 723 000 | |||||
32.2 | cutterbar from 9,1 meter: | 15 % | 42 817 000 | |||||
32.3 | rotor | 25 % | 93 322 000 | |||||
33 | balу cart: | 25 % | 10 200 000 | |||||
34 | roughage mill | 25 % | 13 133 000 | |||||
35 | self-propelled cutterbar, self-propelled mower | 25 % | 49 000 000 | |||||
35.1 | forager harvester | 25 % | 39 500 000 | |||||
36 | swather, windrower | 25 % | 4 000 000 | |||||
37 | trailer for transporting succulent fodder | 25 % | 4 800 000 | |||||
38 | telescopic handler | 25 % | from 500 hectares / from 50 heads | 58 810 000 | ||||
39 | front loader with maximum bucket capacity of 1,8 m3 | 15 % | from 500 hectares / from 50 heads | 16 189 000 | ||||
40 | baling machine: | |||||||
40.1 | roll-type | 15 % | 18 367 000 | |||||
41 | mowers, mower-conditioners, disk mowers | |||||||
41.1 | operating width up to 8 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 6 170 000 | |||||
41.2 | operating width from 8,1 meters (inclusive) | 15 % | 36 311 000 | |||||
42 | spraying machine: | |||||||
42.1 | tractor-hauled/ mounted | 15 % | 46 172 000 | |||||
42.2 | self-propelled: | |||||||
42.2.1 | with a maximum capacity of 2400 liters (inclusive) | 15 % | 59 450 000 | |||||
42.2.2 | with capacity from 2401 литра (inclusive) | 15 % | 190 588 000 | |||||
43 | fertilizer applicator (trailed): | |||||||
43.1 | liquid fertilizers | 25 % | 10 900 000 | |||||
43.2 | solid fertilizers: | |||||||
43.2.1 | loading capacity up to 10 tons (inclusive) | 25 % | 9 415 000 | |||||
43.2.2 | loading capacity from 10,1-25 tons (inclusive | 25 % | 25 275 000 | |||||
43.2.3 | loading capacity from 25,1 tons (inclusive | 25 % | 84 159 000 | |||||
44 | pick-up platform for combine harvester: | |||||||
44.1 | with the width of up to 4,0 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 6 069 000 | |||||
44.2 | with the width from 4,1 meters (inclusive) | 25 % | 30 827 000 | |||||
45 | stone collector | 25 % | 5 100 000 | |||||
46 | Dump truck with 6x4 wheel arrangement, with engine capacity from 10.90 liters to 15.0 liters, with two-sided or three-sided type of dump platform unloading for transportation of agricultural and other inert cargoes** | 25 % | 32 500 000 | |||||
47 | Dump trailer with double-sided tipper dump platform, for transportation of agricultural and other inert cargoes, with double-slope coupling, GVW not exceeding 16000 kg ** | 25 % | 6 000 000 | |||||
48 | Feeder/ feeder-shredder-chopper (with capacity not less than 2,2 cubic meter) | 25 % | 13 800 000 | |||||
49 | Grain crusher/grinder | 25 % | 300 000 | |||||
50 | Potato harvester | 25 % | 30 820 000 | |||||
51 | Loader with a capacity of 2,000 kilograms *** | 25 % | 19 350 000 | |||||
52 | Herbicide pipe between rows with a tank volume of 600 liters or more *** | 25 % | 2 609 000 | |||||
53 | Spraying machine gardening with capacity of 2000 liters*** | 25 % | 4 128 000 | |||||
54 | Opening/closing transplanter with 2 disks *** | 25 % | 2 322 000 | |||||
55 | Digging plough*** | 25 % | 1 300 000 | |||||
56 | Ridge milling cutter | 25 % | 11 000 000 | |||||
57 | Pasture fencing (electric shepherd generator, step-down transformer, insulators, wire of at least 2 rows)**** | 25 % | от 50 heads | 400 | ||||
58 | Hay trailer | 25 % | 4 000 000 | |||||
Note: | ||||||||
Project passport № 1.1 "Purchase of priority agricultural machinery and equipment"* | ||||||||
Share of return on investment – 30 % | ||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of priority agricultural machinery and equipment | Maximum allowable cost for calculation of subsidies per unit of vehicles/machines/equipment/running meter, tenge | ||||||
1 | tractor (wheeled): | |||||||
1.1 | capacity up to 59 horsepower (inclusive) | 6 915 000 | ||||||
1.2 | capacity from 60 до 84 horsepower (inclusive) | 11 267 000 | ||||||
1.3 | capacity from 85 до 129 horsepower (inclusive) | 16 237 000 | ||||||
1.4 | capacity from 130 до 140 horsepower (inclusive) | 25 407 000 | ||||||
1.5 | capacity from 141 до 160 horsepower (inclusive) | 50 233 000 | ||||||
1.6 | capacity from 161 до 181 horsepower (inclusive) | 71 050 000 | ||||||
1.7 | capacity from 182 до 220 horsepower (inclusive) | 60 014 000 | ||||||
1.8 | capacity from 221 до 300 horsepower (inclusive) | 76 833 000 | ||||||
1.9 | capacity from 301 до 430 horsepower (inclusive) | 115 240 000 | ||||||
1.10 | capacity from 431 horsepower (inclusive) | 230 774 000 | ||||||
2 | tractor (caterpillar): | |||||||
2.1 | Capacity 201 - 400 horsepower | 50 800 000 | ||||||
3 | **harvester-thresher: | |||||||
3.1 | capacity from 150 до 249 horsepower (inclusive) | 112 500 000 | ||||||
3.2 | capacity from 250 до 299 horsepower (inclusive) | 133 194 000 | ||||||
3.3 | capacity from 300 до 359 horsepower (inclusive) | 147 950 000 | ||||||
3.4 | capacity from 360 horsepower (inclusive) | 187 640 000 | ||||||
4 | silage harvester (forage harvester): | |||||||
4.1 | capacity from 200 до 449 horsepower (inclusive) | 100 000 000 | ||||||
4.2 | capacity from 450 horsepower (inclusive) | 121 000 000 | ||||||
5 | seeder: | |||||||
5.1 | for sowing grain and leguminous crops | 2 660 000 | ||||||
6 | pneumatic / sowing machine:cutter | |||||||
6.1 | with the operating width up to 15 meters | 135 443 000 | ||||||
6.2 | with the operating width from 15,1 meters | 186 914 000 | ||||||
7 | desiccator for agricultural products: | |||||||
7.1 | до 20 tons per hour (inclusive) | 40 850 000 | ||||||
7.2 | от 20,1-40 tons per hour (inclusive) | 95 000 000 | ||||||
7.3 | свыше 40,1 tons per hour | 117 000 000 | ||||||
8 | grain and seed cleaning machines: | |||||||
8.1 | productivity 20,1-40 tons per hour | 4 800 000 | ||||||
8.2 | productivity over 40,1 tons per hour | 19 164 000 | ||||||
9 | plough (three- and more furrow) | |||||||
9.1 | operating width up to 2 meters | 1 274 000 | ||||||
9.2 | operating width 2,1-4 meters | 3 080 000 | ||||||
9.3 | operating width from 4,1 meter | 7 300 000 | ||||||
10 | disk/rotary harrow: | |||||||
10.1 | operating width up to 6 meters | 9 167 000 | ||||||
10.2 | operating width from 6,1 meters | 12 134 000 | ||||||
11 | spring harow | 20 000 000 | ||||||
12 | tooth harow: | |||||||
12.1 | operating width 12,1-20 meters | 12 079 000 | ||||||
12.2 | operating width from 20,1 meter | 19 475 000 | ||||||
13 | ring-spur roller / toothed smooth waterflood roller | 15 675 000 | ||||||
14 | cultivator | |||||||
14.1 | operating width up to 4,9 meters | 1 950 000 | ||||||
14.2 | operating width 5-9,9 meters | 18 269 000 | ||||||
14.3 | operating width from 10 meter | 15 101 000 | ||||||
15 | tillage machine, combined tool | |||||||
15.1 | operating width up to 4,9 meters | 5 972 000 | ||||||
15.2 | operating width from 5 meters | 22 145 000 | ||||||
16 | trailed/mounted cutterbar: | |||||||
16.1 | cutterbar 6,1-8,9 meters: | 12 767 000 | ||||||
16.2 | cutterbar from 9 meter: | 31 865 000 | ||||||
17 | soil loosener | |||||||
17.1 | operating width up to 4,9 meters | 3 243 000 | ||||||
17.2 | operating width from 5 meters | 10 359 000 | ||||||
18 | paraplough | 10 949 000 | ||||||
19 | tedder rake | 1 215 000 | ||||||
20 | hydraulic transverse rake | |||||||
20.1 | operating width up to 9,9 meters | 1 078 000 | ||||||
20.2 | operating width from 10 meters | 1 948 000 | ||||||
21 | combined universal mounting on the tractor | 2 008 000 | ||||||
21.1 | fork | 498 000 | ||||||
21.2 | bucket | 375 000 | ||||||
21.3 | moldboard | 823 000 | ||||||
22 | tractor trailer: | |||||||
22.1 | loading capacity up to 6 тонн | 4 350 000 | ||||||
22.2 | loading capacity from 6,1 тонн | 9 445 000 | ||||||
23 | baling machine: | |||||||
23.1 | roll-type | 4 450 000 | ||||||
23.2 | bale | 6 900 000 | ||||||
24 | mowers, mower-conditioners | |||||||
24.1 | operating width up to 3,9 meters | 1 738 000 | ||||||
24.2 | operating width 4-5,9 meters | 1 593 000 | ||||||
24.3 | operating width from 6 meters | 2 793 000 | ||||||
25 | spraying machine: | |||||||
25.1 | tractor-hauled: | 14 103 000 | ||||||
25.2 | self-propelled: | |||||||
25.2.1 | capacity of 1501-2400 liters | 53 989 000 | ||||||
25.2.2 | with capacity from 2401 литра | 90 623 000 | ||||||
25.3 | spraying equipment kit (for installation on transport chassis) | 25 310 000 | ||||||
26. | cattle fixing machine | 1 855 000 | ||||||
Note: | ||||||||
Project passport № 2 "Acquisition of breeding and seed-growing machinery and equipment"* | ||||||||
Share of return on investment – 50 % | ||||||||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Максимальная допустимая стоимость для расчета субсидий на единицу техники/оборудования, tenge | ||||||
1 | Plant-breeding harvesters**: | |||||||
1.1 | with capacity of 52 horsepower | 102 169 643 | ||||||
1.2 | with capacity of 52 horsepower with weighting system | 149 138 393 | ||||||
1.3 | with capacity of 75 horsepower | 227 575 893 | ||||||
1.4 | with capacity of 115 horsepower with weighting system | 264 486 607 | ||||||
1.5 | with capacity of 185 horsepower | 196 875 000 | ||||||
1.6 | with capacity of 185 horsepower with weighting system | 187 151 786 | ||||||
2 | Plant-breeding seeders**: | |||||||
2.1 | Solid planting | 40 660 714 | ||||||
2.2 | row crop | 49 714 286 | ||||||
2.3 | cassette | 96 955 357 | ||||||
2.4 | self-propeller | 80 852 679 | ||||||
2.5 | dotted line sowing | 76 883 929 | ||||||
2.6 | manual seeder | 6 308 036 | ||||||
3 | plant breeding seed-growing equipment: | |||||||
3.1 | wet dressing machine for small seed lots up to 3 kilograms | 9 004 464 | ||||||
3.2 | machine for wet dressing of seed batches from 10 kilograms with capacity up to 50 kilograms/hour | 12 125 000 | ||||||
3.3 | threshing machine with a capacity of up to 300 kilograms/hour | 11 026 786 | ||||||
3.4 | Spike thresher for individual spikelets and small sheaves | 10 138 393 | ||||||
3.5 | single cob thresher with a capacity of up to 300 kilograms/hour | 12 022 321 | ||||||
3.6 | bundle thresher with 2 concaves | 14 535 714 | ||||||
3.7 | sample divider for dividing grain samples into 6 parts | 5 776 786 | ||||||
3.8 | laboratory seed counter | 7 508 929 | ||||||
3.9 | laboratory shredder | 16 151 786 | ||||||
3.10 | seed counter | 15 169 643 | ||||||
3.11 | Laboratory machine for gentle cleaning and sorting of seeds up to 50 kilograms/hour | 6 281 250 | ||||||
Note: * Vehicles and equipment purchased by certified original seed producers and elite seed farms operating in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 8, 2003 "On Seed Production" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Seed Production) shall be subsidized. ** Breeding equipment is subsidized taking into account the area of progeny testing nurseries and multiplication nursery gardens of certified original seed producers and elite seed farms. One unit of breeding machinery is calculated for every 20 hectares of area of progeny testing nurseries and breeding nurseries. Subsidizing of the next unit of machinery of the same species is allowed when the area exceeds 50% of the established norms. |
Project passport № 3 "Acquisition of seed cleaning and sorting equipment"* | ||
Share of return on investment – 50 % | ||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of equipment | Maximum allowable cost for calculation of subsidies per unit of capacity, (tenge)* |
1 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a seed cleaning capacity of up to 5 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models made in Europe). The line shall include equipment for receiving, primary cleaning and sorting of seeds (primary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor**, secondary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor, color sorting machine **, pelletizing machine **, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), treater, transportation of seeds and waste** (bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors), a set of gravity pipes**, aspiration pipes**, cyclones**, automation of the complex (control cabinet and cable material). | 344 812 048 |
2 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a capacity for seed cleaning from 5.1 to 10 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models made in Europe). The line shall include equipment for receiving, primary cleaning and sorting of seeds (primary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor**, secondary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor, color sorting machine **, pelletizing machine **, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), treater, transportation of seeds and waste** (bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors), a set of gravity pipes**, aspiration pipes**, cyclones**, automation of the complex (control cabinet and cable material). | 397 504 915 |
3 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a seed cleaning capacity from10,1 to 20 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models made in Europe). The line shall include equipment for acceptance, primary cleaning and sorting (primary separator, sieve mill, secondary separator, color sorter **, pelletizing machine **, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), cleaning the working surface of sieves, transportation (conveyors, bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors, a set of gravity pipes, aspiration pipes, change-over valves, a distributor for automatic outfeed), a treater **, bagging **, complex automation (control panel and cable material). | 591 780 228 |
4 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a seed cleaning capacity of up to 5 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models manufactured by the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS, Ukraine). The line shall include equipment for receiving, primary cleaning and sorting of seeds (primary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor**, secondary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), treater, transportation of seeds and waste ** (bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors), a set of gravity pipes**, aspiration pipes** cyclones**, automation of the complex (control cabinet and cable material). | 134 623 037 |
5 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a capacity for seed cleaning from 5.1 to 10 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models manufactured by the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS, Ukraine). The line shall include equipment for receiving, primary cleaning and sorting of seeds (primary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor**, secondary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), treater, transportation of seeds and waste ** (bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors), a set of gravity pipes**, aspiration pipes**, cyclones**, automation of the complex (control cabinet and cable material). | 162 201 608 |
6 | Seed-cleaning and sorting equipment with a capacity for seed cleaning from 10,1 to 20 tons/hour, including installation supervision and commissioning (models manufactured by the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS, Ukraine). The line shall include equipment for receiving, primary cleaning and sorting of seeds (primary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor**, secondary separator with cleaning of the upper sieve plane with a scraper conveyor, block of indented cylinders, gravity table), treater, transportation of seeds and waste ** (bucket elevators, chain and belt conveyors), a set of gravity pipes**, aspiration pipes**, cyclones**, automation of the complex (control cabinet and cable material). | 162 469 466 |
Note: * The equipment purchased by certified original seed producers, elite seed farms and seed farms operating in accordance with the Law on seed production is subsidized; ** acquisition of equipment, if necessary. |
Project passport № 4 "Creation of infrastructure for watering pastures and providing water to livestock farms (wells, boreholes)" | ||||
Share of return on investment – 50 % | ||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of the facility, machinery and equipment | Unit of measurement | Maximum admissible cost, tenge/unit of measurement | |
1 | Construction of a drinking point (one of the following): | running meter | ||
1.1 | shaft well, (regardless of the depth of the well, the maximum depth for subsidizing is no more than 20 meters) | 50 000 | ||
1.2 | a tubular well (well) with a maximum allowable depth subject to subsidization - no more than 50 meters; | 40 000 | ||
for arid zones - no more than 375 meters | 70 000 | |||
Note: |
Project passport № 5 "Creation and expansion of facilities for fattening livestock" | ||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and vehicles | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | |
1 | A platform with pens for keeping from 5,000 heads of cattle at a time, feeders with concrete platforms at least 3 meters wide (based on 1 head from 30 centimeters of the feed table), an automated water supply system with automatic drinkers, a veterinary station with equipment for working with livestock (with a lock), a feed shop, the availability of containers or premises/a storage area for 5,000 tons of concentrated feed, with the necessary machinery and equipment for servicing the facility. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: for new construction for expansion | place for keeping 1 head of cattle | 200 000 100 000 | |
2 | A platform with pens for keeping from 5,000 heads of sheep at a time, feeders, hard platforms (per 1 head - at least 10 centimeters of a fodder table) or a portable device for feeding concentrated feed, an automated water supply system with automatic drinkers, a veterinary station with equipment for work with small cattle (split, fixer), a ladder for unloading and loading livestock, a feed workshop or a grain crusher/crusher, containers or a platform for storing from 1,000 tons of concentrated feed, with the necessary machinery and equipment for servicing the facility The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to design and estimate documentation: for new construction for expansion | place for keeping 1 head of small cattle | 20 000 10 000 | |
3 | Semi-trailer - for the transport of livestock, one per thousand conditional heads of cattle | unit | 32 000 000 | |
4 | Tractor - for the transportation of livestock, one per thousand heads of conditional heads of cattle | 25 000 000 | ||
Note: If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under purchase-sale (lease) agreements, contracts for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). |
Project passport № 6 "Creation and expansion of facilities for breeding dairy cattle/goats" | |||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | |||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity or equipment, tenge | ||||||
Chapter 1. Creation and expansion of facilities for raising dairy cattle with a capacity of 400 heads of breeding stock: | |||||||||
1 | A dairy farm with buildings of a cowshed, a calf barn, a milking parlour, a feed workshop, a maternity ward with a dispensary, walking areas with the necessary machinery and equipment for servicing the facility, and manure storage. The building of a barn equipped with equipment: boxes for cows, fodder tables with fixation, fencing of internal passages, devices for carding cows, ventilation equipment, water supply, a system for separating liquid manure, a medical and sanitary center; milking parlour equipped with an automated milking machine (carousel, parallel, herringbone, tandem) and/or milk pipeline, milk cooler tanker, system for monitoring the physical condition of cows; a calf barn equipped with calf cages; silo trenches. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: | place for a forage cow | |||||||
For construction | 2 900 000 | ||||||||
For expansion | 1 450 000 | ||||||||
Note: If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under purchase-sale (lease) agreements, contracts for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | |||||||||
Chapter 2. Equipment for a dairy farm from 50 heads of breeding stock: | |||||||||
1 | Milking machine with the milk line | unit | 10 000 000 | ||||||
2 | Portable milking machine | 90 000 | |||||||
3 | Milk cooler tank | 3 000 000 | |||||||
4 | Manure removal system | 7 000 000 | |||||||
5 | Stall equipment for keeping cows (partition) | 50 000 | |||||||
6 | Stern fence (headlock) | 50 000 | |||||||
7 | Mats (rubber flooring) | place for a forage cow | 30 000 | ||||||
Chapter 3. Creation and expansion of facilities for growing dairy goats with a capacity of 600 heads | |||||||||
1 | A dairy farm with buildings for keeping goats, a milking parlour, a feed shop, a maternity ward with a dispensary; a building for keeping goats-producers with a walking area. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: | place for forage goat | |||||||
For new construction | 1 500 000 | ||||||||
For expansion | 750 000 | ||||||||
Note: If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under purchase-sale (lease) agreements, contracts for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). |
Project passport № 7 "Creation and expansion of facilities for slaughter of livestock and meat processing" | |||
Share of return on investment – 25% | |||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge |
1 | Meat processing enterprise with a production capacity of 8 standard heads per hour with an automated production line for slaughtering livestock, meat ripening refrigerators, a deboning and trimming shop, an offal and skins processing shop, meat shock freezing, a finished product packaging shop, and cold storage rooms for storing finished products, waste processing shop, treatment facilities, infrastructure and equipment of life systems, laboratory of veterinary sanitary examination The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: | conditional head in one shift | |
construction | 8 000 000 | ||
extension | 4 000 000 | ||
2 | Meat processing enterprise (workshop) for the production of sausages and (or) semi-finished products and (or) canned food from 5 tons per shift with refrigerators for storing raw materials, a boning and trimming shop, a line for the production of sausages and meat products and (or) canned food and (or) semi-finished products in vacuum and (or) gas packaging, refrigerators for storing finished products. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: | ton/day | |
construction | 100 000 000 | ||
extension | 50 000 000 | ||
3 | Saddle tractor* | unit | 25 000 000 |
4 | Refrigerated semi-trailer from 20 tons* | 20 000 000 | |
5 | Refrigerated semi-trailer from 20 tons with overhead rails* | 30 000 000 | |
6 | Refrigerator (vehicle with refrigeration equipment for transportation of meat and meat products)* *: | ||
6.1. | lifting capacity from 1.5 tons to 5 tons | 9 200 000 | |
6.2 | lifting capacity from 5 tons and above | 19 700 000 | |
6.3. | Semi-trailer-livestock, divided into sections, with a ladder for loading/unloading livestock *** | 32 000 000 | |
6.4 | Cattle truck tractor*** | 25 000 000 | |
Note: | |||
If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under purchase-sale (lease) agreements, contracts for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). |
Project passport № 8 "Creation and expansion of a milk processing facility, creation of milk collection points, acquisition of equipment and vehicles for agricultural cooperatives, procurement organizations, milk collection points and milk processing enterprises" | |||
Share of return on investment – 25% | |||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge |
1 | Dairy processing plant with a production capacity of 1 ton per day with technological equipment for milk processing, packaging and storage of dairy products The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation. | 1 ton в сутки | |
construction | 25 700 000 | ||
extension | 12 800 000 | ||
2 | Block container with finishing, heating, engineering system, installation of equipment: milk cooler, table with stainless steel sink, milk pump, electric water heater, milk meters, milk analyzer, filters. | 5 000 000 | |
2.1 | Acquisition of equipment for agricultural cooperatives, procurement organizations, milk collection points: | ||
2.1.1 | Milk cooler | 2 200 000 | |
2.1.2 | Portable milking machine | 90 000 | |
2.1.3 | milk pump | 140 000 | |
2.1.4 | Electric water heater | 90 000 | |
2.1.5 | Milk counter | 120 000 | |
2.1.6 | Milk quality analyzer | 80 000 | |
2.1.7 | Housing with filter | 40 000 | |
2.1.8 | Power plant (diesel or petrol) | 1 000 000 | |
3 | Acquisition of laboratory equipment for agricultural cooperatives, procurement organizations, milk collection points and milk processing plants: | ||
3.1 | Express indicators for determining mastitis | 100 000 | |
3.2 | Laboratory equipment for determining the quality and safety of milk | 120 000 000 | |
3.3 | Refrigeration for sample storage | 500 000 | |
4 | A vehicle for transporting milk (a motor vehicle with a tanker designed for transporting milk) and (or) a milk carrier semi-trailer with thermal insulation to prevent changes in the temperature of the liquid: | ||
4.1 | milk carrier based on a car with capacity from 1 ton | 8 000 000 | |
4.2 | milk carrier based on a car with capacity from 4 tons | 13 000 000 | |
4.3 | milk carrier based on a car with capacity from 7 tons | 25 000 000 | |
4.4 | milk carrier based on a car with capacity from 12 tons | 32 000 000 | |
4.5 | milk carrier based on a semi-tralier с with capacity from 12 tons | 32 000 000 | |
5 | Milk tank trailer: | ||
5.1 | with capacity from 300 liters | 1 500 000 | |
5.2 | with capacity from 400 liters | 2 000 000 | |
5.3 | with capacity from 900 liters | 2 300 000 | |
5.4 | with capacity from 1100 liters | 2 500 000 | |
6 | Refrigerator (car with refrigeration equipment for the transportation of dairy products)* | ||
6.1 | loading capacity from 1,5 tons to 5 tons* | 9 200 000 | |
6.2 | loading capacity from 5 tons and above* | 19 700 000 | |
6.3 | Saddle tractor* | 30 000 000 | |
6.4 | Refrigerator semi-trailer up to 10 tons* | 20 000 000 | |
6.5 | Refrigerator semi-trailer from 10 tons * | 30 000 000 | |
Note: | |||
If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under purchase-sale (lease) agreements, contracts for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). |
Project passport № 9 "Acquisition of equipment for a wool harvesting point" | ||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge |
1. | Shearing station: | |
1.1 | Tool for electromechanical sheep shearing (per 1 unit) | 520 000 |
1.2 | Press | 500 000 |
1.3 | Equipment for loosening and cleaning wool waste (no more than 1 set) | 1 500 000 |
2. | Mobile shearing station (two-axle trailer with opening body, sorting mesh, press, express equipment for determining the fineness, stacker). | 11 000 000 |
Project passport № 10 "Creation and expansion of enterprises for the processing of hides and wool of agricultural animals" | ||
Share of return on investment – 25 % | ||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge |
1. |
Enterprise on primary processing of wool from 350 kilograms / hour | |
- construction | 868 000 000 | |
- expansion | 430 000 000 | |
2. |
Enterprise on deep processing of wool from 1000 kilograms per day | |
- construction | 4 000 000 000 | |
- expansion | 4 000 000 000 | |
3. | Line for primary processing of cattle skins from 600 pieces per shift, small cattle skins - 2000 pieces per shift The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation | |
- construction | 661 000 000 | |
- expansion | 300 000 000 | |
4. |
The enterprise on deep processing of cattle hides from 2 000 pieces per day, MRS - 5 000 pieces per day. | |
- construction | 4 600 000 000 | |
- expansion | 2 300 000 000 |
Project passport № 11 "Introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies with creation and expansion of infrastructure for water intake and supply" | ||
Share of return on investment – 50 % | ||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, equipment | Unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of measurement, tenge |
Infrastructure for the intake and supply of water: | hectare | |
for circular and frontal sprinklers, stationary or quickly collapsible sprinkler system (sprinkler system), as well as drip irrigation system | 800 000 | |
for drum-type sprinklers | 400 000 | |
sprinklers: | ||
circular | ||
models produced in America, Europe, Turkey, Israel, UAE | 800 000 | |
models produced in CIS countries, PRC | 600 000 | |
frontal | ||
models manufactured in America, Europe, Turkey, Israel, UAE not more than 150 hectares | 800 000 | |
models manufactured in CIS countries, PRC not more than 100 hectares | 600 000 | |
Drum-type | ||
models manufactured in America, Europe, Turkey, Israel, UAE not more than 25 hectares | 700 000 | |
models produced in CIS countries, PRC not more than 12 hectares | 200 000 | |
Stationary or quickly collapsible sprinkler system (sprinkler system) | ||
models produced in America, Europe, Turkey, Israel, UAE | 800 000 | |
models produced in CIS countries, PRC | 600 000 | |
Drip irrigation system | ||
models manufactured in America, Europe, Turkey, Israel, UAE | 800 000 | |
models produced in CIS countries, PRC | 400 000 | |
Note: | ||
The cost of the project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation (hereinafter referred to as the DED). At the same time, in addition to the creation and expansion of infrastructure for water intake and supply, the DED shall also include a section on the choice of the type of water saving technologies to be implemented. | ||
If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of sprinklers, stationary or quickly collapsible sprinkler system (sprinkler system), irrigation system of drip irrigation, they shall be subsidized without the development of a design and construction project within the established maximum allowable cost to calculate subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investment investments from the cost of equipment under purchase and sale (lease) agreements, agreements for delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||
* Sprinklers include: circular, frontal, and drum-type sprinklers. | ||
**Infrastructure for water intake and supply includes: water intake structure (for water intake from surface water bodies) or well (for water intake from groundwater), pumping station (electric, diesel or gasoline), main pipeline or canal, distribution networks, daily or ten-day regulation basin (if necessary), power transmission line, transformer substation. | ||
***In case of application from an agricultural cooperative or an investor (service recipient) acting on the basis of a joint economic activity agreement (hereinafter referred to as the joint activity) in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it shall be allowed to provide a subsidy, with confirmation of the availability of agricultural land plots on the right of land use and (or) private ownership registered with the members of the agricultural cooperative, as well as with the participants of the joint economic activity agreement.. | ||
**** The costs of acquisition of drip irrigation system for project sheets № 12, 13 and 14 shall be reimbursed within the framework of these project sheets. At the same time, creation of infrastructure for water intake and supply shall be reimbursed under Project Sheet № 11. | ||
***** In case of direct (primary) water withdrawal from surface or underground water bodies after completion and receipt of the act of commissioning of the facility, the SHTP shall ensure the availability of a special water use permit, sealing of water meters to be installed at structures or devices for water withdrawal or discharge according to Rules for provision of state service "Permit for special water use", approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 11, 2020 № 216 "On approval of rules for the provision of public services in the field of regulation of water fund use" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 21194). | ||
****** In case of development of rainfed lands for irrigation, the investor shall ensure transfer of agricultural lands from one type to another (rainfed arable land to irrigated land) in accordance with Article 98 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | ||
******* Separate subsidizing of drip tapes (drip pipes) is not allowed | ||
******** Reimbursement of costs for infrastructure for water intake and supply without implementation of water-saving technologies is not allowed, while the agricultural commodity producer shall ensure implementation of water-saving technologies (specifying the type of technology) within one year from the date of signing the act of infrastructure commissioning. |
Project passport № 12 "Construction and expansion of a greenhouse complex" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 30% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
The greenhouse complex should include autonomous sources of thermal energy (if necessary), a thermal accumulator, a heating and climate control system, a system for automatic air re-humidification, additional lighting, carbon dioxide production, screening, soilless cultivation technology on an artificial substrate (in the absence of soil for cultivation), automatic systems for low-volume crop cultivation (drip irrigation, nutrient solution preparation units, water treatment): | 1 hectare | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Film/polycarbonate cover: |
288 966 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1.2.Expansion. |
144 483 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2. Glass coating: | |||||||||||||||||||||| |
540 845 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2.2. expansion |
270 422 500 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 13 "Planting an intensive apple orchard from 5 hectares" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 40 % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
The laying of an intensive apple orchard shall be carried out according to the following technology: - using seedlings on dwarf and semi-dwarf clone stocks, including knip seedlings, planting material must be free from diseases and pests; - with the number of seedlings from 2000 to 5714 pieces per 1 hectare***; - using trellises (supports), including tension (main) poles, intermediate poles (not less than 2.0 meters above the ground level), using galvanized trellis wire, elements for fastening a seedling to a trellis, tension devices, anchor or thrust structures; - using a drip irrigation system; - using a protective mesh (anti-hail, sunscreen) made of a material that does not contain toxic elements * | 1 hectare | 21 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vehicles and equipment** | ||||||||||||||||||||||
tractor (capacity up to 100 horsepower) *** | unit | 15 00 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
specialized garden sprayer (tank capacity not less than 500 liters) | 4 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
tractor trailer (carrying capacity not less than 3 tons) | 3 500 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
mounted garden cultivator | 3 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
garden mower | 4 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
fertilizer machine | 5 500 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
fruit picking machine *** | 32 090 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
trimming equipment | 3 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
mechanical thinning machine | 4 115 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: * subsidizing of the protective mesh (anti-hail, sun-protection) shall be carried out upon installation within four years of laying the garden, the submitted condition does not require the installation of a protective mesh at the beginning of laying the garden; ** acquisition of agricultural vehicles and equipment (if necessary); *** The minimum standard of land for an intensive apple orchard, with subsidizing the first unit of equipment, is from 5 to 20 hectares. Subsidizing the second piece of equipment of the same type shall be carried out more than 50% or more of the minimum standard of 20 hectares. The presence of land areas corresponding to the minimum standard for an intensive apple orchard is confirmed by an act for the ownership of a land plot and (or) an act for the right of temporary (long-term, short-term) land use (lease). For expansion plantings, if the area of the apple orchard previously planted by the investor is at least 5 hectares, the laying of an apple orchard of less than 5 hectares is subsidized. Seedlings subsidized under these Rules are not subsidized under the Rules for Subsidizing Increasing Yields and Quality of Crop Products (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Subsidizing Increasing Yields), approved by the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 2020 № 107 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 20209), as well as seedlings subsidized under the Rules for subsidizing yield increase are not subsidized under these Rules. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 14 "Planting fruit and berry crops and grapes from 5 hectares" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 30% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
The laying of fruit and berry crops and grapes shall be carried out according to the following technology: using seedlings on medium and tall rootstocks, planting material must be free from diseases and pests; using trellises (supports), including tension (main) poles, intermediate poles (not less than 2 meters above the soil level), using galvanized trellis wire, elements for fastening a seedling to a trellis, tension devices, anchor or thrust structures (except for fruit - berry crops and apple trees of the Aport variety); with the use of a drip irrigation system (except for the Aport apple tree); with the number of seedlings per 1 hectare***: fruit pome crops - from 500 to 2000 pieces; fruit stone fruit crops - from 200 to 2000 pieces; nut crops from 100 to 500 pieces; grapes - from 1150 to 2667 pieces; berry crops - up to 40,000 pieces per 1 hectare. | 1 hectare | 9 889 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
using domestic seedlings: | 1 535 000 (fruit pome crops); | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 767 000 (stone fruits); | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1 847 000 (grapes); | ||||||||||||||||||||||
using imported seedlings |
4 887 000 (fruit pome crops); | |||||||||||||||||||||
using a protective mesh (anti-hail, sunscreen) made of a material that does not contain toxic elements (except for nut and berry crops) * | 1 hectare | 2 157 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Using a trellis system including trellises (poles for support) and elements for fastening the seedling to the trellis | 1 hectare | 1 071 428 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vehicles and equipment** | ||||||||||||||||||||||
tractor (capacity up to 100 horsepower) *** | unit | 13 610 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
specialized garden spraying machine (tank capacity not less than 500 liters) | 3 085 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
tractor trailer (with a load capacity of at least 3 tons) | 3 120 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
mounted garden cultivator | 3 312 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
garden mower | 4 324 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
fertilizer machine | 5 129 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
fruit picking machine *** | 32 090 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
trimming equipment | 3 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
mechanical thinning machine | 4 115 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 15 "Establishment and expansion of facilities for poultry meat production with capacity from 5 thousand tons per year" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment - 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | Poultry farm with technological equipment, buildings and structures: floor/cage equipment for keeping birds, automated system for feeding, watering, microclimate, water supply, ventilation and heating, lighting, slaughterhouse, veterinary unit, incubator, feed shop, refrigeration equipment, waste processing system, availability of the necessary machinery and equipment for the maintenance of the facility. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: for construction for expansion | 1 ton of poultry meat per year | ||||||||||||||||||||
For construction | 520 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
For expansion | 260 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: In case of stage realization, the projects on creation and expansion of facilities for poultry meat production with the initial stage of capacity from 2 thousand tons per year are subsidized. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidization within the limits of the established maximum allowable cost for the calculation of subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investment investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale (lease) agreements, agreements for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirmng payment). In case the enterprise has a feed mill, and/or a mobile feed mill, the construction of a feed mill is not necessary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 16 "Establishment of a breeding-hybrid center with the capacity to produce and breed from 1200 hybrid sows" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Breeding and hybrid center with equipped buildings for keeping pigs, a veterinary and sanitary block, a slaughterhouse, a weighing room, refrigeration equipment, an automated system of feeding, water supply, ventilation, heating and manure removal, a genetic laboratory, the availability of the necessary vehicles and equipment for servicing the facility. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation. | place for a sow | 2 500 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 17 " Creation and expansion of facilities for growing pigs with a capacity from 1000 sows " | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
A pig breeding complex with equipped buildings for keeping pigs, a veterinary station, an automated feeding system, water supply, manure removal, ventilation and heating, a slaughterhouse and a waste processing system, weighing, refrigeration equipment, with the necessary vehicles and equipment for servicing the facility. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: for construction/expansion during modernization | place for a sow |
1 700 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: If the investment project provides only for the acqusition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidization within the limits of the established maximum allowable cost for the calculation of subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investment investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale (lease) agreements, agreements for the supply and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirmng payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 18 "Creation of a feed-milling plant" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | Compound feed plant (workshop) with a capacity of 3 tons of compound feed/pelleted feed per hour, including the building of a feed mill (workshop), grain storage tanks (silo buildings), a production unit, warehouses for raw materials and finished products with shipment by truck and/or railway transport, technological equipment for a feed mill, warehouses and silos, necessary equipment and transport. The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: - for construction – for expansion | 1 ton per hour |
270 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | A mobile feed mill with a capacity of 15 tons per hour, including a suction gate, a hammer pneumatic crusher, a grain crusher, a rotary compressor, a weight mixer, an aspiration, a suction fitting, an unloading auger, a rotary auger, a combined sluice, a loading funnel, a loading auger, a line for unloading with air, dosage container for feed oil. | unit | 100 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
2.1 | Tractor for moving a feed mill | 23 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidization within the limits of the established maximum allowable cost for the calculation of subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investment investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 19 "Acquisition of vehicles and equipment for processing poultry manure, with a capacity of 50 tons/day" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Manure composting: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
agitator | unit | 108 200 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
front loader | 5 600 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Manure drying: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Fertilizer drying equipment | 1 ton of manure processing/day | 466 700 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Biogas plant: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Biogas plant | 1 ton of manure processing/day | 11 600 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vehicles and equipment for all processing methods: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Spreader | unit | 25 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fertilizer packing and packaging equipment | 1 ton/day | 666 670 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 20 "Creation and expansion of a breeding reproducer in egg and meat poultry breeding" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25 % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | |||||||||||||||||||
Construction and installation works: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1.1 | Poultry house of grand parental/parental flock | 1 square metre | 200 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
1.2 | Rearing poultry houses | |||||||||||||||||||||
1.3 | Veterinarian block | |||||||||||||||||||||
1.4 | Slaughterhouse building | |||||||||||||||||||||
1.5 | Hatchery | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Equipment: | |||||||||||||||||||||
2.1 | Floor equipment for growing rearing stock (watering system, feeding system, heating system, ventilation, lighting, water supply) | Per one bird place | 25 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
2.2 | Cage equipment for growing rearing stock (watering system, feeding system, heating system, ventilation, lighting, water supply) | Per one bird place | 42 500 | |||||||||||||||||||
2.3 | Floor equipment for keeping grand parental/parental flock (egg collection system, milking system, feeding system, heating, ventilation, lighting and water supply system) | Per one bird place | 42 500 | |||||||||||||||||||
2.4 | Cage equipment for keeping grand parental/parental flock (egg collection system, milking system, feeding system, heating, ventilation, lighting and water supply system) | Per one bird place | 35 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | Disposal equipment - crematorium | unit | 12 500 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Incubator equipment | egg place | 8 800 | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Slaughterhouse equipment | unit | 53 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | Vehicles: | |||||||||||||||||||||
6.1 | Feed trailer | unit | 35 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
6.2 | Chicken carrier | 40 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6.3 | Refrigerated egg carrier | 15 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6.4 | Electric forklift /diesel forklift | 12 500 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6.5 | Mini loader | 8 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6.6 | Front loader | 5 600 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
6.7 | Mobile disinfection unit | 12 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Diesel power plant/diesel generator set | unit | 22 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 21 "Construction and expansion of grain storage facilities" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25 % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Expansion of the granary for oilseeds with equipment that provides the following operations with grain: acceptance, processing, cleaning, processing, drying, storage, internal movement and shipment, from 5000 tons of storage. | 1 ton | 20 137 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Construction of a granary with equipment that provides the following operations with grain: acceptance, processing, cleaning, processing, storage, internal movement and shipment, but not more than 10,000 tons. | 1 ton | 33 800 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation. If the project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design estimates, it shall be allowed to subsidize the purchased equipment within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 22 "Construction, expansion of potato and vegetable storage facilities from 1 000 tons" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The share of compensation of investments: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Potato-vegetable storage should include refrigeration equipment (if necessary), ventilation equipment, and warehouse vehicles. | 1 ton | |||||||||||||||||||||
construction | 85 225 | |||||||||||||||||||||
expansion | 42 613 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Refrigerator (truck with refrigeration equipment for transportation of fruit and vegetable products) with load capacity from 20 tons: | 52 841 071 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Autocar (forklift loader) * | 5 091 426 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Plastic containers ** | 50 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
* subsidized at the rate of 3 units per 1500 tons. Storage | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 23 "Construction and expansion of fruit storages from 1 000 tons *" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 40% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fruit storage without a controlled gas environment should include ventilation equipment, refrigeration equipment, and warehouse vehicles. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
construction | 73 422 | |||||||||||||||||||||
expansion | 36 711 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Fruit storage with a controlled gas environment should include a controlled gas environment, refrigeration equipment, and warehouse equipment. | 1 ton | |||||||||||||||||||||
construction | 257 270 | |||||||||||||||||||||
expansion | 128 635 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Refrigerator (vehicle with refrigeration equipment for transportation of fruits and vegetables)** | 1 unit | |||||||||||||||||||||
load capacity from 1.5 to 5 tons | 9 239 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
load capacity from 5 to 10 tons | 19 713 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
load capacity from 10 tons | 27 283 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
load capacity from 20 tons: |
52 841 071 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Autocar (forklift loader) | 5 091 426 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Plastic containers***. | 50 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Line for the formation of corrugated packaging | 25 200 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Corrugated cardboard production line **** | 1 million square meters | 72 207331 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sorting and packaging equipment ***** | 1 ton/hour | 34 663 530 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 24 "Establishment and expansion of a fruit/vegetable/ melon processing enterprise" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
An enterprise for the processing of fresh fruits, vegetables and melons with the necessary equipment for the production of one or more types of juice and (or) fruit and vegetable products. Conditions for calculating subsidies: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with a processing capacity of 1 ton per hour for raw materials | 1 ton/hour | 188 333 300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with a processing capacity of 1 ton per hour for raw materials | 53 333 300 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 25 "Construction of a potato processing plant" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
A potato processing enterprise includes a production complex with the necessary equipment for the production of one and (or) more types of potato processing products (potato chips, french fries, semi-finished products, etc.). The cost of the investment project shall be determined according to the design and estimate documentation: construction from 140,000 tons per year for raw materials | Per one enterprise | 10 588 666 600 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 26 "Creation and expansion of an enterprise for the production of fat and oil products" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
An enterprise with the necessary equipment for the processing of oilseeds and (or) the production of oil and fat products. Conditions for calculating subsidies: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with a processing capacity of oilseeds from 500 tons per day | 1 ton/day | 8 313 471 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with a capacity of processing oilseeds from 200 tons per day | 6 125 935 | |||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with a processing capacity of oilseeds from 100 tons per day | 3 902 360 | |||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with a capacity of 100 tons per day for raw materials for the production of edible oil and fat products, except for vegetable oil | 18 764 052 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Construction of an enterprise with the necessary equipment for the processing of vegetable and animal fats for the production of non-edible fat and oil products (granules) with a capacity of 3 tons per day | 1 ton/day | 207 100 416 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 27 "Creation and expansion of an enterprise for the production of processed grain products" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | A grain processing enterprise with the necessary equipment for the production of one or more types of cereal products and (or) breakfast cereals. Conditions for calculating subsidies: | |||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with capacity of processing from 2 tons per hour for raw materials for production of cereal products | 1 ton/hour | 838 241 450 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with capacity of processing from 2 tons per hour of raw materials for the production of cereal products | 102 818 435 | |||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise capacity from 0.2 tons per hour for the production of breakfast cereals | 1 ton/hour | 1 500 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with capacity from 0.2 tons per hour for the production of breakfast cereals | 1 200 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | A flour processing enterprise for the production of pasta with the necessary equipment for the production of one or more types of products. Conditions for the calculation of subsidies: | |||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with capacity of processing from 1 ton per hour of raw materials | 1 ton/hour | 600 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with capacity of processing from 1 ton per hour by raw material | 512 244 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from thecost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 27.1 "Establishment and expansion of a plant for deep processing of crop products" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge | |||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment for the production of products of high technological complexity* - 50% (with Share of return on investment for the production of products not classified as products of high technological complexity in the full technological cycle - 25%); | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
An enterprise with the necessary equipment for the production of one and (or) more types of deep processed products. | |||||||||||||||||||||
for construction/expansion of the existing enterprise for deep processing of grain crops (except for grain processing for the production of commercial flour), capacity from 170 tons of raw materials per day | 1 ton/day | 9000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for construction/expansion of the existing enterprise for deep processing of oilseeds, capacity from 7 tons/day for the main finished product | 1 ton/day | 563 386 533 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 28 " Creation and expansion of a sugar production enterprise" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works, vehicles and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. An enterprise for the processing of sugar beet with the necessary equipment for the acceptance and processing of raw materials. Conditions for calculation of subsidies: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
for construction of an enterprise with a processing capacity of 5,000 tons per day for raw materials | 1 ton/day | 8 750 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
for expansion of an existing enterprise with a processing capacity from 1600 tons per day for raw materials | 3 615 384 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2. Beet receiving point: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
automobile scales | 1 ton | 97 125 | ||||||||||||||||||||
raw material laboratory equipment | unit | 330 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
bead laying machine | 1 ton/hour | 767 148 | ||||||||||||||||||||
active ventilation equipment | 1 ton/hour | 83 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Line for pulp processing (pressing) | 1 ton/day | 106 783 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Pulp processing line (granulation) | 1 ton/day | 2 082 753 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 29 "Expansion of a confectionery production facility with a capacity of 2,000 tons of products per year" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of construction and installation works and equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
The line for the production of confectionery | 1 ton of finished product/year | 2 040 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The cost of the investment project shall be determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation. If the investment project provides only for the acquisition and installation of certain types of equipment without the development of design and estimate documentation, the purchased equipment is subject to subsidies within the established maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies per unit of capacity and the share of reimbursement of investments from the cost of equipment under the purchase and sale ( lease) agreements, delivery and (or) installation of equipment, as well as related documents (cargo-customs declaration, invoices, documents confirming payment). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 30 "Expansion of egg poultry farms with increased production capacity from 50 million eggs per year" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Name and technical characteristics of vehicles, equipment | Project capacity unit of measurement | Maximum allowable cost for calculation of subsidies, per capacity unit, machinery, equipment, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Laying hens poultry house | per 1 square metre of one poultry house | 57 160 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Youngstock poultry house | 62 560 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Egg warehouse | per 1 square metre | 80 400 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Infrastructure and design estimates | 302 343 584 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Equipment: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Technological equipment - cage equipment for rearing stock | bird place | 1 790 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Technological equipment - cage equipment for keeping industrial laying hens | bird place | 2340 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Egg grading machine 90,000 eggs/hour | unit | 352 296 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Poultry slaughter equipment up to 1,500 head/hour | 53 020 468 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Slaughter waste processing equipment | 29 568 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Refrigeration equipment | 23 988 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Vehicles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Feed trailer | unit | 21 518 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Refrigerator egg carrier | 14 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Tractor | 6 855 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Forklift loader | 11 250 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Front loader | 8 000 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Truck | 17 273 000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Project passport № 31 "Acquisition of equipment for agrochemical laboratories for soil analysis" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Share of return on investment – 25% | ||||||||||||||||||||||
item № | Name and technical specification of a vehicle and equipment | Maximum allowable cost for calculating subsidies, tenge | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Laboratory for agrochemical analysis of soils, equipped with the necessary equipment: an automatic segmented flow analyzer with an autosampler, equipment for mass sample preparation, a spectrophotometer, equipment for mass analysis of organic carbon (humus), a flame photometer with a compressor and a gas pressure gauge, a mill for grinding soil samples, a laboratory water distiller, analytical balance, thermostat, drying cabinet, exhaust equipment | 226 625 446 | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer with autosampler | 37 000 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Automatic soil sampler | 9 719 000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Automatic laboratory dishwasher | 7 011 750 |
Annex 4 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Application for investment subsidies
To ______________________________________________________________
(full name of the local executive body of the region,
the city of republican significance, the capital)
from ______________________________________________________________
(full name of a legal entity, surname, name, patronymic
(if any) of an individual)
I hereby request to pay me the sum of investment subsidies in the amount of
_____________________________________ tenge
under the project passport № _____
(amount in figures and writing)
(full name of the project passport)
in accordance with the Subsidy Rules for Reimbursement of a Part of the Expenses Incurred
by the subject of agro-industrial complex, in the Context of Investments approved by the Order
of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 23, 2018 № 317
(registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 17320)
(hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
1. Information about the investor.
for a legal entity/branch, representative office:
business identitication number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN)
surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the head
address __________________________________________________________
phone (fax) number __________________________________________
class according to CCEA (code according to the common classifier of economic activities)
according to Annex 1 to the Rules ________________________________
For the individual:
surname, name, patronymic (if any)
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as the IIN)
identity document:
number _________________________________________________________
issued by ____________________________________________________
date of issue ____________________________________________________
address __________________________________________________________
phone number _________________________________________________
class according to CCEA (code according to the common classifier of economic activities)
according to Annex 1 to the Rules ________________________________
2. Notification of commencement of activity as a sole proprietor:
location ________________________________________________
date of notification________________________________________________.
3. Information about members of agricultural cooperative
(in case if the investor is an agricultural cooperative):
item № | Name of a member of an agricultural cooperative | BIN/IIN of a member of an agricultural cooperative |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4. Information about land plots
(in case of requirements in the project passport on availability of agricultural land):
item № | Cadastral number | Total area, hectare | including arable land | Intended use | Name and BIN/IIN of the land plot owner or land user |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
5. Information on availability of farm animals
(in case of requirements in the project passport of farm animals):
item № | Identification number | Type of farm animal | Sex | Age-sex group | Name and BIN/IIN of the owner of the farm animal |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
6. Information about the investment project:
description ___________________________________________________________
amount of investments___________________________________________________
the source of financial resources from which the project is being implemented
estimated amount of subsidies ____________________________________________
address of implementation of the investment project
7. Preliminary calculation of subsidies payable ____________________.
8. Decision of the working body о соответствии инвестиционного проекта условиям
Правил (в случае, если инвестором ранее подавалась заявка на первом этапе)
9. Certificate of acceptance of the facility of the investment project into operation
(in case of creation of new, reconstruction, expansion of production capacities)
in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan _________________.
10. Certificate of commissioning of equipment between the buyer and the supplier
(in case of equipment purchase) ______________________________________.
11. Purchase and sale agreements, invoices for purchased goods, works, services,
confirming investments for the creation of new, reconstruction, expansion of production
capacities, documents confirming payment ____________________________________.
12. Design and estimate documentation that has a positive conclusion of project expertise
in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for the passports
of the projects for which subsidizing is provided in accordance with the in accordance
with the design and estimate documentation) __________________________________.
13. Acceptance-transfer acts of agricultural, special-purpose machinery and technological
equipment _______________________________________.
14. Credit/leasing agreements (in case of investment investments at the expense
of borrowed funds in financial institutions) __________________________________
15. Supporting documents: business plan, electronic/paper invoices of sales of finished
products (in case of application for the second tranche)
16. Information on achievement of production capacity utilization of not less than 50 (fifty)
% according to part two of paragraph 16 of the Rules (to be filled in when submitting
an application within the second tranche).
item № | Name of product types | Unit of measurement | Products manufactured during the reporting quarter in physical terms - total | Output of products (goods, services) in value terms for the reporting quarter, thousand tenge |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Table continued
Products used for own needs (in-plant turnover) for the reporting quarter | Products manufactured from tolling raw materials for the reporting quarter | Finished goods balances at the end of the reporting period in physical terms | ||
in physical terms | in value terms, thousand tenge | in physical terms | in value terms, thousand tenge | |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
17. The completed Project passport is attached.
I hereby confirm the authenticity of the submitted information, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I give my consent to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret, as well as to the collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data.
I/we hereby confirm that I/we as an investor meet the requirements of clause 6 of the Rules.
I/we hereby confirm that no liquidation, rehabilitation or bankruptcy procedures have been initiated against me/us, and that my/our activities have not been suspended in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In case of detection of inconsistency of the submitted information during the check, as well as in case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of paragraph 39 of the Rules, I undertake to return the illegally received funds within ten working days.
I hereby give my consent to increase the amount of investment subsidizing in case of allocation of additional funds within the framework of paragraph 17 of the Rules.
Signed and sent by the investor at ___ hours on "__" _____ 20__:
Data from the electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS)
Date and time of signing the EDS
Notification of acceptance of application:
Accepted by the working body at ___ hours "__" ______ 20__:
Data from the EDS
Date and time of signature of the EDS
Annex 5 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
for investment subsidies using the mechanism of advance payment to a special account
To _______________________________________________________________
(full name of the local executive body of the region,
the city of republican significance, the capital)
from ________________________________________________________________
(full name of a legal entity, surname, name, patronymic
(if any) of an individual)
Hereby, I request you to consider the investment project under the project passport № _____
(full name of the project passport)
for compliance/non-compliance with the terms of the Rules for subsidizing of reimbursement
of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of the agro-industrial complex while investing,
approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated July 23, 2018 № 317 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal
acts under № 17320) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
1. Information about the investor.
for a legal entity/branch, representative office:
name ______________________________________________________
business identitication number (hereinafter referred to as the BIN) ________________________
surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the head __________________
address ______________________________________________________________
phone (fax) number ______________________________________________
class according to CCEA (code according to the common classifier of economic activities)
according to Annex 1 to the Rules ___________________________________.
For the individual:
surname, name, patronymic (if any) ______________________________
individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as the IIN) _______________
identity document:
number _____________________________________________________________
issued by ________________________________________________________
date of issue _______________________________________________________
address _____________________________________________________________
phone (fax) number _____________________________________________.
class according to CCEA (code according to the common classifier of economic activities)
according to Annex 1 to the Rules __________________________________.
2. Notification of commencement of activity as a sole proprietor:
location __________________________________________________
date of notification __________________________________________________.
3. Information about members of agricultural cooperative
(in case if the investor is an agricultural cooperative):
item № | Name of a member of an agricultural cooperative | BIN/IIN of a member of an agricultural cooperative |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4. Information about land plots
(in case of requirements in the project passport on availability of agricultural land):
item № | Cadastral number | Total area, hectare | including arable land | Intended use | Name and BIN/IIN of the land plot owner or land user |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
5. Information on availability of farm animals
(in case of requirements in the project passport of farm animals):
item № | Identification number | Type of farm animal | Sex | Age-sex group | Name and BIN/IIN of the owner of the farm animal |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
6. Information about the investment project:
description _______________________________________________________
amount of investments_______________________________________________
the source of financial resources at the expense of which the project is being implemented ___
estimated amount of subsidies ________________________________________
address of implementation of the investment project _________________________.
7. Preliminary calculation of subsidies payable ________________.
8. Informations on investment investments for the creation of new or upgrading existing
production capacities and terms of their realization, business plan (required only when
implementing projects in the areas of development of the processing industry),
agreements or commercial proposals
9. Notification of the financial institution on the investor's intention to receive
subsidies (in case of project realization at the expense of borrowed funds (credit/leasing))
10. A positive decision of a credit committee of the financial institution
11. The completed project passport is attached.
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the submitted information, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of false information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I give my consent to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret, as well as to the collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data.
I/we hereby confirm that no liquidation, rehabilitation or bankruptcy procedures have been initiated against me/us, and that my/our activities have not been suspended in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In case of detection of discrepancy of the submitted information during the check, as well as in case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of paragraph 39 of the Rules, I undertake to make a refund of illegally received funds within ten working days.
Signed and sent by the investor at ___ hours on "__" _____ 20__:
Data from the electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS)
Date and time of signing the EDS
Notification of acceptance of application:
Accepted by the working body at ___ hours "__" ______ 20__:
Data from the EDS
Date and time of signature of the EDS
Annex 6 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Act of inspection of the investor's facility and certification
of achieving the capacity utilization dated __________ 20__ №___
Name of region (the city of republican significance, the capital)
Name of investor: __________________________________________
Name of the passport of the project: ____________________________________
Location of facility: __________________________________________
The group of specialists, created on the basis of _______________________
dated ____20__ №___________, consisting of
during the inspection of the object, revealed the following:
Inspection conclusions:
Signatures of persons carrying out the inspection:
1. ______________________________________
(Surname, name, patronymic (if any))
2. ______________________________________
Signature of investor (investor's representative):
(Power of attorney №___ dated __________________)
Annex 7 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Notice of restriction of access by a member of a group
of professionals in a state subsidy informational system
city ______ | "___" _______ 20__ |
Hereby I, the head of the working body ___________________________________
(name of the working body and surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the head)
on the basis of the document ________________________________________________
(an order on granting vacation or assignment or dismissal or during a period of temporary incapacity for work)
№____ dated "___" _______ 20__ have made this act as follows:
The member of the group of specialists _____________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any))
is restricted access for a period from____________ to __________ (date and time)
The content of this act is verified by personal signatures:
1. ___________________________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the employee of the working body responsible for
for the implementation of investment subsidies) (date and time, electronic digital signature)
2. ___________________________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the member of the group of specialists)
(date and time, electronic digital signature)
Annex 8 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
List of basic requirements for the provision of the state service
"Subsidizing on reimbursement of a part of expenses incurred by the subject
of agro-industrial complex in the course of investment investments"
1 | Name услугодателя | Local executive bodies of regions, cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent (hereinafter referred to as the service provider). |
2 | Methods of provisions of state service | Acceptance of applications and issuance of the results of the provision of state services shall be carried out through the web portal of "electronic government" (hereinafter referred to as the portal). |
3 | The term for the provision of state service | 14 (fourteen) working days. |
4 | Form of provision of state services | Electronic (partially automated). |
5 | The result of the provision of state service | Investment subsidizing agreement signed by the working body (service provider) or motivated refusal to provide the state service |
6 | The amount of payment charged from the service recipient in the provision of state services, and methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan | For free. |
7 | Working hours of the service provider and information objects |
Portal - around the clock, except for technical breaks associated with the repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, applications shall be accepted and the results of the state service shall be issued on the next working day). |
8 | List of documents and information required from the service recipient for the provision of state service |
For investment projects that have not been put into operation, the service recipient shall submit an electronic application signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the service recipient, with the necessary documents specified in the application attached to it, in the PDF (Portable Document Format)" (a scanned copy of the paper version signed and stamped (if available) by the service recipient). |
9 | Grounds for refusal to provide state services, established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
1) establishing the unreliability of the documents submitted by the service recipient for the receipt of the state service, and (or) the data (information) contained in them; |
10 | Other requirements, taking into account the specifics of the provision of state services, including those provided in electronic form |
Addresses of places for the provision of state services are located on: |
Annex 9 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Coefficients for conversion of livestock of farm animals into a conventional head of cattle
Types of animals | Coefficients of conversion |
Cattle | 1 |
Pigs | 0,3 |
Sheep and goats | 0,1 |
Horses | 1 |
Camels | 1 |
Annex 10 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
notification of the decision of the working body (service provider)
on the compliance/non-conformity of the investment project
Dear _______________________________________________________
(name of a legal entity or surname, name, patronymic (if any) of an individual)
We inform you about the decision of the working body on the compliance / non-compliance
of the investment project with the conditions of the Rules for subsidizing of reimbursement
of part of the costs incurred by the subject of the agro-industrial complex while investing,
approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated July 23, 2018 № 317
(registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 17320), according
to the project passport
(full name of the project passport)
If you have any questions, please contact
(working body)
Performer: _______________________________________________ _______________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature)
Contact phone numbers: ___________________________________________________
Annex 11 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Notification of the decision of the working body (service provider) to pay/refuse
to pay investment subsidies according to the project passport
Dear _______________________________________________________
(name of a legal entity or surname, name, patronymic (if any)
of an individual)
We inform you about the decision of the working body to pay / refuse to pay investment
subsidies according to the project passport
(full name of the project passport)
Reasons for refusal:
If you have any questions, please contact
(working body)
Performer: ______________________________________________ ___________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature)
Contact phone numbers: __________________________________________________
Annex 12 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Investment subsidizing agreement № __
city _________ | "_______________" 20__ |
State Institution "____________________________________________",
represented by the head of the deparmtent (or his/her substitute person based on the order)
acting on the basis of the Regulation on the state institution
hereinafter referred to as the "Working body",
on the first part and __________________________ represented by ______________________,
acting on the basis of ___________, hereinafter referred to as the "Investor"
on the second part, jointly referred to as the Parties, and individually a Party either
as specified above, have made this Investment subsidizing agreement
(hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.
Chapter 1. General provisions
The grounds for entering in this Agreement are:
1) Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments, approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakstan dated July 23, 2018 № 317 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 17320) (hereinafter referred to as the Subsidizing Rules);
2) Decision of the working body № ___ dated ______ 20__.
Chapter 2. Terms and Definitions
2. This Agreement uses the terms specified in the Subsidizing Rules.
Chapter 3. Scope of the Agreement
3.1 According to the terms of this Agreement, the Working body shall provide investment subsidization of a part of the Investor's expenses under the following conditions:
Project passport (according to the Subsidizing Rules) | |
Total amount of the Investor's investments under the investment project | |
Amount of investment subsidies | |
Number of the decision of the working body | |
Date of the decision of the working body |
3.2 Investment subsidies shall be made at the expense and within the limits of funds provided for in the budget of _______________ region (city of republican significance, capital) for the relevant fiscal year.
Chapter 4. Procedure and conditions for transferring funds to the Investor
4.1 The amount of investment subsidies in the amount of __________ (______) tenge shall be transferred by the Working body to the account of the Investor.
4.2 The countdown of the investment subsidy period begins from the moment this Agreement enters into force.
4.3 The Parties, within the framework of this Agreement, have agreed that if the day of payment falls on a non-working day or a holiday, the payment shall be made on the next working day.
4.4 Investment subsidies shall be paid to the Investor in accordance with the project passports specified in the Rules for subsidizing.
4.5 Investment subsidies shall be paid on the Investor's investment in purchasing new, previously unused vehicles, machinery and equipment.
4.6. All transactions shall be carried out in the national currency - tenge.
Chapter 5. Rights and obligations of the Parties
5.1 The Investor shall have the right to:
use vehicles, machines and equipment for other types of activities in case of seasonal downtime, subject to prior written notification to the Working Body.
5.2 The Investor shall be obliged to:
timely and fully fulfill the terms and conditions of the Subsidizing Rules;
timely and fully fulfill its obligations under the Agreement;
timely provide, upon request of the Working Body, documents and information related to the fulfillment of this Agreement in a timely manner;
provide the Working body with access for inspection of the Investor's facility and certification that the capacity utilization has been achieved;
in case of commencement of the procedure of its liquidation, rehabilitation or bankruptcy, as well as if the Investor's activity is suspended in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, immediately inform the Working body in writing;
not to transfer or disclose information about the terms and realization of this Agreement to third parties without prior written consent of the Parties; and;
timely notify the Working Body of all circumstances that may affect the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement.
5.3 The Working body shall have the right to:
request from the Investor all necessary documents and information about the progress of the investment project and this Agreement.
5.4 The Working body shall be obliged to:
transfer the funds provided for investment subsidies specified in paragraph 3.1 of this Agreement;
carry out monitoring according to paragraph 38 of the Rules.
Chapter 6. Liability of the Parties
6.1 The parties hereto shall be liable for non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement, Subsidy Rules and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 7. Duration of the Agreement
7.1 This Agreement shall come into force from the date of its signing and shall remain in force until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.
Chapter 8. Force majeure circumstances
8.1 The Parties shall be released from liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, if the impossibility of fulfillment was caused by force majeure circumstances.
8.2 Upon occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall timely notify the other Party of such circumstances within 10 (ten) working days from the moment of occurrence. In this case, the nature, period of validity, the fact of occurrence of force majeure circumstances shall be confirmed by the relevant documents of the authorized state bodies.
8.3 In the absence of timely notification, a Party shall be obliged to compensate the other Party for the damage caused by failure to notify or untimely notification.
8.4 The occurrence of force majeure circumstances causes an increase in the term of performance of this Agreement for the period of their effect.
8.5 If such circumstances continue for more than three consecutive months, either Party shall have the right to refuse further fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.
Chapter 9. Dispute resolution
9.1 The Parties shall use their best efforts to resolve in direct negotiations all disagreements or disputes arising between them under or in connection with the Agreement.
9.2 If after such negotiations the Parties are unable to resolve a dispute under this Agreement, either Party may request that the matter be resolved in the judicial procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 10. Exchange of Correspondence
10.1 Any correspondence sent by the Parties to each other under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the correspondence by the Parties with a mark of delivery.
10.2 Correspondence shall be deemed submitted or sent when it is duly executed (correspondence is submitted on letterhead or sealed (if any), signed by the head and has a registration number and date), hand-delivered in person, delivered by mail (registered letter with notification) or by courier to the participating Party's address.
Chapter 11. Confidentiality
11.1 The Parties hereby agree that information related to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, banking secrecy, as well as financial, commercial and other information obtained by them in the course of conclusion and execution of this Agreement, shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except for cases expressly provided for in this Agreement, Subsidizing Rules and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11.2 Transfer of confidential information to third parties, publication or other disclosure by the Party shall be possible in cases expressly provided for by this Agreement and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11.3 The Parties shall take all necessary measures, including legal measures, to maintain confidentiality of the existence and terms of this Agreement. Officials and employees of the Parties shall not disclose or transfer to third parties any information obtained in the course of implementation of this Agreement.
11.4 In case of disclosure or dissemination of confidential information by either Party in violation of the requirements of this Agreement, the guilty Party shall be liable under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with compensation for possible damage incurred by the other Party as a result of disclosure of such information.
11.5 By signing this Agreement, the Investor grants consent to the Working Body to publish information about the Investor in mass media, as well as to disclose any information (including bank secrecy) obtained about the Investor under this Agreement to third parties without the prior written consent of the Investor.
Chapter 12. Representations, warranties and consents
12.1 The Investor represents and warrants the following:
the Investor confirms that the assurances and guarantees specified in this Agreement are true and accurate.
12.2 The Investor represents and warrants that:
the Investor is not aware of any circumstances that may have a negative effect on his business, his financial position, assets and ability to meet his obligations;
Also, the Investor confirms that his competence allows the person who signs this Agreement to conclude this Agreement.
12.3 The Investor confirms that at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement there are no grounds that may serve as a reason for termination of this Agreement, its recognition as invalid.
12.4 The Investor declares and confirms that all information, as well as all documentation provided (submitted) is accurate and true.
Chapter 13. Final provisions
13.1 The provisions of this Agreement are subject to change and / or addition. Valid and binding for the Parties are recognized only those changes and additions that are drawn up by agreement of the Parties in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
13.2 This Agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies in the Kazakh and Russian languages, one copy for each of the Parties.
Chapter 14. Legal addresses, bank details and signatures of the Parties
Working body: | Investor: |
________________ | ________________ |
Annex 13 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Agreement on intended use and non-alienation of the acquired vehicles, machinery and equipment № ___
city _______________ | "___" __________20___ |
Department _____________________________________________________________
of region (the city of republican significance, the capital)
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by the head (or a person replacing him)
acting on the basis of _____________dated___ № ____,
hereinafter referred to as the "Working body", of the one hand, and
_______________________________________ represented by ___________________________,
acting on the basis of ________________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as the "Investor" on the other hand, jointly referred to as the Parties, and individually a Party or as specified above, have entered into this Agreement on the intended use and non-disposal of purchased vehicles, machinery and equipment, within 3 (three) years from the date of subsidization (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), as follows:
Chapter 1. Scope and purpose of the Agreement
1.1 The Investor hereby undertakes to use strictly for the intended purpose and not to alienate the equipment, vehicles, as well as to bear responsibility for misuse within 3 (three) years from the date of subsidization.
1.2 In the event of any contradictions within the framework of this Agreement, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " On state regulation of development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas" shall prevail.
Chapter 2. Rights and obligations of the Parties
2.1 The Investor shall be obliged to:
to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement in a timely and full manner;
promptly provide, upon request of the Working Body, documents and information related to the fulfillment of this Agreement;
provide the Working Body with access for inspection of the investor's object;
provide information according to paragraph 39 of the Rules;
not to transfer or disclose information about the terms and conditions and realization of this Agreement to third parties without prior written consent of the Parties;
not to alienate equipment, machinery during the period specified in subparagraph 1.1. of the Agreement.
2.2 Working body shall have the right to:
request from the Investor all necessary documents and information about the progress of the investment project and this Agreement and the Subsidization Rules.
Chapter 3. Duration of the Agreement
3.1 This Agreement shall come into effect from the date of its signing by the Parties and shall remain in force for 3 (three) years, and in respect of unfulfilled obligations - until their full fulfillment.
Chapter 4. Force majeure circumstances
4.1 The Parties shall be released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement, if the impossibility of performance was caused by force majeure circumstances.
4.2 Upon occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall timely notify the other Party of such circumstances within 10 (ten) working days from the moment of their occurrence. In this case, the nature, period of validity, the fact of occurrence of force majeure circumstances shall be confirmed by the relevant documents of the authorized state bodies.
4.3 In the absence of timely notification, a Party shall be obliged to compensate the other Party for the damage caused by failure to notify or untimely notification.
4.4 The occurrence of force majeure circumstances shall entail an increase in the term of performance of this Agreement for the period of their effect.
4.5 If such circumstances continue for more than three consecutive months, either Party shall have the right to refuse further performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
Chapter 5. Final provisions
5.1 Correspondence shall be deemed submitted or sent when it is submitted on letterhead or sealed (if any), signed by the head and has a registration number, date, hand-delivered in person, delivered by mail (registered letter with notification) or by courier to the participating Party's address..
5.2 Any change, termination of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the term of this Agreement, shall be formalized by an additional agreement of the Parties signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement.
5.3 All disagreements or disputes arising between the Parties under this Agreement shall be resolved through direct negotiations. If after such negotiations the Parties are unable to resolve a dispute under this Agreement, any of the Parties may request resolution of this issue in a judicial procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5.4 Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be regulated by the Investment Subsidy Agreement from ____20___ № __, as well as the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5.5 This Agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies in the Kazakh and Russian languages, one copy for each of the Parties.
Chapter 6. Addresses, bank details and signatures of the Parties
Investor: | Working body: |
Annex 14 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Contract and Agreement № __ on non-use of investment subsidies on the special account
by a financial institution licensed by the authorized body for regulation, control and supervision
of the financial market and financial organizations to conduct banking operations,
or by a financial institution licensed to conduct microfinance activities
city ______ | "___" _______ 20__ |
__________________________________________________ hereinafter referred
to as the Financial Institute on the first part, the state institution _______________
_______________________________________________________ ___________
of region (the city of republican significance, the capital (name),
represented by the head (or a person replacing him on the basis of an order)
acting on the basis of the Regulation on the state institution,
hereinafter referred to as the "Working body", on the second part,
represented by _______________________________________________________,
acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Investor",
on the third part, collectively referred to as the Parties, and individually the Party,
have made this Contract and Agreement on non-use of financial
institution of money in a special account (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.
Chapter 1. General provisions
1.1. The grounds for entering in this Agreement are:
1) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " On state regulation of development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas";
2) Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments, approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakstan dated July 23, 2018 № 317 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 17320) (hereinafter referred to as the Subsidizing Rules);
3) Decision of the working body concerning the investment subsidizing (dated __________20__ №___).
Chapter 2. Terms and Definitions
2.1.This Agreement uses the terms specified in the Subsidizing Rules.
Chapter 3. Scope of the Agreement
3.1. The financial institution does not use the funds in the special account until the Working Body makes a decision on the payment of investment subsidies, in accordance with the conditions specified in the Subsidy Rules.
3.2. To receive investment subsidies to a special account, the investor, along with the documents specified in the Subsidy Rules, additionally provides a copy of the positive decision of the credit committee of the financial institution, a credit agreement/agreement of leasing with the financial institution, certified by the financial institution.
Chapter 4. Procedure and conditions for transferring investment subsidies
4.1. The amount of investment subsidies in the amount of ______ (___________) tenge shall be transferred by the Working Body to a special account of the financial institution as an advance payment.
Details of a special account of a financial institution: _____________
4.2. All transactions shall be carried out in national currency - tenge.
Chapter 5. Rights and obligations of the Parties
5.1. Within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of funds on the special account, the Financial Institution shall transfer the funds stipulated in the loan agreement (concluded between the Financial Institution and the Investor) to the account of the equipment seller, unless otherwise provided for by the agreement between the Investor and the Financial Institution, and shall submit supporting documents to the working body.
5.2. In case the financial institution fails to fulfill the conditions stipulated in the Subsidization Rules, the financial institution shall, within 3 (three) working days, restore in full the investment subsidy funds transferred by the working body by advance payment to the special account.
5.3. In this case, the refund of payments made in the current financial year shall be made by restoration of cash expenditures of the working body by increasing the amount of unfulfilled obligations and reducing cash expenditures under the relevant codes of the budget classification of expenditures. In case of refund of payments of previous years, the amount of refund shall be credited to the income of the relevant budget, from which the payments were made.
5.4. Funds transferred to the special account shall be credited by the financial institution against repayment of the investor's principal debt on the loan/leasing used for the purchase of equipment and machinery under the investment project on the basis of a positive decision of the working body on granting the investor an investment subsidy.
Chapter 6. Liability of the Parties
6.1. The parties hereto shall be liable for non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from this Agreement in accordance with this Agreement and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 7. Duration of the Agreement
7.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signing and shall remain in force until timely fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations in full, in accordance with the Subsidization Rules.
Chapter 8. Force majeure circumstances
8.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, if the impossibility of fulfillment was caused by force majeure circumstances.
8.2. Upon occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall notify the other Party of such circumstances within 10 (ten) working days from the moment of occurrence. In this case, the nature, period of validity, the fact of occurrence of force majeure circumstances shall be confirmed by the relevant documents of the authorized state bodies.
8.3. In the absence of timely notification, the Party shall compensate the other Party for the damage caused by the failure to notify or untimely notification.
8.4. The occurrence of force majeure causes an increase in the period of performance of this Agreement for the period of their effect.
8.5. If such circumstances continue for more than 3 (three) consecutive months, either Party shall have the right to refuse further fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.
Chapter 9. Dispute resolution
9.1. The parties shall use their best endeavors to resolve in direct negotiations all differences or disputes arising between them under or in connection with the Agreement.
9.2. If, after such negotiations, the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute by agreement, either party may request that the matter be resolved in the judicial procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 10. Exchange of Correspondence
10.1. Any correspondence sent by the Parties to each other under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the correspondence by the Parties with a mark of delivery.
10.2. Correspondence shall be deemed submitted or sent when it is duly executed (correspondence is submitted on letterhead or sealed (if any), signed by the head and has a registration number and date), hand-delivered in person, delivered by mail (registered letter with notification) or by courier to the participating Party's address.
Chapter 11. Confidentiality
11.1. The Parties hereby agree that information concerning the terms of this Agreement, banking secrecy, as well as financial, commercial and other information obtained by them in the course of conclusion and execution of this Agreement, shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11.2. Transfer of confidential information to third parties, publication or other disclosure by the Party is possible in cases expressly provided for by this Agreement and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11.3. The Parties shall take all necessary measures, including legal measures, to maintain confidentiality of the existence and terms of this Agreement. Officials and employees of the Parties are prohibited from disclosing or transferring to third parties the information obtained in the course of implementation of this Agreement.
11.4. In case of disclosure or dissemination of confidential information by either Party in violation of the requirements of this Agreement, the guilty Party shall be liable under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with compensation for possible damage incurred by the other Party as a result of disclosure of such information.
11.5. By signing this Agreement, the Investor grants consent to the working body to publish information about the Investor in mass media, as well as to disclose any information (including bank secrecy) obtained about the Investor under this Agreement to third parties without the prior written consent of the Investor.
Chapter 12. Final provisions
12.1. The provisions of this Agreement are subject to change and/or amendment. Only those amendments and additions that are made by agreement of the Parties in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties shall be considered valid and binding on the Parties.
12.2. This Agreement is made in 3 (three) copies in the Kazakh and Russian languages, one copy for each of the Parties.
Working body: | Financial Institution: | Инвестор: |
Annex 15 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments |
Form, for collection of administrative data
To be submitted: to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of form of administrative data is place on the Internet resource
Report on the development of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the expenses
incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in the course of investment investments
Index of the form of administrative data: form № 1-ИС
Frequency: quarterly, annually
Reporting period: ___ quarter 20___, 20___ year
The range of persons submitting the form: structural subdivision of the local executive body of the oblast, city of republican significance and capital city, realizing functions in the field of agriculture
Deadline for submitting the administrative data form: quarterly, before the fifth day of the month following the reporting quarter, and annually, before the tenth January of the calendar year.
item № | Name of investor | Individual identification number / business identitication number of investor | Parameters of project | ||||
Parameters of project | Production indicators (production capacity) | ||||||
Current | when reaching the design capacity | ||||||
in physical terms, тонн | in value terms, thousand tenge | in physical terms, тонн | in value terms, thousand tenge | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Table continued
Number of permanent jobs | Total project cost thousand tenge | Compensation share, percentage | The amount of subsidies paid, thousand tenge | Commissioning date, day / month / year | Date and number of the decision of the working body, day / month / year | |
total | Including subject to subsidizing | |||||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Name _______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone number ____________________________________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________
Performer ________________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature)
The head or a person, performing his duties __________________________________________________ _________________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature)
The first head of the administrator of budget programs of the lower budget _____________________________________________ ______________
(surname, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature)
Stamp here
Date of report submission "___" __________ 20 ___
Explanation on filling in the form designed to collect administrative data
"Report on the development of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs incurred
by the subject of the agro-industrial complex in the course of investments" Chapter 1. General provisions
1. This explanation defines uniform requirements for completing the form intended for administrative data collection "Report on the development of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of the agro-industrial complex in the course of investments" (hereinafter referred to as the Form).
2. Form shall be filled in by the structural subdivision of the local executive body of the region, the city of republican significance and the capital city, realizing functions in the field of agriculture.
3. The Form shall be signed by the executor and the head of the local executive body of the region, city of republican significance and the capital, or by the person acting in his/her capacity.
4. Form shall be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the structural subdivision of the local executive body of the region, city of republican significance and the capital city, implementing functions in the field of agriculture, quarterly, before the fifth day of the month following the reporting quarter, and annually, before the tenth January of the calendar year.
5. From shall be completed in the Kazakh or Russian languages.
Chapter 2. Explanation on filling in the Form
6. Column 1 of the report indicates the ordinal number.
7. Column 2 indicates the name of the investor.
8. Column 3 indicates individual identification number/business identitication number of the investor.
9. Column 4 indicates the name of the project passport in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3 to the Rules of subsidizing on compensation of a part of expenses incurred by the subject of agro-industrial complex in case of investments, approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakstan dated July 23, 2018 № 317 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts № 17320).
10. Columns 5, 6, 7 and 8 indicate the production capacity of the enterprise on the basis of the investor's statistical form and primary documents confirming the sales of manufactured products by type in physical and value terms.
11. Column 9 indicate the number of permanent jobs.
12. Columns 10 and 11 indicate the total cost of the project, including the amount to be subsidized, shall be indicated.
13. Column 12 indicate the share of reimbursement in accordance with the investment project passport.
14. Column 13 indicate the amount of subsidies paid.
15. Column 14 indicate the date of commissioning of the investment project.
16. Column 15 indicate the date and number of the decision of the working body.