On approval of the standard of state service “Dangerous technical devices registration and removal from the register"

New Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2018 No. 822. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 30, 2018 No. 17845. Abolished by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 24, 2020 No. 229.

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. Abolished by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.24.2020 No. 229 (shall be enforced upon expiry of twenty one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      In accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 "On State Services" I hereby ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached standard of the state service “Dangerous technical devices registration and removal from the register”.

      2. The Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner prescribed by law, shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) sending of this order in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center of Legal Information" within ten calendar days from the date of state registration for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) posting of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the information on implementation of measures, in accordance with subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. Supervision of the fulfilment of this order shall be entrusted to the Supervising Vice Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall enter into force upon the expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister for Investments and
      Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh. Kasymbek

by order № 822 of the
  Minister for Investments and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018

Standard of state service “Dangerous technical devices registration and removal
from the register"
Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. The state service “Dangerous technical devices registration and removal from the register" (hereinafter - the state service).

      2. The state service standard was developed by the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry).

      3. The public service shall be provided by the territorial departments of the Industrial Development and Industrial Safety Committee of the Ministry (hereinafter - the service provider).

      Receipt of request and issue of a result of the state service provision shall be carried out through the office of the service provider.

Chapter2. Procedure for rendering of the public service

      4. The term of rendering of state service:

      1) from the day of filing the package of documents to the service provider - 10 (ten) working days;

      2) maximum waiting time for filing the package of documents – 15 (fifteen) minutes;

      3) maximum allowed service time – 15 (fifteen) minutes.

      5. Form of the state service rendering: on paper.

      6. The result of the state service rendering – issuance of notification of registration, deregistration of dangerous technical devices.

      Form of the state service result rendering: on paper.

      7. The state service to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter -the service recipient) shall be provided free of charge.

      8. Working hours of the service provider - from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.30, lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30, except weekends and holidays, according to the Labor Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Reception of documents and issuance of the result of public services rendering shall be carried out from 9.00 to 17.30 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30.

      State service shall be rendered in turn, without an appointment and accelerated service.

      The list of documents required for the public services rendering, when the service recipient applies (or his representative by proxy)shall be as follows:

      1) an application for registration and deregistration of a dangerous technical device according to the forms in accordance with Annexes 1 and 2 to this state service standard;

      2) an identity document (for identification);

      3) passport of a vessel under pressure, a boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer), a boiler, a pipeline, a crane, an elevator, a lift by the forms according to Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this state service standard.

      In cases of submission by the service recipient of an incomplete package of documents in accordance with the list provided for in this paragraph, and (or) documents with an expired date, the service provider shall refuse to accept the application.

Chapter 3. The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of service providers
and (or) their officials on the public services rendering issues.

      10. Appealing against decisions, actions (inaction) of the service provider and (or) its officials regarding the provision of public services, a complaint shall be filed in the name of the head of the service provider at the address specified in paragraph 12 of this standard of public services.

      The complaint shall be submitted in writing by mail, to the portal of "electronic government" or by personal delivery via the office of the service provider.

      In the complaint of the service recipient the following shall be indicated:

      if it is a physical person - his/her surname, first name, patronymic name (if available), mailing address;

      if it is a legal entity - its name, postal address, reference number and date.

      The complaint shall be signed by the service recipient.

      Confirmation of the complaint acceptance shall be its registration (stamp, reference number and date) in the office of the service provider with the surname, first name and patronymic (if available) and initials of the person who accepted the complaint, the date and place of receiving the response to the complaint.

      When applying via the portal, the information on the appeal procedure may be obtained by calling the Integrated Call Center: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

      When sending a complaint via the portal, the service recipient from the "personal cabinet" shall have access to information about the appeal, which is updated during processing of the request by the service provider (notes on delivery, registration, execution, response to consideration or refusal to consider the complaint).

      The complaint of the service recipient received by the service provider shall be subject to review within five working days from the date of its registration.

      A motivated answer on the results of the examination shall be sent to the customer by postal service, via the portal of "electronic government" or issued by personal delivery in the office of the service provider.

      In case of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient can file a complaint with the authorized body for assessment and control of the quality of public services.

      The complaint of the service recipient received by the authorized body for the assessment and control of the quality of public services shall be considered within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.

      11. In cases of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient can apply to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Глава 4. Other requirements, taking into account the specifics of the State service rendering

      12. Address of places for rendering of the state service shall be specified on the Internet resource of the service provider: comprom.mid.gov.kz.

      13. Contact telephone numbers of reference services for public services shall be placed on the Internet resource of the service provider: comprom.mid.gov.kz.

  Annex 1
to order No. 822 of the
  Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form
To the Head
(name of the
territorial Department)
(surname, name, patronymic
(if available)

Application for registration of dangeroustechnical device


      (name of enterprise, organization, last name, first name, patronymic (if available) of an individual, departmental affiliation,

      individual identification number, address, zip code, telephone)

      I hereby request to put on record

      (to register) ________________________________________________________________

      (name, type, kind of dangerous technical device)

      factory (serial)№ ____________________________________________________________

      manufactured _______________________________________________________________

      (date and year of manufacture, name of manufacturer, country)

      Supervision over ______________________________________ has been organized in full

      compliance with (type of dangerous technical device)

      Rules for ensuring industrial safety in the operation of load-lifting

      mechanisms approved by order No. 359 of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic

      Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 (registered in the State Register ofRegulatory Legal Acts under the number 10332) (hereinafter - the Rules for lifting

      mechanisms) and the Rules for ensuring industrial safety during the work with

      equipment operating under pressure, approved by order No. 358 of the Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under

      No. 10303) (hereinafter - the Rules for pressure equipment) (underline as necessary).

      There is the trained personnel for servicing dangerous technical devices.

      The technical condition of the registered dangerous technical device allows its safe operation.

      The person responsible for supervising the safe operation of a dangerous technical

      device and carrying out technical inspections is appointed by order

      №______ from "__" _______20___ .

      Surname, name, patronymic (if available)_________________,

      position __________________________________________________________________

      Passed the check for the knowledge of the Rules on load-lifting mechanisms and Rules for ensuring industrial safety during work with the

      equipment operating under pressure (underline as necessary) and has the Certificate №______,

      date, year, name of the issuing organization



      The management of the enterprise (organization) guarantees the creation of conditions for the implementation control functions by the

      responsible persons, assigned to them in accordance with the Rules on load-lifting mechanisms and the Rules for ensuring industrial safety during the work with equipment operating under pressure (underline as necessary) ___________________________ ______ ______________________

      (position of the head of the organisation, Surname, name, patronymic (if available)_________________,

      Surname, name, patronymic (if available) signature)

      of individual)

      "___" _______ 20___.

  Annex 2
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form
To the Head
(name of the
territorial Department)
  (surname, name, patronymic
(if available)

Application for deregistration of a dangerous technical device


      (name of enterprise, organization, last name, first name, patronymic

      (if available) of an individual, departmental affiliation,

      individual identification number, address, zip code, telephone)

      I hereby ask you to deregister


      (name, type, kind of dangerous technical device)

      factory (serial)№ ____________________________________________________________



      (date and year of manufacture, name of manufacturer, country)

      ___________________________ ______ ________________________________________

      (position of the head of the organisation (Surname, name, patronymic (if available)

      Surname, name, patronymic (if available) (signature)

      of individual)

      "___" _______ 20__.

  Annex 3
to order No 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Dcoument form

of the vessel, working under pressure 1. Certificate of quality of the vessel manufacture


      (name of the vessel)

      Factory № _____________ manufactured )_______________________________________

      (date of manufacture)


      (manufacturer name and address)


2. Technical characteristics and parameters

Name of the vessel’s parts

Operating pressure, MPa kp/cm2

Design pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Trial test pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)



Ambient operating temperature, °С

Estimated wall temperature, °С

Minimum allowable negative wall temperature, °С

Name of operating environment

Characteristics of operating environment

Hazard class

Explosion hazard

Fire hazard

Corrosion (erosion) allowance, мм

Capacity, м3

Empty vessel mass 1, kg

Maximum weight of filled environment 1, kg

Estimated life of the vessel, years

1 For vessels with liquefied gases

3. Information about the main parts of the vessel

Name of vessel elements (body, bottom, neck, grids, pipes, vessel jacket)

Quantity, pieces

Dimensions, mm

Basic metal

Information on welding (soldering)

Diameter (internal or external)

Wall thickness

Length (height)


Technical guidance document (GOST (State standard)

Method of connection (welding, soldering)

Type of welding (soldering)

Electrodes, welding wire, solder (type, grade, GOST or NTD)

4. Information on fittings, flanges, caps and fasteners


Quantity, pieces.

Dimensions, mm or specification number



GOST (State Standard) (Technical guidance document)

5. Data on safety relief devices, main reinforcement, control instruments, safety appliances


Quantity, pieces.

Installation site

Nominal width, mm

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Body material


GOST(State Standard) (Technical guidance document )

6. Data on main materials used in the manufacture of the vessel


Data of the mechanical tests according to the certificate or the protocol of factory tests

At Т = 20°С


Element name


Standard (Technical guidance document)

Heat number (lot))

Number and date of the certificate (protocol)

Yield limit Re, MPa (kp/cm2)

Ultimate resistance(strength limit)Rm, MPa (kp/cm2)

Percentage extension As, %

Contraction ratio, %

Before aging, j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

After aging, j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Sample type

      Table continuation

Data of the mechanical tests according to the certificate or the protocol of factory tests

Additional data (ultrasonic testing, tests for hardness, the state of the initial heat treatment and others)

Chemical composition according to the certificate or the protocol of factory tests

At Т < 0° С

Impact-viscosity, j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Temperature, °С

Sample type












Other elements

7. Vessel Body Dimensions Table

Element name

Sketch number

Cross section number

Diameter, мм

Out-of-roundness, %

Straigthness error, mm

Edge offset of welded butt joints, mm

Nominal outer or inner














8. Results of testing and research of welded joints

The name of an element and a number of the drawing (sketch) indicating the connection for which the control welded joints were made

Test certificate (number and date)

Mechanical tests

Welded joint

Weld metal

Ultimate resistance Rm, MPa (kp/cm2)


Diameter of straightening and bending angle

Ultimate resistance Rm, MPa (kp/cm2)

Relative extension As, %

Hardness HB

Value, j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Temperature, °С

Sample type

      Table continuation

Mechanical tests

Metallographical tests

Welder's stamp

Heat-affected zone (weld adjacent zone)



Hardness HB

Value, j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Temperature, °С

Sample type

Macro or micro research document number and date


9. Data on non-destructive testing of welded joints

Weld designation

Number and date of the inspection document

Method of inspection

Volume of inspection, %

Defects description


10. Data on other tests and research 11. Data on heat treatment

Element name

Document number and date

Type of heat treatment

Temperature of heat treatment, °С

Speed, °С/h

Holding time, h

Cooling method



12. Data on hydraulic (pneumatic) testing The vessel has successfully passed
the following tests

Testing type and conditions

Part of the vessel being tested

Hydraulic testing

Test pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Test medium

Temperature of test medium, °С

Holding time, h (min)

Pneumatic testing

Test pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Holding time, h (min)

Vessel position at trial1



Note: indicate "Yes" in the required column.

13. Conclusion

      The vessel is made in accordance with the "Rules for ensuring industrial safety during operation

      of the equipment working under pressure "and Design and engineering documentation


      (name, designation and date of approval of the document)

      The vessel was subjected to external and internal inspection and hydraulic (pneumatic) test of probation pressure according to section 12 of this passport.

      The vessel is recognized as suitable for work with the parameters specified in this passport.

      Technical supervisor ____________ _________________________

      (signature) (signature decryption)

      Stamp (if available)

      Head of the Quality Service ___________ _________________________

      (signature) (signature decryption)

      "____" __________________ 20__

14. Information about the location of the vessel

Name of the organization -owner

Location of the vessel

Installation date

15. Person who provides good operating condition and safe work of the vessel

Number and date of the order of appointment

Position, surname, name and patronymic of the appointed person


16. Information on installed fixture



Quantity, pieces

Nominal width, mm

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2))

Material (grade, GOST (State standard) or technical guidance document )

Installation location

Signature of the designated person for good operating condition and safe work of the vessel

17. Other data on vessel installation

      a) corrosive environment _____________________________________________________

      b) anti-corrosive coating ______________________________________________________

      c) thermal insulation _________________________________________________________

      d) lining ___________________________________________________________________

      e) scheme of the vessel connection to the installation (line)


18. Information on the replacement and repair of the main elements of the vessel and fixtures


Permitted pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

The date of the next inspection



19. Record of inspection results


Replacement and Repair Information

Signature of the person who conducted the work

20. The vessel registration

      The vessel registered as № ___ in ______________________________________________

      (registration authority) _______________________________________________________

      pages and _____________ drawings numbered and tied together in the passport



      (position of the representative the signature of the person ensuring good condition and safe operation of the vessel)

      Stamp (if available) "_____" _____________ 20__

  Annex 4
to order No 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Passport of the boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer)
1. General data

Name and address of the manufacturer

Year of manufacture

Type (model)

Name and purpose

Factory number

Estimated lifetime, years

Estimated resources, h

of a boiler

heating surface

outlet collector


Estimated number of starts

cold starting

hot startup

2. Technical specifications and parameters

Calculated types of fuel and their calorific value MJ / kg, (kcal / kg)

Starting fuel and its calorific value, MJ / kg, (kcal / kg)

Calculated pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

in a drum

in the terminal header of superheater

Calculated temperature of superheated steam (liquid), ° С

Steam capacity, t / h (kg / s)

Heating capacity, MJ / h (kcal / h)

Thermal power, W

Heating surface of a steam boiler, m2



Intermediate superheater


Heating surface of the boiler, m2

Volume, m3

Steam boiler


water with the maximum permissible level of water in the drum **

steam with the maximum permissible level of water in the drum

steam with the maximum permissible level of water in the drum




Water boiler

3. Data on safety valves (devices)

Type of safety valve


Installation location

Valve section area, mm2

Coefficient of steam consumption alpha_s or liquid alpha_l

Opening start pressure and opening start pressure range, MPa (kgf / cm2)







      Note. It shall be filled by the manufacturer of the boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer). For boilers, please specify the list of devices to protect against the increase in pressure (or temperature).

4. Water Level Indicator Data

Water Level Indicator type


Installation location




Direct action

Remote action

5. Data on main reinforcement

Name of reinforcement


GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document (grade)

Nominal width, mm

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Working parameters

Material of the body

Installation location

Pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Temperature, °С













6. Data on the main equipment for measurement, control, alarm, regulation and
automatic protection



Type (grade)

GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document





      Note. It shall be filled in by the manufacturer of the boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer) in case of equipment supply together with the boiler. In other cases, it shall be filled by the owner of the boiler.

7. Feedwater or circulation pumps

Pump type



Maximum allowable water temperature at the inlet to the feed pump,°С


Pump drive type (steam, electric, etc.)

Nominal feed m / h3

Pump head at nominal feed, MPa (kgf / cm2)








      Note. It shall be filled by the manufacturer of the boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer) in case of supply of feed or circulation pumps together with the boiler. For power units of thermal power plants, it shall be filled by the owner of the boiler.

8. Data on the boiler main elements, made of sheet steel

Name (boiler shell, head or body, tube-sheet, flue tubes)


Size, mm


Inner diameter

Wall thickness

or height

Steel grade

GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document








      Table continuation

Data on welding

Data on heat treatment

Welding type

Electrodes and welding wire (type, grade)

Method and control volume

Treatment type

Heat treatment temperature,°С

Soaking period

Cooling method








9. Data on the boiler elements, made of pipes

Name (collector, pipe, pipeline, elbow, transition, assembly welded pipe elements)


Size, mm


Outer diameter

Wall thickness


Steel grade

GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document








      Table continuation

Data on welding

Heat treatment data


Electrodes and welding wire (type, grade, GOST(State Standard) or technical guidance document)

Method and control volume


Heat treatment temperature, °С

Soaking period

Cooling method








10 Data on fittings, covers, flat bottoms, transitions, flanges with fasteners (bolts, studs, nuts)



Dimensions, mm, or specification number


Steel grade

GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document






      Note. Fittings shall be indicated with an internal diameter of 36 mm and more.

11. The results of measurements of boilers' bodies, drums, collectors, which
were made of sheet steel or forgings

Name of the boiler element

Form number

Section number (after 1 m length)

Outer(inner) diameter


Vertical (at an angle 90°)

Out of roundness, %







      Note: For drums with inner diameter less than 1500 mm and working pressure less than 6 MPa (60 kgf / cm2), this table shall not be required to be filled.

12. Manufacturer's conclusion

      On the basis of carried out tests and trials, the following information shall be verified:

      1. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly are made according to the project-design documentation developed by project organization


      (name of the organization-developer of the design documentation)

      2. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly have been tested and meet the above standards and technical documentation.

      3. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly have been subjected to trial pressure testing ____ MPa (kgf / cm2).

      4. The pipe elements of the boiler have been subjected to measuring control for deviation from the size and shape and for permeability.

      5. Elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly are recognized as suitable for working with the parameters specified in this passport.

      Technical Manager Head of Technical Quality Control of the Manufacturer

      __________________________________ _______________________________________

      (surname, name, patronymic (if any) (surname, name, patronymic (if any) signature, stamp)

      "___" __________20__

      The passport contains drawings of the longitudinal and transverse sections and a plan of the boiler indicating the main dimensions and calculations on strength of the boiler elements working under pressure: drums, collectors, pipes of heating surfaces and pipelines within the boiler, built-in separators of direct flow boilers, outer cyclones, desuperheaters, etc.

13. Data on boiler location

Name of the organisation

Boiler location (address of the owner)

Installation date




14. A person ensuring proper condition and safe operation of the boiler

Number and Date of the Purpose order

Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any)

Date of the Rules knowledge check






15. Information about installed reinforcement (during repair or reconstruction)


Installation date


Nominal width, mm, type, grade

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2))


Installation location

Signature of the person ensuring proper condition and safe operation












16. Replacement and Repair Information of the boiler parts, operating under pressure

Document date and number

Replacement and Repair Information

Signature of the person ensuring proper condition and safe operation




      Note: Documents confirming the quality of the newly installed (instead of worn-out) elements of the boiler, used in the repair of materials, electrodes, welding, are stored on a par with the passport.

17. Drawings of the boiler room (plan, cross-section and longitudinal section) and the
certificate of installation quality are attached to the passport
18. The results of the inspection

Inspection Date

The results of the inspection and signature of the person who conducted the inspection

Permitted pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

The date of the next inspection





19. Registration

      Boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer) registered as № _______


      (registered authority) certificate of registration attached to the passport)

      In total _______

      pages and _____________ drawings are numbered and tied together on _____ sheets and separate documents on _____ sheets according to the attached inventory.

      _____________________________________ _______________

      (position, surname, name, patronymic of the person, (signature)

      providing security)

      Stamp of the organisation (if available)

  Annex 5
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Estimated type of fuel and its calorific value, MJ / kg (kcal / kg)

Type of furnace. Furnace heat release volume, MJ / (m3 x h)

Fuel consumption, m3 / h (t / h)

Type and characteristics of the furnace installation (burners)

Heating surface, m2

volume, m3

Data on the position of the lowest liquid level

According to the drawing №

Steam boiler

Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Design pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Test pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Nominal temperature of steam leaving the boiler, ° С

Nominal temperature of the liquid at the boiler inlet, ° С

Nominal steam capacity, t / h

Minimum allowed steam output, t / h

Maximum allowable steam output, t / h

Liquid boiler

Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Design pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Test pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Nominal temperature of the liquid at the boiler inlet, ° С

Nominal temperature of the fluid leaving the boiler, ° C

Nominal heat output, kW

Minimum heat output, kW

Maximum heat output, kW

Minimum allowable flow rate of liquid, m3 / h

Maximum allowable flow rate of liquid, m3 / h

Maximum allowable hydraulic resistance of the boiler at the nominal output, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Minimum allowable pressure at nominal temperature, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Maximum allowable temperature of liquid at the boiler outlet, ° C

Boiler passport 1. General data

Consumer name and address

Name and address of manufacturer

Order number of the boiler according to the manufacturer's numbering system

Year of manufacture 20__

Type and system

Heat conductor name

Form and constructive dimensions as per drawing

2. Technical specifications and parameters 3. Data on safety valves

Type of safety valves


Installation location

Inside nominal diameter, mm

Cross-sectional area taken when calculating the capacity, mm2

Coefficient of consumption of steam, gas alpha_s or liquid alpha_l

Opening start pressure and opening start pressure range, MPa (kgf / cm2)

Passport number (certificate)










4. Liquid Level Indicator Data

Level indicator type

Indicators number

Installation location

Valid operating parameters

Number of the Passport (certificate)

Pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2))

Temperature, °С








Direct action

Remote action

5. Data on main reinforcement

Name of reinforcement and its position number on the drawing


Standard Designation

Inside nominal diameter, mm

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Working parameters

Material of the body

Number of the Passport (certificate)

Pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2))

Temperature, °С


Standard Designation












6. Type and basic data on the equipment supplied with the boiler for measuring,
control, alarm, regulation and automatic protection
7. Data on heat carrier

Name of the heat carrier (chemical formula or manufacturer)

Maximum allowable application temperature, ° С

Auto-ignition temperature in open space, ° С

Solidification temperature, ° C

Boiling point or initial boiling point at 0.1013 MPa (1 kgf / cm2), ° С

Heat of vaporization, kJ / kg

Viscosity within the application temperature, Pa x s

Lower limit of explosive concentration at 0.1013 MPa (1 kgf / cm2), ° С

The change (curve) of the boiling point depending on the pressure

Data on the physical-chemical properties that have a harmful effect on the human body

Other data affecting the safe operation of the boiler (for example, corrosion activity, etc.)

8. Feeding or circulating pumps of the heat carrier

Pump type

Pumps quantity

Maximum and minimum allowable temperature at the pump inlet, ° С


Nominal feed, m3 / h

Pump head at nominal feed MPa (kgf / cm2)







9. Data on the main and additive materials used in the manufacture of elements for
boilers working under pressure

Name of the element

Drawing number and element position


Melting or batch number

Certificate number and dat, name of organization that issued it

Data on mechanical tests by certificate


Standard designation

At temperature 20°С

sigma _0,2 MPa (kgf / mm2)

sigma _в, MPa (kgf / m2)

delta_ 5,%

psi, %












      Table continuation

Data on mechanical tests by the certificate

Chemical composition

Additional data (ultrasonic testing, hardness test, initial heat treatment condition)

At temperature 20°С

At design temperature of the wall

The bending angle and the diameter of the mandrel or other technological tests

Impact strength, (40), j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Before aging

After aging

Sample type

sigma(t)_0,2, MPa

sigma_n, 100 000 MPa

sigma_DP, MPa (kgf / mm2), t,












      Note. Designations: sigma_0,2 - yield strength at 20 ° С; Sigma_v - tensile strength at 20 ° C; sigma_5 - tensile breaking strength; psi - relative narrowing; sigma (t) _0.2 yield strength at temperature t; Sigma_n - technical creep limit at temperature t for 100,000 h; Sigma_DP is a technical limit of long-term strength at temperature t per 100,000 h.

10. Measurement chart for drums, casings and collectors made of sheet steel




Edge offset of welded butt joints



nominal (outer or inner), mm

permissible deviation, %

measured deviation, % (+-)












      Table continuation

Edge offset of welded butt joints

Out-of-roundness, %

Deviation of the longitudinal section profile, mm

Out of flat, mm


















      Note. The sketch of the element is attached

11. The results of tests and control of welded joints

Name of the element and number of the drawing, sketch (with indication of connections for which control connections were made

Certificate number and date

Mechanical tests

Metallographic analysis

s stamp

Welded joint

Weld metal


sigma _в, MPa (kgf / mm2)

Impact strength, (40), j / cm2 (kgf·m / cm2)

Sample type

Diameter of sending and angle bend

sigma _в, MPa (kgf / mm2)

delta_5, %

Number and Date of macro or micro research document















      Notes: 1. The sketches shall be attached (if necessary) indicating the location of welded joints, micrographs of structures with a description of the latter.

      2. When replacing the test of welded joints of pipes for impact strength by a test for flattening or bending, the results shall be entered into the "Impact strength" chart.

      3. In the "Evaluation" charts, the reference shall be made to the relevant regulatory and technical documentation.

12. Data on non-destructive testing of welded joints

The name of the element and the number of drawing (sketch)

Method of control

Volume of control

Detected defects









13. Other tests and studies 14. Data on heat treatment

Name of the element

Number of drawing

Number and Date of certificate of heat treatment

Grade of material

Type of heat treatment

Heating rate,°C/h

Heat treatment temperature,°С

Soaking time, h

Cooling rate, °C

Cooling method












15. Other data 15.1. The results of hydraulic tests

Name of the element

Test pressure, MPa (kp/cm2)

Soaking time, min

Water temperature,°С










      Note. When conducting a hydraulic test after installation at the boiler installation site, the test report shall be drawn up by the organization that conducted the test and shall be attached to the passport.

15.2. Data relating to devices for heat carrier extinguishing in case of its ignition
15.3. Data on the device cooling the furnace in the event of an accident
16. Manufacturer Conclusion

      On the basis of carried out trials and tests, the following information shall be verified:

      1. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly are made according to the project-design documentation developed by project organization


      (name of the organization-developer of the design documentation)

      2. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly have been tested and meet the above standards and technical documentation.

      3. The elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly have been subjected to trial pressure testing ____ MPa (kgf / cm2).

      4. The pipe elements of the boiler have been subjected to measuring control for deviation from the size and shape and for permeability.

      5. Elements of the boiler or boiler as an assembly are recognized as suitable for working with the parameters specified in this passport.

      Technical Manager Head of Technical Quality Control

      _________________________________ ________________________________________

      (surname, name, patronymic (if any) (surname, name, patronymic (if any) signature, stamp)

      "___" __________20__

      The passport contains drawings of the longitudinal and transverse sections and a plan of the boiler indicating the main dimensions and calculations on strength of the boiler elements working under pressure: drums, collectors, pipes of heating surfaces and pipelines within the boiler, built-in separators of direct flow boilers, outer cyclones, desuperheaters, etc.

17. Data on boiler location

Name of the organisation

Boiler location (address of the owner)

Installation date




18. A person ensuring proper condition and safe operation of the boiler

Number and Date of the Purpose order

Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any)

Date of the Rules knowledge check






19. Information about installed reinforcement (during repair or reconstruction)



Nominal width, mm, тип, марка

Nominal pressure, MPa (kp/cm2))


Installation location

Signature of the person ensuring proper condition and safe operation


GOST (State Standard) or technical guidance document









20. Replacement and Repair Information of the boiler parts, operating under pressure

Date and number of the document

Replacement and Repair Information

Signature of the person ensuring proper condition and safe operation




      Note: Documents confirming the quality of the newly installed (instead of worn-out) elements of the boiler, used in the repair of materials, electrodes, welding, shall be stored on a par with the passport.

21.Drawings of the boiler room (plan, cross-section and longitudinal section)
and the certificate of installation quality shall be attached to the passport
22. The results of the inspection

Inspection Date

The results of the inspection and signature of the person who conducted the inspection

Permitted pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2)

The date of the next inspection





23. Registration

      Boiler (autonomous superheater, economizer) registered as № _______


      (registered authority)

      _______pages and drawings numbered and tid together in the passport on _____ sheets and separate documents on _____ sheets according to the attached inventory.

      _____________________________________ _______________

      (position, surname, name, patronymic of the person, (signature)

      providing security)

      Stamp of the organisation (if available)

  Annex 6
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Pipeline passport

      registration number _________________________________________________________

      Name and address of the pipeline owner’s organization


      Purpose of the pipeline _______________________________________________________

      Workspace ________________________________________________________________

      Operating environment parameters:

      pressure, MPa (kgf / cm2) ____________________________________________________

      temperature, ° С ____________________________________________________________

      Estimated lifetime, years * ____________________________________________________

      Estimated resource, h * _______________________________________________________

      Estimated number of starts ____________________________________________________

      The list of schemes, drawings, certificates and other documents for manufacture

      and installation of the pipeline, submitted during registration


      Stamp location (if available) __________________________________________________

      Signature of the organization technical management (pipeline owner)

      "___" __________ 20__ ________________________________________

      * Shall be filled according to the project organization information.

The person who provides good condition and safe operation of the pipeline

Number and Date of the Purpose order

Position, surname, name, patronymic

Date of the knowledge test of the boiler inspection rules

Signature of the Responsible Person





Records of the pipeline repair and reconstruction

Date of the record

The list of works carried out during the repair and reconstruction of the pipeline; Date of carrying out

Signature of the Responsible Person




Records of pipeline inspection results

Date of the inspection

Inspection results

The date of the next inspection




      in total _______pages and drawings _____ are numbered and tied together on ____________sheets


      (position of the registering person and his signature)

      Stamp of the organisation (if available)

      "___" ____________ 20__ .

  Annex 7
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Crane passport

      The passport shall be published in a rigid cover on sheets of format 210 х 297 mm

      Passport format of the printing edition shall be 218х296 mm

      Passport cover


      (crane name)


      (crane index) passport*


      (passport designation)

      * This passport shall be a model, on the basis of which the manufacturer must compile a passport for the type of cranes produced by him according to the regulatory documentation of the parent organization, including the list of information contained in this sample, only those that relate to this type of crane. If necessary, the passport shall include additional information characterizing the specificity of the produced crane. The passport shall be filled in the State and Russian languages.

Title page

      Place of the trademark (emblem) of the enterprise


      (name of manufacturer)


      (name, type of crane)


      (crane index) passport


      (passport designation)


      (registration number)

      When transferring the crane to another owner or renting the crane with the owner’s functions transfer, this passport shall be transferred along with the crane.

Back title page

Attention of the crane owner!

      1. The owner of the crane shall always have a passport on hand or it shall always be kept in the organization (at the enterprise, in the cooperative, joint-stock company, partnership, private person) that has received the land for rent, together with the functions of the owner.

      2. The crane operating permit shall be obtained in the manner prescribed by the Rules for Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes.

      3 _______________________________________________________________________

      (other information that requires special attention of the crane owner)

page. 1

A place
for drawing a general view of the crane
in working position
with basic dimensions indicating

format 210 х 297 (218 х 290) мм

      1. General information

      1.1. Manufacturer and its address ______________________________________________

      1.2. Type of crane ___________________________________________________________

      1.3. Crane index ____________________________________________________________

      (indicate its execution)

      1.4. Factory number _________________________________________________________

      1.5. Year of manufacture _____________________________________________________

      1.6. Purpose of the crane ______________________________________________________


      1.7.Classification Group (mode) of the crane ______________________________________

      1.7.1. Classification Group (mode) of mechanisms: ________________________________

      main hoist _________________________________________________________________

      auxiliary hoist ______________________________________________________________

      change in radius ____________________________________________________________

      crane movement ___________________________________________________________

      trolley movement ___________________________________________________________

      crane swing _______________________________________________________________

      1.8. Type of drive ___________________________________________________________

      (for jib self-propelled cranes indicate the type of drive mechanism

      movement and mechanisms located on the turntable)

      1.9. Environment in which the crane can be operated:

      temperature ____ ° C.

      relative humidity ____________________________________________________________

      explosion hazard ____________________________________________________________

      fire hazard _________________________________________________________________

      Other characteristics of the environment as needed _________________________________

      1.10. Permissible wind speed, m / s:

      for working conditions (including wind gusts), the corresponding threshold

      actuation of the anemometer installed on the crane )________________________________

      for the working condition of the crane, not equipped with an anemometer,

      at a height of 10 m __________________________________________________________

      for the idle state of the crane at a height of 10 m ___________________________________


      (for modular cranes, data for specific versions shall be given)

      1.11. Permissible slope of the site for the installation of a boom of self-propelled

      crane,% (degrees):

      when working with outriggers _________________________________________________

      when working without outriggers

      1.12. Requirements for the site on which the movement of a crane with a cargo shall be allowed:

      pressure on the ground (specific), Pa (kg / cm2) ___________________________________

      slope,% (degrees) ___________________________________________________________

      1.13 Limiting the simultaneous execution of work operations



      1.14. Electric current, voltage and number of phases:

      power circuit _______________________________________________________________

      control circuit ______________________________________________________________

      working light circuit _________________________________________________________

      repair lighting circuit ________________________________________________________

2. Main technical data and characteristics of the crane

      2.1. Main characteristics of the crane *:

      maximum lifting capacity of the main hoist, t


      maximum lifting capacity of the auxiliary hoist, t


      lifting capacity at maximum boom reach, t _______________________________________

      maximum load moment, m ____________________________________________________

      maximum height of the hoist, m ________________________________________________

      lifting height at maximum reach m ______________________________________________

      maximum lowering depth, m __________________________________________________

      maximum boom reach, m _____________________________________________________

      boom reach with maximum load capacity, m ______________________________________

      minimum boom reach, m _____________________________________________________

      crane span, m ______________________________________________________________

      cantilever outreach, m _______________________________________________________

      * For modular cranes, the data shall be provided for specific versions,

      for jib self-propelled cranes - for the main boom.

      2.2. Load-lifting characteristics (compiled for all combinations of work conditions of the crane, which are provided for its operation)

      Load-lifting characteristics

      Place for tables, graphs and diagrams of the crane load-lifting characteristics

      High-altitude characteristics

      Place for tables, graphs and diagrams of the crane lift heights

      2.2.1. Maximum weight of the load with which the boom section extension shall be allowed

      , t (boom design shall be indicated : telescopic, telescopic

      with extension, with mechanical extension, as well as working on outriggers or without them)



      2.2.2. The maximum mass of the load with which a movement of the self-propelled boom crane shall be allowed, t (indicate state of the site, movement speed,

      boom position relative to the axis of motion) ______________________________________

      2.3. Geometric parameters of the crane:

      base, m ___________________________________________________________________

      outrigger base, m ___________________________________________________________

      rut, m ____________________________________________________________________

      tail radius, m ______________________________________________________________

      (shall be indicated when the counterweight is in pushed-in or pulled-out position)

      turning radius, m ___________________________________________________________

      smallest radius of curvature of the curved section of the rail track, m



      Place for a crane scheme and tables with values of basic crane dimensions and

      parameters of its maneuverability *

      * it shall be compulsorily performed for jib self-propelled cranes.

      2.4. Speed _________________________________________________________________

      (for mechanisms with multiple speed,


      indicate all their values or the changes range )

Speed of lifting, lowering and landing of a load, m / s (m / min)

Parts of line

Speed of the main lift

Speed of auxiliary lift







      ** Specify the conditions under which work with the increased speed shall be allowed (or ensured)

      Traveling speed, m / s (m / min or km / h):

      crane with a load on the hook ________________________________________________

      crane without load (working) _________________________________________________

      transport speed (under its own power) __________________________________________

      (indicate speed range ________________________________________________________

      from min to max)

      crane transport (in tow) _______________________________________________________

      cargo trolley with a load of maximum weight _____________________________________

      extension / retracting of boom section ___________________________________________

      changes of handling radius(average) ____________________________________________

      rotational speed rad / s (rpm) __________________________________________________

      (indicated for all implements of working equipment)

      2.5. Time for full change of handling radius (for main boom):

      from min to max, с (min) _____________________________________________________

      from min to max, с (min) _____________________________________________________

      2.6. Swing angle, rad (degree) _________________________________________________

      2.7. Gradeability, rad (degree) _________________________________________________

      (shall be indicated for all options


      of transportation or their range)

      2.8. Place of control: _________________________________________________________

      when working ______________________________________________________________

      during installation and testing __________________________________________________

      when moving a jib self-propelled crane:

      in operation ________________________________________________________________

      in transport mode ___________________________________________________________

      on outriggers _______________________________________________________________

      2.9. Control method (indicate control methods: mechanical,

      electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc., as applied to a

      specific mechanism or group of mechanisms) _____________________________________

      2.10. The method of current lead to the crane and mechanisms _______________________

      2.11. Stability characteristics __________________________________________________

Load moment, kN·M (m·m)

Load stability

Own stability

Holding Mu, * (during outreach), m
Tipping over M0 * (during outreach), m

      * The value of the moments characterizing the load and its own stability shall be indicated for the working equipment and the position of the boom (outreach) M, when the ratio of moments is closest to 1 (one).

      2.12 Mass of the crane and its main parts, t:

      the constructive mass of the crane (for a jib self-propelled crane shall be indicated

      with main boom) ____________________________________________________________

      crane mass total (for a jib self-propelled crane shall be indicated with the main

      boom in a full ready state) ____________________________________________________

      Counterweight mass _________________________________________________________

      Ballast mass _______________________________________________________________

      Mass of the main crane assembly parts transported separately


      Weight of crane in transport position ____________________________________________

      2.13. Estimated wheel load on the rail, kN (tf) _____________________________________

      2.14.Load of chassis axis on the base in transport position

Execution of crane

Load, kN (ts)


front axis

rear axis

      2.15. Average ground pressure, Pa (for crawler cranes)


      2.16. Other information as needed (for example, data on metal,

      ballast drawings, etc.)_________________________________________

3. Technical data and characteristics of assemblies and parts

      3.1. Engines of power plants and mechanisms

      3.1.1. Internal combustion engines (parameter values at sea level);

      appointment ________________________________________________________________

      type and symbol _____________________________________________________________

      rated power, kW (hp) _________________________________________________________

      rotating frequency, rad / s (rpm) _________________________________________________

      maximum torque, N · m (kgf · m) _______________________________________________

      rotating frequency rad / s (rpm) _________________________________________________

      specific fuel consumption, g / kV · h _____________________________________________

      starter: type and symbol _______________________________________________________

      power, kW (HP) _____________________________________________________________

      air filter type _______________________________________________________________

      fuel tank capacity, l __________________________________________________________

      rechargeable batteries: type and symbol __________________________________________

      voltage, P __________________________________________________________________

      nominal capacity, ___________________________________________________________

      quantity ___________________________________________________________________

      specific energy consumption per hour of crane operation, kWh / h _____________________


      connection to the engine with transmission:

      type ______________________________________________________________________

      designation ________________________________________________________________

      hour meter, designation _______________________________________________________

      3.12. Generators and electric motors


Electric motors of the power plant


Electric drive mechanism

Purpose(mechanism on which the engine is installed)
Type and symbol
Type of the current
Voltage, V
Rated current, A
Frequency Hz
Rated power kW
Rotational frequency, rad / s (rpm) PV,% for 10 min
Execution (normal, waterproof, explosion-proof, fireproof etc.)
Protection degree according to GOST 17494
Type of connection to the engine with transmission: name
type and designation

      3.1.3. Total rated power of electric motor, kW


      3.1.4. Hydraulic pumps and motors


Hydraulic pump

Hydraulic motors

Type and symbol
Ultimate moment, N · m (for hydraulic motor)
Rated power consumption, kW (for hydraulic pumps)
Nominal pressure of the working fluid - discharge pressure, Pa (kgf / cm2)
Nominal production flow ( consumption) l / min
Rotational frequency, rad / s (rpm)
Direction of rotation

      3.1.5. Hydraulic cylinders:



      Quantity __________________________________________________________________

      Type and symbol ___________________________________________________________

      Hydraulic cylinder diameter, mm _______________________________________________

      piston stroke, m _____________________________________________________________

      force, kN (ts) _______________________________________________________________

      nominal pressure of working fluid - discharge pressure, Pa (kgf / cm2)


      fluid grade _________________________________________________________________

      3.2. Schemes _______________________________________________________________

      3.2.1. Electrical schematic diagram

      Place for the scheme List of electrical equipment elements

Designation on scheme

Name and brief technical description




 Electric wiring diagrams

      Place for the diagram

      3.2.2. Hydraulic circuit diagram

      Place for the scheme List of hydraulic equipment

Designation on scheme

Name and brief technical description




      3.2.3. Pneumatic schematic diagram

      Place for the scheme List of elements of pneumatic equipment

Designation on scheme

Name and brief technical description




      3.2.4. Kinematic scheme (the kinematic scheme shall specify the installation of bearings, a list of which shall be issued as a specification for the scheme)

      Place for the scheme Characteristics of gear trains

Position number on scheme

Designation in the drawing

Name of details

Unit, mm

Teeth quantity

Material, grade

Heat treatment (hardness of teeth)

 Characteristics of chain sprockets

Position number on scheme

Designation in the drawing

Name of details

Unit, mm

Teeth quantity

Material, grade

Heat treatment (hardness of teeth)

 Characteristics of reduction gearboxes

Position number on scheme

Name, type

Designation in the drawing

Gear ratio

 Characteristics of the brakes:

      the mechanism where the brake is installed ______________________________________

      number of brakes ___________________________________________________________

      type, system (automatic, controlled, normally open or closed,shoe brake, disk-shaped, etc.)


      diameter of brake pulley, disc, mm _____________________________________________

      braking factor of margin:

      of cargo winch ____________________________________________________________

      of boom hoist _____________________________________________________________

      brake drive:

      type _____________________________________________________________________

      tension,H _________________________________________________________________

      progress of the executive body, mm _____________________________________________

      brake path of the mechanism __________________________________________________

      3.2.5. Schemes of reeving and characteristics of ropes and chains (schemes of reeving of cargo polyspasts for main and auxiliary hoists, polyspasts of boom hoists, jib, etc.; diagrams shall indicate the sizes of drums, blocks and methods of ropes and chains fastening)

      Place for schemes Characteristics of the ropes (completed according to the certificate of the rope manufacturer):

      purpose of the rope (main, auxiliary hoist, boom, etc.)


      The rope design and designation of the standard___________________________________

      diameter, mm ______________________________________________________________

      length, m __________________________________________________________________

      temporary resistance of wires to breaking, N / mm2 ________________________________

      breaking strength of the rope as a whole, _________________________________________

      estimated rope tension,kN ____________________________________________________

      utilization factor (ultimate factor of safety):

      estimated _________________________________________________________________

      normative _________________________________________________________________

      coating of the wire surface (ozh, g, s according to GOST (State Standard)) The characteristic of chains ( shall be filled under certificates of the enterprise -

      manufacturer of the chain

      chain purpose and designation on the scheme _____________________________________

      chain design and designation of the standard ______________________________________

      diameter (gauge) of a link or diameter of a roller, mm ______________________________

      chain pitch, mm ____________________________________________________________

      chain length, m _____________________________________________________________

      breaking strength of the chain as a whole, ________________________________________

      estimated rope tension,kN ____________________________________________________

      coefficient of ultimate factor of safety:

      estimated __________________________________________________________________

      normative _________________________________________________________________

      3.3. Load-gripping devices (shall be filled in by the certificates of the enterprise-

      manufacturer )

      3.3.1. Hooks: mechanisms ____________________________________________________

      type (single-horned, double-horned, forged, lamellar, etc.)


      number of hook and designation of the standard


      rated load capacity, t _________________________________________________________

      factory number (certificate, year of manufacture) __________________________________

      image of the Technical Control Department stamp of the crane manufacturer


      3.3.2. Grab buckets:

      type ______________________________________________________________________

      bucket capacity, m3 _________________________________________________________

      the type of materials for which transshipment the grapple is intended and their maximum

      bulk mass, kN / m3 (ts / m3).


      weight of grapple, tons _______________________________________________________

      mass of material to be scooped, t _______________________________________________

      factory number _____________________________________________________________

      image of Technical Control Department stamp ____________________________________

      3.3.3. Cargo electromagnets:

      type ______________________________________________________________________

      current supply source:

      type _____________________________________________________________________

      power, kWt _______________________________________________________________

      supply current:

      type _____________________________________________________________________

      voltage, V ________________________________________________________________

      electromagnet mass, t ________________________________________________________

      lifting force, kN (ts) _________________________________________________________

      lifting materials:

      chips _____________________________________________________________________

      scrap metal ________________________________________________________________

      cast iron ingots _____________________________________________________________

      maximum temperature of the lifted load, ° С _______________

      factory number _____________________________________________________________

      image of TCD stamp _________________________________________________________

      3.3.4. Other load gripping devices (spreaders, automatic grippers, etc.)

      3.4. Devices, safety devices and signaling devices. Safety


      3.4.1. Limit switches *

Type: lever spindle, etc. (electrical circuit)

Mechanism with which the switch is functionally connected (Installation location)

Distance from the crane load-lifting equipment, trolley up to the stop at the time of engine shutdown (m, deg, etc.)



Position number on the schematic electrical diagram

      * For jib self-propelled cranes, the table shall be filled with all types and versions of the working equipment supplied with the crane.

      3.4.2. Load-lifting limiter:

      mechanisms disabled by the limiter ____________________________________________

      designation (grade, type, modification) and serial number __________________________

      system ___________________________________________________________________

      maximum overload point at which ______________________________________________

      limiter is triggered,% ________________________________________________________

      availability of sound, light warning signalling


      overload at which the warning signal is activated


      3.4.3. Security contacts

Installation location (cabin, remote control, weathervan frame, etc.)



Position number on the schematics electrical diagram

      3.4.4. Stops and buffers:

      mechanisms which

      restrict movement ___________________________________________________________

      of support stops construction (rigid, spring, hydraulic, etc.)


      maximum stroke, mm ________________________________________________________

      (for spring hydraulic and other moving structures)


      Installation location _________________________________________________________

      of the buffers:

      construction (rigid, spring, hydraulic, etc.)


      maximum stroke, mm (for spring hydraulic and etc. buffers)


      3.4.5. Other safety devices


Type, grade, drive method


DPC (device of crane protection against dangerous voltage)
Anemometer (wind alarm)
Anti-theft devices
Parking brake
Caterpillar trucks stoppers
Imbalance limiter of the travelling gantry crane
Other safety devices

      3.4.6. Indicators




Load-lifting and radius indicator
The crane tilt indicator
Indicator of load on the crane load-gripping part
Other information indicators

      3.4.7. Signal and communication devices


Type, designation, device system

Purpose, trigger conditions

Radio station
Sound signal
Overall light signaling
Other devices

      3.5. Cabins:

      location ___________________________________________________________________

      purpose ___________________________________________________________________

      type, constructive type (open, closed, and so on. n.)


      number of seats _____________________________________________________________

      type, characteristic of glazing __________________________________________________

      insulation characteristic (thermal, sound insulation, etc.) ____________________________

      characteristics of microclimate systems in the cabin

      (ventilation, heating, air conditioning, etc.) _______________________________________

      characteristic of a seat ________________________________________________________

      other equipment (wipers, fire extinguishers, etc.)

      3.6. Data on the metal of the main elements of the crane metalwork

      (filled in by certificates of the manufacturer of the material)

Name and designation of angles and elements

Type, thickness of metal, standard

Material grade, category, group, strength class

Material grade standard

Certificate number

      4. Document of Acceptance (certificate)

      Crane ___________________________________________________________________

      (name, type, index)

      Serial number _____________________________________________________________

      manufactured in accordance with technical standards _______________________________

      The crane was tested according to the program ____________________________________

      and recognized as suitable for operation with the parameters specified in the passport *


      Warranty period _________ months.

      Service life at 1,5-shift work in the passport mode ______________ years

      Resource before the first overhaul _____ hours

      Stamp place _____________________


      * It shall be filled in cases when the manufacturer sends the crane in assembled form or if the company makes a complete assembly of the crane.

      5. Documentation supplied by the manufacturer

      5.1. Documentation included in the crane passport:

      1) installation diagram of the ballast and counterweight with an indication of permission by the mass and the deviation of the plates gravity center, precautionary coloring and inscriptions applied to the plates;

      2) drawings of ballast and counterweight.

      5.2. The documentation supplied with the crane passport:

      1) the passport (instruction) of the load-lifting limiter (load moment) and the scheme of its action;

      2) a passport (formular) and instructions for installation and operation of the device recording parameters of the crane;

      3) vehicle chassis passport;

      4) passport of the internal combustion engine;

      5) passport (instructions) of equipment and safety devices ;

      6) instruction manual of the crane;

      7) crane installation manual;

      8) instructions for the rail track installation;

      9) an album of drawings of wearing parts;

      10) a list of spare parts, tools and accessories;

      11) an album of electrical drawings (if necessary);

      12) other documents (if necessary).
Data on the crane location*

The name of the enterprise (organization) - the owner of the crane or surname and initials of the private person

The crane location (address of the owner)

Installation date

      * At least 2 pages.

      Information on appointment of engineering and technical workers responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition*

Number and Date of the appointment order or contract with the organization

Surname, initials


Number and validity of the certificate


      * At least 5 pages.

      Information on the repair of metal structures, replacement of mechanisms, ropes, load-gripping body *


Information on the nature of repair and replacement of elements of the crane

Data on acceptance of the crane from repair (Date, document number)

Signature of the technical engineer responsible for the maintenance of the crane in good condition

      * At least 6 pages.

      Note: Documents confirming the quality of the newly installed mechanisms, ropes and other elements of the crane, as well as the materials used in the repair (metal rolling, electrodes, welding wire, etc.) and the conclusion on the quality of welding, shall be stored along with the passport.

      Record of the results of the technical inspection*

Date of inspection

Results of inspection

The date of the next inspection (partial and full)

      * At least 32 pages.

      Note: In the same section, the results of a special inspection of a crane that has spent a standard service life (technical resource) are recorded.


      (separate page)

      Crane is registered as № _______


      (registered authority)

      In total, ________________ pages has been numbered_______ _______sheets tied together in the passport

      Including the drawings on _____ sheets

      Stamp of the organisation (if available) ____________________

      (signature, position)

      ________________ ____________________

      (Date) (surname, initials of the registrant)

  Annex 8
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Passport of the elevator

      Permission to use the elevator from "___" _____________ № _______________________

      issued by __________________________________________________________________

      (name of issuing authority)

1. General information

Manufacturer (supplier)

Type and model of elevator

Factory number

Month and year of manufacture

Allowable temperature (minimum and maximum) (° C) in:
1. engine room
2. lift shaft

Environment in which the elevator can be operated (relative humidity, dust saturation, aggressive, explosive, fire hazardous)

Regulatory documents, according to which the elevator is made (Rules, GOST (State Standard), regulatory documents, etc.)

Assigned lifetime

Rated load capacity, kg

Number of passengers (max)

Nominal speed of the moving cabin

Cabin speed in "revision mode", m / s

Control system

Number of stops

The number of the elevator shaft doors

Hoisting height, m

Electrical circuits

Kind of current

Voltage, V; (±)

Frequency, Hz

On the elevator introduction device

Power circuit:
1. elevator drive
2. door drive

Control circuit

Lighting circuit for
1. cabins
2. lift shaft
3. repair work

Alarm circuit

2. Main technical data and characteristics of elevator equipment

      1. Winch

Type (geared, gearless, with traction sheave, with friction pulley, winding drum, with an asterisk)

Serial number

Year of manufacture

Gear ratio

Center distance of transmission, mm

Rated torque at the output shaft, Nm

Diameter of leading body, mm

Diameter of the side block mm

Weight, kg

      2. Brake

Type (shoe, disc, cone-, etc.)

Diameter of brake pulley (disk, drum), mm

Braking torque, N / m

      3. Electric motors


Electric motor

of winch

of door drive


Kind of current

Voltage, V

Rated current, A

Frequency Hz

Power, kWt

Permissible overheating of the motor windings (° C) (insulation class)

Rotation frequency, rpm

Duty cycle (%)

Inclusions per hour

Execution (normal waterproof, dustproof, marine, etc.) indicating the degree of protection

Weight, kg

      4. Shaft doors:

Construction (swing, sliding, combined, single, double or multi-flaps)

The size of the doorway in the light (width x height), mm

Opening / closing method (manual, semi-automatic, automatic)

      5. Cabin

Internal dimensions, mm

Door construction (hinged, sliding, single, double or multi-flaps)

The method of opening or closing doors (manual, semi-automatic automatic)

Door drive (electric hydraulic, pneumatic, spring, etc.)

Cabin type (through passage, not through)

Weight, kg

      6. Counterweight

Weight, kg (assembled)

      7. Traction and counterbalancing elements


Traction elements

Counterbalancing elements




Kind (rope, chain etc.)

Type (filled in according to the documentation of the traction element manufacturer)

Construction (filled in according to the documentation of the traction element manufacturer)


Diameter, pitch, dimensions, mm

Number of items, pcs

The length of one element, including the length required for fastening, m

Breaking strength (breaking load), H

Reserve strength ratio (for traction elements)

3. Safety devices

      8. Mechanical devices

Name and characteristics




Type (sharp, sharp with shock-absorbing way, smooth braking, designation

Powered by(speed limiter,a device triggered by slack of all traction ropes)

Speed limiter

type (centrifugal, pendulum and etc.) designation

Speed of the cabin(counterweight) at which the speed limiter is activated, m / s



Type (fixed stop, energy-storage type, energy-dispersive etc.)

Height in free state, mm

Quantity, pieces

      9. Electrical safety devices installed in the elevator

Cabin Level Control:
1. at the lowest floor platform
2. at the highest floor platform

Control of the shaft door closing

Automatic lock control of the shaft door

Control of the closing of the shaft door leaf that is not equipped with a lock

Control of the shaft’s emergency door closing

Control of closing the door for maintenance in the shaft

Control of the inspection hatch closing in the shaft

Control of closing the cabin door

Control of shaft door closing

Control on cabin speed limiter actuation

Control on reset of the cab speed limiter to starting position

To stop the elevator (switch, "Stop" button)

Catcher actuation control

Control of breakage or relative movement of traction elements

Control on break or slack of the rope in the speed limiter

Tension control of the balancing ropes

Monitoring the device operation on limiting the tension device's surge of the balancing ropes

Control on accession of the removable device for manual movement of the cabin (the position of the removable steering wheel)

Control on return of energy-dispersive type buffer to its original position

Disconnection of control circuits from the lift shaft

Disconnection of control circuit from the lift pit

Disconnection of control circuits from the block room

Monitoring the position of the service platform

Blocking device position control

      10. The list of documents attached to the elevator passport

The title of document

Document designation

Number of pages

Installation drawing

Schematic diagram with a list of elements

List of operational documents

  Annex 9
to order No. 822 of the
Minister for Investment and
of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
dated November 27, 2018
Document form

Passport of the lift

      Title page

      Place of the trademark (emblem) of the enterprise

      Country ___________________________________________________________________


      (name of manufacturer)


      (name, type of lift()


      (lift index)

      passport __________________________________________________________________

      (passport designation)

      Registration number ________________________________________________________

      When transferring the lift (skylift) to another owner or renting the lift with the owner’s functions transfer, this passport shall be transferred along with the lift.

      Attention of the lift owner!

      1. A passport shall be kept at all times with the owner of the lift or in the organization (at the enterprise, cooperative, joint-stock company, partnership, private person) who has received the lift for rent, together with the functions of the owner.

      2.1. ____________________________________________________________________


      2.2. ____________________________________________________________________


      3. _____________________________________________________________________

      (other information that requires special attention of the lift owner)

      List of documentation supplied with the crane passport

Document name

Document designation

Number of pages

Technical description and instruction manual of the lift

Technical passport

The user manual of the car

Album of the fast wearing parts

SPTA Set List

1. General data

1.1. Enterprise-manufacturer

1.2. Type of the lift

1.3. Factory number

1.4. Year of manufacture

1.5. Purpose of the lift

1.6. Design of the working equipment

1.7. Design of the undercarriage

1.8. Type of drive

1.9. Environment where a lift can operate:
temperature - the highest
the lowest, C
relative air humidity, %
explosion hazard
fire hazard

1.10. Permissible wind speed at a height of 10 m:
for the working condition of the lift

2. Main technical data and characteristics of assembly units and parts 2.1 Engines of power plants. Engines (engine) of internal combustion

2.2. General data

2.1.1. Load capacity, kg * (N)

2.1.2. Working lifting height, m *

2.1.3. Radius, м*

2.1.4. Base, m

2.1.5. Front and rear wheel track, m

2.1.6. Ground clearance, m

2.1.7. Minimum turning radius, m

2.1.8. The maximum slope which is overcome by a lift,%

2.1.9. Maximum transport speed of the lift movement, m / s (km / h)

2.1.10. Support contour, m

2.1.11. Time of lifting an elevator cradle to the greatest height,

2.1.12 Maximum rotational speed of the turning part, s-1 (rpm)

2.1.13. Angle of rotation, deg.

2.1.14. Place for control

2.1.15. Control method (electric, hydraulic)

2.1.17. Control fuel consumption mode:
transport mode, l / 100 km
working mode, l / hour

2.1.18. Stability coefficient

2.1.19. Weight of the lift, kg

      * The lift service area shall be given in the passport.

2.3 Rechargeable batteries

3.2.1. Type and symbol

3.2.2. Voltage, V

3.2.3. Nominal capacity, f

3.2.4. Number

3.4. Electric motor (electric motors)

3.3.1 Purpose

3.3.2. Type and symbol

3.3.3. Kind of current

3.3.4. Voltage, V

3.3.5. Rated current, A

3.3.6. Frequency, Hz

3.4. Hydraulic pumps and motors

3.4.1. Purpose

3.4.2. Quantity, ps.

3.4.3. Type and symbol

3.4.4. Ultimate moment, N · m

3.4.5. Nominal pressure of working fluid – (discharge pressure), Pa (kgf / cm2)

3.4.6. Nominal production flow ( consumption) l / min)

3.5. Hydraulic cylinders:

3.5.1. Purpose

3.5.2. Quantity, ps.

3.5.3. Type and symbol

3.5.4. Rod diameter, mm

3.5.5. Piston stroke, mm

3.5.6. Force, kN (ts)

3.5.7. Nominal pressure of working fluid – (discharge pressure), Pa (kgf / cm2)

3.6. Steel ropes

3.6.1. Purpose of the rope (tracking system, rope system, etc.)

3.6.2. Rope design and designation of the standard

3.6.3. Diameter, mm

3.6.4. Length, mm

3.6.5. Temporary resistance of wires to breaking, N /

3.6.6. Breaking strength of the rope as a whole, Н

3.6.7. Ultimate coefficient of safety:
by rules / in fact

      * Filled according to the documentation of the organisation-supplier

3.7. Characteristic of chains

3.7.1. Chain purpose

3.7.2. Chain design and designation of the standard

3.7.3. Diameter (gauge) of a link or diameter of a roller, mm

3.7.4. Chain pitch, mm

3.7.5. Chain length, mm (links number, p-s)

3.7.6. Breaking strength of the chain, кН

3.7.7. Estimated rope tension, kN

3.7.8. Ultimate coefficient of safety

3.8. Characteristics of gear trains

Name of assembly unit

Designation in the drawing


Unit, mm

Teeth number


Heat treatment (hardness of teeth)

3.9. Characteristics of chain sprockets

Name of assembly unit

Normative document number or designation in the drawing


Unit, mm

Teeth number


Heat treatment (hardness of teeth)

3.10. Load-gripping devices*

3.10.1. Hook (single-horned, etc.)

3.10.2. Designation of the normative document and number of hook by the standard

3.10.3. Rated load capacity, kg

3.10.4. Factory number

3.10.5. image of the Technical Control Department stamp

      * Filled according to the documentation of the organisation-supplier

3.11. Brakes:

3.11.1. Mechanism where the brake is installed

3.11.2. Type of the brake

4. Safety device

4.1. Device against overloads

4.2. The tracking system of the cradle orientations in vertical position

4.3. Device for limiting service area

4.4. The locking device of the lifting and rotation of the boom when lift is not set on supports

4.5. Device for blocking the lifting of supports at the working position of the boom

4.6. Device on emergency lowering a cradle in case of failure of the hydraulic system or engine

4.7. Device protecting additional supports of the lift from spontaneous moving during the lift operation

4.8. Device of index of a tilt angle of the elevator

4.9. The device of the engine emergency stop with control from a cradle and from the lower panel

4.10. Anemometer (for lifts with a lifting height of 22 m)

4.1. Signal and communication devices




Installation location

5. Data on the metal of the main (design) elements of the lift metal structures*

Name and designation of the assembly unit

Type, thickness of metal, the designation of the regulatory document

Material grade, category, group, strength class

The designation of the regulatory document on the material grade

Certificate number

Electrodes, welding wire (type, grade), the designation of the regulatory document

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