On approval of the Rules for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 1, 2019 no. 604. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 2, 2019 no. 19183.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with sub-clause 34-34) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Railway Transport"

      Footnote. The preamble as amended by the order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 26.04.2023 No. 287 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

      1. To approve the attached Rules for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport.

      2. The Transport Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the procedure established by the law shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, its direction in Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management “Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and placement in the Reference Control Bank of the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) Posting this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      3. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising vice-minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days from the date of its official publication.

      Minister R. Sklyar

  Approved by the order of the
Minister of Industry and
Infrastructural Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated August 1, 2019 no. 604

Rules for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport

      Footnote. The Rules as amended by the order of the Acting Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 26.04.2023 No. 287 (shall be enforced upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subclause 34-34) of clause 2 of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Railway Transport" and shall determine the procedure for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport.

      2. The goal of investigating the traffic safety violations on railway transport shall be the establishment of reasons and (or) associated factors, developing recommendations for preventing future traffic safety violations and ensuring safety.

      3. In these Rules, the following main definitions shall be used:

      1) territorial subdivision – the Transport Control Inspection of the Transport Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) situation center – a structural unit of the department of the authorized body that receives operational information about cases of safety violations in transport;

      3) passenger train - a train for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo-luggage and mail, formed from passenger, baggage and mail railcars;

      4) traffic safety violation – a railway accident that is classified in accordance with regulatory legal acts that occurred as a result of deviations from the established requirements for traffic safety during the transportation process;

      5) investigation of traffic safety violations – the process of collecting and analyzing materials and information about a violation of traffic safety, a complete, comprehensive and objective clarification of the circumstances and reasons for its commission, its preliminary classification;

      6) Commission for the investigation of traffic safety violations – Commission for the investigation of wrecks and accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), appointed in the manner established by these Rules to investigate traffic safety violations that have occurred on railways or railways under public-private partnership agreements, including concession agreements;

      7) safety recommendation – a proposal of the Commission for the investigation of traffic safety violations, developed on the basis of information obtained during the investigation, in order to prevent traffic safety violations, which under no circumstances aims to determine guilt or liability for traffic safety violations. In addition to safety recommendations arising from the investigation of traffic safety violations, safety recommendations may arise from a variety of sources, including the studies to ensure the safety of the transportation process;

      8) station duty officer – a shift assistant to the station manager, single-handedly managing the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as other movements of rolling stock along the main and receiving - departure tracks of the station (where there is no shunting dispatcher - and the rest of the tracks);

      9) participant in the transportation process – user of transportation services, carrier, National infrastructure Operator, locomotive traction operator, wagon (container) operator, railway owner, as well as owner of railway tracks under public-private partnership agreements, including concession agreements;

      10) investigator-in-charge – an official of an authorized body or its territorial subdivision who organizes, coordinates and investigates traffic safety violations as part of the Commission for the investigation of traffic safety violations;

      11) authorized body – a central executive body providing leadership in the field of railway transport, as well as within the limits provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, intersectoral coordination;

      12) agency of the authorized body - Transport Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2. Procedure for investigation of traffic safety violations on railway transport

      4. Participants in the transportation process and auxiliary services of the railway transport shall inform the authorized body and its territorial units about violations of traffic safety on the main, station and access roads.

      Preliminary and detailed information on traffic safety violations shall be provided in the forms approved by the authorized body in accordance with clause 2-1 of Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Railway Transport".

      Within 24 hours fom the moment of the accident, the territorial subdivision shall visit the site of the accident, draw up and send to the authorized body a report on inspection of the site of violation of traffic safety in the form, in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules, photo and video recording of the traffic safety violation, as well as the scheme of the violation of the traffic safety.

      5. Investigation of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents shall be carried out by the Commission, created by the authorized body.

      6. After receiving information about traffic safety violations in the presence of signs of an event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, the Commission shall be created by order of the authorized body, chaired by the investigator-in-charge. The Commission shall include the investigator-in-charge, who is the official of the authorized body, the representatives of its territorial subdivisions, participants in the transportation process and interested parties.

      7. Investigation of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents shall be carried out within 30 working days from the date of the creation of the Commission.

      8. At the place of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or an accident on the railway tracks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Commission shall carry out the following activities:

      1) a speed-measuring tape and (or) an information storage for traffic data recorder systems, a wheel report on the train, a certificate of train provision with brakes, speed limit warnings and a logbook of a locomotive, running schedule of the locomotive driver, track-measuring tapes and defectoscopic tool log files shall be withdrawn;

      at the same time, in cases of fire, in addition to the indicated documents, the copies of an report on official investigation of the fire and a transcript of the negotiation schedule of dispatchers shall be attached;

      2) a scheme of the destruction of the railway track and the location of the railway rolling stock, tracks of its descent from the rails with reference to the kilometer and pickets, the beginning of the derailment and the stopping point of the railway rolling stock shall be drawn up;

      3) photo and video recording of a general view of the consequences and damage of railway rolling stock and railway infrastructure facilities, foreign objects detected, locations of parts and components of railway rolling stock shall be performed;

      4) documents of the technical condition of railway rolling stock and railway infrastructure facilities shall be drawn up;

      5) written (if necessary, using audio and video recordings) explanations of persons involved in event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or an accident, as well as other eyewitnesses shall be collected;

      6) weather conditions at the time of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, a weather certificate is taken about the weather conditions at the time of the wreck or accident shall be recorded;

      7) other items and documents that are relevant for establishing the circumstances of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents shall be seized;

      8) inspection of the scene of the accident, the facilities of the railway network and rolling stock, their components and parts shall be carried out;

      9) the presence of threats to people and the environment as a result of cargo collapse (spill) and measures to minimize these consequences shall be determined;

      10) experts and employees of organizations, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, shall be engaged to solve problems that require knowledge in the relevant fields of transport, science and technology;

      11) research and testing necessary to establish the causes of the events that led to the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, (or) influencing and accompanying factors are assigned. Research and testing related to the investigation of the causes of events caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, shall be carried out by the involved parties in institutes and scientific organizations in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      12) all issues related to the development, testing, production, operation and repair of railway rolling stock or mainline network facilities related to the event that led to the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as a derailment or accident shall be studied;

      13) the relevant government bodies, as well as from individuals and legal entities shall be requrested the documents and materials on issues related to this event, caused in the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as the wreck or accident.

      9. Participants in the transportation process along the routes of which the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents , as well as their officials shall ensure:

      1) the safety of rails, parts of rolling stock and other items and documents that may be relevant in determining the causes of the events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, during the entire period of investigation;

      2) photo and video recording of the location of the accident;

      3) providing the Chairman of the Commission with materials, documents and information necessary during the investigation to ensure its completeness and objectivity.

      10. Documents and materials on issues, related to the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, including elements of the truck structure, details of the rolling stock, speed-measuring tapes and all other items that are important in determining the causes of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, shall be stored by the participants in transportation process for the duration of the investigation period. The decision to send these documents, parts and items for examination or testing and the timing of their storage shall be made by the Commission.

      11. In all cases of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents on railway tracks, representatives of participants in transportation process who are either arrived at the scene of the incident before the Commission arrives, prior to taking measures to eliminate the consequences (with the exception of providing assistance to the injured), shall record the location of the truck structure, railway rolling stock and its parts, the location of the control system of the locomotive, signaling and communications, parts of the cargo and all other items, which are important for establishing the causes of the event caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, as well as drawing up a diagram of the scene of the incident. At the same time, the location and condition of each unit of rolling stock shall be recorded in the photo and (or) video.

      12. When eliminating the consequences of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents using the elements of the truck structure, railway rolling stock and its parts, signaling and communications, parts of the cargo, all other items that are important to establish their causes shall not be allowed.

      13. On all matters related to the investigation of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents with the rolling stock in cargo and passenger trains, the Commission shall interact directly with the state bodies, organizations, as well as with laboratories of scientific organizations, special expert commissions within their competence.

      14. When appointing a special study or examination, specialists (specialist) or experts (expert) shall be raised specific questions to be resolved in the course of a special study or examination, materials shall be provided. The place of the examination shall be determined by the chairman of the Commission, in agreement with the members of the Commission.

      15. Based on the results of the examination or special study, experts and specialists shall submit to the Commission the experts (expert) opinion or the conclusion of a special study.

      16. Specialists and experts shall indicate in the opinion the answers to all questions posed to them. If it is impossible to provide a detailed and complete answer to the question posed, specialists and experts shall present a motivated explanation in the opinion.

      17. By decision of the chairman of the Commission, working groups shall be created in the main areas:

      Locomotive facilities;

      rolling stock;

      track facilities;

      cargo facilities and traffic;

      SCB (signaling, centralization and blocking) and communication facilities;

      Power supply facilities.

      The composition of the working groups shall be determined from among the members of the Commission.

      Functions of working groups are set out in Annex 2 to these Rules.

      18. The Commission, in order to comply with the principles of objectivity, shall conduct investigation of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents regardless of other types of investigations conducted by other state bodies.

      19. Members of the Commission shall not represent the interests of insurance companies having financial obligations to organizations involved in event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents.

      20. The commencement of the work of the Commission shall be considered the date of creation of the Commission, the end - the date of signing the report on investigation of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents, (hereinafter referred to as the act) by the chairman and members of the Commission.

      21. In the course of investigation of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, the working groups shall submit to the Commission final reports indicating the established causes and hazardous factors identified during the investigation.

      22. Based on the analysis of information and reports of the working groups obtained during the investigation, the Commission shall classify the case of a traffic safety violation as the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, in accordance with the Railway Safety Rules, approved by order of the acting Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 26, 2015 No. 334 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 11602), shall define the main causes of events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wrecks or accidents, and also shall develop recommendations for ensuring the safety of railway traffic in order to prevent similar incidents or reduce their consequences.

      Coordination of actions on the implementation of recommendations for ensuring traffic safety in railway transport shall be carried out by the territorial unit of the authorized body in whose region an event occurred that resulted in the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as a derailment or accident with subsequent notification of the authorized body.

      23. The Commission shall not determine the guilt and liability of the guilty party.

      24. The results of the investigation shall be drawn up by the Commission through the Act in the form, according to Annex 3 to these Rules.

      The act shall be signed by all members of the commission. In case of disagreement with the conclusions, indicated in the Act, a member of the Commission shall sign it indicating that there is a dissenting opinion, All dissenting opinions shall be a part of the Act and shall be attached thereto.

      If the members of the Commission disagree with the conclusions about the causes of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, this fact shall be recorded in the Act.

      25. The Commission shall form a case with materials of investigation.

      26. The case with materials of investigation of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident shall include the following documents:

      1) inventory of the case;

      2) Report on investigation of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      3) technical conclusions on the fact of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      4) reports of the working groups on the results of the investigation of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      5) list of victims with preliminary diagnoses;

      6) certificate of the degree of the to rolling stock and the facilities of railway transport infrastructure;

      7) materials obtained using photos and videos, video recordings, other established methods of fixation, confirming the causes of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, schemes indicating the deviations from the norms of maintenance and damage to railway rolling stock and railway infrastructure facilities as a result of the case under investigation;

      8) decoding results of a speed-measuring tape, memory module and cassette of a speed measuring train locomotive that event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident (the reference indicates the storage location of the original speed-measuring tape);

      9) certificates on the condition and operation of technical means of traffic safety related to the case under investigation, including devices for automatic detection of journal-box heating, automatic locomotive signaling;

      10) acts on the state and operation of railway infrastructure facilities related to the case under investigation;

      11) wheel report on a train;

      12) results of experiments and calculations;

      13) a copy of the executed train schedule for the section where the events, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident occurred, and a certificate of train delays certified by the head of the regional unit of the National Railway Company;

      14) meteorological certificate;

      15) extracts from registers of dispatch orders, inspection of technical equipment, technical and administrative acts of stations, books of audit instructions with regard to the causes of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      16) the plan and profile of the track at the site of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, with signs of a wreck or accident, a certificate of the results of the last check of the track with measuring and defectoscopic means with the application of tapes of track-measuring railcars;

      17) information on the persons involved in the incident, their explanations, information on the schedule of work and rest, on the results of the latest certifications, which include checking the knowledge of the rules of technical operation and other regulatory legal acts, regulatory documents and job descriptions, as well as a conclusion on a medical examination, the need for which determined in each particular case;

      18) certificate with preliminary data on losses from loss or damage to cargo, committed technical equipment damage;

      19) copy of a message or address telegram about the committed event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      20) minutes of operational meetings on the occasion of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, held at participating organizations or their respective units;

      21) conclusion of studies, tests and examinations (if any), and other documents concerning the causes of the events that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents.

      27. Investigations of events that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as wrecks or accidents shall be extended at the request of the chairman of the Commission with the permission of the head of the authorized body, in the following cases:

      1) for conducting examination, special studies;

      2) additional clarification of the circumstances of the events that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, as well as crashes or accidents;

      3) to provide documents, materials and opinions of government bodies, organizations, as well as from laboratories of scientific organizations, expert commissions within their competence;

      4) in the event of emergency situations or force majeure (natural phenomena, military operations, state of emergency, etc.).

      28. Events, with the exception of those caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, and incidents shall be investigated by participants in the transportation process.

      29. Information on the results of the investigation of events, with the exception of those that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train, and incidents shall be provided to the authorized body within 5 working days from the date of completion of the investigation.

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for investigation
of traffic safety violations
on railway transport


Report on inspection of the site of violation of traffic safety

      Site investigation _____________________________________________

      Date:________________ Time:______

      Circumstances ___________________________________________

      Condition of technical means _____________________________

      Consequences _____________________________________________

      Preliminary degree of the damage to the rolling stock _____

      Preliminary reason _________

      The Report was executed by:

      _________________ _________________ _____________

      (Position) (Signature) (surname, name, patronymic (if any)


      If necessary, additional items may be added to this form.

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for investigation
of traffic safety violations
on railway transport

The functions of the working groups in the main areas: locomotive facilities, rolling stock, track facilities, cargo facilities and traffic, SCB systems (signaling, centralization and blocking) and сommunications, power supply facilities

      1. The working group of the locomotive facilities shall carry out:

      1) inspection of the locomotive, assemblies, components and parts damaged as a result of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      2) seizure and organization of high-quality decoding of high-speed tape and registration cassettes;

      3) field experiment on the correctness of a train by a locomotive brigade;

      4) measurement of technical parameters of a locomotive (pair of drivers, automatic coupler).

      2. The working group of the locomotive facilities shall determine:

      1) compliance with the frequency, terms of operation, quality of repair and maintenance of the locomotive, the degree of damage as a result of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      2) knowledge by the locomotive crew of the order of actions in non-standard situations, when following dangerous places;

      3) availability of briefing to the locomotive crew before the trip;

      4) correct observance of the rules of negotiations between the locomotive brigade and the involved structures and employees;

      5) quality of formation and selection of locomotive crew;

      6) quality of organization of medical examinations of locomotive crews;

      7) psychophysiological state of the locomotive crew;

      8) observance of work and rest regimes by locomotive crews;

      9) the quality of maintaining books of comments of drivers and response to entries in them.

      3. The working group of the rolling stock shall carry out:

      1) measurement of technical parameters of railcars that were potentially the reason of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident, their units (solebars, bogie parts, wheels, etc.);

      2) collection and inspection of assemblies, components and parts of railcars damaged as a result of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident.

      4. The working group of the rolling stock shall determine:

      1) compliance with the frequency, terms of operation, the quality of repair and maintenance of cars, the degree of damage as a result of the event, caused the derailment of the rolling stock in a passenger train, as well as a wreck or accident;

      2) the presence / absence of facts of the replacement of assemblies and parts from the installed railcars configuration during their operation;

      3) quality of preparation of railcars, cargo and passenger trains for the run;

      4) the availability of the necessary staff and qualifications of car inspectors, inspectors, repairmen, railcar repair technicians, the quality of their training, the qualifications of the persons who serviced this rolling stock;

      5) the reliability of technical safety equipment and train control on the go;

      6) the presence, operation and maintenance of safety devices, fire extinguishing means, communications and signaling devices in passenger railcars;

      7) quality of formation and preparation of train crews of passenger trains on the run.

      5. The working group of the track facilities shall decrypt the tape of the last passage of the railcar - track-measuring railcar, and shall also determine:

      1) the quality of adherence to technological processes for the current maintenance and overhaul of the track, staffing and competence, equipment with mechanization, materials of the track’s upper structure and their quality;

      2) quality of the current track condition and railroad switches;

      3) quality of implementation of measures to prevent track buckling;

      4) quality of maintenance of sections of the track with overtransmitted tonnage;

      5) ) compliance with the procedure for the production and fencing of places of track work;

      6) quality of keeping books of track inspection and measuring railroad switches;

      7) the quality of the keeping the log of warnings to limit the speed of movement in this section;

      8) Correctness of registration of entries in the registers of the station duty officer.

      6. The working group of the cargo and traffic facilities shall carry out:

      1) checking the knowledge of station attendants, dispatchers, train dispatchers involved in the incident, regarding the procedure for dealing with unusual situations;

      2) control weighing of cargo.

      The working group of the cargo and traffic facilities shall determine:

      1) compliance with the rules of negotiations on radio communications when receiving, sending this train and making maneuvers;

      2) correct fixing of railcars with brake shoe holders;

      3) observance of the technical process by marshaling crews;

      4) the correctness of actions to ensure the safe passage of a cargo or passenger train;

      5) the correctness of keeping the logs of the station duty officer, the warning register;

      6) compliance with the rules of loading and securing cargo on this rolling stock;

      7) correct securing of cargo at points of control commercial inspection;

      8) compliance with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods;

      9) the correct formation of the composition of the cargo train;

      10) state of cargo, its safety and degree of damage;

      11) the availability and quality of control weighing of cargo railcars.

      7. The working group of the signaling, blocking facility (SCB) and communication shall determine:

      1) compliance with regulatory requirements and technological processes in the implementation of the implementation, operation, maintenance and repair of SCB and communication devices;

      2) maintenance of signal track circuits and device reliability.

      8. The working group of power supply shall determine:

      1) Compliance with regulatory requirements and technological processes, repair cycles during the operation, maintenance and repair of the contact network, equipment of electrical substations, cable routes and distribution networks;

      2) the correctness of the maintenance of engineering and technological documentation;

      3) compliance with lighting standards and the content of lighting equipment and its assemblies;

      4) ensuring reliability of power supply, according to the categorization of consumers, the availability and condition of backup power supply.

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for investigation
of traffic safety violations
on railway transport


on investigation of the event caused the derailment of rolling stock in a passenger train


      _______________ (day, month) ________________ year

      made at ________________________________________________________

      (station, station-to-station block)

      by the head of investigation _________________________________________

      (surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the head)

      in the presence of _______________________________________________________

      (surnames, names, patronymics (if any) of the members of the commission)

      who, having arrived at the place of the event that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident, have determined:

      1. Circumstances of the event that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident ____________________________________________________.

      Location of the rolling stock at the place of the event that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident: detailed scheme, photos are attached.

      2. Consequences of the event that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident

Human losses

Rolling stock


Damaged in the scope of repair





track –
railway switches -

Died __ people

locomotive ............



severe: ___people

2-axle railcars...............

slightly: ___people

4- axle railcars

a break in traffic:
full___hour ___minutes
single-track___ hour ___minutes

railcars /passengers


      3. Control information

      1) trains participated in the the event that caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident.

Train No.

Train type


Train composition




Number of axles

Number of railcars


4 - axle

More than 4 axle



      2) terrain (cross out unnecessary when filling):

      ascent, descent _______; platform _______ meters long;

      curve with a radius of _______ meters;

      excavation, embankment with a depth of ________ meters;

      3) Weather conditions: (cross out unnecessary) clear, dark, wind, snow, blizzard, frost, rain,

            ice ________________________________________;

      4) the top structure of the track:

      Rails of type _____________, clamp type_________________________________,

      number of cross- sleepers per 1 kilometer ____________, ballast _____________________________;

      5) the results of the inspection of the top structure of the track (indicating the actual

      state and detected deviations in its content)


      6) inspection results of the running gear of the rolling stock (indicate their condition

      and detected deviations from normal sizes and tolerances)


      7) inspection results of couplers and buffer gears (indicate their condition and detected

      deviations from normal sizes and tolerances)


      8) position, visibility and condition of travel and train signals


      9) whether it was necessary to issue a warning to the train driver, which one, and whether it was issued


      10) the established actual speed of the train (indicating the method for determining the speed)


      11) the correctness of the formation of the train (indicating the identified violations)


      12) providing the train with brakes: the number of brake axles and total braking pressure

      (when a break-away of the train - separately for the tail and head of the train)

      established _____/ actual _____

      of manual action:

      established _______/ actual _________________

      13) arrangement of the existing brake axles in the train


      14) description of the detected malfunctions of the auto brakes ______________________


      15) the location and condition of the emergency brake valves, which emergency

      brake valves are actuated _________________________________________________________;

      16) condition of locomotive hobs and brake railcars


      17) condition of the coupling of automatic brakes and end valves, the presence

      of closed end valves ____________________________________________________;

      18) whether the auto brakes of the locomotive are on _______________________________;

      19) whether auto brakes were tested when, where and by whom __________;

      20) positioning of the train crew _______________________;

      21) position on the locomotive of the regulator (controller) of the reverse and

      the brake valve ___________________________________________________________________;

      22) whether the driver took measures (and how) to stop the train (indicating the sequence

      of actions and the distance from the scene of the accident where

      the braking started) _______________________________________;

      23) the presence of locomotive malfunctions that could have value in case

      of violation of traffic safety _________________________________;

      24) by whom and what signals were given ____________________________________;

      25) the availability of other data on the inspection site of the event that caused

      the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident relevant

      to determine the causes of its occurrence ____________________________________________;

      26) indication of measures taken to restore movement before the arrival of the recovery

      (fire) train _________________________________;

      27) by whom, when, and what assistance was provided to the victims _____________________;

      28) time of work and rest of the employees of the organization involved in the event that

      caused the derailment of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident.

Item No.

Surname, name, patronymic (if any)


Rate of work in hours

Being at work, in hours

Rest before work, in hours

      29) repeatability information of the wreck / accident at a given station

      (train section, train, lane, depot) __________________________________________;

      4. Recovery means

Time for requesting the aid

Who requested the aid

From where the aid is requested

Time of departure

Distance, kilometer

Time of arrival






      30) comments on the liquidation of consequences of the event that caused the derailment

      of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident, a note on the involuntary damage to rolling stock, infrastructure


      5. Conclusions on the classification and causes of the event that caused the derailment

      of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident and deviations from the

      requirements of regulatory technical documents


      31) list of seized items and documents of material evidence


      32) list of annexes to this report _____________________________;

      6. Commissions by results of the investigation of the event that caused the derailment

      of rolling stock on a passenger train/wreck/accident

      33) Form the materials of the investigation into the case and submit within the period until

      _____________________________ in the amount of ___________

      copies to the address________________________________________;

      34) Activities by results of the investigation (corrective and preventive) are to be developed

      and submitted to the authorized body within the period until _________________.

      Chairman of the Commission_________________________(signature)

      Members of the Commission _______________________________(signatures)

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