Unofficial translation
In accordance with subclause 6) of clause 2 of article 100-1 of the Entrepreneur Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2015, I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the attached Rules the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries.
2. To recognize as invalid:
1) order of the Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 23, 2015 № 1225 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries" (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as № 13058, published on June 22, 2016 in the "Adilet" Information Legal System);
2) clause 3 of the List of certain orders of the Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which amendments and additions, approved by the order of the Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 7, 2017 № 332 "On amendments and additions to certain orders of the Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as № 15288, published on June 30, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form) have been made.
3. The Department of Innovation Ecosystem of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information about execution of activities stipulated by subclauses 1) and 2) of this clause.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.
Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
B. Mussin |
Ministry of Industry and
Infrastructural Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by the order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 1, 2020 № 364/НҚ |
Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. These Rules for the Provision of Innovative Grants for Technological Development of Industries (hereinafter - Rules) have been drawn up under sub-paragraph 6) of paragraph 2 of Article 100-1 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and specify the procedure for the provision of innovative grants for technological development of industries.
Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as revised by order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 115/NK of 11.04.2022 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).2. The following basic concepts are used herein:
1) grantee is a group of natural and (or) legal persons and (or) ordinary partnerships implementing innovation projects that have received an innovation grant hereunder;
2) Grant Financing Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a collegial body formed by an odd number of representatives of public organisations and relevant industries (by agreement), independent experts (domestic and (or) foreign), established as part of a national institute in the field of innovative development, to make decisions on the projects of service recipients, with due regard to the examination of applications and criteria for granting innovation grants hereby established;
3) result of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activities means new knowledge or solutions obtained in the course of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activities and recorded on any information carrier, introduction of scientific developments and technologies into production, as well as models, layouts, samples of new products, materials and substances;
4) project evaluation criteria are the signs of evaluation of the applicant's project using a point system;
5) innovation grant means budgetary funds allocated to the entities of innovation activity on a free-of-charge basis for the implementation of their innovation projects within the framework of priority directions of innovation grants provision;
6) national development institute in the field of innovative development (hereinafter - national institute) is a national development institute empowered to realise measures of state support for innovative activity;
7) an authorised body in the field of state support of innovation activities (hereinafter referred to as the authorised body is the central executive body exercising leadership in the sphere of innovation and technological development, as well as, within the limits envisaged by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, inter-sectoral coordination and participation in the implementation of state support of innovation activities;
8) decision of the council is a decision adopted by the members of the council and formalised by the minutes and containing information on the results of voting on the issue of awarding an innovation grant;
9) consortium (hereinafter - consortium is a temporary voluntary equal union (association) based on an agreement on joint economic operations, in which legal entities combine certain resources and coordinate their efforts to solve specific business tasks;
10) consortium agreement is an agreement concluded between two or more legal entities, members of a consortium, to regulate joint scientific and commercial activities, relations between members, implementation of a joint project, as well as rights and obligations between consortium members;
11) licence agreement is an agreement whereby a patentee (licensor) grants to another party (licensee) the right to temporarily use the relevant industrial property object in a certain manner
12) advanced technology is a technology that has a small practical application in the market and a high potential for further dissemination;
13) application is an application for an innovative grant for the technological development of industries, sent by the applicant, which is filled in via the automated system of electronic receipt and support of applications;
14) an applicant is an entity of innovation activities is a group of natural and (or) legal persons and (or) simple partnerships, engaged in activities on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of priority directions of awarding innovative grants, consisting in a consortial agreement between an accredited scientific organisation and an operating enterprise (involvement of industry associations is encouraged), including with the involvement of high-tech start-up companies, which has submitted an application for innovation grants for consideration;
15) automated system for electronic acceptance and support of applications (hereinafter - automated system is an automated system for acceptance and support of applications for innovative grants;
16) agreement on granting innovation grants for technological development of industries (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) is an agreement concluded between the national institute and the grantee on the provision of innovative grants;
17) technology is a combination of methods and tools ensuring the production and output of this or that product, including the production and output of goods;
18) technology transfer is the process of introduction of new or improved technologies by entities of innovation activities, the rights of ownership, possession and (or) use thereof are obtained by means not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
19) foreign technological partner is the owner and (or) carrier of advanced technology with relevant competence.
Footnote. Paragraph 2 - as revised by order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 115/NK of 11.04.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).3. Innovative grants for the technological development of industries shall be provided to applicants to solve the technological problems of the industry through the implementation and use of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities in production, as well as the acquisition, adaptation and implementation of foreign technologies at enterprises whose products and (or) services have a considerable influence on the technological development of industries or create the basis for the emergence of new high-tech industries, innovation platforms or necessary elements of an innovation ecosystem, within the framework of priority directions, determined by the authorized body.
4. Information support of the provision of innovative grants shall be carried out by the national institute and the authorized body.
5. Innovative grants shall be awarded by the authorised body with the involvement of the national institute by allocating funds envisaged for awarding innovative grants under an agreement concluded between the authorised body and the national institute.
Footnote. Paragraph 5 - as reworded by order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 115/NK of 11.04.2022 (shall be put into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).6. The balances on the current account of the national institute, which are at the end of the financial year, shall not be subject to return to the authorized body and, accordingly, to the state budget, but are spent on the provision of innovative grants in the next financial year.
7. Services of the national institute for the provision of innovative grants shall be paid by the authorized body at the expense of the republican budget.
Chapter 2. Procedure for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries
8. The national institute announces the acceptance of applications for innovative grants in the mass media and on the official Internet resource of the national institute, indicating the address of the automated system and the schedule for accepting applications. The schedule for accepting applications shall be agreed with the authorized body and published on the official Internet resource within 15 (fifteen) working days before the start of accepting applications.
9. The procedure for the provision of an innovative grant for the technological development of industries includes the following stages:
1) acceptance, registration and preliminary verification by the national institute of an application in the form according to Appendix 1 to these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the application) attached with documents specified in clause 18 of these Rules, for their completeness, shall be carried out within 5 (five) working days upon acceptance of the application.
Upon completion of the preliminary verification of the application, the national institute shall send to the applicant's e-mail address specified in the application, a notification of the identified comments (if any).
The grounds for the return of an application for revision shall be its inconsistence with the conditions of these Rules.
The applicant shall eliminate the deficiencies specified in the notification within 10 (ten) working days from the date of their receipt.
If the applicant does not eliminate the deficiencies within the specified period, the national institute leaves the application without further consideration.
During the period of elimination of the deficiencies by the applicant, the period of consideration of the application shall be suspended from the time of sending by e-mail to the applicant of an official notification about the deficiencies identified and shall be resumed again after their elimination;
2) Repeated verification of the applicant’s documents shall be carried out within 3 (three) working days upon acceptance (in case of sending of a notice to the applicant about the deficiencies identified).
The national institute shall ensure non-disclosure of information about the application to third parties not involved in the process of providing innovative grants, with the exception of the shareholder of the national institute, the authorized body and cases established by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) carrying out expert examination of the application by the national institute within 20 (twenty) working days with awarding points based on the project assessment criteria, specified in the Requirements to the procedure of examination according Appendix 2 to these Rules;
4) drawing up and sending of a complex conclusion on results of expert examination of the applicant for consideration to the Council within 5 (five) working days upon acceptance of conclusions of the expert examination;
5) organization of activity of the Council and making the decision on provision or non-provision of an innovative grant;
The Council is created in the national institute for the purposes of transparent and comprehensive consideration of applications and making the decision on provision of an innovative grant. Organization of activity of the Council, payment for work of its members and the composition shall be regulated by an act of the national institute.
The Council shall make the decision on provision of innovative grants taking into account expert examination of applications and scored points on the projects of the applicant, as well as terms and conditions of these Rules.
The total period of procedures, specified in subclause 5) of clause 9 of these Rules shall be 20 (twenty) working days;
6) the national institute shall refuse to provide an innovative grant for the technological development of industries in the following cases:
establishing the inaccuracy of the documents submitted by the applicant for obtaining an innovative grant, and (or) the data (information) contained therein;
inconsistency of the applicant and (or) the submitted materials, objects, data and information necessary for the provision of an innovative grant;
if the proposed project was previously financed by an innovative grant provided by a national institute, or by other sources of budgetary funds provided free of charge;
existence of tax arrears and arrears of mandatory pension contributions, mandatory professional pension contributions and social deductions except for cases when the period of payment is deferred in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
a motivated decision of the Council on the refusal to provide an innovative grant.
7) signing of a contract or sending to the applicant a justified refusal to provide an innovative grant.
Within 3 (three) working days from the date of the decision by the Council, the national institute shall notify the applicant of the need to sign a contract or shall send a justified refusal to provide an innovative grant.
The total period of the procedure specified in part one of subclause 7) of clause 9 of these Rules shall be 10 (ten) working days from the date of the decision by the Council.
The total period of the procedures specified in clause 9 of these Rules shall not exceed 63 (sixty-three) working days.
The contract shall be signed by the grantee or a representative of the grantee authorized to conclude the agreement and by the national institute at the location of the national institute. The contract shall be made in two copies, one for each of the parties in the form, which is approved by the act of the national institute.
In the event that for the corresponding financial year the total amount of sums declared for receiving innovative grants exceeds the amount allocated by the authorized body for the corresponding financial year, the formation of the list of grantees shall be carried out according to the principle of the largest number of awarded points.
10. With a view to control the project implementation, the National Institute shall continuously monitor the implementation of the project in line with the detailed business plan and the grantee's fulfilment, within 3 (three) years from the date of the National Institute's decision on the project completion, of the assumed counter obligations aimed at creating innovative companies and (or) introducing innovative technologies and increasing the volume of the realised innovative products, as per the terms and conditions of the concluded agreement.
The contract shall envisage that the grantee provides information on the project to the national institute within 3 (three) years from the date of the national institute's decision on the completion of the project for the purpose of post-grant monitoring of the project.
Footnote. Paragraph 10 - as revised by order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 115/NK of 11.04.2022 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).11. Monitoring of projects under the concluded contracts shall be regulated by the act of the national institute, which is posted on the Internet resource of the authorized body and the national institute.
If in the process of monitoring the project the inappropriate use of innovative grant funds is identified, the national institute shall submit for consideration of the Council the issue of terminating the contract and refinancing innovative grant funds to the account of the national institute.
Chapter 3: Criteria for awarding innovative grants for technological development of industries
Footnote. The title of Chapter 3 - as reworded by order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 115/NK of 11.04.2022 (shall be effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).
12. An innovative grant for the technological development of industries shall be provided to the applicants, who meet the following criteria:
1) carrying out commercial activities and having experience in conducting technological business, applying new scientific and technical knowledge in business in the declared and (or) related industries for at least 3 (three) years and having tax deductions for 3 (three) years as of the date of filing an application with a cumulative total.
2) engineers and technical personnel with the qualifications necessary for the successful implementation of the project (including one project manager), also have a high involvement of the research institute. At the same time, the involvement of personnel (project team) in the implementation of the project must be at least 100% of the working time;
3) the applicant's annual turnover must be at least 600,000,000 (six hundred million) tenge;
4) having a consortium agreement, while the members of the Consortium should receive benefits from the technology being developed (indicated in the consortium agreement), distribute the knowledge gained free of charge to industry enterprises through seminars, trainings, and others. At the same time, it is allowed to develop several directions that solve industry problems within one Consortium;
5) the presence of a business partner - an interested person in the acquisition and (or) use of the introduced technology (agreement of intent, memorandum, letter of consent, etc.) if available.
Footnote. Paragraph 12 as amended by the order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 16.02.2024 № 74/НҚ (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).13. Innovative grant for the technological development of industries shall be provided in case of compliance with the following conditions:
1) absence of industrial implementation of the considered technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) sectoral focus of the project (solution of the technological problem);
3) availability of potential for the development of domestic technological competencies;
4) the project has a socio-economic impact and is export-oriented.
14. The total amount of project financing within the framework of innovative grant for the technological development of industries shall be up to 80%, but not more than 800,000,000 (eight hundred million) tenge and covers the following types of costs:
1) salary of the project team (taxes, fees and other mandatory payments to the budget);
2) procurement of equipment (technical documentation, delivery, customs costs, storage, installation, commissioning and maintenance);
3) business trip expenses of the project team;
4) training and workshops of the project team;
5) laboratory and consumable materials;
6) protection of intellectual property and publications (state fees);
7) overhead costs (postal services, communication services, translation services);
8) standardization and certification;
9) rent of office and / or industrial premises;
10) other / miscellaneous services of third-party organizations and persons (no more than 20% of the grant amount).
Affiliation of the owner of the technology or the person who assigns rights to the technology with the applicant shall not be allowed.
15. To transfer the funds for project implementation, applicants, who obtained a positive conclusion of the Council, shall open a separate current account in the escrow account mode in a second-tier bank - a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of using funds for the intended purpose for the implementation of the project, with the condition of their depositing without the right of the grantee to commit expenditure transactions not related to the implementation of the project.
A contract for opening a current account in the escrow account mode shall be signed between the applicant, the national institute and a second-tier bank - a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
After signing the contract, the grantee shall transfer funds to a separate current account in the escrow account mode for co-financing the project in the amount according to the calendar plan within 10 (ten) working days. The national institute, within 5 (five) working days from the date of acceptance of funds from the grantee, shall ensure the transfer of funds to the current account in the escrow account mode in the amount according to the calendar plan.
The national institute shall transfer the second tranche (part) by results of conducted monitoring of the progress of project implementation within 7 (seven) working days upon crediting funds by the grantee to the current account in the escrow account mode.
The national institute shall transfer an innovative grant at least in two tranches (parts).
Therewith, the amount of each tranche (part) shall be no more than fifty percent from the approved amount of the innovative grant.
16. An innovative grant for the technological development of industries shall be provided to the applicants on terms of co-financing in stages according to the schedule. At the same time, the applicant submits an application for participation in only one project and cannot apply for other innovative grants for the declared project at the time of consideration of the application and implementation of the project.
17. The term for the development of the grant must not exceed 36 (thirty-six) months, the maximum number of stages is 2 (two) (setting up production and entering the market).
Chapter 4. List of documents for the obtaining of the innovative grant for the technological development of industries
18. An applicant shall submit to the national institute an application using the automated system, including the following documents:
1) a consortium agreement (a notarized copy);
2) a business plan of the project in form according to Appendix 3 to these Rules (it is also provided in English, on electronic media, in Microsoft Word format);
3) a list of affiliated persons;
4) copies of constituent documents of the applicant;
5) document, confirming the state registration (re-registration) of the applicant as a legal entity, record registration (re-registration) of the branch (representative office) of the applicant;
6) decision on appointment of the first head of the applicant, as well as powers of attorney for the project head and other persons, entitled to sign the application and (or) documents attached to the application.
19. The materials of the application shall be attached with copies of licenses, patents, certifications, (if any), diplomas and other documents certifying qualification of participants of the project.
20. The application for innovative grant shall be submitted through the automated system in the Kazakh and (or) Russian languages (in the English language where necessary).
21. Materials of the application, on which the contract for provision of the innovative grant shall be valid within the entire period of project implementation and shall not be returned to the applicant.
22. The application, submitted after the expiry of the deadline for submission, shall not be subject to registration and consideration.
23. The applicant shall ensure the completeness and accuracy of submitted documents, initial data, calculations, justifications. In the information provided by the applicant, the sources of the data used in the calculations and the date of the calculation shall be indicated.
Appendix 1 to the Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries |
form |
Application for an innovative grant for the technological development of industries
Footnote. Annex 1 as amended by the Order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 16.02.2024 № 74/НҚ (shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
Name of legal entity | |||||
submits this application with the package of necessary materials for the innovative grant for the technological development of industries | |||||
Project name: | |||||
The project belongs to the priority area for the provision of innovative grants (indicate only one priority area): | |||||
High-performance technologies used in the sectors of the economy and the life of society: | |||||
Information and communication technologies, including elements of the Industry 4.0 | |||||
New materials, additive technologies, nanotechnologies | |||||
Biotechnology, new technologies in medicine and healthcare | |||||
New technologies in the processing industry | |||||
Space technologies | |||||
Environmentally friendly technologies, energy efficiency, energy saving and alternative energy | |||||
New financial technologies | |||||
Electronics industry | |||||
Robotics | |||||
Social innovation. | |||||
The requested amount of innovative grant in tenge (in figures and in words): | |||||
Full project cost in tenge (in figures and in words): | |||||
Information about the applicant | |||||
Name of organization: | |||||
№ And date of the consortium agreement | |||||
members of the consortium | |||||
Applicant’s registration data: | |||||
Applicant’s postal address: | |||||
Bank details, current account, foreign currency account, bank individual code: | |||||
Received and not repaid loans in tenge and foreign currency: | |||||
Phone number | Office | Mobile | |||
Official website |
Applicant’s enterprise size |
Type of activity according to the General Classifier of Economic Activity |
Actual number of the working personnel, including: | |
engineers and technical workers | |
administrative and managerial personnel | |
Other |
Applicant's founders | ||||||
Information about the head of the project: | ||||||
Surname, name, patronymic | ||||||
Education/academic degree/ year of awarding | ||||||
Phone number | Office | Mobile | ||||
Contact address | ||||||
Contact person: | ||||||
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) | ||||||
Phone number | Office | Mobile | ||||
Contact address | ||||||
Brief information about the project | ||||||
Project goal: | ||||||
Project objectives: | ||||||
Place of project implementation | ||||||
Period of project implementation | ||||||
Was this project financed from other sources: | ||||||
Yes | No | |||||
If "yes", it is necessary to specify what was the amount, name of the program, project and the sum of the obtained financing) | ||||||
Where did you find out about innovative grants? | ||||||
I hereby give my consent to the use of documents, materials and information on this application, including those containing confidential information, when the national institute conducts an expert assessment with the involvement of, inter alia, third parties, as well as to collect data on the legal entity, on the availability of (absence) of accounts payable in all sources. | ||||||
I have read and understood the Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries, approved by the order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated "_" 20 no_. | ||||||
The required materials and (or) documents in accordance with the requirements of the Rules the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries are attached on sheets | ||||||
E-mail address for correspondence concerning this application: | ||||||
Note: For legal entities, it is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization. The application is signed by the chief executive officer or other authorized person. Iе is necessary to notify the National Institute in case of a change of the head and changes in contact information (postal address, email address and telephone) | ||||||
Position of the head authorized for signing documents on behalf of the applicant |
_________________________ | |||||
Acknowledgement of acceptance of materials and (or) documents (to be completed by the national institute) | ||||||
Date of receipt: | " " 20 | |||||
Registration number of the application | № | |||||
Registrar |
______________________ |
Appendix 2 to the Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries |
Requirements to the procedure for expert examinations
1. Expert examinations of the projects shall be carried out by the national institute, involving, where necessary, domestic and (or) foreign individuals and (or) legal entities.
2. Project assessment criteria are structured as follows:
1) The level of co-financing (10 - 20 points):
co-financing in the amount of 5% from the amount of the grant is equal to 1 (one) point.
2) scientific, technical advantages (0-25 points):
the extent to which systemic issues are addressed: the number of companies using the technology, scalability, market size for potential use;
technology readiness level;
innovativeness and competitiveness;
intellectual property;
availability of customers and investors.
3) economic returns (0-25 points):
potential economic result (based on the business plan).
4) opportunities, resources and material base of the Consortium (0-15 points):
qualifications and management skills of personnel; significant research works; intellectual property (patents, copyrights and others), technologies launched into mass production, developed industrial processes and products, project management experience similar in nature, purpose and scope;
resources and material base;
international partners, resources and enterprises.
5) The Council awards to the project (0-15 points):
Potential capacity for commercialization of the project (sales volume, profitability and project efficiency).
Experts carry out project expert examination in the following areas:
1) technological expert examination shall be carried out in order to establish the advantages over analogues, technical feasibility and technological expediency of the project;
2) financial and economic expert examination is carried out with the aim of assessing the market, economic feasibility of the project, criteria of competitiveness, marketing strategy, distribution of work according to the stated terms, volume and content of work, and the requested amount of financing;
3) legal expert examination shall be carried out for the purpose of a comprehensive legal analysis of the content of the submitted documents for compliance with the current legislation.
Technological, financial, economic and legal expert examination shall be carried out on projects simultaneously.
3. The national institute shall form a list of external domestic and foreign experts and expert organizations, including on the basis of recommendations of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", industry associations.
4. When involving experts to carry out the examination of applications, the national institute concludes a contract with each expert for the provision of expert services, the form of which is regulated by the acts of the national institute.
5. The procedure of expert examination and the form of the score sheet shall be regulated by the acts of the national institute.
6. Assessment of the application by an expert who was directly involved in its preparation, as well as being affiliated with the applicant shall not be allowed.
Appendix 3 to the Rules for the provision of innovative grants for the technological development of industries |
form |
Project business plan by structure
1. Applicant’s brief description;
1) Applicant’s name;
2) Organizational and legal form, date of state registration (re-registration for legal entities);
3) Head of organization;
4) Address, phone number, fax, e-mail;
5) Brief description of main areas of activities;
6) Work experience in the economic sector;
7) Current organizational state;
8) Brief report on financial and economic activities for the last reporting period.
2. Brief description of the project
1) Project name;
2) The essence of the project;
3) Prerequisites for initiating the project;
4) Project team;
5) Place of project implementation (region, district);
6) Products intended for release;
7) Project efficiency (net present value over the project life cycle (NPV), internal rate of return for the project life cycle (IRR), discounted payback period on investment (DPP), investment performance indicator (PI);
8) The current status of the project, including the stage of product development (with the attachment of supporting documents);
9) Special conditions for the implementation and restrictions on the project: the availability of licenses (if the type of activity is licensed), patents, permits, the presence of export and import quotas, restrictions and recommendations on sales markets and raw materials, water, energy supply, transport, communications, the possibility of waste disposal needs for foreign labor, requirements for environmental friendliness of technological processes etc.;
10) Project implementation cost, financing sources:
Internal funds;
innovative grant;
borrowed funds (loans or borrowed funds from economic units);
11) Terms of project implementation - months from the date of signing the contract for the provision of innovative grant;
12) Cost estimates:
Cost of labour | Cost amount (tenge) | Work stages | Explanation of pricing | Financing source | Data source used in calculations | ||
Costs- Total: | |||||||
in particular by items: | |||||||
For reference: costs from other sources of financing - Total: | |||||||
whereof: | |||||||
Internal funds | |||||||
Other (specify) |
Note: For each cost item, the applicant indicates the sources of the data used in the calculations, a breakdown of pricing.
13) Calendar plan for project implementation:
Item № | Name of works under the contract and their main stages | Work completion time (months) | Estimated stage price (tenge) | Form and type of reporting |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Note: The draft calendar plan specifies no more than 3 stages of the project implementation.
3. Marketing section
1) Product description:
1-1) the name of the product offered for release;
Name of goods (services) | Production volume in value terms (tenge) | Production volume in kind |
1. | ||
2. |
1-2) functional purpose and scope of application;
1-3) basic technical, aesthetic and other characteristics of the product;
1-4) indicators of manufacturability of products (operational and other qualities);
1-5) compliance with state standards and regulations;
1-6) cost characteristic (per unit of production - cost price, wholesale price, retail price);
1-7) information on patent and license protection, copyrights, trademarks and other objects of intellectual property.
2. Description of sales markets (export and domestic):
2-1) a description of the main companies operating in this market segment;
2-2) description of products offered by competing companies;
2-3) characteristic features of the market, its detailed segmentation (territorial, demographic and others), the allocation of a market niche;
2-4) quantitative characteristics of the market (annual volumes in physical and monetary terms, trends towards an increase / decrease in demand);
2-5) substantiation of the potential market share that the company's products can occupy (TAM (Total Addressable Market) - the total volume of the target market; SOM (Serviceable & Obtainable Market) - the actually achievable market volume; SAM (Served / Serviceable Available Market) - the available market size);
2-6) secondary markets (associated with the main market by territorial, seasonal and other characteristics);
2-7) main trends in the studied markets, expected changes;
2-8) availability of contracts with potential consumers of products and documents confirming the readiness to purchase products (protocols of intentions, preliminary supply contracts, supply contracts;
2-9) regulatory and legal field, the availability of regulatory documents, special requirements, ways to satisfy them, associated costs and time costs. Forecast of changes in the legal regulation of this market;
2-10) the presence of factors that provide a significant impact on the successful sale of products in this market (pricing policy, superiority of products in terms of technical characteristics, reputation in the market, relations with contractors, labor collective, extraordinary qualities.
3) Risk analysis:
3-1) a description of the applied risk assessment methodology;
3-2) identification of risks, in the context of: planned stages of the project's life; types of risk (financial, technical, legal, commercial, production, organizational); the nature of the consequences (permissible, critical, catastrophic); by the nature of accounting (internal, external).
3-3) ranking of risks according to the degree of influence and probability of occurrence, and the formation of a risk map (using the method of “sensitivity analysis”);
3-4) measures to prevent risks (with a reflection of the cost of their implementation).
4. Technical section
1. Brief description of the project technology;
2. Justification of the choice of a technological solution;
3. Related infrastructure and transport opportunities;
4. Factors determining the volume of production of goods (services) under the project;
5. Comparative analysis of alternative solutions in terms of technical and cost characteristics (technical level and cost of goods and services offered for production in comparison with analogues, links to the source of information):
Name of indicators | Indicator value | ||
Proposed sample | Analogue №1 | Analogue №2 | |
6. Provision with resources:
1) Raw materials and materials: list of types of used raw materials and materials.
2) Equipment and components: a list of the required equipment and components, and the main technical characteristics for them; novelty of equipment and technology; the cost of equipment and components, taking into account transportation costs, tax obligations, customs duties, installation and commissioning works; justification of the need to select a supplier of equipment and components.
3) Overhead costs: a list of overhead costs; overhead costs; justification of the need and choice of suppliers.
4) Production personnel: availability of personnel with the required qualifications; market analysis of specialists, required qualifications; description of the sources and cost of staffing the required qualifications.
5. Financial section
Size and structure of project financing:
1) Structure of financing by sources and components: own funds; innovative grant; borrowed funds.
2) Financial model of the project: production program; forecast of sales volumes in monetary terms; calculation of production costs and sales costs; forecast report on income and expenses; forecast cash flow statement; forecast of the break-even point of the project.
3) Financial and economic indicators: net present value (NPV) for the life cycle of the project; internal rate of return (IRR) for the project life cycle; payback period of the project (simple and discounted); simple rate of return (profitability) for each year of the project's life; taxes paid, customs duties and payments to the budget by types.
6. Environmental section
Compliance of the project technology with the standards and regulations for the impact on the environment.
7. Socio-economic section
1) Compliance of the project with the needs of the country's economy (state programs and other documents);
2) Increase in the production of food products and non-food consumer goods;
3) Import substitution (volume and cost of substituted imports);
4) Increase in exports (volume and value of exports);
5) Creation of new jobs.
Head of the organization
_______________ ________________________________________________________
(signature) (surname, name, patronymic)
Seal (if any)