On approval of the Rules for procurement of goods and services for implementation of the expertise during the state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality

New Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 26, 2020, No. ҚР ДСМ-154/2020. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 28, 2020 No. 21523

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 56) of Article 7 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On public health and healthcare system" I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for procurement of goods and services for implementation of the expertise during the state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality.

      2. To recognize as terminated:

      1) Order of the Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 26, 2015 No. 525 "On approval of the Rules for procurement of goods and services for implementation of expertise during state registration of medicines, medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality" (registered in the State Register of Normative Legal Acts under No. 11783, published on August 25, 2015 in the Legal Information System “Adilet”);

      2) Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 10, 2019 No. ҚР ДСМ-93 "On Amending the Order of the Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 26, 2015 No. 525 "On approval of the Rules for the procurement of goods and services for the expertise of state registration of medicines, medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality "(registered in the State Register of Normative Legal Acts under No.18827, published on June 19, 2019 the Reference Control Bank of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

      3. The Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:

      1) state registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) posting this Order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this Order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan the information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Supervising Vice-Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. This Order shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of Healthcare of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Tsoi

by Order of the Minister
of Healthcare of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated October 26, 2020
No. ҚР ДСM-154/2020

The Rules for procurement of goods and services for implementation of the expertise during the state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules for procurement of goods and services for the expertise of state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 56) of Article 7 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 "On public health and healthcare system" (hereinafter referred to as the Code) and shall determine the procedure for procurement of goods and services for implementation of the expertise during the state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality.

      2. Basic concepts shall be used in these Rules:

      1) potential supplier - an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity, a legal entity (except for state institutions, unless otherwise established for them by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan), a consortium, claiming to conclude a procurement contract;

      2) competitive price offer - the price proposed by a potential supplier for participation in procurement by the method of tender, attached to the application for participation in the tender;

      3) tender commission - a collegial body created by the procurement organizer to perform the procurement procedure by the tender method provided for by these Rules;

      4) tender documentation - documentation provided to a potential supplier for preparing an application for participation in a tender, which contains the conditions and procedure for conducting procurement by the tender method;

      5) service - an activity aimed at meeting the needs of the organizer (customer), which does not have a tangible result;

      6) residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan - legal entities created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a location on its territory, as well as their branches and representative offices with a location in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;

      7) supplier - an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity, a legal entity (except for state institutions, unless otherwise established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan), a consortium acting as a counterparty of the customer in the procurement contract concluded with him;

      8) expert commission - a collegial body created by the organizer (customer) of procurement with the involvement of experts to participate in the development of technical specifications for purchased goods, services and (or) preparation of an expert opinion regarding the compliance of proposals of potential suppliers with the technical specifications of purchased goods, services;

      9) expert - an individual who has special and (or) technical knowledge, experience and qualifications in the field of public procurement, confirmed by relevant documents (diplomas, certificates, attestation and other documents), attracted by the organizer of public procurement or the customer to participate in the development of technical assignments and (or) technical specification of purchased goods, works, services and (or) preparation of an expert opinion regarding the compliance of proposals of potential suppliers with technical specifications of purchased goods, works, services;

      10) procurement - the purchase by the customer of goods and services necessary for the implementation of the expertise during the state registration of medicines, medical devices and the assessment of their safety and quality, carried out in the manner prescribed by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these Rules, with the exception of the purchase of goods and services carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as within the framework of the implementation of investment projects financed by international organizations, of which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a member, including using the procurement web portal (list of goods for purchase: laboratory animals, feed for laboratory animals, disinfectants, fixed assets, including: laboratory equipment (test equipment) and appliances, laboratory furniture, measuring instruments, chemical agents and reagents, precursors and poisons, working standard samples, test strains, nutrient media, laboratory glassware, consumables for laboratory equipment, consumables and reagents for testing bacterial endotoxins, personal protective equipment, laboratory clothing, other supplies (including European Pharmacopoeia, US Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia). The list of services for purchase: technical expertise of autoclaves, calibration, repair and maintenance of laboratory equipment, participation in laboratory professional testing programs, accreditation for compliance with the standard of good laboratory practice (GLP), disposal of medical waste and laboratory reagents, glassware, medical devices, disposal of biological waste (anatomical materials, organs, tissues) and services to access the British Form Guide).

      11) web portal of procurement - information system of the organizer (customer), which provides a single point of access to electronic procurement;

      12) procurement contract - a civil contract concluded between the Customer and the supplier, including in electronic form via the procurement web portal;

      13) goods - an object (thing), including semi-finished products or raw materials in a solid, liquid or gaseous state, objectified results of creative intellectual activity, property rights, equipment (apparatus, devices and equipment used separately, in complexes or systems);

      14) organizer (customer) - a state expert organization in the field of circulation of medicines, medical devices or its branch;

      15) electronic digital signature - a set of electronic digital symbols created via an electronic digital signature and confirming the authenticity of an electronic document, its ownership and the invariability of its content.

      3. These Rules apply to potential suppliers involved in the supply and provide for the purchase of goods and services for the expertise of state registration of medicines, medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality.

      4. Procurement shall be based on the principles:

      1) optimal and efficient spending of money used for purchases;

      2) providing potential suppliers with equal opportunities to participate in the procurement procedure;

      3) fair tender among potential suppliers;

      4) openness and transparency of the procurement process;

      5) responsibility of the procurement participants;

      6) prevention of corruption manifestations;

      7) execution of the procurement contract.

      5. The procurement procedure shall include:

      1) development and approval of the procurement plan;

      2) selection of a supplier;

      3) conclusion and execution of a procurement contract.

Chapter 2. The procedure for development and approval of procurement plan for goods and services for implementation of expertise during state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality

      6. The annual procurement plan shall be developed and approved by the organizer (customer) based on the development plan.

      7. The annual procurement plan shall be approved by the organizer (customer) within ten working days from the date of approval of the development plan.

      8. The organizer (customer), within five working days from the date of approval of the annual procurement plan, shall place it on the Internet resource and the procurement web portal.

      9. The annual procurement plan shall be signed by the first head of the organizer (customer) or his substitute.

      10. The organizer (customer) shall make changes and (or) additions to the annual procurement plan no more than twice a month.

      11. The organizer (customer), within five working days from the date of the decision to amend and (or) additions to the annual procurement plan, shall place the amendments and (or) additions on the Internet resource and the procurement web portal.

Chapter 3. The procedure for procurement of goods and services for implementation of expertise during state registration of medicines and medical devices and assessment of their safety and quality

      12. The purchase shall be carried out in the following ways:

      1) tender for selection of a supplier according to qualification requirements and technical characteristics;

      2) tender for selection of a supplier according to qualification requirements and technical characteristics via the procurement web portal;

      3) request for quotations;

      4) from a single source.

      The procurement provided for in subparagraphs 2) -4) of this paragraph shall be carried out by the organizer (customer) of the procurement electronically via the procurement web portal. If the procurement web portal is inoperable for more than 5 (five) working days or the organizer (customer) does not have access to the procurement web portal functionality, the procurement shall be carried out in a paper form.

      13. The customer shall determine the procurement method based on the annual volume of goods and services required to support the customer's activities:

      1) tender for selection of a supplier according to qualification requirements and technical characteristics - if the annual volume of purchases of a certain product(s) or certain service in value terms exceeds seven thousand times the size of the monthly calculation index established by the law on the republican budget for the relevant financial year;

      2) request for quotations - if the annual volume of purchases of a certain product(s) or certain service in value terms does not exceed seven thousand times the size of the monthly calculation index established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year;

      3) from a single source in the cases provided for in paragraphs 90 and 91 of these Rules.

Paragraph 1. Tender for the selection of a supplier for qualification requirements and technical characteristics

      14. To carry out the procedures for the procurement of goods and services, the organizer (customer) of purchases for each procurement separately shall create a tender commission and determine the secretary of the tender commission.

      The decision on the creation of the tender commission and the appointment of the secretary of the tender commission shall be made by the first head of the organizer (customer) or the person performing his duties and is drawn up in the form of an order.

      The members of the tender commission shall be the chairman, deputy chairman and other members of the tender commission. During the absence of the chairman, his functions are performed by the deputy. The total number of members of the tender commission shall be odd and at least five people.

      The chairman of the tender commission shall be determined by the first head of the organizer (customer).

      15. Chairman of the tender commission shall:

      1) plan the work and manage the activities of the tender commission;

      2) preside over the meetings of the tender commission;

      3) perform other functions provided for by these Rules.

      16. The Commission shall act from the date of entry into force of the decision on its creation and cease to operate from the date of the conclusion of the contract for the procurement of goods and services.

      17. Meetings of the tender commission shall be held subject to the presence of a simple majority of the total number of members of the tender commission and shall be drawn up in a protocol signed by the members of the tender commission present and the secretary of the tender commission. In the absence of any member of the tender commission, the protocol of the meeting of the tender commission shall indicate the reason for his absence with the attachment of a document confirming this fact.

      18. The decision of the tender commission shall be adopted by open voting and considered adopted if the majority of votes from the total number of members of the tender commission present at the meeting are cast for it. In the case of an equality of votes, the decision shall be considered adopted if the chairman of the tender commission or, in his/her absence, the deputy chairman voted. In case of disagreement with the decision of the tender commission, any member of this tender commission has the right to a special opinion, which shall be set out in writing and attached to the protocol of the meeting of the tender commission.

      19. The organizational activity of the tender commission shall be provided by the secretary of the tender commission. The secretary of the tender commission shall not be a member of the tender commission and shall not have the right to vote when the tender commission makes decisions.

      The secretary of the tender commission shall be determined from among the officials of the structural unit of the procurement organizer (customer) responsible for organizing and conducting procurement.

      Secretary of the tender commission shall:

      1) form the agenda of the meeting of the tender commission, provide the commission with the necessary documents, organize the meeting of the tender commission;

      2) draw up and sign the protocol of opening envelopes with applications for participation in the tender, the protocol on admission to participation in the tender, the protocol on the results of the procurement tender, and other protocols of the meetings of the tender commission;

      3) send to the organizer (customer) procurement protocol of the meetings signed by the tender commission;

      4) ensure the safety of documents and materials for the procurement of goods and services from the moment of opening bids;

      5) carry out the registration of potential suppliers in the register.

      20. If the organizer (customer) does not have specialists of the appropriate profile to determine the compliance of the goods and services offered by potential suppliers with the requirements of the technical specifications of the organizer (customer), the organizer (customer) shall engage an expert(s) both on a paid and free basis on the agreement of the parties.

      The prerequisite for attracting an expert shall be the compliance of the profile of his/her activities with the subject of procurement.

      21. If several experts are involved, the procurement organizer (customer) shall form an expert commission from among the involved experts and, by order of the organizer (customer), determine the head of the expert commission among them.

      22. Experts (expert commission) shall give an expert opinion on the conformity of the goods and services offered by potential suppliers to the requirements of the technical specification of the organizer (customer) and shall not have the right to vote when the tender commission makes a decision. The conclusion of the experts (expert commission) shall be taken into account by the tender commission if it is drawn up within the requirements provided for in the technical specification. The expert opinion shall be drawn up in writing, signed by experts (members of the expert commission) and attached to the protocol on the results of the tender.

      If the expert does not agree with the conclusion of the commission, this expert shall express his opinion in writing, which shall be attached to the conclusion of the expert commission and be its integral part.

      23. The tender documentation shall specify the name of the procurement, the final date and time of submission of sealed envelopes, the date and time of opening the envelopes, the name, a brief description of goods and services, additional characteristics of goods and services, the estimated volume and expected delivery time of goods and services.

      The tender documentation shall be divided into lots:

      1) goods and services that are not similar;

      2) similar goods and services at the place of their delivery (provision);

      3) types of similar goods and services by type and (or) at the place of their delivery (provision).

      If there are at least five places of delivery of goods, all places of delivery of goods shall be indicated in the lot.

      The organizer (customer) of procurement in the course of procurement provides in one lot for the purchase of goods and services with complex technical characteristics and specifications and consisting of several interconnected components.

      Tender documentation shall contain a list of documents provided by a potential supplier to confirm its compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation.

      24. When making a selection among potential suppliers of goods and services, the organizer (customer) at least ten calendar days before the final date of submission by potential suppliers of applications for participation in the tender shall:

      1) place on the organizer's (customer's) procurement Internet resource or web portal an announcement of a tender in the form in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules and tender documentation drawn up in accordance with these Rules and approved by the organizer (customer);

      2) provide on the Internet resource or web portal of procurement and in the corresponding register of the organizer (customer) registration, in chronological order, of the fact of submission of the tender documentation with the indication of information about the location, postal, and e-mail addresses, other information about the person who received the tender documentation.

      25. Consideration of applications from potential suppliers for participation in the tender (hereinafter referred to as the Application) shall be carried out within ten calendar days from the date of opening the tender applications.

      26. The application for participation in the tender shall be submitted by the authorized representative of the potential supplier to the organizer (customer) of purchases in a sealed envelope, with the necessary documents attached and the name of the application for the tender being held (if more than one lot, then the number of the lots), date and time opening the envelopes specified in the tender documentation, the full name of the potential supplier, its legal and postal addresses, contact numbers.

      The organizer (customer) in chronological order shall enter in the registration log of applications for participation the information about potential suppliers who submitted envelopes with applications for participation before the expiration of the period established by the tender documentation.

      27. The application for participation in the tender of a potential supplier shall be submitted in a stitched form, with numbered pages and the last page is certified by the signature of an authorized person of the potential supplier.

      28. Envelopes with applications for participation in the tender in violation of the requirements for the design of envelopes in accordance with clause 26 of these Rules and envelopes with applications submitted after the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications in sealed envelopes specified in the tender documentation are not subject to acceptance, registration and opening.

      29. The start time of the meeting of the tender commission for opening envelopes with bids from potential suppliers must be no later than three hours from the end of the acceptance of envelopes with bids.

      30. At the meeting of the tender commission, the presence of a potential supplier or his authorized representative is allowed, with the right to conduct audio recording and video filming, which are preliminarily registered by the secretary in the register of potential suppliers and their authorized representatives.

      31. Not later than 30 (thirty) minutes before the start of the meeting of the tender commission, the secretary of the tender commission shall check the documented powers of representatives of potential suppliers to represent the interests of potential suppliers when carrying out the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in the tender and enters the relevant information in the register of potential suppliers and their authorized representatives (in any form). Opening of envelopes with bids from potential suppliers shall be drawn up by a protocol of opening envelopes with bids for participation in the tender in the form in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules.

      32. The register of potential suppliers and their authorized representatives shall contain the name of the organization whose interests are represented, the number and date of the power of attorney, the authorized person, the date and time of registration.

      33. The register shall be numbered and laced by the organizer (customer) purchases.

      34. Applications of potential suppliers shall be considered by the tender commission for compliance with the qualification requirements specified in the tender documentation (technical specification).

      35. When considering applications, if necessary, the commission shall request in writing:

      1) from potential suppliers materials and explanations to facilitate the consideration of applications;

      2) to clarify information and obtain the necessary information from the relevant state bodies, individuals and legal entities.

      The tender commission shall not send a request and shall not take other actions related to bringing the application in line with the requirements of the tender documentation, which consists of supplementing the application with missing documents, replacing documents, and bringing in compliance with improperly executed documents presented in the application.

      36. The Commission shall consider the application as meeting the requirements of the tender documentation if it contains grammatical or arithmetic errors, which are corrected without affecting the essence of the submitted application.

      37. The application for participation in the tender shall be submitted by a potential supplier before the expiry of the deadline for its submission, specified in the tender documentation.

      38. An application for participation in a tender shall be a form of expressing the consent of a potential supplier applying for participation in the tender to supply goods (provide a service) in accordance with the requirements and conditions stipulated by the tender documentation.

      39. The application for participation in the tender submitted to the organizer (customer) by a potential supplier who has expressed a desire to participate in the tender to confirm its compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation shall contain:

      1) a completed and signed by a potential supplier an application for participation in a tender for legal entities in the form in accordance with Annex 3 to these Rules and (or) a completed and signed application for participation in a tender for individuals in accordance with Annex 4 to these Rules;

      2) a list of documents submitted by a potential supplier in confirmation of its compliance with the qualification requirements:

      Notarized documents confirming legal capacity (for legal entities), civil legal capacity (for individuals):

      notarially certified copy of the license and (or) patents, certificates, diplomas and other documents confirming the right of the potential supplier on the production, processing, delivery and sale of goods and services procured;

      information on the absence (presence) of tax arrears of the taxpayer, arrears in mandatory pension contributions, mandatory professional pension contributions and social contributions, issued not earlier than the date of the announcement of the tender in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 100 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On taxes and other mandatory payments to the budget";

      information on the qualifications of a potential supplier for the supply of goods in the form in accordance with Annex 5 to these Rules and (or) information on the qualifications of a potential supplier for the provision of services in the form in accordance with Annex 6 to these Rules;

      information about the co-contractors in the provision of services that are the subject of procurement at the tender, the types of services transferred by a potential supplier to co-contractors in accordance with Annex 7 to these Rules, for co-performance, but not more than two-thirds of the volume (cost) of services in total.

      If a potential supplier envisages attracting co-contractors of services, then the potential supplier shall provide the organizer (customer) of the procurement with documents confirming the compliance of the involved co-contractors with qualification requirements.

      3) a technical specification indicating the names of the offered goods, their place of origin, year of manufacture, model, if any, with a description of the functional, technical, quality and performance characteristics of goods, services, terms and (or) volumes of performance characteristics of goods, services, terms and (or) the volume of delivery of goods, provision of services, provision of quality guarantees for servicing goods, costs of operating the goods, terms of delivery of goods, provision of services;

      4) securing the application for participation in the tender in the amount established in paragraph 46 of these Rules, in the form of a bank guarantee or a payment document confirming the guarantee monetary contribution placed on the bank account of the organizer (customer) of the procurement;

      5) a power of attorney to the person (persons) representing the interests of a potential supplier for the right to sign an application for participation in the tender and to participate in meetings of the tender commission.

      The application of a potential supplier - an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity, shall also contain a notarized copy of a document granting the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, issued by the relevant state body (to confirm the existence of civil legal capacity to conclude a procurement contract).

      40. A potential supplier and his co-executor, if any, in confirmation of compliance with the qualification requirements, shall submit the relevant documents to the organizer (customer) of the procurement, in the manner and terms stipulated by these Rules.

      A potential supplier - a non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in confirmation of its compliance with the qualification requirements, shall submit the same documents as residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or documents containing similar information about the qualifications of a potential supplier - a non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall further provide a document confirming residency, issued by the competent authority of the State of residence, or a notarially attested copy. In case of a change in the registration data in the country of residence, a document confirming the residence, or its notarized copy, taking into account the changed data, is submitted.

      A potential supplier shall not be allowed to participate in the tender and shall be recognized as not complying with the qualification requirements if the documents specified in the tender documentation are not provided and do not comply with the technical specification and the terms of the tender documentation.

      41. The tender commission shall recognize the submitted security of the application for participation in the tender as not complying with the requirements of the tender documentation in the event of:

      1) the expiration of the validity period of the security of the application for participation in the tender, presented in the form of a bank guarantee;

      2) improper execution of the security of the application for participation in the tender, which is expressed in the absence of information that does not allow the tender commission to establish the following:

      the person who issued the security for the application for participation in the tender;

      absence of a document confirming the authority of the official who signed the application security;

      the name of the procurement of goods and services by the tender method, for participation in which the security of the application presented in the form of a bank guarantee is submitted;

      the validity period of the application security for participation in the tender, presented in the form of a bank guarantee and (or) the amount of the application security and the conditions for its provision;

      the person to whom the security of the application for participation in the tender was issued;

      the person in whose favor the security of the application for participation in the tender is made;

      3) making security for the tender application in the amount of less than three percent of the amount allocated for the tender (lot).

      The validity period of applications for participation in the tender (the validity period of a tender application submitted by a potential supplier for participation in a tender for the procurement of goods, services shall be at least 35 calendar days from the date of opening of tender applications. A tender application having a shorter validity period than specified in tender documentation shall be rejected.

      42. Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the tender, the tender commission shall:

      1) determine potential suppliers that meet the qualification requirements and requirements of the technical specification, who are allowed to participate in the tender (tender participants);

      2) draw up a protocol on admission to participate in the tender and determine the day, time, place of the presentation by potential suppliers admitted to participating in the tender (tender participants), competitive price proposals to the procurement organizer (customer).

      43. The protocol on admission to participation in the tender in the form in accordance with Annex 8 to these Rules shall be signed by the chairman, all members of the tender commission present at the meeting and the secretary of the tender commission.

      44. The organizer (customer), no later than one working day following the day of signing the admission protocol, shall notify potential suppliers who have submitted Applications on the decision taken by the tender commission by:

      1) submission or sending a copy of the admission protocol;

      2) posting the text of the signed protocol on the Internet resource or the procurement web portal of the organizer (customer).

      45. The decision of the tender commission on admission may be appealed in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

      46. The security for the application for participation in the tender shall be made by a potential supplier in the amount of at least three percent of the amount allocated for the tender (lot) for the purchase of goods and services. A potential supplier shall make a security for an application for participation in a tender for lots for which a tender application is submitted.

      47. The potential supplier shall make a security for the tender application in the form of a guaranteed cash contribution, which shall be paid by the potential supplier to the bank account of the organizer (customer) of purchases or the account provided for by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for organizers (customers) of purchases, or a bank guarantee in the form according to Annex 9 to these Rules.

      48. The validity period of the bank guarantee shall correspond to the validity period of the tender application itself. It is allowed to extend the term of the bank guarantee by a potential supplier for the term of the application itself.

      49. All tender applications that do not have a tender application security shall be rejected by the tender commission as not meeting the requirements of the tender documentation.

      50. The security of the application for participation in the tender shall not be returned by the organizer (customer) of purchases in the event of one of the following cases:

      1) the potential supplier withdrew or changed and (or) supplemented the application for participation in the tender after the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the tender;

      2) a potential supplier, recognized as a participant in the tender, did not submit within the established time limit or withdrew his tender price offer;

      3) the potential supplier, determined by the winner of the tender, evaded the conclusion of the procurement contract;

      4) the winner of the tender, having concluded a procurement contract, did not fulfill or did not fulfill in time the requirements established by the tender documentation on the entry and (or) the deadlines for making the security for the fulfillment of the procurement contract.

      In the event of one of the cases provided for in this paragraph, the amount of security for the application for participation in the tender is credited to the income of the organizer (customer).

      51. The security for the application for participation in the tender shall be returned within three working days from the date of one of the following cases:

      1) withdrawal by this potential supplier of its application for participation in the tender before the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the tender;

      2) signing the protocol on admission to participation in the tender. The specified case shall not be applied to potential suppliers recognized as bidders;

      3) signing the protocol on the results of procurement by the method of tender. The specified case shall not be applied to the participant of the tender, determined by the winner of the tender;

      4) the entry into force of the procurement contract and the entry into force by the winner of the tender of securing the execution of the procurement contract provided for in the tender documentation.

      52. A potential supplier admitted to participating in the tender (tender participant) no later than the deadline specified in the protocol on admission to participation in the tender shall provide the organizer (customer) of the procurement with an envelope with a competitive price proposal.

      53. Within the time limits established by the protocol on admission to participation, the tender commission holds a meeting to evaluate and compare the competitive price proposals of the tender participants.

      54. During the period established by the protocol on admission to participation in the tender, the secretary of the tender commission shall:

      1) make sure that there is documentary evidence of the powers of representatives of the bidders to submit envelopes with competitive price bids and participate in a meeting of the tender commission;

      2) enter information about the bidders or their authorized representatives into the register of competitive price proposals.

      55. Envelopes with competitive price proposals submitted after the expiration of the time specified in the protocol on admission to participation in the tender shall not be accepted for evaluation and comparison.

      56. The secretary of the tender commission shall indicate the list of tender participants who were denied registration, stating the reasons for such refusal in the register of tender price proposals.

      57. At the meeting of the tender commission:

      1) the chairman of the tender commission or a person determined by the chairman from among the members of the tender commission shall:

      open envelopes with competitive price proposals of the participants of the tender in the chronological order of their registration;

      announce, in chronological order of registration, the competitive price proposals of the bidders who submitted the competitive price proposals;

      hand over to the secretary of the tender commission the opened envelopes with competitive price proposals;

      2) tender commission shall:

      reject the competitive price proposals of the bidders above the amount allocated for these purchases of goods and services;

      compare the prices of the bidders and determine the winner of the bidding among them based on the lowest price;

      if the prices of the competitive bids and the experience in the market of purchasing goods and services that are the subject of the tender are equal, the winner shall be the potential supplier who submitted the competitive price proposal earlier than the price proposals of other potential suppliers.

      58. Based on the results of the meeting of the tender commission:

      1) the chairman, and in his absence, the deputy chairman of the tender commission on the day of the assessment and comparison of competitive price proposals shall:

      announce to the persons present at the meeting of the tender commission the results of the procurement of goods and services and announces the winner of the tender to those present;

      issue to the winner of the tender a written notice of recognition of him as the winner, signed by the chairman of the tender commission or the person acting as his/her;

      inform the tender participants or their authorized representatives about the date, time and place of submission of a copy of the protocol on the results of the procurement of goods and services;

      2) the secretary of the tender commission shall:

      no later than two working days from the date of the meeting of the tender commission for evaluating and comparing the competitive price proposals of the bidders, draw up a protocol on the results of the procurement tender in the form in accordance with Annex 10 to these Rules and ensure its signing by all members of the tender commission and the secretary of the tender commission who were present at the meeting ;

      at the request of any potential supplier, information about which is entered in the register of applications for participation in the tender, who applied for participation in the tender, within one working day from the date of receipt of such a written request, send or provide authorized representatives of such potential suppliers free of charge a copy of the protocol on the results of the procurement of goods, services;

      within two working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the procurement of goods, services, provide the organizer (customer) with a copy of the said protocol.

      59. The organizer (customer) of purchases within two working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the procurement of goods, services shall place the text of the protocol on the Internet resource of the organizer (customer).

      60. The information contained in the protocol on the results of the procurement and posted on the organizer's (customer's) Internet resource must be available for review to all interested parties without charging a fee.

      61. Purchases by the tender method shall be considered invalid in the following cases:

      1) the absence of submitted applications;

      2) submission of fewer than two applications;

      3) not a single potential supplier was allowed to participate in the tender;

      4) one potential supplier was admitted to participate in the tender.

      62. If the procurement by the method of tender is declared invalid, the organizer (customer) shall make one of the following decisions:

      1) on repeated procurement by the tender method;

      2) on changing the tender documentation and repeated procurement by the tender method.

      63. For failed purchases by the tender method, the organizer (customer) purchases by the method from a single source in the following cases:

      1) the absence of submitted applications for participation in the tender. In this case, a potential supplier, to whom an invitation is sent to participate in procurement by the method from a single source, is determined by the customer;

      2) submission of fewer than two applications for participation in the tender. In this case, an invitation to participate in procurement by the method from a single source is sent to a potential supplier who has submitted an application for participation in the tender and the price of the concluded procurement contract does not exceed the amount allocated for procurement.

Paragraph 2. Tender for the selection of a supplier for qualifications and technical characteristics via the procurement web portal

      64. Organization and conduct of procurement using a tender for the selection of a supplier according to qualification requirements and technical characteristics via the procurement web portal, shall provide for the following sequential activities by the organizer (customer):

      1) determination and approval of the composition of the tender commission, the composition of the expert commission or an expert (if necessary), determination of the secretary of the tender commission;

      2) approval of the draft tender documentation;

      3) placement on the web portal of the announcement of the procurement by the method of tender, as well as the text of the tender documentation;

      4) submission by potential suppliers of applications for participation in the tender in the form of an electronic document and their automatic registration on the web portal;

      5) automatic opening of orders and posting of the corresponding opening protocol on the web portal;

      6) identification of potential suppliers that meet the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation and their recognition as participants in the tender;

      7) automatic comparison of the prices of the bidders by the web portal, determination of the winner of the tender based on the lowest price, as well as the potential supplier who took second place, and posting on the web portal of the protocol on the results of procurement by the method of the tender;

      8) conclusion by the customer of an agreement with the winner based on the protocol on the results of procurement by the method of tender.

      65. The tender commission shall act from the date of entry into force of the decision on its creation and terminate its activity on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

      66. The decision of the tender commission is adopted by voting via the web portal and is considered adopted if a majority of votes from the total number of members of the tender commission are cast for it. In the case of an equality of votes, the decision for which the chairman of the tender commission voted shall be considered adopted.

      In case of disagreement with the decision of the tender commission, any member of this tender commission has the right to a special opinion, which is posted on the web portal in the form of an electronic copy of the document.

      In the absence of a signature of any member of the tender commission, in the corresponding protocol of the tender commission, the secretary of the tender commission on the web portal shall post a document or information containing the reason for the absence of a signature.

      67. The organizational activity of the tender commission shall be provided by the secretary of the tender commission. The secretary of the tender commission shall not be a member of the tender commission and shall not have the right to vote when the tender commission makes decisions. The secretary of the tender commission shall be determined from among the officials of the organizational unit of the organizer responsible for organizing and conducting purchases.

      68. The secretary of the tender commission shall:

      1) form and post on the web portal a draft of the tender documentation;

      2) place on the web portal an announcement of the tender, the protocol of opening applications for participation in the tender, the protocol of admission to participation in the tender, if any, the protocol on the results of public procurement by the tender method, as well as other documents on the web portal, if any;

      3) post on the web portal the conclusion of the expert commission or expert, if any;

      69. The draft of the tender documentation shall be approved by the first head of the customer or the person acting in his duties and contains the name of the procurement, the final date and time of submission of bids from potential suppliers, the name, a brief description of goods and services, additional characteristics of goods and services, the estimated volume and estimated delivery time goods and services, as well as a request for documents confirming the compliance of a potential supplier with special qualification requirements, in accordance with subparagraph 2) of paragraph 39 of these Rules.

      70. The deadline for the final date for submitting applications for participation in the tender by potential suppliers shall be at least ten calendar days from the date of posting the text of the approved tender documentation on the procurement web portal.

      71. The application for participation in the tender shall be submitted in the form of an electronic document via the web portal before the expiration of the deadline for its submission specified in the tender documentation, shall contain the documents listed in the tender documentation and is a form of expressing the consent of the potential supplier with the requirements and conditions established by the tender documentation, as well as the consent of a potential supplier to receive information about him, confirming compliance with the qualification requirements and restrictions established by these Rules.

      72. The validity period of the application for participation in the tender submitted by a potential supplier to participate in the tender corresponds to the required period established by the tender documentation.

      73. Applications for participation in the tender submitted by potential suppliers shall be automatically registered on the web portal.

      74. A potential supplier, if necessary, shall change or withdraw his/her application for participation in the tender at any time before the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the tender, without losing the right to return the security of his application for participation in the tender that he has made.

       The withdrawal of the application for participation in the tender after the expiration of the deadline for their submission is not allowed.

      75. Opening of applications for participation in the tender shall be done by the web portal automatically. The protocol of the opening of applications for participation in the tender shall be posted by the web portal at the time of their opening. At the same time, the web portal shall send automatic notifications to the members of the tender commission, potential suppliers who have submitted applications for participation in the tender.

      76. If only one application for participation is submitted to the tender, then such an application shall also be opened and considered in accordance with these Rules.

      77. The tender commission via the web portal considers applications for participation in the tender to identify potential suppliers that meet the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation within ten calendar days from the date of opening the tender applications.

      78. Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the tender for compliance of potential suppliers with the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation, draws up a protocol for admission to participation in the tender, which is signed by the chairman and all members of the tender commission, as well as the secretary of the tender commission on the day the decision is made to consider applications for participation in the tender and posted by the secretary of the tender commission on the web portal with automatic notification by e-mail of all potential suppliers who have applied for participation in the tender.

      79. The protocol of admission to participation in the tender shall contain:

      1) information about potential suppliers that meet the qualification requirements and the requirements of the technical specification, which are allowed to participate in the tender (tender participants);

      2) about potential suppliers, whose applications for participation in the tender were rejected, with a detailed description of the reasons for their rejection, including indicating information and documents confirming their non-compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation;

      3) the day, time, place of the presentation by potential suppliers admitted to participating in the tender (participants in the tender), competitive price proposals to the organizer (customer) of purchases.

      80. Potential suppliers admitted to participating in the tender (bidders) no later than the deadline specified in the protocol on admission to participation in the tender shall provide the organizer (customer) of the procurement with competitive price proposals via the procurement web portal.

      81. The tender price offer shall be opened by the web portal automatically following the results of consideration of the application for participation in the tender for compliance with the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation.

      82. The web portal shall automatically compare the bidder's prices and determine the bidder based on the lowest price for the procurement item.

      83. The bidder who took the second place according to the results of the evaluation and comparison of the Bids is determined based on the price following the lowest conventional price.

      84. In case of an equality of prices of competitive bids and experience in the market of purchased goods, services that are the subject of the tender, the winner shall be the potential supplier who provided the competitive price offer earlier than the price offers of other potential suppliers.

      85. Based on the results of the evaluation and comparison of competitive price proposals, the web portal automatically generates a protocol on the results in the form in accordance with Annex 10 to these Rules, which is signed by the chairman and all members of the tender commission, as well as the secretary of the tender commission on the day the decision is made.

Clause 3. Request for quotations

      86. If the annual volume of purchases of a certain product(s), or certain service in value terms does not exceed seven thousand times the size of the monthly calculation indicator established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year, then purchases shall be carried out by the method of request for quotations and shall be carried out in the next order:

      1) the organizer (customer) of purchases, no later than five working days before the deadline for submitting price proposals, shall send a request for procurement to at least two potential suppliers and places the same request on an Internet resource or a web portal in Kazakh and Russian languages, the following information about conducted public procurement by way of requesting price proposals from the organizer (customer). The request shall contain the following information:

      on the number of goods, on the volume of services provided that are the subject of ongoing purchases, indicating the amounts allocated for purchases;

      technical specification of the purchased goods, services in the form in accordance with Annex 11 to these Rules;

      place of delivery of goods, provision of services;

      the required time for the delivery of goods, the provision of services;

      on the start and end dates for the submission of price offers by potential suppliers.

      Documents confirming compliance with the qualification requirements from potential suppliers shall not be requested, except for the purchase of goods and services, the supply (provision) of which requires obtaining a permit or sending a notification in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on permits and notifications. In this case, the potential supplier is notarially certified copies of licenses and (or) patents, certificates, diplomas and other documents confirming the right of the potential supplier on the production, processing, delivery and sale of goods and services procured;

      2) the price offer of a potential supplier shall be a form of expression of the desire to take part in the procurement by requesting price proposals as a potential supplier and expressing consent to supply the goods (s), provide services in accordance with the requirements and conditions provided for in the request of the organizer (customer);

      3) the price offer shall be submitted by the potential supplier via the web portal to the organizer before the end of the deadline for accepting price offers specified in the announcement;

      4) the price offer shall be considered accepted after the web portal automatically sends a corresponding notification to the potential supplier who submitted the price offer;

      5) price proposals submitted before the end of the period specified in the request of the procurement organizer (customer) shall be entered in the envelope registration log with price proposals in chronological order as they are submitted;

      6) no later than one business day from the date of the end of the submission of envelopes with price offers, the organizer (customer) shall open the envelopes with price offers of potential suppliers and reviews the price offers of potential suppliers to determine potential suppliers that meet the requirements of the written request and determines the winner of the potential supplier, the price offer which meets the requirements of the written request, and has offered the lowest competitive price offer;

      7) the organizer (customer) on the web portal shall examine the price proposals of potential suppliers to determine potential suppliers that meet the requirements of the request. After the review of the technical characteristics presented by the potential supplier, the customer's representative, the supplier is admitted, based on the admission results, the web portal automatically compares price offers and summarizes the procurement results by requesting price proposals;

      8) if the smallest price offer is presented by several potential suppliers, the winner shall be the potential supplier whose price offer was received earlier than the price offers of other potential suppliers;

      9) the price offer of a potential supplier is subject to rejection if:

      it exceeds the amount allocated for the purchase of these goods, services;

      the potential supplier does not agree, or proposes to change and (or) supplement the essential terms of the draft procurement agreement;

      a potential supplier has submitted more than one price offer;

      a potential supplier submitted a technical specification that does not meet the requirements of the request, except for the cases of submission of a technical specification with better technical, quality and functional characteristics;

      10) the decision on the results of the procurement by the method of price proposals is drawn up with the indication of the following information:

      full name of the organizer (customer) of purchases, their post address;

      the name of the procurement of goods, services;

      the full name of potential suppliers who submitted price proposals before the expiration of the deadline for submitting price proposals, their declared prices for goods and services;

      on rejected price offers with the justification of the reasons for rejection;

      on the winner;

      11) no later than five working days from the end of the deadline for submitting price offers, the procurement organizer (customer) by sending a notification shall inform all potential suppliers who submitted price offers about the results of the procurement, in case of procurement on the procurement web portal, the protocol on the results of the procurement by the request method price proposals are posted on the web portal automatically after summing up the procurement results.

      87. If, after the rejection of price offers on the grounds provided for in subparagraph 9) of paragraph 86 of these Rules, there are less than two price offers of potential suppliers, and if no price offer of potential suppliers is submitted during the period for submitting price offers, such purchases are automatically made by the web portal the organizer (customer) of purchases is recognized as invalid, shall take one of the following decisions:

      1) carry out repeated purchases by requesting price proposals;

      2) carry out public procurement from a single source from a potential supplier, the price offer of which meets the requirements of the request. In this case, the price of the concluded contract shall not exceed the price offer of a potential supplier.

      88. If the potential supplier, determined by the winner based on the procurement results by the request for quotations method, has not submitted the signed procurement contract in time to the organizer (customer) in accordance with clause 100, the organizer (customer) shall make one of the following decisions:

      1) enter into a procurement contract with a potential supplier who offered the same price offer, and in the absence of such a potential supplier with a potential supplier whose price offer is the lowest after the price offered by a potential supplier who avoided concluding a procurement contract;

      2) carry out repeated purchases by the method of requesting price proposals;

      3) carry out purchases by the method from a single source.

Paragraph 4. From a single source

      89. Purchase by the method from a single source is carried out based on failed purchases (request for quotations and tender) and by the direct conclusion of an agreement.

      90. Purchase by the method from a single source for failed purchases shall be carried out by sending an invitation to a potential supplier via the web portal to participate in the procurement by the method from a single source in cases where:

      1) the procurement by the tender method was recognized as terminated in the cases provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of paragraph 63 of these Rules.

      2) purchases by the method of request for quotations were declared invalid in the cases provided for by subparagraph 3) of paragraph 88 of these Rules.

      91. Purchase by the method from a single source by the direct conclusion of a procurement contract is carried out in the following cases:

      1) the purchase of goods and services in the event of breakdowns, failure of laboratory equipment, spare parts and materials requiring immediate restoration in the presence of supporting documents;

      2) the acquisition of goods that are main and (or) auxiliary for industries that are not produced in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are purchased abroad;

      3) purchase of services for preparation for international accreditation and (or) certification, including a network of test accreditations;

      4) the purchase of goods and services, if the organizer (customer), who has purchased goods and services from any supplier, needs to make other purchases from the same supplier to unify, complete, standardize, or ensure compatibility with existing goods, equipment, technology, services;

      5) customs clearance (brokerage services) upon receipt of goods purchased abroad;

      6) purchase of goods, services from educational organizations, scientific and (or) medical organizations and their subsidiaries, services from libraries for the implementation of the statutory activities of the customer;

      7) the acquisition of goods, services that are objects of intellectual property from a person who has exclusive rights concerning the purchased goods, services;

      8) the acquisition of goods, services, if the annual volume of a certain good or certain service does not exceed a thousand-fold size of the monthly calculation indicator established by the law on the republican budget for the relevant financial year, excluding value-added tax.

      Purchase by the method from a single source by the direct conclusion of a procurement contract is carried out in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in compliance with the principles provided for in subparagraphs 2) and 3) of paragraph 4 of the Rules.

      92. A potential supplier of goods and services that are the subject of procurement from a single source, no later than seven working days from the date of receipt of the invitation, sends its written consent to the application to the organizer (customer) or sends to the organizer via the web portal an agreement on participation in procurement from a single source via the procurement web portal with the attachment of the documents provided for in the invitation:

      1) descriptions of goods and services offered by a potential supplier, with the attachment of documents confirming the compliance of the offered goods and services with the requirements of the technical specification;

      2) justification of the price of the offered goods, services;

      3) notarially attested copy of license (if the activity is subject to licensing).

      Justification price shall include a calculation of the value offered to the supply of goods or services, including all costs of the potential supplier for transportation, insurance, customs duties, tax on the value-added tax and other taxes, charges, the cost of parts and mandatory spare parts, maintenance for an initial service life per unit of measurement, other costs.

      93. The organizer (customer) via the web portal considers the documents submitted by the potential supplier, confirming the compliance of the potential supplier with the qualification requirements, except for cases when purchases by the method from a single source are carried out following the results of failed purchases by requesting price proposals, justifying the price offered by him for participation in public procurement from a single source.

      94. Purchases by the method from a single source shall be deemed invalid in the following cases:

      1) if the price of goods and services offered by a potential supplier exceeds the amount allocated for this purchase;

      2) if the potential supplier has evaded the conclusion of the contract;

      3) if a potential supplier has submitted a technical specification that does not meet the requirements established in the technical specification of the organizer (customer), except for cases of submission of a technical specification with better technical, quality and functional characteristics.

      95. If the purchases are declared invalid, the organizer (customer) shall decide to conduct repeated purchases in a specified way.

      96. The organizer (customer) of the procurement shall draw up a protocol on the results of procurement by the method from a single source in the form in accordance with Annex 12 to these Rules.

      97. The organizer (customer), no later than two working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the procurement by the method from a single source, shall place the protocol on the organizer's (customer's) Internet resource or the organizer's (customer's) web portal.

      98. The organizer (customer) shall agree with a potential supplier based on a protocol on the results of purchases using a single source method on paper or on a web portal.

Chapter 4. Conclusion and execution of the contract

      99. The organizer (customer), within five working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the procurement, shall sign and send to the potential supplier a draft procurement agreement or send a draft agreement certified by an electronic digital signature to the winner via the web portal.

      The organizer (customer), before the conclusion of the procurement contract, shall reserve the opportunity to refuse to carry out purchases in cases of reducing the cost of purchasing goods and services provided for in the annual procurement plan, a justified decrease in demand or a justified inexpediency of purchasing goods and services. Cancellation of purchases shall be carried out by making appropriate changes to the annual procurement plan.

      In this case, the Organizer (customer) shall:

      1) within 5 (five) working days from the date of the decision to refuse to carry out procurement, notify the persons participating in the procurement about this and publish the corresponding announcement on the Internet resource of the Organizer (customer) or the procurement web portal;

      2) within 5 (five) working days from the date of the decision to refuse to carry out procurement, return the submitted bids security.

      100. A potential supplier, within five working days from the date of receipt of the signed draft procurement contract, shall provide the organizer (customer) with a procurement contract signed by him.

      101. The customer, within one working day from the date of determining the winner of the procurement, shall send via the web portal to the winner a request for information about the person who signs the contract and the supplier's details for drawing up the contract.

      102. A potential supplier, within three working days from the date of receipt of the relevant request on the web portal, shall fill in and confirm the information about the person who signs the contract and the supplier's details.

      If there is no confirmation of the potential supplier of information about the person who signs the contract, and his details, the customer shall sign the contract in accordance with the registration data of the potential supplier posted on the web portal.

      103. The customer, no later than one working day from the date of expiration of the confirmation period by the potential supplier of information, shall draw up a draft contract, certified by an electronic digital signature, and send it to the potential supplier for signing.

      104. The supplier shall sign the contract with an electronic digital signature via the web portal within five working days from the date of receipt of the signed draft procurement contract.

      105. If the potential supplier, determined by the winner, has not signed the draft contract within the timeframes established by these Rules, the customer, within two working days from the date of the winner's evasion of concluding the contract, shall send the potential supplier who took second place, the draft contract, certified by an electronic digital signature via the web portal.

      106. The supplier, within ten working days from the date of the conclusion of the procurement contract, shall make a security for the execution of the procurement contract.

      107. Security for the execution of the procurement contract shall be made by the supplier as a guarantee that he will timely, fully and properly fulfill his obligations under the procurement contract concluded with him.

      108. The amount of security for the performance of the contract shall be established by the organizer (customer) in the amount of three percent of the total amount of the procurement contract.

      The supplier chooses one of the following types of procurement contract security:

      1) a security deposit that is paid to the bank account of the organizer (customer);

      2) a bank guarantee in the form in accordance with Annex 13 to these Rules.

      109. The organizer (customer) shall not provide for the use of the guaranteed monetary contribution made by the supplier for purposes not stipulated by the procurement contract.

      110. The requirement to make a security for the execution of a procurement contract shall not apply to suppliers identified based on the results of procurement by the request for quotations.

      111. The organizer (customer) shall return the deposited security for the execution of the procurement contract to the supplier within the time specified in the contract or within five working days from the date of full and proper fulfillment by the supplier of its obligations under the contract.

      In the event of improper performance by the supplier of its obligations under the procurement contract, the organizer (customer) shall return the security for the performance of the procurement contract within five working days from the date of establishing the fact of payment of the penalty to the income of the organizer (customer).

      112. The organizer (customer) does not return the security for the performance of the contract if the procurement contract is terminated due to the failure of the supplier of goods and services to fulfill contractual obligations.

      113. The procurement contract contains the conditions for the payment of value-added tax and excise taxes in accordance with the requirements of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget", the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On customs regulation in the Republic Kazakhstan".

      114. To ensure the uninterrupted activity of the organizer (customer), the latter prolongs the validity of the contract for the procurement of goods and services for the period until the results of procurement are summed up through a tender or request for quotations and the entry into force of the procurement contract.

      In this case, such purchases are carried out in a volume not exceeding the volume of purchases of such goods, services necessary to meet the customer's needs during the procurement period, but not more than two months.

      115. Amendments to the concluded procurement agreement shall be carried out in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      116. If a potential supplier, within the time limits established by the Rules, has not submitted to the organizer (customer) a signed procurement contract, then such a potential supplier shall be deemed to have evaded the conclusion of a procurement contract.

      117. If a potential supplier is recognized as evading the conclusion of a procurement contract, the organizer (customer) shall apply to the court with a claim for damages caused by evading the conclusion of the procurement contract.

      118. The execution of the procurement contract shall be carried out in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these Rules.

      119. The procurement contract shall be terminated at any stage in case of revealing one of the following facts:

      1) non-fulfillment of its obligations by the Supplier under the concluded procurement contract;

      2) provision by the organizer of assistance to a potential supplier, not provided for by the Rules;

      3) establishment by the authorized body of the fact of concluding a contract in violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on procurement, except for contracts under which obligations have been duly fulfilled;

      4) evasion from the conclusion of the contract by failing to bring security for the performance of the contract. In this case, the customer, within two working days from the date of expiration of the deadline for entering the security for the execution of the contract, via the web portal, shall send a notification to the supplier of his intention to terminate the contract. If the supplier, within three working days from the date of receipt of the notification via the web portal, has not submitted the security for the performance of the contract, the customer shall send a notice of termination of the contract.

      120. When executing the contract, the name, quantity, quality, technical specification, cost, place and time of delivery of goods (performance of work, rendering of services) must correspond to the content of the contract.

      121. Documents on the execution of the contract (the act of acceptance and transfer of goods, the act of services rendered, invoice) are issued in electronic form.

      122. The contract shall be deemed fulfilled provided that the customer and the supplier fully fulfill their obligations under the said contract.

      123. Execution of the procurement contract for the supply of goods shall be carried out in the following sequence:

      1) delivery of the goods to the point of destination of the goods with the provision of the original invoice;

      2) registration by the supplier of an act of acceptance and transfer of goods via the web portal with an attachment of an electronic copy of the invoice, confirming the fact of delivery of the goods;

      3) acceptance of the goods by the customer;

      4) payment by the customer for the delivered goods.

      The requirements of subparagraph 2) of this paragraph shall not apply to procurement contracts when concluded on paper.

      124. The execution of the procurement contract for the provision of services shall be carried out in the following sequence:

      1) registration of the act of rendering services via the web portal;

      2) delivery and acceptance of services rendered.

      3) registration of an electronic invoice issued via the information system of electronic invoices, in accordance with the Rules for issuing an invoice in electronic form in the information system of electronic invoices;

      4) payment by the customer for the services rendered.

      The requirements of subparagraph 1) of this paragraph do not apply to procurement contracts when concluded on paper.

      125. The supplier sends via the web portal to the customer a certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods approved by an electronic digital signature in the form in accordance with Annex 14 (hereinafter referred to as the Act of acceptance and transfer of goods), an act of services rendered in the form in accordance with Annex 15 with filling in information about goods, services (hereinafter referred to as the act of services rendered) to these Rules.

      126. The customer, no later than three working days from the date of receipt on the web portal of the notification about the supplier's execution of the act of acceptance and transfer of goods, provision of services, shall fill in the information under the contract and signs it with an electronic digital signature or refuses to accept goods, works, services indicating well-reasoned reasons.

      The customer, if it is necessary to further study the delivered goods, services rendered, shall perform the actions provided for in part one of this paragraph no later than ten working days from the date of receipt of the notification, notify the supplier via the web portal no later than three business days from the date of receipt of the notification.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices
and assessment of their safety
and quality
  The form

Announcement of the tender


      (name, postal and e-mail addresses of the procurement organizer (customer))

      hereby announces a tender for the procurement of the following goods and services:


      (name of procurement of goods and services) The

      goods must be delivered (services rendered):


      (the place of delivery of goods and services and their volumes shall be indicated).

      Required delivery time of goods (rendering of services)


      The tender documentation can be received up to "___" ________ 20 __

      (specify the time and date 24 hours before the opening of envelopes with bids from potential

      suppliers for participation in the tender), inclusively, at www.

      Tender documentation is provided free of charge.

      Applications for participation in the tender, sealed in envelopes, are submitted (sent) by

      potential suppliers

      to ________________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the name of the organizer (customer))

      at: ______________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the full address, room number).

      The deadline for submission of applications for participation in the tender is

      up to ______________________________________________________________________

      (indicate time and date).

      Envelopes with applications for participation in the tender will be opened

      at ________________________________________________________________________

      (indicate time and date)

      at the following address: _____________________________________________________

      (indicate a full address, room number)

      Notify the organizer (customer) of the procurement of the fact of receipt of tender documentation

      by sending a letter of receipt of tender documentation to the electronic address of the

      organizer (customer) (indicate the email address)

      Additional information and help may be obtained by phone:


      (indicate the city code and phone number)

      The authorized representative of the organizer (customer) for the procurement of goods and services


      (indicate the surname, first name and patronymic(if any)), position and contact phone number)

  Annex 2
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety
and quality
  The form

Opening protocol of envelopes with applications for participation in the tender
No. ____________


      (name of the tender)

      _______________________ ___________________________________________________

      (Place of opening) (Time and date)

      1. Tender commission consisting of: ____________________________________________


      (full name (if any), position of the chairman, his deputy, members of the

      tender commission, date, time, and place of opening applications for participation in the tender)

      made the procedure for opening envelopes with applications for participation in the tender.

      2. A copy of the tender documentation was provided to the following potential

      suppliers: _________________________________________________________________

      (name, address of all potential suppliers to whom a copy of the

      tender documentation was submitted)

      3. Applications for participation in the tender of the following potential suppliers


      (indicate the name, address of all potential suppliers who submitted applications

      for participation in the tender after the expiration of the deadline for submission of applications

      for participation in the tender) returned unopened based on


      4. Applications for participation in the tender of the following potential suppliers that submitted them

      on time, before expiration the deadline for submitting bids for participation

      in the tender: ______________________________________________________________

      (name, address of all potential suppliers who submitted bids

      before the expiration of the deadline for submission of bids, time for submitting an

      application for participation in the tender in chronological order in accordance with the

      register of applications for participation in the tender) opened and they

      contain: __________________________________________________________________

      (the list of documents contained in attendance, information on the withdrawal and

      amendment of applications for participation in the tender, the number of sheets of documents of the tender application),

      which were announced to everyone present at the opening of applications for participation in the tender.

      5. At the opening of competitive bids following potential suppliers attended


      (name, address all potential suppliers who were present at the opening of

      applications for participation in the tender, name (if any) of their authorized representatives.

      The surname, first name and patronymic (if any), signatures of the chairman, members, and secretary of the tender commission.

  Annex 3
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Application for participation in the tender (for legal entities)

      To _____________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the name of the organizer (customer) of purchases)

      From _____________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the full name of the potential supplier)

      1. Information about the legal entity applying for participation in the tender

      (potential supplier):

Legal, postal address and contact numbers, potential supplier

Bank details of the legal entity (BIN, BIC, IIC), as well as the full name and address of the bank or its branch in which the legal entity is served

The surname, first name and patronymic (if any) the first head of the legal entity

      2. _______________________________________________________________________

      (the full name of the legal entity is indicated) by this application expresses a

      desire to take part in the procurement by the method of tender (indicate the full name of the

      tender) as a potential supplier and agrees to carry out

      (supply of goods (s), provision of services - indicate the necessary) in accordance with requirements

      and conditions stipulated by the tender documentation.

      3. A potential supplier confirms that he is familiar with the tender documentation

      and is aware of the responsibility for providing the organizer (customer) of purchases

      and the tender commission with inaccurate information about his eligibility, qualifications,

      quality and other characteristics (supplied goods (s)), services provided –

      indicate necessary), his observance of copyright and related rights, as well as other

      restrictions provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The potential supplier assumes full responsibility for the

      submission of such inaccurate information in this application for participation in the tender and the documents attached to it.

      4. This bid is valid for ___ days.

      5. If our tender is recognized as the winner, we will make a security for the

      execution of the procurement contract for an amount of three percent of the total amount of the contract (indicated if the security for the performance of the contract was

      provided for in the tender documentation).

      6. Until the conclusion of the procurement contract, this application for participation

      in the tender, together with your notice of recognition of it as the winner, will serve as a

      binding contract between us.

      ____________________ _______________ _______________

      ___________________________ _______________________

      (Position, full name (if any) of the first head or his deputy of the

      legal entity-potential supplier and his signature)

      Date of filling ____________

  Annex 4
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Application for participation in the tender (for an individual)

      To _____________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the name of the organizer (customer)

      From ___________________________________________________________________

      (full name of a potential supplier is indicated)

      1. Information about an individual applying for participation in the tender (potential supplier):

Full name (if any) of an individual - a potential supplier, in accordance with an identity document

Data of the identity document of an individual - a potential supplier

Place of residence
natural person - potential supplier

Number of registration certificate, patent or other
a document giving the right to an occupation corresponding to the subject
tender, entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Bank details of an individual - potential
supplier (IIN, BIC, IIC), as well as full name and address
a bank or its branch where an individual is served

Contact numbers, postal address and e-mail address
(if any) of an individual - a potential supplier

      2. ________________________________________________________________________

      (the surname, first name and patronymic(if any) of an individual is indicated) by this application

      expresses a desire to take part in the procurement by the method of tender


      (indicate the surname, the full name of the tender) as a potential supplier and

      agrees to carry out



      (supply of goods(s), provision of services - indicate what is needed) in accordance with the requirements

      and conditions provided for in the tender documentation.

      3. A potential supplier hereby confirms that he/she is familiar with the tender

      documentation and is aware of the responsibility for providing the organizer

      (customer) of purchases and the tender commission with inaccurate information about his/her

      eligibility, qualifications, quality and other characteristics (supplied

      goods(s)), services provided - indicate necessary), his/her observance of copyright and

      related rights, as well as other restrictions provided for by the current

      legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The potential supplier assumes full responsibility for the

      submission of such inaccurate information in this application for participation in the tender and the documents attached to it.

      4. This bid is valid for __ days.

      5. In the event that this tender application is recognized as the winner, we will make a security for the

      execution of the procurement contract for an amount of three percent of the total amount of the

      contract (indicated if the security for the performance of the contract was

      provided for in the tender documentation).

      6. Until the conclusion of the procurement contract, this application for participation

      in the tender, together with the notification of the organizer (customer) on the recognition of it as the winner,

      will serve as a binding contract between us.

      __________________________ ________________________________________

      (the surname, first name and patronymic(if any) of an individual - potential supplier and his signature)

      Date of completion _______________

  Annex 5
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Information about the qualifications of a potential supplier for the supply of goods (filled in by a potential supplier when purchasing goods)

      1. Name of the potential supplier


      2. The volume, similar to the goods purchased at the tender, supplied

      (produced) by a potential supplier during the last ten years

      (if any), in KZT _________.

Name of product

Names of customers and their phone numbers

Place and date of delivery

Contract value,
KZT (may not be specified)

      3. Information about access to financial resources (funds: own, credit).

      List below _________________________________________________________

      4. Information about the recommendations, if any. List and attach

      letters of recommendation, reviews of other legal entities and (or) individuals


      I hereby confirm the accuracy of all information about qualifications.

      Signature ____________________

  Annex 6
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Information about the qualifications of a potential supplier to provide services
(filled in by a potential supplier when purchasing services)

      1. Name of the potential supplier


      2. The volume of services similar to those procured at the tender, provided by a potential

      supplier over the past ten years (if any), in KZT


Name of services rendered

Names of customers and their phone numbers

Place and
year of service

The cost of the contract, KZT (may not be indicated)

      3. For the provision of services, it is essential that a potential
supplier has the following pieces of equipment (mechanisms, machines), with copies of
supporting documents attached. The prospective supplier must answer all of the questions
listed in the table below:

Type of equipment (mechanisms, machines)

Number of units available

Condition (new, good, bad)

Own, rented (from whom), will be acquired (from whom)

      4. Information about access to financial resources (funds: own, credit). List below


      5. Information about the recommendations, if any. List and attach

      letters of recommendation, reviews of other legal entities and (or) individuals


      Note: * optional.

      I hereby confirm the accuracy of all information about qualifications.


  Annex 7
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Information about the co-contractors in the provision of services that are the subject of procurement at the tender, as well as the types of services transferred by a potential supplier to co-contractors

      _______________________________________________________________ (indicate the full name of the tender)


The name of the co-executor - a legal entity or full name (if any), a co-contractor who is an individual

Full legal and postal address, contact phone number

Name of services provided

The volume of services provided

The volume of services provided

Total for this co-contractor


% volume

Total for this co-contractor


% volume

Total for all co-executors


% volume

      Hereby, the co-contractor (s) of a potential supplier applying for participation in the qualification selection (indicate the full name of the tender) express their awareness of the conditions for participation in the procurement by the method of tender (indicate the full name of the tender) and assume responsibility for violations of the requirements provided for in the Tender Documentation in part concerning co-executors of a potential supplier.

Name of the co-executor - legal entity or the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) a co-contractor who is an individual

The surname, first name and patronymic (if any) the authorized representative of the co-contractor


      The scope of work and services transferred by a potential supplier to co-contractors should not exceed two-thirds of the total volume of services.

  Annex 8
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Protocol on admission to participation in the tender

      No. _____________________

      Procurement tender


      (tender name)

      __________________________ _______________________________

      (location) (time and date)

      1. The Tender Commission consisting of: ____________________

      (list the composition of the Tender Commission)

      considered applications for participation in the procurement tender


      (name of the tender)

      2. Information on the involvement of experts, their opinions on the

      conformity of the goods and services proposed in the application for participation in the tender to the technical specification.

      3. Applications for participation in the tender of the following potential suppliers who

      submitted them within the established time frame before the deadline for submission of

      applications for participation in the tender: _______________________________________


      (in chronological order, in accordance with the register of applications for participation

      in the tender, the name, address of all potential suppliers is indicated who

      submitted bids before the deadline for submission of

      bids, the time of submission of an application for participation in the tender, a list of

      documents contained in the application, information about the absence of a document

      provided for in the tender documentation, information on the withdrawal and change of applications

      for participation in the tender, and other information) were announced to everyone present at the meeting of the

      tender commission.

      4. The following bids for participation in the tender were rejected for participation

      in the tender:


      (potential suppliers are indicated (their details), bids for participation that

      were rejected with an indication of the reason: do not meet the qualification

      requirements; do not meet the requirements of the tender documentation, the requirements of the Rules are violated).

      5. Bids of potential suppliers that meet the

      qualification requirements and other requirements of the tender documentation


      (a list of all suppliers is indicated, for each lot separately)

      It is allowed to draw up a general protocol on admission to participation in the tender, provided that the participants in the tender are

      indicated in it for each lot.

      Tender Commission based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the tender

      by open voting


      1. To admit the following potential suppliers to participate in the tender:


      (indicate the list of potential suppliers admitted to participate in the tender).

      2. Do not allow the following potential suppliers to participate in the tender:

      (specify the list of potential suppliers not allowed to participate in the tender).

      3. Designate the day, time and place of acceptance of envelopes with competitive price

      proposals for _______________________________________________________________

      4. To appoint a meeting of the tender commission for the assessment and comparison of competitive

      price proposals for __________________________________________________________


      (indicate the day, time, place of the meeting of the tender commission for the assessment and comparison of

      competitive price proposals, but not earlier than three working days from the day the interested parties are notified)

      5. The organizer (customer) shall submit (send) copies of this protocol

      on admission to participation in the tender ________________________________________


      (indicate potential suppliers, information about which is entered in the registration log of

      applications for participation in the tender) and place the text of this protocol on the organizer's Internet resource


      Voted for this decision: FOR - ______ votes

      (the surname, first name and patronymic(if any), members of the tender commission);

      Against - _____ votes (the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the members of the tender commission).

      The surname, first name and patronymic (if any), signatures of the chairman, members and secretary of the tender commission.

  Annex 9
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Bank guarantee

      Bank name ________________________________________________________

      (name and bank details)

      To _______________________________________________________________

      (name and details of the organizer (customer)

      Warranty Statement No. _______ ________________________________________

      "___" _________ ________ year _____________________________________________


      We were informed that ________________________________________________


      (name of the potential supplier) hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier", is taking

      part in the procurement tender


      organized by ______________________________________________________________


      (name of the organizer (customer) ________________ and is ready to carry out the supply

      (perform work, provide service__________________________________________)


      name of goods, services by tender (lot(s)).

      The tender documentation dated "___" __________ _____ for the

      aforementioned tender provides for the entry by potential suppliers of the

      security of the tender application in the form of a bank guarantee.

      In this regard, we __________________ hereby undertake on ____________________


      (name of the bank) ourselves an irrevocable obligation to pay you, at your

      request, an amount equal to ___________________________________________________

      (amount in figures and in words)

      upon receipt of your written request for payment, as well as written

      confirmation that Supplier: withdrew or changed and (or) supplemented the application for

      participation in the tender after the expiration of the deadline for submitting applications for participation

      in the tender; recognized as a participant in the tender, did not submit within the prescribed time limit or

      withdrew his tender price offer; determined as the winner of the tender,

      avoided concluding a procurement contract; having entered into a procurement contract, did not fulfill

      or did not fulfill on time the requirements established by the tender documentation

      on the entry and (or) the timing of the provision of security for the performance of the procurement contract.

      This guarantee obligation comes into force from the day of opening the envelopes

      with tender bids.

      This warranty is valid until the deadline

      for the Supplier's bidding and will expire fully and

      automatically, whether or not this document is returned to us, unless

      your written request is received by us by the end of _____________. If the period of

      validity of the tender application is extended, then this warranty obligation is extended

      for the same period. All rights and obligations arising in connection with this warranty

      obligation are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Guarantor's signature.

      Date and address

  Annex 10
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Protocol on the results of the procurement tender

      No. __________________________ __________________________________________

      (location) (time and date)

      1. Tender Commission composed of: ___________________________________________


      (list the composition of the Tender Commission) tender (using two-stage

      procedures) for procurement


      (briefly describe the purchased goods, works, services).

      2. The amount allocated for the purchase (indicate the amount) in KZT for each lot separately.

      3. The following applications for participation in the tender were admitted:


      (indicate applications for participation in the tender of potential suppliers admitted to the tender

      in accordance with the protocol of admission)

      4. Envelopes with competitive price offers of potential suppliers


      (names of potential suppliers are indicated) price offers that were

      not accepted for evaluation and comparison due to their submission after the

      final time for their registration.

      5. Bids of bidders who submitted

      bids before the deadline for their registration

      for participation in the meeting of the bidding committee: ____________________________


      (indicate the surname, first name, patronymic of bidders or their authorized

      representatives, in chronological order according to the envelope registration log

      with bids price offers) are opened and they contain:


      (the competitive price offers of the bidders are indicated in chronological

      order of their registration in the register of envelopes with competitive price

      offers, which were announced to everyone present at the opening of the envelopes

      with competitive price offers of the bidders.

      6. Competitive price proposals rejected: ________________________________


      (indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the bidders or their authorized

      representatives, competitive price proposals that were rejected with the

      reason: the excess of the competitive price proposal over the amount allocated for the

      procurement of goods, services)

      7. Prices of the bidders ____________________________________________


      (the price of the bidders established in the bidding documents is indicated in order to

      determine the bidder offering the best quality goods and services)

      Based on the results of evaluation and comparison by open voting, the tender commission


      1) declare the tender participant


      the successful bidder

      (indicate the name and location of the tender participant, as well as the conditions under which

      he was recognized as the winner) or declare the procurement tender


      (name of the tender) invalid (If, when considering, evaluating and comparing the

      bidders' bids no tender winner has been determined

      or all bids have been rejected, indicate the

      appropriate reason)

      2) The organizer (customer) __________________________________________________


      (list the name and location of the organizer (customer) until _____ year

      to conclude a procurement contract with


      (indicate the name of the tender winner);

      3) The organizer (customer) _________________________________________________

      (indicate the name)

      place the text of this protocol on the results of the tender for the procurement of goods and services

      on the organizer's (customer's) Internet resource.

      Voted for this decision:

      For - ____ votes (the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the members of the tender commission);

      Against - ____ votes (the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the members of the tender commission).

      Signatures of the chairman, members and secretary of the tender commission

  Annex 11
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Technical specification of the purchased goods, services
(submitted for each lot separately)

      Tender name _____________________________________________________

      Lot number ______________________________________________________

      Lot name ________________________________________________________

      The technical specification gives a full description and the required functional,

      technical, quality characteristics of the purchased goods, services, including the

      necessary specifications and, if necessary, indicate the international or domestic

      standards that the supplied goods (services provided) must comply with.

      In the technical specification for goods, the description of functional, technical,

      quality characteristics should be divided into appropriate sections

      containing the limits of functionality, parameters of technical characteristics, the purpose of the goods to determine the best technical specification.

      If necessary, the technical specification indicates the related

      services necessary for the supply of goods (installation, adjustment, training, inspection and

      testing of goods) to the organizer (customer) and where they should be carried out, the year of release of the goods, the warranty period.

      In the technical specification for services, the description of the technical and quality

      characteristics should be divided into appropriate sections containing the

      parameters of the technical characteristics and the purpose of the provision of services to determine the best technical specification. In the case of purchasing services, the quality of the provision of

      which depends on the qualifications of the employee who directly provides such services,

      the technical specification describes the requirements for the employee,

      which determines his level and profile of professional training, the length of service

      required to perform the duties assigned to him. The technical

      specification must indicate a national standard or a non-governmental

      standard approved by non-profit organizations of manufacturers of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan, if any.

  Annex 12
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Protocol on the results of procurement by the method from a single source

      No. __________________________ _______________________________________

      (location) (time and date)

      1. The organizer (customer) _______________________________________________

      (name, address) carried out purchases by the method from a single source.


      (briefly describe the purchased goods and services)

      2. The amount allocated for the purchase (indicate the amount) _________ KZT.

      3. Justification for the application of this method _______________________________


      (attach the decision of the organizer (customer) to carry out purchases from one

      source, number, date of the order)

      4. Compliance of the supplier with the qualification requirements


      (indicates compliance or non-compliance with the requirements)

      5. The name and location of the supplier with whom the contract will be concluded

      and the price of such an agreement: _____________________________________________


      6. The organizer (customer), based on the results of these purchases using the method from one

      source, DECIDED:

      1) purchase goods (services) from a supplier __________________________________


      (indicate the name and location of the supplier) or declare purchases

      from a single source _____________________________________________________


      invalid (indicate the appropriate reason)

      1) The organizer (customer) _______________________________________________

      (name and location of the organizer (customer)


      before ____ year to conclude a procurement contract

      with ______________________________________________________________________

      (indicate the name of the supplier)

      2) The organizer (customer) of purchases _____________________________________


      (indicate the name of the organizer (customer) of purchases) send the text of this

      protocol to the Internet resource of the organizer (customer).

      Signature of the first leader

  Annex 13
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Bank guarantee
(form of securing the execution of a procurement contract)

      Bank name: _____________________________________________________

      (name and bank details)

      To: ____________________________________________________________

      (name and details of the organizer (customer)

      Warranty Statement No. _______________________ "___" ________________

      year (location)

      with regard to the facts that __________________________________________


      (supplier name)

      "Supplier", entered into (it) a procurement contract No. _____ dated ______

      (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) for the supply (performance, provision) ________

      and you (description of goods, works or services) provided for in the Contract that the

      Supplier will provide security for its execution in the form of a bank guarantee for a total

      amount of ________ KZT, hereby


      (name of the bank) we confirm that we are the guarantor for the above Agreement

      and undertake an irrevocable obligation to pay you, at your request, an amount

      equal to _____________________________________________________________

      (amount in figures and in words) upon receipt of your written requests for payment,

      as well as written confirmation that the Supplier did not fulfill or

      improperly fulfilled its obligations under the Agreement. This warranty obligation

      comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until the

      Supplier fully fulfills its obligations under the Agreement. All rights and obligations arising

      in connection with this warranty, obligation are governed by the legislation of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Signature of guarantors

      Date and address

      Represented by the first head of the bank (branch of the bank) or his deputy

      and the chief accountant of the bank _________________________________________

  Annex 14
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Acceptance certificate of goods (s)

      No. _______ "___" _______ 20 ___.

      Document number * date of signing *

      (the date and time of signing the act by the customer is fixed)

      This act is drawn up in the fact that ___________ (Supplier), in accordance with

      (Supplier's name *) with the contract (and supplementary agreement)

      ________________________ dated "____" __________ 20 __ year No. _________

      (name of the contract (supplementary agreement), date and number *) represented by the

      undersigned representatives of the Supplier, transferred,

      and __________________________ (Customer), represented by the undersigned

      (name of the Customer *) representatives of the Customer received:

Product details **


Place of delivery

Name of product

Nomenclature (serial) number (if any)

Unit of measurement


Unit price (KZT), including VAT (excluding VAT)

Amount, KZT









      The cost of the goods (s) under this act according to the Agreement

      is ** ___________________________ KZT, (in figures, in words)

      including VAT (excluding VAT),

Supplier name*




Legal address*

Supplier representatives **

Approved **

The surname, first name and patronymic. Position


Full name, position











Information on the contract


General information

Total cost of the Agreement *

Advance payments amount ***

Payment amount from the beginning of the Agreement ***

Amounts previously closed ***

The amount of the forfeit (fine, penalty) for delayed delivery or improper performance (partial default) of obligations ***

Number of days overdue ***








Code of the Unified budgetary classification of expenditures: Program (Subprogramme), Specificity ***


Actual expenses, including those incurred by the supplier under this act ***

Name of product*

Unit of measurement*


unit price, KZT *

the amount, in KZT *









Amount required to be transferred to the Supplier ***

      Annex: list of electronic copies of documents

      (attached by the supplier (by the customer, if any))

Customer name *




Legal address***

Customer representatives ***

Approved by (head of the organization) *

Responsible for accepting the goods

Responsible for the correctness of the design (details, specifics)



















      * filled in automatically by the procurement web portal;

      ** filled in by the supplier;

      *** filled in by the customer.

      Explanation of abbreviations:

      BIN - business identification number;

      BIC - bank identification code;

      IIC - individual identification code;

      IIN - individual identification number;

      VAT - value added tax;

      FULL NAME - the surname, first name and patronymic

  Annex 15
to the Rules for procurement of
goods and services for
implementation of the expertise
during the state registration of
medicines and medical devices and
assessment of their safety and
  The form

Certificate of services rendered

      No. ___ "___" _________ 20__

      Document number * date of signing *

      (the date and time of signing the act by the customer is fixed)

      This act is drawn up in the fact that _____________________ (Supplier),

      (Supplier name *) in accordance with the contract (and supplementary

      agreement) ___________ dated "__" ________ 20 __ year No. ____

      (name of the contract (supplementary agreement), date and number *) represented by the

      undersigned representatives of the Supplier, fulfilled, and ____________ the

      Customer), represented by the undersigned representatives (name of the Customer *)

      The customer accepted:

Information about the service provided **


Place of service provision

Name of service

unit of measurement


Unit price (KZT), including VAT (excluding VAT)

Amount, in KZT









      The cost of services rendered under this act according to the Agreement is **

      ______________ KZT, including VAT (excluding VAT), (in figures, in words)

Supplier name*




Legal address**

Supplier representatives **

Approved **

Full name, position


Full name, position











Information on the contract


General information

Total cost of the Agreement *

Advance payments amount ***

Payment amount from the beginning of the Agreement ***

Amounts previously closed ***

The amount of the forfeit (fine, penalty) for the delay in the provision of services or improper performance (partial default) of obligations ***

Number of days overdue ***








Code of the Unified budgetary classification of expenditures: Program (Subprogramme), Specificity ***


Services rendered under this act (the name of the services in the context of their subspecies in accordance with the technical specification, assignment, schedule of services, if any)

Name of service*

Date (period of service) *

Unit of measurement*


Unit price, KZT *

The amount, in KZT *

Other information about (if any)










The amount required to be transferred to the Supplier ***

      Annex: a list of electronic copies of documents (attached by the supplier/customer, if any)

Customer name *




Legal address***

Customer representatives *

Approved by (head of organization) *

Responsible for accepting the service

Responsible for the correctness of the design (details, specifics)



















      * filled in automatically by the procurement web portal;

      ** to be filled in by the supplier;

      *** filled in by the customer;

      Explanation of abbreviations:

      BIN - business identification number;

      BIC - bank identification code;

      IIC - individual identification code;

      IIN - individual identification number;

      VAT - value added tax; 

      FULL NAME - surname, first name, and patronymic

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