On approval of regulations on the clinical base, the clinic of the health care educational institution, the university hospital, the residency base, the integrated academic medical center and requirements for them

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 № ҚР DSM-304/2020. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 22, 2020 № 21848.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system” and paragraph 5 of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” I ORDER:

      Footnote. Preamble - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      1. Approve:

      1) the regulation on the clinical base and requirements for it in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order;

      2) the regulation on the clinic of the health care educational institution and requirements for it in accordance with Appendix 2 to this order;

      3) the regulation on the university hospital and requirements for it in accordance with Appendix 3 to this order;

      4) the regulation on the residency base and requirements for it in accordance with Appendix 4 to this order;

      5) the regulation on the integrated academic medical center and requirements for it in accordance with Appendix 5 to this order.

      2. Invalidate Order № 628 of the Acting Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 11, 2012 "On approval of the Regulations on clinical bases of medical educational institutions" (registered in the Register of the State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 8010, published on October 15, 2012 in the legal information system "Adilet".

      3. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) provide the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) post this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, report to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the supervising Vice Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. This order shall take effect upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Healthcare
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan       A. Tsoi


      Minister of Education and Science

      of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      "___" ______________ 2020

  Appendix 1
  to Order № ҚR DSM-304/2020
  of the Minister of Healthcare
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  of December 21, 2020

Regulation on the clinical base and requirements for it Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These regulations on the clinical base and the requirements for it have been developed (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions shall be used in this Regulation:

      1) specialized professional - a health professional with a higher medical education who holds a certificate in health care;

      2) learners - students, trainees of additional education programmes of health care educational institutions;

      3) healthcare educational institution - an education institution that implements educational programmes in "Healthcare" training directions and (or) "Interdisciplinary programmes related to healthcare and social security (medicine)";

      4) dual training - a form of human resources training that combines training in an educational institution with mandatory periods of in-service training and professional practice at an enterprise (in an organization) with the provision of jobs and compensation to students with equal responsibility of the enterprise (organization), the educational institution and the student;

      5) equipment - medical devices, educational equipment (dummies) used by the health care educational institution and the clinical base in the treatment and (or) educational processes;

      6) clinical base - a healthcare organization that is used by an educational institution for training and advanced training of healthcare professionals under an agreement on joint activities;

      7) resident physician - a doctor who studies within the educational residency programme and works in a medical organization under the supervision of a mentor;

      8) a mentor - a health professional with at least five years of experience, appointed by the head of a medical organization or medical educational institution to provide practical assistance in the professional adaptation of students in medical education programmes and young specialists, carrying out activities on the basis of the trinity of education, science and practice.

Chapter 2. The main tasks and functions of clinical bases

      3. The main tasks of the clinical bases shall be:

      1) creation of the necessary conditions for practice-oriented clinical training of students of health care educational institutions within the framework of the medical services provision in accordance with the clinical base profile;

      2) use of collaboration possibilities with the health care educational institution for the continuous professional development of the clinical base staff, implementation of the research and innovation results in the work of the clinical base.

      4. To pursue the set tasks, the clinical bases shall perform the following functions:

      1) creation of the necessary conditions for the educational process and research work by the specialized departments of health educational institutions, including:

      provision of health care educational institutions with the necessary training and auxiliary premises;

      providing the research and teaching faculty and students of health care educational institutions with access to the Internet;

      providing admission for the research and teaching faculty, specialists of clinical departments and students of health care educational institutions to the educational, scientific, treatment and diagnostic process of the consultation work in a medical organization, including in specialized unitts of a medical organization, including a surgery unit, an intensive care unit, in accordance with the needs of the educational and medical processes and the procedure established by the internal organizational and administrative documents of the medical organization, except for cases when the admission of students to the medical process is not permitted by the current legislation and (or) the requirements of patients;

      providing health care educational institution with access to medical records, statistical data and archival documents, in compliance with the confidentiality conditions stipulated by the current legislation in relation to information on individuals (patients);

      providing the staff and students of health care educational institutions with healthy and safe working conditions in accordance with the current legislation when performing work on the territory of the clinical base;

      carrying out organizational-technical measures for safety and labor protection;

      providing the research and teaching staff and students of health care educational institutions (interns, residents) with personal protective equipment necessary for work in specialized departments of the clinical base;

      familiarization of the medical and research and pedagogical staff with service instructions and internal regulations, internal organizational and administrative acts of the clinical base concerning the medical activities order;

      participation in the formation of the practical training content and its methodology, in the preparation of work programmes, in the process of conducting various types of practices;

      providing a sufficient amount of independent work during professional practice, in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge and master professional competencies;

      introduction of dual training, which provides for a combination of theoretical training with practical training at clinical sites, with the obligatory assignment of a mentor from among the medical personnel of the clinical base: for higher and (or) postgraduate medical organizations - no more than five students per mentor, for medical colleges - no more than three students per mentor, which enables addressing the task of training specialists who are fully prepared to perform specific occupational functions, including effective mechanisms for the graduates’ subsequent employment;

      2) ensuring continuous professional development of health professionals of the clinical base, including with healthcare educational institutions, for which the healthcare organization is a clinical base;

      3) provision of medical services to patients.

Chapter 3. Requirements for clinical bases

      5. Requirements for clinical bases of health care educational institutions shall be as follows:

      1) availability of accreditation for the compliance of the provided medical services with the established requirements and standards in health care;

      2) availability of accreditation for compliance with the requirements for clinical bases;

      3) existence of a joint activity agreement between a healthcare organization and a healthcare educational institution;

      4) providing opportunities for engaging qualified health professionals of the clinical base in mentoring in the training of students at clinical bases.

      6. A medical organization, which is a clinical base, shall register teachers of clinical departments in the Resources Management System portal as part-timers by creating a separate domain of freelancers, assigning a login and password to access the Integrated Medical Information System of the organization for pursuance of treatment and diagnostic activities.

      7. Mentors involved in students training at clinical bases shall contribute to consolidation of students' theoretical and practical skills in clinical conditions, contribute to improving the quality of clinical training and shall meet the following eligibility criteria:

      1) a qualified specialized professional with at least five years of practice in the core activity;

      2) trained as a mentor for the fulfillment of an educational programme of a respective medical education level (technical and professional, post-secondary, higher and (or) postgraduate (residency) medical education).

  Appendix 2
  to Order № ҚR DSM-304/2020
  of the Minister of Healthcare
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  of December 21, 2020

Regulations on the clinic of the health care educational institution and requirements for it Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These regulations on the clinic for organizing education in the field of healthcare and the requirements for it (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education".

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions are used in this regulations:

      1) a specialized specialist - a medical worker with a higher medical education and a certificate in the field of healthcare;

      2) the authorized body in the field of healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) is the central executive body that carries out management and intersectoral coordination in the field of protecting the health of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, circulation of medicines and medical products, quality of medical services (care);

      3) organization of education in the field of healthcare - an educational organization that implements educational programs in the areas of training “Healthcare” and (or) “Interdisciplinary programs related to healthcare and social security (medicine)”;

      4) clinic of an educational organization in the field of health care (hereinafter referred to as KOOOZ) - a structural unit of an educational organization or a health care organization, on the basis of which educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements of science and practice;

      5) dual training - a form of personnel training that combines training in an educational organization with mandatory periods of industrial training and professional practice at an enterprise (organization) with the provision of jobs and compensation to students with equal responsibility of the enterprise (organization), educational institution and student;

      6) resident doctor - a doctor studying as part of a residency educational program and working in a medical organization under the supervision of a mentor;

      7) a mentor - a medical worker with at least five years of experience, appointed by the head of a medical organization or medical education organization to provide practical assistance in the professional adaptation of students in medical education programs and young specialists, working on the basis of the trinity of education, science and practice.

      Footnote. Paragraph 2 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      3. The CHCEI status shall be obtained by:

      1) treatment- preventive structural unit of the health care educational institution;

      2) a healthcare organization providing medical care, on the basis of a decision of the local executive body of the region, city of republican significance and the capital, with the consent of the owner and the authorized body.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 as amended by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      4. Subdivisions of the health care educational institution (specialized clinics, clinical departments) shall be established with the CHCEI. The share of subdivisions of the health care educational institution (specialized clinics, clinical departments) shall not exceed 50% of all clinical subdivisions of the CHCEI, in which medical services are provided.

      In the staff structure of subdivisions of the health care educational institution (in specialized clinics, clinical departments), at least 50% of teachers of the health care educational institution (part-timers) shall practice as doctors.

      5. An additional funding ratio shall be established for medical services provided in clinical units of the CHCEI, where the structural units of the health care educational institution are based.

      6. The relationship between the health care educational institution and the health care organization, which is the CHCEI, shall be based on bilateral agreements, including the statutorily required presence on the CHCEI basis of structural units of the health care educational institution, and shall be governed by this Regulation.

Chapter 2. Main tasks and functions of the clinic of the health care educational institution

      7. The CHCEI shall pursue the following main tasks:

      1) creation of the necessary conditions for practice-oriented clinical training of students of health care educational institutions within the framework of providing medical services in accordance with the CHCEI profile;

      2) creating the necessary conditions for improving the quality and expanding the range of services provided, for continuous professional development of CHCEI members by availing of the benefits of the health care educational institutions’ units’ being at its base;

      3) providing the necessary support and creating conditions for research and innovation activities of the specialized units of the health care educational institutions;

      4) creation of the necessary conditions for implementation of the research and innovation activities’ results in the CHCEI work.

      8. To pursue the set tasks, the CHCEI shall perform the following functions:

      1) ensuring joint work of clinical units, laboratories and auxiliary units of the CHCEI with specialized departments, scientific units of the health care educational institutions;

      2) creation of the necessary conditions for the educational process and research work by the specialized units of health care educational institutions, including:

      provision of health care educational institutions with premises (lecture halls, study rooms, laboratories, simulation classes) and auxiliary premises (cloakroom for students, laboratory rooms, conditions for meals);

      providing the research and teaching faculty, and students of health care educational institutions with access to the Internet;

      providing admission for the research and teaching faculty, specialists of clinical departments and students of health care educational institutions to the educational, scientific, treatment and diagnostic process of the consultation work in the CHCEI, including in the CHCEI specialized units, including a surgery unit, an intensive care unit, in accordance with the needs of the educational and medical processes and the procedure established by the internal organizational and administrative documents of the CHCEI, except for cases when the admission of students to the medical process is not permitted by the current legislation and (or) the requirements of the patients;

      authorizing research and teaching faculty members (teachers) of the health care educational institution to maintain medical and (or) nursing documentation when they perform medical and diagnostic work, also allowing students to make entries in medical and (or) nursing documentation under the control and responsibility of teachers, in order to form and develop in students the skills and competencies in the practical (clinical) work, focused on the high quality of medical services provided and an individual approach to each patient;

      providing health care educational institutions with access to medical records, statistical data and archival documents, in compliance with the confidentiality conditions stipulated by the current legislation in relation to information about individuals (patients);

      material and technical assistance to the occupational training process and joint research work;

      providing the staff and students of health care educational institutions with healthy and safe working conditions in accordance with the current legislation when performing work on the CHCEI territory;

      carrying out organizational-technical measures for safety and labor protection;

      providing the research and teaching staff and students of health care educational institutions with personal protective equipment necessary for work in the CHCEI specialized units;

      familiarization of medical and research-pedagogical staff with service instructions and internal regulations, internal organizational and administrative acts of the CHCEI pertaining to the procedure for carrying out medical activities;

      participation in the formation of the practical training content and its methodology, in the preparation of work programmes, in the process of conducting various types of practices;

      providing a sufficient amount of independent work during professional practice in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge and master professional competencies;

      introduction of dual training, which provides for a combination of theoretical training with practical training at clinical sites, with the obligatory assignment of a mentor from among the CHCEI medical personnel: for higher and (or) postgraduate medical organizations - no more than five students per mentor, for medical colleges - no more than three students per mentor, which enables addressing the task of training specialists who are fully prepared to perform specific occupational functions, including effective mechanisms for subsequent employment of the graduates.

      3) ensuring continuous professional development of the CHCEI health professionals with the participation of healthcare educational institutions;

      4) provision of medical services to patients;

      5) carrying out research work in collaboration with specialized units of healthcare educational institutions;

      6) ensuring developments and conducting in the prescribed manner of clinical trials, new effective methods of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of patients;

      7) conducting clinical, research-practical and pathological-anatomical conferences, seminars, master classes, consultations, case conferences;

      8) publication of joint scientific works and medical research developments, methodological manuals and recommendations;

      9) organization and improvement of work on the joint use of medical products of the CHCEI and healthcare educational institution used in medical, educational or scientific activities on the CHCEI territory.

Chapter 3. Requirements for health care educational institutions’ clinics

      9. The requirements for the CHCEI shall be:

      1) provision of medical services;

      2) availability of accreditation for compliance of the provided medical services with the established requirements and standards in the health care;

      3) availability of accreditation for compliance with the requirements for the CHCEI;

      4) presence of a decision of the local executive body of the region, the city of republican status and the capital, consent of the owner and the authorized body on determining a treatment-and-preventive structural unit of the health care educational institution or the organization of health care as a CHCEI for the organization of education in the health care;

      5) presence of the health care educational institution’s units (specialized clinics, clinical departments) in the CHCEI;

      6) providing opportunities for engaging qualified health professionals of the health care educational institution’s clinic in mentoring for the period of students’ training in clinics of the health care educational institution.

      Footnote. Paragraph 9 as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      10. The medical organization, which is the clinic of the health care educational institution, shall register teachers of clinical departments on the portal Resource Management System as part-timers in the profile or by creating a separate domain of freelancers, assigning a login and password to access the Integrated Medical Information System of the organization for pursuance of medical and diagnostic activities.

      11. The eligibility requirement for persons appointed to the positions of heads of the educational institution units (specialized clinics, clinical departments) in the CHCEI shall be at least five years of practice in the core activity and the presence of achievements in medical practice.

      12. Mentors involved in the students training at the CHCEI shall contribute to the consolidation of the theory and practice of the students in the CHCEI conditions, monitor the quality of clinical training and meet the eligibility criteria such as:

      1) a qualified specialized professional with at least five years of practice in the core activity;

      2) completed training ( career development certification course) in mentoring for the fulfillment of an educational programme of a respective medical education level (technical and professional, post-secondary, higher and (or) postgraduate (residency) medical education).

  Appendix 3
  to Order № ҚR DSM-304/2020
  of the Minister of Healthcare
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  of December 21, 2020

Regulation on the university hospital and requirements for it Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These regulations on the university hospital and the requirements for it (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions shall be used in this Regulation:

      1) specialized professional - a health professional with a higher medical education who holds a certificate in health care;

      2) learners - students, trainees of additional education programmes of health care educational institutions;

      3) the authorized body in health care (hereinafter -the authorized body) - the central executive body that exercises management and cross-sectoral coordination in the health protection of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population, circulation of medicines and medical devices, the quality of medical services (assistance);

      4) dual training - a form of human resources training that combines training in an educational institution with mandatory periods of in-service training and professional practice at an enterprise (in an organization) with the provision of jobs and compensation to students with equal responsibility of the enterprise (organization), the educational institution and the student;

      5) resident physician - a doctor who studies within the educational residency programme and works in a medical organization under the supervision of a mentor;

      6) a mentor - a health professional with at least five years in practice, appointed by the head of a medical organization or medical educational institution to provide practical assistance in the professional adaptation of students in medical education programmes and young specialists, carrying out activities on the basis of the trinity of education, science and practice;

      6) university hospital - a multi-field medical-preventive structural unit of the organization of higher and postgraduate education or a multifield medical- preventive organization, where educational programmes of higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements of science and practice.

      3. University hospitals shall have one of the following forms of interaction with the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution:

      1) a multi-field structural unit of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution that provides tertiary level medical care;

      2) are a multidisciplinary healthcare organization providing medical care:

      trust-managed higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution;

      a subsidiary of a higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      4. The status of a university hospital shall be assigned by the authorized body in health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon the proposal of the corporate governance body (board of directors and (or) supervisory board) of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution with the consent of the owner.

      5. In university hospitals, at least in 90% of all the structural units of the university hospital, in which medical services are provided, specialized clinics (clinical departments) shall be established.

      In the staff structure of the university hospital, at least two-thirds of the wage rates (salaries) of the payroll of doctors and nurses of higher qualifications shall be provided to the teaching staff of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution.

      6. An additional funding ratio shall be established for medical services provided in clinical units of the university hospital, where the structural units of the health care educational institution are based.

Chapter 2. The main tasks and functions of the university hospital

      7. The university hospital shall pursue the following main tasks:

      1) creation of the necessary conditions for the practice-oriented clinical training of students of health care educational institutions within the medical care provision at all levels, as well as using modern forms and methods of training, achievements of medical science and practical healthcare;

      2) creation of the necessary conditions for improving the quality and expanding the range of services provided, continuous professional development of university hospital staff and the health care educational institution;

      3) research activities in health care in collaboration with the specialized units of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution;

      4) creation of the necessary conditions for the research results application in practical health care, and also in the process of clinical training of students;

      5) educating socially responsible leaders of medicine of the future, prioritizing the life and health of their patients.

      8. To pursue the set tasks, university hospitals shall perform the following functions:

      1) ensuring the joint work of clinical units, laboratories and auxiliary units of a university hospital with specialized departments and (or) cyclic methodological commissions and (or) courses and (or) modules, scientific units of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution ;

      2) creation of the necessary conditions for the educational process and research work by the specialized units of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution, including:

      provision of training and auxiliary premises to higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institutions;

      provision of training and auxiliary premises with a minimum list of equipment and furniture for training and auxiliary facilities of university hospitals;

      providing admission for the research and teaching faculty, specialists of clinical departments and students of health care educational institutions to the implementation of educational, scientific, treatment and diagnostic process of the consultation work in a university hospital, including in specialized units of a university hospital and (or) clinic, in accordance with the needs of the educational and medical processes and the procedure established by the internal organizational and administrative documents of the university hospital and (or) clinic, except for cases where the admission of students to the medical process is not permitted by the current legislation and (or) the requirements of patients;

      work with medical and (or) nursing documentation by research and teaching faculty members (teachers) of the institution of higher and (or) postgraduate medical education when they perform medical and diagnostic work, also the ability for students to make entries in medical and (or) nursing documentation under the control and responsibility of teachers, in order to form and develop the skills of practical (clinical) work in students, focused on the high quality of medical services provided and an individual approach to each patient;

      providing higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institutions with access to medical records, statistical data and archival documents, subject to confidentiality conditions;

      material and technical assistance to the occupational training process and joint research work;

      providing the staff and students of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution with healthy and safe working conditions when performing work on the clinical base territory;

      carrying out organizational-technical measures for safety and labor protection;

      providing research and teaching staff and students of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution with personal protective equipment necessary for work in specialized units of the university hospital;

      participation in the formation of the practical training content and its methodology, in the preparation of work programmes, in the process of conducting various types of practices;

      providing a sufficient amount of independent work during professional practice, in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge and master professional competencies;

      introduction of dual training, which provides for a combination of theoretical training with practical training at a university hospital, with the assignment of a mentor from among the medical staff of a university hospital with no more than five students per mentor, for training of specialists who are fully prepared to perform specific occupational functions, including effective mechanisms of subsequent employment of the graduates;

      3) provision of advanced training for the university hospital’s healthcare professionals, including on the basis of higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institutions;

      4) provision of medical services to patients;

      5) carrying out research work in collaboration with the specialized units of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution;

      6) ensuring developments and conducting in the prescribed manner of clinical trials, new effective methods of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of patients;

      7) conducting clinical, research-practical and pathological-anatomical conferences, seminars, master classes, consultations, case conferences; 8) publication of joint scientific works and medical research developments, manuals;

      9) organization and improvement of work on the joint use of medical devices of the university hospital and the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution applied in medical, educational or scientific activities on the territory of the university hospital.

Chapter 3. Requirements for university hospitals

      9. Requirements for university hospitals shall be:

      1) provision of medical services;

      2) status of a multifield medical-preventive structural unit of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution and (or) a multifield medical-preventive organization;

      3) availability of accreditation for compliance of the provided medical services with the established requirements and standards in health care;

      4) availability of accreditation for compliance with the requirements for university hospitals;

      5) creation of specialized clinics (clinical departments) in at least 90% of all structural units of the university hospital, in which medical services are provided;

      6) provision of at least two-thirds of the wage rates (salaries) of the payroll of doctors, nurses of the highest qualification to the teaching staff of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution.

      Footnote. Paragraph 9 as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      10. A medical organization, which is a university hospital, shall register teachers of clinical departments in the Resource Management System portal as part-time workers by creating a separate domain for freelancers, assigning a login and password to access the Organization's Integrated Medical Information System for pursuance of treatment and diagnostic activities.

      11. The eligibility requirement for persons appointed to the positions of heads of departments of institutions of higher and (or) postgraduate medical education in university hospitals shall be at least five years of clinical practice in the core activity.

      12. Mentors involved in the training of students at the university hospital shall contribute to the consolidation of students' theory and practice in a university hospital, contribute to the improvement of the quality of clinical training and meet the eligibility criteria such as:

      1) a qualified specialized professional with at least five years of practice in the core activity;

      2) completed training (career development certification course) in mentoring for the fulfillment of an educational programme of a respective medical education level (technical and professional, post-secondary, higher and (or) postgraduate (residency) medical education).

  Appendix 4
  to Order № ҚR DSM-304/2020
  of the Minister of Healthcare
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  of December 21, 2020

Regulation on the residency base and requirements for it Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These regulations on the residency base and the requirements for it (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 and subparagraph 217) of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 40 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions shall be used in this Regulation:

      1) specialized professional - a medical worker with a higher medical education who holds a certificate in health care;

      2) clinic of health care educational institution - a structural unit of a healthcare educational institution or a health care organization, where educational programmes of technical and professional, post-secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements of science and practice;

      3) dual training - a form of human resources training that combines training in the educational institution with mandatory periods of in-service training and professional practice at the enterprise (in the organization) with the provision of jobs and compensation to students with equal responsibility of the enterprise (organization), the educational institution and the student;

      4) higher and (or) postgraduate education institution - a higher educational institution that implements educational programmes of higher and (or) postgraduate education and carries out research;

      5) equipment - medical devices, educational equipment (dummies) used by the health care educational institution and the residency base in medical and (or) educational processes;

      6) medical educational institution - an educational institution implementing educational programmes in "Healthcare" training directions;

      7) residency base - a clinic of a health care educational institution, a university hospital, a national center, a scientific center or a research institute, accredited as a medical organization, on the basis of which residency programmes are implemented in the manner prescribed by the authorized body;

      8) resident physician - a doctor who studies within the educational residency programme and works in a medical organization under the supervision of a mentor;

      9) mentor - a health professional with at least five years of experience, appointed by the head of a medical organization or medical educational institution to provide practical assistance in the professional adaptation of students in medical education programmes and young professionals, carrying out activities on the basis of the trinity of education, science and practice;

      10) university hospital - a multifield medical-preventive structural unit of the higher and postgraduate education institution or a multifield medical-preventive organization, in which educational programmes of higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements of science and practice.

Chapter 2. Specifics of the residency bases’ activity

      3. The residency programmes shall be carried out by higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institutions in accredited clinics of health care educational institutions, university hospitals, and also national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes accredited as residency bases.

      4. Placement of resident physicians at clinical bases of higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institutions, in national and (or) scientific centers, research institutes shall be agreed upon with the authorized body in health care as requested by the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution, national and (or) a scientific center, research institute.

      5. The head of the residency base shall ensure the presence of resident physician positions in the staff of the units providing medical services and job placement for resident physicians during the training period at the clinical base.

      6. For a resident physician’s training and engagement in the provision of services:

      1) a training agreement shall be concluded between the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution, the residency base and a resident physician for the institution of higher and (or) postgraduate education;

      2) a training agreement shall be concluded between the national and (or) scientific center, scientific research institute and a resident physician for national and (or) scientific centers, scientific research institutes accredited as residency bases.

      7. The residency base shall ensure job placement for a resident physician on the basis of the agreement with the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution and also a national and (or) scientific center, research institute.

      8. The residency base administration shall designate a qualified person in the organizational structure to exercise control over students, to manage the quality of medical services provided by resident physicians.

      9. The residency base administration shall provide access for resident physician to information on the organization's current procedures, determine the levels of access for personnel, including resident physicians, to confidential information.

      10. The residency base shall provide residents with identification badges, necessary protective clothing, personal and other protective equipment (including radiation safety equipment).

      11. The residency base shall monitor the residents’ workload, provide psychological support to residents to minimize stress and control it.

      12. The residency shall carry out a selective clinical audit of the records of medication prescribed by residents in current and closed medical records for compliance with organizational procedures and patient safety.

      13. During the training period, the rights and obligations of full-time employees of the residency base, labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements of the residency base of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution, national and (or) scientific center, research institute, shall apply to the resident physician.

      14. During the residency training, resident physicians in senior years shall be given the opportunity to act as mentors for interns and resident physicians in junior years.

Chapter 3. Requirements for residency bases

      15. Requirements for residency bases shall be:

      1) the status of a clinic of a healthcare educational institution and (or) a university hospital and (or) a national center and (or) a scientific center and (or) a research institute;

      2) availability of accreditation for the compliance of the provided medical services with the established requirements and standards in health care;

      3) availability of accreditation for compliance with the requirements for residency bases;

      4) presence in the residency base’s staff list of the positions for resident physicians.

  Appendix 5
  to Order № ҚR DSM-304/2020
  of the Minister of Healthcare
  of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  of December 21, 2020

Regulation on the integrated academic medical center and requirements for it Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These regulations on the integrated academic medical center and the requirements for it (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 220 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On people’s health and the healthcare system”, paragraph 5 of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” "

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions shall be used in this Regulation:

      1) healthcare educational institution - an educational institution that implements educational programmes in the "Healthcare" training directions and (or) "Interdisciplinary programmes related to healthcare and social security (medicine)";

      2) clinic of healthcare educational institution - a structural subdivision of an educational institution or a health care organization, where educational programmes of technical and professional, post-secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements of science and practice;

      3) higher and (or) postgraduate educational institution - a higher educational institution that implements educational programmes of higher and (or) postgraduate education and carries out research;

      4) an integrated academic medical center - an association of the higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution with scientific organizations in health care and healthcare organizations for the shared use of resources to improve the medical services quality through the integration of education, research and clinical practice;

      5) equipment - medical devices, educational equipment (dummies) used by a healthcare educational institution in medical and (or) educational processes;

      6) medical education institution - an educational institution implementing educational programmes in "Healthcare" training direction;

      7) university hospital - a multifield medical-preventive structural unit of the higher and postgraduate educational institution or a multifield medical-preventive organization, where educational programmes of higher, postgraduate and additional medical education are implemented based on modern achievements in science and practice.

      3. An integrated academic medical center shall be formed on the basis of a functional or organizational combination of a higher and (or) postgraduate medical education institution, scientific organizations, clinical bases, clinics of health care educational institution, a university hospital on the principle of a full cycle of medical services, development and implementation of new technologies and human resources training.

      3-1. For medical services provided in the clinical units of an integrated academic medical center, on the basis of which units of educational organizations in the field of healthcare are located (specialized clinics, clinical departments), an additional financing coefficient is established within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care and in the system of compulsory social health insurance.

      Footnote. Chapter 1 is supplemented with paragraph 3-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Main tasks and functions of integrated academic medical centers

      4. The main tasks of an integrated academic medical center shall be:

      1) formation of effective management of academic and operating processes based on the unity of strategic goals and objectives;

      2) formation and development of high-quality medical education based on the acquisition of modern theoretical knowledge and actual practical skills in the conditions of university clinics and clinical bases;

      3) sustainable improvement of the medical care quality based on access to advanced technologies and scientific developments;

      4) development of extensive clinical and laboratory facilities to conduct relevant scientific research with the immediate transfer of its results to practical health care;

      5) enhancing the financial stability and efficiency of all members of the association on the basis of integration and joint use of resources.

      5. To solve the assigned tasks, the integrated academic medical center performs the following functions:

      1) ensuring the integration of education, science and practice through the use of scientific research results in the educational and clinical process, establishing close ties between the organization of higher and (or) postgraduate medical education, scientific organizations and clinical sites;

      2) sharing resources to improve the efficiency of scientific, educational and clinical activities;

      3) creation of a unified information environment to support educational, scientific and clinical activities;

      4) implementation, on the basis of the unification, of a unified training system for continuous professional development of healthcare workers;

      5) ensuring the effective transfer of scientific research results into the educational process and practice;

      6) creation of a modern base for training specialists in priority areas of healthcare;

      7) formation of an effective corporate management system by increasing transparency in the exchange of information and decisions made, distribution of powers and responsibilities, ensuring responsibility for working conditions and the environment;

      8) analysis, testing, introduction and implementation of diagnostic and treatment protocols based on best international practice with their subsequent translation into practical healthcare of the republic, including the use of drugs and medical devices that are not registered in the republic and have a certificate (FDA) (United states of America), certificate (CE) (European Union);

      9) analysis, testing, implementation and use of internationally recognized sanitary and epidemiological standards;

      10) implementation of own programs for advanced training and specialization;

      11) development and introduction of innovative medical technologies into clinical practice;

      12) introduction of advanced world educational technologies to ensure the development of the medical education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of current legislation;

      13) development and implementation of educational programs in accordance with the needs of practical healthcare of the republic on the basis of international approaches within the framework of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      14) introduction into the healthcare system of proven innovative medical technologies, educational programs, advanced training and specialization programs, and international standards.

      Footnote. Paragraph 5 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 3. Requirements for an integrated academic medical center

      6. The requirements for an integrated academic medical center are:

      1) the existence of an agreement on joint activities concluded between organizations that are part of the integrated academic medical center;

      2) the presence of a collegial management body and an executive body;

      3) the presence of a development strategy, approved by the collegial management body, the integrated academic medical center;

      4) the proportion of foreign teaching staff of the University, which is part of the integrated academic medical center, is at least five percent of the staff;

      5) the presence of its own multidisciplinary university hospital, which has a certificate of accreditation according to the standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI, United States of America);

      6) the presence of its own scientific laboratory that meets the standards of good laboratory practice (GLP) and (or) good clinical practice (GCP).

      Footnote. Paragraph 6 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.04.2023 № 69 (shall be enforced after the day of its first official publication).

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