On approval of the Rules for Organising and Conducting Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) for the Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease Rights in Electronic Form on the Web Portal of the State Property Registry

New Unofficial translation

Order No. 297 of the Minister of Agriculture of October 15, 2021. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 19, 2021 under No. 24803

      Unofficial translation

      Under sub-paragraph 16-6) of paragraph 1 of Article 14 and paragraph 6 of Article 48 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. That the attached Rules for Organising and Conducting Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) for the Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease Rights in Electronic Form on the Web Portal of the State Property Registry shall be approved.

      2. That certain orders of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be deemed to have lost force as per the list enclosed hereto.

      3. That, as provided by law, the Land Resources Management Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) provide the state registration hereof with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) publish this order on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

      4. That the Supervising Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be responsible for the execution hereof.

      5. That this order shall be effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Y. Karashukeyev

Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Digital Development,
Innovations and Aerospace
Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

by Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the
Republic of Kazakhstan No. 297
of October 15, 2021

Rules for Organising and Conducting Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) for the Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease Rights in Electronic Form on the Web Portal of the State Property Registry

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for Organising and Conducting Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) for the Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease Rights in Electronic Form on the Web Portal of the State Property Registry (hereinafter – the Rules) have been developed pursuant to sub-paragraph 16-6) of paragraph 1 of Article 14 and paragraph 6 of Article 48 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Land Code) and determine the procedure for organising and holding bidding (competitions, auctions) (hereinafter - tenders) for the sale of land plots or land lease rights in electronic form on the web portal of the state property register (hereinafter - the web portal).

      2. The following basic terms are used herein:

      1) a land plot is an enclosed part of the land assigned to the parties to a land relationship in an order established by the Land Code;

      2) cadastral (estimated) value - estimated value of a land plot used when the state sells a land plot or the right to lease it, determined by reference to the basic rates of payment for land plots, periodically updated according to official statistical information on the general level of inflation and correction coefficients thereto;

      3) an electronic copy of a document is a document that fully reproduces the form and information (data) of the original document in electronic digital form;

      4) organiser - a single operator in the field of state property accounting.

Chapter 2. Procedure for organising bidding (competitions, auctions) for the sale of land plots or land lease rights in electronic form on the web portal of the state property register

      3. Bidding shall take two forms of sale: auction and competitive bidding.

      There are two ways to put up a plot of land for bidding:

      1) Formation and approval by the seller of a list of land plots to be selled;

      2) proposals to put a vacant land plot up for bidding from the geo-information service (hereinafter referred to as the geo-service) in the form as per Annex 1 hereto (hereinafter referred to as the proposal) from persons interested in obtaining land plots.

      4. The procedure for submitting a proposal shall be as follows:

      1) submission of a proposal to the geoservice;

      2) entering the boundaries of a land plot, downloading thematic data on the land plot in a digital map, if there are no restrictions and prohibitions established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) proposal signing.

      5. Registration in the geoservice for the proposal shall be made with the following data:

      1) for natural persons: individual identification number, surname, first name and patronymic (if any);

      2) for legal persons: business identification number, full name of the legal person, surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the first director;

      3) contact details (postal and e-mail address, telephone number).

      6. If the data referred to in paragraph 5 hereof is amended, the user shall, within 1 (one) working day, amend the data in the geoservice.

      7. Users of the geoservice may view details of land plots in a digital map at any stage of bidding and submit a tender before a decision is made to put the plot up for bidding.

      8. When the boundaries of a land plot are entered into the geoservice, it shall be assigned a conditional identification number. If the land plot is not put up for bidding or there is no demand, the conditional identification number of the land plot shall be cancelled after one calendar year from the date of its assignment.

      9. The local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital city, district, city of regional significance, akim of a town of district significance, settlement, village, rural district (hereinafter the seller) shall examine the received proposal within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt and shall take a corresponding decision.

      In case of a positive decision on putting the land plot up for bidding, the seller shall place a bidding notice on the web portal at least 15 (fifteen) calendar days prior to the bidding, stating the information specified in paragraph 13 hereof.

      In the event of a positive or negative decision to put a land plot up for bidding, an email notification will be sent to the user's email address specified in the geoservice announcing the bidding on the web portal, or the reasons for rejecting the bid.

      10. Prior to placing an invitation to bid on the web portal, the Seller shall ensure that electronic copies of the following documents are placed on the web portal for each object of bidding:

      1) the act of determining the cadastral (estimated) value of the bidding object;

      2) a draft agreement on the sale and purchase of a land plot or the right to lease a land plot.

      11. The Seller shall conclude a contract for organising and conducting electronic bidding for the sale of bidding items with the organiser pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement.

      12. To organise the bidding, the seller shall post the bidding notice on the web portal at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the bidding.

      13. The invitation to bid shall contain the following information:

      1) bidding form;

      2) bidding method;

      3) the initial and minimum price of the object of the bidding;

      4) the location of the land, its area and intended use;

      5) the type of right to be alienated (ownership or leasehold of the land plot);

      6) the date and time of the bidding (to be set not earlier than fifteen (15) calendar days and not later than ninety (90) calendar days from the date of posting on the web portal);

      7) a list of all encumbrances (restrictions) on the land;

      8) the amount of land tax or rent;

      9) the list of documents to be submitted by the participant accompanying the application for participation in the bidding for the sale of a land plot (right to lease a land plot) in the form as per Annex 2 hereto (hereinafter referred to as the application);

      10) the amount and procedure for paying the security deposit, details of the organiser;

      11) the procedure for paying the sale price of the object of the bidding and the lease;

      12) application deadlines.

      14. To participate in the bidding, the participant shall file an application on the web portal and sign it with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS).

      15. If the data specified in the application are changed, the participant shall, within one (1) working day, amend the data on the web portal.

      16. Registration of bidders' entries shall commence from the date of the advertisement and end five minutes prior to the start of bidding.

      17. The bidder's entry shall contain the bidder's consent to the terms and conditions of the tender and the price offer to be uploaded in an electronic envelope on the designated page of the web portal, accompanied by electronic (scanned) copies of documents confirming compliance with the conditions to the bidders (buyer) specified in the entry.

      18. Foreigners or foreign legal entities shall file electronic (scanned) copies of notarised copies of foreign passports or constituent documents with notarised translations into Kazakh and/or Russian.

      19. Documents of foreigners, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign participation, as well as of Kandas shall not be accepted for registration as bidders, in case the provision of the object of bidding to such persons is prohibited as per part three of paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Land Code.

      20. The guarantee fee for participation in the bidding shall be 15 (fifteen) % of the minimum price of the object of the bidding, but not less than 50 (fifty) monthly calculation indices (hereinafter referred to as MCI) and not exceeding 30 (thirty) thousand MCI.

      21. The guarantee fee shall be accepted by the organiser of the bidding and paid to the details of the organiser as specified in the invitation to bid.

      22. If the data specified in the application is not automatically available from the state databases and information systems, the participant shall enter the data himself/herself and enclose the supporting documents to the application.

      23. Following the results of the automatic verification, the web portal shall forward to the participant's email address indicated on the web portal an electronic notification of acceptance of the application or of the reasons for rejection of the application.

      24. Grounds for refusing an application shall be:

      1) failure of the bidder to comply with the conditions specified in paragraph 14 hereof, as well as failure to transfer the security deposit specified in the invitation to bid to the organiser's account five minutes prior to the start of the bidding;

      2) under the third part of paragraph 2 of Article 20 and the third part of paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Land Code;

      3) if the participant is on the register of persons from whom land plots have been forcibly taken under Article 96-1 of the Land Code.

      25. The web portal shall assign an auction number to the bidder whose bid has been registered and accepted.

      26. The bidder's security deposit shall be a security for the conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot under the conditions declared when participating in the bidding, as per the bidding results protocol.

      27. The guarantee fee shall not be refundable under paragraph 10 of Article 916 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Should an event occur as provided for in part one of this paragraph, the guarantee fee shall be transferred by the organiser to the budget concerned.

Chapter 3. Procedure for bidding (tenders, auctions) for the sale of land plots or lease rights for land plots in electronic form on the web portal of the state property register

Paragraph 1. Holding an auction

      28. The auction shall be held on an increase or decrease in price.

      29. The object of the first auction shall be auctioned with a price increase condition, the seller shall determine the bidding conditions for the second and subsequent auctions.

      30. The starting price shall be fixed depending on the conditions of the auction:

      1) in a price-raising auction, the starting price is the minimum price;

      2) in a price-reduction auction, the starting price exceeds the minimum price by a factor of 100 (one hundred).

      31. The initial price for the sale of a land plot for private ownership shall not be less than the cadastral (appraised) value of the land plot, estimated under Article 10 of the Land Code.

      The initial price for the sale of the right to lease a land plot shall be set as a percentage of the cadastral (appraised) value of the land plot for each year of the lease, depending on the term of the lease:

      1) up to and including 10 years – 2 %;

      2) from 11 to 30 years - 20 % plus 1.5 % for each year over 10 years;

      3) from 31 to 49 years - 50 % plus 1 % for each year over 30 years.

      32. The minimum price of an object at auction shall not be lower than the cadastral (appraised) value when selling a land plot for private ownership, and when selling a leasehold right - not lower than the amount established by part two of paragraph 31 hereof.

      33. The auction shall be held in the auction room and shall take place from Tuesday to Friday, excluding public holidays and weekends as provided for by the labour laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The auction shall be held between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Nur-Sultan time, with the auction starting no later than 3:00 p.m. Nur-Sultan time.

      34. A bidder admitted to the auction shall be given access to the auction room using the auction number issued by the web portal.

      The bidders of the price increasing auction shall enter the auction hall within 1 (one) hour prior to the auction, using the EDS and the auction number, specify their price offer for the object of the auction, that shall not be lower than the starting price.

      35. The bidders of the price reduction auction shall enter the auction hall within one (1) hour prior to the auction, using the EDS and the auction number.

      36. The auction shall start at the time indicated in the invitation to bid.

      37. If at the close of the price-raising auction at 5:00 p.m. the winner of the auction has not been chosen, the bidder who last confirmed his/her wish to purchase the object of the auction shall be declared the winner, and the auction for that object of the auction shall be deemed to have taken place.

      38. If at the close of the price reduction auction at 5:00 p.m. the winner of the auction has not been chosen, the auction for that object of sale shall be declared null and void.

      39. If less than two bidders have registered and are present in the auction room at the start of the auction for an object of sale, the auction for that object of sale shall be deemed failed (except for the third (price reduction) auction, where the sale to the only bidder is allowed).

      40. The price increment shall be established as follows:

      1) for the initial or current price of the object of the bidding up to 20,000 times the MCI, the step of variation shall be fixed at a price increase auction at 10% and at a price decrease auction at 5%;

      2) when the starting or current price of the object of the bidding is between 20,000 and 50,000 times the MCI, the step of variation shall be fixed at a price increase auction at 7 % and at a price decrease auction at 5 %;

      3) if the initial or current price of the object of the bidding is between 50,000 and 100,000 times the MCI, the variation step shall be set at 5 %;

      4) when the starting or current price of the object of the bidding is between 100,000 and 250,000 times the MCI, the step of variation shall be fixed at a price increase auction at 2.5 % and at a price decrease auction at 5 %;

      5) when the starting or current price of the object of the bidding is between 250,000-fold and 500,000-fold of the MCI, the step of variation shall be set at a price increase auction at 1% and at a price decrease auction at 5%;

      6) when the initial or current price of the object of the bidding is 500,000 times the MCI and above, the step of variation shall be fixed at a price increase auction at 0.5 % and at a price decrease auction at 5 %.

      41. Auction for a price increase:

      1) at the start of the auction, the bidders' price offers for the object of the bidding shall be displayed in the auction room as a form of expression of their consent to purchase the object of the bidding subject to the conditions and the current price shall be formed;

      2) from the start of the auction, a bidder shall be given the opportunity to increase the other bidder's maximum current price by the step specified in paragraph 40 hereof;

      3) if none of the bidders increases the maximum current price within twenty (20) minutes from the start of the auction, the winner shall be the bidder who offered it, and the auction for that bidding object shall be deemed to have taken place;

      4) if one of the bidders in the auction hall confirms his/her wish to purchase the bidding object within 20 (twenty) minutes from the start of the bidding by increasing the maximum current price of another bidder by the step established by paragraph 40 hereof, then the current price shall be increased by the established step;

      5) if none of the bidders confirms his/her wish to purchase the bidding object by increasing the current price within 20 (twenty) minutes after increasing the current price, the bidder who last confirmed his/her wish to purchase the bidding object shall be deemed the winner and the auction for this bidding object shall be deemed held.

      42. If at the commencement of the auction, the price bids of two or more bidders contain the same highest price for the object, and this current price is not increased within 20 (twenty) minutes, the bidder whose price bid was registered in the auction room before other bidders whose bids contain the same highest price shall be deemed the winner of the auction among these bidders.

      43. Auction for price decrease:

      1) if none of the bidders confirms his/her wish to purchase the bidding object in the auction within 2 (two) minutes from the commencement of the auction, the starting price of the bidding object shall be decreased by the step specified in paragraph 40 hereof;

      2) if none of the bidders confirms his/her wish to purchase the bidding object within two (2) minutes after the price decrease, the last announced price of the bidding object shall be decreased in the set increments.

      44. The first bidder to confirm his/her wish to purchase the bidding object at the announced price shall be deemed to be the winner of the lower price auction, and the auction for that bidding object shall be deemed to have taken place. If the price of the bidding object has reached the established minimum amount and none of the bidders confirms his/her wish to purchase the bidding object, the auction shall be deemed to have failed.

      In the instances referred to in paragraphs 38, 39 and part one of this paragraph, the seller shall sign an act of failed auction generated by the web portal.

      45. The winner of the auction shall be notified of the auction results by email.

      46. Should a technical failure occur during the auction, the organiser shall record the existence of the technical failure and, if present on the web portal, notify all participants in the auction by posting information on the web portal.

      Should there be a technical failure of the bidder's computer and/or telecommunication equipment, the auction shall proceed.

      In case of technical failure of the web portal preventing the auction, the organizer shall immediately notify the National Coordinating Centre for Information Security, the seller and organize the continuation of the auction within 3 (three) working days after the organizer fixes the technical failure with prior notification of the admitted participants of the date and time of continuation of this auction by posting information on the web portal and sending an email to the participant's email address indicated on the web portal.

Paragraph 2. Conducting a competition

      47. The Seller shall draw up and approve the competitive documents for the bidding object, which shall contain:

      1) information on the conditions and procedures of the competition;

      2) draft agreement on the sale and purchase of a land plot or the right to lease a land plot;

      3) criteria on the conditions for the use of the land plot.

      The competitive documents shall contain at least three criteria, including the amount of investment, the number of jobs created, the protection of land and its efficient and effective use;

      4) the conditions for the transfer of the bidding object, its intended use and the starting price;

      5) the architectural and planning assignment, agreed with the authorities concerned, necessary for the development of the design and estimate documentation.

      48. A closed electronic envelope with the competitive bid (with the price for the bidding object) shall be enclosed to the application form on the designated page of the web portal.

      49. The competition shall be held on the web portal from Tuesday to Friday, except for holidays and weekends stipulated by the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition shall run from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Nur-Sultan time and end on the day of the competition.

      50. Applications shall be opened automatically via the web portal on the date and time specified in the call for competition.

      51. Applications shall be examined by the seller on the web portal to identify the competitors who meet the conditions for the competitors (buyer) of the bidding object referred to in paragraph 14 hereof.

      52. If there are fewer than two competitors, the competition shall be declared null and void.

      53. The winner shall automatically be the competitor who offers the highest price for the bidding object. If the price offers of two or more competitors are the same and the highest, the competitor whose competitive bid is accepted earlier than those of the other bidders shall be declared the winner among these bidders.

      54. The winner of the competition shall be notified of the results of the bidding by e-mail.

      55. The bidding results for each bidding object sold shall be documented in the bidding results protocol, which shall be signed on the web portal by the seller and the winner using a digital signature on the day of the bidding.

      56. The protocol on the bidding results shall be the document recording the bidding results and the conditions for signing the agreement for the sale and purchase of the land plot or the right to lease the land plot between the winner and the seller.

      57. The sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot shall be executed electronically on the web portal and signed by the seller and the buyer using EDS within 2 (two) working days from the date of signing the protocol of the bidding results.

      58. The seller and the buyer shall make settlements under the sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot. In doing so, the buyer shall make payments to the organiser in the following order:

      1) the deposit (advance payment) shall be paid in the amount of 50 (fifty) % of the sale price within 2 (two) working days after the signing of the sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot. The security deposit shall be credited against the advance payment due;

      2) the rest of the amount shall be paid not later than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of signing the sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot.

      59. Should the winner refuse to sign the protocol on the bidding results or an agreement on the sale and purchase of a land plot or the right to lease a land plot in due time, the seller shall sign an act of cancellation of bidding results formed on the web portal, and this object of bidding shall be put up for bidding again with the terms and conditions of the cancelled bidding.

      60. The sale price shall be transferred by the organiser to the relevant budget within three (3) working days after the seller has entered information on the web portal about the winner's payment of the sale price under the sale and purchase agreement.

      61. Transfer of the bidding object shall be made under an acceptance certificate signed on the web portal by the seller and the buyer not later than 10 (ten) working days from the date of full payment by the buyer of the sale price under the sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot.

      62. Should the buyer fail to make the final payment within the time limit set out in sub-paragraph 2) of Paragraph 58 hereof, the buyer shall, within 10 (ten) calendar days, pay the penalty (forfeit) for the delay from the date when the amount for the land plot was due to the date of payment.

      63. The sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot shall be registered electronically in the legal cadastre within three (3) working days of the completion of settlements under such an agreement.

      64. Disputes over invalidation of bidding results shall be adjudicated by a court of law.

  Annex 1
to the Rules for Organising
and Conducting Bidding
(Competitions, Auctions) for the
Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease
Rights in Electronic Form on the
Web Portal of the State
Property Registry
  Document form

Offer to put the vacant land plot out to bid


      (Local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital, district, city of regional significance, akim of a town of district significance, settlement, village, rural district)

      from ______________________________________________________________________

      (Name of the legal entity, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of a natural person)

      Please consider the vacant plot located at: ______________ (or a description of it with reference to the area) ____________ for submission to a bidding (competitions, auctions) for the sale of a land plot or the right to lease a land plot.

      Planned intended use of the land plot:


      1. Information about the applicant.

      For a legal entity:

      name _________________________________________________;

      business identification number (hereinafter referred to as BIN) (including a foreign legal entity in case of its absence, the BIN of the branch (representative office)


      Name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the head _________________


      address ___________________________________________________________;

      telephone number ____________________________________________________;

      For a natural person:

      surname, first name, patronymic (if any) ________________________________;

      individual identification number ______________________________;

      identity document:

      number _______________________________________________________________;

      issued by __________________________________________________________;

      issue date __________________________________________________________;

      address _______________________________________________________________;

      telephone number _______________________________________________________

      I hereby consent to the use of the information contained in this offer, including information that constitutes a legally protected secret, and to the collection and processing of personal data.

      Signed and sent by the user at ___ am/pm "__" __________ 20__:

      Data from the electronic digital signature (EDS) ____________

      Date and time with EDS signing __________________________________

      Notification of acceptance of application:

      Data from the EDS _______________________________________________

      Date and time with EDS signing ___________________________________

      Participant's auction number ____________________________________

  Annex 2
to the Rules for Organising
and Conducting Bidding
(Competitions, Auctions) for the
Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease
Rights in Electronic Form on the
Web Portal of the State Property
  Document form

Application for participation in bidding for a land plot (right to lease a land plot)

      1. Having considered the published announcement on holding bidding and having read the Rules for Organising and Conducting Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) for the Sale of Land Plots or Land Lease Rights in Electronic Form on the Web Portal of the State Property Register, approved by the central competent authority for land resources management under sub-paragraph 16-6) of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter the Land Code)


      (surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of a natural person or the name of a legal entity)

      wishes to participate in the bidding (auction or competition) to be held at ___ am/pm "__" __ 20__ on the web portal of the register of state property (hereinafter referred to as the web portal).

      2 I (we) have paid the security deposit for the bidding, that is blocked by the web portal until the outcome of the bidding for the object of the bidding is determined:

No. s/o

Name of bidding object

Amount of guarantee fee for the object of bidding, tenge




      3. I (we) am (are) aware that the following shall not be registered as bidders:

      1) a legal (natural) person who does not meet the conditions for bidders specified in the invitation to bid and has not paid the security deposit specified in the invitation to the organiser's account five minutes prior to the start of the bidding;

      2) under the third paragraph of paragraph 2 of Article 20 and the third part of paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Land Code;

      3) persons who are on the register of persons from whom land plots have been forcibly seized under paragraph 4 of article 96-1 of the Land Code.

      4. Should I (we) be selected as the winner(s) of the bidding, I (we) accept the conditions to sign the protocol of the bidding results on the day of the bidding and to sign the agreement on the purchase and sale of the land plot or the right to lease the land plot on the web portal within 2 (two) working days from the date of signing the protocol of the bidding results.

      5. I (we) agree that the guarantee fee paid by me (us) will not be refunded if I refuse to sign a sale and purchase agreement for the land plot or the right to lease the land plot on the conditions stated in the bidding process, as per the bidding results protocol.

      6. I am (we are) providing information about myself (ourselves):

      For a legal entity:

      name __________________________________________________________

      business identification number ______________________________________

      name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the head ____________________

      address ________________________________________________________

      telephone number _______________________________________________

      bank details:

      individual identification code ________________________________

      sort code_________________________________

      bank name _______________________________________________

      Beneficiary code ________________________________________________

      The application is accompanied by:

      1) ____________________________________________________________

      2) _______________________________________________________________

      For a natural person:

      surname, first name, patronymic (if any) ________________________________

      individual identification number __________________________

      passport details ____________________________________________________

      address ___________________________________________________________

      telephone number ___________________________________________________

      bank details:

      individual identification code ____________________________

      sort code_________________________________

      bank name _______________________________________________

      Beneficiary code __________________________________________________

      I hereby give my consent to the use of information protected by law, as well as the storage, uploading and use of personal data contained in the information systems of public authorities.

      Signed and sent by the participant at ___ am/pm "__" __________ 20__:

      Data from an electronic digital signature (hereinafter EDS) ______________

      Date and time with EDS signing ___________________________________

      Notification of acceptance of application:

      Data from the EDS ________________________________________________

      Date and time with EDS signing

      Participant's auction number: _____________ (displayed in the application after the end of the auction)

      Participant's price quotation, tenge: ___________ (to be filled in by the participant and displayed in the bid after the seller has identified the participants that meet the conditions to the participants (buyer) of the bidding object specified in the bidding application).

to Order of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan No. 297 of
October 15, 2021

List of Orders of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan that are no longer in force

      1. Order No. 290 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 "On Approval of the Rules for Organisation and Conduct of Bidding (Competitions, Auctions) to Sell Land Plots or Land Lease Rights, Including in Electronic Form" (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 10937).

      2. Paragraph 10 of the list of orders in the sphere of land relations, as amended, approved by Order No. 782 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 2015 (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 13093).

      3. Order No. 792 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015 “On Amendments to Order No. 290 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 “On Approval of the Rules for Organisation and Holding of Trades (Competitions, Auctions) on Sale of Land Plot or Land Lease Rights, including in Electronic Form” (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 12995).

      4. Order No. 437 of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2016 “On Additions to Order No. 290 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 “On Approval of the Rules for Organisation and Holding of Trades (Competitions, Auctions) for Sale of Land or Land Lease Rights, Including in Electronic Form” (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 14416).

      5. Order No. 366 of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 3, 2018 “On amendments to Order No. 290 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 “On approval of the Rules for Organisation and Holding of Trades (Competitions, Auctions) for Sale of Land Plot or Right to Lease Land Plot, Including in Electronic Form” (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 17525).

      6. Order No. 282 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 11, 2020 “On Amendments to Order No. 290 of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 “On Approval of the Rules for Organisation and Holding of Trades (Competitions, Auctions) on Sale of Land Plot or Land Lease Right, Including in Electronic Form” (recorded in the Register of State Registration of Legal Acts under No. 21203).

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