Unofficial translation
In accordance with subparagraph 213-16) of paragraph 15 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 12, 2019 № 501 "On measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 2019 № 24 “On measures for further improvement of the system of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the attached instruction for maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The Committee of Geodesy and Cartography of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure, in accordance with the procedure established by law:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order, submitting to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.
3. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the supervising Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order shall enter into force upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.
Minister of Digital Development, Innovations | |
and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
B. Mussin |
Ministry of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Defense
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
National Security Committee
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of National Economy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Ecology
and Natural Resources
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by the order of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2024 № 6/НҚ |
Instruction for maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chapter 1. General provisions
1. The instruction for maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 213-16) of paragraph 15 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 12, 2019 № 501 "On measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 2019 № 24 “On measures for further improvement of the system of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and shall determine the procedure for maintenance of the duty reference map with displaying the changes on it:
1) by the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the borders of regions, districts and rural districts;
2) by settlements, including their names;
3) by geographical objects and their names.
2. Maintenance of the duty reference map shall be based on the nomenclature sheets of the 1:100,000 scale topographic map of the latest year of publication. Each sheet of the duty reference map shall be maintained for the period between editions of that sheet in order to:
1) ensure correctness of depiction on the issued maps of the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan - in accordance with international treaties and materials of demarcation and re-demarcation of the state border, administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan - in accordance with the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local representative and executive bodies;
2) timely displaying of administrative-territorial transformations and objects of new buildings on the maps issued by the state enterprise of the authorized body in the field of geodesy, cartography and spatial data;
3) accumulation and analysis of information on changes in geographical objects;
4) providing information to the subjects of geodesic and cartographic activity, scientific, design, administrative, economic, educational institutions and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Maintenance of the duty reference map shall be carried out throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. The following concepts are used in this Instruction:
1) maintenance of the duty reference map – collection, documentation, processing, recording, plotting on the duty reference map, filling out its form, entering into the database of the duty reference map and storing information about changes in the main geographic objects and other objects of the area, their names and characteristics, as well as providing information from this map;
2) demarcation documents – demarcation map of the State border, description of the passage of the lines of the State border, protocols of border signs, catalog of coordinates of border signs with a diagram of the geodetic network;
3) delimitation documents - delimitation map of the State border, description of the passage of the lines of the State border;
4) sheet-document - a topographic map of scale 1:100,000, on which a graphic outline of the boundaries of administrative-territorial units is applied, endorsed by the signatures of the first leaders and sealed with the seals of the local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) nomenclature sheet - a separate sheet of a topographic map of a certain scale in the accepted system of markings;
6) form of the duty reference map - a document for entering information on the substance of corrections made on the nomenclature sheet of the duty reference map (hereinafter referred to as the form);
7) washout - plastic halftone image of a relief by imposing shadows. Automatic washing is performed on the basis of digital models of relief in the form of raster halftone image;
8) waterway - a safe route for navigation of ships among obstacles (between islands, shallows), marked by navigation aids (buoys, markers, leading marks)).
All other terms and their definitions are used in the meanings established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data".
Chapter 2. Operational procedure for maintenance of the duty reference map
5. Maintenance of the duty reference map shall be carried out according to the following order:
1) collection and systematization of official reference data, geodetic and cartographic materials of central and local executive bodies, reflecting changes in the administrative-territorial structure and geographic objects on an ongoing basis;
2) making changes on the duty reference map to the display of the administrative-territorial structure and geographic objects subject to duty;
3) maintaining forms for sheets of the duty reference map;
4) making changes to catalogues of geographical names in the event of changes in geographical objects and their names;
5) conducting an analysis of catalogues of geographical names prepared for publication, lists of populated areas for coordination with the duty materials and eliminating discrepancies in the names of populated areas and their omissions;
6) preparation of sheets of documents on maps at a scale of 1:100,000, confirming the outline of administrative boundaries and sending copies to the National Spatial Data Fund (hereinafter – NSDF);
7) implementation of replacement of sheets of the duty reference map with new ones according to the edition and sending a copy to NSDF;
8) making extracts from the forms for changes of duty elements of administrative and geographical objects as they are received and submitted to NSDF;
9) sending to NSDF copies of Decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which the changes of administrative and territorial structure of the country are published, copies of decisions of akims of local executive bodies with indication in them of nomenclatures of sheets of the duty reference map and squares, where the changes occurred;
10) issuance of information on the duty reference map in the established manner to entities in the field of geodesy and cartography;
11) implementation of methodological guidance for maintenance of the duty reference map;
12) maintaining duty on the image on maps of the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
13) completing copies of duty reference maps, forms of the summary of the duty reference map for the entire territory of the country;
14) providing graphic data for displaying the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Chapter 3. Maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan
6. On the duty reference map, corrections and additions shall be made to the official reference data and cartographic materials in cases of the following changes:
1) the positions of the state border line of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) the positions of the border lines of regions, districts, cities of republican, regional and district significance;
3) the formation or abolition of settlements (their classification, administrative significance, graphic location, names);
4) the names and (or) characteristics of railways and highways;
5) the names and (or) characteristics of railway stations, sidings, stopping points, piers, airports, airfields;
6) the names and (or) characteristics of hydraulic structures and surface water bodies;
7) names and (or) characteristics of main oil pipelines, gas pipelines, power lines with a voltage of 300 kilowatts and above;
8) the location of the boundaries of environmental organizations.
7. The state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the duty reference map is plotted and verified according to the current demarcation and re-demarcation materials.
In the absence of demarcation, the borders are plotted and verified according to the delimitation materials.
8. The borders of the regions on the duty reference map are plotted and changed on the basis of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is recorded in the form.
The plotting and changing of the outline of the regional borders on the duty reference map is carried out according to the sheets-documents.
9. Sheets-documents shall be executed in case of adoption of a normative legal act in accordance with Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " On Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter – the Law).
Re-verification of previously completed sheets-documents shall not be permitted.
10. The number of copies of maps sent for verification shall be determined on the basis of 1 copy for each adjacent local executive body.
The final year's edition prints shall be marked with boundary lines based on cartographic materials, geodetic data and descriptions attached to the regulatory legal acts of the local executive body.
The required number of copies of circulation prints with drawn boundaries shall be sent to the local executive bodies for approval.
The sheets-documents shall be drawn up on the nomenclature sheet of the topographic map of scale 1:100 000 and shall be certified by signatures and seals on the front side of the nomenclature sheet of the topographic map of scale 1:100 000 of adjacent local executive and representative bodies.
11. The certified originals of the sheets-documents with the inscription of regional boundaries are kept permanently in NSDF without the right to issue them to organizations.
12. Graphical outline of borders of regions and cities of republican significance shall be drawn on the duty reference map in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on establishment, change of borders of regions and cities of republican significance.
The graphic outline of the boundaries of districts of regions and cities of regional significance shall be applied according to graphic materials on the duty reference map in accordance with the joint decision and resolution of local representative and executive bodies.
13. The graphic drawing of the borders on duty maps shall be changed by applying the conventional sign "x" and applying a new border line with the established conventional sign.
Between the outer and inner frames, parallel to them, at the border exits, the following is applied:
1) the name of the region - in black;
2) the name of the district - in red.
14. The boundary line defines the administrative belonging of each settlement of paragraph and other objects located near the boundary. It is not allowed to cross settlements, railway stations with the conventional border sign.
15. Where the boundary line runs along the waterway of rivers or other bodies of water, the width of which, expressed in map scale, precludes the possibility of drawing the boundary line according to its actual position, the conventional boundary marks shall be placed alternately on both banks of the bodies of water in an equal number of links so that the boundary line is easily readable throughout its entire length. The washout is given from the outer shoreline in relation to the main territory.
The boundary line on mountain rivers which have changed their planned position in relation to permanent objects of the terrain shall be indicated in accordance with a normative legal act and shall be recorded on a document sheet. In case of changes in the course of border rivers, the graphic position of the boundary line itself shall not change and shall be shown along the old course.
16. Boundaries running along water bodies shall be drawn on the duty reference map in such a way that the administrative belonging of the islands shown on the map is clearly defined.
Boundaries running along one of the banks of a water body (river, lake, reservoir) shall be indicated with several links of the conventional sign separated by several links along the corresponding or the same bank.
17. The boundaries of the administrative division are drawn on duty reference maps in accordance with conventional signs according to Annex 2 to this Instruction.
Boundary washout shall be indicated by dashed boundary marks, the washout strip shall be placed on the outside of the main area with transparent coloring, maintaining good legibility of the boundary and the map content along the boundary.
When the boundary runs along the middle of the river, the washout shall be indicated not from the dashed boundary markers, but along the bank and islands; when the boundary runs along islands, the washout shall be indicated from the dashed boundary markers.
When passing the boundary on any other linear object, the washout shall be given from the corresponding object (road, canal).
18. Administrative-territorial affiliation, administrative significance and type of settlements, as well as their names are taken on duty on the basis of normative legal acts adopted according to the Law, as well as the "State catalogue of geographical names of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Additions and amendments are accompanied by numbers and dates of normative legal acts on the basis of which they were made.
19. Administrative centers of oblasts, districts and rural districts, as well as type of settlements are marked on duty reference maps by underlining their names in accordance with conventional signs according to Annex 2 to this Instruction.
In case of change of administrative significance or type of settlements, the line existing under their name shall be replaced by a new one corresponding to the newly assigned administrative significance or type of this settlement.
20. Newly formed settlements shall be drawn on the duty reference map by punctuation or general outline according to the data of the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Their names shall be signed only in accordance with normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Documents, on the basis of which the locality is mapped and data, when and by whom the received graphic documents are certified, shall be recorded in the forms of the duty reference map.
21. Disbanded, de-registered settlements on the duty reference map shall be crossed out.
22. When settlements are merged, one name assigned to them shall be left on the map, and arrows shall be given from the crossed-out names to indicate which settlements have been merged.
23. Renaming of settlements on the duty reference map shall be made on the basis of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with which the old names shall be crossed out and new ones shall be signed on the maps.
24. All changes, additions and clarifications of the geographical location, administrative importance, classification and names of localities made on the duty reference map shall be recorded on the forms.
25. On the duty reference map the existing and under construction communication routes, navigable canals, water reservoirs, structures on them (all stations, junctions, wharves) and their names shall be drawn. Changes shall be drawn on the basis of planning materials of design organizations, topographic maps of scale 1:50 000 and larger, copies from them, reference books, as well as on the basis of official materials and documents. The objects under construction are plotted according to the approved design data.
26. Communication routes, canals, water reservoirs and structures shall be drawn on the duty reference map in conventional signs of the map of scale 1:100 000. The forms shall be filled in with data of materials on which the object is plotted or changes are made, from whom the material is received, by whom it is signed, numbers and dates of the document.
27. Existing and under construction trunk (main line in the system) oil pipelines, gas pipelines and power transmission lines of 300 kilowatts and above shall be plotted on the duty reference map by conventional signs established for showing these objects on topographic maps of scale 1:100 000. These objects are plotted on the basis of design and survey materials of organizations carrying out their design and construction, on the basis of survey data of cartographic products.
28. Boundaries of nature protection organizations shall be drawn on duty reference maps in accordance with normative legal acts.
Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Airspace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2024 № 6/НҚ |
Annex 1 to the Instruction on maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Form of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(number of nomenclature sheet)
(name of the region)
Year and number of publication or creation of the topographic map
Who published or created the topographic map
What materials (maps) the duty map is based on
work started __________ work ended _____________
Item № | Date of corrections | The essence of correction |
1. Documents underlying the correction | Note |
Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Airspace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2024 № 6/НҚ |
Annex 2 to the Instruction on maintenance of the duty reference map of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Conventional signs
№ | Conventional signs | Names of designated objects |
I | Boundaries | |
1 | State borders | |
2 | Boundaries of regions | |
3 | Boundaries of districts | |
4 | Boundaries of the city limits | |
5 | Boundaries of nature reserves | |
6 | Depreciation signs | |
II | Settlements | |
7 | Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan* | |
8 | Centers of regions* | |
9 | Centers of districts** | |
10 | Centers of rural districts*** | |
11 | towns**** | |
12 | urban-type settlement **** | |
13 | Newly formed settlements | |
14 | Deregistered (abolished) settlements | |
15 | Merged settlements | |
16 | Renamed settlements | |
III | Examples of duty performance in populated areas | |
1 | City | |
2 | Center of the region, city | |
3 | Center of the district, town | |
4 |
Center of the rural district |
* Note:
* - Underlined with a line of the same color as the border wash;
** - Underlined with a thick line of red color;
*** - Underlined with a thin red line and a descriptive information;
**** - Underlined with a brown line and a descriptive information.
(city of the republican significance, city of the regional significance, town, city of the district significance, urban-type settlement)